#j. davidson: intro
lilicohirukoma · 1 year
Dead Meat Horror Awards liveblog cuz why not
- fuck yeah production budget, love the ghostface intro
- masters of scare-monies lmaooo
- fr the movies this year were sooo good and agreed horror needs more recognition
- i am fucking this cheeseburger UP Chef Slowik would be proud
- yay for the montage, i got lots of movie recs with it last year
- which also means nay for not naming the movies in the montage like they did last year
- but yeah hoping for at least one award for Black Phone, The Menu and Orphan (Nope and X too)
- damn he lost an ear????
- I don't understand a lot abt stunts so no strong opinions, shout out to all nominees
- admitting to a horror sin: I don't like Scream
- we are only on the second category and I finished my food 😔 shouldve listened to the guide and gotten some popcorn
- again idk a lot abt digital effects so shout out to all the nominess
- shout out to all the nominees in general it's just that I have stronger opinions on other categories
- I want to watch Werewolf by Night now
- Yup Nope deserved it, didn't consider Gordy as a digital effect so makes sense in hindsight
- Girl I hauled ass downstairs and back to put away my empty plate. My roommates probably thought I was getting chased by a demon
- I almost voted for X bc Dutch people were involved lol
- Understandable win, congrats Mad God
- Are these awards only for movies? If no why no Chucky noms?
- Art the Clown-Bolton
- Is that Pete Davidson?
- Love The Menu but their kills were a bit meh
- But yeah Jeremy vs Star Lasso for me
- DAVE GROHL??? I need to watch Studio 666 now
- Deserved win
- Love me a crazy cult leader, wouldn't mind seeing Slowik win
- I voted for Pearl bc she is more likely to win (and would deserve the win) but god please Esther
- Grabber was slay too but not the best of the year imo
- Mia Goth's voice takes me out every time it's so unexpected
- Girl what........ what..... seriously?
- No shade to everyone involved w Art but... what the fuck really?
- Put me in the In Memoriam I'm pissed
- Didn't know some of these people died, for all: Rest in Peace/May their memory be a blessing
- when are we getting a podcast episode on AHS
- oh damn this category is getting tough already
- yeah I'm okay with anyone winning good job y'all
- oh damn we are already 45 minutes in
- congrats Rory
- Ok y'all can make it right give it to Mia
- Barbara Krampton ❤️
- Hearing the word Creepypasta in 2023 snatched my soul out of my body I need a moment
- Oooo I'm gonna have to watch Sissy
- I love Regina Hall so might have to watch Master too
- Mia or Amber OR ELSE /j
- I love Keke tho!!
- I am SO curious to see what Jordan Peele is going to do next
- Hope it goes to Ti West tho
- Okay yeah Jordan deserves it too
- We already got this horror needs to be appreciated speech
- Idk of I like this long list of nominees, I find myself losing interest a lot and that is a disservice to the nominees
- Istg if it's Halloween Ends-
- Aren't all of these movies American? Why are they now suddenly mentioning nationalities?
- But yeah Orphan isn't going to win but I want it to
- Pearl's dad deserved better
- Chad's Revenge looks really fun I'm gonna have to watch this one too
- Not Scream Not Scream Not Scream
- Oh he did actually stop. My power 💅
- Pearl is just that girl!!
- Love Mike Flanagan 💜
- I hope the Black Phone wins, this movie had me in awe in the cinema
- Yeah idk Fresh just doesn't interest me
- Considering Nope won fan I hope it won't win
- DUTCH?? Alright I'll watch Speak No Evil
- Are you.... for real?? Way to end the ceremony on a low note
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dvlwthn · 4 years
“  i  can’t  change  into  a  person  i  don’t  wanna  be  .  ”
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Is that JOSEPH MORGAN? No, that’s just JAMES DAVIDSON. They were born on 19/05/1980 and are a WEREWOLF (alpha of the crimson shadow pack) living in Northknot Town. They work as a DETECTIVE AT THE POLICE STATION. Some say they're CONSIDERATE and DILIGENT but I’ve heard others say they're GRUMPY and SECRETIVE. When you think of him, don’t you think of A HAUNTED PAST, BRUISED SOUL BUT CRACKING AT TENDERNESS, MOVING HEAVEN AND HELL TO PROTECT HIS FAMILY?
cracking  at  tenderness  ,  swimming  in  rage  .  scars  covering  the  mind  ,  body  ,  and  soul  .  an  unstoppable  force  .  moving  heaven  and  hell  for  those  he  cares  about  .  dropping  everything  for  family  .  sleepless  nights  with  the  morning  sunlight  being  the  only  indicator  of  time  .  following  the  moon  .  
“  whatever  doesn't  kill  me  . . .  had  better  start  running  .   ”   –  cassandra clare.
“  sometimes  we  are  what  we  are  ,  and  we  should  embrace  that  .   ”   –  lucifer.
“  i  bear  it  so  they  don't  have  to  .   ”   –  clarke griffin.
M U S I C    P L A Y E R
“   keep  your  silver  ,  give  me  that  gold  !  you'll  remember  when  i  say  we  can  be  heroes  everywhere  we  go  .  keeping  us  down  is  impossible  ,  'cause  we're  unstoppable  .  ”   unstoppable by the score.
“  i  am  the  eye  of  the  storm  .  inside  i  am  silent  and  strong  ,  just  waitin'  for  the  right  right  moment  to  strike  .  coiled  like  a  cobra  coming  to  life  .  ”   eye of the storm by watt white.
“  keep  pushin'  even  though  it  hurts  !  i'm  chasing  what  i  know  is  true  .  there's  nothing  that  i  would  not  do  .  when  everyone  around  me  drops  ,  i'm  never  gonna  ever  stop  .  i  won't  waste  another  minute  ,  no  ,  i  won't  .  i'm  a  man  on  a  mission  .  ”   man on a mission by oh the larceny.
P E R S O N A L I T Y  
+ loyal, attentive, and confident 
 - quick-tempered, unforgiving, and cunning
The eldest Davidson has been an inspiration for many, but to him, it’s just him doing what’s right. He refused to let his father ruin him and did his best to just stay true to himself, which is has. Always one to pay attention to everything happening around him, whether to be able to help quickly if need be or to fight if needed. Not much got past him anymore. He was always ready for anything.  Wolves are known for their temper, it’s something he can’t fully control no matter how hard he tries. Throughout the years, he has gotten better, but still, when something sets him off, it sets him ALL THE WAY off. This also adds into his unforgiving nature. He gives out two chances, but once you’ve blown those, he’s completely done with you. Doesn’t matter if you try to make things right, the only way he’d forgive someone is if they did something BIG to deserve it. 
001. The Davidson family has always been a well known family of wolves form Kaleb’s bloodline. Even despite them living in Europe, they were known in the states as well. They always had family in Northknot, but James’ immediate family only ever travelled to stay there for a short while before heading back home. However, that all changed after the youngest Davidson child was born and their mother died during childbirth. James was eighteen. * 002. Their father, after losing his wife, changed for the worst. While they all took it hard, their father blamed them... mainly James’ youngest brother since his mother died giving birth to him... James being the oldest made sure that his siblings didn’t have to deal with their fathers wrath. Anytime their father was set off, James would jump in and take the beatings so his siblings didn’t have to. He fought everyday to try to get his sibling to be able to leave with him but was denied cause people refused to believe him. So since they couldn’t leave, he didn’t either. He put up with his father for five years before the man took it too far and almost killed Jude while James wasn’t there. It was rare that James left them alone with their father, but the youngest* wasn’t feeling well and James went out to get something to help. Their father was out so he thought it was okay, especially if he rushed. But he walked in before and saw that the man wasn’t going to stop so James jumped in and the two fought. . . only one survived. It was a fight that was years in the making. The sibling hid the fact that James killed their father... burning the body and getting rid of any evidence. James had already been in the process of trying to become a cop, and none of them wanted to ruin his chances. 003. After becoming a cop, James worked hard to keep doing better until eventually he made detective. He’s helped so many people and loves doing what he does. The pack noticed and eventually when the time came six years ago, they nominated him as Alpha. He was honoured and grateful... James has always been the type to put everyone before himself, so while it was what everyone expected, it still surprised him.  004. He is a single father. Three years ago, a one night stand resulted in the best thing that’s ever happened to him. His daughter, Luna Rose Davidson. Luna because she was his moon, his light in the darkness... Rose after his mother. The mother of his child simply disappeared leaving only a note explain who she was to him and a quick ‘i’m sorry’. He’s a little worried that she’ll come back and try to claim her rights to his daughter, but to him, she gave them up when she left with no explanation as to why. 005. In his free time, which he doesn’t get much of, James likes to draw. It’s something his mother was amazing at and she taught him. They did it together all the time. When she passed away, he did give it up and actually picked up piano. It was again something for his mother... she had always told him how she wished she knew how to play... so he learned for her. Nowadays, these two hobbies keep him busy and relaxed when he has the extra time. 006. With the recent killings, he has been a little more on edge. He worried as a detective, alpha, and a father. James is working hard to try to find something that will help him figure it out and will stop at nothing to keep everyone he cares about safe.
SIBLINGS. James is the oldest of four, first it was him, then Jude, followed by Tabs, and finally his youngest brother. James protected them from their father and raised them on his own. *James was eighteen when their mother died and he took on the role of guardian, so Tabi was eight and Jude was fifteen. Their fourth brother needs to have been somewhere in between seven and one (which would but them anywhere between 29 and 24 [hopefully that’s enough age range to work with])... James is very protective of his siblings. The youngest brother didn’t end up having the wolf gene, but could have been changed into a wolf by someone else or even a vampire...  [ 2 of 3 taken: JUDE. TABITHA. ] 
MOTHER OF HIS CHILD. It was a one night stand that resulted in James having a child left on his door steps nine months later. She disappeared without saying anything to him, just a small note. It didn’t say why she left or if she’d be back... so for the last three years, he’s been raising his daughter [ Luna ] on his own. It doesn’t know what he’d do if this woman came back.
BEST MATE. Everyone needs a best friend and James is no different. They can be from the same pack, or maybe they met from work, or even met when they were younger. I just want someone to be close with him outside of his family. [gender doesn’t matter] 
SOMEONE HE HELPED. Due to him being a detective, he’s helped plenty of people. But this person lost they only family they had, so after solving the crime, James takes it upon himself to check on this person constantly and help them with all sorts of things. BONUS if it happened awhile ago and he’s just been checking on them everyday since they were younger. 
ENEMY. Lets be honest, as an Alpha, he’s bound to have a few enemies. Could be jealousy or a wrong that had been done. . . I’m open for whatever. 
SOMEONE HE GOES TO TO WATCH LUNA. Sometimes he asks his siblings or another pack mate, but THIS person is his usual go-to. Being an alpha and detective, he does end up needing a little help... and he trusts this person. [UPCOMING; JOEL]
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jupitermelichios · 6 years
So you want to read Marvel comics
A while back I made a post of Marvel & DC comics that would make a good intro into the world of comics, and I thought it was time for an update. So here’s some more short run Marvel comics to try if you’re just getting into comics (or some recs for those of you who already are).
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1. X-Club (2012) - 5 issues. 
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I’m always a little wary of recommending Si Spurrier’s Marvel comics to new readers, because no matter what Marvel want him to do he writes in a universe largely divorced from continuity. That said, the Marvel universe in his head is a glorious mess of high camp, melodrama and comedy and I love it. X-Club is one of his best Marvel works, focussing on the scientists who surround the X-Men. Funny, silly and with some great character moments.
Written by Si Spurrier, drawn by Paul Davidson, coloured by Rachelle Rosenburg
Starring: Dr Nemesis, Kavita Rao, Danger, Madison Jeffries
Best for fans of comedy action
2. New Warriors (2014) - 12 issues
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This book got cancelled just as it was really finding its feet, but while I would have loved to see more, they did a great job of wrapping up most of their plot threads in time for the issue 12 finale. Like all the best Marvel comics, this is best described as a romp, about superpowered teenagers taking on a villain called the High Evolutionary (whose whole deal is furries). I read it knowing nothing about most of the characters and was rarely confused, despite it being a sequal to previous New Warriors books. A great introduction to one of Marvel’s perennial teen teams.
Written by Christopher Yost, drawn by Marcus To, coloured by David Curiel and Ruth Redmond
Starring: Justice, Speedball, Nova (Sam Alexander), Sun Girl, Scarlet Spider (Kaine), Hummingbird, Haechi, Silhouette, Water Snake, The High Evolutionary, The Celestials
Best for fans of young adult adventure
3. Angela: Asguard’s Assasin (2014) - 6 issues
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This is the first in a 3 part series, followed by Angela 1601 and Angela: Queen of Hel, all of which are wonderful. Do you want transwomen? Do you want women of colour? Do you want women loving women while also having space-opera adventure quests? Then you need Angela and her wife Sera, here to bring you the good news of queer comic-book writers. Honestly I can’t tell you how good the Angela series is - you need to go read it for yourself. Plus it’s a veritable who’s who of Asguard, so a great introduction to that part of earth 616
Written by Keiron Gillen & Magueritte Bennet
Starring: Angela (Aldrif), Sera, Malekith the Accursed, Thor, Odin, Freyja, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Gamora, Star-Lord, Drax the Destroyer, Heidall, Sif, The Warriors Three, Loki
Best for fans of high fantasy lesbians
4. Ultimates (2015) - 12 issues
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How high can sci-fi get before it loops back round to being fantasy? This is a book which walks that line - sci-fi so metaphysical it’s almost philosophy, except it’s not because it’s Superheroes in spandex fighting an all powerful being in the universe’s silliest hat.
Written by Al Ewing 
Starring: America Chavez, Spectrum, Blue Marvel, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Galactus
Best for fans of high sci-fi
5. New Avengers (2015) - 18 issues
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If any comic deserved 6 season and a movie it’s this 2015 title. When Science Super-villains A.I.M run out of funds they decide to sell off the organisation. Former New Mutant Sunspot has a massive fortune, a desire to save the world, and a flair for the dramatic. It’s a match made in heaven. (Fans of the book don’t despair, it got a sequel in 2017′s U.S.Avengers).
Written by Al Ewing
Starring: Sunspot, Squirrel Girl, Wiccan, Hulkling, Power Man (Victor Alvarez), White Tiger, Hawkeye (Clint Barton), Songbird, Red Hulk, The Maker, POD, Iron Patriot (Toni Ho), Red Hulk (General Maverick), Canonball
Best for fans of comedy drama
6. Royals (2017) - 12 issues
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This is Al Ewing’s third appearance on this list, because he really is just that good a writer. This is the perfect introduction to the Inhumans, who are way more interesting than the TV show would have you believe. This is classic space opera - a warring family of royalty on an epic quest to save their dying race from certain extinction. I didn’t think I liked the Inhumans until I read this book.
Written by Al Ewing
Starring: Medusa, Maximus the Mad, Gorgon, Swain, Flint, Marvel Boy (Noh-Var), Ronan the Accuser
Best for fans of space-opera
7. Mockingbird (2016) - 8 issues
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If James Bond were an american woman with superpowers, actual human emotions and a chemistry degree, he’d be Mockingbird. Silly, heartfelt and deeply touching in places, this is one of my favourite short comics. Aided by her current boyfriend and his pet Corgi, SHIELD agent Bobbi Morse solves mysteries, fights bad guys and tries to clear her ex-husband’s name for a murder he really did commit.
Written by Chelsea Cain
Starring: Lance Hunter, Mockingbird
Best for fans of light-hearted spy stories and geeky jokes
8. Iceman (2017) - 11 issues
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I’m not going to lie, this comics was hard for me to read in places. Not because it’s bad, but because it’s good. Founding X-Man Iceman was outed as gay against his will in a controversial 2015 story. This comic follows him as he works out what his life looks like as a gay mutant, comes out to his parents, and kisses a boy for the first time. Well written and emotional, plus it’s always nice to see queer writers and artists working with queer characters. Warning that this comic deals with homophobia.
Written by Sina Grace
Starring: Iceman, Shadowcat, Daken, Oya, Hercules, Darkstar, Angel, Amp, Ghost Rider
Best for fans of drama
9. Hercules (2016) - 6 issues
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Hercules is a laughing stock in the hero world, better known for his drinking than his heroism (even though he’s 10 months sober). Gilgamesh hasn’t left Herlcules’ couch for a month. But when terrifying new gods emerge in the modern age, the old gods are the only ones who can stop them. Epic in the old sense of the word.
Written by Dan Abnett
Starring: Hercules, Tyresius, Gilgamesh, Ire of the Crua before the Ice
10. Black Bolt (2017) - 12 issues
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Black Bolt generated a lot of hype when issue 1 dropped last year, and it’s hardly surprising because this comic is something special. Betrayed by his brother, deposed monarch Black Bolt is locked away in the universe’s highest security prison. Depowered, trapped and tortured, he must rely on the help of his fellow prisoners to escape. If escape is even possible. Best read in tandem with Royals (above). Warning that the later part of this comic deals with past child neglect and emotional abuse.
Written by Saladin Ahmed
Starring: Black Bolt, Lockjaw, Absorbing Man, Metal Master, Blinky, Raava
Best for fans of emotional drama and prison break stories
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Bowel Cancer
Bowel cancer is the development of cancer from the bowel or colon. A cancer is the abnormal growth of cells that have the ability to invade or spread to other parts of the body. Signs and symptoms may include blood in the stool, a change in bowel movements, weight loss, and feeling tired all the time. Most diagnosis are due to old age and lifestyle factors with only a small number of cases due genetic disorders.
Most cases are caused by no link to genetic risk. Risk factors include older age, being male, high intake of fat, alcohol, red meat, processed meats, obesity, smoking, and a lack of physical exercise.
People with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are at increased risk the risk increases the longer a person has the disease, and the worse the severity of inflammation.
Genetic syndromes are also associated with higher rates of colorectal cancer such as: hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC or Lynch syndrome), Gardner syndrome and familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP).
PET, MRI and CT scans are usually used which then it used in partner with the TNM system which produces staging results using T stages:
Or Duke’s stages:
If the cancer is found at a very early stage, small and localised it may be removed during a colonoscopy. , with the attempt of achieving a cure. This can either be done by an open laparotomy or sometimes laparoscopically. The colon may then be reconnected or a person may have a colostomy. Sometimes chemotherapy is used before surgery to shrink the cancer before attempting to remove it. The two most common sites of recurrence of colorectal cancer are the liver and lungs.
In both cancer of the colon, chemotherapy may be used in addition to surgery in certain cases. In Stage I colon cancer, no chemotherapy is offered, and surgery is the treatment. In Stage II colon cancer is and is usually not offered. For stage III and Stage IV colon cancer, chemotherapy is an integral part of treatment. If cancer has spread to the lymph nodes or distant organs, which is the case with stage III and stage IV colon cancer respectively, adding chemotherapy agents increases life expectancy. If the lymph nodes do not contain cancer, the benefits of chemotherapy are debatable. If the cancer is widely metastatic or unresectable, treatment is then palliative.
Cancer Research UK “http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0”
“Colon Cancer Treatment (PDQ®)”. NCI. 2014-05-12. Retrieved 29 June 2014.
“Defining Cancer”. National Cancer Institute.
“General Information About Colon Cancer”. NCI. 2014-05-12.
World Cancer Report 2014. World Health Organization. 2014. pp. Chapter 5.5.
“Colorectal Cancer Prevention (PDQ®)”. National Cancer Institute. 2014-02-27.
Bibbins-Domingo, Kirsten; Grossman, David C.; Curry, Susan J.; Davidson, Karina W.; Epling, John W.; García, Francisco A. R.; Gillman, Matthew W.; Harper, Diane M.; Kemper, Alex R.; Krist, Alex H.; Kurth, Ann E.; Landefeld, C. Seth; Mangione, Carol M.; Owens, Douglas K.; Phillips, William R.; Phipps, Maureen G.; Pignone, Michael P.; Siu, Albert L. (21 June 2016). “Screening for Colorectal Cancer”. JAMA. 315 (23): 2564–75.
Thorat, MA; Cuzick, J (Dec 2013). “Role of aspirin in cancer prevention.”. Current Oncology Reports. 15 (6): 533–40.
“Routine aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the primary prevention of colorectal cancer: recommendation statement.”. American Family Physician. 76 (1): 109–13.
“SEER Stat Fact Sheets: Colon and Rectum Cancer”. NCI.
World Cancer Report 2014. World Health Organization. 2014. pp. Chapter 1.1.
Alpers, David H.; Kalloo, Anthony N.; Kaplowitz, Neil; Owyang, Chung; Powell, Don W. (2008). Yamada, Tadataka, ed. Principles of clinical gastroenterology. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell. p. 381.
Astin M, Griffin, T, Neal, RD, Rose, P, Hamilton, W (May 2011). “The diagnostic value of symptoms for colorectal cancer in primary care: a systematic review”. The British Journal of General Practice. 61 (586): 231–43.
Adelstein BA, Macaskill, P, Chan, SF, Katelaris, PH, Irwig, L (2011). “Most bowel cancer symptoms do not indicate colorectal cancer and polyps: a systematic review”. BMC Gastroenterology. 11: 65.
Watson AJ, Collins, PD (2011). “Colon cancer: a civilization disorder”. Digestive Diseases. 29 (2): 222–8.
Cunningham D, Atkin W, Lenz HJ, Lynch HT, Minsky B, Nordlinger B, Starling N (2010). “Colorectal cancer”. Lancet. 375 (9719): 1030–47.
“Colorectal Cancer 2011 Report: Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Colorectal Cancer” (PDF). World Cancer Research Fund & American Institute for Cancer Research. 2011.
Lee, I-Min; Shiroma, Eric J; Lobelo, Felipe; Puska, Pekka; Blair, Steven N; Katzmarzyk, Peter T (1 July 2012). “Effect of physical inactivity on major non-communicable diseases worldwide: an analysis of burden of disease and life expectancy”. The Lancet. 380 (9838): 219–29.
Fedirko V, Tramacere, I, Bagnardi, V, Rota, M, Scotti, L, Islami, F, Negri, E, Straif, K, Romieu, I, La Vecchia, C, Boffetta, P, Jenab, M (Sep 2011). “Alcohol drinking and colorectal cancer risk: an overall and dose-response meta-analysis of published studies”. Annals of Oncology. 22 (9): 1958–72.
Valtin, H (November 2002). “"Drink at least eight glasses of water a day.” Really? Is there scientific evidence for “8 x 8”?“. American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 283 (5): R993–1004
Jawad N, Direkze, N, Leedham, SJ (2011). "Inflammatory bowel disease and colon cancer”. Recent Results in Cancer Research. Recent Results in Cancer Research. 185: 99–115.
Xie J, Itzkowitz, SH (2008). “Cancer in inflammatory bowel disease”. World Journal of Gastroenterology. 14 (3): 378–89.
Triantafillidis JK, Nasioulas, G, Kosmidis, PA (Jul 2009). “Colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease: epidemiology, risk factors, mechanisms of carcinogenesis and prevention strategies”. Anticancer Research. 29 (7): 2727–37.
Juhn E, Khachemoune, A (2010). “Gardner syndrome: skin manifestations, differential diagnosis and management”. American Journal of Clinical Dermatology. 11 (2): 117–22.
Half E, Bercovich, D, Rozen, P (2009). “Familial adenomatous polyposis”. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. 4: 22.
Möslein G, Pistorius S, Saeger H, Schackert HK (February 2003). “Preventive surgery for colon cancer in familial adenomatous polyposis and hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer syndrome”. Langenbecks Arch. Surg. 388 (1): 9–16.
Stein, Ulrike; Walther, Wolfgang; Arlt, Franziska; Schwabe, Holger; Smith, Janice; Fichtner, Iduna; Birchmeier, Walter; Schlag, Peter M (2008). “MACC1, a newly identified key regulator of HGF-MET signaling, predicts colon cancer metastasis”. Nature Medicine. 15 (1): 59–67.
Stein A, Atanackovic, D, Bokemeyer, C (Sep 2011). “Current standards and new trends in the primary treatment of colorectal cancer”. European Journal of Cancer. 47 (Suppl 3): S312–4. .
“Chemotherapy of metastatic colorectal cancer”. Prescrire International. 19 (109): 219–24. October 2010.
Akhtar R, Chandel S, Sarotra P, Medhi B (2014). “Current status of pharmacological treatment of colorectal cancer”. World J Gastrointest Oncol. 6 (6): 177–83.
Shaib, W; Mahajan, R; El-Rayes, B (2013). “Markers of resistance to anti-EGFR therapy in colorectal cancer”. Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology. 4 (3): 308–18.
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dvlwthn · 4 years
            PAPERS  WERE  SPREAD  OUT  ALL  OVER  THE  TABEL  HE  CURRENTLY  SAT  AT  waiting  on  his  partner  .  he  had  the  morning  off  ,  but  since  luna  was  with  the  sitter  already  ,  he  was  using  this  time  to  go  over  the  files  he  had  .  the  man  was  always  working  .  if  not  with  his  daughter  or  the  pack  ,  then  doing  his  actual  job  .  it’s  just  who  he  was  ,  if  he  wasn’t  doing  what  he  could  to  help  or  lead  ,  he  felt  wrong  .  there  was  always  so  much  happening  and  he  A L W A Y S  put  the  weight  of  it  all  on  his  shoulders  .  flipping  a  page  over  after  he  read  it  ,  he  tried  to  block  out  the  noise  of  the  cafe  he  sat  in  .  it  wasn’t  the  ideal  place  to  be  ‘working’  but  the  coffee was  good  and  he  needed  it.  “  can  i  help  you  ?  ”  his  accented  voice  held  curiosity   though  he  barely  looked  up  ,  just  a  quick  glance  that  he  didn’t  even  really  process  ,  but  mainly  he  stayed  focus  on  his  work  .  though  before  the  other  could  say  anything  ,  he  realised  how  rude  that  was  so  he  glanced  up  properly  this  time  .  “  sorry  ,  just  a  bit  of  work  .  you  were  say  ?  ”  though  he  knew  they  hadn’t  actually  spoke  yet. 
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Cardiology (Circulation & Myopathy)
The heart is such an incredibly intricate muscular organ with so many different complexities and now more than ever it is becoming even more researched simply due to MEDC’s continually increasing year upon year the death toll of heart related illnesses.
Coronary Circulation
Heart tissues continually needs to be supplied with oxygen (via the reversible interaction between oxygen and haemoglobin) to get rid of metabolic wastes such as Carbon Dioxide. As even though the heart pumps blood around the body-for the heart to function it self it still must have a source of oxidative measure to get rid of waste products otherwise will simply become inefficient. The circulation includes arteries, veins, and lymphatic vessels, Blood flow through the coronary vessels occurs relative to the hearts contraction and relaxation (seen on an ECG).
The heart tissue receives blood from two arteries which are located just above the aortic valve (the aortic valve is between the left ventricle and the aorta). These are known as the left main coronary artery and the right coronary artery respectively. The left main coronary artery splits after leaving the aorta into two vessels, the left anterior descending and the left circumflex artery. The left anterior descending artery supplies blood to the heart tissue at the front, outer sides, and the ventricular septal defect (a septum at which connects the right and left ventricles together). It does this by branching into smaller arteries-diagonal and septal branches. The left circumflex supplies blood to the back and underneath of the left ventricle. The right coronary artery supplies blood to the right atrium, right ventricle, and lower hind sections of the left ventricle.
The right coronary artery also supplies blood to the (AV) atrioventricular node (which is located inside the right atrium however has a very good blood supply to the outer surface of the heart tissue) and the (SA) sinoatrial node (which is located deeper inside the right atrium and is more central than the AV node however, still has a good blood supply). The right coronary artery runs in a heart indentation at the back of the heart and the left anterior descending artery runs in an indentation at the front of the heart. The coronary sinus is also a large aspect of blood flow and is a large vein that drains blood into the right atrium, and receives most of the drainage from veins of the heart. It receives blood from the great cardiac vein, the posterior cardiac vein, the middle cardiac vein, and small cardiac veins.
(Takosubo) Cardiomyopathy
Cardiomyopathy is a group of diseases that affect heart muscle. Cardiomyopathy is a significant deterioration of the heart muscle’s ability to contract-this deterioration can be examined and it extremely noticeable. Cardiomyopathy can lead to heart failure. Dilated Cardiomyopathy is inadequately understood and researched but some causes include alcohol, toxins, sarcoidosis (small patches of red and swollen tissues called granulomas which develop on organs), HOCM (and other congenital disorders) and in restrictive cardiomyopathy even some cancer treatments. Dilated and hypertrophic can also both be inherited from parents.
Types of cardiomyopathy: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (when the heart muscles are enlarged); restrictive cardiomyopathy (constrict the outflow tracts of the heart); dilated cardiomyopathy (causing the heart to dilate and impact the efficiency of its beating); Broken heart syndrome (Takosubo cardiomyopathy) which is caused by extreme emotional and physical stress and causes the muscles to weaken over a short or long period of time. A physical stress which might cause takosubo cardiomyopathy are transient vasospasms (many simultaneous spasms of coronary arteries could cause enough loss of blood flow to cause transient stunning of the myocardium)-these can happen over a long period of time to weaken the heart muscles to form it into this type of cardiomyopathy. However, a vasospasm could be caused by emotional stress or failure of the microvasculature (smaller blood vessels in body, responsible for microcirculation), and an abnormal response to catecholamines (chemicals that are made by nerve tissue such as epinephrine and norepinephrine, released in response to stress).
Treatment recommendations include intra-aortic balloon pump, an IABP is is a mechanical device that increases myocardial (cardiac muscle) oxygen delivery while at the same time increasing cardiac output. Increasing cardiac output increases blood flow and therefore oxygen delivery. It consists of a cylindrical polyethylene balloon that sits in the aorta, next to the left subclavian artery (major artery in the upper thorax) and counter pulsates. That is, it actively deflates when the ventricles contract (systole), increasing forward blood flow by reducing after load through an effect which is similar to a vacuum. It actively inflates as the muscle relaxes (diastole), increasing blood flow to the coronary arteries.
Carbon Nanotubes as a progressive alternative due to its altering structure, instead of using intra-aortic balloons
Research into anti-inflamatory drugs on people with cardiomyopathy
Research into cognitive behavioural therapy on cardiomyopathy
Beta-blockers/pacemaker to try and eradicate an irregular heart beat
Edoxaban as a anti-blood clotting technique to improve cardiomyopathy.
Intra-aortic balloon pumping Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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Intensive Care Medicine by Irwin and Rippe
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