#ive been thinking this for a while so its just been like. backround noise in my brain
lemonsrlit · 3 months
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incognito-girl · 1 year
blurb inspo has arrived 🏃🏼‍♀️
ive been stuck with this one thing in my head and its alessia dating someone who’s still in college, and she comes home from training and could well use a cuddle but her gf needs to study so she’s just so whiny and tries to get her attention in many different ways
before training she would send you a message wishing you luck in whatever you were going to study or do that day. and throughout the day you update her one whatever you have done and since she cant go on her phone while at training so she had like LOADS of messages to read. so before she drives home to you she reads AND responds to every. single. one.
when she gets home the first thing she does is look for you and you are sitting at the kitchen table hair tied back and pjamams on. you have your laptop and books infront of you. when she sees you like this her heart almost bursts. her feet move before she can think and she comes over and sits next to you. the only attention she gets from you is a quick kiss and hug and you ask about her say before you get working. she just sits there looking at you with a small pout taking over her face.
you usher her away to shower after, about five minutes once her hands begin to shamelessly wander. she just groans at you and goes upstairs begrudgingly. once she is done in the shower she comes downstairs with a hairbrush and bobbins asking you to put it in plaits as she knows you love to do her hair for her. but this one time you refuse saying you need to study as finals were coming up very soon. she sighs and ties her hair back herself in a simple ponytail to keep it out of her face.
after another half an hour of her asking you silly questions or just telling you random stories so she could have your attention she begins to make the both of you dinner. this was something she loved to do with you. most nights the pair of you would dance in the kitchen while you both (alessia) cooked. but tonight she was shot down with a quick mumble of “ive to study.” she rolled her eyes at this, desperate for your attention. she puts on relaxing music in the background to not distract you (even if she so badly wanted your attention on her she wouldn’t want to ruin your study time by distracting you with something that wasn’t herself). at one point in the duration of her cooking you get up to get a drink and her arms slip around your waist as she sways the both of you to the soft music in the backround. she smile up at her and press a kiss to her lips before making your way back over to the table.
when she is done cooking she serves it up to you. you say you will eat it while you study but she won’t let you do that even after you many protests so she PICKS YOU UP AND PLACES YOU ON THE COUNTER SO THE BOTH OF YOU CAN EAT TOGETHER. you both sit there talking and laughing- lessi is just happy to have your attention away from your books.
she expected you to be done studying after dinner now hoping that you would come and cuddle her but after you put your plate in the dishwasher you go back to the table. she makes a loud whine noise that makes you look at her slightly laughing. you ask her what’s wrong and she just goes “all ive wanted to do all day was cuddle you” AND SHE SAYS IT WITH HER BOTTOM LIP POUTING OUT AND HER EYEBROWS FURROWED. this would make you MELT seeing the girl so much taller than you be so soft. you jump out of your seat and into her arms. SHE PICKS YOU UP AND WRAPS YOUR LEGS AROUND HER WAIST. SHE THEN BRINGS YOU OVER TO THE COUCH AND LIES DOWN WITH YOU ON TOP OF HER. you sit up to straddle her and then she asks for you to tell her about whatever you were studying which you tell her with ease. she is just lying their thinking about how smart and perfect her girlfriend is. while drawing shapes onto your thighs.
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roseamongroses · 5 years
Antithesis: Dear Diary: why?
[Specific-Summary]:  They should expect growing pains. For not everything to feel right or make sense. That doesn't mean it'll always hurt, nor does it mean they can't have fun along the way. It's senior year. Everything may be different. It won't be senior year for long. Everything will be okay.
[General Warnings]: Implied Emotional Abuse, Implied Physical Abuse, Bad Parents are Bad Parents, Mild Sexual Content/jokes,Mentioned Homophobia, Mentions of underage drinking (backround), Some Catcalling,Cursing , Self Hate,implied pregnancy talk/inability to become pregnant, adults arguing where the “kid” can hear it, adults drinking, 
[Tags/mood:] highschool au,  fluff and angst but its all good, chat fic, teen stress, its flordia no snow we die like men [Pairing:] Roceit (Roman Sanders/ Deceit Sanders), hinted future/possible logince/roloceit/loceit [Characters]Roman Sanders/Deceit (Dmitri) Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Logan Sanders, Patton Sanders, Remy (Sleep) Sanders, Nate Sanders, Dragon Witch (Diana) Remus “The Duke” Sanders (minor/brief)
(Ao3) (Previously)
(8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
(16) (17)
(Note: Please check the general warnings and character list before continuing since some changes have been made and I don’t want to throw you off later on) 
Roman slung the scarf across his shoulders, “You think I should pack this?” he said, striking a pose, “You think it’s gonna be too hot for summer or?”
“You do look good in red...” Dmitri glanced up from his laptop, still typing, “And it’s better than your fifteen--separately bought-- white jeans.”
Roman flung a trench coat at his face. “Glass-fuckin houses babe, half your closet is black and boring--plus I like the white, ” he protested, “And don’t you think the red will be a bit too much with my hair?” he untucked his curls from underneath the scarf, smoothing the sides.
Dmitri laughed, “You’re the definition of a bit too much, Ro,” he said, “But if it means anything the reds been fading for a while now,”
“Wait really?” Roman picked up a hand mirror, angling it with a frown, “Dammit,” he said, “Virgil might still have some bleach left over, but I don’t want to kill my curl pattern like he did…”
“Then don’t redye it,” Dmitri shrugged, “You’ll look good regardless.”
Roman fluffed his hair, pouting in the mirror, “How good?”
Dmitri rolled his eyes, “Fishing early I see,” he said, pausing his typing to take a better look, “The red hair nice, but the brown will soften your features since there ’ll be less contrast.”
“I’dunno if I want to ‘soften my features though...It’d look cute, but...maybe if I cut my hair?” Roman tugged the scarf off, “.…people would take me more seriously.”
“Now why would you…” Dmitri paused, setting his laptop aside nodding, “Come over here, let me take a closer look.”
Roman eyed him warily.
“C’mon now, I’ve been dating you for what? A little over a year, Have a little faith,” Dmitri defended, “I’m not a snake tricking you into sinning,”
Roman crossed his arms, eyeing him up and down, “You’ve done it before--remember?”
“Oh that was fun and you know it, now c’ mere,” He offered a hand.
“It was,” Roman sighed, relenting and taking his hand. Dmitri tugged him to his knees, Roman making panicked noises as they bumped foreheads and he used Dmitri’s shoulders to steady himself, “Close enough?”
Dmitri tilted his head, “A bit closer.”
“Closer?” Roman’s lips barely brushed his.
“There we go--would you look at that,” Dmitri murmured, “A handsome prince if I’ve ever seen one…” Roman’s expression softened and Dmitri continued, “Whoever you’re trying to impress would be stupid not to take you seriously, especially with your anal work ethic--mmph,” Dmitri’s hands flew to Roman’s waist only slightly caught off guard as Roman closed the distance. The sloppy kiss eventually dissolved into Roman peppering Dmitri’s face between giggles.
“Either you’re rewarding me or you’re trying to distract...” Dmitri’s joke died off, eyes fluttering as Roman’s attention dipped lower, trailing his jaw, “Oh that’s...that’s nice…Your brother out?”
“Mhm,” Roman hummed contemplatively, before pulling back a bit, “ Yeah he is, but...I dunno I’m not really in the mood for that…Sorry..”
“You don’t need to apologize every time you know?” Dmitri leaned into Roman’s chest, feeling Roman’s hands nestle into his hair.
“It’s just so...weird.” He could hear the frown in Roman’s voice, “Is it weird? I’m going to be gone for a while too…Am I being a bad boyfriend?”
“You’re not weird, it's normal.”
“But--” Roman’s voice was quiet, “--- it’s not like you’re not attractive-- but--I dunno-- sometimes actually doing stuff like that is just...ugh I can’t even describe it.”
“The other guys might be horny bastards 24/7, but it’s perfectly normal for you Roman.” Dmitri said, “If you want to kiss we can kiss if you want to cuddle and talk we can do that too.”
“Talk’n’cuddle,” Roman mumbled and Dmitri smiled.
“So how are you feeling about the trip?”
“Oh, I’m absolutely horrified--” Roman easily spun into a rant,” I have to be holed up in that infested dung heap with that odorous rat with only my beautiful tia’s cooking as solace?” He sniffed appalled.
“Huh,” Dmitri snickered, “I’ve never heard that nickname for Virgil.”
“I’m not...talking about Virgil.”
R: XXX.notalink/rated:m/dontclickfortheloveofgod/dJDoJi90
L: Why the hell didn’t you read the link first
L: I highly doubt it's that bad
L:....I stand corrected
Rem: you clicked the link too didn’t you
L: In the name of science of course
R: ;)
R: ;) XXXX.notalink/rated:m/oopsididitagain/dskfJjfd9dsf3gds
L: That one is more weird than disgusting
L: Why is Roman still sending them?
V: as much as i like smearing my brothers good name that isn’t roman
V: [Roman conked out on the couch, in a sweatshirt and shorts, drool pooling. Jpeg]
Rem: cute photo, 10/10 L: Agreed.
V: god both of you fuckin s t op i t s t o p s t o p
R: XXXX.notalink/rated:m/you filthylinkreaders/d3gds789jk
Rem: just bc you have issues with compliments doesn't mean roman does
L:Here we go again I guess...
V; roman doesnt have any fuckin boundaries
Rem: yes, yes he does Rem: they may be thin but he Does have them
V:sorry but he’s way too nice about it
Rem: weve more then established that me calling him cute is okay and i require the sustenance of doting on him okay? Like i get it ive pushed a bit too hard before but like im trying ok???
V: k k I i hit the breaks a bit too soon this 1 time but it’s ducking thin ass ice and I’m not above sending y’all to an icy tomb if you get gross. Roman may be a bastard but he’s still baby
L:Translation: He understands your reasoning and agrees he overreacted, but this won’t stop him from questioning our intents and calling out certain actions. Roman may be okay with joking around with stuff like that and being the center of attenuation, but he’s still self conscious and sensitive.
V:why must you add feelings and adult reasoning to everything
L: How dare you accuse me of having feelings
R: XXXX.notalink/rated:m/unicornhornsanddragontails/3nskjJ03 R: XXXX.notalink/rated:m/specA-Z/54Kjjf9n R: XXXX.notalink/rated:m/asliceofme/fljkl29mfJ
R: XXXX.notalink/rated:m/laughsinspanish/5Kjd8
Rem:ye feelings are gross so moving on
Rem: anyway who the fuck is this
V: the bastard
R: you can call me duke [video of Roman, Virgil, and Remus as toddlers, Virgil playing with blocks and listening to some music while in the background Remus follows Roman around.mp3] [image of Roman, Virgil, and Remus currently. jpeg]
V: the bastards name is remus
Rem: why the shits have i never met them and why the FUCK does he look more like roman then you do virgil
V: i think it's bc rem doesnt cover up his freckles
V: but yeah my mom and tia had a falling out
R: more like my dad was an asshole
Rem: oh shit same
R: shitty dad squad hmu ;)
Pat: oh hey!!! Me too!!!!
V: yeah it was Not Fun and mom and mama refused to let us go back until tia got a divorce
R: XXXX.notalink/rated:m/deodarant/298jksf
L: Are you done yet? They’re getting repetitive at this point.
Sun beating on his forehead, Dmitri’s chest was light and airy. His hair was tied up in a high ponytail as he worked on repotting some of his nursery plants. Usually, he’d be listening to music, but his aunt had left early that morning for some appointment so he relished the silence.
Brushing the dirt from his hands, he winced at the fresh cuts lining his knuckles.
“You’re still out here?”
Dmitri almost jumped at Dr. Montag’s voice, “Sorry for the mess” he said, gripping the nursery pot tighter, “I-I’ll clean it up right away…”
Dr. Montag crouched, waving him off, “There’s no need. I’m running a few errands for your aunt,” his hands barely brushing the leaves of one, “This is a Yucca right?”
“Uh,” Dmitri blinked, “Yeah it is,”
He laughed, “Don’t look so surprised-- I know things,” he stood back up, “Like how to use google. It’s rather impressive that y’all manage to keep up with so many of these.”
“Barely,” Dmitri relaxed, refocusing, “We used to have a lot more, but without my dad...it got overwhelming,” he shook his head, “It’s the only thing we really….It keeps us busy..”
“This is more than busy--you put a lot of work into these, anyone should be proud,” He murmured, studying Dmitri again, “I’ll be gone in a few, just need to grab her purse. You need anything from the store?”
“Uh...No,” Dmitri frowned, “I don’t.”
BlueRanger: Which class?
BlueRanger: Nice, good job
PurpleRain: L you fuckin broke him
PurpleRain:like I legit just heard a fuckin thud I think he fell
BlueRanger: I just told him good job?
LilRed: i die from validation i die w/o validation
BlueRanger: Please don’t die
PurpleRain: thats a lame ass way to die
LilRed: @purplebitch i feel so loved
PurpleRain: mama didnt raise us for us to die so b o r i n g l y
PurpleRain: idk im feelin,,,,rain,,,,,lots of it,,, maybe you’re watching the sea,,,,
PurpleRain: okay I got it
PurpleRain: you’re wearing a white sundress, the ends tattered but well loved. The coast empty with nly the lapping of waves your company. You’re thinking, a lot. Not of anything particular, but thinking nonetheless. The ocean always makes you think, always makes you remember--bringing about a bittersweet tinge of remorse to your heart, but no tears ever fall.
PurpleRain:You make it a habbit to watch the sunrise each day, relishing in the sobering feelings it invokes Maybe you're a masochist at heart
LilRed:maybe it’s maybelline
PurpleRain: one day, you hear footsteps approach, and assume it's your lover returned from war. The news of it's end just coming days prior and making your ventures to the coast sparked with an unfamilar hopefulness.
PurpleRain: instead when you turn around, you do not feel your heart soar. Instead it sinks. An icy panic spreading through you, a curl of dread closing your throat, it's grip tight. You need to move; to get away from them. But you cant. You cant.
PurpleRain: one shot is all it took.
PurpleRain: one.
PurpleRain: dnd just started again im prepping ok
LilRed:fuckin nerd
LilRed: huh…. i should get a sundress tho
PurpleRain: i have a few bookmarked ill show you later
BlueRanger: Is That Really What Y’all Are Taking Away From This
“And so the shop explodes-no not explodes it's in flames and they have the audacity--the au,” Roman coughs readjusting the webcam, “They have the audacity to play ‘Somebody to love’ as he’s fuckin mourning,” he gestured angrily, “Like Neil might as well come into my house and stomp on my heart.”
Dmitri nodded along, amused at the combination of camera lag and Roman’s erratic movements, “Before or after you watch the next episode?” he asked.
“It’s gonna have to be after cause I already finished the season. I never recovered from that scene though, ” Roman shrugged, tapping his jaw thoughtfully, “Probably should’ve started working on my commission sheet,”
“The same sheet you said you were going to start last month?”
“Yes the same one,” Roman blew out an exasperated huff, flopping into his hands, “I don’t know why it’s so hard --I feel scummy for pricing ‘too high’ and like shit for pricing ‘too lo--,” A notification rang, and he glanced over the screen, eyebrow raised, “Huh, Lo’s callin’ to video chat, you mind if I add’em?”
“Nah, go ahead,” Dmitri said, starting to fold the pile of towels.
“Alrighty,” He answered the call, “What’s up ner-” his face lit up, “Princess!”
Giggles erupted from the screen and Dmitri glanced up curious. On the screen instead of Logan was a small girl animatedly talking to Roman. She had two front teeth missing, glitter coloring her cheeks and rainbow beads rattling each time her braids moved.
“Woah, Woah-Woah,” Roman snorted, “Slow down hon, where’s your brother? Does he know you’re using his computer?”
“He’s in the shower,” she said, batting her eyes, “And know is a very strong word, but I can assure you he’s...aware?”
“Mmm, I won’t tell if you don’t,” he said, “So what’s the fairest of the land need?”
She beamed, “You at my birthday party.” she said, more of a command than anything.
Roman made of show of mulling it over, unable to keep a straight face, “I think I can make it.”
Her fist punched the air, “Ya--”
“Nieve,” Logan’s voice called out sternly.
Her eyes shot wide and she scrambled out of frame. Seconds later, Logan reappeared in the frame without his glasses, towel tucked to his chest. He didn’t look particularly mad.
He squinted blearily at the screen, “Roman? “ his gaze slid over, “Dmitri? Shit sorry did she bug you?”
“Not at all,” Roman reassured, “It’s been a while since I came over anyway,”
Logan grabbed their glasses, adjusting the frames, “Yeah...I guess it has...Since you’re here did you get that email from the school?”
“Yeah, it’s bullshit, “ Roman said, rolling his eyes, “If the state cared they would have found the funds somewhere else, it’s all shady as fuck. ”
Logan nodded, saying goodnight before disconnecting.
As soon as his icon disappeared, Roman said, “Huh, that...reminded me,”
Dmitri started on the next pile of laundry, “Of what?” he said, brow pinched, concerned.
“I’ dunno something Remy brought up…” Roman said, playing with his hands, “It’s stupid really but---”
He yelped falling to the floor, Remus victoriously sliding into the rolling chair. He spun wildly, the web camera a laggy blur, with only loud obnoxious kissing noises heard amongst the screaming.
Eventually, Remus slowed down, and it was jarring how much he and Roman looked alike. It was more unnerving seeing such a sleazy look with Roman’s face.
“Oh Dmitri,” Remus mocked, even adopting the heavy accent Roman usually placed on his name, “Embrace me with those big, long artist hands of yours, god I’m going to melt--"
“Shut up--shut up! You Rat-- give it back-give it back--” Roman whined, clambering over the chair, elbowing him, “Give it back, fuckin- MOM,” At one point Roman managed to wrestle the laptop from Remus, kicking him out of the chair and sending him off with a finger-- which Remus promptly returned.
Dmitri’s silently wheezed as Roman turned around visibly frazzled, “God I forgot what I was say-Are you laughing at me?” he said, “Stop it--stop laughing it’s not--”
“It-” Dmitri’s covered his mouth, shoulders shaking “It kinda is,” He said between snorts, only laughing harder at the offended noises Roman made.
As his snickers died down, Roman crossed his arms, “You done yet?” he sniffed.
“Yeah…” he gasped, “Yea...h... I am…” he blinked a bit, a slow smile spreading across his face, “So... what’s this about my hands?”
Roman’s eyes shot wide, incoherent babbling coming from his mouth as his ears turned a bright cherry. He slowly shrank out of frame to promptly die.
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