#ive never seen them happen in the other games so yeah i dont think theyll be a problem in future games
rivaiin · 2 years
played like 2 hours of ishin which essentially were just the first chapter and while i do have some things to Say about certain technical aspects (mostly texture popping and terrible lip syncing in the non cinematic conversations) of the remake it honestly looks really good and is a lot of fun. im really excited to see where the story goes
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astralshipper · 5 years
13, 11, and 5 for the ask game 🔫ò€ó - hyde
5. If you were to pick one song - and only one song - to describe your MC, what would it be and why? - okay so it’s not necessarily all about her??? i guess it’s more of like, her from belphie’s pov, but The Only Hope For Me Is You by My Chemical Romance probably!! just kinda the whole thing of belphegor being like, bad things are happening around us and im trying to stay strong and dammit ive seen some shit, ive been through some shit, but i’m gonna lean on you and hope that you lean on me too and we can be there for each other and all that. 
11. What was your MC’s first impression of the demon boys? - she uhhhh was petrified?? i mean, suddenly she arrives in this big creepy ass building with a bunch of dudes claiming to be demons and saying theyll eat her if she doesnt behave properly shes like??? nah im good bro??? but also shes way too curious for her own good so she ends up rolling with it pretty quickly hsdufyg... lucifer, she thinks is kinda pompous and arrogant. mammon is her Worst Nightmare, she is prepared to deck him at all times. this does not change, although they are basically best friends later on. her best friend she would love to knock on his ass. asmodeus, she was like huh, hot, and then he started talking and she was like oh, he knows hes hot, abort mission abort mission, but also, seems v nice! beel, she instantly worried for any food she had in the future. leviathan she thought hey, maybe we could be pals, im a big nerdy fan too!! and then he called her a normie and she was sent reeling in utter shock and decided hey, maybe later, yeah? no one calls her a normie u fucker. satan, she genuinely could not get a good grasp on, and still sometimes struggles to understand him. then, belph, she obvi was like huh a cutie but also, damn, why is cutie imprisoned up here?? her first impressions of him were a bit overshadowed by the whole, yknow, imprisoned by lucifer thing.
13. What is a skill your MC has that the Boys would be surprised by? - oh god okAY so hhhhh i feel like. she’d be really good at getting what she wants??? like she’s not super outgoing and she’s pretty quiet and scared to really talk too much, so i feel like. once they realize how well she can switch a situation to fit her interests would catch them off guard. she’d never do anything to hurt anyone or make anyone do something they dont wanna do but she just. is very persuasive in a way??? idk it’s a weird answer but!!
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good-or-bad-luck · 4 years
its my blog i do what i want have this long ass post about me calling out myself by looking at 3 common things i do with ocs ft me listening to episode 93 of critrole2 and its 1 am
anyway. three types of ocs. Daydreaming Evil. Calm Before the Storm. and Smile Despite Everything. because its my chaarcters i can give them youtube rant names.
Daydreaming Evil- this is the more obvious one to me? but i dont talk about these characters a lot so yeah. Delia. Dolphin. Mallag/Capti to some extent. and a Glitch thats yet to be named but is planned. its pretty obvious with these. all of these characters have magic, some power in them, and instead of like being a superhero or fighting crime they went and said “im going to just. make my own world” and they did. Delia made Delos. Dar Captivus and Mallag worked together to warp the Shivering Isles into their own world. Dolphin used her animus magic to make everything Right and Correct on Pyrrhia. Glitch made a virtual reality world they can control and never left it ever. The problem? all of them, in some way. end up being the bad gyus, being the villain. so caught up in their own world theyve made and being so Stuck in it they turn out, wonky. for Dolphin its the side effects in canon for animus magic. for Glitch its trying to pull people into the world they made so everyone can be Happy and not in the real world. for Mallag and Captivus its well the Realm of Madness. and for Delia its becoming so Stressed with everything thats happening in the real world that she just Breaks and almost never leaves Delos if it wasnt for her friends there to help her. and even then it was because delia let them she had every power to say “no” and stay in the world of her creation forever. theyre characters who hated the world they lived in so much that they made their own but ultimately became corrupt because of it, and hurt the people around them.
Calm Before the Storm- a lot of people ive talked to have noticed this part of my ocs. its Willow and Eddie specifically (and monumentbreaker the flightrising dragon, i only rememberd her after typing this all out so ill tack her onto the end). the only two big ocs that have this. theyre mad. theyre angry. im angry too sometimes. but there is a difference between willow and eddie. Willow is an adult character yeah. she saw her anger she Saw how reckless she could get and she said “i need to fix this” and went adn asked. she found help and its There in the way she talks and looks at people that frustuerate her but its controled like the magic in her blood. it was out of control and sometimes it might get out of control again but willow looked at it and went “ill figure out how to fix this.” and she did. and then theres Eddie. Eddies different. Eddie’s a highschooler like me and they dont know how to fix it. theyve hurt people theyve lashed out theyve broken things and thought bad things about wanting to hurt people and she doesnt feel bad about the  thoughts until shes calmed down from that anger. but eddies also scared. she doesnt talk about how she gets mad or looks for help because theyre scared. they dont want people to look at them and think “theyre mad. theyve hurt things when mad. theyll hurt me” because thats what eddies scared to do. shes so worried that one day shes going to lash out and hurt someone bad. theyre too scared to look for help because all anger that theyve seen everywhere in media in memes in movies in video games and in shows and comics the person whos mad like that never wants to get better. they never even get the chance to get better. theyres never the moment when they freeze or breakdown because of how mad they get and how they hurt something like maybe smashing something on the ground. theyre always happy that they hurt something. and thats what eddie is terrified to become. Willow is what Eddie wants to be, able to control that anger and not let it fester, but theres a lot in the way of that. Monumentbreaker (whos human name is Des so lets call her that) is like Eddie, bit where eddie never confronter her anger and kept it bottled up and tried despretly not to hurt anyone, Des let it out, often. she constantly shoved people away with this anger in small bursts to try and say “i dont want you here (im scared ill hurt you)” so whenever she meets Peach, her eventual bestfriend and girlfriend, and they just dont leave. it scares Des. and eventually when Des does finally explode in a fit of anger and does the things eddie does above she Runs, and she doesnt look back at Peach. however Des is right between Eddie and Willow, because Peach doesnt leave like Des thought, they stay and is still Des’ friend (and gf). and thats what helps Des look at the anger and try and adress it.
Smile Despite Everything- classic dani trope :) characters like this inculude Zari, Eve, Merlot, Raye, 13, Valerie, and some others im problaby forgetting. its how i realized the patters in my characters after it i think it was my friend cynda pointing it out with Zari, Eve, and 13. because there are a lot more characters here im just going to cut to the chase. all of these characters has had something Bad happen to them. for zari it was being forced into her arena and starved since she was little, for raye it was experimentation at the hands of people who did not deserve the scientific power they had, for eve it was suicide attempts and horrific boughts of depression, for 13 it was alien abductions and getting litteraly thrown out to the dogs and left for dead. but above all what really makes them all stand out is that, Zari wears a bright smile while finding a flowercrown for her fiancee Willow, 13 talks to other characters on the spaceship with a bright smile, Raye loves to help people and encourage her girlfriends love of science, Eve loves to play sports and talk for hours with stella about math and space. theyve all been through their own hell and came out on the other side. and with all if them they didnt come out smiling but eventually they said “well im still here. and im still going to be happy” and they did that. “despite everything its still you” and thats what they did. Eve, 13, and Raye’s scars will never fully heal Zari is never going to get her feathered wings back Valerie and Merlot will never have magic but thats, okay. theyre here, and theyre happy to be here. they deserve that chance, and they saw it and took it
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