Political Animals-Part 16-Epilogue
A/N: Well, kids…this is it..the end of the road. I am going to miss this story and these characters.  Thank you so much for your comments and your support. It’s been great. This should tie everything up and answer all your questions.-Jen
This is an A/B/O AU.  You are the Omega artist daughter of Naomi Novak, a world-class heart surgeon who is running for Mayor of New York City.  After a meeting where your mother’s advisers call you a “liability”, she tells you that if you don’t do as your told she will cut you off.  You storm out and wind up in a bar a few blocks away.
The hottest Alpha you have EVER laid eyes on with a scent so mouthwatering you’re practically drooling offers to buy you a drink.  It’s just a drink, right? What do you have to lose? Only everything.
Characters: Omega! Reader, Beta! Naomi Novak, Alpha! Castiel Novak, Omega! Meg Novak, Claire Novak, Jimmy Novak, Alpha! Sam Winchester, Alpha! Dean Winchester, Alpha! John Winchester, Omega! Jo Harvelle
Big thanks to @moansmisha  for letting me use some of her ideas from this post.
Master List
Part 1 (all parts are linked)
Parts in bold are text messages
Charlie and Mary Winchester entered the world on Election Day, eight weeks early.  Despite being born premature, they weighed in at a respectable 5 lbs 5 oz, and 5 lbs 3 oz.
I had passed out in front of the motel where my father was holding me from a combination of extreme shock and pain. It turns out I had been having back labor all day and I didn’t know it.  Mary was breech and showing signs of distress and my blood pressure was through the roof so they knocked me out and did an emergency c-section.
When I woke hours later groggy from the anesthesia the first face I saw was Sam’s.
“Hurts,” I whispered, my throat sore from the breathing tube.  
“I know Sweetheart. They had to do a C-section.”
“Babies?” I croaked.
Sam grinned at me. “They are fighters just like their mom. They’ll be in the NICU for awhile, but they are doing great.”
I was struggling to stay awake, but the effects of the anesthesia pulled me under and my eyes slipped closed before I could ask about my mother.
When I woke again, Sam and Cas were in my room. They both looked exhausted.
“Hey, guys…” I said quietly, my voice still hoarse.
Both of them jumped to their feet at the sound of my voice. Cas reached me first. He looked horrible. His hair was a mess, his eyes were red-rimmed, and he looked as though he hadn’t slept in days.
“Cas is Mom okay? I heard a shot right before I passed out.”
He took a deep breath, glancing over at Sam who nodded slightly. “The gun went off accidentally when Mom and Greg were fighting for it. She was hit in the chest. It pierced her aorta. She’s…..she’s gone…..Y/N.” Tears slid down Cas’ face, and he turned away in an effort to try and compose himself.
“And my father?” I said in an emotionless voice.
Sam placed a hand on Cas’ shoulder and answered me since my brother seemed unable to speak. “When your father saw what had happened, he couldn’t handle it. He turned the gun on himself.  I’m so sorry, Baby.”
“No! Mom can’t be dead!” I wailed. “She can’t be! She was protecting me! She was distracting him because she knew I was in labor and I needed a C-section! He wouldn’t let me go to the hospital! She was protecting me! She did it for me!” I collapsed into sobs, burying my face into Sam’s chest.  He held me until I calmed down.
I held out a hand to Cas, and he took it. “She told him she wouldn’t allow the lives of her grandchildren to be put at risk over a silly vendetta.  She got right in his face, then she told me to run.  I owe my life to her.” Cas and I hugged for a long moment, both of us lost in our own memories of the proud, brave, complex woman that was Naomi Novak.
3 months later
Many things had changed since the tragic events of Election Day.  Tomorrow John Winchester would be inaugurated as the new mayor of New York City.  John’s reputation for honesty and integrity had really resonated with voters, and he had won the election by a large margin. I knew he would do a great job.
The twins did surprisingly well for being born almost two months early.  The doctor said they were huge for preemies, and when he finally saw Sam he understood why. They spent two weeks in the NICU and came home without any problems.
 Charles Castiel Winchester and Mary Naomi Winchester are the most beautiful babies I have ever seen, but I may be a little biased. Now we just need to get them on the same sleep schedule! 
My mother was hailed as a heroine for saving my life and the lives of my babies.  The hospital where she worked was expanding, and there was talk of naming a wing in her honor.
Dean had proposed to Jo a month after Election Day.  He said that everything that had happened made him realize how things could change in an instant and he didn’t want to waste another minute.  They were planning a winter wedding and Jo had asked me to be her maid of honor.
Sam and I quickly realized that the brownstone was too small for our growing family.  We are planning on putting it on the market and moving to Long Island.  I wanted a house with a yard for the kids, a room I could turn into an art studio for me, and an office for Sam.
We had left very early for the inauguration because Sam knew there was a stop I wanted to make first.  Cas and Meg had offered to keep the twins overnight so that we could attend the ball tonight, and we jumped at the chance.
“A night of uninterrupted sleep!” I said longingly.
Sam gave me that look I knew so well.  “Oh, I don’t plan on sleeping.”
When we arrived, Sam stopped the car and looked at me.  “Do you want me to come with you?” He asked.
“No, I’d like to go alone if that’s okay.”
I got out of the car and walked the short distance to my mother’s grave. I laid the bouquet of pink roses on the ground in front of the marker.  They were her favorite.  “Hi, Mom.  Today John is being sworn in as mayor.  I know how much you wanted the job.  But my babies wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for your sacrifice.   I will make sure Mary knows what a strong woman her grandmother was. Despite our ups and downs, I know you loved me.”
Wiping the tears from my eyes, when I returned to Sam I was smiling.
@skybinx-blog @percywinchester27 @a-sea-of-fandoms @dorky-and-i-know-it@fangirl1802 @pinknerdpanda  @atc74  @moonlitskinwalker @we-are-band-sexuals@jayankles   @notnaturalanahi  @ariannalikescake @growningupgeek   @itsummertime22  @roseblood11   @demondeansdomme @cantchoosejustonefandom @ferferelli @midnightjazzmine @dr-dean @clairese1980 @moonstonemystyk @obsessedtmifangirl @bailieinabottle @mesomisha54 @agoodold-fashionedvillain @brewsthespirit-blog  @fucking-grapefruit @typicalweirdbookworm @the-strandedgypsy @meganwinchester1999 @maddieburcham1 @diabetus-swag @bohowitch @mizzezm @winchestergirl-love @vixenvindictive@theoriginalvicki @ayeeitsemry @kittenofdoomage @oriona75 @jotink78 @the-cucumber-who-lived @magickal-angel @gecko9596 @winchester-writes @valynsia @ronnie248-blog @inuhimesblogg @phoenixia67 @afanofmanystuffs@sassy-losechester @mariairwin666@essie1876@shell-fire @becaamm @aalexandra2712 @stone-met@maxsaturdayhatesnarwhals@thelittleredwhocould@just-another-busy-fangirl@sunriserose1023 @blacktithe7@ajspencer1892 @mamabear82nd@notateenbeachmovie @i-just-wanna-live-gc @calicat79 @lovisathelins @evyiione@captainradicalpassion@scrumptiouswinnie@millaraysuyai@keelzythe2nd@disneymarina @blackcat995@mrswhozeewhatsis
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Political Animals-Election Day (Part 15)
A/N: Warning for gun violence in this chapter FYI. Well we’ve come to the end of the road with this story.  Thanks to everyone for your comments and your enthusiasm.  There will be an epilogue after this, and then it’s on to the next story.  Thanks for reading!  Jen
This is an A/B/O AU.  You are the Omega artist daughter of Naomi Novak, a world-class heart surgeon who is running for Mayor of New York City.  After a meeting where your mother’s advisers call you a “liability”, she tells you that if you don’t do as your told she will cut you off.  You storm out and wind up in a bar a few blocks away.
The hottest Alpha you have EVER laid eyes on with a scent so mouthwatering you’re practically drooling offers to buy you a drink.  It’s just a drink, right? What do you have to lose? Only everything.
Characters: Omega! Reader, Beta! Naomi Novak, Alpha! Castiel Novak, Omega! Meg Novak, Claire Novak, Jimmy Novak, Alpha! Sam Winchester, Alpha! Dean Winchester, Alpha! John Winchester, Omega! Jo Harvelle
Big thanks to @moansmisha  for letting me use some of her ideas from this post.
Master List
Part 1 (all parts are linked)
Parts in bold are text messages
It’s finally here.  The day that has been the focus of the Winchester and Novak families for the past two years.  Election day.  Today is the that will decide it all. By the end of the night, we would know if all the back-stabbing, mud-slinging, and name-calling by my mother had been effective enough to win her the election.
John had flat out refused to stoop to her level.  If he was going to be the mayor, he was going to do it the same way he did everything else, with honesty and integrity.  I admired him for that.
This election had truly brought out the worst in my mother.  She used every opportunity to bad mouth us in the press. The latest story she had concocted was that Sam had gotten me pregnant to trap me into marrying him. Seriously??
Sam was much better than me at ignoring my mother’s bullshit and laughing it off. I was hormonal and cranky and I usually just wanted to wring her neck on a regular basis.  Cas was at a total loss.  He told me on the phone the other day he had no idea who my mom was anymore.
“My best guess is she’s been replaced by an alien…..or a robot…”  he joked.
“Or she’s just lost her damned mind,” I complained irritably. 
“May the best man win,” Cas said seriously, and we both laughed.
“How are my niece and nephew doing?” he asked, trying to change the subject.  He knew my mother was a very sore topic for me lately. 
“Eight more weeks.  My belly is so huge, I haven’t seen my feet in ages.  Sam has to put my shoes on for me.  They are gonna have to roll me into the delivery room, that’s how enormous I am.”
“Are you going to be able to go vote today?” He asked.
“Are you kidding? I’ll get to the polls today if I have to CRAWL there, Cas.”
For the past three months, I had been campaigning for John. I had come to every event that Sam and Dean had attended.  The last one before the election had been the final debate between John and my mother.  She had forbidden Cas and Meg from talking to me, a command they had promptly ignored.  
She had glared at Sam all night, and she wouldn’t even look at me.  During the debate she had taken so many thinly-veiled potshots at Sam I was ready to confront her then and there.
“It’s not worth it, Y/N,” Sam told me, enfolding me in his arms and holding me tight until I had breathed deeply and his scent had calmed me down.  “She’s trying to provoke you.  If I can let it go, so can you.”
We skipped the reception after the debate because these days I tired easily and that way I wouldn’t have to see her again.
John, Sam, Dean and I entered the polling place amid the flash of many cameras.  It was time for the Winchester family to cast their votes for mayor.  Somewhere across town, my mother, Cas, and Meg were doing the same thing.  I handed the woman my drivers license and signed my name.  I entered the voting booth and she closed the curtain behind me.
I did my voting for the other elections first and left mayor until last.  I stood for a moment and looked at the names.  John Winchester.  Naomi Novak.  I thought for a moment about how much this election had changed my life for the better.  
I had gained an Alpha, a mate, and ultimately a husband, but more importantly, I had gained a family.  And in a few months, I would have pups of my own.  I would do my best to be a good mother and to always make sure they knew I loved them.
I look a deep breath, pressed the button, and exited the booth.
We were all spending the night at the Lowell Hotel in the city, where we would watch the election returns and hopefully celebrate John’s victory party.  As fate would have it, Cas had told me they would be watching the returns with my mom from a suite at the Westin, which was just three blocks away.  
The police had been unsuccessful in tracking down my father.  He always seemed to be one step ahead of them.  It was as if he knew they were looking for him.  The letters and pictures had stopped, so I hoped that maybe he had left New York City altogether.  I would be glad when this election was over and we could all get back to our regular lives.
Dean, Jo, Sam and John had gathered in the living room of John’s suite to eat and watch the early returns.  I had decided to lay down for a bit because my back had been bothering me all day.  Sam had offered to stay with me, but I told him to go on ahead.
“I just need to rest for a bit.  Go get some food.  You must be starving.  I’ll be along shortly.”
I hadn’t even laid down yet when my text alert beeped.
Cas: Y/N: I need to talk to you. It’s important.  It’s about your father.  Can you meet me at the Starbucks at the end of the block in 10 minutes?
Y/N: Okay.  I’ll see you in 10.
It didn’t even cross my mind to question Cas or to tell Sam where I was going. I’m such an idiot!  I headed for the nearest elevator and was walking through the lobby and out the door of the hotel minutes later.
  I was halfway to the Starbucks when I felt an arm reach out and grab me from the alley, something hard slam against the back of my head, and everything went black.
My head felt like someone had hit me with a baseball bat. When I opened my eyes fully and the room stopped spinning I realized I wasn’t alone.  A man sat on the chair across from me watching me intently.  There was something familiar about him, but I couldn’t quite place him.
Then it hit me.  He was the man I had chased the day I had gotten hit by the car.  And he had a gun pointed directly at me.
“Hello, Y/N.  It’s nice to finally meet you in person.” He told me. “Don’t try to run, I will use this if I have to.”  He gestured towards the gun.  
“You’re my father, aren’t you? Your the one who’s been sending me the letters and pictures?” I asked quietly.
“I’ve been watching you ever since I learned of your existence.  After my parents sent me away, your mother sent word she’d miscarried.  Lying bitch!  All this time I had a daughter and I never knew it.  She never once came to see me or answered any of my letters.  All that lost time….”
My father had a manic, faraway look in his eyes.  He was clearly off his meds and completely out of his mind.  I had to try to talk him down and get out of here before he hurt me.
“I’m sorry for how my mother treated you.  She has a habit of lying to people.” I said softly.
When someone knocked softly on the door at the far corner of the room I stiffened with fear and my eyes immediately flew to my father.  What was he going to do? Shoot the person?
He got up at looked at me intently.  “Do not move from that spot, “ he said, raising the gun in my direction threateningly.  He walked over to the door and looked into the peephole.
I tried not to squirm too much in my seat because my back had really begun to hurt and the babies were moving all over the place. When I looked up and saw who my father had by the arm and was pulling towards where I was sitting my heart fell.
Sam’s POV
“Y/N must have dozed off.  I’m gonna go check on her.  I want to make sure she eats something.”
It had been over an hour since Y/N said she was going to rest her back.  We had all gotten caught up in the election returns and time had gotten away from us.  I excuse myself and walked back to our room.  The bed hadn’t been slept in, and the room was empty. 
 I immediately called her cell, and I got her voice mail.  I was just about to go down to the lobby to see if she was there when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID, expecting to see Y/N’s number, but it was Cas.  Why was Cas calling me?
“Sam, it’s Cas.  My mother is missing.  Do you know where Y/N is?”
I stood up at the sight of my mother and immediately doubled over in pain.  The pain in my back had gotten unbearable.  There was a sudden gush of warm fluid down my legs and my dress was soaked.
“I think my water just broke,” I whispered in a small voice.  “It’s too soon!  The babies aren’t due for another 8 weeks!”
My mother turned to my father.  “I don’t know what this is, Greg, but your quarrel is with me, not Y/N.  Let her go, and I will stay here.”
My father’s face contorted with rage.  “NO!  No one is leaving!  We are finally together.  Everyone stays.  Naomi, you’re a doctor, you take care of her.”
“Can I lay her down, at least?” My mother asked.
He pointed the gun towards the couch, and she helped me onto it.   “How far along are you?” she asked.
“32 weeks.  Fraternal twins.  A boy and a girl.  My back……it hurts!”  I muttered through gritted teeth.
“Why are you here, Mom?”
“I got a text saying I needed to come here right away alone because you were in danger and to tell no one or you would be killed.” She said miserably.
I immediately burst into tears.  “I want Sam!” I moaned as the pain in my back had me curling into a fetal position on the couch.
My mother stood up and turned to face my father.  “I’m sorry I lied to you! I’m sorry I kept Y/N from you! But I had no choice! You weren’t leaving the clinic, and Charles had threatened to take my son away from me if I left him.  What choice did I have?” She demanded.  “You need to let Y/N go! She is in labor!”
“You never visited me! You never even wrote me a letter! You just went on with your life as if I didn’t exist!” He bellowed, completely ignoring her comment about me being in labor.
This went on for hours.  My parents fighting, and me on the couch, my pain getting worse and worse.  My mother continued to beg my father to let me go, but he refused.
“I haven’t done a pelvic exam since medical school, Y/N, but I need to see how far along you are in case I need to deliver these babies, okay?” My mom finally asked in a gentle voice I had never heard her use with me.
I nodded. My Mom washed her hands and cleaned them with hand sanitizer. She examined me quickly and turned to my father.  “You need to let her go, NOW!  One of the babies is breech.  She won’t be able to deliver without a C-section.”
“No.” My father said simply.
“This is your daughter and your grandchildren, Greg.  Whatever grudges you hold against me, none of this is her fault.  End this NOW!” My mother demanded, her eyes blazing with fury.
My pain got worse and worse.  My mother continued to monitor me as my father paced, muttering to himself.  My mom leaned over me. “Listen carefully, Y/N.  Do you think you can run?”
“What?” I whispered, “Why?”
“I am going to distract him and try to get the gun away.  You need to get out of here and get to a hospital.  There is no way that baby can be born without a C-section, it’s completely turned, I felt its feet.  When I say run I want you to go as fast as you can and don’t come back no matter what.  Can you do that?”
“But Mom, I don’t know if I can.  What about you?” I whispered.
“I’ll be fine. I’m going to help you sit up now.” She helped me to a sitting position and I moaned in pain.  “Wait for my signal.” She told me, and in a rare show of affection, she kissed me on the forehead.
My mother stood up, threw her shoulders back, and Dr. Naomi Novak was in the room. ‘Greg, you are going to let Y/N go RIGHT NOW! I will not have the lives of my grandchildren put at risk because of some silly vendetta!” She got right in his face.
“Sit down, Naomi.” He told her coldly.
My mother reached out and attempted to wrench the gun from his hands, they began to wrestle for control of it. “Run, Y/N!” My mother screamed.
I took off as fast as I could, completely disassociating myself from the pain in my body.  I wrenched open the door at the end of the hall and flew through it just as the gunshot sounded.  I took a few steps before my legs gave out and I fell to my knees. The pain was overwhelming.  I never even heard Sam bellow my name before I blacked out.
Part 16 (epilogue)
Tagging: @skybinx-blog @percywinchester27 @a-sea-of-fandoms @dorky-and-i-know-it@fangirl1802 @pinknerdpanda  @atc74  @moonlitskinwalker @we-are-band-sexuals@jayankles   @notnaturalanahi  @ariannalikescake @growningupgeek  @itsummertime22  @roseblood11   @demondeansdomme@cantchoosejustonefandom @ferferelli @midnightjazzmine @dr-dean@clairese1980 @moonstonemystyk @obsessedtmifangirl @bailieinabottle@mesomisha54 @agoodold-fashionedvillain @brewsthespirit-blog  @fucking-grapefruit @typicalweirdbookworm @the-strandedgypsy@meganwinchester1999 @maddieburcham1 @diabetus-swag @bohowitch@mizzezm @winchestergirl-love @vixenvindictive@theoriginalvicki @ayeeitsemry @kittenofdoomage@oriona75 @jotink78 @the-cucumber-who-lived @magickal-angel @gecko9596 @winchester-writes @valynsia @ronnie248-blog @inuhimesblog @phoenixia67 @afanofmanystuffs@sassy-losechester @mariairwin666@essie1876@shell-fire @becaamm @aalexandra2712 @stone-met@maxsaturdayhatesnarwhals@thelittleredwhocould@just-another-busy-fangirl@sunriserose1023 @blacktithe7@ajspencer1892 @mamabear82nd@notateenbeachmovie @i-just-wanna-live-gc @calicat79 @lovisathelins@evyiione @captainradicalpassion @scrumptiouswinnie @millaraysuyai @keelzythe2nd @disneymarina @blackcat995
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Political Animals-Dean and Jo-Part 2
Master List
Part 1 (All Parts are linked)
Your name is Jo Harvelle, and you are an Omega working in your mother’s bar part time while you go to school. On a busy night at the bar, sparks fly between you and a gorgeous Alpha, but your best friend and co-worker warns you of his hard partying, lady-killer reputation.  He’s clearly interested, but you don’t have time in your life for drama.  
Characters: Alpha! Dean Winchester, Omega! Jo Winchester, Alpha! John Winchester, Alpha! Sam Winchester, Omega! Jessica Moore, Beta! Bobby Singer, Beta! Ellen Harvelle, Beta! Melanie Rivera (OC), Beta! Benny Lafitte, Krissy (OC) a classmate
Text messages appear in bold
The next morning I barely made it to the coffee shop on time because I stayed up too late working on my paper.  It was packed with students nursing their hangovers from the night before. I didn’t see Mel anywhere so I grabbed the last empty table and waited for her.
After a bit, I got a text from Melanie.
Hey, girl! I just woke up. Totally overslept.  Raincheck?
Mel was notorious for being late for everything, so I wasn’t surprised. I texted her back.  
Sure. No prob. Talk to you later.  
I sat and sipped my latte, scrolling through my emails. It was rare that I had time to just relax and unwind, so I decided to enjoy it. 
I smelled him before I saw him, that same mouth-watering scent from last night that set me on fire. I looked up and there he was, standing in front of me, looking sleepy and rumpled and delicious.
“You again?” He said with a grin.
“Me again,” I said nonchalantly, trying to ignore my racing heart.
Before I could say a word he slid into the booth across from me. “I’m not leaving here until you tell me your name, at least.”
“And if I don’t?” I asked, not even bothering to hide my appraising stare. Damn his eyes were really green!
He leaned in close and whispered in that rough voice of his that just oozed sex, “Then I guess you are just stuck with me….Omega.”
Lord was this guy sure of himself! Looking like he did, I guess he didn’t need to work too hard. Little did he know that he had totally met his match in me. “What if I’m okay with that?” I asked him, my eyes meeting his. He raised an eyebrow at the challenge in my voice.
“Your not gonna make this easy, are you?” He countered.
I swallowed the last of my drink and pushed away from the table, getting to my feet.  “It’s Jo. Jo Harvelle. Nice to meet you, Dean.” I turned and walked away, smiling because I knew his eyes were on me the whole way out the door. I wondered how long it would take him to realize he’d never told me his name.
I had a test in Statistics later that afternoon.  I had really studied and I knew the material, but I was pretty sure I bombed it.  I just couldn’t seem to focus. My mind kept finding its way back to Dean and his sinful lips. I could still smell him, his scent an intoxicating mixture of leather, pine, and whiskey.
There was a girl in my class named Krissy I was friendly with who seemed to know pretty much everyone.  So as we were walking out of class and commiserating about how we had probably failed the test I asked her what she knew about Dean Winchester.
“Dean? My roommate dated him for a while freshman year.  He’s easy on the eyes, isn’t he? I think he went out with every available Omega on campus back then.  He was quite a player.”
“Oh really?” I should have known.  He was so not my type.  Then why couldn’t I stop thinking about him? He probably flirts like that with every girl he sees.  l shouldn’t read into it.  
“He’s had it rough,”  Krissy continued.  “My friend Darcy ran into him recently, and she said he’s changed.  I mean, first he gets kicked out of school, and then his mother gets killed in a car wreck.  That’s enough to make anyone rethink their priorities, huh?”
“Thanks for the info, Kris. I knew you were the person to ask.”
I had a rare Friday night off from the bar, so my plan was to lay around in my pajamas, binge on Gilmore Girls reruns on Netflix, and eat popcorn.
I was deeply engrossed in life in Stars Hollow when I got a text from Melanie.
Got any plans for tonight?
Neflix binge, you?
Seriously? What kind of friend would I be if I let you sit home on the one Friday night we don’t have to work?  Make yourself presentable!  I’ll be over in 20. I heard about this party…
I sighed in resignation. Mel was always hearing about parties. But I knew there was no point in arguing. Maybe she was right, Getting out and socializing might be just what I needed.
Fine.  You win.  See you in 20.
Mel was late as usual so I had time to shower and change.  I didn’t look half bad considering I had done my hair in record time.  Lorelei and Rory would just have to wait for another day.
“So where are we going?” I asked as I grabbed a jacket.
“Lainie in my sculpture class has an apartment off campus.  She and her roommates are having a few people over, nothing big.   Her place is a few blocks from here.  Chris is supposed to be there.” She added casually.
Chris was an Alpha that Mel had been crushing on for ages.  He was the first guy I’d ever seen that turned my normally confident friend into a tongue-tied idiot.
I smacked her arm playfully.  “You little sneak!  You just wanted me to go so you’d have an excuse to see Chris, didn’t you?  What’s wrong, couldn’t face him alone?”
Mel tried not to smile.  “No……..Maybe……Okay, yes!  Please don’t be mad!”
I hooked my arm through hers as we walked.  “The things I do for you.” I grumbled as we both laughed.
So much for “nothing big”.  When we arrived at the address Melanie had been given, the place was packed.  There was barely room to move, and the music was so loud you could barely hear, let alone talk.  Within 10 minutes I had lost Mel, and when I couldn’t find her I decided I might as well get a drink.
There was a line for the keg, and in front of me was a really tall guy standing with a leggy blond.  They looked familiar.  I tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around.
“Hey, your Jessica, right?” I asked her, she nodded.
“I’m Jo, Melanie’s friend. We’ve met before.  I came here with her, and now I can’t find her.  Have you seen her?”
Jess looked over at the tall guy, who gave me a dimpled smile.  “Have you seen Melanie since we’ve been here, Sam?”
Sam leaned in so I could hear him.  “I think I saw her talking with Chris Morgan a few minutes ago.”
When we got to the keg, Sam poured two beers and handed one each to Jess and I.  Then he got one for himself.  I thanked him and headed off in search of Melanie again.
I still couldn’t find Mel, but Krissy was there with her roommates, so I hung out with them for awhile.   They were drinking some sort of “punch” that someone had mixed in what looked like a large plastic trashcan in the corner.  It was sweet and fruity and it went down easily.
“What is this?” I asked Krissy. It barely tasted like it had any alcohol in it.
“Who cares?” Krissy laughed as she ladled more into my empty cup.  I sucked it down greedily, not realizing how thirsty I was.    After a few of those, my head began to spin,  everything got blurry, and I realized I couldn’t feel my feet.  
I wanted Mel to taste this stuff but of course, she was still nowhere to be found.  I decided to go look for her again.  I walked a wobbly path around the apartment again, bumping into people and furniture.  No Mel, but no Chris either. I bet she finally scored with Chris and was off with him somewhere at that very moment. 
My eyes lit upon a back door in the kitchen leading out into the yard. With too many people crammed into such a small space, it had gotten really warm. Fresh air and a little quiet sounded really good right now.
The porch was shadowed in darkness, but I was able to make out a pair of chaise lounges tucked in the far corner.  I tried to find the light switch, but it wasn’t where I thought it would be so I gave up.
I headed to the furthest chaise and flopped down on it. Instead of a soft cushions, I felt hard muscles under me. “What the fuck?” A familiar voice said.
No. NO. It couldn’t be. “Dean? ” I whispered.
“This is getting a little crazy, don’t you think?” He muttered.
“How so?” I whispered, trying desperately not to wiggle around in his lap. God he smelled so good!
“I’m sitting out here thinking about you and you just fall into my lap.” He said. “When does that ever happen?”
“You were thinking about me?” I asked quietly.
Dean leaned forward until his lips brushed my hair. His big hands grabbed my arms to steady me in his lap. “I haven’t been able to think about much else since I saw you, Omega.”
“I’ve been thinking about you too, Alpha.” I whispered.
I had heard many times about the strength and speed of Alphas but I’d never seen it up close until now. With a growl Dean picked me up and flipped me around to face him so I was straddling his long legs.
He swallowed my yelp of surprise with his mouth. As soon as his mouth made contact with mine, I couldn’t get close enough. I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, our mouths a clash of tongues and teeth.
Dean’s hands settled on my hips, grinding me against his jean-covered erection. We were so wrapped up in each other we didn’t even notice the porch light go on.
“Jo, I’ve been looking for you everywhere! Come on, I want to leave!” Mel snapped.
Something in her voice shocked me out of my trance. “I gotta go.” I said to Dean.
“So I heard.“ He looked over at Mel, who was shooting daggers at him.
I climbed out of his lap and headed over to her. What was her problem? She looked like she had been crying.
"Dean…..” I began. Mel yanked me through the door before I could say another word.
@skybinx-blog @percywinchester27 @a-sea-of-fandoms @dorky-and-i-know-it@fangirl1802 @pinknerdpanda  @atc74  @moonlitskinwalker @we-are-band-sexuals@jayankles   @notnaturalanahi  @ariannalikescake @growingupgeek  @itsummertime22  @roseblood11   @demondeansdomme@cantchoosejustonefandom @ferferelli @midnightjazzmine @dr-dean@clairese1980 @moonstonemystyk @obsessedtmifangirl @bailieinabottle@mesomisha54 @agoodold-fashionedvillain @brewsthespirit-blog  @fucking-grapefruit @typicalweirdbookworm @the-strandedgypsy@meganwinchester1999 @maddieburcham1 @diabetus-swag @bohowitch@mizzezm @winchestergirl-love @vixenvindictive@theoriginalvicki @ayeeitsemry @kittenofdoomage@oriona75 @jotink78 @the-cucumber-who-lived @magickal-angel @gecko9596 @winchester-writes @valynsia @ronnie248-blog @inuhimesblog @phoenixia67 @afanofmanystuffs@sassy-losechester @mariairwin666@essie1876@shell-fire @becaamm @aalexandra2712 @stone-met@maxsaturdayhatesnarwhals@thelittleredwhocould@just-another-busy-fangirl@sunriserose1023 @blacktithe7@ajspencer1892 @mamabear82nd@notateenbeachmovie @i-just-wanna-live-gc @calicat79 @lovisathelins@evyiione@captainradicalpassion@scrumptiouswinnie@millaraysuyai@keelzythe2nd@disneymarina @blackcat995@mrswhozeewhatsis 
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Political Animals-Dean and Jo
This is an A/B/O AU. 
Political Animals-Sam and Reader(Part 1 all parts are linked)
Your name is Jo Harvelle, and you are an Omega working in your mother’s bar part time while you go to school. On a busy night at the bar, sparks fly between you and a gorgeous Alpha, but your best friend and co-worker warns you of his hard partying, lady-killer reputation.  He’s clearly interested, but you don’t have time in your life for drama.  
Characters: Alpha! Dean Winchester, Omega! Jo Winchester, Alpha! John Winchester, Alpha! Sam Winchester, Omega! Jessica Moore, Beta! Bobby Singer, Beta! Ellen Harvelle, Beta! Melanie Rivera (OC), Beta! Benny Lafitte
One of the drawbacks of being the daughter of the owner of a bar is that my Mom expected me to cover shifts when her waitresses called out.  April was an Omega like me and her heat had come on early and she obviously couldn’t work. So here I was, slinging beers on a Thursday night instead of studying like I planned.
My Mom’s bar, Harvelle’s, was two blocks from the campus of NYU so it was always packed on the weekends.  My Dad had died when I was ten so Mom had been running the bar on her own since then.  Mom is the strongest, most capable woman I know.
I ran into the bar, tossing my purse under the counter and grabbing a clean apron from off the hook.  It was a madhouse already, and it was only eight.
“Hey Mom, I got here as quick as I could,” I said, kissing her cheek. 
“Thanks, Jo. I owe you big.” She told me, pulling beers with both hands. “Can you take section 3?”
“Yep, got it,” I told her as I grabbed a tray and order pad off the bar.  I waved to my best friend Melanie who was also working tonight.
I hurried over to my first table where two guys were sitting.  My section was full and I was already behind.  This was gonna be a long night.
 “Sorry for the wait, guys.  What can I get you?” I said quickly, eyes focused on my order pad.
“Oh your definitely worth the wait, Sweetheart.” A deep voice said, and I immediately looked up, meeting a pair of green eyes framing a face so perfect it was almost pretty.  And then I smelled him. Alpha. He smelled so delicious it made my toes curl.
I recovered quickly. “I bet you say that to all the girls who bring you a beer.“
"He does, actually.” His friend said with a grin.
“Shut up, Benny. We’ll have a pitcher of Coors, a plate of nachos and a dozen hot wings.” Green eyes said with a smirk.
"Got it," I said quickly, jotting their order down and moving to the next table. I flew between the bar, kitchen, and tables like a whirlwind in an effort to get caught up.  Mel and I were both waiting for food at the window so I got a minute to catch my breath.
“Did you see the Alpha at table 14?  He’s gorgeous!” I whispered to Mel over the hum of voices and laughter.
She glanced over in their direction quickly.  “Don’t look!” I hissed.
Her eyes immediately got wide.  “Oh Chica, you don’t want any part of that.  Do you know who that is?” She asked.
I shook my head.  “No, should I?”
She grabbed the steaming plates of food as they came off the line and put them on her tray.  “You remember my friend Jess Moore from my art class? Her boyfriend Sam?”
I nodded as a plate of nachos was slammed on the counter and I grabbed it and put it on my tray.  “Really tall, dimples? Pre-law? Yeah, what about him?”
Mel leaned over and whispered in my ear.  “That’s Sam’s older brother Dean. He got kicked out of school last year for fighting.  He almost killed another Alpha.  It was all swept under the rug because his Dad is the Police Commissioner. He is bad news, Chica.”
Mel lifted her tray and headed off to deliver her orders.  I grabbed the rest of my food and made the rounds to my tables.  When I got to 14 I saw that the guy named Benny now had a giggly blond perched in his lap.
“Dean wants more beer and your phone number,” Benny announced.  He and the blond were both pretty buzzed and acting stupid.
“Knock it off, Benny. I mean it.” Dean growled at his friend. His voice alone was doing all kinds of things to my insides.  What the hell was wrong with me? I had never had this sort of reaction to any Alpha before, and I was nowhere near my heat. 
“Another pitcher, then?” I said through gritted teeth as I made a grab for the empty pitcher.  Just as my hand closed around it, Dean’s fingers closed around my wrist.  
As soon as he touched me, it felt like my blood was on fire. I felt his touch all the way to my toes.  He immediately pulled his hand away as though he had been burned and we just stared at each other as the pitcher rolled off the table and fell to the floor.
I grabbed the pitcher off the floor and headed for the bar.  I could feel his eyes boring into my back the entire way. I headed over to my mother.  She had a sixth sense for when I was lying so I prayed she was too preoccupied to notice.
“Mom, can I take a quick break and eat something?” I asked. “I never got a chance to have dinner before I came and I’m feeling lightheaded.”
She glanced over at me quickly.  “Sure, Hon.  Take 30.  Mel and Sue can split your tables.”
I grabbed some fries and headed into the tiny office in the back.  My heart was pounding and my hands were shaking.  What the hell had just happened? When I went back out after my break a bunch of girls were sitting at table 14 and I breathed a sigh of relief.
“So what the heck was that, Jo?” Mel asked me as soon as she saw me. 
I gave her a puzzled look.  “Huh?”
“You ran out of here like a scalded cat, and Dean Winchester looked like he’d been hit over the head or something.  When I took the pitcher to his table, he asked me what your name was, and if you were coming back.”
“What did you tell him?” I asked, worried.
“I asked him why he wanted to know. I got your back, girl.” She said with a grin.
“What did he say?”
“He said forget it. He and his friend left a few minutes later.  He didn’t look happy.  Stay away from him, Chica.  I know he’s pretty to look at, but according to Jess, he has a wandering eye.  Are you sure your okay?” Melanie looked worried as she said this.
“Yes Mother Riviera, I am fine.  Now stop worrying.” I teased.
Things had calmed down enough by 11 that my Mom said I could go.  She knew I had been working on my essay that was due for my English Lit class but she also knew I never said no when she asked me to come and help.
Ellen Harvelle had worked many nights in the bar so I could even go to college so I would help here whenever she asked.
After making plans to meet Mel for coffee tomorrow, I hugged my Mom goodbye, fished my purse out from under the bar and headed out.
We only lived a few blocks from the bar, so when Mom called, it was quickest to walk.  Once I presented as Omega, Mom made sure I knew how to protect myself from dumbass Alphas who tended to think with their “downstairs brain”. She wouldn’t let me work in the bar until I had taken some self-defense classes and she was sure I could take on whatever a drunk Alpha could dish out.
As I walked I thought about what had happened tonight, and about what Mel had said about Dean Winchester.  I could still feel his hand wrapped around my wrist, and the reaction it had produced. I thought about those green eyes of his, and that face......... 
I mentally shook myself. You heard Mel you idiot!  He’s trouble, and trouble is something I don’t need.  So why do I want to see him again so badly?
@skybinx-blog @percywinchester27 @a-sea-of-fandoms @dorky-and-i-know-it@fangirl1802 @pinknerdpanda  @atc74  @moonlitskinwalker @we-are-band-sexuals@jayankles   @notnaturalanahi  @ariannalikescake @growningupgeek  @itsummertime22  @roseblood11   @demondeansdomme@cantchoosejustonefandom @ferferelli @midnightjazzmine @dr-dean@clairese1980 @moonstonemystyk @obsessedtmifangirl @bailieinabottle@mesomisha54 @agoodold-fashionedvillain @brewsthespirit-blog  @fucking-grapefruit @typicalweirdbookworm @the-strandedgypsy@meganwinchester1999 @maddieburcham1 @diabetus-swag @bohowitch@mizzezm @winchestergirl-love @vixenvindictive@theoriginalvicki @ayeeitsemry @kittenofdoomage@oriona75 @jotink78 @the-cucumber-who-lived @magickal-angel @gecko9596 @winchester-writes @valynsia @ronnie248-blog @inuhimesblog @phoenixia67 @afanofmanystuffs@sassy-losechester @mariairwin666@essie1876@shell-fire @becaamm @aalexandra2712 @stone-met@maxsaturdayhatesnarwhals@thelittleredwhocould@just-another-busy-fangirl@sunriserose1023 @blacktithe7@ajspencer1892 @mamabear82nd@notateenbeachmovie @i-just-wanna-live-gc @calicat79 @lovisathelins@evyiione@captainradicalpassion@scrumptiouswinnie@millaraysuyai@keelzythe2nd@disneymarina @blackcat995@mrswhozeewhatsis
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Political Animals-Dean and Jo
Master List
This is an A/B/O AU
So everyone who knows me knows that I am a Sam!girl to the core.  I had so much fun writing Political Animals and really didn’t want to say goodbye to those characters and that universe but I felt Sam and the reader’s story had run its course.
Dean and Jo were supporting characters in Political Animals, they were already an established couple, and their story is summed up in just two paragraphs in the beginning and end of the story:
Jo and Dean had been together for so long that she was like a sister to Sam.  She was really good for Dean.  She smoothed out his rough edges and didn’t take any of his crap.  Before Jo Dean drank too much, slept with too many women and spent most of his time trying to numb his pain.
Dean had proposed to Jo a month after Election Day.  He said that everything that had happened made him realize how things could change in an instant and he didn’t want to waste another minute.  They were planning a winter wedding and Jo had asked me to be her maid of honor.
Then I got to thinking....... How did they meet? What was Dean like before Jo, and how did she change him? Will the wedding go off without a hitch? How are Sam and Y/N managing as new parents? It got me wondering........and thinking.....
I think there’s a story here  ;)  
@skybinx-blog @percywinchester27 @a-sea-of-fandoms @dorky-and-i-know-it@fangirl1802 @pinknerdpanda  @atc74  @moonlitskinwalker @we-are-band-sexuals@jayankles   @notnaturalanahi  @ariannalikescake @growningupgeek  @itsummertime22  @roseblood11   @demondeansdomme@cantchoosejustonefandom @ferferelli @midnightjazzmine @dr-dean@clairese1980 @moonstonemystyk @obsessedtmifangirl @bailieinabottle@mesomisha54 @agoodold-fashionedvillain @brewsthespirit-blog  @fucking-grapefruit @typicalweirdbookworm @the-strandedgypsy@meganwinchester1999 @maddieburcham1 @diabetus-swag @bohowitch@mizzezm @winchestergirl-love @vixenvindictive@theoriginalvicki @ayeeitsemry @kittenofdoomage@oriona75 @jotink78 @the-cucumber-who-lived @magickal-angel @gecko9596 @winchester-writes @valynsia @ronnie248-blog @inuhimesblog @phoenixia67 @afanofmanystuffs@sassy-losechester @mariairwin666@essie1876@shell-fire @becaamm @aalexandra2712 @stone-met@maxsaturdayhatesnarwhals@thelittleredwhocould@just-another-busy-fangirl@sunriserose1023 @blacktithe7@ajspencer1892 @mamabear82nd@notateenbeachmovie @i-just-wanna-live-gc @calicat79 @lovisathelins@evyiione@captainradicalpassion@scrumptiouswinnie@millaraysuyai@keelzythe2nd@disneymarina @blackcat995@mrswhozeewhatsis
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