#ive drawn his arms like four separate times now and it always looks weird
acreekinthenight · 7 months
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trying to keep working on this wip since i can't write right now...
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ellewritesathing · 4 years
Ten Things    IV
Summary: If there’s one thing you have to know about Harvey Kinkle, it’s that he rarely thinks things through. So when he meets (and falls for) Sabrina Spellman on his first day of Baxter High and finds out that she can’t date anyone until her tempestuous sister does, it seems like the obvious solution is to get someone to date her so he can go out with Sabrina. A not so obvious choice for the challenge is Caliban, but, hey, it’s not like Harvey thought that far.
Masterlist Prev. | Part 4
Word-count: 4.5k+
A/N: pls listen to Wish You Were Sober in the background whilst reading this part + whatever coming of age music you like (bonus points if you choose Ribs by Lorde and/or Strawberries & Cigarettes)
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It seemed that when it came to Sabrina Spellman, Harvey would always be nervous. He had these lame little butterflies whenever she tutored him (that spiked when she’d take his hand to correct something). He almost threw up before their next meeting after the head-kissing debacle. And now he was supposed to pick her up for the costume party. 
Three costume changes, a near heart attack, and fifteen minutes spent brushing his teeth and fixing his hair later, and Harvey stood outside her house. Her very creepy house. He'd just reached for the door knocker again when it swung open. 
Ambrose stood there, giving Harvey a very knowing smile as he looked him up and down. “Afraid she’s not here, friend,” he said, not sounding too disappointed or afraid. “Though in an outfit like that I can’t imagine why.” 
Harvey looked down at his jeans, dark t-shirt, and leather jacket and suddenly wished he’d gone with Tommy’s old Captain America costume even though his hair was the wrong color. He reached up and adjusted his hardhat. “It was kind of last-minute,” Harvey admitted awkwardly. “Anyway, uh, what do you mean she’s not here?” 
“That she left with one Nicholas Scratch about fifteen minutes ago,” Ambrose said. He nodded gravely before continuing, “Though my other cousin is here if you-” 
“No, I’m good thanks,” Harvey said quickly. Ambrose raised an eyebrow and Harvey felt he had to explain, so in a quiet voice he added, “She kinda scares me.” 
“Oh, Harvey, you don’t have to suck up to me,” you said with a very mischievous smile as you walked around Ambrose. Harvey went through the four stages of shock as he took in your outfit: A blue and gold cheerleading uniform (weird enough) with the letters DK on your chest and your hair and makeup perfectly done. Sabrina must have done the hair and makeup because you looked like an entirely different person like this, except that your mouth was covered in blood and you wore white-out contacts and a pair of fangs. “She doesn’t listen to me anyway.”
It took Harvey a second to realize that he was supposed to answer you, and, in that second, you and Ambrose let out matching (almost evil) laughs and started cracking jokes about how innocent Harvey was. It was hard to think of innocence when fake blood was running down your neck. At least, Harvey hoped it was fake.
“So, uh, do you need a ride?” Harvey asked in an attempt to recover from the millions of conflicting thoughts he had and his earlier social blunder. 
“You’re offering to spend time with me in an enclosed space?” you asked, looking slightly taken aback. Harvey nodded almost immediately. “Wow, you must really like her, huh?” 
“No, that’s not what- well, I mean, yeah, I like her,” Harvey stammered. Your smile got a bit wider as you and Ambrose shared some side-eye at his expense. “But that’s not why I’m offering. I just- you know, I’m already here. And the environment is in shambles. So carpooling is, like, the responsible thing to do-”
You laughed and untangled yourself from Ambrose to grab your things. “You’re cute, Harvey Kinkle.” You waved at Ambrose and started closing the door as you stepped outside, ignoring his cries to play nice with Harvey. “I get what she sees in you.” 
“Thank you?” 
This costume party was all Sabrina had thought about for the entire year, and now that she was here all she could think about was Harvey. What was that about? She was here with Nick. Her Nick. She should be having the time of her life listening to him talking about his latest modeling gig, not wondering if Harvey was going to show up. Or what he’d be dressed as if he did. Or- 
“Hey, are you even listening to me?” Nick asked teasingly, grabbing her hand and pulling her closer to him. 
“Of course! You were talking about how your agent thinks you could get that underwear deal,” Sabrina lied. That was almost all Nick talked about, so it wasn’t that hard to guess. Harvey would have been more difficult to lie to, but Harvey would’ve drawn her flowers and laughed her distraction off. “And they’d be idiots not to take you,” she said, stumbling into Nick’s arms after he pulled her closer. 
“Thank you! That’s what I said but my agent …” Nick carried on talking through their rather forced slow dance, but Sabrina stopped listening when she saw Harvey walk in. 
He looked so handsomely awkward in his miner outfit as he said ‘No, but thank you’ to all the girls offering him punch and dances. His dark eyes looked so hopeful as he scanned the room and it broke Sabrina’s heart when that hope went out as their eyes met. 
She hurriedly separated from Nick, almost tripping over her feet in her rush, but Harvey was gone by the time she did. And when Sabrina looked back at Nick, he looked annoyed and confused. 
“If you didn’t want to hear about what Estelle said, all you had to do was say,” Nick said a deep-set frown. 
“It’s not that. I just thought I-” 
Nick shook his head and started walking away. “Whatever. I’m gonna go get a drink.”
Sabrina let out a breath, suddenly feeling very alone and exposed in this crowded room. Her spirits lifted when she looked around and saw you outside with a very attractive blonde guy, and - better yet - you weren’t telling him to piss off. He must have been Caliban, but he looked very different in his flowy white shirt and blue jeans from your description of ‘he looks like an asshole, but the kind you want to makeout with just to get him to stop talking.’ 
At least one of you was having a good night. 
“So what exactly are you dressed as?” you asked, taking a sip from your solo cup in an attempt to come off as cool and not annoyingly flustered by Caliban. Saying something mean would get you out of this mess for sure. “Because you look like one of those idiots from the cover of a trashy lady novel.”
“While I wasn’t going for idiotic, that’s exactly what I am,” Caliban said with a smile. He took the cup from your hand and took a sip, eyes twinkling mischievously as he did. “You seem surprised.” 
You shrugged, chiding yourself for thoughts of Caliban’s lips on the spot where yours had been five seconds ago. “I didn’t have you pegged as a romance novel kind of guy.”
“And what kind of guy is that?” 
His question was innocent enough, but it was the way he asked it that made your heart skip an irritating beat. Caliban was distracting enough with half his chest exposed and pretty white lace constantly drawing your attention to it. And, if that wasn’t enough, his dumb blonde curls had framed his face when he leaned in to ask you. 
“The kind of guy who carries around a lighter because he likes to burn things,” you said, taking your cup back and taking the last sip to spite him. 
Caliban looked amused in the corner of your eye as he drew back. “Well, we can’t all be demonic cheerleaders, princess,” he said. “Assuming that’s what you’re dressed as.” 
“You’re close. I’ll give you a hint,” you said and turned back to him. You held out your hand and asked for his lighter. Caliban didn’t say anything as he placed it in your hand, but he didn’t break eye contact. You uncapped it, lit it, and held it up to your mouth. The flame got dangerously close to your tongue before you blew it out. In your best Jennifer Check voice, you said, “I’m a god.” 
Caliban started laughing as you capped the lighter. “Well, if anyone is going to make killing boys nearly as attractive as Megan Fox, it’s you,” he said. “Though I don’t remember the white contacts.” 
“I took some creative liberties,” you said with a small shrug. You reached for his hand and gave his lighter back to him. 
After you pulled your hand away, Caliban shook his head and held the lighter back out to you. “You should keep it. Far more attractive when it's with you.” 
“What about all the pretty things you like to set on fire?” you asked. 
Caliban took a step closer and lifted his hand to tuck some hair behind your ear. He took his time, keeping his eyes on his hands before looking at your lips and then finally meeting your eyes. “They’ll have to take the backseat to another pretty little thing.” 
“I’m going to get another drink,” you blurted out as you took a step back. Not your smoothest move, but you needed to get the hell out of there before you did something dumb like kiss him. “Stay here.” 
You could hear the smirk on his face when Caliban said, “Whatever you want.”
Luckily, it only took a few frightened looks from the underclassmen to renew your confidence. The contacts were doing their job of unsettling people perfectly, and it made your night to see people who were checking out moments before start squirming. Until you reached Nick Scratch. 
Despite the fact that you knew he was afraid of you, he didn’t squirm. He just looked at you with that smug face that made Sabrina fall for him. You hated him.
“And what are you dressed as tonight, kitty cat?” Nick asked, deliberately emphasizing the old nickname. It made your skin crawl. 
You started answering when you looked up at him and pretended to be shocked. “Wait, Nick- was that … did your hairline just recede?” You pointed at his hairline and grabbed two cans of soda while he checked. 
Nick didn’t try to follow you when you started walking away, but he did start talking loud enough for you to hear him over the music. “You know, your sister likes my hair just fine. She even-” 
You turned around and gave him your harshest glare as you stomped closer. “Stay away from my sister.” 
“Woah-” Nick held his hands up in surrender. “I’ll stay away from your sister,” he promised. He took a step closer and lowered his voice. “But I can’t guarantee she’ll stay away from me.”
He bumped your shoulder as he walked past you, and you would’ve thrown something at him if he didn’t get swallowed up by the crowd of people racing towards a fight in the other room. Instead, you opted for cursing Nick out with every profanity you could think of as you slammed the sodas down and started looking for something a little stronger. 
An over-eager junior was offering you something to drink from his tray of assorted bad alcohol when you saw Caliban again. He was still annoyingly attractive, but he was very clearly pissed that you'd ditched him. Oh well. 
“What is this?” he asked as you downed one of the drinks. It tasted disgusting but you refused to pull a face in front of him. “I’ve been looking all over the place for you.” 
“Maybe you should go look for someone who actually likes you,” you said without looking at him as you downed another drink and the junior cheered you on. You grabbed another drink, despite Caliban’s protests, and disappeared into the masses.
Of all the ways Caliban saw this night going, you ditching him for a bottle of cheap tequila and Harvey looking like someone kicked his puppy hadn’t been his most likely pick. Apparently, Sabrina had blown him off for Nicholas, but Caliban wasn’t listening to Harvey's tragic story so much as he was trying to track you down. He left him with a very surprised vampire named Theo and focused his attention on finding you. 
“Hey, James Dean!” Nicholas yelled as he slapped Caliban on the back with unrequited fondness. If he had any awareness at all, it wasn't picking up on the glare Caliban gave him. “How did you get her to do it?” 
“Do what?” Caliban asked, promising himself that he could punch Nicholas in the mouth after he made sure you weren’t throwing up in the bushes. 
“Act like a human.” Caliban would have to table that promise because Nick was going to- “Oh, yeah!” 
The music started blaring from the dining room and Nicholas took off to see some girl dancing on the table. Only, that just wasn’t some girl. That was you, doing a very non-PTA approved cheer for the people around you. 
Caliban rushed to get to you, but all you did was grab the drawstrings on Caliban’s shirt and run one of them across your lips before standing back up and continuing your dance, ignoring his repeated requests to come down. The only time you looked at him was when you stepped too far back and fell off the table, hitting your head on the chandelier as you went down. 
Caliban caught you and looked at him with the saddest look in your eyes he’d ever seen. You were so uncharacteristically vulnerable after who knows how much alcohol and a head injury.  “You know, you’ve got a bit of gold in your eyes, Sparky,” you said softly, lifting your hand to the side of his face. 
“Hey, what about our show?” Nick hollered from the safety of his pack with Billy and the other idiots. They made a few more comments as Caliban carried you out to the garden to get fresh air. 
You kept trying to push him away, but as soon as Caliban set you down on the low brick wall, your hands tightened around his shirt. “Don’t go. I just need to lie down somewhere.” 
“If you lie down now, you’ll fall asleep,” Caliban said, prying your fingers off his shirt one at a time as you argued that sleep was good. “Not if you have a concussion, princess. Can you-”
“Hey, we need to talk,” Harvey interrupted. He was surprised when you latched onto his sleeve and let him know that his hat was askew. 
“I’m a little busy right now, Harvey,” Caliban said through gritted teeth as he untangled you from Harvey. You didn't want to let go, and you were just as stubborn when you were smashed as when you were sober. 
“I see that but can you give me like one second?” Harvey asked. 
“Aww, go talk to him!” you hiccuped. “I’m fine. I’ve got these hydrated-" You frowned. "These hurgerated-” 
“Hydrangeas?” Harvey asked, still confused. 
“Hydrangeas!” You beamed at him, which looked slightly terrifying with your smudged makeup and bloody face. “Thank you! I’ve got these hiiigh-drangeas to keep me company.”
Reluctantly, Caliban sighed and walked a few feet away with Harvey. He was still making sure that you were upright when Harvey started babbling. 
“It’s off. The deal’s off, okay?” Harvey finished. “Sabrina never liked me. She liked Nick this whole time but I thought that, you know, after all this she’d give me a shot but she didn’t and-” 
Caliban cut Harvey off before his head exploded and you fell over. “Harvey, do you like her?” 
“Yeah…” Harvey said, sounding confused. 
“And is she worth all this trouble?” 
“Well, I thought she was. I mean, of course, she is. But you know-” 
“Either she is, or she isn’t.” Caliban put a hand on Harvey’s shoulder and Harvey somehow looked even more confused by the touch. “First of all, Nicholas is not half the man that you are. He's an asshole. And secondly, don’t let anyone ever make you feel like you don’t deserve what you want.” He put his other hand on Harvey and shook him slightly as he said, “So go for it.”
Before Harvey could respond, Caliban saw you falling into the hydrangeas in his peripheral vision and dashed to save you from another head injury. 
You laughed as he held onto you and twirled the strings of his shirt around your finger before getting very quiet. The same vulnerability shone through as you looked at him. “Could you take me where the music isn't too loud?” 
“Of course.” 
Caliban helped you to your feet and almost carried you through the crowd of people to get out to the front, shooting Harvey a not so subtle glance to make sure he made up his mind. He helped you the neighborhood playground across the street while you mumbled about how opprobrious it was to have to be carried out of some high school party. 
“Opprobrious,” Caliban repeated, shaking his head. “Leave it to you to use big words when you’re smashed.”
“If I were smashed, could I do this?” you asked, promptly untangling yourself and falling down into the grass a second after you tried to show off. “Ow,” you said in disbelief. 
Caliban bent over to help you up and you pushed him off with one hand and pulled him closer with the other. As a result, Caliban came crashing to the ground. He did his best not to crush you as he landed, which you found extremely funny. 
Your mouth was tilted up to the sky as you laughed. The street lamps lit up your smile and Caliban couldn’t help but notice how pretty it made you look. You caught him looking at you and fell quiet again. You turned to look back at him, not saying anything at first. 
“Why are you being so nice to me?” you asked softly, tucking one hand under your head and - tentatively, gingerly - reaching out with your other. 
Caliban looked down at your outstretched hand as you started playing with his shirt again. He found himself wishing you reached out for him and not his shirt. “Because you have a drunken concussion and someone needs to look after you.”
“Why does it have to be you?” you asked, frowning at the knot you'd created. “It’s not like you care if I never wake up.”
“Of course, I do,” Caliban said, leaning closer like he was going to tell you a secret. “If you didn’t wake up, I’d have to start talking to girls who actually like me.” 
You scoffed and threw his shirt back at Caliban. “Like you could find one,” you said as you rolled to your feet. 
“See, who needs affection when I have blind hatred?” Caliban asked as he followed you to the swing set. He wrapped his hands around each of the chains of your swing as he leaned down to speak to you. “Why would I want someone else’s affection when I have your prejudice?” 
“Just let me breathe for a second and then I’m gonna say something so mean that you-” You frowned and shook your head, looking down at the ground. “I just need a minute, alright?” 
Caliban took a step back and let himself think for a moment. As rocky as this night had been, he thought it was going fairly well until he found you three drinks in with a junior. He didn’t have time to dwell on why you ditched him, though, because you were falling backward and he had to dive forward to catch you. 
You started laughing as you righted yourself and Caliban swore. He sat in the swing next to you and took a deep breath when he was sure you weren’t going to fall over again. “So what did Nicholas say to drive you to drink?” he asked, nudging you with the toe of his shoe. 
You rolled your eyes. “Nick just has to open his mouth to make me want to drink,” you mumbled. 
“But usually you resort to a witty comeback and not tequila,” Caliban said as quietly snarky as he could. “What made this different?” 
“I just … I hate him,” you admitted. “And my sister …”
“Your sister?” Caliban asked, turning back to face you. You’d already started leaning on your chain with your eyes closed. Not only were your eyes closed, but you were seconds away from falling on your face. “Oh, shit. No, no, no, I need you to wake up. Hey, look at me. You need to wake up.” 
“Mm hey,” you said quietly, looking up at him and smiling. “You know, your eyes-”
You cut yourself off by vomiting on the grass just in front of his shoes. Caliban pulled a face and tried not to sound too disgusted as he said, “Have a bit of gold in them?” 
“Yeah, how’d you know?” 
Sabrina stood with Prudence while the party died down. She hadn’t seen you since your table dancing incident but according to a quick text from your phone, Caliban made sure you got some air and took you home. With you gone and her mad at Nick for how he acted with you, that left her without a ride. 
“Hey, a few of us are going to Jarrett’s,” Nick said. He put one arm around Sabrina and the other around Prudence. “You ready to go?” 
“Oh, thanks, but I have to be home in twenty minutes or my aunts will have my head,” Sabrina lied.
“Well, I don’t have a curfew or overprotective family,” Prue said slyly. Her smile shifted from Sabrina to Nick. 
Nick shot a glance at Sabrina and she shrugged. “I can’t tonight,” she said. 
“Damn …” Nick sighed and looked over at Prudence. “Well, do you wanna go?” 
“I’d love to,” Prudence said, sliding her hand into Nick’s and leading him away. Sabrina would have argued if she cared about him or thought it would make a difference. When Prudence wanted something, she got it.
The only thing Sabrina did care about was how she was going to get home. Her options were slowly dwindling and her aunts would ground her for life if they saw the kind of party she was at. 
“Having fun tonight?” Harvey asked as he walked past her, still glum from earlier. 
“Yeah, tons,” Sabrina said with a sigh. Harvey kept walking so she rushed to keep up with him. “Hey, Harvey, I know … I know I don’t deserve it but do you think you could give me a ride home?”
Harvey let out a breath and turned to face her. Sabrina braced herself for what he’d say, for the moment that gentle, sweet Harvey would turn out to be no better than Nick. That moment didn’t happen. 
“Sure,” he said with a shrug. “Come on, my truck’s parked down the street.”
Sabrina didn’t know what to say as they walked to the truck, so she just didn’t say anything. Her hand brushed Harvey’s a few times and it broke her heart when he yanked his hand away. She deserved it, though; she broke his heart first. 
They didn’t speak as Harvey drove, and it took them a few seconds once the engine was off to say something. 
“You never really wanted to go out with me, did you?” Harvey asked, looking at the steering wheel instead of her. “It was always Nick, wasn’t it?” 
“It used to be Nick,” Sabrina admitted. “But he’s not very nice to me anymore. He just … I don't know.” She looked out the windshield and shrugged. “And you drove me home after I blew you off. I don’t deserve how nice you are to me.”
“No, you don’t,” Harvey said. He turned to face Sabrina and she knew that this was the moment. “Just because you’re beautiful and smart doesn’t mean that you can treat people like they don’t matter. I- I really liked you, you know? Even when people said you were selfish. Or that you were using me.” 
Sabrina sucked it up and turned to look at him. It didn’t surprise her that people said those things, and it didn't surprise her that Harvey defended her. He was the kind of guy who did that for people he cared about, not that he'd be doing it for her again any time soon. “I’m sorry.” 
Harvey was quiet. His jaw tightened for a moment and then he looked away. “Yeah, well, it doesn’t really matter. It’s not like you liked me much, to begin with.” 
“I do like you, Harvey,” Sabrina said. She resisted the urge to reach out to him. “I like you a lot. That’s the problem.”
“Oh,” Harvey said quietly, frowning. “I’m sorry.” 
Sabrina laughed and leaned over before she could talk herself out of it again. She cupped his face and pulled him into a kiss, which he returned after a second of hesitation. It was sweet, clumsy, and over too soon. 
“Don’t apologize,” Sabrina whispered when she pulled away. She gave him another smile and gathered her things. “Thanks for the ride.”
“Here we are,” Caliban said as he parked the car in front of the old house. “Home sweet home.” 
You pulled a face at the mortuary sign and turned away from the window. “Ugh, don’t you just want to keep driving?” you said. “Maybe to the ER? I’ve heard alcohol poisoning is a real bitch.”
“That it is but considering you puked your stomach contents all over my shoes, I think you’re safe,” Caliban said with a smile. Though he knew he’d take you wherever you wanted if he knew it wasn’t just the residual alcohol in your system talking. You just shrugged without saying anything. “Why don’t you want to go inside?” 
“My family is … complicated,” you said. You started picking at the sleeves of your cheerleader outfit instead of looking at him. “My parents died when I was little and my aunts took us all in. They’re great, really, they just want me to be someone I’m not.” 
“Like who?” Caliban asked. 
You sat straighter in your seat and put on a dashing smile before imitating your sister. “I’m Sabrina. I get good grades and don’t punch people even when they deserve it.” If the voice was accurate, it had nothing on the imitation laugh. It was downright creepy with all your smudged demonic makeup, but then you deflated into your seat and started mumbling profanities and Caliban knew you were back to yourself. 
“Well, no offense to your sister, but I think the whole people-pleasing act is overrated,” Caliban said. “There are better things to do with your time.” 
“You really think so?” you asked quietly. When Caliban looked over at you, all your snark had faded away to your familiar drunken vulnerability. “You’re not just saying that?” 
“I really think so,” Caliban said. “Why do you think I like you so much?”
“You like me?” you asked, seemingly caught off-guard. 
“I wouldn’t have let you throw up on me if I didn’t.” 
Caliban wasn’t sure what he expected you to do, but leaning in to kiss him wasn’t even on the top ten most likely options. It made his heart race, but he knew it wasn’t right. As much as he wanted to kiss you, he didn’t want to kiss you like this. 
“Maybe we should do this another time,” Caliban said, turning to face the steering wheel before you could kiss him.
You frowned at him, sinking slowly into your seat. You looked at him but you were strangely quiet as you did. Then, with speed Caliban didn’t know you had in this state, you got out of the car and slammed the door shut. 
Not quite the way Caliban saw this night ending. 
Part 5
Tagged: @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e​  @miss--moose​  @marrypuffsstuff​  @harryscarolinaa​  @igorsbby​​  @foji2000​​  @hxlalokidottir​  @artaxerxesthegreat​​  @thxmagic​​  @strawberriesandknives​​  @xealia​​  @hotmessindisguise​  @acciomaximoff​  @reheated-coffee​​  @shelby-x​​  @perseny-blog​​  @millie-753​​  @luneerius​​  @shizzybarnaclee​​  @lettherebelovex​​  @throughparisallthroughrome​  @ietss​  @thebookwormlife​  @mechanicalanimalz​  @mariamermaid​  @nqbmf​  @caliban-is-my-girl  @shephard17895​  @music-movies  @clockworks-world-to-fandoms​  @luquincy  @marina468​  @olivia-west-allen  @drrramaaaqweeen​  @roxytheimmortal​
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imagine-texting-svt · 7 years
Oncologist! Jihoon
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Is amazing at his job
He’s known as a hard ass to work with but everyone looks up to him
Is an amazing surgeon
All the interns had a love hate relationship with them
He was super strict but was considered on of the top oncologists in the country so it was an honour to work with him
If they ever brought up or made fun of his height he would make their rotation with him a living hell
He knew he was short, he didn’t need reminding. But if you really wanna make fun of the guy who is one the best oncologists in Korea maybe even the world you kinda deserve it
Workaholic to the max
It was once rumored that he sold his apartment and just lived in the on-call room
Seriously, it’s live he never left though
Was an adult oncologist but because of his reputation and notoriety in the field was often asked to treat kids
He had no pediatric training and was not the best with kids
I mean hell he wasnt even great with the interns and they were all adults
Normally he would refuse to treat them but he had one case that he couldn’t say no too
A little girl had a rare form of cancer and every doctor had refused to treat her so her parents flew her to South Korea in hopes that Jihoon would treat her
She had heart cancer
Cases of heart tumors weren’t uncommon, but cancerous tumors especially in young children were. The sweet little girl had two large cardiac fibromas that were about four inches (ten cm) in diameter that would require surgery and then intensive chemo and radiation after
That’s when you came into the picture
You were a pediatric cardiac surgeon in the same hospital as him
You were both well known in your fields so you knew of each other but other than that you had never worked together
Normally, he would refuse young children, but he couldn’t refuse this littles girls case. He had treated and worked with another cardiac surgeon and successfully treated a man before without a heart transplant. Which probably why this girls parents flew all the way to South Korea for treatment
He asked his office staff if there was anyway he would be able to get a pediatric to help him with this case
His staff was even shocked he took on the case in the first place
They tell him your credentials and he asks them to give him your email so that's what they do
He writes a super long email explaining the cases, then asking if you would be willing to help him with it
When you got his email, you were over the moon. You had always admired his skill so know you would be able to work with him on case? You were happy to say the least
You happily emailed back agreeing to work with him and you both set up a time to meet up and discuss the case in person
About two days before the first appointment with the little girl you met up for coffee
The little girl's name was Anna and you talked about the types of tumors she had and the course of action you had to take
It was decided that she needed surgery as soon as possible, the rate of her survival was decreasing the long the surgery was put out
The rate of her surviving cancer without surgery was non existent, the rate of her surviving with surgery went up to 25% and with chemo about 35%
You had warned Jihoon that these tumours are aggressive and will most likely come back, a heart transplant is something they would probably want to discuss
On the day of the appointment you two both clear out your schedules to allow for as much time as necessary with Anna and her parents and then to start planning surgery and getting everyone else you needed together
You talk to Anna and her family through a translator for almost three hours bc Anna was from Russia
The family agrees to the surgery and Anna is placed in inpatient on the heart ward for constant monitoring
The surgery is 3 days away
You and Jihoon work very closely to make sure everything gets done for Anna and her family
You and Ji barely sleep for those three days, you sleep at the hospital in the on-call room never far from each other
You got anesthesiologist Wonwoo to do well, the anesthesia, and then had Paediatrician Soonyoung do some final checks on her before her surgery
Little Anna was cleared by Soonyoung so the surgery was all clear and proceed
When you two were working so close together Jihoon started finding himself drawn to you in ways he couldnt explain
When you were focusing on writing notes your tongue poked out a little
When you had to call anyone on the phone you would always fiddle with a pencil or pen
When you got stressed you ran your hands through your hair and then pulled it back into a loose bun
The bags under your eyes after you only got 2 hours of sleep
How excited you were when he brewed a fresh pot of coffee
He had never been so attracted to someone
He was always so focused on work, but being forced to work with such a smart (beautiful) and talented doctor made him feel weird inside
The only women Jihoon interacted with were patients and nurses
He was never close with them, he never had to spend such intimate time with someone with someone like you
The night before the surgery you and Jihoon, again, slept in the on-call room as Anna’s surgery was at 6am
Both of you went to bed at 8pm and passed out due to not sleeping a terrible amount on the previous nights
The alarm was set for 3am to make sure you were both awake, had coffee, and got in scrubs by 4am so you could meet up with the team
The surgery would be primarily performed by you with assistance from Jihoon
His knowledge of tumors and your knowledge of paediatric heart surgery would be a perfect match for giving Anna the best chance she had for survival
All the tools were gathered together everyone was getting ready for this surgery
Wonwoo went out and started her IV line and the you and Jihoon followed, discussing with her parents all the possible complications from this surgery
Once you two were done you knelt down by Anna’s bed and started singing a little song for her in Russian
This small gesture made Jihoon’s heart melt
These feeling Jihoon didn’t like were in a full blown swing
He doesn’t know what to do
But he shoves his feelings towards you to the back of his head and focuses on Anna
You, Jihoon, Wonwoo and other nurses wheel little Anna away to the operating room
Wonwoo and Jihoon pick up the fragile girl and lay her on the table
After that Wonwoo tells the little girl he’ll help her go to sleep and then puts the anesthetic mask over her to make her sleep, then gives her oxygen to help
The surgery starts at 6:30am and you and Jihoon were on a mission to save this little girls life
The surgery finally finished at 4pm but the surgery went amazingly
You had removed the two fibromas. One was in her right ventricle and the other was in the ventricular septum  which was preventing her heart from being able to beat properly
With help from Jihoon, there was no complications and little Anna was in the recovery room
Jihoon had to keep surprising his feelings for you the whole surgery
He was focused on getting Anna better
But he was also way to focused on how pretty you were and how talented and skilled you were at your job
After the surgery you broke the good news of Anna's surgery and led them back to where she was
After leading Anna's nervous parents back to her
You discussed and informed her parents that the likelihood of her tumors coming back was high so you recommended getting her on the on the transplant list
They agreed and signed everything to get the young fragile Anna on the list
You and Jihoon dismissed yourself and went to the on-call room and showered (in separate showers get your mind out of the gutter)
You two were exhausted, but knew you still had to plan
After you got out of the shower you were just in a large shirt and athletic shorts with your hair dripping wet
He thought you looked stunning, he couldn’t believe his eyes
He must have been staring a little too long
“Yah. Jihoon. Do i have something on my face?”
You laughed, but Jihoon went as red as a tomatmo
“Jihoonie, are you okay? Your face is really red.”
You kneel beside him and put your hand on his forehead. “Jihoon. You should lay down.”
This only made Jihoon more embarrassed, “y/n. I’m okay.”
You giggled “Jihoonie, your red face says otherwise.”
“I’m blushing y/n!”
“Jihoonie why would you be blushing, it’s just me!”
“That’s the problem! It’s because it’s you damn it.”
“Wait you like me?”
“Good. Because i like you too. Now come here and kiss me.”
So Jihoon did just that
You may or may not have gotten a little carried away with your makeout session
Chan may or may not have walked in
You may or may not have traumatized Chan
You two slept in each others arms that night in the on-call room
Wonwoo was on call for the normal doctor he worked with and found you guys cuddling
Took a photo now everyone in the hospital knows about your relationship
The next morning you woke up before jihoon and you wanted another mri of Anna’s chest
When you got to the nurses station they were all whispering about something. You just ignored it and put in the request for Anna to get another MRI
Until when you were about to leave a nurse came up to you
“Y/n. Why didn’t you tell us you were dating Jihoon?”
I think the puzzled look on your face said everything for them
They laughed and allowed for you to go back the on call room to make sure Jihoon was up and so that you two could start planning Anna’s chemo treatment
Jihoon was awake and making a fresh pot of coffee
“There’s a rumor that we’re dating. The nurses just asked me when i went to fill out a request for Anna. Jihoonie. What are we?”
“I guess we’re a couple. I mean we both like each other. Why not?”
That was the most it ever got. You two were happy and that’s all that mattered to you guys.
You guys plan Anna’s chemo and radiation, but still keep in mind she might need a heart transplant due to the severity of her tumors and she had a high risk of them coming back
Jihoon went down to see Anna because she was starting a new round of stronger chemo meds
Normally Jihoon will just rely on the nurses or you to talk to little kids, but surprisingly he went down by himself to see Anna
He got the Russian to Korean translator and starting telling Anna somethings
When Anna found out you and Jihoon were a couple she was very excited
“My two favourite doctors are boyfriend and girlfriend!”
Three months after Anna’s surgery you did a routine MRI and saw lumps again
You were crushed, you knew they would probably come back, but not this soon
You showed Jihoon the lumps in her heart coming back
He was just as upset as you
You two had poured your heart and soul into helping this girl along with caring for your regular patients
Anna was still living at the hospital because she was so fragile and you weren’t sure how long it would take before her tumors came back
She was on the transplant list but you were unsure of how long it would be in order to get Anna a new heart
You knew if she didn’t get a new heart she wouldn’t live out the year
Unsure of what to do for the sweet girl, you burst out into tears
Jihoon took you into his arms, rubbed your back, and let you cry everything out on his shoulder
Losing patients was nothing new to either of you, but this little girl brought you together and was an incredible fighter
When you first saw her MRI you were surprised she was even alive
Even after surgery and Jihoon’s radiation and chemo, they still came back
You had to break the news to Anna’s parents, so the day after you found the tumors you and Jihoon took Anna’s parents aside and broke the news to them
They both started crying and begged you and Jihoon to take care of their precious little Anna
After that you and Jihoon went and told Anna, she didn’t seem to phased by it
“They’re back? Oh. Does that mean I get a new heart?”
“Yes sweetie. Me and Dr. Jihoon will find you a new heart.”
She was so happy. Suddenly Anna looked at Jihoon and her translator. She whispered something to her translator who then whispered something to him
Jihoon’s eyes went big
“Anna told me that she knows she might not live too much longer. But she wants to see us get married.”
If you had water you would’ve choked on it
Anna says something to her translator, “She said she wants to marry you two.”
So if Anna wants to marry you guys, Anna will marry you guys
Although you two had only been together for roughly three months it’s like you had known each other for years
Marriage wasn’t something you talked about
While your team was looking to find Anna a new heart and checking everything every thirty minutes to see if a new heart was a match for her
You and Anna (along with her translator) went to the streets of Seoul and she wanted to pick out a wedding dress for you, it’s like Anna loved you and Jihoon so much as her doctors she liked the fact you were actually in love
You go into a bridal store and are greeted by a cheerful woman, “Hi my name Jimin! When’s the wedding?”
“As soon as possible.”
Poor Jimin didn’t understand.
You told her you would explain everything after you got seated
So when she sat down Anna her translator and yourself she was quite interested
When you told her about Anna’s story and how she was basically not going to make it if she didn’t get a heart transplant. So one of Anna’s wishes was to marry you and your boyfriend. Who happened to be the other doctor looking after her
Jimin started crying after you told her. So she told Anna’s translator that she could help pick out all the dresses you were trying on
Anna picked out big poofy ball gowns and if that’s what Anna wanted, that’s what you would wear
After about 5 ball gowns Anna finally decided on one dress she liked
It was an A line white dress, with a lace top and some bling
Luckily it was a sample so you were able to take it home with you that day
It was $2000 but it was worth every penny
After that, you went back to the hospital
Your team still couldn’t find a new heart for Anna
After her trip out, you could tell Anna condition was getting worse
You feared she might not live another week, maybe month if she was lucky
So, you rushed the photographer and Jihoon rented a tux
Anna picked out two sterling silver bands as rings
So that morning you and Anna got up and started getting ready. You did your hair and makeup and then did Anna’s hair and then put on a little bit of lipstick, drew on her eyebrows eyeshadow, and mascara
The head of the company, Wonwoo, Anna’s parents, and half of your team and half of Jihoons team was there
Anna stood up at the podium, her long brown wig was curled and Jihoon was on her left side in a tux
“Dr. Jihoon. Are you ready to see your pretty wife?” She said with big cute doe eyes
“Of course Anna.” He smiled sweetly
Instead of your father giving you “away” to Jihoon it was your mentor
The doors opened and you saw Jihoon.
Even though this was just for Anna he felt like it was his actual wedding day seeing his soon to be wife in her dress for the first time
You walked up the small isle and Anna “wed” you two
She gave you both a silver ring which you both put on your pinky finger
Little Anna was so proud of herself
After the “wedding” and you had gotten out of the dress, Jihoon out of his tux, and Anna was back in her room you two visited her
You could tell how bad she was. Anna looked incredibly weak. You knew she wasn’t going to make it
A week had gone by since the “wedding” and Anna’s condition has been getting worse
Neither you or Jihoon have left the hospital since the “wedding” night
Too afraid that you would get a call she flat lined in the middle of the night and neither of you would be there for her
It had been a week and half
You were in surgery for another patient and got a paged a code blue
You knew it was for Anna, but alas you were in surgery and unable to do anything
After you got out of surgery you rushed to Anna’s room
Her parents were crying and Jihoon was there holding her mothers hand
Her heart flat lined
It was your worst nightmare
You went over to Anna’s parents and hugged them
At least she got her dying wish
Later that month, you and Jihoon took the silver that Anna had picked for the “wedding”
On the inside of the ring now had Anna’s full name, and her birth and death date
You would honour the girl who put you together for the rest of your lives
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