#izumi gives good advice
chiffaust · 5 months
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𝗜 𝗪𝗔𝗡𝗡𝗔 𝗕𝗘 𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗥 𝗕𝗢𝗬𝗙𝗥𝗜𝗘𝗡𝗗 ! — Tsukinaga Leo x reader
xxx. PLAYLIST . I wanna be your boyfriend by Hot Freaks.
— he loves you, yet he is never able to voice out what he felt towards you... But all he needs is a little push from a friend whether it was intentional or not.
xx. c : use of gender neutral terms, gender is not mentioned/specified for reader. insane levels of yearning from leo tsukinaga and some level of doubts and insecurity with him. wrote at like 10 pm on a weekday so this might be shitty, not proofread — might be ooc !
note . this is completely different from the beta... but i think i like this version better. i wrote leo as 'cool' instead of his usual 'cuteness' in mind. he's still just as pathetic though :3 maybe pathetically cool
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It's a mystery how his mind works, and much less was it a miracle for him to realize everything. From the start, his feelings weren't always as platonic as he'd thought towards you. The realization alone sends him into a frenzy of denial and childishly denying his ever-growing crush on you yet always throwing a childish tantrum and sulking around his friends whenever he sees someone getting a bit too cozy with you to his liking.
Nonetheless, Leo realizes — he can't just sulk behind a corner without doing anything while hoping you'll look at him the same way as he does if he doesn't do something about it. Oh, but was it hard to even look at you in the eyes; the thought alone sends his heart into frantically thumping against his chest; his face become hotter and redder while stutter he did pathetically over his words and waste his chances... It's really no good! He wants to seem cool in front of you, but he just can never muster up the courage at all, it's annoying!
His friends were to help and give him advices when it comes to love, but none of it were exactly trying to help him. “ Be cool ” — Leo simply could not. “ Try to strike up a conversation about something you two have a common interest with! ” — if that happens, he's afraid he'll go on rambling until he talks your ears off and you'll find him annoying because of it! “ Buy them whatever they want as a gift ” — now, he isn't exactly sure if he has the type of money to do that... “ Trick them into signing a marriage contract and cling onto them forever ” — that'll just drive you away!! Leo's even more concern now, and his friends' advice weren't making him any less confident in talking to you!
To you, Leo was just a friend you occasionally see and to him, you were his whole world — one he would be more than willing to serve his heart on a silver platter to as he yearns from the side. Truly were you his love — his muse; his everything and unbeknownst to you, he had written a song or two unpublished to the public with the thought of you in mind. He grows frustrated amidst his embarrassment much to his dislike of acknowledging it.
... The sweet melody and cheesy lyrics of “ love ” — he feels like a fool! Occasionally he would lose his cool and throw the stacks of paper everywhere across and in deafening silence, he dealt with his own thoughts; how embarrassing. He's seriously doing everything but telling you how he feels.
Even as the corner of his phone lights up the dimly lit room, on the screen shows across the room with your contact number messaging him. He suppose even if he could never confess his love for you romantically, you like him just the same “ platonically? ”
He would be fine (in his words, but he is ABSOLUTELY NOT) with only liking you from afar... That is if you aren't also dating anyone else — he would go insane if you're suddenly dating someone else, and that's the conclusion his mind thought of when suddenly you had gotten so close to that Izumi Sena.
Never once had Izumi ever showed romantic interest towards you; in five people (Knights)— he obviously loves and yearned for you the most and the longest. It wasn't like they weren't aware of it. They knew you were completely off limits ever since the first time he confessed to wanting to do the cheesiest things with you to them they got sick and tired of it.
And yet, his mind he thought you like him romantically — and so did Izumi. You two were laughing at each other's joke and you were beautiful like that; bright eyes and smiling... A sudden feeling of dreadful doubt dropped down his stomach and just as suddenly he felt so sick even if it was just his insecurities.
He thought so too; maybe he's overreacting. Maybe there's nothing going on in between you two, he's sure of it! That's what he tells himself, but slowly this banter went on for days and slowly turned into weeks of utter torture for him. He saw you exchanging contacts, plan on hanging out together — and he felt jealous.
He never liked this feeling of jealousy — especially towards a dear friend like him, but with confusing emotions mixed together came unassumed anger of jealousy. His patience doesn't last long until he gets sick and tired of it and came in between you two with a glare that might've sent chills down Sena's back a bit.
Leo took your hand and ran away with you from him; dragging you far away to somewhere outside the building until his leg gives out — alas, there was only you two all alone on the park as the sun slowly sets into dusk. There was nothing going in the way between you two now.
"I'm sorry for dragging you away like that all of the sudden." He muttered, unable to look at you not for the reason may he make a fool of himself if he stares too long; but instead out of guilt overwhelming his heart.
"... But, I really can't stand it anymore, you know? I see you laughing and being happy with Sena... I want to do that with you. I want to laugh along with you and be happy just as you were with him, so I got jealous...
... This might be selfish, but I really really liked you from the start! I know compared to Sena, I'm childish and all I'm good at is writing music — he's better fit as a "boyfriend" compared to I do, but I really... Like you, [Name]! And I really wanna be your boyfriend!" All these times, the words, the doubts — he was suddenly spilling them out loud to you and he was just as surprised as you. For the first time in a while, his heart feels light from burden despite the nervousness he felt, thus he continued to spoke;
"I might not be as good as Sena — or a pretty model, but I could treat you as half as decently — if not better than he ever could! I'll even compliment you frequently if that's what you want — no, I'll compliment you a lot! " Leo's eyes lit up with sincerity and for the first time, there was confidence and a look of seriousness in his eyes as he looked into yours while gently clasping your hands in his, but he feared he was being a bit overbearing and pushy and his confidence slowly fizzled away.
"Please... Think about it, alright? Because I really like you; I truly do." His tone were calmer, but there's also a melancholic hymn to his voice despite how he tries to force out a smile to you.
He's always the happy go-lucky guy — eccentric in ways, but he always had the purest intentions in his heart. It would be kind of embarrassing if he breaks down in front of you all of the sudden.
He can't stay any longer; if he stays, he's afraid he wouldn't be able to control his emotions any longer. Slowly, he lets go of your hand and exchanged one final glance before trying to walk away — but just as that, you held onto his wrist and pulled him back which surprised him.
"Leo, don't be like that... You didn't even give me the chance to reply." You muttered, your gaze softens looking at him and he simply couldn't look away... You're just so beautiful to him.
"I like you just the same. I'm sorry for making you feel bad all these times — I... Didn't realize."
Your look of sadness sends him into frenzy, he stutters from nervousness because of you.
"H-huh...? Why're you apologizing? It should be me who's apologizing — plus, it's my fault for keeping my emotions hidden all these time from you! You didn't knew at all!"
"... You know, Leo; I had a hunch you liked me... And it wasn't like you were being discrete about it anyway."
"Ah..." Leo stays still, completely surprised. Well, it is true he couldn't keep his emotions from spilling out sometimes, but he was so sure he was being discrete about his feelings for you. He wasn't sure how to react; was he supposed to be embarrassed? Sad? Angry? Even amidst his confusion, he finds amusement in his own embarrassment. He laughs aloud, and it was like he didn't had the saddest look of melancholy in his eyes just a moment ago.
With a big grin on his face, he soon falls onto you with all of his weight and hugged you tightly. The mature and cool Tsukinaga Leo is in touch with his emotions was no longer there; he was now the childish and impatient Leo you knew from the start — and yet, that never changed a thing of how you felt towards him.
"Leo...!" You groan out, stumbling back slightly at the sudden force of his weight against you. He was using his every weight on his body towards you.
"Aha, I just can't help it — I'm so happy, [Name]! I'm really so happy!" He giggles, but his fit of energy quickly dissipates as he gently leans in closer to you, wrapping an arm securely around your waist so you wouldn't escape his hug while his other hand gently intertwine with yours.
"... Let's be together forever, [Name]."
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sakumz · 4 months
[ s. izumi x reader ]
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" another letter? " you mumbled out loud as you hear the shoe locker next to yours, slammed shut.
making you jolt from the sudden noise as you drop your letter. you turn to glare at the person who caused the ruckus. only to find izumi staring back at you before walking away.
what's that about?
" so you've been getting countless of letters in your shoe locker every two days? " arashi confirms as you nodded. currently having lunch with the person you trust love advices from.
" what's in those letters anyways? " arashi giggles as you turn red, remembering the one you received this morning.
" the letter today, was complimenting my looks and wishing me a very good day today. " you turn to look out the window. it was odd to receive letters, wishing you nothing but happiness and happy days. its not even close to a love letter, right? since there's no 'I love you's or mentioning anything close to it.
" hehe I know~ what if we come 2 hours early to school, two days later? maybe you'll be able to catch that culprit! I'll come along with you, " you can't help but flush even harder. finding the culprit? your secret admirer!
" umm, you don't have to come along. I don't want you tiring yourself any further! your beauty sleep is more important than mine. since you're a model and all, " arashi laughs once more as she ruffles your hair.
two days later, you did as arashi told. coming to school at least two hours early. as you hid behind one of the walls, looking over your phone and the shoe lockers from time to time.
after an hour, you heard noises. one from the locker and one coming down the stairs. who would be here as early as you!
" fufu~ fancy seeing you here, knight... and knight's producer, " that's rei's voice!
you came out of your hiding, izumi drops the letter as rei smiles.
" your eyes never fail to spot whatever you want, huh. " izumi starts as he attempts to hide the letter, shoving it inside his bag.
" you've been putting those letters in my shoe locker? " you look over izumi as rei bids farewell.
" yeah, so what? " izumi spat, turning red as you too start blushing.
" does that mean you like me too? " you let out a hearty laugh as he looks away from you, not able to hold any eye contact with you.
" yeah, so what?! I'm sure you like me, how can anyone not fall for my charms. I can't believe it took you at least two weeks to catch on. " you can't help but playfully pout.
" hey! what's that supposed to mean? you've been sending those letters without any confession- are you... shy to say I love you first, " you feel izumi karate chops your head with the letter in his hand.
" I love you too, see you. " he starts to walk away, leaving you alone with your letter.
opening it immediately, it was a love confession letter. you quickly turn to your heels, running towards izumi. your body came crashing onto his back. you wrap your arms around him, giving him a back hug.
" I love you so much, izumi! " he blushes at your words before spinning you around to give you back a hug.
" I love you more, " he takes your hand in his as he plants a kiss over.
a/n: WAR IS OVER! IZUMI FS2 ENDLESS SAGA HAS ENDED (I got pretty impatient teehee, he's home now)
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jujumin-translates · 2 months
[A3!] Sakuya Sakuma | [SSR++] Guiding Stella | Bear Costume
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Izumi: I was just starting to get a little hungry. Thanks, I can’t wait to eat it!
Juza: Yea.
Sakuya: …Huh?
Juza: Oh, Sakuya.
Sakuya: Weren’t you going out, Juza-kun?
Juza: Just got back. I… went out to get some taiyaki. Ya want some too, Sakuya?
Sakuya: Wah, it looks really good!
Sakuya: But didn’t you get it because you wanted to eat it, Juza-kun? Are you sure?
Juza: S’okay, I got it for everyone to eat.
Izumi: He just gave me some to eat too… This taiyaki is filled with red bean paste and really tasty!
Sakuya: Wahh, that sounds so good.
Sakuya: Since you insist, I’ll have some too. Thank you, Juza-kun.
Juza: No problem.
Sakuya: Mhmm…! It really is tasty! The sweetness of the red bean paste is perfect!
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Juza: The dough’s real good too.
Izumi: (Sharing delicious taiyaki with the two of them really makes for a great snack time.)
Sakuya: …Ah, right! That reminds me, Juza-kun, Director, I’ve got something I want to ask you.
Juza: What is it?
Izumi: Something wrong?
Sakuya: I’m playing a role in a comedy play for my next guest performance.
Juza: A comedy, huh? Comedy performed by Sakuya… Sounds interestin’.
Izumi: Yeah! It’s pretty unusual for you to do a comedy, so it seems like it’d be something nice for you, Sakuya-kun.
Sakuya: Thank you so much. I’ve been thinking about getting some advice from Summer Troupe to get a better grasp on comedy.
Sakuya: Actually, I’m also supposed to play the role of a bear.
Izumi: You’re supposed to be a bear?
Juza: So you’re playin’ the role of a cute bear?
Sakuya: Uhh, something like that. I’m going to be performing in a bear costume, so I guess I’ll be a cute bear… Maybe?
Juza: Costume, huh? Sounds like somethin’ that’d suit ya, Sakuya.
Sakuya: That’s why I was wondering if I could borrow the bear costume that you wore before, Juza-kun.
Juza: Sure thing, it ain’t really mine, so ya can use it whenever ya want.
Sakuya: Thank you! I still thought I’d get your permission, just in case.
Izumi: But considering that costume fit Juza-kun perfectly, don’t you think it’d be a little big for you, Sakuya-kun?
Sakuya: It’s just for practice, so it’ll be okay, even if it’s a little big!
Izumi: Gotcha.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Option 1: Sakuya-kun’s bear seems like it’d be peaceful.
Izumi: A bear played by you sounds like it’d be kind of peaceful, Sakuya-kun.
Sakuya: You think so?
Izumi: Of course, it depends on the scene and the way you act, but I think you can still sort of sense the vibes of the person wearing the costume when it comes to that kind of thing.
Izumi: But since it’s supposed to be a comedy, it made me think that you might be playing the kind of bear you’d want to squish like a stuffed animal.
Sakuya: I’m a little flustered, but… I’m glad you think so. Thank you so much!
Sakuya: I hope I can put on a performance that can give everyone a real sense of peace.
Izumi: (Sakuya-kun seems so enthusiastic about it, I think I’ll go and see his performance too.)
Option 2: There are just some funny things that can only be done in a costume.
Izumi: There are just some funny things that can only be done in a costume.
Sakuya: Yeah! I think it makes comical movements stand out even more.
Juza: Yea. It’s a lil’ harder to see small movements, but they make the big movements stand out a lot more.
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Sakuya: Exactly! It seems like the kind of thing where it’d be good to make use of your whole body. I wanna practice while keeping that kinda thing in mind.
Izumi: (Sakuya-kun and Juza-kun always seem so earnest and happy while they talk about theater.)
Izumi: (They really have a positive influence on each other.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: Ah, right. I think that costume might be in the storage room, but it might be in a hard-to-find place.
Izumi: We’ve had to put a lot of stuff in the storage room lately…
Sakuya: I’ll look for it, so don’t worry! I’ll go get it as soon as I can.
Juza: But it might be stacked on top of a shelf or somethin’. Could be buried under somethin’ too, so I’ll come with.
Sakuya: Thank you, Juza-kun! Alright, let’s go to the storage room then.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Juza: Glad we found it right away.
Sakuya: Me too! Alright, now let me just…
*Fabric rustles*
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Sakuya: How does it look…? Do I have it on properly?
Juza: It’s pretty big. ‘N the head’s kinda tilted too, but… Is the weight ‘n visibility okay?
Sakuya: The head is a little heavy, but… I think it’ll be okay.
Juza: Gotcha. But don’t push yourself, ‘kay?
Sakuya: Yeah, I’ll be careful.
Sakuya: That reminds me, it might be a bear costume this time, but other animal costumes are really cute too.
Juza: Ya think so…?
Sakuya: Alright, I wanna take the costume to my room, but I think I’ll get used to walking in it first.
Juza: Gotcha. You’re not gonna have a real feel for it right off the bat, so watch your step.
· ❀ —– ٠ ❀ ٠ —– ❀ ·
Sakuya: Alright… Uwhoa…! Sorry I had to ask you to help, Juza-kun.
Juza: It ain’t a problem. Aight, does your bear role got any lines on stage or somethin’?
Sakuya: No, I don’t have any lines, I’ve just gotta ad-lib. That’s why I wanna practice even more than usual.
Sakuya: Right! Since you’re like the veteran of this bear costume, do you have any advice for me, Juza-kun?
Juza: Advice…
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Juza: Right… They say beaarrr.
Sakuya: Huh, really? I never knew they said beaarrr! Thanks so much, Juza-kun! I’m glad you told me that!
Sakuya: Alright, I’ll give it a shot. …Beaarrr!
Sakuya: Umm, how was that?
Juza: Bears are big ‘n strong. So maybe ya could be a lil’ more majestic in the way ya say it ‘n in the way ya move or somethin’.
Sakuya: I see! Okay, I’ll give it another shot then!
Sakuya: Beaarrr~!!
Juza: Yea, I think there was more power in that one than before.
Tenma: …
Tenma: Juza-san and by the sound of your voice, I’m guessing… Sakuya? The hell are you two doing…?
Sakuya: Ah, Tenma-kun! Actually, for my upcoming guest performance…
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tenma: Got it… Wait, that costume… Isn’t that one of the ones Autumn Troupe had put away in the storage room?
Tenma: The hem is too long, so you look more like a bear cub when you wear it, Sakuya.
Sakuya: Ahaha, it is kinda big, isn’t it? But it’s still good practice to get a feel for what it’s like to wear a costume like this.
Tenma: I getcha. Good luck with your next guest performance. I’ll come to see it too if I’ve got time
Sakuya: Thanks! I’ll do my best!
*Tenma walks away*
Sakuya: Alright, one more time… Beaarrr--!!
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Tenma: …Not like there’s something really happening or anything, but I’ve got a bad feeling about this…
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: Hmm, I learned a lot from Juza-kun, but it’s still kinda hard to play a bear…
Sakuya: I feel like I don’t seem strong enough…
Citron: If it is okay for you to ad-lib, I think it is okay to be a Sakuya-like bear. There are bears like that too!
Sakuya: Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’ll try my best to play a me-like bear!
Sakuya: … Yawn…
Citron: Sakuya, are you getting sleepy from all of your costume practice? We can talk about it tomorrow. Today, it is time to go night-night.
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Sakuya: Right. Thank you for your advice, Citron-san. Okay, goodnight.
Citron: Goodest of nights, Sakuya.
*Lights turn off*
· ❀ —– ٠ ❀ ٠ —– ❀ ·
Sakuya: Mnnh… Huh…?
Sakuya: This is…?
Bear: Beaarrr--!!
Sakuya: UWHOA!?
Sakuya: What? … Huh… Juza-kun?
Bear: !
Sakuya: You’re Juza-kun, right?
Bear: …
Sakuya: Ehehe, I knew it. Ah, maybe you’re here to give me some guidance with my acting?
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Bear: …?
Sakuya: I knew it! Thanks!
Sakuya: Ah, right. Since I don’t know much about this forest, could you tell me more about it? Why don’t we take a walk together?
Bear: …Sure.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: There’s a river running through here. And there are so many flowers blooming too. This really is a lovely forest.
Bear: …Yea.
Rabbit: …
Sakuya: Ah.
Bear: ! The hell are you doin’ here…?
Rabbit: Hah? The hell are YOU doin’ here? This is my turf.
Bear: This place belongs to no one.
Rabbit: HAGH!? …Huh? Ain’t that a human?
Sakuya: Umm, Banri-kun, right?
Rabbit: …
Sakuya: (I didn’t get an answer from Juza-kun earlier either… Are they not allowed to answer to their names?)
Rabbit: Whatever, I don’t give a shit about humans, so get the hell outta here.
Bear: Shut up, YOU get the hell outta here.
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Rabbit: The fuck!? Who the hell do you think you are!?
Sakuya: Whoa, whoa, don’t fight, guys…!
Tanuki: Ah! They’re fighting again!
Squirrel: Ugh, not again. Y’all never learn, do ya?
Wolf: Alright, c’mon, calm down you two.
Lion: Tch, I take my eyes off of you for a second and this is what happens?
Rabbit: It’s his fault for comin’ at me first!
Bear: Pretty sure that you’re the one who came at ME first. Quit tryin’ blame others.
Rabbit: Which one of us is blamin’ the other!? Quit fuckin’ around! You wanna go!?
Bear: Come at me.
Sakuya: Oh gosh, w-what do I do…!? C’mon, stop fighting, you two!! 
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
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Sakuya: Hah…!
Sakuya: J-Just a dream, huh… Those were the Autumn Troupe animals just now, right…?
Sakuya: Haah… Maybe that was because of my costume practice. …It’s still night, so I guess I should go back to sleep…
Sakuya: …
Sakuya: (I can’t sleep for some reason… I had a dream about a bear, so maybe that means I’m anxious about my bear performance.)
Sakuya: (...Okay. I’ve just gotta go gently and quietly so I don’t wake Citron-san up…)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: Alright, there… I might wake someone up if I turn on the lights, so I’ll just go on practicing like this.
Sakuya: I walk like this, right? And then I raise my arms wide, and…
Sakuya: (...Huh. There’s someone’s shadow over there…)
Tenma: Haah, I’m exhausted…
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Sakuya: (Ah, it’s Tenma-kun…! Did he just get home?)
Sakuya: Ten--...
Tenma: Hm?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
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Tenma: GYAAAGH--!!
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enstarriedownbad · 1 year
Izumi Sena x F!reader
‼️Minors DNI
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Genre: smut
Tags: dom! Izumi, reverse yandere, jealous (of you), hate-intercourse, unrequited love (you love him), misunderstanding, rough, mixed feelings
Plot: You’ve been hanging around Izumi’s favorite people for too long. He wants to show you that they only belong to him. For all he knows, it’s him that you love.
Words: 3,059
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By clicking on "show more," you acknowledge that you are 18+ and consent to read this fiction.
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First, it was Makoto, and now Leo. You have been hanging out with them from time to time recently. At ES, during work, in town… What you may or may not know is that these two are dear to a certain man. To him, your discussions always look fun from afar, fun enough to keep them distracted for a while. The time spent with you exceeds what he, Izumi, thinks is appropriate. Plus, after chatting with you, these two men always mention you to him. That's it, he's jealous.
He's known them for way longer than you, but now all they ever talk about in his presence is you? You would sometimes hang out with them at the same time as him. However, the few times you two interacted alone, you acted differently in front of him than when you were with his friends. To him, it is as if you are seducing them for your own goals, as if you are trying to take them away from him.
One evening, both you and Izumi are held back at ES for various reasons. On your way to leave work, he happens to spot you and takes the liberty to join you.
"Good evening, Y/N," he greets you.
"Oh- Good evening Izumi-san…" you reply quietly.
There we go. The "-san" honorifics followed by a distant tone. He noticed that when you call out for Makoto, or when you chat with Leo via text, you only use their names. So why were you acting so familiar with them? The answer is very simple: you are in love with Izumi. His friends noticed, and gladly give you some advice every now and then because who, other than his 'little brother' and best friend, could help you out on this? That's why they mention you to him: they ship you together.
However, it goes without saying that he doesn't know. He is too busy focusing on potential threats because of obsessive tendencies.
"You know, you can drop the '-san' with me too," he tells you while opening the exit door for you.
"Really? Okay, 'Izumi'," you reply while walking out the front door as you feel your cheeks getting redder.
You try to hide your face so that he doesn't see the blush mess that you are right now. To your dismay, Izumi interprets this as a passive-aggressive sign. He is now certain that you are acting differently around them. He wants to have a word with you.
"Are you going home?" he asks.
"Yes, why?" you reply.
"Hm… Do you want to go somewhere before heading home?"
"Sure… But where?"
He wants to get you to a quiet place, where he won't be bothered by random people. But he doesn't want another 'kidnapping' scandal to happen, so it won't be at his place. It is night right now, so most stores are closed… A karaoke? No, too noisy. Cafés? Too crowded. A hotel? Sounds like a good plan. Then, hotel it is.
Wait… To a hotel? He suddenly has an idea to make you back off from them.
You, on the other hand, can feel your heart pounding against your chest. Izumi is asking you on a date, right? You always lose your mind when you are around him. After all, your little crush on him turned into something bigger recently.
"Can we go to the hotel? I have something I'd like to tell you in private," he replies with a cold tone that you don't even notice.
"Sure, lead the way," you reply happily, eager to hear what he has to tell you.
Once you get to the hotel room, Izumi closes the door behind you.
"So what is it that you wanted to talk about, Izum–"
"I heard you had a crush."
'There is no way he knows that I like him!' you start thinking, embarrassed. And you are right. In fact, Izumi still doesn't know. He believes you're into either Leo or Makoto and acts according to it.
"I know you've been trying to get with a certain someone?" he says while getting closer to you. "You know I'm the one who's the most worthy, right?" he adds, trying to show you that he's the better option even though you don't even like either of them.
If only he knew that you liked him, he could have anticipated the fact that you just interpreted all of his sentences in a completely different way.
He gets closer and closer to you. As you slowly back up from Izumi aggressively walking up to you, you realize too late that the bed is right behind you. You trip and fall on top of it.
"I'm not gonna repeat, so listen. If it's just a one-night stand that you're looking for, I can do it. So look no more around you," he adds while staring at you with a cold glare from upward, trying to push you to accept.
What you don't know is that his plan isn't only to make you go to someone other than Leo or Makoto for sex. His goal is also to make you feel 'tainted' so that these two would never want to be with you after this night. He wants to ruin you.
But you love him and don't understand why he's acting like this all of a sudden. You believe he thinks you are an easy girl and wants to try something with you tonight after what his friends told him about you. It's the only rational reasoning that pops up in your mind. Or maybe the way he worded it could be a sign of jealousy towards the other men you talk to? After all, who could have guessed his real plan. Nonetheless, you still have some self-respect and decide to draw some boundaries. You are not to be considered some kind of easy girl.
"Izumi! That's not what I–"
You hear the sound of metal tickling. You lower your eyes. He's removing his belt. Looks like he's serious about this.
You remain frozen, not in fear, but because of something else. Your crush is really asking you to have intercourse in a hotel room he just rented? Although he's saying nonsense after nonsense, this is more than what you could ever dream of.
"Careful. If you stay here and remain idle like this, I'm gonna assume that this is a 'yes' on your part."
You stay silent. Of course that you want it.
He sighs. After all, in his perspective, you just accepted to sleep with a random guy even though you pretend to love his dear ones.
"You just have to say 'yes'. Or is it that your pride won't let you say it?" he replies aggressively.
"… Y-yes" you give in, still slightly confused about his tone.
Suddenly, Izumi begins removing your clothes, trying to make you feel even more vulnerable, as he stays fully dressed. He looks at your underwear.
"Not bad. Although I doubt they like it like this."
'《They?》', you wonder, thinking he's definitely jealous of the men around you. But little does he know, you bought these with him in mind.
Izumi sits in the middle of the bed, crossed-legged, hinting at you to place yourself on his lap. You oblige.
As he removes your last pieces of clothing while you are sitting on his thighs, he notices something.
"Really? You are already wet from this…? Aren't you a bit of a whore?"
Izumi secures you against himself by firmly wrapping his right arm below your breast. With his left hand, he slides a finger against your vulva and moves it around your slit. His hand feels warm.
"No wonder why you ask for validation from all kinds of men. You like their attention so much, huh?," he insults you while rubbing his middle finger against your clit.
Despite his harsh words, the only sound that leaves your mouth is a moan.
"A finger was all it took to make you moan? See, you don't deserve either of them," he replies coldly while rubbing his finger against your wet clit harder.
His harsh movements, along with his hateful comments, somehow feel godly. Your love juices get all over his hand as wet noises come out of your cunt. Even though you wonder what he's talking about, the one thing on your mind right now is that you are actually having sex with him.
"A-ah~ Izumi~! W-what-" you try to ask while moaning.
"Now my name is the one that comes up when you're fucking someone else than who you pretend to love? Disgusting."
You don't understand the situation. You thought he knew you liked him. His pace goes even faster. Now he uses two of his fingers to rub against your clit. You feel your body tensing up, your back arches, and your toes curl as he continues to touch you. You throw your head backward on top of his shoulder and can feel your climax coming as he keeps firm his hold on you.
"Hahh… Izumi!~" you let out.
You moan his name all over again as you cum on his strong hand, shaking in pleasure.
Izumi remains speechless for a few seconds.
"Wow… So you're really having an orgasm all over the place for some guy you don't even like? What a slut," he finally says.
"What do you mean??" you ask.
He ignores your question and shifts you around his thighs so that you face him, with little to no effort. Startled, you close your thighs.
"Come on, don't act all shy after you just moaned my name out loud, Y/N."
"Get on your back for me now, I'll spread your legs open myself."
You do as he says. You lay your back on the mattress while facing him. Izumi uncrosses his legs, gets on his knees, and spreads your legs open with one arm. Suddenly, he gets his half-erect cock out of his pants with his other hand and starts jacking off in front of your slit.
"Ugh… What a pathetic view. To say that you're supposed to be a threat," he sighs while masturbating before you.
You can't help but stare at his dick. It's quite the length. And it looks thick too.
"What? Don't tell me that your animal instincts hit after you saw my cock? Though I really wouldn't be surprised, considering the fact that you are a bitch."
You can't help but get turned on by his harsh words once again. You move your hips a bit, desperate to feel some sort of friction. Izumi notices and hardens his grip on your leg.
"Don't try to feel yourself up, unless you really are a slut who can't wait for my cock," he says while tossing himself off at a quicker pace.
The view of Izumi of all people masturbating in front of your naked body is just too much for you to handle. Despite his many insults, you reach for your clit and start rubbing.
"That's what I thought, you're a slut," he exclaims.
The man faps his cock closer and closer to your crotch. The noises your two genitals let out are so ungodly. You can see that his dick is twitching, wanting to release soon.
"Get ready for additional lube, slut," he says while his dick is right in front of your entrance. "Take it all, shameless whore," he adds while cumming all over your cunt.
He's shooting more and more of his semen over your sensitive parts, but the way he does it without any lust in his cold blue eyes is quite the view. All you can see in him is hatred. It's like he's spitting on you.
You can't help but moan his name as your second climax hits you like a truck. You wouldn't have called yourself a sadomasochist, but the way he's doing you right now is turning you on without a doubt. All you can feel is your orgasm while you're lying down all naked in front of him, with your lowest part covered in his cum. You fail to notice that he finally removed his shirt.
"I'm gonna give you one last warning. You don't deserve to be with either of them, so you better back off."
"I know you've been trying to get with Leo-kun or Yuu-kun. Why is it that you chose them of all people? Is it for your personal gains? They already have me. They don't need you," he says while placing his tip at your entrance.
Leo? Makoto? So this is what it is about. But, he got it all wrong, *he* is the one you like.
"Izumi, the one I love, it's--"
The man penetrates your insides quickly. His thick dick spreads your walls open, while also inserting some of his cum from earlier deep inside of you.  It hurts a bit, but you were already so wet that your body adjusts just as fast, taking all of him in.
"Don't you dare say his name right now when you're being fucked dumbed by another one," he threatens you while thrusting.
You remain shocked. You thought that his jealousy was aimed at other men, but it looks like it's aimed toward you. You feel disappointed about the fact that you misunderstood his feelings for you, but at the same time, something else is building up within you.
You stare at where your two bodies are connected. He's placed himself between your legs and is ramming hard into your pussy. He's thrusting aggressively, though each of his movements somehow feels amazing. You look up. Izumi is lying on top of you, his arms placed by both of your shoulders, trapping you. His gaze remains unchanged: cold and hateful.
The one you love is currently railing you hard so that you stop chasing after the one he loves. He loves another one and is fucking you so aggressively because of it. Somehow, the fact that Izumi is jealous of you because of someone else makes you lust after him even more. Your walls clench around his cock. Izumi feels it.
"My, my, what's this Y/N? You're desperate for me now? Bitch," he says while looking at you with his sapphire-blue eyes.
Izumi controls the rhythm and depth of his pelvic thrusting recklessly, fucking you as hard as possible. He wants to make a mess of you after all.
That's it, you don't care what happens next and lose yourself to him. You just want more of Izumi. You wrap your legs around his waist and rest your arms on his back as you moan his name with your eyes half closed.
"Wow... I'm speechless. But you're making it easier for me to ruin you", he says while pounding into your pussy even harder. "No one would want you after I use you like this. You won't be a rival anymore, that I can assure you."
As your legs are now at another angle, he gained even more access to your body. You feel his cock roughly hitting against your cervix, definitely leaving bruises there, as you're holding onto him for dear life.
He is now, like he said, fucking you dumb aggressively. His quick pace without a single care for your well-being is beyond what you could have ever imagined. He just wants to ruin you. But it feels so good.
Ever since you've been locked up in this position with Izumi, both of your body temperatures gradually went high. His back feels so hot against your arms. His hot breath tickles your skin. The entire room is warmed with your respective body heat. As for the mattress, it's covered in sweat, love juices, and semen. You feel yet another climax coming.
Your moans get louder. As Izumi keeps penetrating you raw, you open your mouth, begging for him to kiss you.
"You want to pretend to be lovers now? Ugh, I don't get what they see in you," he asks meanly.
Izumi looks down on you before giving in to your pathetic whim. He keeps his eyes fully open while you are closing yours. His lips softly touch yours before he aggressively wraps his tongue around your own as he continues pounding into you. Now he's even sexually submitting you in your mouth. His saliva mixing with yours feels so arousing. His kiss is so exquisite even if it is loveless.
Your desire to serve him sexually, emotionally, and physically gets bigger and bigger as he's thrusting his dick rapidly against your cervix. You want all of him. If one way to share his frustration and dissatisfaction with you is by filling you up, you are totally down. Even though he doesn't like you, you can't help but want to give him your entire body if it means getting fucked like this.
His pace gets faster. He's very close to his own orgasm as well, you can tell from his hard dick twitching inside of you. He pulls out of the kiss and leaves a spit trail between the two of you. This one strand of saliva is the last straw. That's it, you long for him and wish to own just a part of him, anything.
"Izumi~ ah! Y-you know," you manage to say even though he's ramming into you like crazy, "this whole time..."
"Hm? Do you have regrets about fucking someone else other than him now, or maybe you gave up on him?" he asks while the wet noises from where you are connected keep getting louder and louder.
"*You* are the one I've had a crush on," you finally reveal.
Izumi gives it one last thrust and pours all of his seeds deep within you.
"Wait. What?"
While he's still processing what you just confessed, all of his cum floods your insides. You cum on his dick at the same time. Your arms are gripping his back tightly, your legs are firmly wrapped around his waist, his torso is pressing against your boobs, and his face is as close to you as ever. The pressure he's putting on your cervix is helping more and more of his hot semen to gain access to your womb. For the first time during this session, Izumi stops looking at you with hatred for a second.
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Note: Part 2 is now available! Link here
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YOOOO it took me so long to write it, it's even longer than my Kanata one
Ugh I had accidently deleted it and had to get the support to look at it 👤.
But yea hope you liked yandere Izumi fic! Usually all we see is a "omg you can only love me 💔😡⛓️ stop talking to him youre mine👿☠️🐺"-yandere x reader, but this time I took it around and reversed it. Oh to be hate-fucked by a yandere who sees us as a potential threat 👤🙏🏼
I left the story there so it's up to interpretation about what he does next: fucks you even more? leaves you? changes his obsession's target to you? You choose
EDIT: I made a part 2! link above
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yuukienstarsera · 2 years
Knights with a Idol S/O (part 1)
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Knights (separately) Leo x gn reader, Izumi x gn reader Fluff, Little angst,  idol stuff. Warnings: Anxiety thoughts (Izumi), nicknames, kisses, 
This is the first part, the second is part here!☆
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You belong to a new group under ES Square, you were already in a relationship with him when you debuted…
Leo Tsukinaga 
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At the beginning
He was so hyped up when you debut, he attended your concert, and he was the first in the line, screaming the song.
I really believe that he copy and paste the link of your debut song to all the contacts that he had in hold hands.
He will give you advice about how is alright to take the brakes once in a while.
He will make sure to be friends (or leave a good impression) with all your bandmates. 
How he shows his love (in public, in private, etc.)
He won't stop talking about you.(he talks a lot about the things he loves)
Messages and calls in your free time, even between your activities, I believe that he would make time to do that.
When neither of you has idol activities, you would have dates in his room watching videos and documentaries about aliens, spending time together. (Natsume is so done with you two)
Kisses on the forehead and cheeks (Quick little kisses on the cheek in public) and a lot of hugs! 
Communication is the key, Leo will make sure to have it! 
I believe that one of his love languages is dedicating his songs to you. 
“I promise you this, my dear” and with that “Silent Oath” by Knights finishes.
When you and he are in the same concert he would go to the dressing room you are in and would give you encouragement 
“You will shine like you always do!” ”You have nothing to worry about, they gonna love you, but not as much I do!” “Show them your beautiful and powerful voice”
Another love language that he had is writing songs for you! if your group chooses one of the songs that he writes, he will say it to his fans.
How rumors start
Has I said before, he would say to his fans “By the way I write a song for (insert group name), they are very talented! I was really happy when they told me that they choose my song”
When he said that, all of his fans were a little suspicious about it, why does he have such interest in that group? That is how the rumors begin.
Another thing that caught the fan's attention was your actions.
On variety shows you would answer things like “Actually, my favorite song is (insert a knights song) because their voices are so beautiful” “I usually spend my free days with Leo-kun, we had a lot of fun!” “On my debut days, I always remember having a lovely supporter, thanks to them i keep going until today”
How the fans know about your relationship
Knights won an award, so they diced that Tsukasa and Leo would give the thanks speech to their fans.
Everything was going normal until Leo finished with “I wanna thank our princess for all the support that they gave us,  I wanna give a special thank to  (your name) for always supporting knights, but above all, for being my inspiration “ and with that, all the world knows that you and Leo were in a relationship 
“I´m sorry, I shouldn´t have done that,” he said with tears in his eyes.
“Don´t worry love, I am thankful to be in your life ” you whipped his tears with your hands, grabbing him by his cheeks.
“You are not angry with me?” he asked looking at your eyes, see those beautiful green eyes happy again was the only thing that really matters to you.
“If I was you in that situation, I would do the same, or even worse, I would scream that I love you, aliens would know at that moment that we are in love” Both of you laugh when you said the last thing
“I love you dear” he saw your lips, he always does it when he wants a kiss.
“I love you more, Can I kiss you?” you said while you approached even more.
“Of course” he murmurs, his lips were soft.
You had your world in your hands.
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Izumi Sena
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At the beginning
Unfortanetaly, He was in Florence by the time you debuted, but after your concert finished, he would call you to say that he was watching you online and all the moments that had him fall in love more with you.
I believe that he has a lot of merch about you in his room, Shu probably has complained about it.
He will give you advice like is alright to do work perfectly, but will be occasions when you can't do that, is important that even if you get frustrated about it, don't give up, you are gonna be alright, you are human after all, take a break, and keep it going.
If one of your bandmates gets too close, he would tell you that he is jealous about it (please he needs a lot of words of affirmation).
How he shows his love (in public, in private, etc.)
One of his love languages is gift-making knit things for you! You already had a whole closet with the things that he made.
He would check on you via messages,  he makes sure that you eat all your meals, and you are restringing well, etc.
When both of you had free time, you spent time together on dates outside ( like going to the beach, aquarium, looking at the stars) and inside (watching movies together, taking coffee while you catch up).
He is more to give hugs than kisses, in private we would love to kiss you on your cheeks (he gives you kisses on your hands when you are in public, he is very professional when both of you had worked together )
Izumi spent a lot of time working as a model, but when you need it he always is there for you.
“Izumi, don't you have work today?” “I reschedule it, have you eaten? get up, we are going to the cafeteria”
When both of you are on the stage, he will give little glances, only to make sure that you are alright.
Has I said before, he always does little things that prove that he loves you, for example, opening the door for you, carrying your things, ordering food for you, and retouching your make-up, etc.
How rumors start
It was his actions that betrayed him, he always makes sure that you are safe, little actions like holding your hand when both of you are getting down the stage, how he gives you attention when you speak on the microphone, etc.
Fancams of you and Izumi smiling at each other went viral, and soon both of you began to have worked as models for different campaigns (both of you were happy about it).
The connection that both have could be seen through the camera lenses, they invite you to a variety show.
How the fans know about your relationship.
In the variety show that you were invited to, you said it unconsciously, you found out when you saw the episode on the TV, fortunately, Izumi was with you at the time. 
In the episode, both of you were doing an activity that was a little dangerous and you said “Be careful love”, Izumi responded  “Don't worry, we are gonna win this”, and both of you know that this is only going to confirm the dating rumors.
“Are you scared?” he asked, you were in total shock, how could you say it so naturally? What is gonna happened next? Anxious thoughts were running wild in your mind.
“Love, look, everything will be alright, don't worry” you don't even notice when he approached until he was hugging you.
“I´m sorry” tears start to fall while hugging Izumi.
“What are you apologizing for? I couldn't be more proud that I have you as my partner, that we love each other” he murmurs in your ear “Besides, we are pretty obvious, and the media love us, so relax, believe in me that everything is gonna be alright” he whipped your tears.
“Gosh I love you so much, you know that?”
“Yeah, Who doesn't love me?”
“You are ruining the mood, love”
“I´m ruining it?” he said caressing your cheek with his hand while he approached to kiss you.
“Sometimes I hate you” you murmur into his lips.
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 months
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Character/Headcanon analysis: Koushirou Izumi and his parental tendencies
I like to call Koushirou "parental" when it comes to his 02 self - and I'm aware that may also be a very self-indulgent headcanon of him taking after Kae, even though she is more into soft parenting, whereas he himself is pretty occupied to make sure that his children are not blowing themselves up...
But of course you can also just call that him being a naturally supportive and caring person - always has been, ever since Adventure, even if certain events had to trigger him to not only be theoretically but physically helpful (such as whenever it comes to saving Mimi, Sora and Hikari - or telling Taichi to take it easy for once). The same attitude can also be found in Tentomon - though in his case, it's being protective on one hand and quite literally parental on the other (particularly in Tri).
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Koushirou being thoroughly protective is the reason why like to parallel him to Sora (and Hikari and basically Taichi too and thus Team Light validates me again), because them having self-sacrificial tendencies towards the others has ALWAYS been a thing - to various degrees. Again, Koushirou was ALWAYS taking on responsibility to make sure that others are safe (which is literally 90% of how his interactions with Hikari go, heck, Atlurkabuterimon trying to protect Angewomon is the biggest metaphor for that!). Unfortunately, my art did not become canon, but yes, I still maintain he was cut out of The Beginning (even as support) to give the spotlight to others for once. They still couldn't fully ignore him, hence why the "If Koushirou-san can't figure this out, how are we supposed to?" quote exists - the 02 kids have always relied on him and looked up to him, so it makes perfect sense. And Takeru acknowledged his support in his fanfiction as well! But they naturally didn't want him to get the spotlight, because it was about the 02 kids. 100% valid.
But then you also have the show vs. tell problem. Mimi says Koushirou is ignorant - and a lot of people take that at 100% face value. Taichi even defends him since he is pretty much aware of his quirks - and the scene above pretty much implies that Mimi herself knows how Koushirou is (= getting into hyperfocus mode and becoming ignorant towards everything he doesn't deem important in the process, hence being ignorant in urgent situations, but NOT in general). Stageplay!Kou is in a league of his own anyway, because he was allowed to voice his frustrations with "not being allowed to help by Taichi" again - and because he made everyone question how they really felt (like a good parent would always encourage their children). There are tons of examples, but to sum it all up: He is a connector, he is basically second in command, he is protective. His way of phrasing that may be awkward and not always understandable by others (hence why Yamato needs to explain it to Kae and Taichi to Meiko, IT'S A PATTERN), but...
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Again, I just feel like 02 made him incredibly paternal in how he watches over the 02 kids, every time he talks to Iori, Miyako or Ken, he's kind and reassuring - yes, he does scold them and his potential suitors, ahem for being reckless, but also knows when to give praises.
(It also makes sense that he also mainly gets angry whenever he is being left out of things - especially if he knows he could have done something to support.)
We also all know that he has a very loving mother himself and, as mentioned, even if their parenting style might be rather different, he knows what is important, so... How can I not think it's because their relationship got better and he takes after her? Yes, Tri onwards didn't maintain the mom/dadness in him the same way, but he still feels responsible for everybody's safety, he gives advice and guidance all the time and that doesn't change.
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midknightwritings · 2 years
im having the biggest brainrot over this idea so yay req time
au where knights (seperatly) are royalty and their s/o is their own personal knight,,, and Shenanigans happen with each of them,, God i hope this makes sense im not very good with words 😭
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Royal!Knights & their Knight!S/O
Synopsis : Being the personal knight tasked with protecting and directly serving your kingdom’s ruler often leads to eventful, and memorable, moments. Especially when said ruler is also your lover.
Era : N / A
Warning/s : "Beauty" is used once as a gender-neutral descriptor
Mentioned Character/s : G/N!Reader / Tsukasa / Leo / Izumi / Arashi / Ritsu
A/N : Anon… YOUR BRAIN IS SO MASSIVE FOR THIS !! Omg now I’m brainrotting over this idea too cuz I’m such a sucker for royal AUs 😭 But for the sake of the fluff, just imagine that their kingdom is open to the idea of royals being in a relationship with anybody, regardless of their status LMAO
Tsukasa Suou :
Tsukasa deeply respects your opinion because he knows that you want the best for him and his people. During meetings, he would often seek out your advice. From military tactics to what colour the banners should be for the upcoming festival, Tsukasa trusts you with all his heart and will accept your guidance with open arms. If he's busy with important matters, other castle personnel would seek you out instead as they know that your insight will be the closest to what their king would desire.
He always invites you to tea time !! Tsukasa says it's a reward for working so diligently but you know the truth~ This is the only time he can drop his royal facade and be himself. He wants to share these intimate moments with the one he loves the most !! Mmm~ The taste of this brioche is marvelous !! Here, take a bite. You'll love it~
Tsukasa deeply admires your skills as a knight and secretly desires to train alongside you. One day, you noticed this and decided to personally train your lover in sword-fighting. Now, sword training became a part of his weekly schedule and, even though it gets tiring at times, Tsukasa still holds these moments with you close to his heart~ After all, he's doing something he's passionate about with you !! What more could he ask for?
In the late hours of the night, when the castle is quiet and everyone's asleep, Tsukasa would sometimes sneak out of his bedroom and into the kitchen to try and teach himself how to bake. He does this because he wants to give you a [ F/F ] cake one day !! It's quite difficult to be quiet AND to teach himself at the same time but he's trying his best !!
During royal balls, he's such a gentleman when it comes to entertaining the guests, but if you catch him at the right moments, you'll be able to see how his eyes often glance towards you. How his gaze lingers on you for a while as a soft smile grace his lips. Once the ball is over, he'll gently take your hand and guide you to the castle gardens, where he would ask if he could have this dance. Eyes full of love and his smile never faltering, he'll take your hand in his and hum a familiar tune as you both dance under the moonlight.
Leo Tsukinaga :
You’re the only one in the entire kingdom who can somehow find your king every time he gets lost when he’s out composing. Initially, your fellow knights were panicking as they ran around the entire castle trying to track down the king. After all, he couldn’t possibly have gone far !! R-right…? Well… As the royal guards were checking every nook and cranny to ever exist, your instincts casually guided you to where your lover was. Without hesitation, you found Leo instantly. To this day, nobody can truly comprehend just how impressive your Leo-radar is, and it amazes them every time.
Leo straight up wouldn’t let you call him “your highness”, “your majesty”, “my lord” or any honorific similar to those. This is because he loves the way his actual name rolls off your tongue as he finds his royal titles to be too suffocating. Hearing “Leo” come from you, his lover, makes him feel like Leo, a person, rather than Leo, the king. He would get pouty if you use honorifics in royal meetings or gatherings but understands why you used them [ no matter how much he dislikes them ] but, if you use those same honorifics when you're both alone, he would either pretend that he can’t hear you or say things like, “Aaahhh~!! Who are you talking to? I don’t know who this ‘your highness’ person is~”
The amount of songs Leo composed that's inspired by you is astounding !! You don’t realize just how much inspiration Leo gains from you as his muse. Your eyes could tentatively scan through the crowd for any dangers and Leo already came up with a whole symphony !! You glanced at him from across the room and gave him a soft smile during a meeting? Well… Now the meeting turned into several advisors holding their king back from composing on the royal map !! No matter what you do, whether it’s a conscious or unconscious choice, a melody immediately fills Leo’s mind and he can’t help but write !! He hopes to one day create a symphony that, in his eyes, can truly capture your beauty entirely.
During royal balls, Leo would flat out refuse to dance with anybody except you. It doesn’t matter if they’re the heir to the richest kingdom in the country or if they’re the most sought out ruler for marriage; Without hesitation, he'd immediately turn them down. For Leo, waltzing is something intimate as he views it as a way where partners become one as they synchronize with one another through music. He doesn’t want to share something as sacred as this with anyone else except you.
Even when you're not on duty, Leo would still find a way to be with you. Oh? You're going to town? What a coincidence !! Leo needed to check the progress on the upcoming festival, why not accompany him there? You're relaxing in your room? Knock, knock~ The king is free for tea time and is wondering if you could please grace him with your presence~ Whether you're on duty or not, being by each other's side gives you both a sense of comfort that no one else can give.
Izumi Sena :
Izumi deeply cares about you but shows it through more subtle means. Actions speak louder than words, after all !! He tries to keep up his image of royalty but, if you squint hard enough, you can easily see that facade crumbling if he notices something off from you any way, shape or form. So here, take a seat !! You've been standing all day long, right? Huh?! What do you mean "You're ok”?! Are you disobeying the direct orders from your king? Mhmm~ That’s what he thought~
If you’re not on duty, Izumi's seemingly more grumpier than usual. This sometimes causes the entire castle to practically walk on eggshells because they don’t want to inconvenience their king even more than he apparently is. Though, his mood would instantly shift the moment his eyes land on you. He’ll definitely request for the two of you to walk around the castle gardens just to compensate for the lost time you were not with him~
Izumi hates seeing you fall into unhealthy habits even if you can’t help it sometimes. As the knight that directly serves him, it’s your duty to protect your lover but, even then, he still wouldn't have any of it !! He’ll make you swear to go to bed after escorting him to his bedroom, never skip meals even if you have training right after and take adequate amounts of breaks. This is to help you stay competent in emergency situations and it’s totally not because he’s worried for your personal well-being or anything like that !!
Izumi will personally style your uniform when it comes to important gatherings such as balls, festivals, meetings, etc. He would often add small trinkets from his own accessory collection as a subtle way to connect the two of you together. Izumi would never say anything, but when your gaze alternates between the shining brooch on his tie and the similar one he’s putting on you right now, you can't help but softly smile. If you're quick enough, you might even catch just how much his eyes shine with love and admiration for you, and you alone.
Although Izumi puts up the “strong king” facade for his people, during the rare, quiet moments between the two of you, filled with comfort and relief, he’ll shed away that persona and become a man who’s completely head-over-heels for the amazing knight that’s been by his side this entire time. Embracing you protectively in his arms, he’ll hum a soft tune that lulls you to sleep as the rhythmic beating of his heart accompanies the sweet lullaby that’ll only be heard by you.
Arashi Narukami :
Arashi definitely has an entire section of the castle gardens dedicated to flowers that reminded her of you. Ranging from roses, to honeysuckles, to sunflowers, peonies, hydrangeas and more. This section of her garden is honestly the most stunning and guests are often left in 'awe' by its sheer beauty every time they visit the castle. Arashi personally maintains the flowers herself as a way to further dedicate herself to you.
She dresses up in pretty gowns and outfits in order to impress you. She would sometimes sneak in subtle questions or comments to figure out what your favourite colours, aesthetic, and overall style is before she would ask the royal tailor to incorporate those elements in her next outfit. Her heart never fails to skip a beat when you look at her with wide eyes and lips slightly agape when you see her wear the outfit for the first time. Don’t worry though~ She’s always one-step ahead as she requested the tailor to create a matching outfit for you. So now you’re both matching !!
She openly dotes on you and doesn’t care if others are watching. You’re actually the one that tries to stay professional but that plan immediately fails the moment your beloved queen cups your cheeks in her hands and plants a ton of kisses on your face. It doesn’t matter if you just finished training or if you were tasked with guarding the dining room door, Arashi wants to show the world how much she loves you~
During the more stressful days, you would help sneak Arashi out of the castle and take her to a secluded area of the town that’s filled with stray cats. You would feed them, play with them and take care of them together as a way to help her unwind and de-stress. Arashi even named every single cat and they love her so much that they would often sneak into the castle grounds just to visit Arashi for some caresses !! From then on, during tea time, there would be a ton of cats surrounding both you and Arashi as the two of you would caress them while enjoying each other's presence.
If Arashi ever needs a partner or an escort, she will always choose you without any hesitation !! It doesn’t matter that you’re literally her personal knight [ which puts you on automatic escort duty ], she’ll still say your name first without any second thoughts. A free pass to hold your hand and have you protectively stay by her side outside her kingdom? Sign her up !!
Ritsu Sakuma :
Being Ritsu’s personal knight automatically makes you his pillow !! He gets lulled to sleep so easily when he’s touching you, whether he's laying on your lap, feeling you gently stroke his hair, hugging you, or just feeling your uniform in between his fingers. They all give him a sense of comfort that relieves him from the stresses of being a royal. Oftentimes, if you’re not by his side, Ritsu would reach out to try to find you and, when he finally does, he’ll pull you close and snuggle into you. Good luck trying to escape his grasp~
His most common mode of transportation during the day is you carrying him bridal style. The kingdom is nocturnal in order to accommodate for the royal family but, there are times where he needs to stay awake during the day for meetings or other important gatherings. During days like these, castle personnel can catch you carrying him in your arms. Ritsu would be snuggled close to your chest as you try to wake him up with a soft smile and gentle voice.
Ritsu loves to tease you as he enjoys seeing your reactions !! Most of his teasing would happen when you’re being serious or stoic because he wants to see how much you can handle before your persona breaks and you become a blushing, stuttering mess. To others, it’s quite the sight seeing their majesty get [ playfully ] scolded by his personal knight, but Ritsu would always laugh it off and tease you even further. This results in you losing your cool completely as you try to hide your blushing face with your hands. He’ll give you a ton of kisses to make up for it though, so don’t worry~
He’s very perceptive when it comes to your emotions and would often bring you to a quiet area of the castle [ under "your majesty's orders” ] if he ever notices you getting overwhelmed or stressed. No matter how many times you insist that you’re fine and nothing’s wrong, Ritsu knows better and will ignore your comments as he gently pushes your head onto his lap. Now this time, you’re the one who’s now laying on his lap as he gently strokes your hair. Ritsu will even sing you a soft lullaby, helping you relax as you eventually fall asleep; The comforting melody from his voice filling your ears.
You’re both protective over each other but Ritsu can be quite clingy~ He tends to stick to your side rather than the other way around. Usually, you’re ordered to provide the royal family with enough space, where you’re far enough for them to interact with others comfortably, but close enough to protect him from any sort of danger. Though, if you're too far from him, he’ll just pull you back close and ask why you’re trying to “escape” [ he knows you’re not, he’s just teasing you~ ] So now, Ritsu's draped over your shoulders as you support his weight, trying to explain for the 100th time that you're "just outside the door" and that you'll "be back once lunch is over."
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hunieday · 10 months
Momo Rabbitube Mini - Rabbit Chat
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Kujo Tenn: Momo-san, Izumi Iori, good morning.
Kujo Tenn: Regarding tomorrow’s get-together, I will be at Momo-san’s house at around 4 PM as planned. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule.
Izumi Iori: Good morning, Kujo-san, Momo-san. I’ll also be there as planned. 
Izumi Iori: I’m looking forward to the takoyaki party.
Momo: Good morning. Thank you very much for your generous invitation.
Momo: I found a takoyaki plate at my house, I think it would be great to use for our gathering. Please feel free to come.
Momo: ……….
Momo: i'm wonewy (1) …😭‼️‼️‼️ ️Can I use emojis now ?! well I already used these tho 😭‼️
Izumi Iori: Why won’t you use them? What’s the matter?
Kujo Tenn: I apologize. Did I seem too distant?
Momo: No! I think it’s polite, just like you two! I tried to match you but my speech bubble looked very simple and lonely lololol
Momo: why don’t you try to be casual and use emojis too?!
Kujo Tenn: I want to eat takoyaki 😋🎶
Momo: Cuuuuuute~!!! 😍😲😆
Izumi Iori: As expected of kujo-san, a quick response…
Kujo Tenn: Thank you. I appreciate it 🐱
Momo: Alright, now it’s time for Iori’s cute little rabbit chat!!
Momo: 3! (*°▽°*)
Izumi Iori: Huh?
Momo: 2! ((*°▽°*))
Izumi Iori: Um…
Izumi Iori: What even is a cute rabbit chat?!
Kujo Tenn: you’re running out of time.
Izumi Iori: Ahhhh no!
Momo: 1! (((o(*°▽°*)o)))
Izumi Iori: 
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Momo: Awesome!!!!! It’s a Mitsuki stamp 😆🫶🧡
Kujo Tenn: You’ve escaped, Izumi Iori.
Izumi Iori: Escaped? What do you mean? Nii-san’s stamp is very cute.
Momo: Yes, yes! It’s perfect, Iori! 🫶✨ 
Izumi Iori: Indeed. I agree.
Momo: Thank you 2 for going along with Momo-chan’s whims 🥺
Momo: I’ll do my best to clean up for tomorrow’s gathering, it’ll be squeaky clean ⚔ 🔫 💥 
Izumi Iori: you’re saying squeaky clean but the emojis are a bit ominous…
Kujo Tenn: It sounds like a different kind of cleaning…
Momo: My bad, sorry! Cleaning my place is a bit of an event! I just throw everything I see into the closet!
Kujo Tenn: I’m starting to feel very concerned…
Izumi Iori: Momo-san, what about the fridge?
Momo: You can’t see inside the fridge without opening so it’s exactly like the closet
Izumi Iori: they’re not the same thing in the slightest!
Kujo Tenn: Izumi Iori, do you know something?
Izumi Iori: Yes. When I visited Momo-san’s house with nii-san before, he froze one year old meat and fish.
Momo: If you freeze them, they stay as fresh as they were when I got them, right?!
Izumi Iori: No they do not.
Kujo Tenn: A year old… Momo-san, be careful not to upset your stomach.
Momo: Tenn-chan is so kind 😭 The frozen ones were fine! Three months old at the longest!
Momo: But the lettuce I harvested with Yuki on location wilted a bit 🥺 even though it’s lettuce full of memories with Yuki 🥺
Kujo Tenn: if it’s only wilted and hasn’t changed color, there’s a method to revive it instantly.
Momo: Huh?! This lettuce has health insurance?! 😳😳
Kujo Tenn: If you dip it in hot water then ice cold water, the crispiness will return as if it were new and freshly picked. Try it. 
Izumi Iori: Also, if you stick several toothpicks into its core beforehand, it will last longer.
Momo: Really?!!! I’ll give it a try!! Thanks to the Idols of the Day for the advice~~ 😄🙏
Kujo Tenn: I learnt it from Ryuu’s grandmother. Gaku might know a thing or two as well, and if I find another good tip I'll tell you.
Izumi Iori: I’m looking forward to seeing the lettuce come back to life.
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Momo: Everything is tidied up, and I checked everything in my fridge! Now all I have to do is the laundry, Iori-sensei, Tenn-sensei! 😤🙌
Izumi Iori: Before I knew it I’ve become a teacher
Kujo Tenn: Iori-sensei seems very strict. If you forget your textbooks, you might have to write a reflection letter or something like that.
Izumi Iori: Look who’s talking? I’m sure you’d reprimand someone because of a slightly crumpled handout, Tenn-sensei.
Momo: lololololol you 2 are still teenagers so your vision of a teacher is still very mighty!!! 🫠
Kujo Tenn: Wouldn’t you like to see Momo-san as a teacher though?
Izumi Iori: I do. I can already imagine students calling him “Momochan-sensei”.
Momo: You two get along super well?! 😳 lolol
Kujo Tenn:
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Kujo Tenn: Even during the rabbitube mini shoot, you sang “SILVER SKY” in a robotic voice and made the staff smile, livening up the place.
Kujo Tenn: I think Momo-san would be a fantastic teacher precisely because you excel at analyzing and observing your surroundings.
Izumi Iori: You also were very good at singing while doing the robot dance.
Izumi Iori: You’ve played the role of a student in some dramas but never a teacher, right?
Momo: Well, Momo-chan has a pretty face, so I’m often given a role that’s supposed to be younger than my age 😋💫 though it feels a bit awkward to say that about myself 😋 lololol
Momo: And when I was singing, I felt like you two didn't respond well~~ I was reflecting on it 🤣 lololol.
Kujo Tenn: I'm sorry. Momo-san, your robot voice singing was so good that I was invested in listening.
Izumi Iori: I also thought, "I want to learn how to robot dance like that."
Momo: Oh, I see 🤣 lolol. I'm glad it wasn't that it didn't go through well!!!
Momo: But while being a teacher is great, don't you want a robot? A robot that can do household chores for you and stuff! 🤖 
Kujo Tenn: Rather than a robot, I wish there was a machine that could do everything at once: shower ⇒ hairdryer ⇒ hair care ⇒ skincare.
Momo: aaaaaaaa I get you too well. It's really tough when you're tired
Izumi Iori: Everyone thinks about it at least once. I’m still able to manage somehow since I get home earlier than you two…
Kujo Tenn: What about Riku? Is his schedule manageable?
Izumi Iori: Yes. Both Manager and I are taking proper care of it, so no need to worry.
Kujo Tenn: I see. I trust you in that regard.
Momo: As expected you two are getting along well!? 🤣
Kujo Tenn: did it seem like we didn't get along during the shoot?
Momo: No!!! I sometimes thought, “did I see sparks just neow (2)?” 🤩⚡I was stimulated a bit too!
Momo: If we stimulate each other positively in this industry, everyone will be happy!
Izumi Iori: Momo-sensei.
Kujo Tenn: Momo-sensei, huh?
Momo:Huh!? You 2 are great at making your senpai feel accomplished 😆.
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Momo: But seriously. When you take the idol industry into consideration, I think it’s great to have a relationship where people can come to my house without hesitating.
Izumi Iori: It's because you’re Re:vale, right?
Kujo Tenn: That's right. Because it's Momo-san and Yuki-san. Thank you for always looking out for us.
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Momo: I'll take a screenshot and check it again later with Yuki and cry 😭
Kujo Tenn: Hey, Izumi Iori, since Re:vale are always hospitable to us, how about we do something for them tomorrow?
Izumi Iori: That sounds good. I'll think about something suitable before tomorrow.
Momo: Kyaa~~!! Momo-chan is super excited for the surprise two cuties like you are preparing 😆🩷💚
Izumi Iori: I'll try to come up with something other than the knowledge I gained from the "Anyone Can Do It! Magic Show." book Nanase-san left in his room.
Kujo Tenn: Riku wants to do magic apparently. Cute.
Momo: Momo-chan will prepare lots of essential ingredients for the takoyaki party 😘
Izumi Iori: By the way, what kind of ingredients?
Momo: Dried plums, grapes, marshmallows, etc…? They're round, so they should be easy to put in! 😋👌
Kujo Tenn: Izumi Iori, I’ll rabbitchat with you later.
Izumi Iori: Okay. Let's select the ingredients carefully. I'll contact you again, Momo-san.
Momo: lololololol thanks, I'll be waiting 🥺
Momo slurs his speech in the og text, saying “ざみじい (zamijii)” instead of “さみしい (samishii)” the best way i could convey that in english is by uwu-fying him. I'm so sorry.
Yes, momo says あったか”にゃ”(nya) instead of あったか”な”(na) in this sentence so the best way translate that was to make him say neow. Again i am sorry
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taiyaki-translations · 5 months
Murmurs of Flourishing Blossoms - 5
Season: Winter Characters: Kaoru, Mika, Tatsumi, Midori, Izumi, Shu, Chiaki Translator: taiyaki-translations
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<Same day, a simple studio rented in Paris>
Izumi: First of all, let me be clear, today’s the only free day I have to give you this special lesson. If you dare waste my precious time, I will immediately send you on the return flight home, got it?
Kaoru: Now, now, Senacchi. Lighten up your expression. If you keep your face like that, you might get wrinkles.
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Izumi: Ha? Wrinkles? Apologize to my face right now!
Midori: (Ugh… Why aren’t Kagehira-senpai and Kazehaya-senpai here… I want to get special lessons from Anzu-san too. Please don’t leave me to deal with these two seniors alone…)
Izumi: Takamine, what’s with that expression?
Midori: Uh… I’m sorry…!
Izumi: Why do you keep apologizing? No one’s asked you to say it. Look lively, not like you want to run away at any moment.
Midori: Hiii… I’m scared!
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Kaoru: (Takamine-kun is tall but is acting like a scared little animal right now, while Senacchi likes to bully his juniors. So this scene of them together is really funny~)
(Still, if Takamine-kun gets too nervous, the effectiveness of the training will decrease and Senacchi will just get angrier. It’ll be one whole vicious cycle so I need to find some kind of common topic that will lighten the mood.) 
By the way, Moricchi also came to Itsuki-kun’s atelier last summer right? (1) Before Takamine-kun came here, did Moricchi give you any advice as your unit leader?
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Midori: …Since I didn’t specifically tell him, Morisawa-senpai probably has no idea I’m here.
Kaoru: (Eh? Did I step on a landmine? Did Takamine-kun get into a fight with Moricchi?)
Midori: Sorry, that’s my phone. Let me check the number. It might be a spam call…
(So Morisawa-senpai’s alive… I don’t really want to answer, but seeing as he called me, it’s probably something important…) (2)
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Chiaki: “Takamine! I didn’t expect you to take on overseas work so soon! I’m so proud of you!” 
“It would be better if you could give me a heads up while you’re at it, too! Are you getting accustomed to life in Paris?”
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Kaoru: Moricchi~ Me and Senacchi are here too. Isn’t it mean of you to only say hello to Takamine-kun?
Chiaki: “Hakaze! Sena! I missed you both lots too! I’ll leave Takamine to you both, please take good care of my junior, will you? The four of us should go to karaoke together after you come home ♪”
Midori: Senpai, are you just going to sing a medley of the all-time Hero Sentai theme songs again? Honestly, you hummed them during practice so often I got sick of them…
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Izumi: I’d expect as much… The last time we went to karaoke, this guy sang those songs and even did the dances. (3) It was sooo annoying.
Kaoru: Haha, Takamine-kun and Senacchi found something strange to bond over. As expected, the mood became a lot better because of Moricchi ♪
Chiaki: “Hahaha ☆ I don’t know what’s going on but if there’s ever any problems, just call for a hero!”
<The next day, shortly after the photoshoot>
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Tatsumi: This garden is really special. Since the flowers are all varieties that bloom in the winter, they made this garden so we can enjoy their beauty and be healed by nature even in the loneliness of winter. 
Doesn’t the client’s choice of location for the shoot and exhibition reflect this wish?
Mika: Yeah! I’m already lookin’ forward to what kinda effect the exhibition will have ♪
At first, Midori-kun didn’t seem like he was in good condition, so I was worried. 
But durin’ the individual shoots, he seemed more relaxed. And the teddy bear that Midori-kun brought really made the whole setting all fairytale-like. The photographer was also very happy.
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Midori: Ahaha, at first I was nervous because I kept repeating all of Sena-senpai’s pointers in my head… But thanks to Tatsumi-senpai taking a walk with me in the gardens, I was able to relax.
Tatsumi: I didn’t expect to come across a fan of Midori-san’s during the walk. Midori-san is really popular.
Midori: Technically, they are a Japanese fan that was travelling in Paris. They have been supporting RYUSEITAI for a while now, so I was really happy I could meet them by chance.
Tatsumi: I see, I’m sure the fan was thrilled. They kept hugging the teddy bear you gave them as a gift tightly. Their feelings were quite serious.
Midori: Ehehe, I feel completely healed. I’m so grateful to my fans and to my seniors. Thank you for taking care of me…♪
Tatsumi: I’m really glad I could be of help. Endings where everyone can be happy are the best, amen.
Kaoru: Here here~ Everyone, look who’s here—
Mika: Oshi-san?! Why are you here? I hope my performance didn’t disappoint ya…
Shu: Hmph, did you not care to judge for yourself? Or perhaps, did you carelessly release a product that you yourself thought was an imperfect, haphazard work? If that’s the case, then you truly should be ashamed.
Mika: Nnah, I think I did a good job…
Shu: Then you should be more confident! Don’t get caught up in the petty gossip of others nor try to seek recognition from authority figures! Show your pride as an artist!
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Mika: (Oshi-san…! So dashin’…!) (4)
Kaoru: Oh, Anzu-chan, you were here. I was looking for you just now~
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Actually, it’s not that important… No… That’s not to say it isn’t important but uh… Um! A-Anyway, p-please accept this bouquet…!
Haha, I’m less nervous when I see you smile. I was worried you wouldn’t like it. 
Uh? Why am I suddenly giving this to you? Well, we were all holding flowers during the photo shoot, so I was worried you’d be sad that you didn’t get one too, despite being the only girl present ♪
Just kidding~ I wanted you to relax a little here, Anzu-chan, but since you came overseas, you’ve been receiving special training in making costumes and arranging the exhibition hall. I was hoping this would cheer you up at least a little bit.  
Although not all of them have expressed it in words, everyone cares about you and this bouquet is to show our gratitude. 
We’ve all had a lot of fun these past few days. It’s all thanks to you that our trip overseas has gone so smoothly.
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Mika: Ngah, Hakaze-senpai is so sly. Sneakin’ off secretly t’ say all this to Anzu-chan by himself~
Kaoru: Haha, you just have to seize the opportunity yourself at times like this ♪
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Let me ask one more question. Before we left, Anzu-chan asked us what the most important thing we brought with us was. I was actually curious about what Anzu-chan’s answer would be?
Mika: I wanna know too! There’s lots of things I wanna talk about with Anzu-chan as well—
Kaoru: You’ll give your answer after thinking it over carefully? That’s fine, you can take your time. We have lots of it…♪
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Translation Notes: 1. Referring to the story Astraea's Atelier. 2. Possibly a callback to Motor Show, where Chiaki was often absent from the unit due to being busy with work, to the point that Midori would say "he's dead." 3. Referring to Izumi's 4* feature scout story, Alma Mater. 4.The word Mika says here can also mean "handsome" but I used "dashing" since it fit the context better.
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the-himawari · 1 year
A3! Nanao Taichi - Translation [SR] Purple Fiancée (1/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Taichi: I’m playing the role of Olivia the fiancée, huh?
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Izumi: There hasn’t been a female role in Autumn troupe’s plays since Stranger.
Banri: You’re talkin’ about Zero who Taichi played, right? That sure brings back memories.
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Taichi: I was way too conscious of the fact I was playing a girl when I first played Zero during our rehearsals… Ban-chan and Sakyo-nii totally laughed at me~.
Banri: I mean, it was legit awful at first. We thought you were doin’ that on purpose to make us laugh.
Izumi: Right, right, that happened.
Taichi: I was seriously trying the best I could to act like a girl back then… Ah, that reminds me. So, I was thinking about discussing something with you, Director-sensei…
Izumi: Hm? What is it?
Taichi: Unlike Zero, Olivia is a mature and sexy woman. I wasn’t sure how I should act or prepare for my role.
Banri: Ah, that’s a good point. Taichi might use the same terrible tone he tried when he played Zero.
Taichi: That’s why I was wondering if I could get some advice from you, Director-sensei.
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Izumi: A mature, sexy woman… Well, I don’t think I’m that type of woman, so I doubt I can give any good advice… But when I watch movies and dramas, I feel like those women have a certain luster to their skin, hair, voice, and way the they talk.
Taichi: I see. A luster… writing this down…
Izumi: Another impression of a mature and sexy person would be… Cool and collected?
Banri: Someone who carries themselves well to boot.
Taichi: I also imagine them wearing heels!
Izumi: And someone who’s confident in themselves, I guess?
Taichi: Ah, I know what you mean~! You mean nothing phases them, right? Hm, hm. Alrighty, I’ll choose something that fits Olivia from all the impressions you just gave me… I’ll watch out for that in my daily life and try my best!
Izumi: Great. I wish there was someone mature and sexy close to you who you could use as a role model… …Ah. Speaking of which, there might be someone!
Taichi: Huh?
Izumi: Azuma fits the description of sexy and mature, doesn’t he?
Taichi: Ah! Yeah, you’re right!
Banri: I feel like he’s a bit different from Olivia, but you can try askin’ him.
Taichi: Alright, I’ll get some tips from Azuma-san!
Option 1: “I’m curious too”
Izumi: Advice from Azuma-san… I’m curious too.
Taichi: You are, Director-sensei?
Izumi: I mentioned it earlier, but I don’t think I’m that type of person… I wonder how I could become someone mature, beautiful, and attractive like Azuma-san…
Taichi: I get it! You can’t help but admire that kinda vibe~! But even if you’re not that type, I think you’re super charming in your own way, Director-sensei. You have both cool and a cute sides. You’re the best!
Izumi: Eh! T-thank you…! I feel happy, but also kind of embarrassed…
Taichi: Hehe…!
Option 2: “I’m looking forward how you play Olivia”
Izumi: I’m looking forward to how you play Olivia.
Banri: Same here. All the more since we know how terrible his act was back then.
Taichi: I’ve grown a lot since I played Zero. Just watch, I'm gonna shock you two and the audience by showing that I can play a female role with a brand new vibe!
Izumi: You said it! Your acting range is getting wider and wider, Taichi-kun. I have high expectations.
Banri: Let’s see what you’ve got.
Taichi: Okie dokie. I’m gonna head over to Azuma-san right now.
Banri: See ya.
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bengiyo · 8 months
Ossan's Love Returns Ep 4 Stray Thoughts
Last time, Kurosawa committed to his role of mother-in-law and immediately ran into a scare that both Haruta and Maki were having affairs, Haruta with Izumi and Maki with Takegawa. Takegawa is worried about aging alone, and took his final shot with Maki. Izumi randomly kissed Haruta, so Kurosawa used his cleaning job to get a peak inside their house. However, because he is a professional, he did not open the forbidden doors to see the money and guns. We had an incredibly emotional scene where Kurosawa expressed how he's tied his happiness to the boys', who when had a necessary conversation that featured the cotton candy from the movie (shout-out to @twig-tea for pointing that out). We left at Haruta noticing his picture in Izumi's locket.
If this Akito is a dead doppelganger...
It is so important to me that Haruta and Maki are flirting over the dishes as they talk about upcoming events in their lives. So glad Haruta is stepping up his household chores participation like he said he would.
OG fans have earned a cute shopping date for Haruta and Maki after all these years.
Choko runs this dojo! Good for her! I love the way she treats Izumi. I hope I don't have to nate him.
Like, this is actually a huge deal that Moonlight Chicken is here. This is TV Asahi acknowledging how popular that must have been, and MLC is more of a gay family drama than a BL, not unlike Ossan's Love.
I also love the idea that Jim and Wen went to Japan after Li Ming moved to America. Jim and Wen could have witnessed a DISPATCH 👍 moment.
Maki speaking Thai feels like a really huge acknowledgement of Thai contributions to the genre.
Episode 4: I Can't Go Home Until I Wipe Your Butt
I'm so excited to see Haruta have to fill this role because Maki is unavailable.
It's so restorative to see Maki and Haruta so comfortable with kissing that they tease about it now.
There right, Kurosawa, stay suspicious.
Now this Kuki dude is receiving ominous coded messages. WTF.
Okay, I like Kurosawa hesitating and looking around. I'll let him take a bite behind Haruta. He's doing his best. He can have this.
Takegawa really went on this dating show. Amazing.
Ope! Name is the episode! Finish your drinks!
Well, they are cops, and this is tragic.
I love that none of them have taken Kiku's bribes.
I'm glad Izumi's advice worked out and Papa Maki opened up a bit. Haruta is so open with his feelings that he'll say plainly that he's excited to gain a dad even as they tease Ryota a little bit.
Only Haruta would cheer about being able to wipe someone else's shit.
I really like the pacing of this softening between Maki and Kurosawa. I love how the professional relationships of the first season are all maturing into something more.
Oh damn next episode looks dramatic.
This show continues to be excellent. I'm so sorry that I've only recently come to this series. I could have had this in my heart alongside WDYEY for years. This new season is so gentle to us. They give us so much physical intimacy and domesticity between Maki and Haruta. They really feel like they're building a home together.
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asordinaryppl · 3 months
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 14: DREAM CATCHER - Episode 16: "Challenges"
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Tenma: “If we’re meeting a wizard, he might know something about the legendary phantom Oasis.”
Yuki: “You still haven’t given up on that? I’ve got no choice. As your wife, I’m worried about you. I guess I’ll tag along.”
Misumi: “If you’re going on a journey, I shall come with you. Rather, take me with you.”
[Misumi jumps]
Tenma: “Don’t put yourself in my bag with no notice.”
Izumi: Tenma-kun, could you put a bit more emphasis on that last part?
Tenma: …
Izumi: Tenma-kun?
Tenma: Ah, yeah, sorry.
Izumi: Okay, let’s stop here for today.
Tenma: Yeah… Good work.
Yuki: What’s with him… Is he still jet-lagged?
Muku: I haven’t seen Tenma-kun act like this in a long time.
Kumon: Did something happen?
Kazunari: He was so excited when we got the script~
Misumi: … You know, I saw Tenma talking on the phone last night, and he was acting kind of weird.
Yuki: Geez… We’ve come this far, and he still keeps things to himself.
Kazunari: Hm~ At times like this–
Kumon: What, what?
Kazunari: TenTen, come over here!
Tenma: It’s time for practice, isn’t it? We gotta get ready–
Muku: We have today off.
Tenma: Huh?
Yuki: Hurry up.
Kumon: The car’s already here!
Tenma: What car…?
Misumi: Over here~! I’ll be driving today~!
Tenma: But where are we going!?
Yuki: Just hurry and get inside!
[Yuki pulls Tenma]
Tenma: –gh
Tenma: The sea…?
Kazunari: Correct!
Misumi: Since we’re taking a break today, let’s play with all we’ve got~!
Tenma: … I’m not in the mood for that right now.
Yuki: *sigh*~ … Geez.
[Yuki shoves Tenma]
Tenma: Gwah!?
Tenma: Bwah, don’t push me so suddenly!
Yuki: If something’s troubling you, you should just come out with it. You’re so irritating.
Yuki: We can practice all we want, we won’t produce any results with you acting like this, Tenma. You really think we can reach the New Fleur Award like this?
Tenma: — —
Kazunari: Yukki, that’s a bit much~
Kumon: Tenma-san, we’re all worried.
Misumi: Cheer up, Tenma~
Muku: It’s true that we have to do our best for the company, as the Summer Troupe…
Muku: But there’s something else bothering you, isn’t there?
Kazunari: … We’re friends before we’re the Summer Troupe, aren’t we?
Kazunari: As your friends, we’ll give you the best advice we can, so vent with no worries~!
Tenma: …
Tenma: … Truth is, I got an offer to star in a movie from the director we met in the US.
Tenma: I’ve gone overseas for filming during performances before, but I’ve got more appearances this time, and the filming period is longer than usual.
Tenma: I’ll need to devote even more time to the movie.
Tenma: But this is an important time when we all need to put the New Fleur Award first…
Tenma: I know I should refuse, but when I think about how this could bring me closer to my dream of winning the Best Actor Award, I can’t help but want to accept it.
Tenma: I’ve failed as the Summer Troupe’s leader. I’m sorry.
Yuki: Apologizing sincerely isn’t like the great Tenma at all. Well, I guess that means you’ve grown.
Misumi: Tenma, you don’t have to apologize. We’re friends, aren’t we?
Misumi: Anyone would want to support their friend’s dream, right?
Kazunari: Right. You don’t have to give up. You can simply do both.
Kazunari: Isn’t that how we do things?
Kumon: Everyone in the company will agree for sure that taking on challenges is what leads to growth!
Tenma: You guys…
Muku: If Tenma-kun does it, how about we all do it? Let’s take on a “challenge”.
Yuki: Eh?
Muku: Actually… There’s something I’ve also been thinking about.
Muku: After seeing so many different actors in the US, I started wanting to act on a bigger stage myself.
Muku: I thought that I wouldn’t be fit for such important roles, and that I’ve still got a long way to go, but…
Muku: I believe that everyone is given the chance and the freedom to take on a challenge.
Muku: I’m scared, and I don’t have much confidence, but I’ve got to start from somewhere.
Muku: Tenma-kun, I think you should also do this “now”, instead of “someday”.
Kumon: … Then, I will too!
Kumon: I was inspired by what we saw in the US, obviously…
Kumon: But after I saw Sumi-san’s performance, I wanted to also improve my skills and get to perform on various stages!
Misumi: If it’s Kumon, I’m sure he can do it!
Kumon: Hehe. Thanks! I want to “challenge” more things, so that I can grow as an actor!
Yuki: … Since the conversation took this turn, my part-time job also offered me a job opportunity.
Yuki: I’ll take on the “challenge” of working with a designer active on a world-scale.
Yuki: I think it's what's best for me right now.  I’ll also be able to put the experience I gain to use for the company, too.
Kazunari: Then, I’ll take on a “challenge” too. I’ll go to Europe, study design all over again, and get inspo’d.
Misumi: I’ll do a “challenge” too! I’ll go to Syu, who made plays together with Grandpa!
Misumi: And I’ll get better and better at acting!
Yuki: This time, we won’t simply wait for you to get back. We’ll also take on our own “challenges”.
Yuki: This way, you won’t be distracted and thinking about unrelated things.
Tenma: … H-Hmph. I guess that means you guys have grown.
Yuki: Hah?
Tenma: I’m repeating the line you said before.
Kazunari: Ibukichi said so too, but you only live once, so you shouldn’t waste a second of it!
Kumon: Yeah, yeah! Let’s do everything we wanna do!
Muku: Right. I’m sure these “challenges” will be useful for the Summer Troupe, and also our company.
Misumi: So, Tenma, let’s all chase our dreams together?
Tenma: … Thanks, guys.
Yuki: Though, we’re not doing it just for you.
Tenma: You keep saying unnecessary things!
Yuki: —Don’t splash me!
Muku: Ahaha!
Misumi: I’ll do it too~!
Kumon: Woah! Here goooes!
previous episode | masterpost | next episode
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esidolmail · 4 months
Dear, Izumi, Tsukasa and Tatsumi.
I have been thinking about how certain Vocaloid songs fit in my opinion with you guys. So here is what I came up with! So for Tatsumi I have 'Snowman'. The snowman is like giving advice to the little boy who is in a troubled situation. Knowing your character I think you would do the same that is why I think it really fits you , Tatsumi! Plus the song is a absolute banger! As for Izumi and Tsukasa I think that 'Brother Confrontation' really fits you even if you guys aren't related. The reason is because I really like both your voices together, plus the word 'Checkmate' comes in it to also it's a absolute banger. Another I song That would sound good would be 'Knight of light'. It's about a boy saving a girl of boredem.
Also Izumi I hope you like my service as your producer! I will do my utmost best to be your producer, just like I do with the rest of my idols. I am happy to have you in my squad of TTIS.(standing now for Tatsumi, Tsukasa, Izumi and Shu.) ((i know I can make another word with those letters but I refuse to call my squad that.😭))Anyway I hope all of you have a amazing day as I do!
PS. Tatsumi and Izumi please come more often! The tea of our tea party with the squad is getting cold... I will otherwise have to physically drag both of you home if I must!
With love🫶🏻,
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jujumin-translates · 3 months
[A3!] Misumi Ikaruga | [SR] Premonition of Budding | Please Ticket: From Misumi
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Izumi: (It’s tiring work, but I still always learn a lot from helping other theater companies out.)
Child A: It flew!
Child B: That’s so cool!
Izumi: (I wonder what’s going on. Sounds like they’re having fun.)
Child C: You’re so good at this, Misumi-onii-chan~!
Izumi: (Huh, Misumi? Could that be…?)
Izumi: (Ah! I knew it! It’s Misumi-kun!)
Kazunari: I’m not gonna lose either!
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Muku: I hope mine flies more next time, too.
Izumi: (Kazunari-kun and Muku-kun are here too.)
Child A: Hey, did you see!? My paper airplane flew really far just now!
Kazunari: You bet! We’ve been watching the whole time!
Muku: It’s the one that flew the farthest out of all of them.
Child C: Misumi-onii-chan, watch mine!
Misumi: Kay~.
Child C: Go!
Muku: Waah!
Misumi: Amazing! It flew really high~.
Kazunari: It flew the highest out of all of them, didn’t it?
Izumi: (Hehe, looks like they’re all having fun.)
Misumi: Hm? Ah, it’s Director-san~!
Muku: It really is! Huh, but I thought you were out helping another theater company. What are you doing passing through here…? Kazunari: Have we really been having fun for that long!?
Kazunari: Yikes! I promised Yukki I’d watch the live stream of the fashion show he was doing!
Misumi: Hold on just a second, Director-san~.
Izumi: Okay, I’ll be waiting!
Misumi: Sorry, guys~.
Misumi: We’ve gotta go now~. You guys should get home before dark, too.
Child A: Okay. We’ll go home, too!
Child B: Will you play with us again?
Misumi: Yeah, I promise!
Muku: I’ll play with you all again, too.
Kazunari: Later, y’all!
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Misumi: Take care~.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: Director-san, thanks for waiting!
Izumi: So you were playing paper airplanes with those kids, huh?
Misumi: Yeah, I saw them playing with paper airplanes and it looked like fun, so I joined them~.
Izumi: (What a Misumi-kun-like thing to do…)
Izumi: Huh? Then what about you guys, Muku-kun and Kazunari-kun?
Muku: We spotted Misumi-san on our way home from shopping and decided to play with him.
Kazunari: It’s been a while since we’ve played with paper airplanes, but it was supes fun~!
Misumi: Yeah! Director-san, here. If there’s anything you want me to do, use this!
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If you have any requests, please write them here. I’ll be waiting~△△△
Izumi: This is… A please ticket?
Misumi: Yeah!
Muku: Misumi-san’s been carrying his please ticket around with him.
Misumi: Yeah! It was some advice Kazu gave me~.
Kazunari: Yep, yep, Sumi said he kept forgetting to give it to you, so I was like, “Why don’t you just carry it around with you?”.
Misumi: So it’s thanks to you, Kazu, that I got it to her safely. Thanks~!
Izumi: I see. Alright, I’ll be sure to use it when I have something I want to ask you for, Misumi-kun.
Misumi: Okay, I’ll do any request that you might have for me~!
· ❀ —– ٠ ❀ ٠ —– ❀ ·
Izumi: (Everyone’s still asleep, so it’s so quiet…)
Izumi: (I have to leave the dorms early today, so even though it’s a little lonely, I’ll have to have breakfast by myself…)
Izumi: Ah, today’s French toast is delicious too!
Izumi: (The French toast that Omi prepared last night is so good that it cheered me right up.)
Misumi: Huh? Morning, Director-san~.
Izumi: Good morning. You’re up early, Misumi-kun.
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Misumi: Yeah, I’ve got a few things I’ve gotta do!
Izumi: Is that so?
*Misumi walks away*
Izumi: (I wonder what Misumi-kun’s doing in the kitchen.)
Izumi: Thanks for the meal.
Izumi: (Alright, let me clean up and then I’ll head out.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: Triangle, triangle, pretty triangles!
Izumi: What are you up to, Misumi-kun?
Misumi: Making lotsa onigiri~!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Option 1: Are you going to eat them with someone?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: Lots of? Are you going to eat them with someone?
Misumi: Yeah, I’m gonna eat them with the kids I played paper airplanes with by the riverside the other day!
Misumi: Since we’re gonna play by the riverside again today, I’m making us lunch~. That way everyone can eat when they get hungry!
Izumi: I see, so you’re playing with those kids again.
Misumi: I’ve played with them a lot since then~!
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Misumi: Everyone’s gotten really good at flying paper airplanes, so I hope you’ll come to watch us again, Director-san~.
Izumi: Gotcha. Well, I’ll come by the riverside when I’ve got the time, then.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Option 2: They look delicious!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: They look delicious!
Misumi: We’re all gonna eat them together~.
Izumi: We? Do you mean Summer Troupe?
Misumi: Nope, I mean the kids. I promised to play paper airplanes by the riverside again!
Izumi: I see! Sounds fun. By the way, what kind of fillings are you putting into the onigiri?
Misumi: Salmon, umeboshi, and bonito! Omi prepared them for me~.
Izumi: Hehe, I’m glad.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: Are you going to help out at that theater company again today, Director-san?
Izumi: Yeah.
Izumi: Today’s the opening day of their show, and they needed more people to help with the pre-show preparations, so I decided to help out again.
Misumi: I see. Ah! Then do you want some onigiri too, Director-san?
Izumi: (I ate breakfast pretty early, so I’ll probably get hungry midway through, so maybe some onigiri would be a good idea.)
Izumi: Yeah, I’ll take a few of them.
Misumi: You’re probably getting ready to leave right now, so I’ll make some onigiri for you!
Izumi: …Ah, then wait just a second.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: What is it~?
*Izumi writes something down*
Izumi: Here, this is my request!
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Misumi: This is a please ticket~. “I want two of Misumi-kun’s handmade triangle onigiri.”?
Misumi: Is this really what you want your request to be? I’ll still make onigiri for you even without the ticket.
Izumi: You weren’t going to make them for me originally, right? That’s why I’m going to make it a formal request with this ticket.
Misumi: …Got it! Then I’ll make some yummy triangle onigiri just for you, Director-san!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: (Thank goodness we were able to get through the pre-show prep safely.)
Izumi: (That reminds me, didn’t Misumi-kun say he’d be playing with those kids by the riverside again today?)
Child A: It’s so good!
Child C: Your onigiri is so yummy, Misumi-onii-chan!
Child B: They’re all pretty triangles~!
Misumi: There’s lotsa them, so eat as many as you want~!
Izumi: (Ah, there he is!)
Misumi: Here, this one’s for you, Kumon!
Kumon: Thanks~!
Izumi: (And it looks like Kumon’s with him today!)
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Misumi: Ah, Director-saaaan!
Kumon: Director, come over here!
Child B: It’s the lady from the other day.
Misumi: We’re gonna play paper airplanes again today, so you should join us, Director-san~!
Izumi: Huh, me too…?
Child A: That’s a great idea!
Child C: Play with us!
Kumon: Please, please!
Izumi: …Alright, I’ll play paper airplanes too!
Misumi: Yaaay! Let’s have a competition to see whose can fly the highest~!
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marina41trench · 1 year
Izumi Iori - PTT Xmas RabbitChat 4/5: Secret Trip
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Tsumugi: Thank you for your hard work.
Iori-san, thank you for waking me up earlier!
Tsumugi: I can’t believe I fell asleep on the desk at the office…
You really, really saved me…! ><
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Iori: You were plopped on the desk while holding a pen and notebook, I wondered what was wrong.
Iori: Did you make it to the job site?
Tsumugi: Thanks to your efforts, the filming ended without a hitch!
Iori: That’s good.
I’m glad I went to the office by chance, so please look after yourself.
Tsumugi: Yes… I’ll keep that in mind…!
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Tsumugi: Also, um… There’s something I want to ask…
Iori: What is it?
Tsumugi: Did I… sleep talk…?
Iori: Ah, yes it was truly incredible.
Tsumugi: Eh!
Tsumugi: It was incredible?!
Iori: I was very surprised.
Tsumugi: Aaaaah please forget it ><
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Iori: I’m kidding. You were sleeping quietly.
Tsumugi: R-really?
Iori: Yes.
Tsumugi: Aah, I’m glad…
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Iori: But your mouth was open.
Tsumugi: Eeeh!
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Iori: It was open a bit so please don’t think about it too much.
Tsumugi: Ugh, this is really embarrassing… ><
Iori: Anyway, you’ll get colds if you doze off in the office.
Tsumugi: I agree… I will sleep properly at home.
Iori: Please do.
It’s our busy season, and it’ll be troubling if you collapse.
Tsumugi: Thank you for your consideration…!
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Tsumugi: You’re going to go out today, right?
Iori: Yes. I went as far as Akihabara(1) to buy Christmas presents.
Tsumugi: It’s for exchanging gifts during the party!
Is your exchange partner Nagi-san?
Iori: You're correct. It was decided by ladder lottery. (2)
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Tsumugi: I thought of it when you said you went to Akihabara! (laugh)
Iori: It was a Kokona limited merchandise that you can only buy onsite.
Iori: He was emitting a bad aura for the past few days because he had to go to work on the release day.
Tsumugi: I see… That’s why you kept asking me for Nagi-san’s schedule.
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Iori: I’m glad I bought it successfully.
1. Was the queue really long?
Iori: I went there after researching about it, but it wasn’t long.
I realized Kokona’s popularity due to the competition in distribution of numbered tickets.
2. Did you buy anything else?
Iori: I came across a King Pudding ornament and bought it.
Yotsuba-san was happy and decorated it on the Christmas tree, so please give it a look once you come over.
3. What kind of merch did you buy?
Iori: It was a chibi figure(3) wearing a Santa Claus costume.
I finally understood Rokuya-san’s boast, “Kokona’s cheerful smile is cute.”
Tsumugi: It’s no mistake that Nagi-san will be very happy!
Iori: I look forward to his reaction on the appointed day.
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Tsumugi: Huh?
Tsumugi: That reminds me, a moment ago Riku-san told me both of you will go out. Are you two going shopping?
Iori: Eh.
Iori: Ah, I’m going to meet him later. Since I’m pretty near.
Tsumugi: I see!
He told me the two of you ate lunch together. I thought he asked you to spend the day off together.
Iori: It just happened that we haven’t eaten lunch yet so we had to go out.
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Iori: Did Nanase-san tell you anything else?
Tsumugi: He asked me about the President and Banri-san’s recent happenings.
Tsumugi: Also, he told me that Tamaki-san seemed troubled on what present he could give to a girl in the facility and seek his advice.
Iori: Huh.
Iori: I see…
Iori: He certainly mentioned something of that sort before.
Iori: I’m sorry, I remembered an errand.
I’ll contact you later.
Tsumugi: Y-Yes!
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TL notes:
1 - Akihabara is a district in central Tokyo famous for its otaku culture. The market is focused on anime, manga, and video games. This is where Tokyo Big Sight (where ComiKet, Comic Market, is held) is located.
2 - Ladder lottery. Lottery in which participants trace a line across a lattice pattern to determine the winner (jisho.org)
3 - The Japanese dialogue is literally "distortion figure." The "distortion" word is borrowed from the French word "déformer." These figures are typically small in size, hence the use of "chibi"... which means small in Japanese.
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kaveuh · 2 years
hello! i absolutely adore your work and was wondering if i could req a izumi x fem!reader whose last relationship was absolutely toxic and it traumatized her so she’s scared to get into a relationship again but izumi comforts her abt it and promises her he will treat her like a princess? i hope it makes sense (and it’s not too cringe or anything) thank you and have a lovely day/evening<3
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"I’LL TAKE CARE OF YOU!" izumi s. x reader
genre — angst to fluff, hurt/comfort
warning(s) — trauma, ex-toxic relationship
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izumi isn’t stupid— sure, he’s a bit dense sometimes, but he’s able to tell if anyone he cares about, especially his own girlfriend is troubled. he’s not completely oblivious to the fact that you’re uncomfortable with getting into a relationship with him.
were you just forcing yourself to stay with him? are you using him for your own benefit? who knows. izumi doesn’t know what he's doing wrong. maybe it’s his harsh attitude? or perhaps he’s giving you the ick, who knows.
it may not seem like it, but izumi's quite insecure when it comes to relationships. he gets so… sad whenever you ignore him or run away whenever he tries to show affection </3 HE EVEN GOES TO ARASHI FOR ADVICE. arashi knows better and decided to keep the teasing for when it’s appropriate, so she was actually giving good advice LMAO
i don’t think he’d confront you right away— he’s hesitant, because he’s more scared of what you’ll say than actually confronting you. instead, you ended up talking to him yourself. AND BRO ALMOST GOT A HEART ATTACK…
he knows how hard it is to open up to someone about something so personal, so he understands that it took you that long to do so. izumi won't say anything, he'll listen— will even ask for permission to hold you for comfort. he'll even start asking things like, "do you still want to be in this relationship?" or "do you need space?" izumi's more than understanding, he doesn't want you to feel trapped in a relationship you don't want to be in, especially after a traumatic experience with your previous one.
izumi is a man of his words. once he makes a promise, he will keep it. if you want to continue being in a relationship with him, izumi makes it his mission, a promise to treat you as a princess, a queen even. such simple words of affirmation, "i’ll take care of you, i promise." is enough to make you feel at ease, considering the rare, soft tone that izumi had used.
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