teamchilledtreats · 5 years
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“It truly felt as if... the nightmare’s over...”
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teamchilledtreats · 6 years
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“They didn’t say anything about it being embarrassing, Van.”
“Yeeeeah, not say, but imply.” Vanille seems particular bitter over this matter before quickly huffing it out, returning to her usual stoic demeanor. “Meh, whatever... anyway, it’s no big deal to me. We exist, that’s all that matters... so, yeah.”
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teamchilledtreats · 6 years
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blowing off steam
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teamchilledtreats · 6 years
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"... tomorrow is a new day,” he mutters lowly, as Izotz calmly marches back to his room, having shaken off the nocturnal whispers.
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teamchilledtreats · 6 years
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“Hrmph... ‘new dad’... the nerve of it all. I’m not suitable for such a title...
... and yet to think... from being an ex-soldier to elite patroller, then a mentor and foster figure for these two orphaned Majins... the same women who were homeless, now blessed with a second chance at life...
... All I can say now, is they must continue to make the most of it whilst they can. Not everyone is this fortunate...”
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teamchilledtreats · 6 years
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“... There are no hands large enough to bury my face into..."
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teamchilledtreats · 6 years
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(( Didn’t feel like working on any responses atm, but here, have some headhots of Iz as practice for his maskless face o: ))
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teamchilledtreats · 6 years
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(( w h y t h o ))
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teamchilledtreats · 6 years
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The frost demon exhales through his mask’s slits, shaking his head as he nudged Nephele off his shoulder. With folded arms, the reptilian-like alien folded his arms and looked away.
“... that is up to you to decide, even if I would not agree.” Mumble, mumble... “Judge me as you wish. It’s not as though I can tell you what to think...”
“Aw lighten up, Izzy, it’s not like she meant it to mock ya or anything!”
“Ah ignore ‘im, but yeah, within that crustiness is a treasure, heart o’ gold, that sorta deal! Just a pretty swell guy.”
Mumbles, “... of all analogies, you chose the most tired one...”
Cheekily, Nep adds in, “I could do worse! Could say you’re a rose amongst the--”
“I’ll settle on the former, thank you very much.”
[ @peridoxikal / @itsteamstellar ]
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teamchilledtreats · 6 years
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(( b i g m o o d ))
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teamchilledtreats · 6 years
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“Mind you... I was well aware of their appetite. My career in Time Patrol has given me more than its fair share of bouts with Majin Buu himself... and thankfully, the sisters’ urges were not as outrageous.
... not nearly.
Even so... it required me to tighten my budget and become more resourceful for the rest of the year... as well as hone more of my patience. They were homeless, after all. I could not fault them for their needs.”
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“Their income as well as their bolstered confidence made them more independent, allowing me to focus on my own duties and errands. They could have left afterwards, and yet... they chose to stay. Perhaps it was attachment... or perchance they felt as though they could learn more from me. Regardless... it has certainly been an...” he hesitates, trying to think of a word, “... experience, taking them under my wing.”
Izotz could’ve left it at that. However... with the hybrid’s hunger for knowledge, as well as her professional air, the Frost Demon felt as though he had to add the following, in case she wasn’t satisfied. With a sigh, the male Arcosian pulled himself back up after the exhale...
“... there is more to how I gathered the patience with them, truth be told...”
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“Their orphaned status... their eager compliance in exchange for shelter and sustenance...” he mumbled more quietly, almost to himself rather than answering Glacia, “... it reminded me of my former days, back when I was a soldier... when a portion of my income was used to ensure that... they stayed alive...”
They? Doesn’t sound like he meant the Majin sisters, especially with that drifting tone of his... upon realizing this, Izotz blinked and shook his head with a grumble.
“... Pay no mind to that. Certainly that satisfies your query, madame.” The male greenish blue Arcosian turns to look at Glacia with a barely lifted brow now that he got a good look at her.
“... hrm... how curious... I assume you ask from more than mere curiosity, am I wrong...?” Izotz properly faces her with folded arms behind his back and eyes narrowed. “I am Izotz, Elite Patroller and team leader. And yourself?”
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teamchilledtreats · 6 years
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(( Dang.. I could see this fella as like a semi-final boss in a fighting game, a good ol’ fashioned demon fighter o: ))
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teamchilledtreats · 6 years
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“Mmh…” the frost demon mumbles in recollection of that dramatic mission. With a sigh, he shakes his head and continues.
“Until my schedule allows enough time to achieve Potential Unleashed in its place… I shall swallow my pride and bear with it. As useful as Kaioken can be, the rapid drain in vitality even with precautions has proven rather precarious for my more perilous work…”
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teamchilledtreats · 7 years
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“To say nothing of their first few months of Time Patrolling, with which I was assigned to assist in regulating their training when Chronoa and Elder Kai had other matters to attend to...“ He grumbles as an icy whisp chilled through the slits of his mouth guard, “... as a former warrior turned well-seasoned patroller, reduced to handholding these two rebellious souls in their career’s beginning, has been a trial all its own.”
The teal creature sighed as he straightened himself up. “... Even then... their progress has been remarkable since. Dare I say they’ve proved themselves even in missions where even I, Izotz, underestimated the task at hand...? ... not to mention, the frightening potential their ilk possesses, after witnessing the tasks involving Buu himself... a companionship feels as though it will be quite a boon in the future, should the darkest clouds rob our light.”
Izotz then clenches his fist with a slight tinge of annoyance, “... they would do well from sharpening their sense of respect as WELL as their fighting skills, however... hrmph. As their leader, it feels as though I’m less of an ambassador, and more as...” he snarls in some frustration and shame in making this comparison, “...a disreputable uncle figure to be toyed with.” With a scoff, he then turns to the fellow Friezan member.
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“You mentioned company of the same race as the girls, yet on a less... exasperating level. Do tell, he certainly doesn’t test one’s nerves such as managing those two, I’m sure.”
[ @haunter-answers ]
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teamchilledtreats · 7 years
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(( Feel like posting this as well before I get to work on some asks, because why not |D ))
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teamchilledtreats · 6 years
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Izotz did his best to compose himself... but the fellow  Frost Demon’s insistence, coupled with leaning over the edge and dangling said glasses...
A minute or so passes, until Izotz just... couldn’t...
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[ @taco-flavored-art ]
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