#ive run out of tags so i cant go into it. im just so fuckin pissed off lmao
roaringheat · 5 years
It's 5 am and ive finally finished all the side quests i had in Outer Worlds which means im gonna have to stop stalling and just go do whats probably the start of the end of the main quest oh no
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Pink Chains
Part Seven.
Kyotani owns a grunge /punk apparel shop after leaving the Sendai Frogs after a incident with the Black Jackals. He designs his own clothes and hires Oikawa & Iwaizumi as his employees. Everything goes smoothly for awhile, till you walk in; pink dress, big smile , and bubbly personality. His whole life stops in that moment. 
Tags. @galagcica @haikyuu-but-low-iq @mocha-babes @derpeedoo @kayisweird @kozushiki @lunebabie
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The ride back into the city was quiet; the only sounds were the crying kitten on your lap and Kyotanis music. No one was saying anything and Kyotani did not have his hand on your thigh, you were staring down at the kitten watching it wobble around on your lap trying to balance itself out. It was a brown cat with a white creamy head and back. Looked to be male, too.
You tucked the kitten closer to you watching it shine under the street lights then go dark then go light again. Kyotani was focusing on driving, his knuckles hurt and he could feel the irritation in his lip where Bokuto punched him. He was so goddamn angry at everything right now; he just wanted to give you a nice day after the shitty morning and day at school you had, he just wanted to see that smile on your face that he loved so much, that happy look that was just for him. He was going to end the night at his house with you in his arms watching whatever movie you wanted…
But everything changed so fast… too fast. He hated himself. What would have happened if he punched you? If he did not see you come between him and Bokuto? How bad would he have hurt you? ...it all hurt him right in his heart…
Kyotani pulled up to your apartment and helped you bring the things in from the zoo. You sat down on the ground by Mohas cat hut looking in with the kitten on your lap.
“Mocha.. I .. brought you a friend..” you said, breath shaky.
Kyotani could only watch, he wanted to console you so bad. Tell you its okay now, but he was not sure if he should even go over to you, or say your name.
Mocha emerged from her hut to see you and the kitten, you set the scared animal down and pet Mocha. “His name is Machi, short for Macchiato , hes your new friend okay?”
Mocha sniffed Machi and lightly grabbed at its neck dragging the kitten inside it. You sighed, relieved, Mocha could take it from here.
You got up to see Kyotani sitting at your table with his hands in his hair, elbows on his knees staring at the ground.
He didn't move.
Slowly you dropped to your knees again to fit between his legs so you could see him.
“Kyo i wanna go to your house….”
You blinked when his tears hit your face, his lip was fumbling and his nails were digging into his hair. You laid your head on his thigh talking very calmly.
“I enjoyed my day with you so much, ive never seen a lion before. They are so fluffy huh? I bet its fun to brush the males crazy hair. The wolves liked you too huh? Did you notice that?” you rubbed his leg soothingly feeling it twitch under you. “I bet they will remember you, especially the one who stared at you. I really liked the red pandas. I still cant believe you set that up. Just for me. Did you see them flop around? They are such silly creatures.”
Kyotanis left hand fell to weave itself into your hair to hold your head.
“I had a very nice day with you Kyo. What happened does not change that. Promise. You said yourself you wanna talk it out with Bokuto. When you do youll be friends. I know you can do it. Your my Kyo you can do anything.”
Kyotani choked out a heavy breath, it felt like he was holding everything in just to listen and focus on you. He pulled you up to press his forehead against yours. He had a very shaky and nervous voice.
“I-i-i-i… i kno-ow,, Sweetie.”
Kyo had indeed brought you to his house and you were very happy to be there, you were curious about this surprise he had mentioned and Kyo refused to say anything more on it.
It was a very nice big house. A fenced in yard with a even bigger garage.
You got out of the car watching the gate close behind you and Kyotani pulled you in for a hug from behind burying his nose in your neck holding you for a minute. Just taking it in, you were so special to him. You were the one for him, he knew it. And he was never letting go.
“Ready sweetie?”
“Yes yes !!!” you turned to give him a kiss and he sighed wiping the blood off your lips.
“Sweetie let me wash up first” he told you, taking your hand and going into home from the garage, the door sliding down on its own sealing the garage up.
“Be quick ab-”
A lot.. Of barking could be heard, a lot..
You hugged Kyotanis arm, squeezing it. “Puppies?!!!”
“Oi quiet down its 9 at night!!! King stop it!!!”
“Is that iwaizumi?” you asked him.
“Yep.” he took you up the stairs and opened the door to his living room.
A large all black german shepherd was barreling towards you barking its head off, it was deafening. Behind him was a yellow Shiba inu trying to bark equally as loud but he was not as big, next was a skinny tan pit bull barking low, his little tail wagging very fast.
“ BABIES!!!!” instantly you dropped down and the dogs tackled you with kisses and wagging tails. Your laughing was music to Kyotanis ears, god it helped so much.
Kyotani stepped over his dogs to go see Iwaizumi who was holding a white pomeranian. He pet it and instantly Iwaizumi could tell his friend had gotten in a fight. He did not say anything, just gave his rough looking friend a look. Kyotani shook his head looking back at you, you were standing now and petting all the dogs with a excited face.
“The big one is King, the shepherd. The Inu is Rex, the skinny one is Chicken Legs, hes a rescue,” he told you.
“And this is Mango! My lil baby” Iwaizimi said, holding the happy dog up .
“More babies!!” you gave each dog a nose kiss and hurried over to greet the happy snowball of a dog in Iwais arms. “So cute! All so cute!”
“Sweetie, my room is upstairs, go find something to change into okay? Ill be up in a minute”
“Kay! Iwaizumi Kyo has something hes gotta tell you!” you told him, all huffy.
“Oh yeah?” he teased putting the dog down .
All four dogs followed you up the stairs and Kyo shook his head knowing he would have to kick them out after he got up there.
As soon as they hear the door shut Iwai crossed his arms over his chest dipping his head at his friend taking in his cut lip and bloody knuckles. Kyotani sat down after grabbing a wet cloth and explained while he cleaned up.
“Seriously? “
“I dont even care that he showed up, i almost fuckin hit her.”
“Punched, is the correct word” his friend said sitting down with him. “What happened next?”
Kyotani shrugged, squeezing the towel for a second. “I broke down, i had accepted im a monster and that she was gonna run off leaving me. But instead she got on that dirty ground with me to yell at me and give me a talking to.” he wiped his knuckles, one by one. “She thought i started it but Bokuto spoke up, i told him to get in touch with Yahaba and then we left..”
“Iwaizumi i dont know how shes still with me”
“I dont either. But shes special Kyotani, thats more than obvious now.”
“I want to move on from that day, that tourney. Everything, and start a life with her.”
“Well Yahaba will want this cleared up pretty soon so expect that in the morning, you know how he operates”
“Mhm,” Kyotani got up rubbing his face with the towel. “Ill see you tomorrow Iwaizumi, Oikawa is opening right?”
“Yep, lets hope he remembers how”
Kyotani went up the stairs to see you in one of his old jerseys with no pants on with all the dogs sitting with you on the floor wagging their tails. You were petting each one and telling each one something special about them.
Kyotani put his hands on his hips whistling, alerting the dogs.
“Cmon now.” he motioned for the stairs.
The dogs pouted and you giggled getting up to sit on the bed criss cross. All the dogs went to Kyotani and he moved to the side. “Out, out out, “ he told them walking behind them. Each dog flopped down the steps except for Chicken Legs, he was whimpering and giving Kyotani a nervous look.
“Scared to go down still?” he crouched down picking up the dog. “ okay okay,” Kyotani brought the dog downstairs and gave it a gentle hug. “Go get some sleep, she will be here in the morning.” He made sure Chicken Legs made it into the dogs room before going back upstairs, closing his door with a sigh. Kyos room was full of posters, trophies, and jerseys. He had a desk with an expensive laptop sitting on it and a little picture bored next to it with pictures of him and lal of his volleyball friends. His bed was very big, a King size maybe. It was across from a big screen tv that sat next to the wall.
He looked up after ditching his pants and shirt to see you waiting for him to join you.
You looked so perfect in that jersey to him. He made his way over spotting you clothes on his floor along with a pink bra. He crawled in the bed pulling you on his lap facing him giving you a a really long deep kiss.
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choibinn3 · 3 years
get to know me game!!
tagged by: @tyunni
tagging: @tyuncafe this is suuper long btw so dont mind it if u dont wanna do it!! hehe
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what day is your birthday? dec 8th, sunghoons bday 😥 (thats how i heard abt enhypen actually, my friend was like "OMGG u share a bday wirh my bias!!!!")
what’s your favorite color? pink <33 it makes me so happy
what’s your lucky number? 8!!! like my bday date :')
do you have any pets? no :(( want a kitty real bad though
how tall are you? skipping. no comment. next question.
how many pairs of shoes do you have? like THREE and i rotate between two ♥️
favorite song? kpop?? um rn fever by enhypen or ghosting.. non kpop would be amoeba by clairo (shits GOOD plz go listen to it)
favorite movie? not the biggest fan of movies, but im suuper into slasher films/horror!!! so maybe smthng from there??
what would your ideal partner be like? jungwon ♥️ LMAO
do you want children? nope!! love kids but parenting doesnt sound like smthng id want to do unfortunately
have you gotten in trouble with the law? not that i know od?? Dont tell anyone
bath or shower? shower.. i dont thinj ive ever taken a legitimate bath b4, always showered
what color socks are you wearing? soz to say this but socks suck!! also irs 11pm and im in bed BUT THAT STILL STANDS
favorite type of music? like genre?? no clue, but i typically like music that reminds me romantic pining (aka, fever ♥️ or around you by hyunjin)
how many pillows do you sleep with? pillows are four!!! plushies,?? infinite bitch!!
what position do you sleep in? curled up on my side hugging smthng hehe
what you don’t like when you’re sleeping? yk that sleep where like,, ure sleeping... but u feel awake the whole time?? and rhen u wake up fuckin groggy like uve just been lying there.. that.
what do you have for breakfast? no breakfast!!! 2 cool 4 that. also i wake up at like uhh 11am-3pm sometimes
have you ever tried archery? NO!! sharp objections should not be in my possession apparenrly. tch 😒
favorite fruit? strawberries? mangoes?? anything fresh
favorite swear word? no favs, jm too indecisive for that :((
do you have any scars? yea, i dont have a cool story for them though.. i was just a scab picker kid lol
are you a good liar? SHITTY. horrible, the worst. i cant lie dor shit nd it gets me all shcoked everytime someone is like "mai ure LITERALLY so bad at this" during a lying game lol
what’s your personality type? istp-t!! same as huening whoooo 🎉🎉
what’s your favorite type of girl? mean girls...... i jusy like mean ppl in general but mean gurls have a special space in my heart ♥️!! theyre so demonized but as long as theyre not acrually complete assholes (like homophobes, bigots yk?) they r everythint 2 me
innie or outtie? gots an innie :]
left or right handed? right
favorite food? no favs again!!! but SPICY FOOD YUMM
favorite foreign food? probs uhh Bún bò Huế!!! im viet so idk if that counts as "foreign" but omgg ITS SO GOOD
are you clean or messy? messy!! i feel like everythings much more comfy and natural.. not like too messy though
most used phrase? BARK BARK (not proud of this one guys)
how long does it take you to get ready? like 40-60mins... ONLY BC i zone out tthough and forgot im meant to be gettinf ready LOL
do you talk to yourself? Yes. i do <3 thats also why i read&write fanfictions
do you sing to yourself? mhm!!! esp when the songs too good i sing along or throughout the day
are you a good singer? actually, literally not sure at all. i took chorus since like elementary school tho if that helps
biggest fear? heights and commitment ♥️
are you a gossip? what does this mean. but i think?? i like heaeinf gossip but im not tonna get outta my way to talk abt it ?
do you like long or short hair? on myself short!!! but guys&girls nd just everyone in general look so damn good with long hair sometimes
favorite school subject? none lol <33!! school sucks this question pains me every time i see it on back2school answer sheets
introvert or extrovert? introvert, im a lil hermit all cooped up inside my room all the tim3 ://
what makes you nervous? ppl i like are cool!!! or like ppl in general, i cant even order my boba by myself dude
who was your first real crush? i THINK. it mightve been my bff from when i was in 5th grade.. idk if this counts bc i (THINK) but like...... i cried so fucking much when we stopped being friends. it felt like a breakup and im still not over it tbh (tmi?)
how fast can you run? not fast at all but i can JUMP
what color is your hair? black, still have virgin hair!!
do you like your own name? umm tbh no, but my screen name (mai) is my middle name anyways so i dont think that matters too much
what makes you angry? people who dont listen :( pisses me off but tbh i dont get angry often
do you want a boy or a girl as a child? NEITHER. if i had to pick maybe boy but NOOOOO
what are your strengths? ive been told im endearingly stupid (like twice by the same friend) and it stuck with me. like AWWW :(( U THINK IM ENDEARINGG??
what are your weaknesses? id say im too socially anxious, public speaking makes my hands shake and i cant speak so its real bad
what’s the color of your bedspread? like white with blue polka dots ^_^
what’s the color of your room? this nice beige color,, like the color of my blog rn actually!!!! i based it off of jungwons color scheme but ig this works too
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
rodeo clown jack daniels x reader
happy late valentines day! sorry ive been absent for a while ive been writing headcanons on my wattpad rather than new oneshots. if anyone would like to check them out they can be found here :)
"Right now i dont know if i want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge." "can i pick?"
song: shes too tough by def leppard
tag list: @cynic-spirit
I sat at the one end of the bar and watched whiskey on the other as he looked out the window from his spot in the booth. we had been assigned a new mission together, something small since i was still training. we just had to tag some guy and get out, nothing too serious. i was supposed to be doing all the work but if worst came to worst whiskey was here to pickup the slack. but its really just because he didnt think i could do it and expressed those feelings to champ. He said I was too young, and that he didn't wanna have to babysit me when they started assigning us more missions together. more strenuous missions.
i frowned at the thought and sipped from my glass, haphazardly pulling at the hem of my short black dress. it was already past ten and the target still hadnt arrived. our informant said he would be here. i was starting to lose hope, looking from the bartender as she topped me off  and back to jack again. he nodded at me once, his eyes shifting behind me. i drew my brows before turning, the man stepping up to the bar beside me and ordering.
"ill have what she's having."
he said slyly, looking to me with a smirk. i faked a blushy moment, looking down with a small smile.
"to what do i owe the pleasure?"
i asked, looking back to him as the bartender set his drink down. he offered his hand for me to shake.
"im matt, and im celebrating."
i asked as he downed the whole glass. he nodded quickly, standing closer to my side and placing his hand at my back. i just watched him with a knowing smile as he motioned for another.
"can you keep a secret?"
i nodded slowly, leaning in as he got closer.
"i just closed a very big deal. one that will push my company higher than we've ever been before."
i raised a brow, looking to jack for a split second. he was staring at us intently, his hand on his hip like he was ready to attack at any moment.
"and what does that mean exactly?"
i asked and the man just stared at me until i let out a nervous laugh, one he quickly copied with an enthusiastic boast. he draped his arm over my shoulder and downed another glass.
"it means that if tonight goes well, and im hoping that it does, you could be one very lucky girl."
he said and i drew my brows, sipping my own drink as me moved to sit on the stool beside me, scooting it closer to me.
"is that so?"
i said and he nodded.
"you ever consider being a sugar baby? cause i could take care of you for just a little bit of company."
he said with a wink and my eyes went wide.
"go with me to big branding parties, let me love on you a little bit here and there,"
his voice dropped at the last bit, his hand making its way to my thigh as i crossed one leg over the other.
"keep conversations with me over text, and you could be living very comfortably."
i laughed a little to myself as he began to sway back and forth. fuckin lightweight. i nodded.
"how about we start with a trial run?"
i asked and he wiggled his brows at me, downing a fourth glass.
"is that an invitation to get out of here?"
he asked and i stood.
"you tip that nice woman behind the bar very well and it sure as hell is."
i said and he stood too, stumbling a little into me as he reached for his wallet. i steadied him as he dug into it and slapped two hundred dollar bills on the lacquered wood separating us from her.
"you have a great night."
he told her boldly, wrapping his arm around my waist and turning us around. i nodded to jack quickly before he pulled us closer to the door. i could hear jacks boots against the floor a few feet behind us as we made it outside.
"is it hot out here or is it just you?"
matt asked and i half snorted.
"oh its definitely her."
jack said from behind us, making the guy turn around confused.
"hey man, can i help you?"
he asked and i sent jack a testing look.
"just worried for her safety is all."
jack said and the man laughed.
"shes the one taking me home, you have nothing to worry about cowboy, so just head on back inside."
he instructed, turning back around and trying to walk away with me. then jack grabbed his shoulder harshly, spinning him around and colliding his fist with matts face. i gasped as he hit the ground, seemingly out cold.
"what the hell?!"
i said, kneeling down beside him and turning his face towards me. he just groaned, his eyes still closed as his nose started bleeding.
"i dont like the way he was touching you."
whiskey said and i sent him a stern look.
"this was my mission whiskey, it wasnt up to you."
i said angrily, reaching into my pocket and pulling out the tracker.
"youre bleeding matt, im gonna touch your face."
he groaned again, rocking his head back and forth as he tried to blink his eyes open. it only sort of worked. i touched his nose gently and he hissed, closing them again. i just shook my head, placing the tracker at the tip of the napkin jack handed me, shoving it into the side of his nose that was gushing red. when my phone beeped i knew it was now in the wound and working. i stood up and pressed my finger into jacks chest.
"i cant believe you. in had this."
he sent me a look.
"but now the hard parts over."
he said and i seethed.
"yes i get that on one hand i dont have to go home with him but im mad at you."
i said half annoyed and jack smirked.
"Right now i dont know if i want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge."
"can i pick?"
he asked and i rolled my eyes, looking back down to matt on the ground, eyes closed and hand holding the napkin to his face.
i said sternly looking back to him and pushing him to the side of the building.
"seriously jack why did you do that? i had this under control."
i whispered and he just stared at matt on the ground.
"i told you, he was creeping me out. and the way he was groping you was just downright disrespectful."
i laughed, taking his attention.
"and what about it?! i would've gotten back to his hotel without you if we'd gone any further anyways, so what does it matter?"
i asked harshly and he looked a little mad.
"unless you're jealous? is that why you told champ you didn't want me here alone?"
i accused and he gripped my arms, turning me and pushing me into the wall.
"i don't get jealous."
he said lowly and i raised a brow.
"then why is the target on the ground and youre all hot and bothered?"
i challenged. his grip on me tightened. we just stared at each other for a moment. he was still fuming but with the silence hung in the air like a noose i could tell he didnt have a valid answer to my question.
"so how long have you had a crush agent?"
i taunted and he let out a long, deep breath.
"im a grown man, i dont have a crush."
he said and i snorted, pressing my knee in-between his legs.
"then whats this jack?"
i said lowly and his gaze darkened.
"that darlin, is desire."
i raised a brow.
"so should i be going home with you instead?"
i asked innocently and he smirked at me.
"think you could tame this horse?"
he said smoothly and i leaned forward, close to his ear as he still had me pinned to the wall.
"why dont you take me to the rodeo and find out."
i bit his earlobe lightly and he pulled away.
"this job is done right?"
he asked and i laughed, looking over his shoulder at matt still on the ground, rolling to his side and pulling the napkin out of his nose.
"i think so."
i said, looking back to jack and he let me go, taking my hand in his.
"sorry about that!"
i yelled, matt looking to me as jack dragged me down the sidewalk.
"so is that a no on the offer?"
he yelled back and i giggled, looking to jack who had a wide smile on his face.
"guess so."
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chaoticslinkys · 5 years
First Rain
I made this a while ago and I keep forgetting to post it essentially its just when the slinkies first experience with rain, its kinda long so I put it under a read more.
Somehow you wake up well before your two bedmates, which is definitely rare on your days off but their probably still tuckered out from your guys outing at funland yesterday. Somehow they managed not to destroy anything, but that might’ve because you told them no kisses if they break something this time. You decide to get a start to the day seeing that it’s 9 but also mainly because your hungry, but to do that you have to get out of their grip first. Ever since Spinel and Spince started sleeping with you, you realized that they have a habit of wrapping you up in their limbs with you sandwiched between them. You didn’t mind one bit, in fact ever since they’ve started doing that your sleep has been amazing, only issue you have with it is when you have to get up. When you finally manage to get up and out of bed as your stretching you notice that they immediately snuggle into each other bringing a smile to your face, you decide to take a picture on your phone to save the moment ( and to tease em later but they don’t need to know that). 
On your way to the kitchen you look outside and notice the dark grey sky and realize it's going to rain at some point in the day, declaring today an inside cuddle day you move to get some breakfast started for the three of you. As your finishing up you feel a pair of arms wrap around your middle and a body and gem press into you from behind
“Morning”  Spince whispers into your ear with his accent heavy from having just woken up
“Morning sleepy head, she still sleeping” You ask him
“Nah she’s up, should be out in a bit though” he replies before yawning
“Good, now set up the table for me will you” giving him a peck on the cheek before moving back to get everything off the stove 
“Sure thing sweets” he replies before giving you a peck back and moving to set the table, right as he lets go of you Spinel walks in yawning before moving to hug you from behind just like Spince was not long again and nuzzling into your neck
“Good morning to you too sleepy head” you tell her while turning in her arms to hug her back
“Morning” you feel her mumble into your neck 
“Alright sleepy head I made pancakes and I wanna cuddle today so let me go so we can eat” you tell her, she immediately perks up because she fuckin loves cuddles and pancakes 
“Yeah Spins stop hogging y/n” Spince calls out from his place at the table 
“Shush let me love em” She hisses while tightening her arms around you making him laugh 
“Alright you two no fighting I’m hungry and I wanna cuddle and if you two start fighting I’m leaving this house to go find someone else to cuddle with” your warning shuts them both up immediately making you snicker. You give Spinel a peck on the cheek as you drag her to the table to sit.
 After breakfast they help you wash the dishes before you drag them to the couch proclaiming “Since today is so cloudy im making today a movie and cuddle day since this weather makes me sluggish” you say as you push em down on the couch before running off to gather blankets and snacks
“Doll are ya actually making today a cuddle day or are ya just messing with us” Spinel questions when your halfway to the bedroom 
“Yup, weathers gloomy so I wanna cuddle with you two all day while watching movies” You call back “Alright sweets, I am loving today already” You hear Spince cheer once you make it back to your shared room making you snicker, you gather up the blankets from bed before making your way back to the living room. You dump the blankets on top of them earning you a grunt from Spince and a yelp from Spinel before moving again to get snacks from the kitchen, no sweets though because your trying to keep them in one spot today. 
By the time you make it back to the living room they’ve both already covered themselves in blankets while leaving a space for you between them as well as set up the TV to watch movies. You set the snacks on the table in front of the couch before squirming your way under the blankets and snuggling up between them. “Alright what are you two in the mood to watch” you ask them as you grab the remote from Spince’s lap.
“Can we watch some animated movies I really liked those” Spinel perks up “Yeah! I love those they always have pretty colors” Spince adds on
“Alright animated it is then” you say as you snuggle in between them while scrolling through your playlist. 
Halfway into the fourth movie your falling asleep with your head on Spinels lap and your feet on Spince’s lap. You honestly didn’t want to fall asleep but with Spinel running her hands through your hair and surrounded by their warmth it's impossible to not fall asleep. 
Although not long after you fall asleep you wake up to Spinel shaking your shoulder and whispering nervously
“Doll wake up somethings wrong” she tells you while looking around
“What, whats wrong” you ask her as you sit up and rub your eyes
“Cant you hear it its so loud” Spince whispers from his crouched position next to the couch. As you start listening closely you realize that its raining, and its raining hard. Instead of answering them you decide to have a little fun with them and stand up from the couch. As your making your way to the door you can hear Spinel whisper shouting to you. “Y/n, where the fuck are you going, don’t go to the door we don’t know whats out there” As you reach out to open the door you hear both Spince and Spinel shout out your name. You decide this is to much fun and continue to just pull the door open and step out onto the porch. As your walking out you hear both of them running towards you to pull you back in. When you hear them reach the door you turn around and meet their panicked faces with a grin.
“DOLL/SWEETS WHAT THE FUCK” They both yell out at the same time while pulling you into their arms. At that point your just laughing so hard your wheezing while their giving you the most concerned yet confused look.
“Uhh y/n why are you laughing after running towards you know, danger” Spince questions you as both him and Spinel tighten their hold on you
“Because were not in danger, look” You say as you turn to look out towards the front porch
“Um y/n why is water falling from the sky” Spinel asks you while turning to face outwards as well “Its called rain and it happens when the clouds carry to much water and they need to drop some of it” you explain to them
“Sooo, were not being attacked then” Spince whispers into your ear making you giggle
“No, slinky we aren’t being attacked its just raining really hard” you respond while getting out of their arms. You start walking towards the edge of the porch and they start freaking out when you move to step into the rain
“Alright alright relax you two look its not gonna hurt me its just water see” you tell them while sticking your hand out into the rain “see perfectly fine” you turn to look at them and realize their both still tense and nervous. You think for a moment and come up with an idea that might make em both relax. “Alright slinkies give me your hands” You tell them while reaching out for them “What, Why?” they both question at the same time making you snicker “Just trust me alright this is gonna get you to both relax and i have a feeling your both gonna like it” you tell them while reaching to grab their hands. Once you start pulling them out into rain they seem nervous but when the first drops fall on them they start to relax and just get this look of pure amazement on their faces that just fill your chest with warmth and brings a soft smile to your face. Although its raining so hard your soaked in seconds, but you really don't care considering you love the rain and your too preoccupied looking at your slinkies being amazed by rain. You decide to get them a little more into the rain by running towards them and jumping in a puddle near them making them jump from surprise “Sweets what the hell” Spince asks while he and Spinel shake out some of the water from their loose hair
“Yeah doll what was that for” Spinel asks as well “Well ya see the point i brought you out here for was so you can see just how much fun you can have in the rain, and one of the things you can do is jump in puddles” you tell them while you stomp in the puddle your in “another is just a more intense way of playing tag” as you say that you stare at them before jumping at Spince and yelling out “TAG YOUR IT” before booking it “HEY I WASN’T READY Y/N” He yells out before chasing after you while spinel is just laughing but not before Spince turns around and tags her while she’s distracted 
“HEY” She yells out before running after the two of you. The game goes on for about 20 minutes until they both decide to team up to catch you. They end up cornering you and as you try to get away they wrap their arms around you and smoosh you between them, Spinel behind you and Spince in the front
“Tag, we win” they whisper into your ear making you shiver in response “Hmm i guess you two did” You hum back. You would move to go back inside the house but honestly you feel too comfortable and safe just being hugged between the two of them, especially considering since they started humming and swaying. As this goes on you lay your head against Spinces, chest right above his gem, and he rests his head on top of yours while Spinel rest hers on your shoulder. Your starting to get really sleepy when you sneeze, scaring the shit out of both of em. “DOLL YOUR GONNA GET SICK CUZ YOUR COLD” Spinel yells out after recovering from her scare “OH FUCK YOUR RIGHT LETS GET HER INSIDE” Spince yells out while picking you up and running towards the house.
“Ill be fine you two ive spent time out in the rain before” you tell them while laughing from how much they over react. Although you think its sweet how concerned they are for you.. “Yeah right doll, we aint risking ya getting sick” Spinels snorts out as she closes the door behind her. 
“Pft i dont get sick that easily” you huff out as Spince drys out your hair with a towel and Spinel is going through your drawers for some dry clothes “And plus we gotta get ya warmed up Sweets we really don't want you getting sick we heard that its not a nice feeling when humans get sick” Spince tells you.
“Fine, fine, but i want cuddles to get warmed up then” you give in “We can do that doll” Spinel tell you as she hands you dry clothes. After your changed you hop into bed and they follow right after you taking their place on either side of you before wrapping you up in their arms
“Good night slinkies i love you” you whisper after you get comfortable between them
“Good night love ya too y/n” you hear them whisper back as your falling asleep making you hum. Although, needless to say you ended up getting sick the next morning and lets just say they said “i told you so”.
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shyung-shoes · 4 years
tagged by the absolutely wonderful @kyunsies <3333 (i didnt know u changed ur url till this post!! its v cute!!)
20 questions!!
1. what do you prefer to be called name wise?
my full name is jillian but everyone calls me jill (except my family, especially my mom) i love nicknames tho but have never really had one beyond jill so if u give me a nickname ill die
2. when is your birthday?
aug 28
3. where do you live
east coast babyyyy
4. three things u are doing right now?
procrastinating on an assignment, watching a drama (while you were sleeping), and ignoring the basket of laundry i need to put away
5. four fandoms that have piqued your interest right now?
apink, gwsn, astro, april!! im still very new to all these groups tho so if anyone has any content/music recs, please lemme know :D
6. how's this pandemic been treating you?
it was a lot harder at first w/ the sudden transition from college to home. i was super happy at school and it was rough on my brain to be back home. but now ive adapted more and am doing better! i cant wait to go back to school though god
7. a song u cant stop listening to right now?
gonna reveal the extremes of my music taste but uh after the bloom (alone) by gwsn and bonfire by childish gambino. also without me by eminem. idk i think ive been feeling very angry/annoyed so rap is just a good way to get it out. and ive been fuckin so hard w/ gwsn’s discography that i had to put them on here
8. recommend a movie
tune in for love! truthfully, i prefer watching tv to movies but i watched this the other day and really enjoyed it! very cute and the ending was an actually satisfying ambiguous ending which is rare i think. its on netflix :P
9. how old are u?
18- im almost always the baby among my friends :// and i think im the baby on here a lot too
10. school, university, occupation, other?
im a rising sophomore in college and currently working as a dance teacher and waiting to hear back about an internship that’s actually in my field (event managment)
11. do u prefer heat or cold?
cold! i run hot naturally so i overheat super easily and i hate that feeling of sweating and being lightheaded. winter fashion also is much more my speed with boots and big jackets and darker lip colors
12. name one fact others may not know about u
im in a sorority! i think one or two people may know on here but i dont talk a lot about it. gamma phi baby (also @kyunsies youre only 4′11?? a baby!!)
13. are u shy?
i wouldnt call myself shy, im just anxious so im much more quiet when i meet someone for the first couple times. once im comfy w/ someone, my personality really comes out for all its dramatic glory
14. do u have preferred pronouns?
15. biggest pet peeve?
almost all my pet peeves have to do w/ eating lolol cause i get really bad anxiety and sensory overload from things like chewing sounds. so when people eat with their mouths open or let their silverware scrape across their teeth frustrates the hell out of me. the last one feels very specific but it irritates me yeet
16. what is your favorite ‘dere’ type?
tsundere or dandere i guess?? when a character starts to open bc of their love interest... i love it. ESPECIALLY when that character then becomes more open w/ other people because of their love. this also probably explains my natural tendency to love scorpios i think
17. rate your life 1-10, 1 being rlly crappy and 10 being the best it could ever be
i think im a solid 7 rn! which is honestly a lot better than i wouldve given it a month ago so thats a plus. im struggling w/ some mental health things rn but honestly, im pretty content with the way things seem to be unfolding for me
18. what’s your main blog?
this one! its not my actual main blog but this is the only one i use, tumblr just wont let me make this my main bc its dumb
19. list your side blogs and wha they’re used for?
i had a voltron side blog back in 2017? i think? but i havent watched the show in years bc its problematic as fuck i just didnt realize it back then
20. is there anything u think people need to know about u before becoming friends with u?
i am an extremely inconsistent responder- i am the epitome of the will respond in 2 seconds or 2 days thing but i will always respond to your message at some point. if this is about friends irl, its that i always have an earbud in and thats not an exaggeration- listening to music always makes me less anxious so i constantly just have an earbud in in case i feel myself get jittery. so i promise i am paying attention even if it doesnt look like it- im top tier at being able to pay attention to a song and a conversation
ill tag... @wennjunhui @leexchan @iiasha @lovechwe @1of1orbit @agemnor(theres ofc no pressure!!! <33)
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linusdeathtips · 5 years
i feel like a dick bc i just noticed @rottenpossvm​ tagged me in this but i still wanna do it so here it is a week after the fact
Nickname: eli, el
Zodiac: cap/aquarius cusp 
Height: 5′2" - 5'4" idk ive tried to measure myself like 9 times and its different every fucking time
Last Thing Searched: postnord tracking number
Favorite Musicians: rammstein, marilyn manson, tool, failure, nin, pain, lindemann, gojira, qotsa, skyhill, just p much half the industrial genre 
Song Stuck in Head: steh auf - lindemann
If you had a time machine, would you go back in time or visit the future?: future bc i wanna see if i get out of this bullshit lmao 
Do I Get Asks: no and im fine with that 
Following: close friends, stupid bullshit blogs, 90s nostalgia shit 
Would you rather be rich or famous? rich, i dont wanna be famous i hate having attention on me
Amount of Sleep: its a gamble, could be 4 hours could be 12
Lucky Number: 15
What I’m Wearing: black leggings, big fuckin x-files shirt, NIN beanie
Dream Job: suppermariobroth but for the sims 1, or archiving/working w old 90s/early 2000s tech
Dream Trip: i know its cliche as fuck but ive gone pretty much everywhere i wanna go except japan
If you were an animal, what would you be?: raccoon. opposable thumbs, dig thru trash and no one cares
Favorite Food: cheeseburgers but i cannot have cheeseburgers right now so 
What are some of your favorite books/films/shows/games/etc? books: a series of unfortunate events, uhh mostly just crime novels and YA fiction that im definitely too old to be enjoying (except for fantasy genre like dragons and wizards i hate that shit) films: pretty much anything david fincher makes, a series of unfortunate events, uhh theres more but i cant think right now shows: archer, mindhunter, law and order svu, 24, futurama, better call saul/breaking bad, preacher games: vampire the masquerade bloodlines, the sims 1 (the only actually good sims game), portal, half life, binding of isaac, animal crossing, pokemon (up to gen 4), hotline miami, fallout, metal gear solid, gtav, borderlands, i need to stop im just naming franchises now
Play Any Instruments: minimal amounts of guitar and bass because i gave up playing
Languages: english, german, i can read TINY amounts of swedish but like not even enough to matter
Describe Yourself as Aesthetics: i was gonna say "think back to the family computer room running windows 98 when you were a kid and it was raining out and you couldnt use the dial up bc mom was on the phone so you just made your own fun" but then i remember im too old to be here and like half the people on the website dont know what thats like so i guess my answer is whatever a solo jazz cup would look like if it listened to swedish death metal
@gothartdad @oxycontln @arrestzelle @chainwip @toesferatu
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jooheonbot · 6 years
i was tagged by @naekkung thank u dani!!!!!
1. who is your bias:
mistre lee jooheon,,,,,, joohoney,,,, juan.... the light of my life..... a man of many names
2. what made you notice them:
a tie between stage presence and dimples jsdhdksj. ill live forever jealous of his dimples ): they were. literally. the first thing i noticed LMAO i was like “...... who the FUCK is the one with The Dimples” theyre so endearing im just ))):::: i want to build a house in either of them. enough of dimples,,, the way he performs is so magnetic i just ??? aaaaaaa???? he’s so full of energy and idk. Power. he’s fuckign. electricity. i cant keep my eyes off him ever and like. every second he’s not rapping im just watching him dance (bc god his footwork gives me chills), im just completely enthralled by all his mannerisms,, bc im what? TRASH! apologies for this word vomit.
3. what is your favorite thing about them:
djfhfdjf heck, idk what isnt my favorite thing about him LMAO. i love The Duality in him,,, and his passion and dedication. as i previously said,, he exudes power on stage. he’s just amazing. the fact that he’s a v sweet, bubbly human being makes it 49580349 times better. im not just talking abt him doing aegyo jsbkdsnkj, i think he genuinely is a very soft, kind person, and the fact that he can change so easily on stage leaves me speechless. it just. runs deep in him and it’s super interesting and attractive to me??? as for his passion and dedication, i just?? dont think i have to even explain lmao. he clearly puts so much effort on what he loves, he’s so driven... i go crazy at the thought of the amount of music he’s written but hasn’t released. sdjfksd. idk. i love passionate ppl, he’s most definitely a go getter and im crying thanks.
also like,,, in regards to appearance only,,, i adore his eyes, i love the shape and theyre so dark.... my brain turns to mush when he goes from :D to The Look? yea. nat found dead in a fuckin ditch.
4. who would initiate skinship more:
yikes, i ahte......... physical touch. undoubtedly he would,, and guess,,,, id have to make an exception for him. 
5. who would hog the blankets more:
i think it’d be a tie??? you’ll take the blankets away from my cold, dead hands, juan, square tf up.
6. who would be more clingy:
highkey him, lowkey me. #exposed
7. who would say i love you first:
me, staring at our scorpio venuses: haha (: yea ((:
hhhhhhh. he’s so soft... probably him.
8. who would be more easily flustered:
yikes, idk. im just a little cheesy baby,,, he’d have me eating off the palm of his hand with One Smile and idk, a super lame pickup line. so. yea.
9. what cuddle position would you two have:
idk id probably just try to climb him like a baby koala,, does that have a name. my four fuckign limbs will be wrapped around him and there’s Nothing that will stop me.
10. which colors remind you of them:
mistre duality reminds me of red and yellow im crying dani is rly out there pulling out a pantone shade and im just like. googling "red”
11. which season would you like to spend with them:
12. who would bake cookies and who would steal the batter:
im The Baker. id complain when he stole the batter but more often than not id pretend im not looking when he did lol. im just dum.
i taggggg @cupidjooheon @lovwonho @joostruck @kihoneys and @juoheon
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00250 · 6 years
tag game!
I was tagged by @singt0me my love!!!!!!!!!!!
Rules: Tag ten mutuals you want to know!
Name: jamie
Star Sign: aries
Height: somewhere between 5′8 and 5′9
Put your iTunes (or Spotify) on shuffle. What are the first 4 songs that popped up? :
1: cosmic love (live version) by florence + the machine
2: the story of us by taylor swift
3: everything about you by the original broadway cast of groundhog day (this one is rly just andy karl tho)
4: skyscrapers by ok go
Ever have a poem or song written about you?: not that i know of but that would b fuckin WILD dude
When was the last time you played the guitar: grade three it was rough im rly musically challenged
Who is your celebrity crush: so fucking many like. everyone on the tmr cast but Especially rosa salazar and i cant rmr any others for some reason now but i basically fall in love w everyone ive ever seen or met
What’s the sound you hate + a sound you love?: i love a good crunchy bassline and i hate any small repetitive sound or any sort of eating/mouth noises or anything that is vaguely asmr-ish and also recorded peoples voices like podcasts make me wanna die uhhh i have a lot of sound issues lmao
Do you believe in ghosts?: hell yea
How about aliens?:HELL YEA
Do you drive?: i do!!! ive had my full license for 3 years now i think but i live in the city now so i only drive when im back home
What was the last book you read?: last book i read fully was a reread of my all time fav the book thief by markus zusak!!
Do you like the smell of gasoline?: yes
Whats the worst injury you’ve ever had?: literally so many that i have to make an itemized list
ok so i once broke my ankle bc i tripped while running to get cake
i also tripped another time into a Sharp Metal Thing and cut my shin open to the bone and had to get 18 stitches
doing a roundoff on beam i bailed halfway thru and hyperextended(??) my ankle to bad that my toes touched my shin and i could walk for like a month
broke my toe walking into a door
went WAY too high on a switchsplit on floor and my feet slipped out behind me while i was landing and i popped the fluid sac in my knee making it swell So Fucking Big
have concussed my self from both Walking Into A Bar (the gymnastics kind) and landing on my head
multiple stress injuries to my low back that resulted in a small fracture in my spine that has caused my last vertebrae to slip way the fuck outta where its supposed to be
my body is a wasteland
Do you have any obsessions right now?: twenty one pilots and tmr!!!
Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?: so much all the time its awful
In a relationship?: HAHAHHA 
I tag anyone who wants to do this because i am Lazy
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gayhags · 7 years
bruna tagged me and i gotta do it cus her life is on the line if i dont so like i guess ill tag some of u if ya wanna do it 
(it’s supposed to be 20 but like i dont know 20 of yall so like ill tag @evelynebrochu @delphines @odetteannable @gaytiemcgrath mm yeh
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
1. drink - almond milk latte
2. phone call - i ignore all phone calls
3. text message - my best friend 
4. song you listened to - monotonia // the growlers
5. time you cried - mmm like a month ago
6. dated someone twice? - nope
7. kissed someone and regretted it - not really
8. been cheated on - not that i know of so like no
9. lost someone special - in a way i guess
10. been depressed - mmm yeh
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - yeah thas why i cant stand tequila
fave colours
12. light pink
13. black
14. white
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - yep
16. fallen out of love - no ive never been in love so like lmao
17. laughed until you cried - yeh
18. found out someone was talking about you - mmm yeh
19. met someone who changed you - no not really
20. found out who your friends are - this is some tea but yes
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - no facebook is for pussies
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - everyone except kate and soph ://
23. do you have any pets - no i fuckin wish bich i want a dog
24. do you want to change your name -  in a way i guess...like i dont really think my name fits me like idk my name makes me uncomfortable but like im used to it now 
25. what did you do for your last birthday - nothing bc houston thas when hurricane harvey hit and like everything was closed down for like a week so happy 20th to me thas mother nature saying fuck u bich 
26. what time did you wake up today - 7:40 am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - idk...i was probably crying bc of sendrick 
28. what is something you cant wait for - for me to be rich and sex see
30. what are you listening to right now - the growlers listen to them theyre sexy 
31. have you ever talk to a person named tom - no all toms are creeps
32. something thats getting on your nerves -  a lot of things like life and being alive in general 
33. most visited website - tumblr
34. hair colour - light brown
35. long or short hair - long
36. do you have a crush on someone - i havent had a crush on someone since last summer thank fuck 
37. what do you like about yourself - sometimes i like her sometimes i hate her it depends on the energy that day but like shes pretty funny i guess like i make myself laugh 
38. want any piercings? - yeah my cartilage
39. blood type - in case im like dying my blood is O- im that universal donor ass bitch 
40. nicknames - my friends call me bitch or b or henny
41. relationship status - single lmao
42. zodiac - virgo
43. pronouns - she/dat/bich
44. fave tv shows - the office, parks and rec and ob
45. tattoos - no  but like i might get one soon idk of what yet 
46. right or left handed - right
47. ever had surgery - no
48. piercings - yah
49. sport - no lmao i was tha lazy bich in high school i only started to get into like fitness and shit my senior year of high school 
50. vacation - i wanna go to england
51. trainers - what does this mean idgi
more general
52. eating - i just ate some chickpea pasta w/ tofu
53. drinking - my 3rd coffee of the day 
54. im about to watch - my life crash and burn bc i have nothing figured out and i feel like wasting my time lmao 
55. waiting for - my lana concert feb 10th and then i can die 
56. want - this moneyyyy
57. get married - no 
58. career - i dont know!!! im a junior in college i should kno but i dont im gonna have a breakdwon 
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - hugs
60. lips or eyes - eyes 
61. shorter or taller - im a short as bich so taller 
62. older or younger - older
63. nice arms or stomach - stomach bich i want this stomach to be flat like where are u bich im so tired
64. hookup or relationship - hookup cus like people are annoying after a while like leave me alone
65. troublemaker or hesitant - hesitant is boring but like troublemaker is too much work so like neither
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - no id never im a pussy
67. drank hard liquor - yes 
68. lost glasses - i dont need glasses but ive left my best friends shades in an uber once bc he left us in the middle of the road at a festival and we had to run out the car cus it was illegal to stop there so like we ran out and i feel so bad bc they were expensive
69. turned someone down - yes lmao
70. sex on first date - no 
71. broken someones heart - i think...
72. had your heart broken - yeah
73. been arrested -  no oh myg od i always have nightmares in which im arrested like i just want a mugshot but no 
74. cried when someone died - ok but liek who hasnt
75. fallen for a friend - mmm lmao
do you believe in
76. yourself - yes i have to push myself tho like its just me and myself fighting all the time but yeah ultimately i do 
77. miracles - yes like i really do after like me n my best friend almost got caught smoking we*ed in her house and like her mom came home early from a trip and like i really thought we were gonna die that day but im smart and lit a candle so like idk how she didnt smell it but like after that day i believe in miracles i do 
78. love at first sight - yeah but like only in fiction like irl it’s lust at first sight 
79. santa clause - yes i love her 
80. kiss on a first date - yeh if im into it 
81. angels - by the xx, gr8 song
82. best friend’s name - she dont have a tumblr 
83. eye colour - dark brown
84. fave movie - silver linings playbook, prisoner of azkaban, and the polar express i said what i said 
85. fave actor - anna kendrick and emma watson and like katie and evelyne 
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otakurandomness · 7 years
Get to know me tag~ yaaay i actually got one of these
Tagged by: the strong and amazing @shadydreamerdonut xD
Tagging: hmmmm ofc i gotta tag you @toxininmyveins gotta annoy you cuz why not? lol and @crisokrock , @hime-af-baka , @11fedoras-andcounting @dianechronicles, @yolky206, @hampterfluffinshire, and @kawaiianimefangirl33 and really anyone who wants to, and also srry if im bothering ya you dont gotta if you dont wanna, its just for fun lol ah kay here we go
Rules: Bold statements that are true
I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo (will be geting one soooon x] )
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
I love meeting new people (half true cuz i suck at talkin to ppl i dont know well lol but really i wish i wasnt)
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well (hell ya we aint true friends if i cant playfully call you names xD)
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it (on fleek lol)
There is something I would change about my personality (wish i was more of an ambivert, but hey want can ya do?)
I can sing well (im trying to work on that and i actually practicing lol lets hope i get it)
I can play an instrument (piano a lil)
I can do over 30 push ups without stopping (ha nah)
I’m a fast runner (i’ve been told i am but that just cuz i got long legs, my stamina is shit hahaha xD)
I can draw well (I think so, im pretty happy with the improvements ive been through the years but it still not what i wish it was)
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head (hell nah)
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports (eh sometimes but i suck lol)
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in was in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing (dam straight i do)
Fandoms are my #1 passion
I do or have done martial arts (when i was like a kid tho lol)
I have had my first kiss (*cough*otaku*cough*lmao)
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country (i fuckin wish)
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know (im working on that doing okay so far)
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship (eh wat can i say gotta feel strong for person before it gets there i guess *shrugs*)
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them (pfffftttt never but someone told a guy i like how felt does that count? lol)
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend 
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close to my school
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling (Have two, lil sis and a big bro)
I live in the United States 
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone (finally after 3yrs lol)
I have at least 15 CDs
I share my room with someone ( i dont got a room lol)
I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair (i want tooo)
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now (not rn be earlier)
I have punched someone in the past week (my bro, cousin, my best friends, lol only gently with love i promise) 
I know someone who has gone to jail (still in jail sadly, i miss you tio)
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today (actually yeah i did hahaha xD)
I know what I want to do with my life (dont how ill do it tho but im getting there)
I speak at least 2 languages (i understand some spanish but not enough to say i can speak sadly)
I have made a new friend in the past year (hmmm i dont thiiink so? maybe lol)
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inamii · 7 years
tagged by @sttchingllies (ty for tagging me in these i love doing them ajdhjahsd)
ok so 30 facts abt me??
im 5′11″ which is too dang tall someone pls trade heights w me
i just found out batwoman is gay and holy shit??
penguins are my favorite animal theyre just so cute man
i have the worst memory on the entire planet tbh its so bad i ask people things 20 times and i feel so bad every time
i have such a weird span of music interests from edgy shit like pierce the veil to cutesy idolmaster songs lmao
speaking of music i love gacharic spin so much, no one knows who tf they are but they’re such a great band (also their drummer is p gay and they made  a song abt her only cute cinderella ;-;)
i also love perfume!! (the group lol) nocchi is my fave tho i love all three of them and i would pay so much money for them to perform at the 2020 olympics
i have been distracted so many times while writing this and i’m only on 8 pray for me i have 0 attention span
i love inami anju so much???
i honestly spend too much of my time invested in rhythm games but w/e
i am the ultimate master of not being able to express negative feelings to anyone and seeming happy 24/7 it is my only skill
im rlly results oriented which makes it super hard to keep at anything im not immediately good at
 i have no sense of balance whatsoever i literally tilt and wobble while just standing up
i have this rad ass almost foot long scar on my leg that looks cool n edgy but has a much less cool and edgy origin lol
i rlly rlly like to journal and write my thoughts down?? i try to journal as often as possible in my phone bc i love reading through them later on (i have a ton from freshman yr that are great to read after the fact)
bc i rlly like writing my thoughts down, i have a notebook that i keep in my backpack for when i want to remember smth that happened or am just thinking abt shit, or i just write stuff in the margins of notes (my tok binder alone is full of either snarky remarks to what someone said or just lots of being in awe at how smart my peers are)
i have a rlly intense longing to play dnd like....ive never played it before but it sounds so fuckin cool and i swear i will join a dnd group in college
my favorite characters are almost always ones with blue hair unless they’re like, an asshole
i dont watch a ton of live action tv but i rlly love izombie (even tho i havent seen s3) and i just started watching supergirl and travelers also looks p dang good
tbh tho i dont actually watch a lot of anime either, the only anime ive completed in like years is bnha
i like people watching, and i think like, little behaviors n quirks ppl have are rlly endearing and tbh i just like ppl and find them all rlly cute???
in that vein, i love peoples laughs they’re all adorable no matter what 
uuh shit im running out of things.... my favorite vocaloid is gumi
i love drawing so much but im such shit at it tbh
i used to do a lot of video editing and even had a vine acct for su edits where i made a lot of stuff im actually p proud of lol
i go through cycles of enjoying stuff, where i’ll be obsessed with smth for months and then suddenly not have the energy to engage in it, even though i still enjoy it and would like to continue engaging in it i just...cant
i am like....the biggest crybaby ever honestly
i’ve only had serious crushes on 2 ppl (n one of them was in 7th grade lmao)
i wish i was better at communicating n hanging out with both my irl and online friends im just such a nervous wreck so im terrible at it ://
i have a cat names silas and i love him even tho he’s sometimes an  asshole and sticks his butt in ur face
uuuh as for tagging, if you see this, i tag you!! also anyone i tagged in my last post ofc!
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joonbugged · 7 years
getting to know me *:・゚✧
hey @rapmonphile tagged me in my first tag game!!! i thoroughly appreciate her so follow her for quality content (esp joon)
your last …
1. drink: tropicana pink lemonade bc i go hard
2. phone call: my mom. she was mad at me for being injured?? thanks mom
3. text message: to an old friend who i just put puzzle pieces together and realized hes a kpop fan!! we’ve been reconnecting and its gr8
4. song you listened to: as if its your last by blackpink (my queens)
5. time you cried: @btsatschool admins made me hecka emo like 2 weeks ago
have you ever …
6. dated someone twice: nope
7. kissed someone and regretted it: yes but never immediately ya know
8. been cheated on: yes
9. lost someone special: yes
10. been depressed: for! the! past! 5! years! of! my! life! im ok though, if anyone can relate pls keep fighting its worth it
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: funny story. yes ive gotten drunk. like shitfaced. but i never throw up!
list 3 favorite colors
12-14. shit... usually I just say green but since you asked for 3: mint green, maroon, and any silver or gold shit thats also holographic
in the last year, have you …
15. made new friends: yes!!!
16. fallen out of love: not sure if it was love to begin with
17. laughed until you cried: absolutely
18. found out someone was talking about you: ive had my suspicions but they’ve never actually been confirmed. at least not when it comes to negative stuff
19. met someone who changed you: idk if this counts bc i havent actually met them but bang! tan! so! nyeon! dan!
20. found out who your friends are: see i always think im having this moment but then the people in question always pull shit that changes my mind back to being like “ok yeah i guess youre a real friend”
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: two of em
random questions
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: i wont add someone unless i know them personally, save for a few ldr that im very VERY close to. so i know them all
23. do you have any pets: THREE CATS THEY ARE THE LIGHT OF MY LIFE
24. do you want to change your name: all the time.
25. what did you do for your last birthday: i had to do college shit!! (it was on june 9th btw) and i got my period!!! so it was f a n t a s t i c
26. what time did you wake up: 9:30 ish
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: talking with my friendos from here
28. name something you can’t wait for: idk... im gonna be in a couple shows soon but i can wait for them all to happen really. lame answer but i cant think of anything atm
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: monday morning
30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: just one??? i guess i was just more secure with myself and knew who i truly was. bc i have a bad habit of acting differently to please different people and not being confident in myself and that needs to g o
31. what are you listening to right now: the sounds of me typing this lmao. and my roomie watching netflix. its so quiet i can hear the noise from her headphones
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: hello?? my lifelong best friend is a thomas
33. something that is getting on your nerves: im trying to hang with some of my pals this week and they keep not responding to me
34. most visited website: tumblr and youtube
35-37. apparently these questions are lost to the void
38. hair color: brown with leftover maroon and dark brown dyes in it
39. long or short hair: im growing it out so its short atm
40. do you have a crush on someone: y e s too many people
41. what do you like about yourself: i can do makeup real well and i have cute tiddies (when they in my bra)
42. piercings: just one on both earlobes. im considering a nose ring
43. blood type: a positive?? but i still dont understand why thats important to know in terms of kpop idols. do i need to donate blood to them?
44. nickname: if you wanna be hip call me mitch
45. relationship status: single. desperately seeking a fwb
46. zodiac: gemini ass
47. pronouns: she/her
48. favorite tv show: the walking dead and the 100
49. tattoos: cant get any bc of theatre. wanna get a small semicolon on my finger
50. right or left handed: right
51. surgery: never major surgeries. i once has to get an inflamed salivary gland removed and ive had my run in with stitches. but nothing major
52. piercing: yep this is a repeat
53. favorite sport: dancing, swimming, and biking
55. favorite vacation: my trip to nebraska last year
56. favorite pair of trainers: what are trainers
57. eating: about to go get dinner. if this is a question about fave foods then i guess my moms spaghetti (no irony here)
58. drinking: currently nothing. i would sell my firstborn for sunny D tho
59. i’m about to: get changed for a partayyyy
61. waiting for: my other roomie to wake up from her nap so we can eat
63. get married: im a hopeless romantic so you better believe my ho ass is tying the knot one of these days
64. career: got my sights set on being an actress. i currently make pizza.
which is better
65. hugs or kisses: kisses
66. lips or eyes: eyes
67. shorter or taller: if its a s/o i prefer them to be taller
68. older or younger: older if s/os
70. nice arms or nice stomach: im a sucker for a cute ass tummy
71. sensitive or loud: i agree how do these relate but i like it when people are sensitive. not when they like cant handle anything but more like when theyre in tune with their own emotions and thoughts and try not to be a toughie
72. hook up or relationship: relationship
73. troublemaker or hesitant: my fam would wanna say troublemaker but im hesitant af
have you ever …
74. kissed a stranger: i wish
75. drank hard liquor: yeeeeeah
76. lost glasses/contact lenses: im not a fuckin genie of course i have
77. turned someone down: yes
78. sex on the first date: heck no
79. broken someone’s heart: yes!
80. had your heart broken: yes!!
81. been arrested: no
82. cried when someone died: yes
83. fallen for a friend: yes esp with my gay ass
do you believe in …
84. yourself: i wanna laugh and be like heh no, but i really do
85. miracles: sorta
86. love at first sight: i believe in lust at first sight
87. santa claus: nope but i used to be hardcore as a kid
88. kiss on the first date: yeah. i support cheek pecks but lips are game if it went real well
89. angels: not guardian angels no
90. best friend’s name:  tom, katie
91. eye color: poop brown
92. favorite movie: warm bodies
heres one for the babes: @disastermanjoon @btsatschool (B) @myhomeistuan @eomma-eagle @bunnybubkook @minswaggy-dt @teaacuptaee
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sorcieresque · 7 years
naisy gossip from the past couple of days on: ai’s shapeshifting and the legitimacy thereof, the shape of daisy’s head, trans troubles, daisy being offended by her implied sluttiness, a detour to dick jokes,  a detour from dick jokes to feelings jamming, a detour about ines’s annoyingness factor, lesbian island and clea
nickatnightwalker brief interjection: you doing okay with tweedle drunk and tweedle drunker over there?
sorcieresque Are you.
nickatnightwalker well, ive been completely cured of the siren charm probably forever
sorcieresque Good. He's not that cute either way. Tyler's a mess. It's embarrassing.
nickatnightwalker it's amazing how fast my interest in either of them dropped.  like watching a rock plummet off the empire state building and then kill some passers by
nickatnightwalker anyway me and damian are going for a walk until their blood alcohol levels drop below .6. wanna come
sorcieresque I take a low res picture, fry it, and caption the rock in comic sans: My interest, the passers-by Tyler's chances of getting laid, the empire state building is captioned God. I'm not going to third wheel you. I’ll have you know I have better social skills than that.
nickatnightwalker this is an escape run daise take it or leave it
sorcieresque Fine. This doppelganger fiasco is getting boring either way.
nickatnightwalker shes not real good is she
sorcieresque No. Having a 3D mirror was fun for all about twenty minutes, which makes for better bragging rights than most people have ever had. She should be proud.
nickatnightwalker now do you get what i mean about your head being weird shaped
sorcieresque Fuck you. My head is perfectly round.
nickatnightwalker round ish
sorcieresque Your face is round-ish.
nickatnightwalker no it's not my jawline is the only good thing my dad ever gave me and you cant erase that fact
sorcieresque I could if I wanted to. Take back that my head is weird-shaped.
nickatnightwalker you cant change my face
sorcieresque I can and I shall.
nickatnightwalker cant and shant
sorcieresque Take it back.
nickatnightwalker you must have seen it though
sorcieresque I was too busy being mesmerized by the acute angles of my cheekbones.
nickatnightwalker huh you really missed an opportunity there then
sorcieresque Let a shapeshifter pour themselves into an unholy you-shaped mold and then you shall throw stones.
nickatnightwalker absolutely not hey do you think ai could even turn into me she doesnt really know what i look like
sorcieresque What do you mean.
nickatnightwalker i mean it's not like ive stripped and tap danced through the quad shes gonna get shit wrong
sorcieresque Right. I assumed that was left to her vague interpretation. It's not like she knows what the hot goods look like beneath my skirts.
nickatnightwalker kind of unsettling maybe everythings just barbie and ken under there when she turns into us
sorcieresque On a scale of one to very, how rude would it be to ask her to take her clothes off.
nickatnightwalker for you i think she would happily
sorcieresque I know. It's charming. My intentions are only pure and scientific.
nickatnightwalker that part she might not love
sorcieresque That sounds like a her-problem.
nickatnightwalker itll be a you problem if she says no
sorcieresque What if she knows how to mold us to a T.
nickatnightwalker how could she possibly
sorcieresque Magic? (Finger waving, etc.)
nickatnightwalker no, she has to know what somethign looks like to be it theres no way shes gotta just be vague nothing underneath
sorcieresque Then what's the big deal. Don't be a pussy.
nickatnightwalker well excuse me for being reluctant if the odds arent 100% against her finding out ive GOT one
sorcieresque What, did you forget you're not the only one in the world? She didn't seem to know about me.
nickatnightwalker theres a lot less to guess on with you daise
nickatnightwalker no offense but im pretty sure everyone heres seen you shirtless or close enough to to make a good approximately of nearly everything going on up there
nickatnightwalker and most of us have seen your ass too
sorcieresque That's an exaggeration, but you're welcome. There is not "less" going on with me, just different issues in the downstairs department.
nickatnightwalker no, not less, just less that people dont know about it's the public semi-nudity daise
sorcieresque You make it sound a lot worse than it is.
sorcieresque You'd think after all these years you wouldn't be so scandalized of my alleged indecency.
nickatnightwalker oh no im not but everyone else isnt hardened to it yet
sorcieresque Haha. Hardened.
nickatnightwalker i dont get it can you explain?
sorcieresque Penis Havers + Sight of Skin = Profit.
nickatnightwalker hm. yknow ive always managed it without the sight of skin part?
sorcieresque Ooh, Mr. Nick, ooh.
sorcieresque The mere sight of your melaninless face sends every phallus in a two mile radius from solid to mega solid.
nickatnightwalker you joke and yet
sorcieresque Deepthroating a banana is cheating.
nickatnightwalker no it is NOT besides thats just how i eat them
sorcieresque Perhaps you and Ines are much more similar than you'd like to believe.
nickatnightwalker please, as if she could eat a banana like i can
sorcieresque She can unhinge her jaw, Nick.
nickatnightwalker you got me there but that really seems like a sacrifice in terms of pressure and suction
sorcieresque I suddenly don't care about this.
nickatnightwalker some principles are universal daisy
sorcieresque I hardly see how unhinging your jaw would aid one outside of pleasing the mighty sword of Venus, oh Great Kahuna of Oral Sex.
nickatnightwalker itd kinda be win some lose some just because youd get greater range of motion but lose a lot of use of your lips
sorcieresque Not that this conversation isn't dripping mystery and pulsing with excitement, but are you okay.
nickatnightwalker what oh yeah he just asked if i like being human
nickatnightwalker like...idk man do i like that ive been consigned to a particularly fragile and ill-fitting meat suit? sure i guess, since the alternative was not existing at all shout out to my dads poor planning aaaaaaaay
sorcieresque Aaaay! Asking you that must count as a micro-aggression around here.
nickatnightwalker oh fuck if i know everything is a micro-aggression around here asking somebody their favorite food is a micro-aggression around here "hey whats your favorite color" "do you not know how PERSONAL colors are to me once a color murdered my entire family and now im forced to brood silently yet threateningly whenever i see it"
sorcieresque Does he like *not* being human? Respond in 2000-5000 words MLA format on your desk by tomorrow.
nickatnightwalker as a matter of fact thats exactly what i just told him
sorcieresque Twinsies.
nickatnightwalker i bet we could start telling people that tomorrow and theyd swallow it hook line and sinker
sorcieresque On that note, has Damian grown out of his sisterwife kink yet?
nickatnightwalker while i dont know what his personal feelings are on it knocking that joke out of the repertoire was part of the motherfucking bargain in exchange for letting him talk to me after hurricane daniel
sorcieresque You've always been good at haggling.
nickatnightwalker thank you you know i really, really debated putting an allowance in there for a while?
sorcieresque Ha! Perhaps not quite so good, then.
nickatnightwalker that was a trade off for my own self respect daisy
sorcieresque I suppose some of you /humans/ have that.
nickatnightwalker oh god dont even go there or i'll vanish your hair too
sorcieresque Someone's touchy.
nickatnightwalker shes just about as annoying as an asscrack full of sand
sorcieresque An asscrack full of sand and sticky hands from a rapidly melting Popsicle?
nickatnightwalker with sand glued onto your arms and legs with too-thick sunscreen scratching gently but persistently at your sunburn
sorcieresque And your sunglasses are smudged.
nickatnightwalker and your towel is too sandy to clean them on
sorcieresque And there's Sandflies.
nickatnightwalker when you shower youre gonna find dried seaweed down your bathing suit thats been there for hours
sorcieresque Like lovingly cradling Satan against your crotch. Anyway.
nickatnightwalker anyway shes real fuckin annoying
sorcieresque She's not so bad. I would have stopped around the sunglasses.
nickatnightwalker you havent seen her raging superiority complex up close and personal
sorcieresque I've seen her raging Mine Song complex.
nickatnightwalker that is one can of lesbian worms i am not gonna go anywhere the fuck near
nickatnightwalker im gonna just stay over here in my lane and not get in anywhere near anything the amazon warriors have claimed, up to and including the entire proteus dorm
sorcieresque What about /my/ problems, Nick.
nickatnightwalker cleas gotta come out, im not goin in
nickatnightwalker i dunno if you wanna take on the sapphic equivalent of the mongol horde  that's your bad choice not mine
sorcieresque Well mark my death as "mysterious" on my Wikipedia page and call me sexy Genghis Khan, I'm ready.
nickatnightwalker is there anything really worth conquering over there anyway
sorcieresque Yes.
nickatnightwalker name names bitch!
sorcieresque What is this, a middle school sleepover?
nickatnightwalker yep
nickatnightwalker ive got the popcorn in the microwave now spill
sorcieresque You're subscribed to the Daily Daisy, I was under the impression that you would have an idea. Unless it's tagged Nick don't look, in which case you do not, because we respect each other's privacy.
nickatnightwalker of course i dont but i have YET to see a name drop
sorcieresque Are you asking me if there is a lucky military strategist I would particularly like to conquer?
nickatnightwalker yes imagine some clapping emojisfor me
sorcieresque You're very insistent.
nickatnightwalker well yeah
nickatnightwalker course i wanna hear whats up
sorcieresque Oh.
sorcieresque Well, no single tactician has caught my eye just yet, but I find some of the army members, how do you say, cute. Ines among them.
sorcieresque You love to joke about it, but I don't actually find Tyler's game plans all that exciting. Val's too annoying and Gabriela too dumb to strive beyond eye candy. I've caught glimpses of Clea, you know.
nickatnightwalker thats vague and intriguing keep going
sorcieresque That's all there is to say.
sorcieresque Sometimes they are there, and then they are back to being a walking kaleidoscope on steroids. I think they're cute.
nickatnightwalker they sent me a picture of them before yknow, before why can you see them?
sorcieresque I don't know. And oh. How very juicy of them.
nickatnightwalker dyou want it
sorcieresque Absolutely I do.
nickatnightwalker [it's an incredibly middle-school mirror selfie]
sorcieresque I see. Thank you for your candor.
nickatnightwalker youre welcome you and clea all straightened out? after what they said and everything i know they apologized but still
sorcieresque I made them clamber up the vine and hang from my window. It was very romantic.
nickatnightwalker oh thats so smooth im impressed of you i mean since you told them what to do
sorcieresque And isn't that a most excellent quality in a person.
nickatnightwalker obedience? generally speaking a better quality in a housepet than a person but cleas got other perks
sorcieresque Yes? And what would those be.
nickatnightwalker a fourth dimension australian accent
sorcieresque The compulsive chivalry grew on me.
nickatnightwalker it really is compulsive i swear they keep trying to stop
sorcieresque Interesting.
sorcieresque I could've sworn that was supposed to be their shtick.
nickatnightwalker i thought their shtick was quirky 90s friend
sorcieresque They contain multitudes. That's why they look like that.
nickatnightwalker well shit youre not wrong there i feel threatened by their only-sane-man and rational-human motifs though that's really kinda my thing
sorcieresque Your shtick is far more interesting than being a "rational" person.
nickatnightwalker thank you i do try to work that in though at least sometimes
sorcieresque Do you think it brings an eclectic factor to the jittery je ne sais quoi of your attractiveness?
nickatnightwalker absolutely i do i think it emphasizes that my jitteriness is not unfounded
sorcieresque Wow, you're even internally consistent.
nickatnightwalker oh yeah definitely what you see is what you get with me
sorcieresque Whatever happened to the mystery!
nickatnightwalker new school new me
sorcieresque Your transparency of character disgusts me.
nickatnightwalker oh man daise it disgusts me too
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simonsperalta · 7 years
100 questions
100 Questions
1.    Are you young at heart, or an old soul? middle 
2.    What makes someone a best friend? Funny, caring, someone who makes you happy  and good taste in things 
3.    What Christmas (or Hanukkah) present do you remember the most? Xbox 360 
4.    Tell me about a movie/song/tv show/play/book that has changed your life. . Ghostbusters(2016) and Scream tv cause they have shown me how fuckin gay as fuck i am  
5.    Name one physical feature that you like about yourself, and one you dislike. Eyes and weight 
6.    Would you like to reconnect with any friends you’ve lost contact with? yes 
7.    What’s more important in a relationship: physical attraction or emotional connection? . emotional 
8.    Name a movie that you knew would be terrible just from reading the title. Justin Bieber : Never Say Never 
9.    What holiday do you most look forward to? . Halloween
10.  How is the relationship between you and your parents? My dad can be a dick and unsupportive but he tries 
11.  You’ve got the TV on, but you’re not really watching. What channel is the TV on? Sports
12.  Name a song that never fails to make you happy.  Debarge -Rhythm of the night (Im trash )
13.  You know at least one person named Michael. Tell me about him. Curly haired and knew him in year 8 
14.  Have you ever read the “missed connections” on Craigslist? Have you ever posted one, or wanted to?   ???
15.  If you could pick anywhere to live the rest of your life, where would it be? JAPAN 
16.  Can money buy happiness? Nope but it can buy food and does that count
17.  Do you drink? Smoke? Do drugsWhy, or why not? nope because 420 no blaze it 
18.  Is there anyone close to you that you know you can’t trust? You don’t have to give names. .   Yes 
19.  Where was your favorite place to go when you were a little kid?  BREWSTER FUCKIN BEARS 
20.  Have you ever spent a night in the hospital? . nearly 
21.  Do you enjoy being with only one or two friends, or with a large group of people?  one or two 
22.  Do you like the type of music your parents listen to? Do your parents like the type of music you listen to?    meh and nope
23.  Have you ever been bullied? Yes 
24.  If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? chicken  
25.  If your partner wanted to wait until marriage before having sex, would you stay in that relationship? yes 
26.  Do you believe in a god? nope tbh 
27.  Of all the social networks in the world, why use Tumblr? because its fun as shit 
28.  What’s your favorite Tumblr tag to track? #HOLTZMANN
29.  Would you call yourself/your family “middle class?” Mehhh
30.  Name a TV series you didn’t enjoy until after it ended.    Telletubbies, that shit scared me  
31.  Have you ever bought a product from an infomercial? nope
32.  If you could give up your car and never have to drive again, would you? nah  
33.  If you go back to one point in time to give advice to yourself, when would you go and what would you say? back to the end of 2015 and tell myself to not run into that wall 
34.  What’s your “quirkiest” habit? a few 
35.  What is “normal?” Are you normal? nope lmao 
36.  Someone close to you is dying. You have the choice to let this person live for 10 more years, but if you do, you cause the death of 10 strangers. You don’t have to see them die. Do you take the offer? Yes because I cant afford to lose another family member, plus those 10 people could be evil and plus many people are dying in a second anyway 
37.  What is one thing you could never forgive? A person 
38.  Would you rather be in a relationship after the honeymoon period ends, or be single? relationship 
39.  Is it possible for guys and girls to be just friends? yes 
40.  Where do you and your friends go to hang out? i stay at home alone so lmao 
41.  Write the first paragraph of your obituary.  This person was in love with many things and the poor bastard could never get a date rip  
43.  When you were young, what would you dream you would be when you grew up? A juggler 
44.  When you’re alone in your own home, do you walk around naked? fuck no 
45.  What gets you out of bed in the morning? food 
46.  Do you want to have more friends than you have right now? no 
47.  What part of the past year sticks out in your mind? February 
48.  You win a scratch-off lottery game that gives you $2000 a week (after taxes) for the rest of your life. Do you keep your job? yes EXTRA MONEY BOIISS 
49.  Could you be in a long-distance relationship? If you’re in one, what makes yours work? I think so 
50.  What’s the best route to your heart? . kindness 
51.  Have you ever met someone through the internet, then met them in real life?. No unfortunately 
52.  What is your favorite sport? ping pong ;lol 
53.  What has been troubling you lately? . my problems ahahah 
54.  Did you enjoy your high school prom? not been yet 
55.   What do you use more often: your intuition or logical reasoning? logical 
56.   Do you know what makes you happy?  Ahemm..... kate mckinnon and bex taylor-klaus 
57.  Tell me about the last book you read. SERIAL KILLERS 
58.  What is the nicest compliment you’ve ever been given? hair looks nice 
59.  Who was your first crush? Either Misty from Pokemon or the blonde cheetah girl 
60.  Do you believe that there is life on other planets? probso 
61.   Predict what your life will look like a year from now. dissapointing 
62.  Often, people will ask how your last relationship ended. I want to know how it began. lmao ive never been in one 
63.  Where is your favorite place to go out and eat?  mcdonaaaaaaaaaaaaalds
64.  What is something you want to change about your current situation? Singleness lmao
65.  Early bird or night owl? night owl m8 
66.  Are there any childhood possessions you still hold on to? idk
67.   Give me an unpopular opinion you have. . i dont like naudrey 
68.  What was the last song that was stuck in your head? Blue Ocean Floor - Justin Timberlake 
69.   Where do you live? YORKSHIRE 
70.  Do you believe in giving kids medals and trophies for participation? Mhm 
71.  What was the longest car ride you’ve ever taken? to bognor reigis 
72.  Have you ever taken part in a protest? not yet  
73.  Would you ever use an online dating service? merh 
74.  What is your ethnic heritage? Atheist 
75.  Describe a person that inspires you. Many people 
76.  If you earn minimum wage doing what you love, would you? Sure 
77.  Do you believe in luck? meh 
78.  Describe the last time you were very angry at someone. When they said I dont resemble Pidge smh 
79.  Do you want to live until you’re 100? kinda 
80.  Do people change? If so, how do you keep a relationship together when both of you start to change? no idea
81.  Have you ever risked a friendship by telling someone you liked them? yes 
82.  Would you rather be alone doing something you enjoy, or doing something you don’t like with your best friends? enjoy 
83.  Do you practice what you preach? nope 
84.  If you take precautions to stay safe, do you ultimately act more recklessly? yes 
85.  What do you value more in a significant other: Attractiveness or intelligence? .intelligence 
86.  Are you hard-headed? idk 
87.  Have you ever laughed uncontrollably when it was socially inappropriate? yup 
88.  When have you felt most alive? when i was born 
89.  Would you prefer to live? A city? The suburbs? The countryside? The mountains? mountains
90.  Do you often skip breakfast? yes 
91.  How do you know what true love is? tbh no 
92.  Would you want to know the exact date and time you were going to die? no 
93.  Where is “home” for you? my room 
94.   What song best describes your life right now?  any depressing one lmao 
95.  Do you want to be perfect?  What have you never tried, but would really like to someday? nope 
96.  What’s holding you back? bed 
97.  How do you express your creativity? . no idea 
98.  Describe your neighborhood. smells of weed and cow shit 
99.  Name something you only liked because it was popular.  Call of duty 
100.   Give me the story of your life in six words. Single, obsessing, tubby, sad, boring, gay 
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jesliey · 8 years
The Many Ask Thingymabob
Second times the charm...
Tagged By: @caramiathegreat
Spoofy Soundcloud or Pandora? Im a spoofy kinda man
Messy or clean room? I think my room is comparatively clean
What colour are your eyes? Bluest blue to ever blue
Do you Like your name and why? Its alright. It always seemed a little lackluster to me
Relationship status? The running joke in my friend group is my 3 year dry spell. It isnt a very funny joke.
Describe your personality in 3 words or less? Distanced pragmatic dumbass
What colour is your hair? Golden and luscious
What kind of car do you drive? My moms PTA-mobile
Where do you shop? Bad Dragon
How would you describe your style? Dying, yet fashionable college student
Favourite social media account? We all know timboblr is utter trash, and i picked up natter a while ago and its honestly pretty fun
Bed size? Queenie my man
Any siblings? two older stepsisters and a wee lil half sister
Anywhere to live in the world and why? GERMANY OR POLAND. BECAUSE HERITAGE
Favourite snapchat filter? I really like the flower crown an butterfly ones but my phone is being dumb with snapchat and i cant get them
Favourite makeup brand? I mean i dont wear it, but im definitely not opposed! i dont know anything about brands and i am ashamed...
How many times a week do you shower? I go by how my hair feels. Usually its every other day, or every two days.
Favourite TV show? Currently? Gotta be that weeb and say Jojo...
Shoe Size? Depends on where i go, but like 12 - 13
How tall are you? Very
Sandals or sneakers? I like wearing socks and sandals feel weird on my feet
Describe your dream date? Existent... T-T
How much money do you have in your wallet? I dont carry cash!
What colour socks are you wearing? Black
How many pillows do you sleep with? Like 6. Ones a memory foam body pillow its soooo nice....
Do you have a job? Nah...its not for lack of trying though
How many friends do you have? Like...sooo many duuude...not really...
Whats the worst thing youve done? Cut someone who was bad for me out of my life. Bad for them, good for me.
Favourite candle scent? I mean i dont do candles but i love lavender
Favourite boy names?
Favourite girl names?
Favourite actor? Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
Favourite actress? Ashley Johnson
Celebrity crush? theres a lot...
Favourite movie? The Boondock Saints. Easy question.
Do you read a lot? Whats your favourite book? I dont read as much as i think i should, but i loved 1984. I wanna try David Foster Wallaces Infinite Jest and i have the first book in Baccano that i borrowed from a friend and havent touched yet :/
Money or brains? Ignorance is bliss and im filthy fuckin rich HOLLA
Do you have a nickname? Jesliey is an old one. People also call me J a lot. Very briefly in highschool someone called me J-Money whenever he saw me
How many times have you been to a hospital? Not very many. I went in a few years ago for a tonsil infection but that was it in recent history
Top 10 Favourite Songs? Ok this is in no particular order and also limiting to 10 is blashpemy
Subdivisions by NSP
Everybody Wants to Rule The World by NSP
Resist and Bite by Sabaton though if im honest most of Heroes belongs here this ones just my fav
Winged Hussars by Sabaton POLISH PRIIIIIIDE
Wrong Side of Heaven by Five Finger Death Punch
All of Pendulums Immersion album im not picking one
Come with Me Now by KONGOS
History Maker by Dean Fujioka
Setting Sail, Coming Home by Darren Korb
Sonata For Whitestone Castle by Aiden Chan
Do you take any daily medications? No, but i probably should have...
Whatis your skin type? on a good day, slightly dry. on a bad day, cracked bleeding sandpaper.
Whats your biggest fear? My man i used to battle almost daily with some quite hefty anxiety. I could stare down the Grim Reaper and say “I served my time you come and take me”. Wasps and needles are pretty bad though i guess
How many kids do you want? Id be lying if i said i didnt want a daughter at some point...but theres no way im passing on my genetics. im adopting if i ever want a kid.
Whats your go-to hairstyle? Either free flowing and glorious, or ponytail if i need it out of my face
What ype of house do you live in? Moms house is pretty decently sized i suppose
Who is your role model? I dont really have one...
What was the last compliment you received? I dont know I dont really get those often...this is getting kinda depressing....
What was the last text you sent? “Well i hope shes alright”
How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa? Like 10 or 12
What is your dream car? Oh god i want a 1985 Pontiac Trans Am so bad you have no idea...
Opinion on smoking? I dont get the appeal but everyone can make their own choices
Do you go to college? Yes and im dying
What is your dream job? Metalworking and blacksmithing has lowkey been a huge fascination of mine for like 2 years now. i would love to be able to do that for a living
Rural area or life in suburbia? I like the idea of both, but rural areas have space for metal workshops
Do you take shampoo/conditioner bottles from hotel rooms? Nah i bring my own
Do you have freckles? A few spread sporadically all over my body. no noticeable patches though
Do you smile for pictures? Yeah but most of the time it feels so forced
How many pictures do you have on your phone? Somewhere between 1 and 2 hundred. Im not adding them up among all the folders...
Have you ever peed in the woods? Bruh the forest has seen every bodily fluid ive got
Do you still watch cartoons? ANIME IS NOT A CARTOON DAD. also yes quite often.
Wendys or McDonalds nuggets? GIMME DEM CHICKIN MCNUGGiES
Favourite dipping sauce? Sweet chili thai!
What do you wear to bed? Pajama pants, a shirt, and socks usually. Occasionally whatever i wore during the day. Ive been known to ditch my pants and socks in my sleep.
Ever won a spelling bee? Never been in one, but i think i could have if i wanted to
What are your hobbies? I wont as long as i live under my mothers roof, but i would hella get into amateur blacksmithing!
Can you draw? yes. should i draw? no.
Do you play an instrument? I can play trumpet, but i would really like to pick up playing cello
What was the last concert you saw? If i remember correctly it was the Scorpions
Tea or coffee? Both. Simultaneously. I like to remain calm while containing the energy of a god.
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Fuck you america! Tim Hortons!
Do you want to get married? I wont oppose if a future partner wants to, but if i love someone enough to want to spend the rest of my life with them, then it wont be necessary
What is your crushs first and last initial? Which one tho?
Are you going to change your last name when you get married? Im indifferent
What colour looks best on you? Blue and red are my standard colours
Do you miss anyone right now. If i think about this at all the answer is usually yes
Do you sleep with your door open or closed? I have the lovely habit of losing my pants in my sleep. for the sake of everyone else in this house, closed is best
Do you believe in ghosts? Call me a skeptic
What is your biggest pet peeve? Im pretty laid back about a lot of things. Only thing i can think of now is more of an anxiety thing but i cant stand people randomly touching my hair without me knowing
Last person you called? My mother
Favourite ice cream flavour? Butterscotch ripple
Regular or golden oreos? Golden
Chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Rainbow
What shirt are you wearing? An old white one with some brand graphic on it
What is your phone background? Lockscreen is Goku from DBZ if he were done as a Jojo character, and home screen is a cr1t1kal quote
Are you outgoing or shy? Im not overly comfortable with just meeting new people and striking up conversations without some kind of help
Do you like it when people play with your hair? I mean i used to...theres a girl at my college who has absolutely no concept of personal boundaries who has at least partially ruined that for me now. Like i said earlier, i cant stand people touching my hair now without me acknowledging it
Do you like your neighbors? Ive lived her about 8 years and im still learning their names
Do you wash your face at night? In the morning? lmao
Have you ever been high? Hella my dude
Have you ever been drunk? Also hella my dude?
Last thing you ate? Coscto chicken penne and a salad.
Favourite lyrics right now? “Light up the night./ There is a city that this darkness can’t hide./ There are embers of a fire that’s gone out,/ but I can still feel the heat on my skin./ This mess we’re in, well you and I,/ maybe you and I,/ we can still make it right./ Maybe we can bring back the light!” Light Up the Night by The Protomen
Summer or Winter? Autumn fuck that noise
Day or night? Night
Dark milk or white chocolate? White!
Favourite month? October
What is your zodac sign? League of Legends Cancer
Who was the last person you cried in front of? I legitimately dont remember...probably @vocoterra
If anyone wants to do this feel free and say i tagged you!
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