#ive always felt very akin to Andy bc we both are obsessed with useless garbage that everybody else hates
starfxckersinc · 1 year
i genuinely just think people are very mean to me about what I do and what I care abt & it makes me rlly sad bc I’ve stopped considering myself genuine or unique or interesting. like respectfully i live in an environment where I am singled out and bullied very reliably + have very little access to physical arts/culture. and i really really care about art and music and film and theatre and literature. i really care abt it. and I lived isolated in a field in the woods with non-creative parents while being an agoraphobic shut-in + homeschooled, and I still can’t drive! and I still live in the rural south! like idk maybe the stuff I like is stupid but i think the genuine element of my childish, passionate love for it kind of validates it yknow. like half the shit u guys say abt me, would u say it to Andy Warhol? probably not right. bc he’s validated himself as meaningful & whatever. Well when I’m famous you’ll all pretend to love What I love & you’ll all look stupid lol
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