biiscione · 2 years
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@thxwxlf​  says  :  ‘i  see  you.’ THE FIVE SENSES  /  accepting
      “Oh, is that right?” He hums with an unfamiliar demure timbre.  Arms lift as Jon finishes taking off his shirt, tossing it haphazardly onto the hamper with all the other dirty clothes. The jingling of his belt buckle is accompanied with, “I wasn’t hiding from you. How could I ever?”
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precalamity · 1 year
happpyyyyy valentines dayyyy my love <333 i love and treasure and miss you so terribly <3 i hope you're having a wonderful beautiful day today and i hope you know how much i adore you and our friendship <3 i feel like i've known you forever and i'm always so grateful casey brought us into each other's lives and i cannot wait to see you irl again my dear <33 mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah love u to bits today and every day 💛💛💛💛💛
SAVANNAH I LOVE YOUUUUU !!! you are so kind and clever and funny and I am so very glad to call you my friend <333 I hope you are doing so well and I miss you infinitely, have a wonderful day sav !!
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solpala · 1 year
Keep your shit out of our tag pig
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redwoodrecords · 3 years
What’s the game called, and what’s it about?
hi! the game is currently untitled as i am still figuring out which name is the best!
it’s a lot longer than this but i’ll try to put it as succinctly as possible! the story centres around mc who has just received an offer to the most prestigious college in the country however, due to money issues, they cannot seem to afford it. their grandparents decide to help them pay but in order for them to keep up their payments, mc has to join one of the university’s ‘houses’. houses are similar to modern day fraternities and sororities however they’re exclusive to Redwood University and contain a myriad of history.
there is a lot more i can put but i hope that gave you a general overview of the story! :)
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honourablefool · 4 years
13 hot ghosts in your area at valentines..........
Anon what does this MEAN
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polcrity · 5 years
👀 + biggest turn ons @ all
Send me a “👀 + a question” and my muse has to answer honestly! x || all 
biggest turn on || felix 
his eyes squeeze shut so hard that it causes a dull ache behind them and when he finally opens them back up, his jaw is pulling off to the side again —- he could blame it on the ( rare ) sobriety, but really, he’s just embarrassed. “I — uhh — l-like wh–hen sh–e’s i-in cont–rol.”
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biggest turn on || johnny
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“Now I know it’s a little… mean soundin’, let’s say… but I love it a girly knows I’m in complete control. Y’know — the lord giveth, the lord taketh away kinda thing.” did he just ?? refer to himself as god ??
biggest turn on || adam
his fingers knit together tightly, cheeks flushing a splotchy pink. even on his weekend escapades, he’s a bit tight-lipped about this sort of thing. doesn’t feel proper, or something silly like that. “I’m not very–er, very adventurous or anything, really,” 
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“I think it’s really just… being there, to uh– provide, er–pleasure, I guess. Yeah.”
biggest turn on || andy
“Look — judge me if you want, but I’m just really into feet—” she can hardly finish uttering the words before a laugh comes spewing out. 
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“No, really, uh— probably one, a partner that actually gives a shit, and two, neck kisses, dude. Neck kissing is totally cliché for a reason. Like — when someone comes behind you and starts that shit? I’m yours, buddy.”
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im-a-beautiful-meme · 5 years
pride asks 1
1. Is your family accepting?
Um, no. I haven’t come out to them, but I’ve asked them what they thought of lgbtq+ people, and it’s definitely in my best interest to not come out until I move out lmao
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baejhyxn · 10 years
come back you gay loser
i’m right here you idiot
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kfashion-lovers · 10 years
This is a beautiful blog because people can spread love, not hate! ♡ I hope you keep it up forever~ Hugs^^
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biiscione · 2 years
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@thxwxlf​  asks :  “ are you cold ? ” BLOODBORNE SENTENCE STARTERS  /  accepting
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      Jon stares at Keki long and hard, like he’s attempting to decipher a complicated riddle. After a while, concentration unravels itself from between his brows and he smiles, laughs as he speaks. “What happens if I say ‘yes’?”
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precalamity · 3 years
oh heyy! your icon is a Frog now! i like the Frog
my icon is frog!! thank you kindly im still trying to name him. i love your icon very much hes so sweet
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honourablefool · 5 years
are you dating anyone currently?
Who me?? Hkgdtdjf
I have a Finch whom I love very much @pink--skiies
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polcrity · 5 years
slurred words for stella/johnny
this is an old-ass meme || johnny || @scvrpions 
“Miss Holliday is… boy. She really is something, isn’t she?” but there is something deep down that says but it’s never going to mean anything. his daddy always told him that falling for the other woman is the best way to ruin your life. johnny always wondered how he knew.
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“She is a real special little thing. I don’t think I’ve ever met a woman who could steal a room like her. And she’s…” he blows out a bit of air the corner of his mouth, “Well, I don’t think I need to talk about her looks.”
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solpala · 1 year
Why do you think Peeta doesn't talk to Katniss between age 11/12 (the bread scene) until after the reaping? Thank you 😊
honestly? i think mainly because he’s a little reserved and shy. katniss is someone who can be viewed as quite set in her own ways. so, when the reaping happened, peeta genuinely thought he was gonna die and was probably like ‘well i might as well let her know 🤷🏾‍♀️ i’m gonna die anyways 🤷🏾‍♀️’
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solpala · 1 year
Who was the worst in the hunger games trilogy, snow or coin?
Thank you
good question!! i think they’re both as bad as each other because i think the point is supposed to be that ultimate power corrupts whoever is in control. coin wouldn’t have been a democratically elected leader and would have continued snow’s reign under the guise of liberation.
the hunger games were a way of suppressing revolutions and making children pay for the ‘sins’ of their ancestors in a way that dehumanised them in front of the capitol. having another hunger games but for the capitol would have just continued the cycle.
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solpala · 1 year
Your thg meme games is so strong 😆
thank u!!!!! i love sharing them <3333
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