#izxy hands rp
izzyeffinhands · 7 months
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This is Professor Hands, who I personally designed to be a history teacher with a specialization in the Golden Age of Piracy. His classes are always difficult to audit, which always surprises him. He never expects so many would be interested in the specialized subject. Ha. If he only knew.
I’ve been talking about it for a very long time and had fleshed out fine details and backstory for him. His entire verse has been written up in my phone for .. gods. Since I started writing for Izzy, which was right after the first episodes aired. Those who know me, know I loved Con prior to OFMD. Currently, I’m working on writing the full verse pages up as my blog is extremely active again. I thank those that stuck by me, those that were happy to pick up writing again and understood I went through surgery recovery. And I love those that are newer to writing with me that have brought me more joy than I could have imagined. And I’m happy to meet all the writers that are to come.
But Professor Hands is my baby, like any iteration of Izzy. He is one of those characters I pour my soul into. It’s been said numerous times people can just hear and see my Izzy like it’s Con himself portraying him and that is the biggest compliment I could receive as a writer.
Anyhow, Professor Hands today will be taking your questions. Whether it’s about him, his classes, teaching style.. you name it. If you have a query for my darling, his office hours are now open. Please make sure to specify your question is specifically for him as I tend to get a few asks. 🖤
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