#itz really good n reminded me of them...
creativesparkz · 10 months
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alttplink-moved · 3 years
#13, #20 and #21 for the writer ask game <3
aaaa hullo im pretty sure ur referringz to this ask game so im answeringz the qiestions from that one!!!!1!
13. are you a podcast person? if yes, any recommendations for podcasts talking about writing/being creative in general?
hrmmmm,,, whilez yes imz kindof a podcasts person i cant reallys say that i listen to any writingz related ones lmao
20. do you ever have trouble focusing on writing? how do you get around that? tell us. please, tell us.
oooo definitelyz,, n like it deffo dependz on the person but i typically like,, idk tendz to listen to some music that remindz me of characterz from the thingz i write or like i just try to get in a mood where i like get reminded of my aus n suchz,, it tendz to do the trick to pull me in a writingz mood!!!
21. BIG ask: what do you think is the most important component of a good story?
oooooh man, i consider all aspectz of a story to ve them most important of a story, but to be more specificz with ya; itz outta be either how the plot/general idea of a story is executed n written down or like how an ocs characterisation, motivationz relationships etc r done. like it all matters in a story but those two r the prime aspectz of what defines a good story 4 me ^^!!
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