#What To Do For Tmj Jaw Pain
msburgundy · 1 month
in so much pain that i'm honestly second guessing if any of this is worth it lol
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My fucking mouth hurts!!!!!!!!!
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astrobiscuits · 1 year
Chiron: where is our physical (and mental) wound?
I'm currently reading a book about Chiron (did you know it's actually half asteroid, half comet? me neither), which inspired me to make this post. I'm in no way an expert in medical astrology, just a curious owl that wants to learn more about every branch of astrology out there (my Sag Venus loves it!!🤭)
DISCLAIMER!!! I'm not a doctor. If you've been feeling any symptoms described here, TALK WITH YOUR DOCTOR, NOT WITH ME
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Observation: Before we dive in, i'd like to mention that the position of Chiron in the houses is important. Not every house placement suggests having a poor physical condition. The most prominent Chiron placements when it comes to having a medical condition are: Chiron in 1st house (house of self, visible illnesses), Chiron in 5th house (illnesses since birth/early childhood), Chiron in 6th house (house of health, if Saturn is also sitting there it points to chronic illnesses), Chiron in 8th house (house of death, may point to severe diseases or poor reproductive health) and Chiron in 12th house (house of the unconscious, deals with mental illnesses)
Honorable mention to Chiron in 3rd house and Chiron in 9th house as they represent accidents while travelling. If Chiron is heavily afflicted in these houses (unless it's also conjuncting Jupiter), it may point to...let's just say you're gonna be in a hospital bed in a vegetative state, but remember, nothing has a 100% possibility of happening, you're just more susceptible to it happening. I suggest checking the position of Chiron in Solar Return charts for the possible timing of it happening (look for Chiron in 3rd house/Chiron in 9th house as it activates your natal Chiron)
Without further do, let's dive in⚕️
Chiron in Aries: frequent headaches, frequent nose bleeds, teeth problems (sensitive teeth, tooth decay), deafness, skull fractures, cerebral anemia, brain tumours, hemophilia, epilepsy, BPD
Chiron in Taurus: frequent colds, frequent voice loss, thyroid problems (goiter, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidis, etc.), tonsilitis, OCD
Chiron in Gemini: lung problems (asthma, tuberculosis, pneumonia, etc.), speech problems (stuttering, cluttering, mutism), alzheimer's disease, ADHD, OCD
Chiron in Cancer: frequent stomach pain, prone to lactose intolerance, (for girls) breast lumps, breast cysts, breast infections, nipple discharge, depression, anxiety
Chiron in Leo: prone to insolation, frequent heart palpitations, chest pain, hypertension, hypotension, arteriosclerosis, scoliosis, kyphosis
Chiron in Virgo: frequent bloating, prone to gluten intolerance, chronic allergies, diabetes, rabies, autism, ADHD, OCD
Chiron in Libra: prone to acne, frequent lower back pain, disc herniation, spondylolisthesis, chronic kidney disease, kidney stones
Chiron in Scorpio: frequent pain down there, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV/AIDS, depression
Chiron in Sagittarius: frequent pain in the hips, prone to hips dislocation, cirrhosis, sciatica
Chiron in Capricorn: prone to knees dislocation, osteoarthritis, bone problems (osteopenia, osteoporosis), gout, depression
Chiron in Aquarius: electrical injuries, shin splints, osteofibrous dysplasia, ankle sprain, ankle fractures, poor blood circulation, schizophrenia
Chiron in Pisces: prone to break toes, athlete's foot, bunions, addison's disease, hormonal deregulation, aphantasia, psychosis, schizophrenia, anxiety
Yes, i'm aware of the fact that it's a generational planet and it moves very slowly through signs
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BONUS: It's important to take into consideration all planets that conjunct, square or opposite Chiron (regardless if they're personal or generational) + the Ascendant for additional info about our illnesses
Ex. Let's take me as an example. My Chiron is in my 10th house in Capricorn squaring Saturn in 4th house (so double Capricorn energy) and Aries Ascendant. Guess what? I've got TMJ (basically a jaw disorder affecting the joints) and i've got it from my fam -_- (Saturn rules tradition i love my fam)
I also believe that having a heavy afflicted Chiron in general makes someone prone to having a medical condition, even if it's not in the houses mentioned previously (like in my case). However, these people are more focused on the main meaning of the house, not their health problems. They tend to ignore their health problems or they just don't care
I hope you enjoyed my post and found it insightful :)
What's your wound? Lmk in the comments your placements and your illnesses
Kisses xoxo
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blommp717 · 2 months
I’ve been endlessly trying to change my tmj/jaw issues but no matter what I still look and feel the same. I don’t want to simply imagine the change, I want to experience it physically and ikkkk that’s not the point of nd but like idk I’m just stuck. I want to change things at will.
Yes soooo, because I actually did start developing TMJ and jaw issues when I had very very crowded teeth cus of my wisdom teeth growing in SIDEWAYS 😭😭 I know exactly how you feel. This being said, let’s move forward.
The pain and jaw issues actually started going away well before I had my wisdom teeth removed and this is when I understand LOAssumption, if I knew ND I’d literally would have snipped that sh🤭t so fast.
Yea so knowing what we know, even then, I’m not telling you to ignore physical pain, if you have medication that can help you relieve pain right now because I know how bad it can get, pls don’t just ignore taking care of yourself because you want to prove something to yourself first 😭😭😭 (I literally made the mistake of doing this)
But yes, okay it’s as easy as realizing that, as “ “ your everything, you appear as everything, so even the
“I have TMJ/Jaw Issues” (instantly true)
“I’ve been endlessly trying to change my issues” (instantly true)
In the same way that
“Finally my Jaw problems are gone” (instantly true)
“My TMJ is finally gone” (instantly true”
So what I want you to understand is that, this is and never will be a doing process, do not get yourself stuck in trying to change option A to B, because nothing is being changed and nothing is being transformed, it’s all you. Anything realized is now the truth (so to speak)
There are no opposites, only what you realize. It’s really just option A or B, no “I need to change this into that”
It’s one claim or another, one idea or another, one realization or another, not turning one into another
There’s no effort or trying you have to do.
“But what do I do when it hurts” either take medicine or if it doesn’t bother you that much just ignore it, because if someone who doesn’t have jaw issues felt sore or some pressure in the jaw, they wouldn’t just go in a spiral about how it’s not working or it’s still here or whatever, you brush it off as a weird sensation that’ll go away. Don’t abandon what the new experience is just because the old one feels comfortable to return to. Don’t feel powerless in a world that literally is you.
I honestly hope this made sense, I’m sorry I’ve been lacking sleep recently 😭😭😭🤭🤭🤭
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turtletaubwrites · 9 months
Parted Lips
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This SFW oneshot was inspired by This Post by @hufflefluffy about how Sanji would be with someone who struggles with eating such as with sensory issues, eating disorders, etc.
That post made me so happy, so I wrote this fic about Sanji helping his crewmate who has severe chronic TMJ pain.
Pairings: Sanji x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1734
Ao3 Link
Summary: Sanji has made another meal just for you, but it's still too painful to eat. You open up to Sanji about your jaw pain, and he offers to help you work through it
Rating/Warnings: SFW, Fluff, Angst, they aren't together yet but there's tension, and it is mildly suggestive, Mostly just sweet Sanji being a lovely human, Chronic Pain, TMJ Disorder, Difficulties with eating such as chewing and appetite, Grief
A/N: I've been struggling with this, and this past year has been awful. Sometimes I couldn't even eat soft cheese. I'm so lucky that my partner is very much like Sanji, and has learned to cook things for me that I can enjoy, and held my hand through this. I hope we can all find that kind of support for our pain. 💜💜
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“Mm, this smells amazing, Sanji.”
The bowl of stew he’d placed before you had your mouth watering the scent of the meat and spices making pleasant chills run over your skin. 
Sanji smiled as he sat across from you, and the sight of his own matching bowl made you frown. 
“Why are you having mine?”
“Oh, ma chérie, are you hungry enough for more tonight, I can make something else.”
With a heavy sigh, you leaned away, your small appetite growing smaller at your sour mood. 
“You know what I mean, Sanji. You don’t have to eat what I eat.”
His soft eyes made you tense up, reaching up to massage your cheeks.
“There’s nothing wrong with what you have to eat, Y/N. At least I hope not. Will you calm this poor chef’s nerves, and let me know how it tastes? 
Swallowing your self pity, you reached for the spoon.
Probably the only utensil I’ll ever be able to use now.
Your hand spasmed around the metal slightly, and you felt Sanji’s eyes on your every move.
“Sanji, can you please not stare at me while I eat?”
“Oh, um. Of course, sweetheart, sorry.”
He turned his face down to his own bowl, and you steeled yourself.
It smells so good.
You filled your spoon, not taking too much, but making sure to have a piece of meat and carrot.
Very small pieces.
The meat was so tender, the flavors overwhelming you. 
It had been so difficult to enjoy food, but Sanji’s cooking was bringing your love back.
But that almost made it worse sometimes.
Even with how small the bites of meat and vegetables were, how wonderfully tender, it was still enough chewing to make you sore. You knew if you ate the whole bowl, you would be hurting. It had been a bad week.
“It’s delicious, Sanji. Thank you so much.”
You couldn’t keep your voice from cracking, and his brows tensed as he set down his spoon. 
“Is it too much, darling?”
You sat back, heat building in your throat as you started massaging your jaw. 
“I don’t want to eat puréed food for the rest of my life.
It was such a dumb sentence. It sounded pathetic. But the weight of it fell down on you, crushing your joy.
Sanji reached out, your skin tingling as his hand touched yours, pulling it away from your face to hold it. He squeezed it gently, and his soft skin was soothing, even through your frustration.
“I know what it is to be hungry, Y/N. I won’t let you suffer like this. No matter what it takes, I will find food that nourishes and satisfies you. Please let me help you.”
Hot tears welled in your eyes, and you swallowed, trying to push them down. 
“What else can I do?”
Looking away from his pleading eyes, you stared into your bowl of stew, the small pieces taunting you. 
Your hands reached up to rub at the sore muscles again. 
“Does massaging your jaw help with the pain? I could… Would you feel comfortable letting me touch your face?”
Breath catching, you felt tingles go over your skin.
Is he just trying to touch me? Does he really care, or is this just him…
The thought felt sour as you looked at his earnest face. Sanji was always flirting with you, but he flirts with all the girls, with every woman he meets. You didn’t think he was serious about being interested in you, so you had tried not to think about him that way. You weren’t always successful.
But he was also one of the kindest people you’d ever met. You set your hesitation aside, and took the cook’s offer.
Sanji came around the table now, facing you as he sat in the chair beside you. Your breath was still too light, and you started pinching your fingers in your lap, fidgeting as he moved close to you.
A small gasp escaped you as his warm fingers touched your cheeks. His skin was so amazingly soft, and your eyes fluttered shut as he started to lightly press in circles along your jaw. 
“Does this feel alright?”
You nodded with a small sigh, then guided his fingers with yours, showing him what you needed.
It felt so much better with his touch than your own, and you let yourself relax into it for a few minutes. 
Sanji kept going as he cleared his throat softly, bringing your attention to his face. 
“What are other things we can do to help you, love?”
You had to breathe, bringing yourself back to the moment. 
“Uh, sometimes icing it can help on bad days. There are exercises too, but it’s hard to remember until it gets bad. Then I can’t do them because it hurts too much.”
“Is there an exercise that isn’t as painful,” Sanji asked, his voice just as soothing as his fingers.
It took you another minute to respond as you melted under his touch.
“Yeah, um. I just always forget. It’s not really an exercise. I need to focus on my posture.”
“You have lovely posture.”
“Thank you,” you said with a laugh, not surprised that he would have noticed that about you. “I know I do. I’ve worked hard on it to help reduce the pain. Seems like it’s really paid off.”
Sanji gave a small frown at the light tone you tried to use with your sarcasm.
“What else, gorgeous?”
His soft hands cupping your face while he used that word made you feel dizzy. How can he make me feel like that with just his voice?
You didn’t want him to stop massaging you, but you moved his hands away. 
“Just this.”
Sanji’s gaze was drawn to your lips as they parted, and he stared for a moment before meeting your eyes again. 
“I’m sorry, dear. What is the next exercise?”
“Not an exercise. More posture. I’m supposed to stay like this as often as I can remember.” 
He stared at your lips again as you gestured to them. 
“My tongue is meant to touch the top of my mouth, and my lips should be slightly parted, as often as I can remember,” you explained, your voice trembling more with each word. 
“I hate it, how am I supposed to remember to do it? And if I do, I just have to live with my mouth open all the time? And what if it doesn’t help? Nothing ever helps-”
Sanji cupped your face again, making you gulp as stinging tears finally started falling. 
He brushed them away with his thumbs, and you felt your lips quivering as his face got closer. His eyes were pouring over your features, and it made you shiver.
“You don’t have to carry this alone anymore, Y/N. I’ll help you, whatever you need.”
Your eyes clenched shut, sending a wave of tears down as you tried not to sob. All the pain, all the frustration was wearing you down. 
It seemed so trivial. But not being able to eat Sanji’s amazing food, losing your appetite when you thought of what you could eat, watching the crew laugh together over their meals, it made it all harder. 
You had stopped eating with the crew for a while now, with Sanji joining you after meals. But you felt sick with guilt when you couldn’t finish the food he’d worked so hard on for you. 
“May I hug you, ma belle?” 
Nodding, you let him pull you into his arms. You wanted to stop, to push this aside. It’s not that big of a deal, get over it. 
The biting thoughts that plagued you were finally ignored as you breathed in Sanji’s comforting scent. As you let yourself weep, you sobbed onto his shoulder while he drew comforting shapes along your back. 
He let you cry, and you realized that you were grieving. All the pain you’d bottled up was grief. Grief for all the things you couldn’t do, couldn’t enjoy because your body wouldn’t let you. The pain you ignored everyday until it became so sharp that you couldn’t ignore it. 
The days when you had to stop yourself from laughing with your crew because it hurt too much to open your mouth. 
Feeling it all washing over you, you clung to him, gripping his dress shirt in your fingers. 
Your sobs were loud and painful, but you couldn’t stop them if you tried. You had never let yourself feel all of this, all at once. It was like a dam had been breached, and Sanji was holding you, anchoring you so you wouldn’t be swept away. 
“I’m so sorry you have to carry this, darling. You shouldn't have to.”
He stroked your hair as his soft words started coming through your sobs. Your breathing began to slow, and you felt strange, not quite here. Still hurting, but relieved. 
Sitting back, his hands seemed reluctant to let you slip away. 
You were grateful that he wasn’t smiling. His brows were tensed slightly, and he tilted his head in soft concern. 
“Please come to me with this, Y/N. You don’t need to suffer in silence anymore. I won’t allow it.”
You gave a choked laugh as the corner of his mouth twitched up, and you were surprised that you were ready for the smile so soon. 
“Thank you so much, Sanji.”
You gripped his hands, squeezing his fingers as your breathing kept slowing down. He took one hand away to touch your chin gently. 
“Anytime, my love. I’m going to whip you up something delicious, alright?”
Nodding, your skin was still tingling as his thumb traced along your jaw.
“I’m going to be your reminder from now on, is that okay?”
It took you a second to understand, but you remembered your exercises.
“Yes, thank you.”
“Perfect. Now while I cook, I want you to hold your tongue at the roof of your mouth, and let your lips be slightly parted.”
You smiled at him before you obeyed, and then you watched his eyes seem to burn as they watched your lips part. 
Your breath hitched as Sanji’s thumb traced over your lower lip, delicious heat running through your body at his gentle touch. 
“I’ll help you remember now, ma chérie. Your lips look too beautiful like this for me to forget.”
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Thank You for Reading! 💜
TurtleTaub Fanfic Masterlist
Tag List: @astheni-a | @fanaticsnail
A/N: I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope that you have someone like Sanji to support you through your pain 💜
Buy me a coffee ☕🙏🏼
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berylcups · 4 months
Head canons: What’s La Squadras Eating Habits Like?
CW: Food, Sensory issues, Smoking, food cravings, meal skipping
Dietary preference: Omnivore with a preference for red meat, due to his stand he’s always craving iron rich foods
Allergies/ food intolerances: lactose intolerant, mild peanut allergy
Table manners/behaviors: has TMJ so his jaw pops when he eats. He’s kinda embarrassed about it but he doesn’t eat with his mouth open and his table manners are impeccable. So he’s someone I’d gladly eat with 🥺
Favorite taste: savory
Cook, take out, or fast food: he prefers cooking but never has the energy or time for it so he usually opts for street food.
How good of a cook are they (1-5): 3.5 he has some sicilian dishes that he’s perfect at, but other regions he’s just Ok at. Not bad but not great. He can make most things as long as he has a recipe to follow.
Dietary preference: omnivore, very high carb diet
Allergies/ food intolerances: none! He’s healthy~
Table manners/behaviors: eats way too fast and ends up overeating. He compensates by making singular portions
Favorite taste: Salty
Cook, take out, or fast food: he loves to cook when hes home but when he’s out he indulges on junky fast food 🤤 he could live off of fries and chips/crisps. If it’s deep fried he’s on it. He’d love an American State Fair 🤤
How good of a cook are they (1-5): 5+++ he’s a god tier cook. You ask him for whatever recipe you want he can recreate it. Vincenzo’s Plate, Uncle Roger, and other YT critics got nothing on him. He has a permanent uncle title. BUT…he can’t bake for shit. Don’t even ask him to microwave you a mug cupcake. 🧁 he just can’t. But you’ll get a 5 star 6 course meal that will make your mouth orgasm. His best recipe is his 12 layer lasagna. No he won’t tell you what’s in it, family secret 🤫
Dietary preference: lacto-ovo vegetarian
Allergies/ food intolerances: hes deathly allergic to tree nuts
Table manners/behaviors: talks with his mouth full 😒
Favorite taste: sweet
Cook, take out, or fast food: take out. There’s soooo many reflective surfaces in restaurant kitchens where he can sneak through and just steal a plate of food that he finds appealing and jump back in. 😂 he saves a lot of money on food costs.
How good of a cook are they (1-5): 3.5 cooking wise he’s average. Nothing to write home about. But due to his sweet tooth he’s a god at baking. Choux cream puffs are his specialty. He can make a mean cupcake too his decoration skills are on point 🧁 if you ask him to bake a cake for you, you might be better off buying from an actual bakery. His prices are ridiculously high. But the taste though… it's probably worth every lira
Dietary preference: mostly carnivore diet
Allergies/ food intolerances: cruciferous vegetables give him terrible gas pains ☠️ and he’s lactose intolerance (he’s secretly jealous that Pesci can drink milk without getting the shits but he even looks a drop of milk and he’s running to the toilet )
Table manners/behaviors: SMOKES WHILE HE EATS 😡 yuck! this isn’t the 90s bitch. We don’t do smoking sections anymore. He also puts salt on EVERYTHING. If he didn’t smoke so much he’d be able to taste things better 😒
Favorite taste: bitter
Cook, take out, or fast food: cooking if he’s home, if he’s out it’s take out but it has to be from the best of the best! Prosciutto has high standards with his diet and won’t eat any dingy hole in the wall restaurant or some greasy fast food !
How good of a cook are they (1-5): 4 - pretty good cook! Has many recipes he learned from his nonna that he knows by heart. The only issue is he needs to use less salt.
Dietary preference: lacto-ovo pescatarian
Allergies/ food intolerances: has the cilantro gene where it tastes super soapy, also stimulants like coffee and non herbal tea give him an upset stomach 🤢
Table manners/behaviors: his table manners are impeccable. Doesn’t talk with his mouth full, doesn’t slurp, nothing! But he drinks fast and sometimes gets the hiccups 😭 also…he can only drink milk or water- no wine or espresso. It’s not bad table manners but it makes the team look bad (according to Prosciutto 😒 let the boy have his milk dammit )
Favorite taste: sour 🍋
Cook, take out, or fast food: Cook- he likes the rewarding process of fishing for his food, then to process and filet it, and turn it into a dish. Is there really anything more satisfying than that?
How good of a cook are they (1-5): 3- he’s a good cook but he has an issue of overcooking meat since he doesn’t eat it himself other than fish. Don’t ask him for a medium rare steak because it’s either going to be blue rare or very well done. He worries about food safety and food borne illnesses so he always ends up over cooking or burning the meat. His meat dishes may be dry and terrible but at least you know you won’t get salmonella. Fish dishes are obviously his best work. Ask him to make you some sashimi or nigiri sushi some time! It might not be the quality of a Japanese chef but for a home cook he’s pretty damn talented!
Dietary preference: highly processed diet
Allergies/ food intolerances: shellfish allergy
Table manners/behaviors: skips meals…needs reminders to eat! Good table manners for the most part but…. He LOUDLY slurps his noodles 😬
Favorite taste: savory
Cook, take out, or fast food: cook and by cooking I mean ready made foods. Ramen noodles, Mac and cheese, frozen microwaveable foods, hamburger helper, -questionable canned foods… he eats like a fucking bachelor. That’s if he even remembers to eat.
How good of a cook are they (1-5): 1.5 can boil pasta and use jar sauce. can use a microwave and that’s about it. He can make cup ramen and throw whatever he finds in the fridge in there and thinks it’s a 5 star meal 😭
Dietary preference: high carb low fat
Allergies/ food intolerances: latex allergy - banana, avocado and kiwi. Has sensory issues so certain textures are intolerable.
Table manners/behaviors: hates when his food touches other foods. WILL NOT EAT IT. Very particular about textures too. If his pasta isn’t al dente he can’t eat it. The mouthfeel is so off it will make him gag. He’d rather eat raw crunchy dried pasta instead of overdone mushy pasta.
Favorite taste: Spicy 🌶️
Cook, take out, or fast food: Take out; he prefers home cooked food but he’s not allowed near a stove. He gravitates towards hot foods when he’s out, like pasta arrabiata, mapo tofu, or Vindaloo.
How good of a cook are they (1-5): -5 this guy could burn cereal. Do not let him in the kitchen. Ever. He’s too literal with following recipes, when they say to turn the stove on high- he puts it on the highest setting and then complains that the recipe is wrong and not him 😬 (same man same 😔)
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ihavemanychickens · 1 year
Call of duty chronic pain headcanons
- this man was literally tortured and traumatized as a result of that, so he probably has fibromyalgia
- For those who don’t know what fibromyalgia feels like, it’s this feeling of tenderness all over your body, like when you get a bad sunburn (at least that is what it’s like for me)
- There’s a little to no treatment for it but ghost finds that hydrotherapy really helps
- He’ll switch between really hot and really cold showers depending on what he feels he needs
- Although we don’t know his official age we do know he’s been in the military since he was 20 and is at least in his 30s or 40s. Meaning he’s been in the military for 10+ years.
- Do you know what being in the military for that long does to your body?
- He most certainly has some form of chronic pain, but this also means he’s had plenty of time to test out pain relief methods
- He’s tried it all: joint braces, magnesium and CBD lotions and oils, hot and cold compresses, yoga, etc.
- Sadly, he kind of forgets that he has pain relief options, so usually he just toughs it out
- he probably holds a lot of tension in his shoulders, neck, and jaw
- So he most likely is prone to TMJ and tension headaches
- He’ll use those neck pillows that you can heat up or put in the freezer to cool down
- And when his jaw is hurting really bad, he’ll stick to soft foods and take an anti inflammatory
- injured his knee once, and it has never been the same since
- He’s got a drawer full of knee braces but he really only uses like three
- He probably has some with cool designs too
- But when the pain is really bad, he takes a pain reliever and alternates between hot and cold compresses
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brightlotusmoon · 8 months
My FB post right now is being so useful:
Me: Okay, someone with TMJ, trigeminal nerve pain, and sinus pain help walk me through the differences so I can figure out what's happening in my face.
My microbiologist friend: "OMG SOMEONE FINALLY NEEDS ME!!!!
TMJ is an achy, muscular pain. If you press on the hinge of your jaw and/or the back of your skull where it meets your neck, you will feel intense pain followed by release. Causes headaches on one side, usually in the back. Opening your mouth wide while touching your jaw will produce a “pop” on one side and a feeling of sliding sideways on the other. Helped by: NSAIDS, muscle relaxants, heat. Hurt by: crunchy food, chewy food, jaw clenching.
Trigeminal neuralgia feels like random electrical shocks at the base of your teeth, radiating up into your cheek. One side. No headache. Pain can also be sharp or burning (when mine was at its worst it felt like someone put a flaming fireplace poker between my teeth and slammed my jaw shut), but the hallmark is that “shocky” pain. Helped by: medication that is specifically for nerve pain (like gabapentin). Absolutely nothing else helps. Hurt by: ??? (Mine is kind of related to the cold but…???)
Sinus pain is usually heavy pressure and an ache or occasional sharp pain in the jaw. Headaches bilateral and in the front of the head, in a “mask” around the eyes. Trigger points are at the inside corner of the eyebrow and the outer corner of the nostrils, applying firm pressure there will cause SEVERE pain that will lessen over time. Cheeks and forehead may also be sensitive to touch. Also might present as a sore throat. Helped by: sudafed, antihistamines, NSAIDS, cold. Hurt by: that depends on the person. If it’s unrelenting and doesn’t respond well to meds you should see a doctor to check for infection.
Oh my goodness I feel so useful 🖤"
My reply: "I love you. I also feel like all of that happened at the same time. But I'm going to call it TMJ, because the thoracic pain and upper shoulder stiffness is specific to the palsy spasticity, which means it'll hit the jaw muscles on both sides in slightly different ways."
Other friends also weighed in!
A. said "TMJ feels like you have the bottom jaw and the jaw joint hit with a hammer. Sinus pain in face feels like you could stick something into your eye or up your nose and it would pop the balloon that growing in your skull. Trigeminal nerve is one of the worst pains you have ever experienced and you would be at the hospital. It usually only affects one side of the face and it feels as thought someone is slicing your face open. (I don’t have it but a friend does but I experienced mild symptoms after a surgery that temporarily inflamed that nerve and even minor pain it was horrid and gave me a much much less accurate idea of how much pain my dear friend deals with cause mine was like 20% compared to her 100%)"
K. said: "TN can be bilateral and can be triggered or exacerbated by the same range of meds prescribed to relieve it.
Sinus pain may respond to pseudoephedrine, but phenylephrine ain't shit, so check your Sudafed formulation before you decide that decongestant doesn't work.
TMJ, you might notice that you're clenching or grinding at night... or other people might notice more than you do.
Also consider for differential diagnosis, these things that can cause REALLY fucking bizarre referred-pain:
Ear infection (look for fever or pain spiking at weird times when you can't identify a trigger, also maybe nausea)
Dental/oral nerve impingement or infection, try swishing with an analgesic like a chloraseptic spray or lozenge, or oragel. See if pan resolves.
Try tapping on teeth and gums. See if any of them feel 'weird.'
Brush/floss/waterpik/whatever very thoroughly and then gargle and swish as aggressively as you can.
I had a poppy seed making me think I was getting shingles one time. Once it was out, I was fine. Weirdest fucking shit... anyway..."
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batmanshole · 7 months
i hate tmj because ill be the happy smiler or the gleeful grinner or the laughing jokester and what do i get for it? jaw pain
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girlboss-enthusiast · 9 months
My main disability is migraine, and it is a frustrating one to have because no one takes it seriously. Either they say, "It's just a headache," or "aren't there pills for that?' or "have you tried drinking more water and meditating?"
And then I have to decide between explaining that migraine is a neurological disorder which varies in severity, and what mine usually involve. I experience confusion, disorientation, and loss of limb control and coordination, plus other symptoms similar to a stroke, and also emotional disturbance and fatigue the day before, a migraine hangover (post-drome) the day after for a total of three days per migraine, pain so terrible I have legitimately thought about drilling a hole in my skull to let the pressure out*, plus vomiting and gastric distress. I usually can't look at a screen or listen to anything during an episode either.
My migraines can be triggered by anything from lack of sleep to excess screen time to jaw pain from TMJ disorder—the latter of which is severe enough that I literally do not go a day without a headache, even if it doesn't develop into a migraine.
And the medications I'm on only work half the time. The pills sometimes take away the pain, but not the other symptoms. (At least I can listen to music then.) Every three months, I go to a doctor to let him inject the most deadly poison known to science in my head and face in an attempt to paralyze the nerves that cause this pain. The price for the prophylactic medication I'm hoping to try soon is $835 per month; my insurance still hasn't agreed to cover it. I don't even know if it will help.
Oh, did I mention that I get a migraine about once per week? And that this is significantly better than it was before I started the Botox injections?
Or...I can decide to say, "It's worse than a really bad headache" and leave it at that, because it's unlikely they're going to believe me anyway.
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shearmouth · 20 days
Just a little rant bc it's been bothering me for days and I figure there's some people on this hellsite who know exactly what I'm talking about.
I have h-EDS. I'm lucky– it's mild to moderate compared to what some zebras deal with. I can work, I can do most of the things I enjoy, even though I pay for them in extra pain every time. I don't consider myself disabled. I have a connective tissue disorder that leaves me in low-level pain pretty much all the time, and restful nights of sleep are rare because of sleep apnea and TMJ strain so bad I've broken teeth and sprained my jaw in the night, and generally my noodle ligaments make life hell, but I have been able to retain pretty much all of my function. For that I am intensely grateful, and I try not to be frozen with terror at what the future may hold.
I work a highly physical job. It keeps me strong but it's hard on the body, and I'm working on transitioning to a more balanced work life. I'm a stablehand at a high-end horse boarding facility. Some of the horses there are worth half a mil on the hoof. The board bill per month for the nicer barn is more than double my rent. People there own tack that's worth more than I make in a year.
I try not to be bitter, but as someone who works 2.5 jobs and often does 5 hour walking tours on one of those jobs after working 10 hours in the roaring southern summer heat on the other, and someone who's longed for her own horse and financial security her entire life, it gets to me sometimes. When these women roll up in their BMWs and their $300 Free Ride britches like it's chump change to them, and I'm starting to limp because I've walked 10 miles already today and lifted 400lbs worth of shit as I clean up after their horses for $17.15 an hour.
One of those women commented on my knee the other day. When I woke up, it hurt. I thrash in my sleep a lot so I probably pranged it. I taped it because it hurt.
She asked how I hurt it. I waved it off and said "Oh, I have a joint disorder" like I always do in surface-level interactions because I find it's the simplest way to sum up the most obvious symptoms of h-EDS.
That's all I said. In return, she told me flippntly, "Oh, you have a lot of joints so you have a lot to look forward to. Welcome to life. You're active, at least, so that will help."
I walked away. I had work to do, unlike her, and if I said what I wanted to, I'd get a word from my higher-ups, though they would probably agree with me. One of the drawbacks of charging 2k a month in board–we have to kiss ass to these people often.
I walked away. She walked back to her pair of $50,000 imported warmbloods, oblivious to how I told her to fuck herself under my breath, because how dare she. How dare she tell me "welcome to life" like she had any fucking clue about mine. That I lose more than half my paycheck to rent and medical copays. That I subluxated my shoulder the worst I ever have when I reached into my locker a few months ago. That I can't afford the kind of treatment that would significantly reduce my daily pain because I don't have the kind of money she does. That I grapple all the time with what life may look like when I'm 30, 40, 50– how I may have deteriorated by then, how I may have to heavily modify the things I love, if not lose them entirely, to this disorder I was born with.
Yet here I am, working 10 hours in 90 degree southern heat on a taped-up knee, because it's how I survive. Because it's how I keep a roof over my head. I don't know her life either–maybe there was a time when she had to struggle too. But she sure as shit isn't now, not in the way I do, and in that moment I viscerally hated her for trivializing my pain like that. My stark reality– that every day, on some level, is a fight. That it could get worse, and it probably will, and I'll need to adjust again and again and again and pray that I don't lose what I love. And on some level I still hate her for it.
So fuck her and fuck all of them– the people who tell you "welcome to life." That you're too young to have a bad back or who tell you to "just stop doing that" when you tell them that "that" hurts. Who try to wave it off like it's a minor inconvenience, like the throbbing at the base of my skull and behind my eyes that makes me curl up and cry is no more worthy of attention than a parking ticket.
It's not trivial. It's not inconvenient. It's just "just life." It's my life, and it contains battles won and lost that she had no concept of, and lacked the mental flexibility to even imagine.
So fuck her. Fuck all of them.
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ohem1111 · 20 days
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eden starts her day going to the thrift store to put together some looks to sell on trendi and clear her mind.
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her bump looks so small here but there isn’t much time before she gives birth for the first time (i don’t know if there was a glitch or something but her bump didn’t look that big until she was literally in labor) she is still so nervous and feels a little unprepared considering she is still a teen, living on her own.
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when it’s finally go time, dorian comes to stay over for a few days to help out. they welcomed their baby boy, odin elmore to the world together at home!
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although dorian is focusing on his schooling and seems like he doesn’t want to be apart of eden and the baby’s life, he is so incredibly supportive and want to do everything he can. which is why he in investing into his future career, to support his family.
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i just talk about getting a tooth extracted below, i don’t give too much detail but i understand if you want to skip on reading it 💚
i’ve had a crazy last couple of days and only playing off and on so i don’t have the most screenshots for every going on but i hope to catch up with posts to my gameplay soon. today’s activities included going to an oral surgeon and getting a tooth extracted… not fun. i’m glad i took the whole day off work though. i didn’t play as much sims as i would have liked though because a couple hours after getting home i was OUT until my boyfriend got off work. he woke me up so i could take some painkillers and made me some soup 🥹 i am feeling like 70% ok right now which is a lot better than i expected. i have tmj so my jaw hurts more from being open that wide for so long than where the tooth was pulled but i think the numbing has fully worn off by now and im just surviving to each pain med times and with my ice pack lol ive never had a tooth pulled before so i had no idea what to except. didn’t cry though 😎
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arugulalover · 2 months
if ur anything like me and get told my doctors "your shoulder pain/jaw pain/headache/etc is from your anxiety" and ur like wtf how does that help me, the thing important to know is that anxiety increases your stress levels, and a fun and necessary thing our body does as a protective measure is suppress your pain sensitivity so you can live to outrun the bear or whatever. so anxiety can mean we ignore the first little twinge telling us "hey you might want to relax your jaw a little, you're flexing just a biiit too much" and it leads to a headache, tmj, and teeth grinding.
so actively practicing mindfulness exercises and checking in on what our body is doing is NOT a "just stop being anxious" type of advice, it is a really important way to combat the physical effects of anxiety 😁👍
(link to interesting paper btw)
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clovericlare · 1 year
just curious cus i heard t increases muscle mass and fat redistribution. I know it doesn't change bone structure but still...
how do you deal with your tmj cus mine is killing me! :L mine is not painful per say but it does feel like I have a knot in my jaw and my ears are clogged all the time (especially in the morning)
So true, tmj pain comes from the muscles so T has gotta be doing something in there 😆
If you're anything like me, this is gonna be sad news, but. You have to wear a night guard. Every night. I know they suck, they're uncomfortable and kinda gross in the morning. But the longer you go without consistently wearing one, the worse the TMJ is gonna get, and some of those changes are gonna be irreversible.
Even if you don't realize it, you 100% are grinding/clenching your teeth at night. That's what's making your ears feel clogged, and it's going to get exponentially worse if you don't get on top of it. I'm talking intense jaw/ear pain, and even the risk of breaking your teeth.
Get some of these moldable mouth guards. Most drugstores will have them and they're generally pretty inexpensive, especially compared to the cost of the dental work you're protecting yourself from needing:
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Very very important note about these!!! Do NOT use the ones that just cover your molars!!!! BAD PRODUCT, EVIL BAD, should be illegal to advertise as a TMJ product!!! If you use these, you're only going to be training your jaw muscles to clench down HARDER:
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Like, bite your tongue with just your front teeth, and then bite your tongue using your back teeth. Feel how your jaw muscles are so much more activated when you bite using your back teeth? Evil
What my dentist suggested was using one of those moldable mouth guards and cutting it off at the red line, so that it's only covering your front teeth:
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Your jaw is going to be much more relaxed, and your molars won't touch each other at all. I also find it fits a bit more comfortably this way, so, hey
Other than that, regularly massaging your jaw is about all I've got in terms of advice 😭 The mouth guard is something that will prevent your TMJ from progressing to something much more serious, and that will help a lot with managing where it is now. Massage, try to relax, etc. If it gets real bad I'd see a doctor about it, they'll give you much more in-depth advice and maybe even prescribe a muscle relaxer.
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her-reawakening · 1 year
Hi, bitches.
*Gossip Girl intro voice*
Her Reawakening is inspired by my very own frontal lobe developing. Let's give it up for her! (applause emojis)
I've found myself in a life long rut. For some reason, I'd thought my life would magically take a u-turn and everything would work out in my favor without my having to work for it. I don't know what kind of delulu I was in but to my shock life doesn't work that way, and it's much harder without a plan.
So let me hold myself accountable here. My future self will definitely read this, and then I'll feel embarrassed about not having done a gotdam fuck thing.
It might have to do with the poison of Social Media which I am apparently very susceptible to, but I have this immense pressure and anxiety to be HER. I want to tear my skin off and put a new one on overnight and reawaken as Her, She. It's so frustrating not being able to do that. You know? Hehe...
I know I can become that version. And you can thinkpiece as much as you want on the dangers of women's toxic and impossible beauty standards on social media but I don't care. *laughs evilly* This is the world we live in and I'd rather enjoy the benefits of being an Angel on Earth. I've only just accepted that I'm starting at a certain point to reach my ideal version, so we're off to a good start. Hopefully whoever reads this will be able to learn from my experiences.
And this is not just the embodiment of beauty, but physical excellence, mental wellbeing, mindfulness, spirituality, social experiences, academic achievement, financial stability etc etc. <3
I want to sleep like a baby knowing I am doing my best to create the life I ENJOY living. I want to be the cuntiest, most solid version of myself. Every breath I take will be proud of me just because I am so excellent.
I have a few goals in mind at the moment.
Eat whole foods 95% of the time.
I am a particularly sensitive person, inside and out. My organs won't accept heavily processed food without making me feel sick, especially with gluten and dairy included. In my experience I have to eat as close to Whole as I can so I will actually feel like a real and functional person. To put this in perspective, eating this way for me is like putting the most expensive oil made for your car and also deep cleaning and detailing inside and out and getting brand new tires and a new paint job. It is a truly incredible feeling and I highly recommend anyone tries it out.
Also, cut out caffeine. I don't want to shock my poor body by going cold turkey so I'm going to slowly cut down my dosages everyday, take it early in the morning (but after two hours of being awake) and drink a lot water with it as well.
Green juices are amazing and my go to for breakfast. They help me feel so revitalized and give me a serious buzz.
I will grocery shop on Wednesday and Prep on Thursdays to avoid feeling overwhelmed of doing it all in one day.
2. Exercise regularly
Workout out 4/wk and Yoga 3/wk
I'm starting out with running since I'm not familiar with the proper forms you need for weight training. I add progression to my workouts of course, one minute longer, .5 miles longer, etc. I also do stair masters, and some leg machines that don't scare me. The glow I get from combining exercise and eating well is insane. It does take a week of 100% commitment for me to get to this 'candlelit within look' but I've done it before so I know I can do it again! I'm going to work out Mon/Tue and Fri/Sat and do an hour of yoga Wed/Thur/Sun! :)
3. Gua Sha/Face massage
I hold all of my tension in my face and traps, so I plan on getting masseter botox for a softer face and TMJ, which is a huge pain for my jaw! In the meantime I will face massage deeply every other day, at 8PM. I eventually want forehead botox as well to help with my frown lines. As an alternative I stick with forehead stickies and it makes a difference.
This is all I want to incorporate right now. They are my most bother some insecurities so I'll do myself the favor and create habits that support them :) I don't want to overwhelm myself and give up completely by too many goals.
Cheers to an update by next Monday!
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mapledental · 6 months
 7 Signs You May Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed
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Surrounding teeth, bones, and nerves. Regular dental check-ups can help detect these issues early.
Recognizing the signs that indicate you may need your wisdom teeth removed is essential for maintaining oral health and preventing complications. If you're experiencing persistent pain, difficulty eating, gum inflammation, or any other symptoms mentioned, it's crucial to consult with a dentist promptly. Early intervention can help alleviate discomfort and prevent further dental problems down the line.
Are your wisdom teeth causinWisdom teeth, also known as third molars, typically appear in your late teens or early twenties. While some people's wisdom teeth emerge without issue, others experience complications that necessitate removal. How can you tell if your wisdom teeth are causing problems? Let's explore seven signs that may indicate you need your wisdom teeth removed. What are Wisdom Teeth?
Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that typically erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. While they were once essential for our ancestors who consumed rougher diets, our modern jaws often lack the space to accommodate these additional teeth.
 Signs You May Need Wisdom Teeth Removed
1. Persistent Pain
Do you feel persistent pain in the back of your mouth that doesn't seem to go away? This could be a sign that your wisdom teeth are impacted, meaning they're unable to emerge fully due to a lack of space. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause throbbing pain, especially when chewing or biting down.
2. Difficulty in Eating
Have you noticed it's become increasingly difficult to chew your food properly? Wisdom teeth that are erupting at an angle can make it challenging to bite and chew, leading to discomfort and even difficulty opening your mouth fully.
3. Gum Inflammation
Are your gums swollen, tender, or bleeding near the back of your mouth? Inflammation around the gum line, known as pericoronitis, is a common issue with erupting or impacted wisdom teeth. This condition can cause pain and discomfort, especially when eating or brushing your teeth.
4. Jaw Stiffness
Do you experience stiffness or pain in your jaw, particularly when opening or closing your mouth? Impacted wisdom teeth can put pressure on the surrounding teeth and jawbone, leading to stiffness and discomfort in the jaw joint, known as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder.
5. Crowding of Teeth
Have you noticed your teeth becoming more crowded or misaligned recently? Wisdom teeth can exert pressure on adjacent teeth as they attempt to erupt, causing them to shift position. This crowding can lead to bite problems, difficulty cleaning between teeth, and an increased risk of decay and gum disease.
6. Sinus Problems
Are you experiencing sinus pain, pressure, or congestion without any apparent cause? In some cases, the roots of upper wisdom teeth can extend into the sinus cavity. If these teeth become infected or inflamed, they can trigger sinus issues, such as pain and congestion.
7. Cysts or Tumors Have you noticed any unusual lumps, bumps, or swelling near the site of your wisdom teeth? Impacted wisdom teeth can sometimes develop cysts or tumours, which can damage sg discomfort? Trust Maple Dental in Hesperia, CA to provide expert extraction services. Call us today at 760-949-7274 to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a pain-free smile. Don't let wisdom teeth hold you back let us help you reclaim your oral health!
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