#jack delroy fanfic
tenderhungering · 1 month
when i start writing a jack delroy fanfic and the reader is an asshole i hope you all cheer and defend them with your lives. i’m thinking either an awful little journalist (who i’m sure he’ll accuse of exploiting as if he doesn’t bring people on to showcase trauma and milk it for views), or someone who directly works with him (for him? does he enjoy it)? grief and desperation. there is something wrong with you. there is something wrong with you that is also wrong with me. maybe even someone with religious trauma,,,the inevitable breakdown and jack on his knees begging and pleading comfort me, i need to be comforted i need you to comfort me because really, why go after power and fame and the sweet feeling of being loved by as many people as possible if not because you’d like a little comfort?
but i would have to plan it out a lot. and get a good grip of jack’s character (do you guys enjoy how i characterize him in my asks?) so i can feel a little more confident in writing for him.
would love to hear your thoughts (whether it be replying under this post or in my inbox!) about whether or not you guys enjoy my incessant stream of analyzing the film or characters some. i’d hate to write a fanfic that feels out of character or that you guys feel is coming from someone who didn’t fully understand the film! i really appreciate all the questions though, they are so much fun to write. i have one sitting in there im really excited to respond to tomorrow!
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rosncrntz · 2 months
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jessicafangirl · 2 months
Okay, Chapter 1 is up kids and fellow Delroynians (is this a thing?) Hoot Hoot Bitches.
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jackdelroys · 19 days
hey. dastlikers. have u joined the server yet. well u should.
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krillposting · 2 months
[opens Jack Delroy fanfic draft]
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glamgoths · 29 days
You've singlehandeldly opened my eyes to the jack delroy and leo ship. I always thought they were a tad fruity together but you got me wanting to write that 60k word fanfiction
if you write that fanfic i will kiss you on the mouth (platonically)
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madsmilfelsen · 26 days
ever since watching late night with the devil i've been meaning to write the most hr-nightmare-inducing fanfic about the worst man ever jack delroy and yet i cannot think of a good reason for him to even LOOK at the femc. devastated anf miserable
Coming up with a narrative specifically to make a man crazy, crying, begging for pussy (especially one who otherwise wouldn’t be) is have the half the fun babe so have fun with it!!!! I need you to figure it out because I’d love to dip my toes in that mess but I’d have to watch the movie again and I’m too big of a baby for that :( I look forward to reading it when you do :))))
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tenderhungering · 29 days
You should absolutely write a fanfic about him. He's someone who desperately wants to be loved and recognized. He's not a bad man, not really. He can be sweet. But he can be taken in by the promises of power and fame. When he's desperate he can be easily taken advantage of.
i definitely will ! i have been very fixated on his character and all of the little nuances of his character that i'd like to explore more ! especially him as Jack Delroy rather than Mr. Midnight. i'll try my best not to make it a failmarriage even if im a sucker for angst,,,i have posted some ideas for it but it is still in its very early stages of planning ! most of it consists of two very slightly terrible people very much loving each other but love not being enough. the love is there but not enough to save either one of them. of course though, it'll have its sweet moments ! i am excited to plan it out though !
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tenderhungering · 1 month
Do you think Jack Delroy is a victim or a villain?
i love jack delroy so much as a character and i would really love to explore him more through writing (if i ever end up writing a fanfic about him lmao). i think he is both victim and villain, he’s an incredibly morally gray character that wants to believe that he is a good man.
jack isn’t deliberately cruel to anyone throughout the film. if anything, i’d say he has the ability to be very reassuring, he’s constantly worrying and fretting, comforting. he’s physically comforting in the way that he stands in front of lilly & june whenever the glass breaks on instinct, how he immediately falls next to gus’ body whenever he sees he’s been hurt, he decides to take over cutting lilly after her binds after he hears her cry out that they’re hurting her. he’s verbally comforting in how he’s always assuring that everything will be fine, that christou should pay no mind to carmichael because he knows carmichael is about to make him feel bad about his occupation, he repeatedly uses pet names for lilly as if to ease any anxiety from being on the show.
but what all these instances have in common with one another is that he is the reason as to why they are experiencing discomfort to begin with. it is the same as kissing his wife before stabbing her in the stomach. he’s able to experience the need to be someone of solace when he sees hurt, both out of his own human nature and the guilt behind it.
the dog that weeps after it kills is no better than the dog that doesn't. my guilt will not purify me.
i think jack desperately wants to be a good person. he wants to remain good and pure but he has placed himself within a system that values how much you are able to feed it in exchange for power. he is self-obsessed with the idea of being loved by as many people as possible to make up for all his time spent suffering. he thinks he’s made enough sacrifices in order to be rewarded for them. is the hurt that he has inflicted on himself not enough? does he have to give more? is his own not enough? i have to hurt you to get what i want, just for once, and i am sorry but i promise not to twist the knife.
ultimately i think jack is similar to that of being the perfect pawn, a victim that the cult enjoys exploiting and who will do things for his own benefit because he thinks he deserves this. he is entitled to something good for once, isn’t he?. his guilt and shame has been overridden by the desperation that he feels to be something. maybe he subconsciously needs to have some power over others since he feels so powerless to his own decisions. in front of the camera he can play the part of leading man but really, he was damned from the very beginning. and he has to damn others to feel a bit of control. and that makes him an antagonist to both his own story and others’. he has destroyed and betrayed himself for nothing.
edit: also thank you so much for asking me this omg,,, i’m a sucker for just going on and on about characters but you definitely do not have to agree with me on things i write ! keep sending questions so i am enabled into yapping
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tenderhungering · 1 month
btw i know im not shutting up about Late Night With The Devil right now so id love for you guys to leave messages in my inbox for it or even just directly message me ! i love talking about films ! and character studies. or even just shitposting. like modern jack delroy would’ve probably been on tiktok live thanking people for sending gifts bc he needs the money BAD if he wants to make it to the grove that year. he needs it for the parking or something
me at home halloween 1977 1 second after seeing him actually
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tenderhungering · 1 month
looking for more mutuals ! hello ! i go by juno, im twenty-one years old + use they/she pronouns and i post film rambles and other desperate little yearnings !
some stuff i will most likely post about:
• 1960s-1990s films
• the violent deconstruction of female characters
• paul dano, david dastmalchian, harold lloyd and zach woods !
• succession, mad men, veep, the thick of it (current interest in terms of shows!)
• horror films
• fic ideas,,, i have so many little ones !
• scattered roleplay posts ! i enjoy creating characters and writing for them !
please like for a follow ! also feel so free to message me about anything you see here ! i’d been looking for more people to chat with ! i’ll make a more cohesive list of things later on (maybe a carrd?) !
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