#ive not been taking my meds either shit i keep fucking FORGETTING i swear!!!
tiredlinguist · 1 year
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jimtheviking · 5 years
So how big a dumbass am I?
Under a jump because I swear this wasn’t an attempt but people might look at it this way - they sure did at the hospital.
So, first off, I’d been on about 36 hours with no sleep and have a doctor’s appointment, a meeting with a career counsellor, and a phone call to make today, in addition to all the other stuff I need to do, so I decided to take some otc sleep aids. And by ‘otc sleep aids,’ I mean ‘old migraine pills that I had laying around and whose antihistamine components typically make me nap for a couple hours.’
Well, I took three, and waited like an hour. Nothing. Or so I thought - in retrospect, forgetting that I took them was probably a sign they were working. So I took 4 more. Or, as I had thought, four for the first time.
Honestly, the need for me to actually sleep and get rest for today and all the shit I need to do would have made me take more, if I had ‘em, but fortunately there were only 7 in the container.
Now, turns out that if you take too much of certain antihistamines after 36 hours of no sleep, you start to hallucinate. Or at least I did. And not great fun time hallucinations either - “holy shit what the fuck is that on my arm, let me stab it, oh shit I’ve just stuck a fork in myself” style of hallucinations.
As an aside, I am, as you could imagine, okay, because I have an extremely well-developed sense of self-preservation and kept from driving the fork into my forearm as soon as I broke skin.
Just a couple little holes, nothing serious.
Anyway, went to the hospital around noon. Spent just over 4 hours on an IV, napped a bit, flushed my system out because meds and my liver are an invincible team, and left.
And the hits just keep on coming, because I’ve been having night terrors since about 9pm when I dozed off.
So yeah, I’m dumbass.
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