#ive been listening to this nonstop since at LEAST last friday
stsebastiens · 2 years
literally crack cocaine
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rott3nc0re · 2 years
The Artist and The Freak
eddie munson x black!artist!sinclair!reader
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i. Sketches & Blushes (18+)
summary: Cleo Sinclair was the best person to go to for drawings. The best student in all her classes and one of the popular kids. Yet she finds herself interested in one individual, Eddie “the freak” Munson.
warnings: nothing yet but will contain sexual themes in future chapters, a few swear words, eddie being a flirt but also a little shy
other chapters: i | ii | iii | iv | v | vi | vii | viii | ix | x
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Just today was the last day before spring break has got her excited. She planned on making new sketches and hanging out with her best friends Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley, which she was sitting next to at lunch.
“Please tell me you’re not sketching him again”Robin rolled her eyes as she peered over to see what Cleo was drawing.
She’s been working on this sketch for a few days now, since last friday. Something about him drew her to him, he was… different to say the least. She saw that he was confident, ready to speak his mind.
“What? Do you want me to draw you again?” A little grin on Cleo’s face.
Robin scoffed, “you’ve been so focused on finishing this sketch, just take a break, C” she continued. She was right, Cleo had been working on this sketch nonstop, 24/7. “Alright, alright. Just for you” she gave in, placing her notebook inside her sketchbook. “Thank you, now, what are you, me and Steve doing tonight?” she asked excitedly, her eyes lighting up. Cleo was about to answer when she saw someone get up on the cafeteria table in the corner of her eye.
“Where they toss balls into laundry baskets!” she heard him shout towards the basketball team and cheerleaders, disrupting them and pissing off the captain of the team, Jason Carver. “You what something freak?” Jason retaliated back, only giving Eddie Munson more confidence. Eddie threw up devil horns and stuck his tongue out, earning a giggle from Cleo and other people in the cafeteria. Jason scoffed and Eddie placed his hands down with a smirk. He looked over to Cleo’s table for a second, looking at her giggling at what he did. She saw him look at her, her stomach getting butterflies. Who knew he had that effect on her?
“Okay… I see why you’re sketching him now” Robin teased a little. “Shut up!” Cleo said as she playfully hit her friend and smiled.
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After school, Cleo went out into her usual spot to sketch and relax in the woods. She told Robin she would meet her and Steve later at her house for movie night. There was a picnic table sitting in the middle of the woods and that’s where Cleo always was after school. She had her headphones on, listening to her mixtape on her Walkman and just sketching anything she sees. Little did she know that someone was walking up to her and before he could say anything, she scared herself as she looked up.
“Woah, woah, hey there. Didn’t mean to scare you” Eddie said in a friendly tone as Cleo was trying to catch your breath. “You okay?” she didn’t see it but he looked up and down at her slightly with the most gentle voice. “Yeah, yeah it’s just that you scared me half to death” she giggled as she paused her music and placed her headphones down to her shoulders.
“Can I sit with you?” he asked with kind eyes. “Yeah of course” she said softly, giving him a kind smile. “What are you doing here anyway?” she asked him as she watched him sit down. He was taking off his jean vest and leather jacket combination, showing off his cool Hellfire Club shirt. She couldn’t remain eye contact with him. He’s just too pretty and that only gave her butterflies.
“Just wanted to deal before my campaign tonight. Wait-“ he stopped, making her confused. “How do you know about this spot? I mean no one comes out here but me and the people I deal to” he asked her, a little grin to his face. “I just wandered into this place back in sophomore year, it’s been my relaxing spot for years now. But if you want this spot, you can have it” she teased at the end, making Eddie chuckle. “No it’s okay, I kinda don’t wanna stop running into you” he flirted, making her blush as she finally made eye contact with him. “Plus, I can find somewhere else so, it’s cool” he shrugged, a little playful smile appearing on his face.
“By the way, I’m a huuuggeee fan of your sketches and drawings” he added, looking down at her sketch that she made. “Really? You’ve seen them?” she was ecstatic on the inside but she showed him how happy she was on the outside. “Yeah! I’ve just been kinda scared to tell you” he admitted, her eyes smiling. “Really?” she asked him, still holding that kind demeanor. “Yeah, it’s been that way since middle school” he said, making Cleo raise an eyebrow. “Middle school?” she was confused about that, her head tilting like a confused puppy. He gasped, a fake gasp, as she said that.
He playfully stabbed himself in the heart, dramatically falling to the ground to catch her by surprise. “I wouldn’t remember me either, Cleo!” he said as he lifted himself off of the ground. She started giggling, watching the school freak act out dramatically in front of her. “Honestly. Do I stuff in my hair?” he grinned while taking the leaves out of his hair, making her giggle. He softly chuckled at her. “I’m sorry!” she giggled. “Seriously, you don’t remember me?” his arms were crossed, stepping a little bit towards her, a smile coming from his face.
She shook her head no.
But she tried to remember but she didn’t wanna back to that time.
“It was like, this art show you were doing in this section of the gym, which was pretty cool actually,” he said, keeping Cleo’s smile intact.
“And while you did that, I was with my band-“
“Corroded Coffin!” Cleo excitedly said to him. “Corro— Yes! You do remember!” he said excitedly as well, smiling at her. “Yeah oh my god, of course I remember! You guys were really good! I loved your cover of Immigrant Song” she said, her eyes lighting up at the memory. She did really like what they played back then, just song covers she enjoyed. “Ah so you like Zeppelin huh?“ he teased her with a smug grin on his face. “Of course! I listen to some rock and heavy metal in my spare time” she returned the same energy with a little flirtation. “But ugh! How could I forget with a name like that?” she said with a smile, looking up at him. “I dunno, you’re a freak” he teased her, blushing from that comment.
“But you looked so different” she said, titling her hand. “Well yeah my hair was buzzed and I didn’t have these sweet ol’ tatties yet” he pulled down his shirt a little bit, showing a little bit of his tattoo on his chest and on his arms. She was a bit curious to know what other tattoos he has hidden. “And you played guitar, right?” she asked him. “Still do, still do” he answered, looking over at her with a tiny grin. “You should come see us, we play at The Hideout on Tuesdays” he suggested, her smile coming back. “It’s pretty cool.. we actually get a crowd of about five.. drunks” he joked, Cleo softly chuckled. “Might have to take your word on that. Maybe you’ll have six people, sadly not drunk” she teased, making Eddie laugh and causing her to laugh as well.
“You know… you’re not what I thought you’d be” she added, still blushing. “Mean and scary?” teasing her as he was covering half of his face with his hair. “Yeah” she giggled, watching him. “I thought you’d be mean and scary too” he confessed, walking over back to sit with her. “Me? Mean and scary?” she asked with a raised eyebrow, making him chuckle. “Yeah, I mean you’re very popular at school. Thought you’d be like most popular girls” he said. “No, in all actuality I hate being popular. Everyone wants me to sit with them or draw them something. Even the jocks and basketball players ask me out and they’re just obnoxious” she rolled her eyes at the end. “But you’re not so bad” she continued, teasing him a bit. “Yeah? Am I doing a good job?” he playfully said, making Cleo laugh. He laughed at her, but took a second to admire her.
The sun was setting and you needed to head home and prepare for the championship game. “Shit, it’s getting late” Cleo closed her sketchbook and put it away in her bag. “What’s got you in a rush?” he teased her. She giggled, “I gotta get ready for the championship game tonight. I wanna support my brother you know?” she said to him. “Yeah but also I don’t get it, i’m an only child” he playfully smiled. “Oh and I wanted to ask you if you wanted to sub in for your brother for Hellfire” he said. “I’m sorry, but i’d love to one day” she smiled while getting up.
“It was really nice talking to you, Eddie” she said smiling, making him smile as well. “You as well, m’lady” he bowed while sitting, making her giggle. As she was walking away, he got up, jogging towards her. “Hey wait up!” she heard him call after her. She turned around to find Eddie walking towards her. “W-Would you wanna go out with me sometime this weekend?” he asked as his arms were folded together. A million things went through her mind, the guy she has been sketching is asking her out. How could she say no to that?
“Yeah! I’d love to!” happily accepting his question, making him smile wider.
“Great, uh how about Saturday at six? Is that good for you?”
His arms behind his back and swinging from side to side a little. He was slightly nervous and she thought about how cute that was. “You know tomorrow is Saturday, right?” she teased him. “Yeah of course, I totally knew that” he shrugged, Cleo giggled at the adorable freak. “Yeah, that’s perfect” she continued, smiling at him and gaining butterflies in her stomach.
“Great, then i’ll see you Satu- tomorrow… i’ll see you tomorrow”
“Tomorrow it is” catching her bottom lip in between her teeth as she started walking away. Now she wished that tomorrow could come faster so she can see him again.
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“Alright we have Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Breakfast Club- wait who put that in the pile?” Robin and Cleo snickered as they watched Steve looked through the pile of movies you had. “Oh no..” Steve sighed, looking over at Cleo.
“Why is Grease in the pile?”
“Maybe because I wanted us to watch it?”
“But we all agreed on horror night, did we not?”
“Robin-“ Steve and Cleo in unison turned to look at their friend who was just mindlessly eating a snack. “Look, I don’t fully remember what we agreed on but, i’m okay with watching Grease for the millionth time” Steve sighed as Cleo squealed, hugging her best friend. “Alright but just for tonight when we get back from the game” Cleo squealed again, Steve letting out a breathy chuckle.
Steve drove them all to the game, blasting music and singing their hearts out. Robin sat in the passenger seat in her marching band uniform and Cleo was in the back seat, wearing her green Hawkins Tigers mascot sweatshirt and a black skirt.
As Steve pulled into the parking lot, the school sprit was live. Seeing parents and other students in their school colors was exciting to see. He found a parking spot and turned down the volume of the music. “Alright, you ladies have everything?” he asked the both of them. “I’m assuming so, Harrington” Cleo gave a snarky comment, making Robin snort into laughter. “Haha very fun, Leo” he rolled his eyes as he unlocked the car doors.
The three of you walked inside, walking to the gym. “Hey I gotta use the bathroom really quick” Cleo told her friends only for them to nod and continue walking.
She walked to the bathroom but before she walked in, she heard someone humming down the hall. She walked down to see what it was as she turned the corner, only for her face to light up with a smile. “Just couldn’t wait till tomorrow to see me, Munson?” she teased, leaning against the wall. “Well yeah I had to see you again somehow” he flirted back, a teasing grin on his face. His eyes looked up at her again like earlier, but actually admiring how beautiful she was. “Shouldn’t you be at the game?” he crossed his arms, looking down at her. “Shouldn’t you be at your campaign?” she raised an eyebrow, trying not to smile. “I’m waiting for our sub, so I decided to step out the room for a bit” he explained. “Well I just stopped to use the bathroom before I head to the gym” she broke into a chuckle, making him smile.
“Well go on, I don’t wanna keep you here any longer. But you are mine for tomorrow night, Sinclair”
His for a tomorrow night? Oh Cleo was absolutely exploding with thoughts when he said that. She couldn’t wait to be actually his and not just for tomorrow night.
“Y-Yeah, i’ll see you tomorrow night” now she was stuttering in front of him, which he found really cute. She turned around, facing away from him. But before she could actually get away from him, she heard him speak. “You look really good by the way” said with confidence, knowing that he had a little grin on his face. She turned around, smiling at him. “You don’t look too bad yourself, Munson” she said before she walked back down towards the bathroom, not realizing that he was watching her walk away.
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“Don’t tell me what I think you were doing in the bathroom, Leo” Steve teased her as she were passing through people in the bleachers. “Shut up Harrington” she playfully hit his chest, earning a chuckle from Steve. The two of them calmed down as a woman made it to the front of the “stage”. “Look” Cleo bumped her best friend’s shoulder, gaining his attention. He looked over to see what she was looking at. “Look at the way she’s looking at her” she whispered, smiling at her other best friend. Cleo was very supportive of Robin and her sexuality, with Steve also accepting her. A special guest came to sing the national anthem… which didn’t sound good. The three friends exchanged glances at each other, trying not to burst out into laughter.
“God, she sounds so terrible” Cleo whispered to Steve, making him quietly chuckle.
“Now that I can agree on”
Before they knew it, the game started. Cleo watched her team, cheering for them and being super engaged.
By the second half of the game, Lucas finally joined in. The Tigers were behind on points, with the other team a little ahead of them. Cleo watched intensely at her brother, shouting his name for confidence.
“He’s got this, Leo. Don’t worry” Steve saw how she was, super nervous about her team losing. But it was more about her brother wanting that dream of fitting in, winning that championship game. And it was time that Lucas shot a three pointer, the ball moving in slow motion to her. But by luck and shouting, they won. She couldn’t be more happier for her little brother. Cleo hugged onto Steve tightly as they cheered together, along with Robin as they all looked at each other.
As the trio walked out of the school with the other people, Cleo spotted Lucas. She jogged over to him and hugged him tightly, smothering him. “Alright! Enough, Leo!” Lucas playfully whined but of course he hugged back. “I’m just proud of you” she smiled at him, causing him to smile back. Steve and Robin caught up to them, congratulating their friend.
“Well go out and celebrate, i’ll see you tomorrow?” she knew the boys wanted Lucas to go with them somewhere to party and drink. “Yeah, i’ll see you tomorrow” he replied back before slowly walking backwards to one of his teammates. The three of them waved goodbye as he did and continued to walk to Steve’s car.
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The three of them got back to the Sinclair house to start their movie night. Cleo made the popcorn as Steve set up the movie. Robin was changing out of her marching band clothes into regular clothes.
“Hey” Steve approached his best friend, earning a smile from him. “What’s up, Harrington?“ she was cleaning up the counter while giving him a little smile. “Nothing it’s just that.. Robin told me you’ve been sketching someone” he leaned against the counter, crossing his arms as he grinned at her.
“Damnit Robin, alright yeah i’ve been sketching someone. So what?”
“Whenever you sketch someone, it means you have a crush on them”
“W-What? No-“
“Oh come on! Fifth grade with Dave Johnson. You had a serious crush on this guy!”
“No I didn’t!”
“Yeah you did, you came to me and just went on and on about him. You even showed me your sketch of him”
She rolled her eyes, actually got annoyed when he was telling the truth. “You know you can tell me” and she can, but she’s scared of how she’ll react that it’s-
“Eddie Munson”
“Eddie Munson? As in Eddie “The Freak” Munson?”
She nodded slowly, looking down at the floor. Robin came in, seeing you two.
“Was this a bad time or-“
“She has a serious crush on Eddie “The Freak” Munson!” Steve pointed at Cleo, Robin gasping. “Oh my god is that why you’ve been drawing him?!” She said excitedly, making Cleo playfully groan. “Okay, yes! I do I have a serious crush on him. It’s so serious that I may have a date with him tomorrow night…” she held he arms behind your back as he swung from side to side, looking down at the floor again.
“Wait what- when did he ask you?” Steve asked her. “Today when I was at my usual spot after school” the microwave had gone off, singling that the popcorn was done. “Holy shit Leo!” Robin squealed in excitement for her. Cleo turned back around to see Steve’s face, making her sigh. “Steve come on! I know you’re very protective over me when it comes to guys but,” she said while opening the bag of popcorn and getting a bowl. “This one’s different. He’s so sweet, he’s not what you’d expect” she poured out the popcorn while looking at Steve. “You gotta trust her on this one Steve” Robin interject, making Steve look at her. He sighed and dropped his arms, looking at Cleo.
“If he hurts you-“
Before he could finish, Cleo squealed and ran into his arms, hugging him.
“He won’t hurt me, I promise” she reassured him as she pulled away from him.
“But if he does-“
“I’ll come to you”
Steve gave her a small smile, pulling her back into a hug.
Steve and Cleo had been best friends since elementary. Of course back then she was making drawings, but poorly made ones. She got teased about it, plus about the color of her skin. Being bullied left and right was hell for her, making her cry every night to her parents. But when Steve entered the picture? It was amazing. He stood up for her, telling bullies to back off. And he was so sweet and gentle with her. Steve being Steve of course teased her about her drawings but in a playful funny way. He was basically an older brother to her, the best older brother she could ask for. They were there for each other through their worst and best moments, when relationships fell apart, when relationships started, when Steve was being an asshole to Jonathan (which she constantly wanted to beat him up for) and when he became the best babysitters for amazing kids. Just through all of it, they were both their for each other.
When Robin entered the picture, it became even better. They briefly talked one time in freshman year of science class but never like this. Working at Scoops Ahoy made everything better, even if that meant introducing her to the craziness in Hawkins. And since then, the three of them became super close, having each other’s back through everything.
“Are you guys gonna keep hugging without me?” Robin teased, making the other two laugh. Cleo held out her arm, allowing her friend to join in. “You know i’m really protective over you guys right?” Steve said in the hug, making the girls groan and sigh. “You just had to ruin it huh, Harrington?” Cleo playfully rolled her eyes as she took the popcorn and left the kitchen. “Honestly” Robin scoffed, leaving the kitchen as well. Steve watched both of them leaving, his jaw slightly opened.
“W-Well are you guys gonna answer the question?”
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chubsjiminiie · 6 years
Bʀᴇᴀᴋ Mʏ Hᴇᴀʀᴛ 🌙 pt 11
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~тaeнyυng х reader~ yoongι х reader ~ ~ Something
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a/n: this is personally one of my favorite writings ive done... 
requests are open
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Your phone vibrates and dings from your bedside table, you turn to look at it and question if you REALLY want to check it. Who in their right mind texts you during your special time of binge watching (insert fave show here). Another ding interrupts a punchline that you couldn’t catch because you were too distracted to pay attention. Grunting you roll towards the bedside table and check who was being a little devil tonight.
“Oh,” you say out loud and smile.
It was from the boys group chat without Taehyung, they were announcing that they changed the gc name to TaeY/n. Ever since you confessed the truth they wanted to nonstop try and “accidentally” make you and Tae to hang out together. Jungkook even suggested you to come over and help him “cook” but in reality you’d be hiding out together awaiting Tae’s arrival from work or class.
*You guys are so dumb. But I love you all.* you texted back.
*Incoming facetime call from.. Yoongi Oppa😎*
“Y/n!!!!!!!!!” you hear a smol bean, Jimin yell from the phone.
“Hi Chimmy!” a smile appears on your face.
“Hey babe,” Yoongi pops his head next to Jimin’s.
“Oh my min kitty... I knew you wouldn’t let Chimmy use your phone just to call me.”
“ACTUALLY, you won’t believe when I tell you this but-” Jimin says.
“Friday. our place. party. be here.” Yoongi says cutting off Jimin’s long response.
“Hyung, you said I could invite her,”
“Jimin you were taking years.”
“Fine hmph.”
“Is Taehyung invited?” you say nervously.
“Well, we were going to ask invite him next.”
“Oh.. I don’t know guys. I haven’t seen him in like days and we have some of the same classes.”
“He’s just being dumb, Y/n. You should come and confront him or just talk to him.”
“Jimin, I doubt he’ll even come close to me.”
“Please babe. I need you here. Last party I almost made a huge mistake.”
“Oh? And you never told me!?”
“I will if you come...”
“Alright, I might make an appearance.”
“Ew I hated that response, but yay because we get to spend time with you.”
And just like that the conversation died and you laid in your bed. Mind racing and a million thoughts running through your head you look up to your ceiling. Has all this even been worth it? He seems further from your reach than before; before you had him at an arm's length away at all times. If he wasn’t physically there he could be in a matter of minutes because he’d never hesitate to come over if you texted him “I need you.” At times it confused you, if you’re just best friends, why is he so willing to drop anyone or anything to come running straight to you? But then you think back at all the times you’ve asked him this very question and he just replies with a simple, “Because nothing’s more important than your happiness.” Thinking about him felt like running around on track, constantly going in circles, never having an end to your emotions. Loving him felt so right though, it felt like a perfect fit, the perfect man, the perfect feeling.
There were times when he’d just talk and talk and you would stare at his face memorizing every single feature and how his face moves when he speaks. How his mouth stretches into a boxy smile every time he thought he was being funny. How his eyes would wrinkle at the corners as the apples of his cheeks rose up to his eyes. How a nice light shade of pink was permanently on his cheeks and a cute little freckle on the tip of his nose. If you were both really upset, he’d sing. In those moments you’d embrace him in a nice long hug as you laid down on either your bed or his, and listen to his beautiful voice. You’d always tell him he could become famous with a voice like his but he’d just shake his head and say he doesn’t want that. If he becomes famous, he wants it to be because he was able to show others how he sees the world; all the beautiful but also all the ugly.
You felt so over dramatic thinking about these moments as if they weren’t just a couple months ago. You hadn’t properly talked in two weeks, yet it feels like years. You had gotten attached (something you always wished wouldn’t happen because you knew he was out of reach) romantically.
Turning on your side you remember a conversation you had last year at the beginning of the school year. Out of curiosity, you asked him what he’s planning to do about dating and girls - to see if you had a chance. He said he didn’t want a relationship, not now at least, he wanted to have fun and mess around. He said he tried the relationship thing and it didn’t work out well because he felt unhappy. You tried telling him it was only because he never cared for this girl and she didn’t care about him. But he disagreed, he said he rather mess around and not have any feelings for a girl in that way and not have anyone feel that way for him. You tried to understand what he was saying but you just couldn’t. A little hurt you try to make light of the situation and say that he’ll have a lot of girls feeling that way. He laughed and said “I hope not.”
Finally your mind has let you drift off into a deep sleep, allowing you to have a moment without Taehyung always on your mind.
*Fast forward*
The week has finally come to an end and the weekend has begun. Your first plan for the weekend is to attend Yoongi and Jimin’s party; which in all honesty doesn’t sound like fun. After skipping out on last week’s, the boys really tried to push you to come so you could stop moping about Taehyung but it didn’t make sense to you. He’d be there so your mind would very clearly wander to think of him and constantly watching him. However, here you are getting ready and texting the TaeY/n group chat what should you wear.
Jimin asked you to come earlier because he wanted help to set up because Yoongi refused to even help set up. His excuse was that he had to charge for at least 2 hours before being used. On your way to their place you notice a car just like Taehyung’s driving behind you, at a red light you look at the rearview mirror to see a better glimpse of the car. Instead you see a blank expression faced Tae sitting behind the wheel staring hard at the light above. You giggle for second until it hits you, you’re turning into Jimin and Yoongi’s neighborhood.
“Oh god no.” You shake your head and put your head down knowing this is all the guys meddling into your life.
Suddenly, a loud beep scares you and you look up, the light had turned green and Tae had honked for you to stop being a dumbass and go. You pull up to the place and park, right behind you is Taehyung and you see that not until now has he realized it’s you. He waits for you to shut off your car first and get out first so you don’t have an awkward encounter at the door or even just outside where you both had parked. You act as if you had no idea and make your way up the door steps and knock on the door. Not even a second later Jimin opens the door with a huge smile on his face, he pulls you into a hug and grabs a hold of your hand pulling you. You look around at what Jimin had done to get the place ready, and you notice their living room had the coffee table filled with blacklights and blacklight reactive paint.
He sees you scanning everywhere and he speaks up, “This is probably the one and only time hyung will agree to a party here, so why not go all out and have the best one of the year.”
“I like your thinking Jiminie.” You hear a deep raspy voice from behind you.
“That’s why I’m the greatest!” He walks up to the voice, “Welcome Taehyung.”
“So, you just need me to set up the lights or like make the jungle juice?” you awkwardly say as you look up to Jimin with wide eyes.
He smiles evilly, “Actually, if I’m not wrong, you and Tae make the best jungle juice so if this is going to be the best party of the year, we need to have the best of everything.”
“Alright,” Tae agrees.
Without another word the both of you make your way to the kitchen and you look back at Jimin, all he does and give you two thumbs up and mouths “I love you”. In the kitchen, you start to look around for the regular drinks you use to make the jungle juice Jimin speaks of.
“How strong do you think we should make it?” Tae speaks up.
“Uh.. I don’t know. How big of a mess is too big for them?”
you try to be as nonchalant as possible.
“So extra strong!”
You grab the big bottle of lemonade and a fruit punch bottle to pour in the bowl; Tae grabs a Vodka bottle and a tequila bottle. Deciding extra strong Tae grabs one more vodka bottle and asks you to pour another fruit punch into the mix to mask the alcohol taste.
“So how have you been? Haven’t seen much of you these last two weeks.” You say as you finish.
“I’ve been pretty busy honestly. But I’ve been good. And you?”
“Pretty boring. I’ve spent most of my time here or at our parents house, you know Namjin.”
“Oh. I figured you were having fun since I’ve seen you go out with Yoongi like every single day.”
“Nope. We’ve only gone out like 3 days in a row. I only spend so much time here because Jimin enjoys (show here) as much I do. I tried asking you to come but you kept saying you couldn’t.”
“Mm. Yeah actually, I was with someone most nights you asked...”
“Oh? Do I know this someone?”
“Doubt it. I met her at the party we had at my place. 2 weeks ago.”
“Mm that’s cool.”
“Well I’m going to try and disconnect Yoongi from the charger to see if he’s ready to pregame with me.”
“Uh oh o-okay”
You walk away and turn to go up to Yoongi’s room, Jimin sees you walking out without a smile on your face as he expected you to be. He decided against asking what happened to try and avoid Tae from listening in. As you reach the door to Yoongi’s room, there’s a quiet melody playing on the other side, he’s probably still asleep you think. You knock softly in order to not disturb him.
“Come in”
“Hi Kitty oppa. You should’ve warned me he’d be here so I could’ve come straight up here and charged with you.” You sit next to him at the edge of his bed.
“It was all Jimin’s and the other’s idea. I was too lazy to disagree or give warnings. Sorry babe.” He sits up and kisses your forehead.
“You know, he told me that he’s been with the same girl for two weeks. That’s a new record. His last record was 5 hours, and that’s only because he really wanted to try fucking her with different ties on to see if it changed how it felt.”
“This is the man you want to be your boyfriend? Geez babe. He’s a little cooky don’t you think?”
“Oh for sure! But it’s what makes me be into him even more.”
“Oh little one, how cute and innocent. I’m going to engulf you into cuddles and my love to cheer you up now.” And with that he hugs you tightly and pulls you into his chest.
His arms are tightly wrapped around your body and he’s pulling you up to lay correctly next to him on the bed. You’re facing each other and your faces are so close you can feel his breathing on your forehead.
Out of nowhere you feel his warm lips on the tip of your nose and he softly whispers, “I know he’s technically your bestest friend out of all of us, but I think I’m stealing his position. Also please don’t fall for me because I can’t hurt you like that. I’m letting you know right now, I have feelings for someone else.”
You pull away, “Ew gross Yoongi! Feelings?! But you don’t have to worry kitty. If I could I’d fall for you but I just don’t feel it in me.”
“Good. I love you, but very platonically. You’re like the other half of me, but like very very platonically.”
“Ugh I get it. I’M JUST A FRIEND!”
“The bestest though.” again his lips kiss your nose. “He’s so dumb you know. He really thinks he can lie like that and say he’s been with some girl when Jungkook clearly told us he’s been binge watching disney princess movies all week.”
“Are you serious?”
“Mhmm. He’s been blasting the soundtracks and referencing them as much as he can.”
“Kitty, I don’t want to drink too much today. So lets pregame and get buzzed.”
“Okay babe whatever my little y/n wants.”
You both get up out of bed and you make your way through the door letting him know you’ll be downstairs so he can change.
As soon as you reach the first floor the door swings open and your other four best friends walk right in and make their presence known. They all huddle around you and give you a warm hug. You giggle and greet each of them.
Now that they’re here the party is about to begin and in a matter of minutes the hundreds of college students that have become all too familiar will fill up their house. Yoongi makes his way down and the boys greet him with a smile and start to ask him to pregame before anyone arrives.
“Come on Y/n!” He says as he grabs your hand leading you to the kitchen.
From a distance you see Tae staring at you with yet another blank expression but all you do is turn to look at him with a smile. You take a couple shots of the leftover tequila and pour yourself a cup of jungle juice. Tae walks in and does the same but chugs the jungle juice in one go, the guys and you look at him in shock.
“What? Jimin said it had to be the best so I’m going to get really fucked up tonight.”
“Well if you are, you’re either staying here or I’m driving you home.” Hoseok said taking a sip of his water, “I’ve been made dd tonight so give me your car keys.”
You couldn’t help but look at him, he was so beautiful. His cocky attitude was so present though, you knew he wanted to get on your nerves and bother you tonight. For two weeks he had managed to avoid you as much as possible, ignore most of your texts and calls, miss classes you both shared, not come to group hangouts when you were there. After Yoongi told you he hadn’t really been busy, you couldn’t help but feel even more hurt. A piece of you though took it as a sign he was extremely jealous and mad at you for spending so much time with another guy that wasn’t him, but also a guy he’s seen you do non-friendly actions with.
On the other side we have Taehyung and his messy, messy, thoughts. From the moment he realized you were driving in front of him his body stiffened and he couldn’t help but feel a little scared. He knew he had been dumb and avoiding you, his best friend, for way too long but he couldn’t help it. Every time he’d look at you, or think about you, or see your name anywhere, memories of your lips against Yoongi’s would fill his mind. It confused the hell out of him because it wasn’t like it was just a flashback, it came with emotions he hadn’t had for another girl before. Feelings he didn’t want, not right now. Feelings he felt weren’t right. The first night he saw you guys kiss he walked away and felt a sharp pain against his chest and his head began to spin. From that night he couldn’t let it go, even when you’d say it meant nothing, he didn’t want you hooking up with someone he knew so well.
Every night he laid in bed watching your favorite movies, eating your favorite snacks, while wearing your favorite hoodie of his. He missed you so badly but refused to talk to you or see you. He tried everything to get over his little moping session but he couldn’t. He was lost and confused. He never imagined he could feel his heart beat for another person, and have that person be you. He knew he was jealous, he knew that he was falling for you, he knew you meant a lot to him but he didn’t want to accept it. It wasn’t new either. From the moment he had become your best friend he knew he fell for you; dropping whatever he was doing to come to you.
He didn’t lie when he said your happiness was more important than anything else. But it was a little too late to admit his feelings for you; he had become the biggest dick and fuckboy around campus. He didn’t want you to be with a guy like him, not ever; you deserved so much better he thought. Standing in that kitchen watching you laugh with Yoongi hurt him more than he liked to admit so he began to drink. As the party started up and most of the people arrived he kept drinking, and kept his eyes on you.
You had been watching him the entire night take shot after shot, drinking more than usual. Since you’re pretty sober you decide maybe you should go up and talk to him and try your best to act as if nothing has happened, once again. Before you make your way to Taehyung you feel someone tap your shoulder.
Turning to see who it could be you see a smiling Hobi and leans down to your ear, “I’ve been watching him too. Let’s go together so you don’t feel overwhelmed.”
You smile up at him and agree, “Thank you Hobi oppa.”
When you reach him he smiles at the both of you and loudly says, “Heyyy!”
“You’re so drunk Taehyung-ah” Hobi giggles.
“I feel great tho! Look at how everyone’s shirts are lighting up,” he points to the people.
“How much have you drank?” you ask.
“I don’t know I lost count after my fourth shot,” he shrugged and leaned against the wall behind him.
The other guys must have noticed the three of you talking because they all came to join you. They began to talk about school and how frustrating studying for midterms had become. Even though there was loud house music playing and hundreds of drunk college kids all around, you guys seemed to be in your element. Joking around and just talking like the usual hangout, only with paint all over your faces. You hadn’t noticed but Taehyung was staring at you for most of the conversation, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. He felt so happy being able to see your face again, all its beauty, feeling his heartbeat began to slow down despite all the alcohol in his system. You seemed to have that effect on him, being around you calmed him down, always.
It could’ve been the alcohol in his bloodstream affecting his reactions and judgement or the fact that he just wanted to hold you; but he walked up to you and lent down to whisper in your ear.
“I’m really in the mood to dance. Wanna join me?” he stands straight again awaiting your response.
You look up at him in shock, “Uh- uh s-sure.”
He smiles and reaches for your hand intertwining your fingers, leading you to the makeshift dance floor in the living room. You turn around to see the reactions of your best friends and they all have the same cute dumb smile planted on their faces. Yoongi is even cheering but you can’t hear it because of the music.
On the dance floor Tae awkwardly waits for you to move first to see how close he’s allowed to get. At first you’re both facing each other and just sort of moving to the music but it felt weird. You begin to laugh and he does too.
“This is so weird right? It’s like we don’t even know each other,” he screams over the music.
“I know, we’re being too awkward. You don’t mind if I take the lead?”
“No I was hoping you would. I don’t want to do anything you aren’t okay with.”
Such a gentleman you thought. You turn around and press your back into his chest, and he slowly wraps his arms around your waist speaking into your ear to see if that’s okay. You just nod and allow your body to feel the music. He begins to move along with you trying his best to not be how he usually is with girls and let you control anything that happens. Having him so close felt so great, it felt like maybe things would change now. Your mind finally calmed down and nothing really mattered in that moment. Sure what you were doing wasn’t that romantic but being in his arms was all you wanted in the last two weeks.
Having you on him moving along to the music he couldn’t help but to smile so big. He was happy, he had the girl he couldn’t stop thinking about around his arms. Maybe he was overreacting, maybe this could work. This could be something, he could change his dickhead ways to be with her. He wasn’t really that bad to begin with, always respectful to women; he just slept around and didn’t care about the consequences.
He felt your small hands come on top of his and you intertwine your fingers together, you get as close as possible to him having your ass press against his waist. Your head began to run wild with crazy ideas; you just wanted to turn around and kiss him. You fought yourself over it, he’s too drunk to remember it; he could also get mad because he’d think this is your new thing. Dance with any guy and kiss them as it started to get steamier.
The way you pressed on him drove him wild. His head leaned back and his grip on you slightly loosened as he wasn’t expecting you to be so close to his little friend. You kept grinding against him, the grinding becoming more intense than he ever imagined it getting. His hips began to move at same force and speed as you.
He pulls your hair to the side, “I really missed you, y/n.” he pulled back for a second until he realized you might take it the wrong way.
You turned around while his arms were still around you and you lifted your arms up to his neck, “I missed you too, Tae. Never ignore me like that again.” you pouted.
“Never again princess. I was being stupid. Forgive me?”
“Only on one condition.”
“Anything, for you.”
“Kiss me.” you say standing up on your tippy toes getting closer.
“Seriously?” he says shocked.
You just nod and close your eyes, preparing for his lips to connect with yours. The first second he didn’t kiss you, you thought he was rejecting you or he thought you were playing around. But as you were about to open your eyes his lips touch yours in the softest way possible.
He pulled away and looked at you, “I always imagined your lips to feel like pillows but now I know they’re even better than that. Can I kiss you again?”
“Please do.”
This time the kiss was a lot deeper, much more passionate. He didn’t want to stop kissing you. He wanted to hold you in this position, if it was possible, forever. You pull away and look up at him. Without thinking it through you step away from him and grab his hand. You lead him up the stairs into one of the guy’s room.
Once you’ve entered he sits down on the bed on Jimin’s room and looks at you a little confused.
“I didn’t bring you hear to, ya know, do it,” you smile and sit next to him, “I just want to talk.”
“I didn’t think you did.”
“Are you still pretty drunk?” you lean back and lay on the bed.
He follows your same actions, “No you grinding on me really sobered me up. I thought I was hallucinating for a second.”
You turn your head, “You’re so cute. Stop.”
“I’m being serious. Those kisses though…” he brought his hands up to his heart and acted as if he had be shot by cupid.
“I hate you,” you playfully push him off the bed.
“Out of, uh, you know, curiosity… Is that like a common thing you do? Kiss guys?”
“I had a feeling you would ask that… but no its not.”
“But you and hyung have-”
“That didn’t mean anything to either of us. It was all the drinking. I’m pretty much sober today, so our kiss wasn’t a mistake.”
Silence falls between the two of you, until he speaks up.
“Are you saying it meant something?”  
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yarrowtincture · 6 years
My pain has been nonstop and evershifting
A week ago i injured my left leg and i tried not to favor my right leg when walking bc i Know that's bad but i also didnt have my cane
So ofc my right hip, which always gives me trouble bc my hips are not aligned as it is, starts hurting a lot on friday. I can barely do anything but lay down. My leg was still hurting
My leg pain is mostly gone, my right hip no longer bothering me, n suddenly last night my left hip and the left side of my rib muscle meat is in extreme pain. I took pain killers n the pain was only worse ??? Thx. I slept on and off from like 8pm to 9am in pain pain pain.
Woke up and.... I feel ok!! About a 2 on the scale
I hope theres NO more mysterious pain ahead of me for at least a couple days, bc physically suffering and having to walk to and from my moms and dads and quins and work SUX !!!!
While im complaining ig ill throw in that ive been saving for a car for 2 and a half months and since our power is turned off, and will be for the next 2 weeks, im gonna throw all my savings into helping my parents get it back on. I dont understand how my parents make 18/hr minimum full time, i pay rent, and yet we still cant pay our bills
I wish there was some rich person out there who pitied me enough to buy me a car bc it feels like no matter what i do i end up broke and poor af
Anyone want me 2 be their sugar baby lmao
Thx for listening to me vent tumblr
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breakdown message/running journal
first and foremost i cannot believe I wasted time getting my nails done to not even get to see them on a dick this is what I get for going with something cool again
part of me feels just absolutely stupid. like i have no idea what's going on or what anything means because i am just so used to being manipulated or lied to or choked out in bathrooms. i want to believe u are a genuinely nice person like you seem but part of me feels like you are just really good at hiding that you're just an emotionally dead fuckboy.
but like would i recognize those traits if i were not also an emotionally dead fuckboy probably not.
which is exactly why this week has been so awful.
had this been a week ago i was ready to have the "hey i havent felt any real human emotion in years but if you want me to i can try but like ur dick bomb so i can swing whatever" conversation. deadass i was at times like if he really a fuckboy i guess i can finally get a threesome out of it. (in the interest of funny things I would message u about but wont because i can't tell if you give a shit or not i was so far done caring for alias i suggested he message felecia for a threesome. completely seriously.)
however on wednesday, my anxiety was at an all time high for no reason. and it just kept getting worse all night. and all i wanted was to talk to you. i didnt care if all you did was bitch i just wanted like a ten minute phone call with you because i missed you and talking to you would have made me happy. then on my way home i had to pass a very freshly killed deer which, while interesting to my inner freak because it was like split in half and dragged, all i could think about was that your dumb ass text and snaps all the fucking time while you're driving and that technically speaking you could just hit a deer at like 70 and die and that's it you never get to talk to Dillon again and i lost it i had to pull over to cry. this was partly because i was so high but also mostly because it has been so long since i have cared about the person i was fucking and i am terrified to get genuinely attached to another person like that again. but whatever i thought I could just deal with that later.
then of course the next day was Summers wedding. and yes it was cute and im very happy for them and love is beautiful but like, first off it was weird because i am literally getting a divorce that i could not be happier to finally be getting, but also i am kind of jealous of their relationship, and then when u hit me this week with the "never once contemplated marriage", Dillon i had never been more attracted to you than at that moment. and again all i wanted was to talk to you but you were barely responding so i just volunteered to work all night to get my mind off everything even though it was one of my nights off and i already felt miserable. Then the more i thought about it all night, u bitching about being hungover, i realized that u didnt send me a single drunk text and like.. cant relate! i want to talk to you literally all the time but especially when im drunk and miss you and havent talked to you all day!
friday morning i had mail from the court that the judge on my divorce case put in a removal for dismissal. on my way to the courthouse guess who was behind me! alias! guess who had a panic attack because shes so fucking scared of this actual pussy! me! guess who has to get her paperwork in by the 20th or she has to pay 250 fucking more dollars to the state to file again! me! and of course multiple people have told me that they dont think alias and felecia are doing well and im fucking terrified. i thought theyd at least last a year and buy me some time to heal but nah fuck me. i love feeling absolutely terrified everywhere i go.
i think its probably important you get the whole story. it really explains why im a freak and also why i was temporarily drinking almost every night. but like its really something you sit down and discuss not casually send over a message so a very short version is i knew alias would be abusive within the first week, broke up, got back together when he got back from basic and went to mos school, i knew i was making a mistake because i was crazy about him but i knew he was a piece of shit, cheated on him to convince myself to leave him, never told him and stayed instead, found him sending and receiving nudes and sexting with girls from gone wild on reddit, shit was absolutely awful and we fought non stop for years, he gets out of the marines we move back and he finally admits to me that he thought he wanted kids which i had known he did for a while so wasnt a shock, I smoked half a pack of camels and i was over it. didnt love him at all. didnt leave because he begged me to stay because "he didnt he just needed to discuss wanting kids", then after i specifically warned him i was going to be emotionally distant, he started getting crazy. he was so miserable all the time and reflected it by acting angry around me intentionally. then it was the busting in to my room at random times to accuse me of not loving him and like i wasnt going to admit to the psycho that i was just with him because i couldn't leave kira with him and yes i was def lying about loving him, and then one night he just flipped and was screaming at my accusing me of cheating on him (not that i even had the time to with how closely he monitored where i was and how long for), and then he choked me. he had both hands around my neck and was pushing so hard he basically threw me into the bathroom wall. then after he realized what he was doing he smashed his head into the bathroom mirror and came into my room begging me to kill him. every night after that i was terrified to stay and terrified to leave and terrified to do anything at all. i really thought killing myself would be how id finally get out. then the night with the police happened and now im staying with my mom and stepdad because i literally do not feel safe anywhere else.
or at least i didn't until i was able to sleep all night with you. i did not think i would ever feel safe sleeping with a guy again and now i miss waking up next to you.
there is so much about you that freaks me out but literally not one red flag and that also freaks me out. i know im a mess. you have a nice normal stable life and im sure you dont want a messy trauma bitch all up in it. but fuck Dillon, if you dont want to see me why the fuck are we always talking
like i know i have done everything possible to get you to keep your distance and all i know how to do is self sabotage but like i can't anymore. i am not capable of acting chill again for another whole fucking month and then imagine you hooking up with way hotter girls and cry every fucking night because i caught feelings for the fuckboy. i miss you, literally, all the time. i check my phone every morning just to see if i have a message from you. i think about you every night. and yes the way you fuck me is literally the best sex ive ever had but i am beyond dick crazy about you. i love just being around you. i could listen to you talk for hours, just nonstop. i am already daydreaming about dates we could go on next summer. and i want to tell you all this but i feel so stupid for feeling anything at all for you when you make me feel like i just dont matter to you and im just an ego boost for you.
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