#izar nyxen
fumikomiyasaki · 3 months
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Here's Asher he's in ramshackle with yuu and grim
Open oc interactions
(Had to research cause you didn't add a profile) But from what I guess from reading up I need to throw for ships people under 18 or 18 so
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Lets start at Dorm mates aka Carol. I think they are on good terms, she probably be curious about him being a prince given she did meet some others too in this world and often does compare to the stories she reads. She would be supportive and try to help him where she can. Plus they can both handshake in hating running. I feel she might let him join her tutoring Ace and Deuce so if she gets a little fed up by Ace not paying attention she can have a break and Asher can chat with the two.
Fennec may be from another school but Asher reminds me kinda of the guy his inspo is dating so... be funny to based on that they could kinda be a slowburn if you are interested. Where Fennec sometimes comes to NRC to figure more out giving his device and Asher chats him up, trying to get through his loner personality. It has potential, where Fennec might open up about his adventures and the two go on them together.
Sadly Izar likely will be a burden to him. He is at royal swords academy but he dearly hates Royalty after losing his title in the past so... Asher being a prince already brings him to get horribly pushed down when he wants to visit his sibling.. I would recommend he avoid this man.
Leroy just be funny to meet cause... imagine a Copy Cat and a person who imitates other by appearances... they kinda could cause light trouble together, trying to make impressions of others students. Leroy probably treat him like a little bro though.
If I had more details I would also go deep on all the othe NRC ocs but for now I leave it at this.
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fumidreams · 2 years
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Izar Nyxen
With this one i went more with Symbolism than anything really...
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izarara · 1 year
STARTER FOR : elas ( @deliiriums ) EXTRA : somewhere semi-outside in draconia keep ( a rooftop, courtyard, etc. )
          izar has been exploring in their free time, what little of it they do possess in the wake of the nyxen queen's poisoning. there is something off about the keep, beyond the stiffling panic barely hidden behind the walls. they chalk it up to the seeming impenetrable nature of the place, a hunk of stone and mortar, at odds with the lighter, freer nature of fae places. perhaps that's why she's not so surprised to come across another fae in this sliver of fresh air she finds ; what is more surprising, is that she does not turn and leave him to experience the peace on his own. over ten years and izar still feels like she's hunting for her own peace of mind around him.
          when their gaze too is lifted upward the stars above are familiar, albeit duller, izar notices not for the first time. " they're not as bright here, " is their own quiet greeting. polite. little more. " i blame the dragon-fire. "
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
I should ask you RSA Ocs about this Trio
Marcus Akihoshi
Williamia Queens
Acer Dubois
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Marcus- highly annoyed
Williamia- The usual bother of his dorm
Acer- Actually likes him friendly way but doesn't show, so he is casual
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Marcus- His flirts probably wouldn't work and get her annoyed
Williamia- they are on friendly terms even if she is forced to scold on occasions,
Acer- reminds her of her siblings
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He rarely takes interest in other students and its the same case here. No interest and lots of ignoring.
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Marcus- Likes the more Rowdy sides of him but his flirts still wouldn't work, maybe if he challenges her in a fight.
Williamia-Would encourage her training and give advice
Acer-Uninterested in him
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Marcus- If he tried to flirt with, god Lennox is one to tease back untill he has one... it be an embarassing to others aura.
Williamia- Tries to avoid cause somewhat flashbacks of his past lover that died come up...
Acer- Would be nice to him and like the open mindedness
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Lets be honest.. she hate all three of them with a passion.
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Marcus- Confused by flirts willing to casually talk... probably curious about the magic.
Williamia- willing to spar, however Iones selective muteness might be in the way of being close
Acer- Very confused how someone so innocent can even exist... given she comes from war
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Marcus- hella emberassed and running away for sure... probably too shy too aproach again.
Williamia- neutral has not much opinions on her,
Acer- would love to befriend... I feel they get along
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Marcus- Neutral really, they might chat from time to time
Williamia- They can alliance of both of them disliking Barry...
Acer- He will be a little protective and probably like him a lot
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Marcus- Probably too much for him or he is a little annoyed by him
Williamia- He would relate to her pretending to be something she isn't... they could bond over that
Acer- neutral
Aside Acer, the other two for sure would get Izars mood of using his sharp tongue and put insecurities in them to test them... if they proved themself, he leaves them alone. Acer he wouldn't want to be mean too, not in the slightest. The other two tickle his sadism.
Marcus- Probably be a bad combi on adventures given her recklessness and his danger but would get along, she might ask him to teach her some magic
Williamia- Could be very good training buddies and she would already admire her cause she is fond of incremania for wanting to be a hero herself... maybe Willia will show her how bad barry is and give her the right away
Acer- probably be friendly with another.
__ Did this small cause now I got too many of them
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fumikomiyasaki · 1 year
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I really craved to draw Izar and Greg again for two reasons... showing off their shape shifting abilities as Shadowborn but also cause I consume lots of FF15 content given 16 is approaching... so I dive into the Ardyn lore.
Anyways thought it be fun to just draw them together.^^
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fumikomiyasaki · 9 months
🎱 For any pair with any au you're in the mood for go wild!!
Alternative Universe
business Au
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Many influencial companies have gathered at this event... Carmilla sighed holding her drink looking at all the newbie hopefull Company owners being one of the ones long enough in this business... however a glare shot over to the one currently gathering all the attention, Izar who has a small Financial Empire but slowly been on the rise with his deals and his charisma luring people in...
"Urgh this guy... can't stand him... things he can take customers away from me but I am sure I can make more than him this year."
"My my, if that isn't my dearest rival, what a pleasant glare you have on your face."
It was like the spotlight was on her, as if he lured the crowd to look at her and play close attention.
"You heard me right, our company will outdo yours by a long shot, just cause you won last year doesn't mean anything, you Amateur."
"Feisty, well this will make my victory even funner.~"
The Banter gathered all the attention in the room eventually however the company leaders were too busy with themselves as Carmilla saw Izar walked off the Hallway with a drink in his hand, having a sly smirk on his face. She followed after him, saying the excuse she has to go to the bath room before eventually after a while of tracking him down she got pulled away by him to a corner where nobody could see them, pulling his arms around her hips.
"You kept your Role well, miss CEO... the whole room was talking about us."
She sighed and accepted a steamy kiss with him, tugging on his suit.
"These fools really believe it... and we profit from the whole rivalry talk... the plan was a good idea from the both of us."
"Say once this show is over, how about I arrange you a car, my Son probably be happy about seeing you as well and... we could have a night of rest for now."
"Is this another trick to get me to work less? If so I am all for it."
Many magazines had these two stated as fated Rivals, the biggest fiercests battles in business practises, yet... nobody knew they were actually lovers filling each others bags with money... using charisma, looks and charm to get what they want.
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Prisoner x Executioner Au
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A weak chuckle escape Yuzuha as he looked at his cuffs.... imprisoned despite many starting a rebellion against his execution.... sure he killed someone of noble blood... but someone who also has done terrible things to the people of his country... the people were on his side... but the Royalty was not. He noticed some black boots and a cloaked figure enter the room.
"So you are the excutioner, hmm.. they picked someone beautifull at least?"
"You may call me Elise.... you are curious, prisoner."
He scoffed. "I don't fear death... I acheived my goals... you can do with my head what you want."
"Empty... you really are an interesting one... alas let me bring you to the event."
She undid the chains of the wall and pulled him along by his cuffs to follow her... many ill fated criminals layed in this prison... many of them probably for good reasons too... she noticed his eyes still barely show an reaction to any of it... marching on to the excecution side... the crowd booed and protested... many claimed to free Yuzuha... or free the angel of revenge... Elise herself was hit by a tomato before flinging it back to the receiver as she readied the guillotine...
"Attention... this prisoner may have been convicted for murder but... let this be a lesson to you..."
She pulled her hood back up before working a magic smell...
"Executioners do not accept false justice."
As she said that suddenly the whole wodden stage started burning as Yuzuhas cuffs opened to his surprise and Elise grabbed his arm.
"What are y-"
"You have chance to run right... lets see if fate judges you or in the end I will."
His empty eyes had a sudden shimmer loose shimmer looking up at her as he took her hand... maybe there was something worth living for and following.
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
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I thought it would be funny to take screenshot of the inspirations to my Crystaleon ocs and redraw them so they work for them...
And so Have Fabio meeting his brother June after years, Zariyah begging Ciel to go on a party with her, Izar being smug as usual and Ione working with @rookvonhunt Lyon on a joined project.
Yes I just am obsessed with my RSA ocs, so what? XD
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fumikomiyasaki · 11 months
For Romantic candidates asks
Brenda reaction to Sharptooth?
Henry or Izar reaction to Lady Palm?
Recommend Romance Candidates
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"Well well~ I gladly take that offer really. I love a man in charge and business and from looks he seems right up my alley... if there is enough rewards for me he can call me his anytime.~ But that depends on what kind of deal he offers. Those Beauty products also seem something nice to try, anything to keep my youthfull and pretty. So I can for sure say I be interested to work something out. <3 "
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"Even if she does look attractive, I have to deny it... a dorm of Pirates is already a red flag in an eye of someone like me... I had enough women on my tail who only wanted my money... I would give it a chance to get to know her but I am wary about it. Its not about her but, my experience got me already enough sceptism... that and I would be unsure what to talk about with her as well. Maybe she could win me over if we find something to bond over."
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"I wouldn't mind a little tango with her for sure. I also like them when they are for once not that easily frightened... Is quite the looker as well... I wonder if some of my shapeshifting would catch her off guard or actually get her more interested.. it could be fun to play around. I too wonder what those Limbs of hers could do... call me interested in getting a little closer for sure.~"
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
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Double bio because Fumi has a Final Fantasy obsession, two more additions to the Crystaleon dorm.
Name: Izar Nyxen
Based on:  Ardyn Izunia from Final Fantasy 15
𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿: Male (Shadowborn)
𝗔𝗴𝗲: 22
𝗕𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵𝗱𝗮𝘆:  October 7th
𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗻: Libra
𝗛𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁: 213 cm
𝗘𝘆𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗿:  Yellow
𝗛𝗮𝗶𝗿 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗿: Purple
𝗗𝗼𝗿𝗺: Crystaleon
𝗦𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗹 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿: 4th year
𝗖𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘀: 4-C
𝗢𝗰𝗰𝘂𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: Former Prince, Student, Informant
𝗖𝗹𝘂𝗯: ???
𝗕𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝘀𝘂𝗯𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁: Magic history
Homeland: Unknown Kingdom
Sexuality: Abrosexual
𝗗𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗱: Right
𝗙𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗼𝗱: Alcohol in general, Fried chicken, Caesar Salad
𝗟𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗳𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗼𝗱: Shrimp and Calamari,
Likes: Rumors, commotion, Photographs, his baby son, Nighttime
𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲𝘀: Nobles, Princes, Snobs, being overshadowed,
Hobby: Reading gossip, keeping watch on others, traveling
𝗧𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀: Manipulation, Passive Flirting, persuation,
Izar was supposed to be the new ruler to his kingdom, however thanks to the manipulation of his little brother, he was banished and his brother became the ruler instead. Since then Izar has learned himself to use manipulation and get what he wants... to some he might seem like a sketchy drunkard but he actually does have a lot of charisma once you talk to him. Its hard to get his intentions or what he wants... some even find him overwhelming... he also seems to always test his luck by flirting with the godess of Darkness in his dorm. Overall Izars job is to get Lydias followers to do their work and do it proper. Motivating them, manipulating some of Osyrons followers, he got it all...
He has 3 year old son that he cares a lot about and tries to say sober in front of, trying to shield his dear Baldur... holding him on his arm often and taking care of him between his dutys... no matter how sketchy he seems, his son he cares dearly for.
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Nobody knows if he ever plans on returning to his kingdom for revenge but for now he wants to prove himself to Lydia that he is usefull to her cause.  Is a shard and can turn into shadowy goo.
Unique Magic:
Night Fall
Can trap someone in darkness and make the hallucinate monster appearing... nothing is real but it can iritate someone.
Mentions of @cutiecrpze​ Iris and @terrovaniadorm​ Ciel
Name: Zariyah Hyacinth
Based on: Zack Fair from FF7 Crisis Core
𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿: Demi-Girl
𝗔𝗴𝗲: 18
𝗕𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵𝗱𝗮𝘆: February 6th
𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗻: Aquarius
𝗛𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁: 161 cm
𝗘𝘆𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗿: TealGreen
𝗛𝗮𝗶𝗿 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗿: Black
𝗗𝗼𝗿𝗺: Crystaleon
𝗦𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗹 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿: Second year
𝗖𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘀: 2-B
𝗢𝗰𝗰𝘂𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: Swordswoman, Student
𝗖𝗹𝘂𝗯: ???
𝗕𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝘀𝘂𝗯𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁: Swordsmen ship,
Homeland:  Planet Goaret
Sexuality: Bisexual
𝗗𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗱: Left
𝗙𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗼𝗱: Apples, Fruit Salad, Steak
𝗟𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗳𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗼𝗱:  Allergic to Shellfish,
Likes: Ciel and Iris, Training, Sunbathing, being called a hero,
𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲𝘀: Seraphim, the split nature of her dorm, general conflict,
Hobby: Squads, collecting flowers with Iris, general tons of sports,
𝗧𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀: Swordfight, picking someone up, staying postive
Her connection to Seraphim
Zariyah is known among the dorm as the local girl that wants to become a hero. She is reckless, a little stubborn at times, loves the thrill and action and tries all to get stronger while getting herself hurt constantly. Its why her friend Ciel often is nearby to worry about her. She has said herself that she sees Barry as her main rival to fight against and prove she would be the better hero. Many underestimate her sheer strength a lot. In the past she learned her sword techniques from Seraphim yet something happened that made them grow distant... She is often seen picking flowers with Iris or doing squads somewhere around the dorm. Always helping always trying to fix people problems even if it causes herself harm and trouble... hence she often gets used by Izar to do his bidding. Still she is called the dorms local sunshine for a reason, even if she is as loyal as a puppy to the people she cares about.
Is a Shard and can get angel wings.
Unique Magic:
Price of Freedom
Can temporarely make her body fade to get out of restraints or go through walls, a way to escape hard to escape situations.
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fumikomiyasaki · 3 months
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Here ya go fanart of four of your OCS I hope you like it
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Aww these are so sweet. <3
Thank you so much.
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fumikomiyasaki · 6 months
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RSA Teacher:
-Pierino Tolesco (Phil)
-Marin Takeda (Majima Goro)
RSA Students:
-Yuzuha Aimon (Yuzuki Kitagawa)
-Kaeru Suzanomoto (Keroppi)
-RSA DORM INCREMANIA: (The Incredibles-Heroes)
Barry Parton  (Mr.Incredible)
Francine Dalton  (Frozone)
Gilly Medeon (SpiderGwen)
Members from other blogs:
Eikon Model (Edna)
Indira Elspeth ( Mystique Sonia )
Tomoriya Blast (Gogo from Big Hero 6)
Asahise Jubilee  (Number 3 from Codename: Kids Next Door)
Tokki Chinku (Jumpy Ghostface from Hero 108!)
Willamina Queens ( Numbah 4 from KND )
Acer Dubois ( Maple From Bofuri )
Osyron Lumina (Cosmos/ Materia)
Lydia Sombra (Chaos/Spiritus)
Fabio Vieruna (Fran)
Saneria Guaenno (Seymour)
Ione Roonel (Machina Kunagiri)
Lennox Riverway (Leviathan)
Izar Nyxen and Zariyah Hyacinth (Ardyn and Zack Fair)
Agni Solarstice (Ifrit)
Members from other blogs:
Iris Gainsborough (Aerith)
Garcia Tiarana  ( G'raha Tia )
Aine Chauveron (Terra)
Isamu Agni (Clive Rosfield)
Achlys Esmeray (Locke)
Venomia Fleur (Serah)
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-Starnovelle (Black Rock shooter)
Supervisor: Soyana Kuro (BGS)
Kuze Toiyama (BRS)
Yasuno Innochi (DM)
Chiiro Kuragari ( Chariot)
Shizuke Toiyama (WRS)
-Nakaumi (One Piece)
Erena Ryujin (Luffy)
Slice (Buggy)
Trois (Sanji)
Damon Erase (Based on Tron Rinzler)
Carol as Au
Joel Cummings (Jolyne Cujoh MC)
Serena Welsh ( Speedwagon)
Elvira Pareno (Enrico Pucci)
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fumikomiyasaki · 1 year
9, 13 and 19 for any :3
Take a peak
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09.     “junk” drawer.
plant seed packages, gloves, poker chips, many different card decks, extra pens and papers, gold paper, dices and cups for them
13.     to do list.
-challenge Kome after school
-get that custom dice from Emil
-pull a prank at the Tenkiangelus dumbasses
-bring that Daffodil to Carol
-making sure Julian doesn't annoy people again
19.     five most recent in contact list. 
-Sylva Mercury
-Rosalba Woods
-Macie Gumeron
-Jin-Lou chen
-Joker Carder
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09.     “junk” drawer.
different flavours of gum, skin cream, comb, old pictures of dancing contests and young April, pens and a college block full off doodles of small imps and "love letters"
13.     to do list.
-bother the usual targets
-make sure nobody bullies April
-dance pratice at 3 pm
-recover outfits from Mythra at 4 pm
-party at 6 pm
19.     five most recent in contact list. 
-Leona Kingscholar
-Tomoai Lyra
-Lustre Rosequartz
-Ruben Gear
-Izar Nyxen
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fumidreams · 3 years
This blog is mainly to create aesthetics for my own Twisted Wonderland ocs, their ships and AUs for fun.
Requests are Open for now, but only ships with my ocs.
Leroy Violet
Fantasy Au
Idol au
Henry Lakeside
Fantasy Au
Idol Au
Mellow Mildew
Fantasy Au
Idol Au
Brid Rolfe
Odel Aradia
Canon Dorm Students:
Carol Ann
Meyra Palledino
Kumo Starwing
Camilla Dawnrose
Fuan Abyssnor
Eiji Hiranori
Flynn Deradelle
Nanoya Naegi
Rubina von Loketon
Peko Chunya
Emma Yuki
Gregory Darknon
Tyler Nerington
Rachel Fuchsia
Gabrielle Ravenor
Tesadelle Ravenor
Andrew von Yltan
Aiden Renous
Media Chealean
Tenera Brawzer
Sindren Albright
Mythra Cenov
Feena Ebersol
Dragiselle Flamescourow
Inessa Winter
Taron Ferres
Barry Parton
Francine Dalton
Gilly Medeon
Osyron Lumina
Lydia Sombra
Fabio Vierunar
Saneria Guaenno
Ione Roonel
Lennox Riverway
Zariyah Hyacinth
Izar Nyxen
Agni Solartice
Kuze Toiyama
Yasuno Innochi
Erena Ryūjin
Belia Camton
Bethany Camton
Unosis Etrol
Beatrice Ombra
Marcell Blossom
Malorie Galea
Amalia Cavalieri
Valeria Diavello
Shadman Hack
Nakamura Kānēshon
Aino Okutske
Angelica Pannacotta
Kaden/Qaden/Caden Devengel
Erwin Fowler
Seraphim Astrean
Soyana Kuro
Marin Takeda
Fumiko Miyasaki
Other Students:
Fennec Grandwell
Lyla Atsuki
Eikichi Atsuki
Damon Erase
Eve Alternate
Bianca Weiss
Tiam Falldow
Kayne Saocheng
Quora Fritchup
Bolt Striker
Kome Nabusa
Beelby Zetron
Vanessa Pharon
Macie Gumeron
Ronnie Marxton
Eleafy Otoron
April Richter
Julian Richter
Taylin Sage
Grey Braynse
Emil Puppnella
Paula Parton
Zyan Desire
Brenda Goldwell
Serena Welsh
Elvira Parena
Joel Cummings
Yuzuha Aimon
Naomi Aqueen
Kaeru Suzanomoto
Louis Armarin Valentine
Jin-lou Chen
Sylva Mercury
Phobetor Matalon
Other None Twst Ocs:
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