#at least tweek looks cute
acreekinthenight · 4 months
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trying to keep working on this wip since i can't write right now...
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garb-rage · 11 months
Going Thrift Shopping with the main 4 (Hcs)
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🛼- Summary - Head cannons about your experience thrift shopping with the boys!
- Pairing(s)- (SEPARATE) Kenny McCormick, Kyle Broflovski, Stan Marsh, and Eric Cartman x gn!Reader
🛼- Reader info - gn!reader and established relationship
- Warnings - none! (Unless you count swearing ig lmao)
🐀 - Kenny McCormick -
He’s so down, he’s SEEN all the ice cold shit you’ve found, and wants in on the action asap
Kenny had known about thrifting for a while, but hadn’t put too much thought into it due to money being tight and all, but according to YOU
“You just have to know where to look”
“Trust me I know a spot” “trust me this is where the heat is”
And trust you he did, because after taking him to some fun spots, there was no going back.
Thrifting buddy 24/7, just LOVES looking at the old clothes and pretending to be an old geezer with you, it makes him giggle
Fr makes up stories about shit he finds, probably forced you to wear it and purposely make you feel silly
“THIS old sweater was worn in the trenches of Mexico alongside my great great grandpa” 💀💀 and it’s a Star Wars T-shirt
Purposely finds good and bad clothes for you and him (he has pretty good fashion sense so you KNOW when hes got a shit eating grin)
If the shop has changing rooms, expect long ass fashion shows, the man spends WAY too much time looking at himself. He probably won’t even buy anything 98% of the time!! He’s just having fun with you!
Honestly, neither of you fucking knew that South Park had so many little shops like that!! Small towns DECEIVE!
The both of you almost always get coffee after a haul, it just feels right
And showing up to Tweek Bros. In the new shirt/sweater/etc, he feels like royalty ngl
Overall Kenny really enjoys the time spent with you, and the small moments between showing each other items or clothes really makes him feel momentarily flushed (he sees this sparkle in your eyes and he can’t help but melt)
Probably calls you a Cougar if you’re wearing something he deems “old” smh 😔
Also expect lots of “this reminded me of you”s and its the ugliest t-shirt you’ve ever seen
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🧤 - Kyle Broflovski -
Ok he probably didn’t understand it at first and got kind of worried like
Is this your last resort 😔😔 he wouldn’t mind getting you something nice if you wanted 😔😔😔
You had to explain its a THING for you, like, it’s fun and you can find some pretty cool and cute things if you look hard enough!
Whatever, he wants to join in order to understand, and he surprisingly has good luck with good finds?? You’ll definitely force him to try at least ONE thing
Listen. This boy dresses himself like his mom still picks out his clothes ok. Button-ups, polos, nice jackets, Kyle’s a smartass and he wants to dress the part (😍) so for some reason it’s SO new to him, and he’s worried he’ll find something stupid and he won’t even know
Just wants your approval (he’s a sweaty nerd)
Ok not every time but the matching old ass Terrance And Phillip shirts are a huge flex to him so hes happy
You’ll probably buy most of the things he shows you (they become your favorite and you wear them constantly)
Kyle and you are the same.like. “Oh this? Kyle found this necklace when we went thrifting together 🙄🙄”
And he’s constantly letting everyone know “Yeah this is a 1986 original Terrance And Phillip T-shirt matching with my partner 🙄🙄”
Everyone’s sick of it
You’ll go home with him after thrifting and Ike will TOTALLY make fun of you guys
Kyle, poor boy so In love, gets extremely giddy when you’re wearing something he found for you (blushing mess tbh)
Melts even more when you get some old stuffed animal for Ike and Ike ends up ADORING it (bonus brownie points from Sheila and Gerald)
He still doesn’t understand the whole thrift thing, I mean, newer clothes just last longer and fit his style more!! What!!
He enjoys going with you anyways and lovingly watches you get excited over small things like that <3
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🎸 - Stan Marsh -
Crazy not so crazy, he’s actually gone a few times, really likes it too if it’s a good day
This, of course, makes you SUPER happy and you’re instantly dragging him to every spot South Park has
When he was with the goth kids, he remembered them talking about it, tried it for himself and was slightly obsessed for a bit
Indifferent about most of it, just likes going for the old band shirts or something with a funny graphic on it
Maybe a jacket or two as well
ACTUALLY he goes insane if there’s a cool looking varsity jacket or some jerseys yet to be worn
Although,,,,,,he has the worst luck with everything he cannot find anything good or something he likes,,,,
It’s either got shit stains or beer stains or god forbid SHARPIE or PAINT like WHY are these here
You gotta step in and hand him some of your luck, he wants his punk rock t-shirts or whatever 🙄 (he’s eternally grateful)
Thinks you look super cute in anything you’ve found, but gets slightly impatient if you’re taking too long in a dressing room or looking In the same section for too long
If there’s a certain band shirt you’re both looking for? He’s going to the ends of the earth (Just in South Park) to find it for you
Naturally, you’ll both have a blast just talking about where things have come from or chuckling over something funny looking
You’ll dress each other up in jackets too big for each other, it’s sweet and innocent 😭😭✊
Shelley caught wind of you two going thrifting every so often, she’ll kick out Stan and just wanna go with you 💀💀
Spoiler alert Shelley has TOO much fun with you and it becomes a thing (much to Stan’s dismay)
You’ll MOST LIKELY find stupid shit with her and constantly “hahaha Stan would look fucking STUPID in this”
“I know right!!”
Randy saw you wearing something you had found with Stan, thought it was Sharon’s for a while and was super confused 🤨🤨🤨
Overall, super fun chill time with the Marsh boy you love him, go get Ice cream with him after a haul ✊✊
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🦝 - Eric Cartman -
“What the fuck are you wearing”
“It’s a cardigan I found doesn’t it look good!”
“Found where 💀💀💀”
ALSO DIDNT understand it and probably heard “shoplifting” instead of the former
You have to FORCE him to join you tbh and he suggested robbing Stan’s mom would get the job done faster, whatever
Pretends to be SUUUUPER bored and uninterested, like ugh he’s shopping? Says it’s totally gay
Probably wouldn’t look around, just tag along while pretending to hate the entire experience (you know he doesn’t, you see his eyes go towards cool looking things in the shops)
Gets pretty impatient if he’s somewhere for too long, unless you REALLY beg him and find something that “meets his standards”
HATED thrifting until you found him a shirt without sleeves, looked corny as hell, had some bootleg graphic and inspirational quote and shit
Eric FELL IN LOVE WITH IT 😭😭 it showed off his muscles of course
You just HAD to get it for him, doesn’t stop wearing it, claims he found it until you give him the side eye
“We found it together 😍🙏”
You won’t go as often with him, but when you do (and when he’s not bitching about how boring it is), it’s actually a really fun time and he’ll make you crack tf up with snarky comments about things
He’s rude-funny and you are in love with it, especially when it’s towards something you like, you KNOW he doesn’t mean that bs towards you
Liane just HAD to mention that thrifting gets quite a lot of business in South Park, his con-man instincts went wild
Eric just wanted to start a business with you!! Resell items and clothes as if they were worth it! (They are not) fake stories galore!
Stop him before it’s too late please
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mouschiwrites · 3 months
Hi could you do a Stan , Kyle ,Kenny , Craig, and Tweek x reader (separate) who has POTS and H-EDS , I just can’t find any representation in any fics, thank you and I hope you have a wonderful day
Of course!! I'm always more than happy to give y'all some representation! (and as always please let me know if I've written anything incorrectly,, I'm always trying to learn more! plus I never want to hurt you guys qwq)
South Park - Stan, Kyle, Kenny, Craig, and Tweek With a Reader Who Has POTS and H-EDS
This poor soul spends every waking minute worrying about you
No matter how many times you try to tell him that you can handle yourself, he's never convinced
Standing up? He's at your side in a millisecond, even if he was across the room before
"Are you dizzy? Are you okay?"
His hands are under your armpits, ready to stabilize you, before you can even respond
And he's so so gentle with you, and even scolds you for not being gentle with yourself
"Hey hey hey! Take it easy!!"
When he first found out about your conditions, he pulled several all-nighters in a row researching everything about them
He has a little notebook filled with notes on the disorders
Sometimes he'll whip out a fact that even you didn't even know
He made a point to memorize everything, mainly because he was worried that if he forgot something you'd somehow die because of it :(
Honestly he's almost as affected by it as you are; he makes himself sick with worry
Over time he might get better, but in any case you can always comfort him by just taking it easy
And cuddling him while you do :)
When you first told him about your conditions, he was just like "what."
You explained it to him, of course, but he didn't bother to do any research beyond that
He figures that you know yourself and you can take care of yourself
But at the same time he's conscious about the things you can struggle with (only because you told him)
Like, when you stand up, he keeps his eye on you for a while
Or when you hit something on accident, even lightly, he asks if you're okay
And he checks the spot later for bruising/swelling/etc
"Lemme look at that spot on your leg that hit the table earlier."
He's not prone to worrying too much, but when he does worry he asks for your thoughts too
Especially if he wants to take you to the hospital
Because ultimately he trusts you to know yourself, and he's not going to go against your wishes
Unless you're like, clearly in need of emergency services
Then he's calling the ambulance no matter what you say
But overall he's pretty normal about it, he'll only make a big deal when he's worried
He definitely asks you a lot of questions about your conditions
He's not only curious, he wants to know how to help you
And even when he's well educated, he'll keep asking questions
"How are you feeling today? Is it worse or better than usual?"
They are not always... intelligent questions
But he's just trying to figure out how he can help you in the moment
Because that's always his goal; if you need his help, he wants to be there
But he'll back off (reluctantly) if you tell him to
He'll ask "are you sure" at least three times first though 💀
He's definitely a worrier, and helping you quells his anxiety just a bit
Either way he's keeping an eye on you
And he's buying you cute compression socks (if you use them)
He'll be over the moon if you actually wear them, not only because he likes knowing you're just a bit more comfortable + safe, but because he feels like he's helping :)
He already knew what your conditions were when you told him (vaguely, at least)
But he decided to research them more in-depth when he realized that someone he cared about had them
His first search was: "how to help a loved one with POTS/H-EDS"
(he totally blushed while typing in "loved one")
But after that he dove deep into the more technical side,, like medical journals and stuff
He probably subscribes to a journal that specifically focuses on your conditions,, just so he can keep up-to-date on any new information
He does all this without telling you though, of course
He'll admit it if you somehow manage to find out about this, but he's going to try hard to make sure you don't find out
He doesn't want you thinking he's obsessed or whatever
But he low-key is
Even if you don't find out, you'll be seriously suspicious
Because he'll just whip out the most hyper-specific fact or bring up a new study
"You know they did a study on how [x] affects [y symptom], and they found that [x] can actually help. Maybe you can try it, or something."
He feels good when his knowledge actually helps you, though he also tries not to be a smart alec about it
Because, no matter how much research he does, he'll never know what you know from experience
(rare "Kyle being humble" moment spotted 🤯)
I honestly don't think he'd take you all that seriously at first
Like, to him, if it doesn't affect your personality it isn't important
When you first told him he probably said something like:
"Damn babygirl, you still fine asf though.."
Only partially ironically 💀 (also, he uses "babygirl" as a gender-neutral term)
It's only when he actually sees you being affected by it that he gets worried
He totally freaks out the first time, and after that he sits down with you and makes you actually explain things to him
He tries to commit them to memory, but he's not going to remember everything
And he's pretty self-aware about that, so he just tries to be careful around you
Not "walking on eggshells" careful, just "no roughhousing/rough play"
And he always double-checks whenever you switch gears in terms of physical activity
"Doing okay? Need to sit down?"
He'll hold your hand and sit with you whenever you do need to sit down :)
And he'll talk casually; he always feels better when you're sitting
Mainly because he knows that's the only way you can't hurt yourself... just sitting doing nothing
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Thank you for this request! And thanks so much for reading, take care duckies <33
(divider by saradika)
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Opinions on tweeks Hobbies?
I hope you feel better bestie 🥺💖
(Sorry for the late reply, got caught up with work! Also ty babes! 🖤🖤🖤)
Anyways, I’m gonna be using this ask as an excuse to do an analysis of his room, as I feel like it says a lot about his character and the things he likes!
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From this photo alone, it’s pretty evident that Tweek is a bit of a “jack of all trades”. He’s a kid with a very active mind, so it makes sense that this would present itself through his hobbies.
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For example, there are quite a few items that point to Tweek being very dexterous and crafty. Model planes, legos, kinetic building toys, all suggest that he enjoys building and working with his hands, a good example of Tweek being a generally more right brained person. These types of toys can also be good for building up one’s mindset and keeping the brain busy, and are usually good for helping out with anxiety, so he could also enjoy these things for that reason.
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The darts and the books are good examples of this too. Books are good for exercising the brain, while darts require focus and skill. We know from sot? (correct me if I’m wrong, my memory is fuzzy) that Tweek is (or at least implied to be) in the book club, another example of his interest in reading. Also, a lot of his go to weapons we see him with throughout the series seem to require some level of aim (a bow and arrow, a slingshot, etc), a skill I like to think he acquired through practicing darts.
Some of these might’ve also been gifts from his parents, hoping to help improve his focus.
We got some sporty stuff too-
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A basketball hoop, what looks to be a kickball, and a football + football helmet. Asides from throwing around a football with the other boys at recess sometimes, and being on the baseball team (which all the boys hated), Tweek doesn’t strike me as the “sporty type”, and considering the balls seem to be tucked away in what looks to be a bin? and the helmet is tucked away under his desk, it’s hard to say how much he really uses them. These COULD be random hobbies he tried to take up to keep himself busy, or maybe he just has a secret sporty side we’ve never known about. The basketball hoop is probably just for fun though, and I can see him holding on to both the kickball and the football to play with his friends at recess!
There are a couple common interests too, things you might typically expect to find in a young boy’s bedroom, such as dinosaurs, toy tanks, and a racetrack.
I think what really stands out to me though is what looks to be a trampoline next to the race track? And also this big ass sword??
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Seriously, how the fuck does he even hold this thing??? Lollll 😭😭
Don’t really have analysis on either of those but, they’re certainly interesting!
Also this doesn’t have to do with his room, but, I’m also such a sucker for the baking hc, that he gets more into baking after put it down, and forms an actual career from it in the future! I think it’s really cute!!
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numbbface · 9 months
A whole lotta Creek...
(just as the title suggests... its an art dump/repost of my stuff from twt with more words lol) 🤷
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i know this isn't that much of a creek art but our man Craig is there so it counts... 🙈
Also Baker Tweek!!!☝️☝️☝️
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Just drew this bceause i just really wanted to go to the beach and there was a power outtage and had nothing else to do...
also i guess this was also a bit of a supposed idea or scene for my Creek Karaoke AU but decided to just separate it midway.
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this one has long been my idea to draw... i just keep forgetting to get to it and now i've already did it.
So this one is definitely part of the Creek Karaoke AU since the name of the Baked Goods are their pet names for each other or at least what Craig came up with and calls Tweek fer time to time.
Yes, i headcanon Craig as a Big Eater, or at least someone who's not very picky with food, thought it would be cute since in my AU, Tweek likes to cook and bake and his taste tester is Craig who either ends up Happy for being able to eat really good food or a round trip to the toilet.🤷
Also as much as Tweek likes to bake or make sweets he's not very fond of'm but Craig on the other hand🧍...
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thought i'd add a side by side of the sketch and the finished one...
was originally going to do all this one MsPaint but idk... changed my mind halfway. Not much thoughts on this one, just fluff :3
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oooh golly been meaning to draw them in this style for a really long time😭😭😭
just been having a hard time replicating or at least adjusting their features to the art style that it honestly doesn't even look like the one i was aiming for, all you need to know that this art style came from a pretty old BL manga. Art is really good, Story... not so good, no happy ending😔
genuinely just thought of drawing them more anime or manga shounen-ai style without it looking like parody or come off as ironic
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lmao this was just for funsies and i was so pissed and tired that day that i just wanted to draw something to take me out of it. Inspo idea for this one was from those one Shoujo manga's of Good Girl x Delinquent/Bad boy/indifferent guy troupes
damn.. its been so long since i've actually read manga or watched anime lmao🧍
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angel-gone-south · 9 months
If you haven't done it before could you please write Jimmy Valmer x trans ftm reader and Clyde Donavan x trans ftm reader who likes makeup and more "fem" things but gets picked on for it (separate) I found ur blog today and I love it you write so well! So sorry if this is a odd prompt I've just never seen this done and it personally would be relatable for me
🖌(I haven't requested before but I want to so yeah)
Stan's Gang, Butters, Craig's Gang, Scott, Damien, Pip, Gregory and The Mole x FTM!Reader who's pretty feminine! (High School)
I'll do better than that.... (THIS IS SO MUCH.)
cw: slurs, minor transphobia, emeto, cig
Stan Marsh
ssssoo... who cares
legit he doesn't get why you get picked on
huh??? you look pretty, what?
or handsome. whatever you like
i feel like his bisexual ass would have a crisis over you actually
would probably get nauseated at the thought of you but
we all know what that means with stan
would love if you sat on his lap and did his hair, nails, and makeup like you do yours
just 'cause he thinks it would be cool if you matched.
Kyle Broflovski
calls you "they" at first because he doesn't like to assume
pc principal drilled that shit in his head fr
screams at cartman when he gets your pronouns wrong
does his research
gives you his hoodies for dysphoric days
because let's be honest he's so much taller than you are
his mom loves you actually
she takes the two of you to the mall
he would probably ask you out eventually
Kenny McCormick
people make fun of you?
but you're SOOOO HOT?!
constant. flirting.
"heyyyy.... you look great.... but you'd look better in my arms ;]"
he's so fucking dumb
you invite him over though and do little fashion shows for him
karen LOVES you, he brings her around a lot
touchy too... "can i have a hug, princey, please??" and he's all pouty if you say no...
Eric Cartman
so what are you
calls you a little faggot 'cause he thinks you're cis.
flustered if you flirt with him
very sexually confused at this point
bullies you but not a lot
it's more friendly than anything
will REFUSE if accused though
"with HIM?! no. absolutely not" and then kyle...
"you used his proper pronouns, cartman, good job!" "SHUT UP KAHL"
Leopold "Butters" Stotch/Marjorine Stotch
oh my goodness, you're so cute
makes puppy love eyes at you
is startled when you come up to them
blushes so hard at the thought of you
if transfem, you can bet marj is asking you ALL the questions
fashion advice, makeup, everything
loves when you give her little makeovers
loves to do the same to you
you guys snuggle a lot. bullied kid solidarity
Craig Tucker
woah. cool
the asian girls think you're a male magical girl protag
they love to draw you with the two yaoi icons
one of them tripped you and you landed on craig
it was their fuel for weeks
craig blushes every time he reads a fanfic they write
he's kinda annoyed at it
you bond over that though
spend hours giggling together at the stupid shit
Tweek Tweak
oh god he's ripping his hair out over here
absolutely head over heels i'll bet
screams when you talk to him
eventually though you guys sit in a kinda comfortable silence
lets you leave lipstick marks all over his face
doesn't wash them off until he gets a picture
it turns out shaky sooo...
"d-do it a-again!... p-please."
you take the picture that time
Clyde Donovan
cartoonish eye bulge, jaw drop, heart popping out, train whistle. the works
screams to the school that he's bi
immediately asks you out
"please please pleaaaaseeee"
you say yes just to get him off your back
but you end up having a great time
he takes you to a cozy drive in and tells you you don't have to dress nice
he likes you anyway
now THAT flustered you.
Jimmy Valmer
"m-m-my my, y-y-you m-m-must be f-from my pantry, 'c-cause you a-are a snack."
god he tells you how gorgeous you are every day
like. he hangs around you so much
he roasts the shit out of transphobes too
"eric, a-at least th-they look p-p-pretty. y-y-you can't even m-manage that."
and then you high five
you guys watch cartoons together
he's actually a great cuddler.
especially when you're dysphoric or on your period. his oversized tees >>>>
Tolkien Black
"okay? i don't see you as any less of a man."
genuinely supportive
adores spending time with you!
you guys watch a lot of old sitcoms
and pick them apart by microagressions
it's fun for you but it annoys anyone you're with
not that he cares.
if you're picked on in front of him he sics wendy on whoever
'cause i KNOW she hangs with y'all too
Scott Malkinson
"huh??" he doesn't really understand, he just thinks you're so pretty
you guys hang out
but also you do old people things
going to the country kitchen buffet and watching the news
boring shit
but it's so fun for him because you're there
loves how femme you present
still genders you correctly because, quote "it's not that hard?"
his mom squeals over the two of you i can feel it
Phillip "Pip" Pirrup
you're both pretty outcast
so you hang around quite a bit
he always compliments you
consistently reminding others of your pronouns (not that anyone pays attention to him :[)
but he totally goes shopping with you
he loves when you try outfits on for him
or pick out clothes for him
just loves you.
please please tell him he means something to you
Damien Thorn
glares. but less so at you and more at the people who pick on you
tells them to mind their fucking business or get got
and he follows through, you know he would
fire and demons and all
you'd have to calm him down
he would be really warm so you snuggle with him on period days
personal heating pad
lets you do his makeup and complains (secretly very pleased. he's even shown his father)
his father ADORES you by the way. he has claimed your soul for hell when you die.
Gregory (of the Yardale Variety)
calls you a fair maiden at first but switches up so easy
"oh, my apologies, my handsome sire~"
always staring at you and musing
"ah. you remind me of something"
and then quotes a cheesey love poem
or like "i have crossed oceans of time to find you. braham stoker"
puts that shit in his social bios and everyone rolls their fucking eyes
basically proposes when asking you on a date with a huge bouquet
you're immensely flustered and he's all on his knees. "please, my prince"
Christophe "Ze Mole" DeLorne
he does NOT perceive gender actually
but tell him your pronouns 'cause he will just refer to you as 'it'
eventually warms up to you. compliments your outfits
you try to give him a bath and he hisses like a cat
his mother hates you
she thinks you're trying to "turn her son gay"
he hates her though so out of spite he gets really close with you
eventually beats the shit out of your bullies with a shovel. smokes his cigarettes after and goes "what?" covered in blood
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shhh-secret-time · 5 months
You know what would be so cute? Reader being Clyde’s unnamed sister! Because we know NOTHING about her! Can we get some headcanons about them maybe? Thaaaaanks baby!! I am loving your stuff!! 💋💖
Fuck dude that's such a great request! I am was so excited to do this one! Doing a request that's platonic love is so rare! Hope you like it babes!
Warning: Talk of suicide, Strong Language, Clyde being an absolute dork!
⚠️ Note: Listen there's a little talk of transphobia in the last half of this request. It's not Clyde but his dad. I want you to feel comfortable and safe reading this, if you're not do not read the last half! ⚠️
Pairings: None! Reader is Clyde's sister
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> Oh boy being Clyde's sister in a world where most of the guys in South Park are fucking stupid
> So when you come along all small and wrapped up in those soft hospital blankets
> Little Clyde knows he's gotta keep you safe.
> Kids are fucking mean, they know your insecurities before you do!
> Growing up Clyde's always been just a smidge overprotective
》He's not controlling just... careful? He needs to know you'll be alright
> Because let's be real for a second, he's not a fighter. Clyde Donovan cannot fight
> He's more of a "lover", maybe it's me but I've always seen the little dude to be a charmer, a little guy.
》You gonna have beef with him he's just a little dude?
> So if he can prevent you from being targeted in anyway he'll do it.
> So of course that means his friends become yours.
> "Meet your older brothers, no you don't get a say in it sit down!"
> Tweek, Craig, Jimmy, and Tolkien are your little family now. They all have their rolls.
》Gee, how come your dad let's you have five brothers?
> And the best part of this is that Craig came with a free sister too!
> You and Tricia get along so well! First bonding over how annoying your brothers can be, then it was little things like TV shows and games.
> Now when Clyde's little, "surround you by the only people he can trust and keep you safe" plan goes well, he can focus on annoying the shit out of you
》His absolute favorite thing to do is come into your room and just dance. He'll have his hands in his pocket, wearing whatever comfy clothes he has on and just start stepping side to side. If you ask what he's doing, he'll give you nothing. You get a bored expression and just him in your doorway dancing.
"Clyde? What are you doing? I'm busy playing games with Trish!" You hiss at him looking up from your Switch.
Clyde says nothing, of course he doesn't. That would ruin the bit. He just keeps bobbing side to side, taking a step closer to you only to step back. You know your glares do nothing but encourage him, but God damn it you wish he'd at least tell you why he's being annoying.
"Stop it! Get out of my room! You're so annoying!"
Ah typical sibling spats. It was a normal thing to do, but if asked you'd have no answer why he made you so mad. Why that little dance in your doorway pissed you off. Maybe it was because it was distracting? Maybe because he didn't ask to come in he just fucking smooth criminals his way in like it's something to do! Maybe it's because he's Clyde and he had a punchable face!
Clyde left your room with bruises on his arm that night. Immediately running down to tell your dad! You had to run after him and try to stop him, promises of doing his chores tomorrow if he didn't tell.
> Yeah it's hard to tell who the older sibling is sometimes
> The best thing to come out of Clyde's friends was Craig and Tweek teaching you to fight
> They remember the last time Clyde even tried to throw a punch and nearly broke his thumb
》Someone has to protect that idiot when they're not around
> You all agree Clyde may be an idiot, but he's you guy's idiot!
> That's not to say Jimmy and Tolkien aren't great!
> Jimmy is your gaming buddy when Tricia is busy!
》Dude had a dedicated Minecraft server for just you two. You're on hard-core survival mode.
> It's weird too because Jimmy just knows when you're upset or sad.
》He's not the best at giving advice but he's there for a laugh and he won't stop until you smile
> Which can land him in hot water sometimes but it's worth it if he knows he's helped you
> Tolkien knows when you're upset too, they both have this sixth sense.
》It's so strange because they don't have siblings, they live alone with their parents.
> Tolkien on the other hand seems to know exactly what to say and the greatest advice to give.
> If you're mad at Clyde for something, Tolkien just listens to you rant and rave about him.
"I swear he's such a pig sometimes! Who leaves their clothes lying around like that?! Does he think I'm his maid?!" You're stomping back and forth in the living room, whatever show playing on the TV is a distant thought.
Tolkien just watches you with a small smile on his face, he's messing with a little Rubik's cube half-ass solving it. He nods along with your complaints, he knows. He plays football with Clyde and has seen the way the man keeps his locker.
"You've got maids right Tolkien? How much does your family pay them?"
"Uhh..." The question catches him off guard at first, he's about to answer when you cut him off again.
"I'm gonna start charging Clyde that! Everytime I have to clean up after him, I'm gonna be like that's five percent from your paycheck dick!"
Tolkien shook his head in response. When you looked over and uncrossed your arms he almost chuckled at the betrayed look you cast him.
"Ten percent, don't settle for less."
Your grin widened and you nodded at him. Such sage wisdom. Tolkien was your favorite!
> Yeah no one is on Clyde’s side if you argue.
》 R.I.P sweet boy
> That being said Clyde is always there for you
>I mean always. He does everything in his power to make sure you're alright.
> That means physically, mentally, any of it.
> If you're sick, Clyde is right there beside you to help you feel better.
》He's complaining about it and picking on you because "Haha your nose is red and you look like throw up had a baby."
> He learned how to cook after you guy's mom passed. Someone had to since your dad is always working or at the bar.
> That's another thing. Mom
> He still hasn't forgiven himself for driving her to suicide. He believes it'd his fault, even if you have reassured him a thousand times over.
"It wasn't your fault, you can't keep blaming yourself. She wouldn't want you to." Your arms wrap around him and pull him into a tight hug.
Clyde let's out a little sigh and rests his chin on your head. He's heard this too many times now, he's starting to lose track the amount of times you've had to say it. He slowly wraps his arms around you and his shoulders slump forward.
You smile a little, it was progress. When he first got like this he would freeze and shut down. Just staring out into the void with those dead colored eyes. Just muttering how it was his fault she died.
You were too young to know what really happened. Clyde and Dad won't really go into it, but you know Clyde would never do something to purposely hurt someone. Much less your own mother.
"We still have da-"
"Each other. We still have each other and mom would want us to stay together, I know." He cuts you off and ruffles your hair, the smile across his lips don't reach his eyes. They never do.
You know in your heart you'll never be able to fix the pain your brother feels over losing mom. The rift it put between him and dad, but you'd never allow him to go to the deep end. You loved your brother and you want him with you always.
> And don't think for a moment it's just you comforting Clyde, he's right there for you if you ever need to talk.
> If talking isn't your style, then he takes you out. You go all over town trying to find something to do.
> Maybe it's the park, maybe it's sneaking into the movie theater, maybe it's throwing rocks across the pond, maybe it's him dropping you off at your friends house.
》Clyde nearly lost his shit when he found out you were friends with one of the goth kids.
> Firkle that little shit
> You shut him down about that immediately, reminding him of his need to flirt with every woman
> All in all Clyde is your typical dorky brother, the kind that definitely plays pranks on you and does things to get under your skin.
> But he loves you, so much. You're his precious little sister and when he's not getting into trouble with his friends he's happy to be with you.
> Now hold on before we wrap this up let's talk about something important.
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"Hey um Clyde...can I...talk to you about something?" You're in his door way, meekly shifting from one foot to the other.
Clyde raises a brow at you from his bed, his arm tucked under his head to prop his head up.
"Uh...sure? What's wrong, did you get in trouble with dad again?" He asks tossing his phone to the side.
"Kinda? He scolded me again." Your voice is a soft whimper as you try not to cry, padding across the room towards him and his bed.
Clyde's lips press into a thin line, he doesn't even realize his eyes are narrowed into the ground as he listens to you. "He caught you wearing mom's skirt again."
"Yeah. Says it's not right for a boy to be wearing his mom's clothes."
He watches you crawl into bed to sit next to him, you immediately go for his coat the red one he's always sporting around. He lets you, its one of your favorite things to steal.
"Ignore dad. He's just being an ass, you can wear whatever you want!"
There's a silence that falls over you two as you trace the blocky words on his coat. Until you finally speak up, choking back another sob. "Am I wrong because I want to be a girl? Do you think there's something wrong with me Clyde?"
"What?!" He exclaims maybe a little louder than he should.
He sits up and gives you his full attention now, his brown eyes staring you down. For a minute you think he's angry too, you think he's going to scold you like dad. But when you see how soft his the brown in his eyes are, it melts away. He pulls you into a tight hug, wrapping you up in his jacket.
"No way! There's nothing wrong with you! If you wanna be a girl, be a girl! If you feel comfortable in skirts and dresses then wear 'em! If you wanna be a girl who only wears dude clothes then do that too! But don't you ever say you're wrong for wanting to do that!" His voice is steady, there's no playful tone behind it like there usually is. He's being serious, Clyde Donovan is more serious than he's ever been in his life. You don't know what to say, don't know how to respond so you just sit there with your head laying against his shoulder.
"Look, I'm not a smart guy. I don't think I'll ever really understand. But I do know this, you're my sibling. My annoying little shit of a sibling. And whatever you identify as, will not take away how annoying you are. Or how much I love you. So be patient with me, but I'll start calling you sister in front of that old dick." You giggle a little when he calls your dad a dick. You wipe the tears from your eyes and nod at him with a smile. It's only then that he smiles back and pets the top of your head. A horrible habit he's had since you first learned to talk, was ruffling your hair.
"Thanks Clyde...you're the best. Sometimes."
"All the times."
"Don't push it."
"All of 'em. I'm the coolest brother in South Park. I'm telling everyone my sister thinks I'm the coolest."
> So yeah it doesn't matter what you identify as he loves you
》 If some day down the road you wanna be his brother again, cool. If you don't want to be neither, awesome. If you're both, whoa that's amazing!
> Clyde Donovan loves his sibling!
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gaybananabread · 1 year
hey! i saw your craig and tweek piece, and i loved it ahah, i was wondering if you write for south park, and if u do can we get ler! craig and lee! tweek?? like if tweek is struggling with his anxiety and craig cheers him up. if not its all good, hope u have a good day/night, take care of yourself ^^
Damn, this was a throwback. Been awhile since I've done anything South Park, hope you enjoy!
Ler: Craig
Lee: Tweek
Summary: Tweek's anxiety was rampant, his nerves completely shot. Craig helps him calm down, and have a good laugh.
Warnings: swearing (of course). This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!
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He couldn't belive it. His parents, his legal guardians, left him home alone for the week. True, he was 16, but that's a lot of responsibility! He could forget to lock the doors, someone could break in, steal his families prized possessions, and then the house is on fire! On top of all that, he still had school!
He stumbled through getting ready, his shirt-buttoning skills even worse than usual. Tweek didn't even bother with his hair, knowing the comb would do more harm than good. He didn't see the time, and almost missed his bus.
Craig's day was pretty average. His family were their normal level of assholes, annoying but manageable. When he saw Tweek before school, he knew it would be a long day. The blonde was crawling in his skin, flinching at every noise, and jittering like he had seven expresso shots. While that was probably true, he needed help to wind down. Lucky for him, Craig's got a plan.
School was over, along with Tweek's composure. He was on the verge of a breakdown when Craig walked over to him. "Hey, I'm coming over your house." No room for argument or overthinking. The boy flinched away, nervously laughing. "Hehe, sure, w-why not? It's not like a millLIONn things can g-go wrOng!" Craig clapped his shoulder, guiding him to the bus. The driver didn't care enough to question why a new kid jumped on.
The ride was quiet, aside from the tapping of Tweek's foot. Craig put his headphones on, listening to music. He sat his hand on the blonde's leg, trying to ground him. It sort of worked, but he was still a nervous wreck.
When they arrived at his house, Tweek fumbled with the keys, dropping them a few times. Craig helped, holding his hand and guiding the keys in. They tossed their bags in a closet and sat on the couch, deciding to watch a movie. At least, they tried.
"What about Jurassic Park ?" Tweek shook his head, going on a rant. "No! Th-those movies have a lot of nOIse, what if someone thinks w-we're in trouble and calls the COPS!" Craig rolled his eyes, moving past the fifth shot-down idea. This is getting old.
He grabbed Tweek's shoulders and pinned him to the couch, looking him dead in the eyes. "Dude, CHILL OUT! I know you've got some issues, but this is getting outta hand." He poked his stomach, trying to get his point across. What he didn't expect was the squeak he got.
"Damn, I forgot how ticklish you are." Tweek blushed, trying to hide his face.This is perfect!  What better way to let go than with laughter! He pinned his hands beneath his knees, getting a better grip. Tweek twisted and pulled, but he was trapped.
"H-hey! Craig, this is so stuhuEEehehehehe!" Craig wasted no times, skittering his fingers across Tweek's belly. His poorly buttoned shirt allowed Craig's fingers to slip in and get his bare stomach. For once, the dumb buttons helped him. "CrahaHAIG! QUIHIHIT ihihit!"
The beanied-bastard felt like teasing. "Nah, you're waaaay too cute like this." Tweek just hid his face in his shoulder, trying to hide the rosy blush on his face. Craig moved his hand up, finding a sweet spo/ bear the top of his ribs. Tweek's giggles turned into laughter, the tickles getting five times worse. "Man, this must really tickle, huh? Sucks to be you right now."
Tweek was conflicted. He was enjoying himself, but Craig was super flustering! The tickles felt amazing, distracting him from his anxious thoughts. However, the teases were turning his brain to mush! "QUHIHIHIT TEHEASING MEHEHEHE!" Craig just rolled his eyes.
"Tickles come at a price. No teases, no tickles." Tweek whined through his laughter, shaking his head. He tugged at his hands, but they were very much stuck. He was starting to get tired.
Craig saw this, and leaned down. He was so close that his breath tickled Tweek's ear. "I'm gonna do one more thing. Buckle up, Jitters." He whipped upwards, lifted Tweek's shirt, and blew a huge raspberry on his poor belly. He burst out laughing, bucking his hips. "CRAHAHAHAHAHAIG!  IHIHIT'S SO BAHAHAHAD!"
He blew a few smaller ones, skittering his fingers up and down Tweek's sides. After a few seconds of this awesomeness torment, he let up, climbing off of Tweek. The boy immediately curled into a ball, laughing off the ghost sensations on his torso. He kicked Craig's leg, getting a poke to the side.
"Ihi'm tired. W-wanna wahatch Frozen?" Craig laughed, turning on the movie. Tweek snuggled up next to him, pulling a blanket over them. Within the first half hour, they were both asleep, smiles on their faces.
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t3ddytr3atz · 11 months
HIII!! Can i request Hellpark! Christophe x hellspawn! fem! reader?
*giggles while smoking a blunt* yeah, I gochu pookie bear (guys I'm alive I swear) also I had to use a imp Christophe photo cuz there basically nothing of him in hell park beside when he met tweek
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He didn't trust you at first, I mean you're a hellspawn! He's so skeptical that ur gonna kill him or something no matter what you do
Soon after he warms up he'll be more kind and gentle with you, also exposing his soft side for you. He'll do things like holding your hand, hugging you etc.
When he realized he had a crush on you HOLLY FUCKING SHIT HE WAS SO NERVOUS AROUND YOU
He would blush way more, he'd stumble on his words, look at you from afar, etc. He's just so lovesick with you he can't hide his feelings for you <3
Once the both of you started dating he was VERY.SHY. he didn't take the lead in the relationship because, well...he hasn't been in one (if u wanna make him tweeks ex go ahead)
He is very soft around you, he'll snuggle up to you, praise you, making sure you never feel bag about yourself or anything 🥰
He likes to sometimes sing/whisper cute and loving words into your ear in French, like you'll just be cuddling in bed after you had a bad day and he'll be holding you close, singing/whispering cute little things in French to calm you down <3
He can get jealous easily, it mostly happens when a random person is flirting with you or something he'll just threaten them or...beat the living shit out of them lmao
He likes to rub your horns as well (if u have any) he'll softly run a few fingers around your horns, sometimes he doesn't want to stop since they feel kinda rough and smooth
He'll spoiled you to the max (tries to at least) he'll but anything you like as long as it's affordable. New clothes? Got em', new dog? Boom, more snacks? Your fridge is full of them
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julysn · 3 months
julia really needs to sleep: late night rants with yours truly
topic: this one gorgeous fanfic that got deleted on thanksgiving and now i haven’t been happy ever since.
time: 2:10 cst
i love ranting about this silly deleted fic
129 days.
a hundred and twenty nine days since that fanfic has been deleted and i couldn’t download a copy before the author did so.
i haven’t smiled since the day before. i haven’t laughed since the day before. i haven’t felt an ounce of joy since the day before.
i woke up on thanksgiving day expecting some good ass turkey but what i got was as if that turkey had expired and mold all over it.
NO SERIOUSLY THAT FANFIC WAS SO GOOD YALL DONT GET ME. it was a sp one and i don’t think i have ANY sp mutuals here?? so.. lemme explain..
it was a kyle broflovski academic rivals to lovers. fake relationship trope. i remember sm of the fic despite not having read it for months??/ i even downloaded a pdf so i could read it on a fight 2 detroit but I DELETED IT AFTERWARD. JULIA WTF.
plot/thingy/intro: so basically stan had to pull y/n into the janitors closet bc y/n was on the cheer team + bsfs with wendy (sp lore: stan and wendy are dating) and he tells her sm about college? FUCK I FOROT IT BUT ANYWAYS
also everyone’s aged up to hs. feel like that’s self explanatory but i am not reading an elementary fic hell no busters
and then craig and tweek (sp lore: they’re dating) walk in and they’re like “… 😦😦” bc one male one female in janitors closet why wouldn’t u think that and craig went “….this is our makeout closet” I LAUGHED SO JARD LMFAO
and so stan uses the excuse that he was confronting y/n about being on a date w kyle broflibskii!!11! omg. and it’s shocking bc everyone knows they’re enemies so craig + tweek believe it.
and since this took place during lunch, and kyle eats lunch in the gymnasium so the two go there and stan explains the mess he dragged them into and he’s like “pwease ☹️ pwease i don’t want wendy to think i cheated on her WITH HER FRIEND!” so yk kyle agrees and they hug and shit
scenes that happened that i remember: OMG. THIRD CHAPYER. y/n was eating in the gym in the bleachers and kyle used her lap as a pillow and they shared a peanut butter and jelly sandwich i loved this scene oh my god it was so cute
also: lore drop: y/n is cartmans cousin. i don’t need to say much to explain anything, if you’ve been on the internet for at least a month you’d know about his character
so after a game since y/n is on the cheer team she goes home and OH NAUR. CARTMAN LOCKED HER OUT FOR DATING KYLE OH NAURRRR. and it’s raining too! so y/n gets all soaked in the rain and kyle finds her so he takes her to his place and she has to shower and wear his clothes and it’s cute
they didn’t sleep in the same bed. NOOOOOO but he slept on the floor and let her take his bed what a gentleman k lived this fic so i loved it with all of my soul and heart pls come back.
dead on arrival by strawbebbyparks u changed my life forever.
ever since i first read that fic, i have been prettier. my hair looks better now, i look better now and i finally have a solid clothing style that suits me. i am feeling much more well.
i have not gotten sick within the time period that the fic was up on tumblr + ao3. but i swear i had a massive cold days after it got deleted. NOOOOOOOOOOO,,LKKK
please it was so good.
i’m manifesting that the author is just rewriting everything and she’ll re upload it w better writing + scenes soon bc I MISS DOA SM IT WAS SO GOOD
i remember having an online friend and in the middle of the night i’d be there and we’d be having a convo on how it was the best kyle x reader and no one could top it. doa was amazing
that fic motivated me into writing again too omg i remember reading it and immediately beginning to wri my own kyle fics
i remember waking up on summer days METICULOUSLY checking my notifications to see if k got an update email. and if i did i would be screaming and giggling and kicking my feet just reading it over and over again
also i’m js exaggerating like i’ve obviously been mourning the fic but i wasn’t THAT sad 😭😭
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gaystan · 10 months
youu don't understand i NEED more mcau i need that shit injeected directly into my. brain
i love this ask because i was deadass just worrying do i post about the microceleb au too much i don’t want to be annoying. just for you anon here’s everyone’s pets
stan and kyle went to WAR over getting a big slobbery shelter dog because stan will actually die if he didn’t get a dog. when they were looking at houses stan made sure they got one with a big backyard and kyle was like aww like for kids? and stan (thinking of big slobbery shelter dog) yeah. kyle insists on it at least being hypoallergenic. no shedding. but when they finally get the dog kyle babies the hell out of it
kenny used to have a cat when he was in his early 20s because he read once that guys with cats get more bitches and he pawned it off to someone about a month in because it stopped being cute + he can’t actually take care of a cat
cartman has two bitchy old cats and a bitchy tiny chihuahua that he always dresses up in little outfits (which they fucking hate) and an overpaid petsitter cartman barely trusts and they look like this.
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tweek and craig have a noisy blue budgie that yells at them all the time speaks in near complete sentences which scares the fuck out of tweek and they can never record in the same room as him. and of course they have stripe #939284
jimmy has a hamster named hamburger who he also gives fuckass outfits and constantly posts pictures to insta and the catg group chat. craig hates hamburger for not being a guinea pig
nichole has a sweet old tabby that occasionally pops up in streams and she uses him as a negotiation tactic, “if you guys don’t spam or ask about collabs i’ll post cat pics to instagram”
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viveela · 11 months
your art is ❤ I wanna squeeze them to death (affectionate) also do you read sp fanfiction? if so do you have recs? 🙈
Ah thank you sm!! I'm so glad people enjoy my fanarts, I honestly didn't think my whole shift to south park posting would go this well lol I'm very glad to be proven otherwise!!
As for sp fics ...this is gonna be a long post lol.
So I have been reading some, buuut I guess I'm kinda picky...I am kind of particular about fics in general honestly. If I love something I want to see it portrayed authentically, that goes for every fandom I've been in. I know aus are fun but I want to be able to mainly consume canon compliant content, rarely do I read anything else oops. Unfortunately I've found that to be kinda hard since aging them up and doing all sorts of aus is heavily the vast majority with the sp fandom so I don't really have too many fics I personally have to recommend; just a handful that stood out to me, but I will happily share some!! They're all style and creek tho as I haven't found any I like that aren't yet, but I hope to find some for other pairs or nonromantic ones soon.
Stan x Kyle: A Ballad of True Hearts It's ongoing but really good so far! I really enjoy it, I'm a huge sucker for the fantasy look from the show/game and when it comes to aus this is like the only one I really indulge in. I really like how they're characterized and the tense dynamic they have that reflects the one seen in the current state of the series. The underlying plot has me very intrigued too! Sign of Devotion Adorable canon feeling story where their fantasy world is rarely portrayed as in the show with them simply playing pretend (which is my fav way to see it done). I loved this one to pieces and idk I just really like the idea of some feelings arising between them from trying to stay in character!! To Be More Than My Daydream I really enjoyed this one because it really nailed down how comfortable the two boys have gotten with each other's presence. I enjoy the idea of Stan taking a while to realize how his feelings changed over time and the way awareness of this slowly comes to light. It's written so tenderly and sweet it's really cute, I love the way they are here. Say it and mean it (for both our sakes) Such an awesome fic covering the distance that has grown between the two and how they're both happier when close to one another. They are both wanting and missing what they once had before but so bad at communicating this to each other until now. It was just perfect, loved it. Tweek x Craig:
Signs Point to Yes Incredibly fun fic, super in character, felt like an actual episode. The call back to the fortune teller is great. It was just such an enjoyable fic that really captured their dynamic and the struggle to save a relationship they didn't even ask for but now want. Super cute!
A Stripe of Love This fic was made before there was that much info on Stripe I believe, but it is very cute and I enjoyed it a lot. I am also always a fan for people bringing in Tweek's unofficial/official parrot into the mix, even if briefly. Overall, it's just a really sweet read.
Baby steps
Really cute exploration of how the two would feel about the awkward transition from faking to actually putting real feelings into their actions and being a little more vocal about it. Tweek's nerves are captured really nicely too.
That's all of them, hopefully my tastes in fics overlap at least a little with yours and you gain a nice read out of this!
I also plan to write some fics myself so maybe keep an eye out for that...?
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infitsovermisfits · 2 years
Hi, could you please write an Eddie Munson fic where the reader was like a popular girl who was best friends with Nancy, and she's like totally in love with him
[no smut if possible although IDM, you write really well]
((sorry this took forever to write!!))
Tysm for the request and compliment omg 😭😭 I hope u don't mind that I use Gender Neutral pronouns here :)
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info: I have quite the story with this: i started writing this when i was in another country in my notes just to map out how i wanted this. When i got back home, i wrote about 4k words of this, realised i characterised the reader completely wrong and had to rewrite the story into this :) I'll still post the other half but tweek it a little bit because i can't just waste 4k words like that come on ;-; I hope u like this requester!! I had fun writing this :) I'm sorry if it's slow, I was trying to pace it somehow and I... Yes :) this og version also had a party scene but I cut it because it didn't fit and I didn't like the direction it was going- so if I finish writing that it'll likely spawn another fic ;P such is the way of a perfectionist
Info 2: after making many many revisions to this the final tally is: this spawned 2 other fics that may get finished at a later date, and jesus chrsit did this drag on oh my god
WARNINGS: slower pace (sorry), reader is a senior, gender-neutral reader, self-conscious reader, reader has overbearing parents, brief allusion/mention of child abuse, use of the word suicide (once), mentions of underage drinking, underage drug use
word count: 7659
"Come on- no cute boys?" Nancy Wheeler asked as she walked beside you through the busy morning corridors of Hawkins High. You let out a long sigh as she stopped at her locker, quickly opening it and beginning to place the books she was carrying in her hands inside,
"You find me one cute boy at Hawkins, Nancy. They all look like they crawled out of a swamp," You groaned, rolling your eyes as you scanned the busy hallways from where you were leaning against a locker next to her, "They all smell worse than a swamp too," At your comments, she giggled, shaking her head.
There were positives to being popular- invitations to every party, access to all the gossip at school about anyone, endless compliments and offers to do any of your work for you... But the novelty wears off oh so quickly, and all the positives cannot outweigh the negatives. And it all just gets so boring. And when you realise you can't exactly have other people sit your final exams at the end of the year, you realised how much shit you were in.
That's where Nancy came in. She'd seen you struggling with biology and offered her help, and surprisingly, you found yourself growing closer with her. She quickly became one of your closest friends, simply because she wouldn't take any bullshit and was honest and more importantly real. Where your friends blindly agreed with anything you said or did, Wheeler would actively oppose you, offer criticism, or try to at least steer you in the right direction with whatever you needed. She also didn't actively try distracting you from your work, instead of encouraging you to do it and offering her home as a quiet place for you to work in. This was fresh; it was new; it was something that made your friendship so strong. 
Nancy was so sweet too- when you'd given her a matching best friend's necklace for her birthday, she looked like she was ready to cry. She had mentioned Barb, someone you didn't really get to know before her disappearance, and how she was her only friend for so long and how happy she was to have someone else in her life, now that Jonathan was so far away. With this, you quickly realised you should try and make her as happy as she could be in her final Senior Year at Hawkins- so what if your 'friends' questioned you or gave you weird looks if you chose her over them? They'd have to just get used to Wheeler being around.
Then you had your tutoring sessions. At the beginning of senior year, you had asked those who were doing your work to stop. Obviously, your grades rapidly dropped, causing your teachers to get worried. Biology remained stagnant, but the countless D's and F's on your report card that was usually plastered with straight A's and flattery made the colour drain from your face at the idea of your parents seeing it. After a particularly tense parent-teacher conference, it was mutually agreed that you'd greatly benefit from daily, after-school tutoring sessions. And you had little to say about it under the scrutiny of your parents.
There, you'd met Eddie. 
Jocks; athletes; popular kids. Those were the people you hung out with at school and at parties. They made up your friend group, they surrounded you wherever you went. The 'outcasts' and the 'freaks' always piqued your interest, but God forbid you ever interact with them and commit social suicide. That's why you almost appreciated these tutoring sessions- though they were incredibly boring and sometimes difficult to focus on, they allowed you to interact with people you would usually be shunned by your friends for.
Eddie was 'The Freak'. The loud Satanist who insults back at your friends and made a fool of himself where he could to entertain his Hellfire Club friends. It surprised you when you first saw him in the tutoring sessions. Like you, he was failing only... Worse as you came to find out. Compared to the loud image you had of him, he was always very quiet. Wide brown eyes watching whoever was running the session, occasionally flicking down to write a few notes, then looking out of the window. He was never here on Fridays, and a small part of you was curious about where he'd disappear to. He'd always lazily drop into his chair and lean back in it, legs stretching out and spreading open under the desk as he pulled out a notebook and pencil and lazily scribbled notes down. Even doing so simple, to you, it was worth coming just to watch him.
You didn't speak to one another at first; not until one Thursday evening in November. You had a rather clear view of him from the corner of your eye where you sitting. You'd glance up at the chalkboard, scan the text, glance down to write it, then sneak a glance at the metalhead. Today, his legs were bouncing more than usual. You could faintly hear the tapping of his feet along with the annoying scratches and screeches of the chalk on the board. The tutor had even asked him a few times to stop tapping, only to earn mumbled apologies and eye rolls. You usually bounced your legs so much when you were nervous- sometimes at parties waiting for the alcohol to fill your veins and give you the confidence to dance. Or the one time your parents discovered your grades and spent the evening yelling at you... 
As the session grew to a close, you noticed him begin to pack his things up much earlier than the rest of your group, and before the tutor could even say their 'good afternoons', he was out of the door, hair bouncing and bag almost falling out of his grip as he left. You glanced at his vacant space as you packed your own things out and noticed a black notebook that had been left behind. Glancing at the others, too focused on hurriedly putting their own things away, you picked it up and looked it over. 
It was worn, old, clearly, and you desperately wanted to peek inside and see what secrets were in there. This wasn't the notebook he used for his notes- that one was a fresh, a new one specifically bought for school notes, decorated in crude drawings of lightning flashes and grinning faces, as well as creatures you only briefly saw in flashes when he'd open the book. This one was also covered in doodles, painted in white paint- you could tell from where some of them were smeared, leaving streaks of white paint against the black material. There was no legible writing, though, by the drawing of a strangely shaped die on the front, it indicated this was a 'DnD' notebook, or so you guessed- your brother played that game when he was younger. Personally, you never touched the game, not understanding the rules. And after finding out it was the 'devils' game, you tried staying as far away from it as possible.
So why, was the notebook now sitting atop your sheets and looking so inviting for you to look inside. You'd scanned the front so many times, that the drawings were almost certainly committed to memory by now. Deep down, you know you couldn't- you couldn't invade his privacy like this. But what if reading it told you more about Eddie and gave you a chance to finally have something to talk to him about...? 
It was weird enough that you'd essentially stolen it from him- maybe you should just give it back? Yeah- you'd give it back tomorrow!... After you read a few pages. With trembling hands, you reached to pry the book open, before freezing and glancing to your top drawer where you kept your journal locked inside an old make-up box. All the things you wrote in there flooded your head and you immediately dropped his book back down. If he had any secrets in here and you read them, you'd be invading his privacy- and that was just a shitty thing to do. You wouldn't want anyone to read through your stuff, so you shoved the book back inside your bag that night out of sight and mind, while ensuring you had it ready for the morning,
"Hey, where does Munson usually hang out?" You asked your group of friends the Friday morning after, as you stood around outside of school. A silence falling amongst them at your question,
"Ahaha- very funny," One of the Jocks said, and you sent him a glare, 
"I'm being serious," You said, watching as they all gave you strange looks, "I uh... I want to get something good for the party tomorrow," You smiled in reassurance, and watched as they mostly relaxed,
"You shouldn't go near him alone, I can go with you," The guy said next to you, arm moving around your shoulders and face moving close. You laughed, shrugging him off, 
"I'm perfectly fine on my own," You assured, "Any curse he tries to throw on me, I'll just deflect," You said, and watched him blink confusedly at your statement, pushing him away, "Are you guys gonna tell me or not?" You sighed, and when no one replied, you rolled your eyes, "Anyways..." You tried breaking the awkwardness, "Uhh- I just remembered Nancy needs me. Something about biology and... Cutting frogs," You made a face, before leaving them quickly. 
You had to find Munson by yourself, which wasn't great since you knew he never shows up to tutoring on Fridays and you can't just see him at lunch in front of everyone. You walked through the school's halls, smiling and waving politely at the students you passed, taking and returning compliments as you went. You paused suddenly as two boys walked around you, Eddie's name falling from their lips and ringing in your ears. You turned swiftly, following after them for a little bit until they disappeared into a mostly empty corridor. When you were sure no one was looking, you dipped in after them, watching as they disappeared into a club room. It was one of the old drama club classrooms- you used to go here all the time in freshman year...
It was still early but you wanted to see him alone, and without anyone here. You sighed, leaning against the adjacent classroom and getting lost in thought. Your name falling from someone's lips startled you, and you relaxed at the sight of Nancy Wheeler approaching you, 
"Why're you here?" She asked curiously, coming to stand in front of you,
"Oh, I'm... Reliving old memories," You smiled, pointing to the other drama room that was unoccupied, "I used to go here all the time as a Freshman," You sighed, "I was super passionate about theatre," She laughed at that,
"Right yeah, you told me. Still obsessed with Romeo and Juliet?" You made a face,
"Don't remind me of that awful thing," You sighed, trying the locked door and frowning softly, 
"They don't use them anymore for health and safety reasons," She tapped the sign clearly plastered on the door, "Plus, with the funding, they pulled it's kinda useless to them now. It's a miracle Hellfire even got that room," She nodded her head to the other door, the same one you wanted so badly to go to,
"Hellfire?" You had to play dumb, you had to play dumb,
"Right," She chuckled, "It's a DnD thing? Mike's really into it," She explained, waving a hand, "The idiot forgot his lunch so I have to bring it to him or mom'll tear my head off," She said. And before you could speak up, she was knocking on the door and letting herself in. 
There he was, perched on his throne and watching you newcomers curiously, hand raised for the two boys to stop talking. Orange and blue light illuminated him, shining on his features from the overhead stage lights hitting the table and him. He was just missing a crown- he'd look like a king. Slowly, he stood, clapping his hands together and offering you both a wide smile,
"Greetings," He said, and you gave a little wave to him, as he moved forward, "To what do we owe your company on this most joyous of days?" He asked theatrically, and you forced yourself to not laugh,
"Hello, Eddie," Nancy said with a sigh, before her gaze turned to Mike, "Dumbass, you forgot your lunch," Nancy said, an edge to her voice as her younger brother shot up from where he was sitting, ducking under Eddie's outstretched arms,
"Ahh, and here I was thinking you two would be joining us this evening," He said, and he looked between the two of you. Frankly, you were too mesmerised by his hair swishing as he moved to register his words until his eyes met yours. Your brain emptied itself out and filled with nothing but thoughts of him, doing its best to commit to memory the fact that he looked at you. Fuck. Your heart only sped up like this if you were too high and freaked out. But this was... Pleasant. You returned a small smile and opened your mouth to say something,
"We're good, Eddie," She cast him a tight smile and glanced at Mike, "But if you're late tonight, you're walking home," She threatened,
"Mike!" She said warned sharply. She rustled the bag at him, and you watched him sigh as he took the bag from her,
"At least say thanks, Micheal," You piped up, folding your arms and tilting your head at him,
"It's not Micheal," He said, moving back to where he was sitting to put his food back into his bag, 
"Sure it is Micheal!" You grinned, glancing at Nancy who shook her head, "You should really thank your poor, poor sister. She's making sure you're getting fed," You pouted, putting an arm around Nancy's shoulders and pulling her close. You grinned at how pissed off it was making the boy and saw his lips move in a mumble,
"Oof- can't hear you, Micheal," You chirped,
"Yeah, what was that Micheal?" Eddie now chimed in, watching him with a wide grin too,
"Thank you- oh my God," The boy said exasperated, and you laughed softly, pulling Nancy out of the room, "Thanks for the help, Eddie," You said, waving to him as you exited. You laughed with Nancy as she led you from the room and began to chat with you easily. Eddie's notebook is still in your bag between your own books and folder though. Shit.
You had to figure out a way to give this book back as soon as possible. You even considered ditching the tutoring session to try and follow him, but that'd only hurt your grades- and you needed to graduate this year. The session moved by agonisingly slowly, and you spent most of it trying to figure out the right words, rather than outwrite admitting that you found Eddie's notebook and stole it. You sighed in relief as it finally came to a close and pulled the book from your bag while you were putting your own things away, beginning to walk through the pleasantly empty, quiet halls. You gravitated towards the drama classrooms, hearing cheering and loud noise, and stopping as a group of boys walked out yelling and chatting amongst themselves. 
 Wheeler, who you recognised from the mess of chin-length black hair, emerged first, running through the halls and hoping to catch Nancy before she left without him. His friend, a mess of curly hair hidden under a hat, followed quickly after him. Then finally, the other boys walked slowly with Eddie, still talking to him before he stopped at the fork in the hallway. There he was, grinning to himself as he produced car keys from his pockets. Soon enough, you heard 'bye's' and 'see you next weeks!', and there he was, turning and walking towards you.
He stopped, seeing you watching him, and, comically, turned to look over his shoulder at the empty hall. He then turned back to you, who offered him a small wave. He made a small gesture to himself, mouthing 'me?', and you couldn't help but laugh,
"Yeah, you," You said to him, slowly walking forward. You produced the book from where you'd safely tucked it under your arm and presented it to him, holding it out at arm's length. His expression morphed into a shocked one, eyes growing wide as he recognised the drawings and his lost object, "I didn't-" You said quickly, "Like, I-" Any preparations you made in that session fell through at his sudden closeness. "Uhh- ahaha," You laughed, more at yourself and how pathetic you felt. He took the book from you, a frown on his face as he quickly skimmed through the pages,
"You didn't... Go through it, did you?" He asked with a frown, glancing up at you,
"No!" You assured him quickly, "You- you left it behind yesterday after our tutoring thing. You left too quick for me to uh... Catch up to you and give it back then," You explained, and watched him slowly nod. He went back to flicking through the book,
"Right," He said. You could hear the scepticism in his tone as he went quiet again. You shuffled nervously, and almost turned to leave before he spoke again, "Sorry- I just can't be too sure," He mumbled, glancing back up at you, "Your friends don't really like me," He gave a slight smile, and though it didn't reach his eyes, it was still really pretty, "I was worried this'd be tampered with but it's not," He said,
"Oh! Yeah, no one saw it," You said quickly, "I put it in my bag so I could keep it safe for you," You explained, cringing slightly at your choice of words. For some fucking reason, you could talk to any boy in this godforsaken school with ease, but when it came to Eddie, your mouth moved too quickly and your brain lagged behind, "I wasn't uh... Sure when I'd see you again so... Yeah," You said, "Glad to have... Gotten it back to you... Now," You said,
"Safely," He added, closing it, "Well, thanks- a lot. I've been going crazy looking for this," He indicated to the book that he now hid away in his bag, "Tore my trailer up last night looking for it," He smiled,
"Oh!" You said, raising your brows, "Didn't know it was that important to you," You laughed softly, "Sorry,"
"It's okay," He said in such a friendly tone it made your stomach flip and heart ache for him to say it again, "Thanks for keeping it safe away from your friends... They don't like me very much,"
"Yeah- sorry," You said again, looking away and shuffling your feet, "They can be real fucking assholes," You sighed,
"Tell me about it," Eddie said sarcastically, but not in a malicious way. In a funny way. So you laughed, "You're not though," He said, and you glanced up at him,
"Hmm?" You hummed, 
"An asshole," He added, "You could have ruined that book. Ripped it to shreds, read through it..." He said, and you bit the inside of your lip slightly. You'd been a witness to some of those things when you were younger, "But you didn't," He gave you a slight smile, "So thanks,"
"Uhuh," You nodded, "You weren't in our uh... Session today," You pointed out, "I had to go and hunt you down," He chuckled softly, and you felt your heart beat a little faster in your aching chest,
"Yeah, Fridays are kinda sacred to me," He said, nodding his head back to where he had come from, "I'm the DM in our Hellfire club. It sorta falls apart without me there," He said confidently,
"DM...?" You asked slowly in confusion, 
"Dungeon Master- for Dungeons and Dragons," He clarified, and you nodded, 
"Right- of course, you are," You nodded, and he looked at you, "So uh. Did you need the notes for today?" You asked, and he looked at you surprised, maybe a little confused, "I uh-" You were already searching in your bag for the notebook you used to keep your notes in, "I even made sure you could read what I was writing," You laughed to yourself, passing him the book, "It was Biology,"
"I hate biology," He commented, taking your book and smoothing a hand over it. You laughed softly,
"Me too," You agreed, "I was really bad with it untill Nancy started helping me,"
"Wheeler, right..." He nodded, your notebook now safely tucked in his bag, "That's why you guys were together this morning?"
"Well, yeah, and she's my friend," You explained, "Because of the biology thing. So I guess it's not all too bad," You smiled,
"Weren't you a straight-A student?" He clicked his finger at you, looking at you confused, and you slowly nodded,
"Yeah, but only because I wasn't doing any of the uh... Work," You said, embarrassed to even admit to your faults, "I didn't really treat school too seriously for a while- and with so many people just... Offering to work for me, it was hard to say no," You said, looking away from him, "Gave me a lot of free time... Too much free time. Then, during the summer I kinda realised I'm gonna be the one writing my final exams, and not them, and so I thought, oh! These first essays, I'm gonna do myself... And I got probably the worst grades you've ever seen," You joked,
"Believe me," He raised his brows, beginning to walk slowly with you, "I know what bad grades are," He smiled slightly, "Or else I wouldn't be wasting my time in those sessions after school,"
"Right," You tapped your forehead with your fingers, "Sorry, I'm uh... Yeah," You nodded, before continuing, "Well, my teachers weren't happy... Neither were my parents," You grimaced, "Got this whole long terrifying talk that I won't get into college and they'll kick me out and I'll be homeless or something," You shrugged, sighing as you recalled the evening you returned home, having spent your time drinking with your friends. Still buzzed and hoping to go to sleep, you instead found yourself sat on the couch in your living room, crying silent tears that stung your burning cheek, and ears filled with the angry ramblings of your father, "So yeah... Kinda lit a fire under my ass, and now I'm doing what I can to just pass," You sighed, "Definitely not a straight-A student," You grimaced again, glancing up at him,
"I mean, it could be worse," He said, twirling his car keys, "This is my third time passing senior year," He sighed, "Kinda makes me wish I had someone yell at me and get me to try harder," He smiled, and you nodded your head slightly, "But alas... All I got is a deep-rooted hatred for this fucking place," He glanced around at the barren white halls, illuminated by fluorescent lights, 
"You'll get out eventually, Eddie," You reassured him, and he turned to look at you, "Uhh- Nancy told me that I should have a more positive attitude surrounding this whole thing," You explained, 
"A what?" He asked playfully, and you laughed,
"Instead of thinking 'I'm not gonna make it' think 'I'm going to try to make it,'" You said, "Like uh... Tricking your brain to thinking you like something when you really hate it," You said,
"Why would I want to do that?" He said, making a face, 
"To fit in...?" You asked softly, and he raised his brows, 
"Mmmh... Guess you're used to that, darling," Your eyes widened slightly at the use of the pet name, and he walked forwards a little faster, pushing the exit open for you and holding the door open for you, "But not me," He gave you a slight smile and a wink, and you almost stopped being able to function. You swallowed nervously, mumbling a thank you as you walked out of the door first and glanced over your shoulder at him,
"You've never had to pretend to like something to fit in?" You asked, almost incredulously,
"Nope," He shut the door, looking down at you, "Then again..." He said, standing next to you and leaning over so his head was close to your ear, "I don't have friends who are assholes," As he straightened again, he gave you a warm smile, and you only nodded, glancing through the parking lot,
"Uh..." You stuttered, "I hate parties," You admitted, and he tilted his head slightly. Something about those large round, brown eyes and the way his general disposition was reminded you of a puppy, and you couldn't help but smile at him, 
"You?" He asked surprised, "Hate parties?" You nodded at his shocked expression,
"Yeah..." You smiled, "Drugs and alcohol relax me enough to have an okay time, but sometimes I take too much of either and get super nervous," You sighed, "I don't like the crowd; the loud music; the... People there..." You grimaced, "But I know if I don't go, I'll get..." You shook your head, "My friends won't be happy. It's like I'm expected to be there. And I don't wanna disappoint anyone," You frowned. You suddenly realised you were spilling your deepest insecurities to someone you didn't know that well- and a guy you happened to have a crush on- and you had to collect yourself, "But uh, yeah..." You couldn't meet his gaze, too embarrassed to even look up
"Well... if you didn't have to go to a party, what would you do instead?" He asked.
For some reason, you didn't have an answer straight away. No one had ever asked you what you wanted... Certainly not any boy. You blinked at him, mouth gaping open as you stared at him in shock, and your brain searched for an answer so you wouldn't be stuck in silence. He seemed to realise that you didn't have an answer, but instead of saying anything he just nodded for you to go on. You swallowed, licking your lips slightly and glancing away so you could focus,
"I... Would prefer to stay at home..." You said slowly, thinking, then smiling softly and tapping a finger to your lips, "I'd get some vodka and drink it by myself-"
"Oh, that took a turn," He said, and you glanced at him with a smile,
"Beer's just too gross for my taste," You made a face, and he nodded for you to go on, "I'd get drunk by myself... Or with Nancy. Depends if-"
"With Nancy?" He said surprised, "She drinks?"
"If she wants," You smiled at him, "I convinced her to share a joint with me once too," You said, laughing softly as he opened his mouth in shocked,
"Okay- wow?" He said, laughing too, "Guess you really do learn something new every day," He smiled,
"Mhm," You hummed, "I'd also be watching a movie,"
"What movie?"
"I'm not telling you- you're gonna laugh," You said, shaking your head,
"I'm not gonna laugh," He said, watching you. You looked at him, meeting his eyes, "Come on- I play Dungeons and Dragons for fun," He said, "I'm the last person to laugh at anything you'll say," He said. It did make sense. Eddie clearly wasn't like any boy you'd met before and you so greatly appreciated that. With a bracing sigh, you shook your head,
"You heard of 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show'?" You looked up at him, fearing his reaction,
"Have I heard- I love that movie!" He grinned, and you looked at him shocked,
"I haven't..." You smiled, "I've never met anyone else who likes that movie," You grinned, "I kinda accidentally saw it with my older sister once at a theatre when we visited Indianapolis and it was so good!" You grinned, "Then we saw it again when they showed it in Starcourt last year," You grinned, "I haven't seen it since but God, would I love to,"
"That sounds a lot more fun than a party," He said, and you looked at him with wide eyes, "You should invite me over," He said playfully, and you laughed, 
"Sure! I don't m-" The sudden sound of a car honking brought you out of your conversation, and you squinted in the darkness to see Nancy Wheeler and her brother watching you from her car, "Shit- ah... Sorry, Eddie," You looked at him apologetically, "I'll see you... Later," You said, quickly running down the stairs. Your name attached to the end of his goodbye made you turn, just before you crossed the empty parking lot to get to her car,  "How'd you know my name?" You asked curiously as he passed by you,
"Your notebook," He replied, before giving you a slight salute and walking to his van, "Say Hi to the Wheelers for me!" He called after you, and you watched his mess of hair as he faded into the darkness. You slid into the front seat next to Nancy, a smile glued to your lips,
"Still think there's no cute boys at Hawkins?" Nancy asked you with a smirk as your seatbelt clicked into place. It took you a moment, but when you recognised her words, you shoved her shoulder playfully, smiling, 
"Shut up, Nancy," You grinned, rolling your eyes,
"Hey, how come they get to be late and I don't?" Mike chimed in from the backseat,
"Because I'm Nancy's friend?" You said, frowning as if it was obvious, "You're just her annoying little brother, Micheal," You turned your head to stick your tongue out at him,
"Whatever," He huffed, turning his head so his forehead pressed against the glass. You looked to Nancy as she drove out of the parking lot, a smile fixed on her lips,
"What?" You asked, "Nancy, what?" You smiled softly as she shook her head,
"You like Eddie, huh?" She asked, and you rolled your eyes, 
"I'm not answering that," You said, though your eyes flicked up to the rear view mirror and caught sight of the headlights of his van as he drove a distance behind Nancy's car, 
"Come on- I saw how you looked at him!" She grinned, "Does he smell like a swamp?" At that you laughed, loud,
"Nancy, oh my God!" You grinned, "First of all, shut up and drive before I jump out of this car and second!!" You grinned as she laughed, "So what if I do? He's probably the first boy here to be nice to me without trying to get in my pants and ask me questions about my interests," You said, "To see me... As a person and not... Y'know," You shrugged, sighing softly and leaning your own head against the window,
"Uhuh," She nodded, "What'd he ask you?" She asked, giving you a small smile, "You looked enamoured," She commented,
"Not telling you... Here," You said, glancing over at her, then flicking your gaze to Mike, "Not with him there," You side eyed Mike, 
"What? Why?" The kid frowned, 
"Cause you're gonna blab something stupid to Eddie," You said, rolling your eyes, 
"That you like him?"
"Micheal," You grinned as he corrected 'Mike' under his breath, "First of all, I never said I like him; Nancy did. Secondly, I had one-" You lifted a finger up,"-conversation with him. That doesn't mean I'm falling head over heels. And besides, I already said I'm not saying anything in this car while you're here," You said, sighing as you turned back, relaxing into the comfortable seat, "Besides... It's not like..." You bit your lip, "Nevermind," You sighed softly,
"No, what is it?" Nancy asked, glancing at you with a small frown, but you quickly dismissed it waving your hand,
"Don't worry," You mumbled, turning up the music and letting Madonna fill the car as you stared out of the window. You let your mind run as your eyes focused on the dark houses as they passed by, lost in thoughts of Eddie and his kindness towards you this evening. About how badly you wanted to spend more time with him and not your friends. He seemed more real than they could ever try to be- he hadn't laughed at your favourite movie choice, in fact, he liked it too! And he was so warm and friendly it... Was fresh and delightful. You couldn't remember the last time you'd laughed without the need to fake it.
 All too soon, Nancy pulled up to her house and told Mike to leave the car, before killing the engine and looking at you. It took you a moment to realise where you where, and when you did, your eyes met, 
"What is it, Nance?" You asked curiously, "End of the line? Need me to get out?" You smiled, though reached for the handle,
"No, I just... Wanted to talk to you," She smiled softly, gently taking her hand in yours. You tilted your head slightly,
"About?" You asked confused,
"Right," You pulled your hand from hers and grabbed your bag from between your legs, "This was a lovely ride, Wheeler but I gotta go," She quickly said your name, which caused you to freeze and glance back at her,
"Please...?" She asked, with a small frown. You really didn't want to talk to her about this, especially not now, but the reminder that Nancy hadn't had many friends- especially to talk about boys made you reconsider.  You sighed, heavily dropping the bag and back into the seat, causing the car to shake slightly,
"What... Do you want to know?" You asked, rolling your eyes but smiling as you saw a grin spreading across her face, 
"Okay. When did you realise you liked him?" She asked eagerly, and you sighed, closing your eyes and rubbing them gently,
"A while ago, I guess," You smiled softly, "I don't know- maybe watching him be so... Free and so... Himself  was admirable to me- annoying sometimes but... You gotta hand it to him, he has a lot of confidence... And then I guess my admiration grew into," You sighed, "A crush," You admitted to humour her, "I realised in the tutoring sessions,"
"Oh right- because- yeah I see that," She nodded, 
"He's... Very quiet there. He has this look like he's actually trying to learn," You said, "And I don't know... He looks cute?" You smiled as she laughed, 
"You don't care that he plays a game for kids?" She asked with a smile, 
"Hey, don't make me start on Byers," You warned, "Have you told him to cut his hair? Or at least wash it?" You teased, and she laughed,
"I actually don't know if he's cut it or not," She smiled sadly,
"Next time you write, ask him for a picture," You said, "Or... Have you been sending him pictures already?" You asked in a teasing way, and smirked as her eyes grew wide,
"Ew- Oh my God," She said as she caught on to what you were insinuating, unlocking your door, "I was gonna drive you home but you're walking now," She grinned,
"Have you!? Please I have to know- Wheeler!!" You said, grabbing her arm and shaking it playfully before grinning and letting her go, 
"Goodnight!!" She said, waving you off and shaking her head as you dropped back in your seat, laughing to yourself. With a small sigh, you settled in the seat, before glancing at her,
"You know... I also think I really like him because he's so different to me," You admitted quietly, placing your finger to your mouth and gently biting at the skin surrounding your fingernail, "I'm... Popular. I've got a lot of friends, a lot of people like me... But they don't see me. They see something I created for them to see- a caricature of who I really am. All the... Good and perfect parts are pulled to the surface and all the ugly gets buried deep and away from view," You rambled, frowning softly, "But Eddie is... Eddie," You smiled, "He doesn't care what people think of. My friends- they call him a 'freak' and a 'Satanist', but I don't get that from him at all, you know?" You sighed, "It's like- they judge him before even giving him a chance... Good thing he doesn't let himself be judged... I wish I could be like that," You sighed, letting your head drop back against the headrest,
"Why can't you?" She asked, and you glanced over at her, "Why can't you just be yourself?"
"I... Don't think I've thought about that before," You frowned, "I guess I realised through the weird looks whenever I'd talk about something I liked that the others didn't like it. And if I talked about something they approved of, they liked me. My... Parents have always expected perfection. My grades, my behaviour... I gave that to them, and when it fell apart they were... Mad... I think I really lost their respect with the whole fake straight A thing..." You said, rubbing your arm gently,  "And I know if my friends caught me hanging around with Eddie Munson, I'd... Lose everything I've made for myself at Hawkins,"
"Yeah, but school isn't everything," She said, starting the car back up again and turning the radio down so much you could hardly hear the music, "You would rather spend the rest of your senior year pretending to be who you're not, with people you don't care about?" She asked, "Besides, you wouldn't be completely friendless. You'd still have me," She smiled at you, and you smiled back,
"Yeah... I'd still have you, Wheeler," You echoed, sitting upright and putting your seatbelt on with a small sigh. You considered her words, and maybe just maybe they were getting to you. Really, what would you be losing if you just stopped hanging out with your friends and doing what you wanted to do? Your popularity? The company of those who only used you for your status? Comparing them, the negatives of popularity outweighed the positives... And leaving it had more positives: you already had your genuine friendship with Nancy and you'd also gain a friendship with Eddie... If you were lucky, maybe something more...
It was those thoughts that flooded your brain when you dug out a black sweater you rarely wore and adorned as many necklaces as you could without looking insane, revoking your usual green and yellow sweaters, before hopping into Nancy's car. It was those thoughts that occupied your brain as you walked through the halls and smiled at the students watching you with wide, surprised eyes as you barely spared a glance to your confused friends. It was those thoughts that prompted you, during break, to pass by your usual lunch table and walk over to Eddie. You were thankful you were thankful he was the only one there, for now. It gave you more time alone,
"Hey," You smiled at him. He hadn't been looking at you, focused on sketching something in that black notebook. At your greeting, his head turned sharply, and he instinctively pulled the book closed, standing quickly to greet you, 
"Hi...?" He asked a little unsurely, glancing at the table you'd usually sit at. Quickly, you stuck your hand out, and told him your name as if he didn't know it. He glanced down at it, and took it in his own, shaking it. 
"Can I sit here?" You asked as you pulled your hand from his, pointing to the seat Gareth would usually take. He gave you a nod, before you sat down, placing your elbows on the table to watch him,
"Can I uhm... Ask what you're doing?" He asked, amused as he sat down next to you,
"Ditching my friends," You said plainly, focusing on him and resisting the urge to look to where you usually sat, "I talked with Nancy yesterday and she made me realise a few things," You explained, "I've been pretending to be someone I'm not since 8th. Surrounding myself with people I really couldn't care less about leaving... I think I prefer your company more than those assholes," You told him, inclining your head to the people you had left stunned. He took a moment to study you, eyes darting over your face, trying to see any hint that you were lying, or playing a prank on him... But found nothing. He gave you a warm smile, which caused your heart to flutter pleasantly,
"Well then, my dear," He said, straightening, "Welcome to the darkside," He grinned as you laughed at the statement, "That's a cool sweater, by the way," He commented, 
"Gotta start my descent to madness somehow," You smiled at him.
Who knew that you'd make the best decision of your life that day? If you only knew how much happier you'd become since you left the prison of popularity and became an outcast, you'd do it much sooner. Sure getting called a freak by those you were once close with hurt some part of you deep down, but who cared when Eddie was there to defend you by your side, slinging an arm around your shoulders and pulling your forward, making some comment that made you laugh. 
Another perk was the fact that no one wanted you at their parties anymore- which meant you'd have more time studying, as boring as it was, or hanging out at Hellfire. You really had no clue why they ever called DnD the devils game- it was far from it. You found it enjoyable, and seeing this new side of Eddie only made your crush for him grow more. What you loved more than Hellfire were the rides home you'd share with Eddie. Nancy, after a fight with her younger brother (or so she told you with a wink), flat out refused to collect him so Harrington usually got Henderson and Wheeler together, which left you alone with Eddie. 
On one February evening, when you where hotboxing the back of his van in celebration of his first ever B, you'd leaned over and kissed him, leaving him pleasantly stunned, and you incredibly proud with yourself.  
"Damn, babe- why's your favourite movie gotta be such a sad one?" You heard him say from behind you, clearly chocked up by the ending. You laughed softly, though whiped your eyes on the back of your hands to clear them of tears,
"I just love it so much," You sniffled, "The aliens got to go home," You turned your head to look at him over your shoulder, "It got you too, didn't it?" You grinned as you saw faint tear tracks glittering on his face in the low light of his trailer and felt his arms that had been loosely wrapped around his middle pull you close to him, forcing to lay against his chest, 
"Sure. It got me, seeing a stupid aliens in their magical flying house," He said, and you grinned softly as you felt him nuzzling against your hair and neck,
"They're going to do the time warp again," You said, before sniffling playfully, causing him to laugh against your skin. You felt the vibrations through your body and smile pleasantly as the credits begun to roll on the screen,
"They are," He hummed. You let your eyes fall shut peacefully, feeling his hands move to gently shift your hair out of the way as his lips pressed gentle, loving kisses to your skin, not intent on starting anything, simply occupying himself with what was in front of him,
"Did you have a good time at least?" You asked, 
"Mhm. You don't have to ask me that, you know, sweetheart?" He smiled as you turned your head so you could see him, "I always have a good time with you around," The compliment made you blush and roll your eyes, trying to turn your head away, only to feel his fingers gently touching your chin and moving it to look back at him, "I'm being serious, sweetheart," He hummed, kissing your jaw gently, "I think you're probably the best thing that's happened to me all year," With that statement, he hugged you tighter, and you only smiled at his words, setting your hands on top of his,
"I think I should be the one saying that, Eds," You said, fingers running over his rings, "You know how scared I was getting this movie?" You laughed to yourself,
"Why?" He asked, lifting his head from where he had been resting it on your shoulder,
"Thought Harrington might find me weird," You said, gently picking his hand up in yours and beginning to play with his fingers. He allowed you to bend then and caress your fingers over the callouses he had developed from years of playing and practicing guitar,
"I don't think he'd have thought you were weird," You heard him say, from behind you, then feeling the welcome weight of his head back on your shoulder, "I bet he gets far weirder customers asking for far weirder movies everyday," He said, and you sighed softly, 
"I guess so..." You said, grimacing slightly,
"Besides, of course I'd want to watch your  favourite movie with you," He said; you could hear the smile in his voice, "I made you watch the Evil Dead," You laughed softly,
"Mhm," You hummed, taking his other hand off of you and standing. You moved your hand against his so your fingers interlocked and he stood up, following after you, "I liked that one," You commented, glancing over his messy counters for any food, before letting him go so you could rummage through his shelves. Finding an unopened box of cereal, you took it out, looking over it before setting it before him and leaning on the other side of the counter, mimicking his position, "Wasn't scared either," He laughed,
"I'm so proud of you, babe," He said, grabbing the cereal and practically ripping it open, digging his hand inside and beginning to messily eat, 
"Yuck- save some for me," You said, grinning as you tried moving your hands between his, laughing as you fought over the cereal. 
Maybe some would think your life was less interesting now- considering you only really had two people you were truly close to anymore. But why would you ever need those if you had Eddie with you? Fighting over cereal was far better than sliding between drunk, sweaty bodies from room to room to songs you forgot existed. Nancy was right- life was better being yourself in the arms of someone who genuinely loved you, and in the company of those who were kind, and unapologetically authentic. 
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scourgethecat66 · 2 years
craigerella: official storyboard/animatic
DISCLAIMER: flashing lights, quick movements, some signs of abuse/fighting
if thats not your kinda jiggle then thats okay im going to explain it:
craigerella is a story based around craig tucker which isnt a surprise im obsessed with him—but he has these life struggles that made him the bland, cold person he is today. thats what i wanted to represent.
craig tucker grew up being forced to not express himself by his dad, since in the show he is homophobic and had some really homophobic views. but, of course it works out in the end don’t worry💖 for years craig was locked in his bedroom (literally) and was forced to change.
this story still has craig and tweek fighting (season 3) and builds off of that. craig has been abused, yes, verbally and physically and this fight reminded him of that. since craig never really had the chance to find comfort between him and his dad, he turns to the boy who fought him.
of course, this leads to conflict later on. craig is diagnosed with GERD, which makes his stomach sensitive. he cannot have caffeine or chocolate and even citrus fruits. he finds this to be another thing crummy about his life. at this point, craig feels like he has nothing. so, as he grows distant with tweek and his friends, he finds happiness in a new sport: rupauls drag race [NOT BEING USED FOR CONTROVERSY OR ANYTHING. no affiliation and no drama] and the drag queen sport itself. this makes him feel like theres something he can look forward to—but theres one problem.
he cant watch it at home, his dad would kill him. the best thing would be going to tweeks coffeehouse and staying there—another problem—he cant stay there if he doesnt buy anything. and he cant drink caffeine.
but its the only way he can watch it, so he throws up coffee everyday of his life just to see rupaul 💀
so yeah this is how craig became a disney princess 💀
the animation sucks, and i know that, but its a storyboard. storyboards are layouts of what you want the story to look like and are usually what people use to plan things out. THERE ARE SO MANY MISTAKES IN HERE! ill admit it 💀
the first half is dookey but the second half is kinda cute 😍
but its ok. try and piece things together. idk if anyone even wants to watch it lol BUT IK I AM SEE YA 💀💀💀 THIS IS LIKE AN ACCOMPLISHMENT I NEVER STICK TO PROJECTS WAHOO
i hope to start this soon, but ill be doing more normal art now 💀
thank u to @fluiditycontents, @boobyalla, @fishycloth, and @ashtrayzfunzone for at least talking about this with me and thank you to people that were just there and ready to listen
and sorry i used flipaclip i dont have anything better 🤪
waterfalls coming out your mouth — glass animals
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arhddhg · 2 years
stan + kyle + kenny for the character ask game!! :)
Oooooh, this is going to be a long one.. I always thought that my view of the South Park characters were pretty boring so here are my first impressions:
Kyle broflovski
Sexuality Headcanon: I personally think he’s straight, I feel like I’ll get a lot of shame because of this but I never really saw him as a bisexual man let alone a gay man😭 I’m so sorry. But on one hand I do kind of see him being a Demisexual? I don’t know if there is really that much evidence to it but I feel like him being Demisexual. I can also see Asexual Kyle too? I think he’s straight but definitely not allo.
Gender Headcanon: I think he’s a cis man, but trans boy Kyle sounds like a good headcanon? It mostly rooted from Cartman’s sexist jokes but it sounds pretty cool, I’m down for more trans rep! Even if it’s from canonically cis characters..
A ship I have with said character: Kybecca is so fuckwg cute !!!!!!! The way Kyle guides her into relationships was adorable. I also like the dynamic of a shy awkward inexperienced-in-relationships girl and a nice (a genuinely nice) guy who helps her out when it comes to relationships!!! Fucking blorbos.. I want to hold them around like 2 little kittens :( I also really see the potential in Kychole and I wish it got more recognition, it would’ve been an actually great chance for him to get a girlfriend, fuck you Cartman, like honestly.
A BROTP I have with said character: It’s probably going to be Style, of course. Their friendship is honestly very cute to watch, but it can also get a bit sad at times (ex: assburgers). I also like Tokyle, Kyutters, and Kybe as a brotp. Tolkien and Kyle being mom best friends, looking over at their insane children fighting like little chihuahuas, while talking about mom things.. hwoedhsj. And also Kyle and Bebe being best friends gossiping to each other and spilling the tea (this wasn’t my idea though). I’m a bit stuck towards Kyutters though, cause I only thought of it just now.
A NOTP I have with said character: I used to like this ship A LOT, but now I have to say it’s Kyman. I can still see the potential in One sided Kyman and I always saw it being a thing somehow, but that’s as far as I’ll go for this ship nowadays. Kyman just feels weird, and all it took was a couple of callout posts for me to eventually lose interest in it.
A random headcanon: Kyle is the most simplest guy EVER. His music taste isn’t a specific genre and it all goes down to “well I like music as long as it sounds good”. He doesn’t like a specific type of food and is just like “I like any food as long as it’s good”. He’s the least fashionable and most distasteful guy in town, and his friends (the main 4 ofc) attempted to try and get him into fashion and introduce him to different kinds of genres (whether it be music, movies, or whatever) to see which one he’d consider to be his favorite. But it NEVER worked out, he’s just that boring. (Yeah, I’m projecting onto him, what about it)?
General Opinion over said character: He’s honestly such a well developed character, he’s not exactly my fave but I can definitely understand his popularity and place in this fandom! He’s just a lil guy :)
Stanley marsh
Sexuality headcanon: I think he’s either straight or bisexual, but all I know is that he definitely went through a bicurious phase. Remember how confused he was when Wendy turned out to be trans? He was also confused about Tweek and Craig’s whole relationship! He doesn’t know where he stands on the LGBT spec but he’s still trying to figure it out.
Gender headcanon: I only thought of this just now but demiboy Stan. I also like to think he’s experimenting with his gender, and it goes down to the examples I listed trying to describe his sexuality from my perspective. He’s open to people using any pronouns on him, and I love that for him :)
A ship I have with said character: Stendy, I remember drawing Stendy A LOT over here. I still love their relationship but not as much as I used to. Although, I have to say that I still yearn for their good ol’ girlboss and malewife dynamic.. I would also consider Stolkien because their current relationship reminds me of a forbidden romance, it’s honestly interesting to look at it that way. I like to think he tries to get together with Tolkien in an attempt to open more doors for relationships, relating to his whole bicurious and gender questioning thing.
A BROTP I have with said character: Just like the brotp I have for Kyle, it’s Style. I also really like Stary as a friendship. I honestly hope that Gary might make a comeback and Stan would spend more time with him, while the rest of the main 4 gets absolutely mad they are hanging out with such a “wuss” and not with them instead >:( but unfortunately Gary is just a one and off character.
A NOTP I have with said character: I honestly don’t know what notp I have for him, I don’t seem to have any Stan ship that I actually loathe. I’m pretty sure I stated before that I LOVE ships featuring stan despite him not being my fave. Which is a bit weird to think about, but I’ll just leave it as a mere coincidence for now.
A random headcanon: Despite the fact that Stan’s goth phase was supposed to happen because of the fact Wendy broke up with him, he actually developed an interest in the goth style and still (secretly) hangs out with the goth kids. The goth kids don’t seem to mind being around him and they’re nice enough to actually guide him through the goth style! Stan REALLY enjoyed getting into it and the goth kids developed a soft spot for him, they’re a bunch of softies on the inside :( Stan would also wear a bunch of edgy black t shirts under his jacket because he just got soooooo into it. And his friends still don’t know about it, his interest in goth culture is still a secret, mostly out of fear of being ripped on.
General Opinion over said character: I honestly like him because he slightly reminds me of myself? We aren’t ENTIRELY similar but I can see myself in him. I also find a lot of his ships tasteful.
Kenny McCormick
Sexuality headcanon: I used to think he was a straight aromantic but now I can see him being pansexual, like I’m pretty sure he would love ANYTHING with titties. Him being a closeted pansexual aro is honestly very swaggy in my book. I say closeted because he literally lives in a family of rednecks, I think he’ll have to deal with a lot of internalized homophobia here. And I think it’s interesting to explore that in him! (The internalized homophobia idea was again not mine).
Gender headcanon: he’s a cis GNC man, he’s perfectly fine with identifying as a man but he loves dressing up as a princess, and he still does it from time to time!
A ship I have with said character: I don’t think I have any ship with him aside from Kenman. Their dynamic works very well and the way they laugh at each other’s jokes is so fuckeng adorable. I think their friendship should be explored more often, both in the actual show and in the fandom. There is a lot to unpack there. And also the way they carry a BFF necklace, adorable.
A BROTP I have with said character: Kenman again (I like it both romantically and platonically). I’m not used to ships with Kenny in them so I’m sorry if this is EXTREMELY bland.
A NOTP I have with said character: I’m sorry to say this but I never really found Bunny interesting.. that’s all I have to say, I’m sorry if that disappoints any of you.
Random headcanon: speaking of Kenny loving to dress as a princess, he sometimes roleplays as princesses with his little sister Karen, they come up with the most dramatic storylines ever and Kevin gets so annoyed by it sometimes and tells them to shut up. This one time Kenny and Karen stayed up all night playing dress up and they talked so loudly, that everyone woke up by the stupid annoying sounds they made. They never stopped doing it, and it was hell on earth for everyone else aside from these 2 mfs >:) I think there was also a point where all the other people around them heard it, but it was rather faint, so it took a while for everyone else to notice the loudness of it all.
General Opinion over said character: I never really thought about him, so my impression of him is a bit boring. But I’m hoping to dig more into his character if that’s what you guys want!
Thank you so much for the question, it honestly got me to think more about the character’s personalities! :)
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angelicyouth · 4 months
Heyy! I was reading chapter 11 of youth (which I love btw!!!) and I was wondering who is in their little band and what the boys play?
thanks! have a wonderful day/night! <3
ahhh i love getting messages about small details in my stories!! my headcanons are below ♡
seeing as everyone in the group has some sort of musical experience + abilities ((as seen on the show)), i like to think that everyone ((team stan + team craig + butters)) is talented enough to be in their band!! they just rotate members depending on:
whoever is interested in playing a certain song/part
who wrote it
if everyone thinks a specific member would nail a certain part
i also like to think that because of this, it’s easy to sub in different members when the person who usually plays a specific bass line in a song or something (for example) can’t make it to a gig or is sick
i guess the only thing that isn’t as interchangeable would be the main vocals? that’d definitely be harder to replace in my opinion since certain vocal colors can change the whole entire vibe or style of a song
as for who knows how to play what in youth specifically—i think that’s for your (the reader’s) interpretation :) some personal headcanons i have though, are:
i really see stan as the type to be the frontman so he’ll typically be the main vocalist ((i can see him composing & writing a lot of songs to channel his angst lmao)) and/or play the electric guitar
THIS IS SO SELF INDULGENT BUT—kenny would definitely play guitar & bass ((he’s good with his fingers,,, okay???))
there was a tiktok i’ve seen once that i liked where kenny enjoys speaking through his guitar & i think that fits perfectly with the whole mumbled speech thing from his parka haha
kenny also plays the drums & i think he’d be the type to have drumsticks poking out of his backpack!! he’d also be the delinquent type during class who’d tap his hands into a beat or take the actual drumsticks themselves out to hit the surface of his desk or books, causing the teacher to get mad
if kenny happens to be carrying a guitar while the boys are out & they’re arguing or something, i can see him randomly taking it out to play where they are like a bum to get money HAHA ((once, he asked kyle if he could borrow his hat real quick without telling him the reason why & then tried to use it as a jar for people to throw their spare change into))
stan & craig sometimes carry around their guitar bag ((or the bass for craig, i can see him playing that)) & they’ll wonder if people keep staring at them cause it’s bulky & big but it’s actually cause THEY LOOK SO HOT CARRYING IT WITH THE STRAP OVER THEIR SHOULDERS
i think in general, everyone can at least sing & play the guitar ((i’m not an artist but i think it’s cute to think about how the boys would decorate their guitar bags or the actual soundboards of the instrument with stickers))
i was thinking maybe they have different subunits for different genres or a specific combination of people? ((for example: it’s canon that tweek + butters plays piano & that tolkien plays bass so i think it’d be cute for them to have their own little r&b one hehe))
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