#iyrn tag
the-hawkeyes · 9 months
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"Sometimes my sister, Belinda, invites me 'n Iyrn over for a little dinner and a show. "...And the show is.......me." She flustered, shaking her head, her lips raised just a bit.
"She has this personal tailor for all her shows. Sometimes she decides to make something for me 'n wants to see if it'll get a rise out of my Nachtgeim...which she usually does. Which means it's a gift for her and not me, heh.
"But I don't think I mind being my wife's special gift sometimes~."
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caqi-cove · 5 years
Fire Emblem Three Houses Style Character Profile!
(This is just something I was inspired to pen up after putting a lot of time into Three Houses. I love how much detail they have and thought it would be a great thought experiment to apply some of what they have to your own OC!)
School Reactions
Schooled by the Professor (Good Result!):
Schooled by the Professor (Bad Result!):
Skill Level Up:
Lost Item (Not Yours):
Lost Item Returned:
Pass Class Exam:
Combat Reactions
First Selection/Activation:
Critical Hit Quote:
Level Up (Good Stats!):
Level up (Bad Stats!):
Low Health:
Being Healed:
I’ll be putting Qurcaqi’s version of this below the cut if you’d like to see what this will look like filled. Feel free to tag anyone or use as you like!
Qurcaqi Himaa - Three Houses Profile
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School Reactions
Schooled by the Professor (Good Result!): “Yes, yes. I get it! Easy as the pies.”
Schooled by the Professor (Bad Result!): “Oh. I.. ah. I thought wrongly. I think.”
Praised: The Xaela lets out a pleased trill and her tail flicks about behind her. “More.”
Skill Level Up: “A khatun must master many fields!”
Lost Item (Not Yours): “If they dropped it then it is yours. ..Or I’ll sell it. You can give it to me.”
Lost Item Returned: “Ooh! You found it! ..Thank you. Just do not mention I lost this, okay?”
Pass Class Exam: “I knew it! I’m going to go show Iyrn. Come with, her face is worth seeing!”
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Combat Reactions
First Selection/Activation: “We begin. Exciting!”
Critical Hit Quote: “Call to your Gods and die!”
Level Up (Good Stats!): “Nhaama smiles, and fate smirks. Is good!”
Level up (Bad Stats!): “I.. ehm.. please don’t tell Yuuqi?”
Low Health: “I won’t let Iyrn see me like this!”
Being Healed: “I’ll remember this. Promise.”
Death: “Iyrn.. I am so sorry. I am.. sorry.”
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three-dzo-moon · 5 years
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The Dewdrop’s summer menu is already setting itself up beachside!  La Noscea is the perfect place to swim in the ocean, catch some breeze, and of course, eat excellent food when you drop in to the Dewdrop Inn.
When:  Sunday, June 2 and June 16 from 4-6PM Eastern Where:  Mists, Ward 1 Plot 24, Balmung
(I don’t usually feel the need to say this, but: please know the little characters were paid for via Canva - I don’t art good, just arrange it, and pay/source it when possible! - Iyrn) tagging:  @ffxiv-crystal-rp​ for reblogs.  Thank you!
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alicienacorvin · 7 years
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Name: Iyrnswys Hawkeye
Race: Sea Wolf Roagadyn
Sex: Female
Occupation: Librarian, accountant, conjurer in training
Personality Type (laid back, militant, high strung, etc.): Iyrn is a quiet and gentle sort. She tends to be rather calm and level headed (which is good with Kiera around) and likes to think/plan ahead. She’s also incredibly shy and overwhelmed, nervous around new people. She manages to overcome it fairly quickly though she still has her moments even long into the relationship. She’s also a romantic who loves big gestures and declarations of love.
What does your character look like?:  Gigantic. Iyrn is extremely tall compared to most people and even on the tall side compared to other roegadyn. She’s also overweight and heavily built. Her skin is dark gray, verging on black, and smooth and soft. Her hair is long and a deep blue that is several shades lighter than the black-glue of her eyes. Her face is open, but she also has the sharp features common among her kind: prominent nose, angular jaw, sharp cheekbones. She can sometimes look fiercer than she really is.
Favorite Hobby: Reading novels (romances are her favorite) and cooking
Motto they live by: “Never dismiss dreams and fantasies. Those are what the best ideas are built on. Those are what our futures are started on.”
Favorite type of Environment: For the most part, she likes quiet and cozy. That’s best for reading and being with her loved ones. But, being a Sea Wolf, she loves being near the sea. She also loves the loud, lively environment of a full dining room and busy kitchen.
Friends: Mostly Kiera. She’s shy and has trouble meeting new people. She likes to think she has one or two others, but they’re more distant. She’d like to have more friends, though.
Who They Admire: Kiera. Her wife amazes her and she is always impressed by her and wants to be more like her. Her mother, as well. Iyrn watched her mother survive a terrible marriage and keep her daughter safe and admires that strength and devotion. She also somewhat admires her grandparents even though she never met any of them. She was told stories about their exploits and she still secretly wishes she could follow in the family profession of piracy legitimate sailing and trade.
What do they hope to do 10 years from now: Live happily in Ala Mhigo with Kiera and their daughter. She looks forward to having a quiet life at some point where they can both be settled down and content.
Are they single? If not, who is their spouse/partner/life mate?: She is quite happily married to Kiera Hawkeye.
What do they look for in friends?: People she can relax and have fun with. She really enjoys loud conversation of dinner and drinks, and the more people at the table the better. People who don’t look down on her (figuratively) for not being an adventurer or not the usual roegadyn shape.
If they walked into a bar and saw a talking slug, what would their reaction be?: She’d be startled at first but probably assume she was dreaming. After that, she’d probably strike up a conversation with it.
Usual Playtime: Timezone: EST Monday-Thursday: 6:30 pm  to 10:30 pm Friday: 6:30 pm to 1:00 am Saturday: 10:00 am to 1:00 am (sporadic during the day if I got shit to do)  Sunday: 10:00 am to 11:00 pm
Server: Balmung
FC/Guild: The Mythril Blades 
Looking for (friends, ships, hate ships, shady connections, etc.): - Aquaintances - Friends - Other Sea Wolves - Baby conjurers who want to complain with Iyrn about classes
Tagged by: @meandering-mind
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the-hawkeyes · 9 months
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We're talking about Iyrnswys Hawkeye today.
Iyrnswys is Kiera's wife of 8(!!!!!!) real time years. They met at a Valentine's singles event, and Kiera, a little drunk, fully hit on this tall roegadyn lady who seemed a little shy. But the two hit it off, got marreid, adopted a daughter and now live comfortably in the Lavender Beds.
Iyrn is a librarian, that's usually been her profession. A love of books, a love of life. A love full for her wife, to please her, to understand her grief for her lost husband and help Kiera work through it.
She loves the sea, and loves to fish, having grown up around Limsa Lominsa. Yes, she's flirted and done her business with a few pirates here and there.
She's been teaching Kiera the roegadyn language. Kiera calls her "Nachtgeim:, or Night Gem, because of the color of her skin. She figured that pet name out all on her own!
In the bedroom, well......let's just say that Iyrn has a bit of a dominating streak in her, eheheh~.
I also met my now very very good friend Alice, who plays Iyrnswys, through our rp. So this character means quite a lot to me!
I really need to show her off more, she's sooooooo prettyyyyyyyyy
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the-hawkeyes · 6 months
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Hello this is a Iyrnswys Hawkeye appreciation post.
We love out fat, librarian dom wives in this household.
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the-hawkeyes · 1 year
☕️- what’s my muse’s morning ritual, if any? If they don’t have anything specific then how do they prep for the day?
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Kiera's morning often starts with coffee or tea with her wife, Iyrn. This is after, of course, maybe about half a bell or more just cuddling in bed before stomach's start to grumble and their teenage daughter starts to call down to them to get out of bed and help with breakfast. The girl tries but, she still needs help cooking.
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the-hawkeyes · 5 years
Send 🏠 to see them in their home or place of origin
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Kiera taking a nap while her wife puts some books away!
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caqi-cove · 6 years
FFXIV OC Trial Boss Asks - Qurcaqi Himaa
The Bowl of Embers - What would be the title of your trial listed as in the duty-finder?
Ash and Snow
Thok ast Thok - Write a brief flavor-text about your trial one would find as a listed description in the duty-finder
Using the speed and mobility of her people, the Khatun of Khans has circumvented the defensive line built by the Eorzean Alliance. There is precious little time before Ishgard’s defenses are swept away, and it is put to the torch in Nhaama’s name. One hope yet remains, to cut down the leader of the horde and end Qurcaqi’s ambitions.
Cape Westwind - What is the setting of the battle? Where will it take place?
The snowy fields outside of Ishgard is where the battle for Ishgard will be decided. The horde’s mounted warriors do battle with the beleaguered Elezen knights, the fields littered with the bodies. The fires from the already destroyed settlements cast gouts of ash into the air. Even so, Nhaama’s light shines down on the Khatun - her approval is clear.
The Howling Eye - Write a description of the opening cut-scene preceding the fight
A company of knights charge towards the Khatun’s honorguard with battlecries on their lips and fury in their hearts. A white blur dashes out from the Xaelic warriors, a spear striking with terrifying speed and precision to cut the heavily armed troupe down like ripened wheat.
The moonlight shines down on the figure to cast her in a silhouette, her white horse stamping at the ground as she surveys the damage done. She spurs her horse and slowly rides towards the Warrior of Light and their cadre of companions.
Thornmarch - What would be your character’s opening dialogue(s) upon the start of the battle?
”This battle is not yours to fight. Where is the blue knight?” The Khatun demands, pulling her helm free of her head to look directly at the Warrior of Light. Her mismatched eyes flash with fury as she circles ‘round. “If he is one chosen to be their leader, he should be one to face me! Not you, not rabble gathered! This is justice, for horrible slaughter and for hubris.”
She levels the tip of her spear at the warrior of light. “Giving chance, turn away stranger. Blood is not on your hands, no side in this fight. Only those who are guilty must die.”
The Chrysalis - What would be your character’s final words upon defeat?
The khatun falls from her saddle and struggles to get up, her eyes slowly rising to the heavens. “Dayuuqi.. was.. right.” She gasps, the words hard to form. “Sarnai.. I love.. you.” The Khatun of Khans falls into the snow, ash, and blood of the battlefield, never to rise again.
(Note: Assuming in this universe that Iyrn would not fall for a more slaughter-focused and militant Qurcaqi. So she’s speaking of her lost wife.)
The Final Steps of Faith - How would some of the mechanics of the fight operate? Include as many as you want and specify whether it is for hard-mode or extreme (if applicable)
In hard mode, Qurcaqi’s primary mode of attack would be charging up her attacks much like the Magna Roader from Castrum Abania. She would ready her attacks and then launch them in wide corridors. The longer the fight went on the more rushing strikes would be added as she ping-pongs around the battlefield.
In Extreme she would toss her spear aside and pull out her greatsword instead. Now wreathed in dark aether all of her attacks are amplified and have additional effects. She would also launch an orb of dark energy to ping-pong around the battlefield alongside her, then at 50% add a second.
Urth’s Fount - Would there be any mechanics that when ignored would result in an instant wipe?
No, I’m honestly not fond of a lot of instant-death mechanics unless they make sense in the story. Arbitrarily being wiped out by a slightly stronger blast of magic feels lazy.
The Royal Menagerie - Describe your OC’s techniques or special attacks that the party will have to avoid or be cautious dealing with
Only in Extreme mode, whenever a player dies, she unleashes a blast of dark energy that hits the entire party for heavy damage. On top of her other techniques this is a fight where healers will need to stay on the ball, and players will need to be mindful of their positioning. If people are too slow or too focused on DPSing she can easily wipe up non-tanks.
The Singularity Reactor - Will your character summon adds and companions throughout the encounter, or would it be a single-target fight?
Nope! Qurcaqi would directly engage her enemies. However, there will be warriors around the ring that will damage enemies and knock them back into the ring. Though they will not be joining.
Akh Afah Amphitheater - Will your trial be a single-phase fight or will there be different segments to the encounter?
A single phase endurance fight, primarily because I can’t see Caqi willingly holding back until she is arbitrarily wounded enough. She’ll hit you with her best attacks, growing more furious and bloodthirsty as she goes.
Battle on the Big Bridge - What would the battle theme sound like? Will the music shift when the second phase of the fight begins?
Something akin to the Green Horde Rises from Dawn of War 2. A sharp rise with the sounds of morin khuur playing along with throat singing, and warcries from her people. She would be, at least in her mind, the embodiment of Nhaama’s wrath and her people’s culture.
In the end, however, she’s being little more than a murderous savage who is holding onto her fury just like the dragons. The very things her people were killed for resembling.
The Navel - How easy would it be for a DRG to fall off the edge of the stage in your trial?
A DRG or RDM would not fall off, but they’d be ping-ponged about by the warriors around the ring. In Extreme there’s a good chance they’d die and cause more damage to hit the raid. Be careful where you jump!
Castrum Fluminis - Would your OC drop any loot at the end of the fight? If so, describe them (tokens, tomes, weapons, crafting reagents, mounts, etc.)
In terms of tangible gear, mostly weapons that looks to be of steppe make. The special part would be her horse, Ganbataar. A white horse with a grey mane with Steppe barding. Extreme only, because that’s how FFXIV makes you work!
Emanation - Name someone else’s OC you would like to see as a trial boss. Be sure to tag them
Doing that at the end, you’re not my dad!
Ultima’s Bane - On a scale of 1 to 10, with ten being the most extreme, how would you rate the difficulty of your trial?
On hard I’d rate it a 4. It’s mostly a ‘Don’t stand around’ that may tax speed rezzers. Extreme I’d rate it a 6 or maybe a 7 depending. It’s similar in style but the punishment for failure means your entire trial party takes massive damage. Good job!
Tagged By: @moonstruck-ffxiv
Tagging: @rasha-tahl , @crazy-coeurl-lady , @roegadynlibrarian , @lichface
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caqi-cove · 6 years
Character Profile - Eidenrael - 2019 update!
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General Information:
Full Name: Eidenrael Haerkoenwyn (Oathdoe daughter of Grand King)
Race: Roegadyn - Sea Wolf
Age: Thirty
Nickname/Alias: Wolk-head (By her sister). , Koenthota (Title from home), Queen (By Asha - especially when trying to romance her)
Signature: A large, bold E. H.
Family: The overwhelming majority of Eidenrael’s family lives on Trachisil, a moderately sized isle on the Bloodbrine. Though most are quite distantly related, those of her family tree range from common folk up to her father, Haerkoen - the ‘King’ of the isle. In truth his authority is closer to that of a chieftain, though long have those that sat inn Trachisil’s great hall given themselves the title. For direct family she is the third of four children the first of which is her eldest sister Fyrwyb. A woman who has earned her name through great deeds only for her hubris to drive her to attempt to kill both her sisters and brother in a bid to secure her future on the throne of Syvinberk. Next would be her bother Askaren, a thinker and schemer unlike his firebrand twin, Fyrwyb. He and Eiden were as thick as thieves ‘till he began to focus his time on matters on the isle.
Last, but most certainly not least in Eidenrael’s eyes is her young sister Iyrnbryda who she has come to the mainland. Or perhaps ‘tagged along’ with her if you asked when they first arrived. Now Iyrn is the one she trusts most among her family and is one of her favorite targets to dote upon, especially since it makes Iyrn flush like mad.
Birthplace: In a shocking twist that will shake the very bedrock ‘pon which Eorzea lays she was born.. on Trachisil.
Upbringing: While her family holds a comparatively lofty position on her home isle, Eiden’s earlier years were quite similar to many other Roegadyn. She learned to fight, to fish, and to hunt alongside many others - though she was privileged enough to also learn her numbers and letters. She even was taught the common tongue, though more out of need to understand her future tutors than aught else.
Style: If there was ever a woman that can be wooed by furs, it would be Eidenrael. Having grown in cool climes and even hunted her fair share of future coat-liners herself, she enjoys it both practically and aesthetically.
Beyond that her clothing often veers towards the bold, red being a frequently worn colour though she doesn’t turn her nose up over something as simple as that. She quite enjoys foreign styles, and while she won’t wholly eschew practicality she equally weighs it against the look of a garment.
Scent: On her 14th nameday Eiden was given a gift from the exotic land of Thavnair, Rosewater. Since then she’s always been fond of the flower’s scent.   Though if you catch her on a baking day she’s far more likely to smell like browned butter.
Build:  Eiden is a she-wolf in her prime and she is most certainly built like one. Her body is covered in lean muscle, her icy white skin carrying its share of scars and marks from life on the isles. While she cannot boast she is among the tallest, she is certainly no slouch when it comes to height.
Notable Marks: A deep scar runs over Eiden’s left eye, which is a pale shade of lavender. It seems to shimmer when directly exposed to light like mother of pearl. This change is a ‘trophy’ from the bloody civil strife that overtook her isle only a few moons prior to her wedding.
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Major Traits:  Kind, Focused, Playful, and Ambitious.
Sociability: Seeing as Eiden owns an inn, it’s a good thing she’s a warm and welcoming person. She’ll gladly chat with nigh on anyone, and while she may not always find their words interesting she’s wise enough to keep that off her face. It takes a foul mouth and ill intentions to rouse her ire, though when it has been stoked she’ll take swift and violent action. She’s already destroyed two topiaries due to smart-mouthed customers.
Habits: One of her greatest habits is to wake up at the crack of dawn to start her day with a cup of tea and whatever leftovers happen to remain from the last sun’s work. She then makes a list of work that needs to be done, both for herself and Iyrnbryda (To her sister’s chagrin). Then, she opens the doors and takes what life brings to her.
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Love and Sex
Orientation:  Heterosexual, is on the Kinsey Scale a 1. (Why yes she did end up married to a woman who’d’ve thought?)
Lovers:  Asha Koenabryda (Played by @rasha-tahl​ !)
Relationship Status:  Married
Marital Interest: You could say it’s something she is very interested in maintaining these days. She and Asha have been married since the 10th day of the 6th Astral Moon.
Turn-Ons: Attracted to reliability, honesty, and a cool head more than aught else. Scrappy, and sharp Miqo’te women with pale pink hair especially.
Turn Offs: Laziness, Over Impulsiveness, Those that dislike sweets, Lalafell men without facial hair. (They just wear it so well..) Lalafell who don’t like her doting on them heavily. (Note: On Balmung Server.)
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caqi-cove · 6 years
Dating Game - Eidenrael Haerkoenwyn
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Dating Game: Eidenrael Haerkoenwyn
ROUTE START: “Ah! Hello there, <sir/miss/other>! It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
ROUTE SWITCH: “...I see. No need to be rude, ya?”
MENU INTERFACE, POKE A: “..Careful now.”
MENU INTERFACE, POKE (REPEATEDLY): “Ah, that’s - quit that!”
MENU INTERFACE, POKE MAX ♥:  “Not wise to tease a wolf, you know. ♥”
COMPLETED SCENE, +♥: “That was a lovely time. You should stop by again!”
COMPLETED SCENE, -♥:  “Don’t go wasting my time you dullard! You’re lucky Iyrn asked me to not ruin the new topiary.”
GIFT (NEUTRAL): “Quite thoughtful, you’ve my thanks.”
GIFT (DISLIKED): “The Inn has a rubbish bin, you could’ve just put it there..”
GIFT (LIKED): “Careful giving out gifts like these, they’ll have Asha getting defensive. ..That doesn’t mean stop giving them!”
GIFT: (THEIR BIRTHDAY): “You remembered my nameday. That means quite a lot. Thank you, dear!”
BIRTHDAY:  “It’s tradition to have a good meal on one’s nameday. You’re fond of Pike, ya?”
Tagged by @moonstruck-ffxiv
tagging @crazy-coeurl-lady , @rasha-tahl , @lichface , and of course anyone else who’d like to!
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the-hawkeyes · 6 years
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Tagged by @nalukaixiv
Honestly Kiera’s handwriting isn’t very pretty, mostly because she didnt really bother to read or write very well until she met and married Iyrn. 
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the-hawkeyes · 7 years
Honest Q & A Meme
What is your full name? "Kiera Hawkeye. Though, some might know me as Kiera Ironthighs...but that’s from when I was much younger.”
What do your friends call you? "Kiera. I have one, no....two now that call me Ray. It’s a personal thing. I’m not sure if Soaring’s even told her why she calls me that.”
What is your favorite animal? “Drakes. I like the way they look.”
Where were you born? “Ala Mhigo, the city proper. Back before it was ‘liberated’ by the Garleans.”
Do you have children? “I have two now. A boy, Jorgan, from my late husband Melwin. And Iyrn and I adopted a Sea Wolf girl, Zedrythota, though I just call her Zedyr.”
Is there a person/people you love? “My wife and kids, of course. And certain friends as well.”
What is your favorite color? “Drake red. It’s a nice dark red that just looks real nice.”
What is your full occupation? “Mostly a miner nowadays. It’s good, honest work, although there are times I go off and do some adventuring work like I did when I was younger. I don’t do it often because I don’t want to worry Iyrn so much, but she tolerates it.”
Are you good at physical fighting? “Good? I’d say I’m a godsdamn expert. Jus’ get me my sword ‘n shield and I’ll show ya.”
Which form are you best at? “Sword and shield, or sometimes known as sword and board.”
What about magic? “I don’t bother touching it. Never could figure it out.”
Which type are you best at? “None”
Craftsmanship? “I make some accesories, though I haven’t done anything like that in a long time.”
Any other skills? “Hmm....well.....that would involve telling you about my wife, but that’s information she would surely scold me over, if you can get my meaning.”
Are you an only child? “I had three sisters, two older, one younger. Nowadays it’s just one.”
Where do you see yourself in five years? “In our home, with another girl, raising them to be the best that they can be.”
Have you ever almost died? “A few times. Five or....six? Might have ta think about the exact number for a moment.”
Do you have a secret, not just a secret, but like a really big secret, hardly anyone knows? “Pass.”
Salty or sweet? “In between, I suppose. Though nowadays I try to be sweet more than salty.”
Do you like yourself? “Aye, I do. I like myself a lot. I like the way I look, I like what I can do. I like where I’ve come from and where I’ve been and where I’m goin’. Be a helluva thing for me to not say I do.”
Do you believe in the Twelve? “All of ‘em, I suppose. Though I always pray to Rhaglr first, and last. He’s our god, after all.”
Are you religious? “You could say that. I ain’t the most studious prayerer, but I try and stay faithful.”
Do you carry prejudice with you? “Aye, some.”
What do you consider entertainment? “Lately I’ve grown fond of cabaret shows, though we haven’t gone to one in a while. That and mask rades...or, wait that’s not right. Maskarwades? You know, the dances where you wear masks and dance around. It’s fancy and high class so no one knows that some lowlife Ala Mhigan miner is dancing among them!”
Favorite drink? “Rum, first and foremost. Though Iyrn’s homemade mead is certainly getting to the top.”
Do you have any family traditions? “In our family we always hold a big feast on the one year anniversary of a marriage. We...didn’t quite get the chance to celebrate it, but I hope to soon.”
Are you a good person? “That’s a helluva last question, innit? A good person....I’d say I am. I’ve done....more than not good things in my life. A lot of them, mostly when I was younger and when Melwin passed but, nowadays with my new family...They’ve sure showed me how good I can really be.”
Thank you for answering my questions. “Dunno why you wanted ta ask me of all people, but, aye, you’re welcome.”
Tagged by: @of-ice-and-swords @roegadamn @quick-n-silver
Tagging: Whoever still feels like doing this!
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the-hawkeyes · 7 years
Seven Things - Kiera Hawkeye
1. Wedding Rings
Kiera has two wedding rings on her left ring finger. The one near the bottom is older, the gold starting to fade, starting to brown in patches. The one from when she was married to Melwin, her late husband and father to her son. The newer one, this one almost a year old, is the one for her wife Iyrn. It’s a shinier gold in contrast, instead of a diamond is a small ruby that she carved herself. 
2. Red Coral Necklace
Kiera always wears a red coral necklace, given to her by Lucaell Townsend a couple years ago over a spat with the younger womans spat with somnus. It was an apology gift, made by Luca herself. She still wears it to this today, the edges starting to be a little worn from use. 
3. Reading Glasses
Kiera carries around a pair of reading glasses. She generally just keeps them on, ever since she discovered that things close to her started to become blurry. 
4. Gil Pouch
This ones pretty simple and self-explanatory.
5. Flask
The contents usually stay the same, some rum, but they have changed from time to time, mostly to Iyrn’s homemade mead. 
6. A Knife
She tries to keep it tucked away underneath her shirt, but she’s not afraid to show it off. It’s about a 6 inch knife, in a military style.
7. Makeup Pouch
She only keeps two things in there, her little case of blush and her lipstick, if it ever gets smudged or wiped away. 
Tagged By: @alicienacorvin @the-smith31 @neekaxiv
Tagging: You, who haven’t done it yet!
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caqi-cove · 6 years
Random OOC Questions
Star sign: I think I looked it up once or twice but I don’t put any stock into astrology. If the stars had any actual power over the world, I feel things would be more orderly.
Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first four songs that pop up:
FAT REFUND -  The Sleepy Cabin Crew + Egoraptor Knuckles from K.N.U.C.K.L.E.S. & Knuckles - Triple-Q Crusader Kings 2: Holy Fury OST - The Fifth Crusade Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance - A Stranger I Remain
Grab the nearest book to you and turn to page 23, what line is 17 12?
“And a little is a lot to ask.”
Ever had a poem written about you? Oh goodness, no. Who the hells do you think I am? Someone of note?
When was the last time you played the air guitar? I really couldn’t tell you. If you’re asking specifically for unironic air guitar it will be even longer ago.
One sound you hate and one you love: Hate: High pitched whining. I have tinnitus, it just reminds me of it. Love: The sound of an window AC unit running. It is super calming and a little nostalgic.
Do you believe in ghosts? Yes, I do. I think a person can remain attached to the world if they were unwilling to go or are simply too strong willed to leave. If I had the opportunity I’d remain a ghost and whisper silly things into people’s ears.
Do you believe in aliens? Of course. I don’t know how much they interact with the world, or if they’re in a life state that remotely similar to our own but I do think they’re out there.
Do you drive and if so have you gotten in a crash? I do, yes. I have never been the one driving while in a crash but I have been in several crashes ranging from minor fender benders to being smashed into by some unfortunate sod who had his attention pulled away by his daughter at the wrong time. Thankfully no lasting injuries for me, but in the latter his daughter had all her teeth knocked out.
Do you like the smell of gasoline? No, I hate the smell of it. Getting gas splashed on my pants and shoes has ruined a few days for me.
Last movie you’ve seen? Infinity War was the last one. I really enjoyed it, though the almost mournful silence in the theater afterward was the best part. I don’t think people expected its ending.
Worst injury you’ve ever had? Injuries.. actually not all that many. I once really hurt the back of my ankle and needed stitches. I’ve had awful illnesses though, but I don’t think that counts as an injury.
Do you have any obsessions rn right now? My wife’s butt.
Do you hold grudges? I am the elephant who never forgets - TO KILL. I think at this point Iyrn has a begrudging respect for my ability to never drop something. On my deathbed I will remind her of our petty argument over us running out of barbecue sauce.
In a relationship? Yes, I’m married to my wife. @crazy-coeurl-lady She’s cute, a good writer, a great partner. Also a nice butt.
Tagged By: @eastern-skies
Tagging: No one, because I’ve been absent from tumblr so long that all the people I would tag were already hit by Saikha.
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