#ive never seen this cm before hmmmm
intimidatingsqueak · 11 months
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Kanebo CM Stills? (1996)
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minholly-genius · 6 years
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Talking to a stranger;
Stranger: Hey :)
Stranger: What are you up to?
You: nothin much
You: I'm on a smoke break
Stranger: I’m laying in bed haha
Stranger: I take it you’re at work?
You: yesss
You: I work at a pool
You: but it's winter
You: so nobody wants to swimmmmm
Stranger: Hmmmm
Stranger: Free time I guess
Stranger: I wish you were here to cuddle tbh
Stranger: :D
Stranger: That makes me so happy to hear haha
You: r u in a relationship?
You: atm?
Stranger: No
You: awew
Stranger: You?
You: no
You: :(
Stranger: Hmm
Stranger: I know how you feel
You: if you were I'd still cuddle the fuck out of both of you tho
Stranger: :)
Stranger: May I ask what you look like?
Stranger: Just curious
You: I'm blonde
You: typical Aussie girl
You: brown hair
You: i mean eyes
Stranger: You sound cute and pretty
Stranger: I’m white, 6ft, black hair, brown eyes, avg body
You: 6ft?
You: I'm 182 cm
You: Idk how tall that is in feet
Stranger: I think that’s about the same as me haha
You: LOL
You: cool
Stranger: I agree
You: you sound just about a perfect cuddle
Stranger: You too :3
Stranger: There’s room in my bed for you
You: awww
You: ur too cute
Stranger: I try hehe
You: <3
Stranger: Awwww
You: fyi i'm smiling uncontrollably at my phone rn
Stranger: Really?
Stranger: Too cute
Stranger: Just curious are you on kik?
You: no sorrrrryyyyy
Stranger: It’s okay
You: everyone here seems to want social media
Stranger: I was just asking
You: but I deleted them all a the start of last year
You: becos I got into med school
Stranger: I can respect that tbh
You: but at times like this its boring as fuck
Stranger: Med school or social media
Stranger: Or both lol
You: it is painnnn
Stranger: Ah man
You: are u in school?
Stranger: No graduated
You: university
You: ?
Stranger: Yep
You: wut for?
Stranger: Media production
Stranger: I really wish we were cuddling rn
Stranger: We’d have our arms around each other
Stranger: Legs intertwined
Stranger: Just really happy
You: yessss
Stranger: :)
Stranger: I’m glad you like it too
Stranger: What’s your preferred cuddling outfit?
You: tights
You: and a huge-ass shirt
Stranger: Nice
You: sorry If I pause sometimes,
Stranger: It’s fine I understand you’re at work
Stranger: For me it’s boxers and a t shirt
You: we do get some old ladies interested in water aerobics even to it's winter
You: holy shit forget the tights same.
Stranger: Hahaha nice!
You: I keep forgetting it's like, summer over there
Stranger: Yea even forgoe the shirt sometimes haha
You: I'm freezing
Stranger: Awww
Stranger: Would you like getting your back petted while cuddling?
You: yas
Stranger: Good
Stranger: I’d absolutely do that
You: can you drive yet?
Stranger: Yea
Stranger: I’m 24!
Stranger: The legal age for that is 16 here hahaha
You: same in Australia
You: but I just never got around to it
Stranger: Interesting
Stranger: Anything else you’d like to do while cuddling?
You: hair petting
You: smooches
You: wait no. just petting
You: like everywhere
You: like my legs
Stranger: I can absolutely pet everywhere
You: and my sides
You: and yeah
You: and belly rubs
Stranger: I’m not as familiar with where “yeah” is on the body haha
You: whenever I get too lonely and bored I try to look up videos of this kind of shit
You: but it almost always ends in
You: 1. sex
You: 2. clickbait youtube thing
You: 3. something ive already seen
You: 4. belly rub fetish people
You: 5. furries
You: ;(
Stranger: Well sadly only one of those is good from what I can tell haha
You: i just wanna be hugged goddamit
Stranger: Awwwwwww
You: which one??????
Stranger: Furries
Stranger: LOL JK
You: Yiff yiff
Stranger: #1
You: ....is this a bad time to mention how I'm asexual
Stranger: I guess not
Stranger: Just have no sexual feelings?
You: sorry lol.
You: yeah.
You: well
You: I don't mind, as long as I get cuddles after
Stranger: I mean, I’d only do it with cuddles before and after
Stranger: That’s what makes it special
You: I don't usually and I end up just feeling kind of used
You: awe
You: wot. a. sweetie. pie
Stranger: :3
You: glad to kno u likey
Stranger: Haha thanks
You: anything u like in particular when cuddling
Stranger: Playing with hair
You: really?
Stranger: Little kisses
Stranger: Yea
You: aww
You: my xbf used to complain abt my hair being in his face all the time
Stranger: I can see how that could be annoying but I may not mind as much
Stranger: Idk for sure tho
You: that's so cute
You: holy shit
You: ur so cute
You: wtf
Stranger: Idk haha
You: I like little kisses
You: I'm down for that
You: I mean..I would be down for that..
Stranger: Little kisses everywhere?
You: yessss
Stranger: Neck?
You: yas m*
Stranger: Chest?
You: sure.
Stranger: Arms?
You: totally
Stranger: Belly?
You: yep. alright. ok. fine. yup. im down for it
You: *although i'd probably bite you If I got too ticklish
Stranger: Hmmmm
You: ...lovingly.
You: and kiss it better.
Stranger: Awwwww haha
Stranger: What about little kisses on your legs?
You: yess
You: If I protest too much please ignore me
You: *please force me into it so I have a good excuse
You: I'm one of those kinds of people
Stranger: Hmmm can do
You: yeah.
Stranger: I should warn you you may have to tell me to stop getting too close to certain areas
You: no sweat.
You: my body is your temple
You: do whatever. just give me sum loooooooveeee
Stranger: Oh?
You: i dont rlly care
You: as long as ur having a good time
You: and being safe ;)
Stranger: So what would happen if I were kissing your inner thighs and I got close to between your legs?
You: I don't mind
You: probably get ticklish but not disgusted or horny
You: I suppose it's just sort of like you kissing my arm I guess
You: but I reckon you'd like it a lot amirite?
Stranger: I think so.
Stranger: Especially if you weren’t wearing anything down there
You: :)
You: happy to know you're happy sweetie
Stranger: Thank you
Stranger: :)
You: well...happy ;) ;)
Stranger: Hehe ;)
You: r u gettin hot?
Stranger: A bit tbh
Stranger: I’m sorry if this is more than you bargained for
You: i'm fine
You: I'm happy if you're getting excited
You: and if we did ever cuddle, i'd totally let you grind on me ;)
Stranger: That helps a lot :)
You: ;)
You: you're in be right?
Stranger: Just know I’d be kissing your neck as I do it
You: yess
Stranger: What was your question?
You: are you gonna do anything about it now?
You: because you're in bed and...
Stranger: .... yea ;)
You: hott
Stranger: You’d be naked as I grind on you, right?
You: yess.
Stranger: Good
You: if you were really nice
You: and promised me Heaps Of Cuddles After (tm)
You: I'd go down on you
You: and swallow
Stranger: Omg
You: out of love ;)
You: pls don't dop ur phone/laptop on ur face
Stranger: You could sleep on top of me the whole night
You: yas.
Stranger: My arms around you
You: I'm down
You: sign me up
Stranger: Yesss
You: are you grinding or using ur hands atm?
Stranger: Hands
You: left?
Stranger: Right
Stranger: I’m close btw
You: ur typing with ur left?
Stranger: Yea
You: I'm a leftie too!
Stranger: On phone
You: wait go back.
Stranger: Rifht is actually dominatant hand
You: I'd be cuddling you right
You: my back to you
You: and then....you started grinding on me
You: and then I wriggled around so I was facing you
Stranger: I’d actually be kissing you first
You: yesss
You: just imagine my hands joining yours
You: on the dick
You: fyi my hands are pretty big
You: wait, no they'd be the same size because we're the same height
Stranger: I’d love it
You: and if you were breathing too hard to kiss
You: I'd totally kiss your neck...
You: or whatever I could reach
You: you you could feel the loooovvveee
You: <3
Sweetheart: Yes :3
You: you still going m8?
Sweetheart: I actually came tbh
Sweetheart: Thank you <3
You: awwwww what a cutie
You: happy to help
You: you feeling sleepy?
Sweetheart: Mhmmm
You: sleepy cuddles are the best.
Stranger: Get in my arms
You: I wish i couldddd
You: :)
Sweetheart: Awwww
You: so....what are planning to do now?
Sweetheart: Sleep hehe
You: alrighty
Sweetheart: With you cuddled up to me
You: I'm sending my one-of-a-kind, exclusive, Tiffany cuddles from across the pacific ocean.
Sweetheart: So sweet of you :3
You: It's the og shit. free shipping
You: :)
You: sweet dreams
Sweetheart: thanks
Stranger has disconnected.
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