#ive got two more in the pipeline right now! thank yall for sending!
magnifythesun · 1 month
Hi! Are you still taking ianthony prompts? I've had this stuck in my head the time Ian's car broke down and Anthony said he begged Ian 6 times to come pick him up and I just imagine Damsel in Distress Ian who's also stubborn and a bit oblivious to a worried and protective Anthony who's always there for him in different situations.
Thank you sooo much for the prompt!!
This is definitely one of my favorite little details that they've dropped about themselves haha!! I can't believe Anthony had to ask Ian SIX whole times just to come get him 😂 Ian truly must never ask for help! Okay, I'm a little rusty in my writing but I'm excited so let's see how this goes! Let me know what you think! ^_^
(mid writing notes: writing this really made me realize just how many times SIX whole times of asking your friend to let you give them a ride is. SIX TIMES)
Read on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56102110
Leave it to Ian to get stranded in the only 'middle-of-nowhere' spot in LA. Anthony was wearing tracks into his living room carpet, caught up in rereading the messages Ian had sent.
"Car broke 😢" was the first sign of trouble, accompanied by the sad photo of Ian's car half-pulled off of the asphalt into grass.
"Where are you?" Anthony had shot back, confused by the seemingly rural background of the photo. "Got AAA coming to help?"
"In the most barren part of the whole city." Ian replied after a couple of minutes. "I'm taking a look at at it now but yeah I'm probably going to call them. Car sounds fucked."
"Shit, man. Lemme know if you need a ride" Anthony offered. It only took a second for the reply.
"No worries, I'll be good."
There had been radio silence for a while then. Anthony hadn't been too stressed. He figured Ian already had a different person lined up to get him if his car didn't start back up. Still, he kept glancing at his phone for updates that didn't come.
After about forty minutes, and a quick glance at the clock that told him it'd be getting dark soon, Anthony texted Ian again.
"Triple A fix your car?"
The response was prompt. "Nope"
Anthony stared at the message, knowing this man did not just send him only the word 'nope.' It took a minute but more followed.
"The AAA guy's still looking at it but from what I can tell it's beyond his scope. He mentioned I should probably call a tow truck so I've been looking at reviews."
Anthony glanced outside his window, frowning at the rapidly darkening sky. "That sounds like a good idea. after you call whoever, I can drive over so you have a ride once they've towed yours"
Ian responded quickly, "No don't worry I'm all good."
Definitely must have a ride then, Anthony thought. Still, he had to make sure. "Oh good, you've got a ride then?"
There was a long pause, so Anthony set his phone down, glancing at the setting sun again and went to get some water from the kitchen.
Coming back in to his phone, he checked his messages, and-
"No, I'll probably just Uber."
Anthony was flabbergasted. "Why?? Don't worry man it's no problem for me to pick you up. Let me know where you're at." It was actually just straight up dark outside at this point. "Is the AAA guy still there??"
"Nah he's gone. Waiting on the tow truck."
Alone in the middle-of-nowhere Los Angeles? Anthony thought, In the dark? Worry flared up in his chest and the pacing began.
"Ian, just drop me your map pin and I'll head over."
"It's chill, I'm not in a rush to get home." Ian replied, not a care in the world.
Anthony resisted the urge to bury his face in his hands. "that's not really the point??"
Suddenly a picture was loading in on the messages.
Anthony braced himself for a lackadaisical gif (and yes, he pronounced it jif like god and the creator intended) but was greeted instead with a horrendous selfie of Ian holding the phone at an angle an inch from his chin, smiling at him. The artificial light from his phone lit up the interior of his car behind him. Anthony couldn't help but laugh, even as the worry churned in his stomach. Another message followed.
"Don't worry. I'm a big boy now, all grown up and everything."
Anthony considered wracking his brains for a daddy joke, but decided Ian didn't deserve it right now. He grabbed his keys and wallet, flicked off the living room light, and left, locking his door behind him. As he walked toward his car, he jabbed the call button.
It rang only twice before Ian picked up. Anthony heard him take a breath to speak and didn't give him a chance. "Ian, just tell me where you're at, I'm heading to my car now."
"I-" Ian sounded surprised. There was a moment of rustling on the other end, then Anthony was clearly put on speaker as Ian's voice echoed slightly through the call. "Anthony, really, it's fine. The tow truck people have an ETA of like 15 minutes and then I'll call the Uber while they're hooking the car up."
Anthony, now at his car, pressed his eyes closed for a second in annoyance as he clicked his key. He hoped Ian could hear the pointed little beep-beep of his car unlocking in response.
"You really don't have to go out of your way to come get me," Ian continued, undeterred. "I didn't mean to derail your whole night with this," He laughed.
Anthony got in the car and leaned his head on his steering wheel in despair. "Ian."
"What?" Ian asked.
Anthony began to laugh despite himself, "I don't understand," He laughed harder, pushing the words out. "Why won't you just let me pick you up? I've asked you like five times!"
There was a moment of silence from Ian's end, and Anthony knew Ian was processing just how ridiculous this had become. Ian started snickering. Then they were both just laughing, Anthony holding the phone tight to his ear as Ian's laughter poured from it, his other hand ready to turn the car on.
"So," Anthony caught his breath, "So can you -please- drop me a map pin so I can come get you?"
"Alright, alright." Ian said.
Ian's voice was soft and breathless from his laughter. Anthony had spent a long time learning how to properly relish the beautiful moments in his life. The sound of Ian's voice right now, echoing slightly through the phone? That was one of those moments.
Anthony's phone pinged. "There. You happy?"
"Finally, my god." Anthony pulled the phone away to check. "Okay, I'll be there in ten minutes."
"Great," Ian said. "I think the tow truck gets here right about then." Anthony could still hear the smile in his voice. "I'll be here, waiting for you to rescue me."
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