#jack harkness. they want me to believe. that jack harkness. canonically been pregnant jack harkness. omnisexual jack harkness. friend of the
quietwingsinthesky · 9 months
I keep on wanting to say "I'm so excited for you to get to X" in torchwood but I don't want to give away what happens by describing it at all, so plz just know that whenever something deranged or bonkers or horrifying happens, I've been excited for you to get there >:) (but also if it ever gets to be too much, please take a break for your mental health!)
This show is one of the best things I’ve ever laid eyes on, and I’m just mad at myself that I didn’t watch it sooner. There’s just so much!! happening!!! And even on the less than stellar episodes, there’s always fantastic character interactions and I love them all so much I 🥺🥺
Don’t worry about me though. I’ll be just fine watching this. <3
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Verse Masterlist
So this is a very long post therefore I’ve put it under a readmore. These are my current verses all of which are open to everyone
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1st regeneration tag - v: daughter of the silence This is Melody’s life growing up under the care of Dr Renfrew and the Silence. 
2nd regeneration tag - v: going full circle After regenerating in 1969 Melody was taken to Leadworth in 1991. She grew up with foster parents who were very absent. Her best friends were her own parents. Goes up to episode Lets Kill Hitler.
University Verse tag - v: becoming river song This verse follows River when she’s becoming the woman we know. She’s at university studying to be an archaeologist. It’s the first time she’s been free from the Silence.
Professor Verse tag - v: professor river song After being released from prison River went back to university. She became a professor lecturing archaeology. This verse is for both pre and post library. The majority of threads are post library.
Darillium Verse tag - v: twenty-four years Pretty much what it says on the tin, this verse is for River and the Doctor’s time on the planet Darillium.
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Stayed Verse tag - v: if she stayed This is AU from ‘The Angels Take Manhattan’ River stayed with the Doctor aboard the TARDIS. They still went to The Pasternoster Gang and stayed there to mourn meaning they met Clara. It means that the plots of the show still go just as they did without River but obviously she’s there too. Open Starters for this verse are here and mostly towards the Doctor.
Returned Verse tag - v: if she returned Following on from 'if she stayed' after River’s twenty-four years with the Doctor she goes to the Library but is very quickly reanimated and brought back to the Doctor. So she travels with him and his companion(s).It means that the plots of the show still go just as they did without River but obviously she’s there too.Open Starters for this verse are here and mostly towards the Doctor.
Mum Verse tag - v: talks with mum or v: mothering river A nice simple verse. My main verse River cannot have children so this verse is for my interactions with OCs (to whom I am very welcome) and also any threads where River discusses having children, is pregnant or has children.
Fobwatched Verse tag - v: fobwatched verse River was as she is in the main!verse, she had gotten out of The Library and for a while The Doctor and she were safe, but then she fell pregnant. The Doctor soon realised that she wouldn’t survive the pregnancy in her current biological standing. They decided that a fobwatch would be the safest outcome. River was meant to be dropped off in Leadworth 2015 and the Doctor would meet her and wake her up, once the pregnancy was over. But something went wrong and she ended up in Victorian England, she doesn’t know where her husband is or who he is, only that he is a good man and will come home soon. She now has a three year old son named Rory and works as a Nanny.
Kovarian’s Verse stockholm syndrome tw tag - v: madame kovarian’s daughter In this verse River did kill the Doctor but she’s not that evil. She just wants to please Madame Kovarian who she has a case of Stockholm Syndrome towards. She is completely dependent on Madame Kovarian and is very defensive if people try to talk against her.
Master’s Verse stockholm syndrome tw, abuse tw tag - v: the year that never was This verse is set in the Year That Never Was, where River is kept as The Master’s prisoner aboard the Valiant. Due to the paradox she sort of lost who she was. River is practically the Master’s pet, she does as he asks when he asks and won’t talk to many other people. She’s been abused by The Master to become this way.
Human Verse tag - v: a human life As the name might suggest River is human in this verse, she doesn’t know the Doctor, she doesn’t know her parents or anything about aliens. She is just an archaeology professor at Oxford University.
Melody Pond Verse tag - v: beloved melody pond This is what would have happened if baby Melody had not been taken by The Silence. She is a normal little girl with Amy and Rory raising her.
Sick Verse tag - v: the doctor’s patient To get out of the Library River was placed in a new body however due to the body being completely new it’s immune system was very weak and soon she found herself unable to go very long without medical help and so she called her Doctor.Now she stays aboard the TARDIS where she is connected to a life support system. She still does archaeological research and writes textbooks instead of going on actual digs. She misses it but knows it’s for the best.
Pond Verse tag - v: melody williams is a superhero This is a very AU verse. Melody didn’t regenerate in New York and turn into Mels, instead she stayed as a very sick little girl looking for her parents and somehow she does finding them in Manhattan.Basically Melody getting the childhood she deserved and Amy and Rory getting to raise her.
SJA Verse tagged - v: sarah jane’s niece Based on this gifset. Knowing where to find Melody the Doctor took her from the Silence, with the help of Jack Harkness and Torchwood, however Melody was still in a lot of danger and so the Doctor felt she was unable to go with Rory and Amy, yet.And so he left her on Sarah Jane’s doorstep with an explanation of what was going on. From then on she stayed with Sarah Jane, Luke and a few years later Skye. She is known as Melody Williams and is known to others to be Sarah Jane’s niece.Amy and Rory are able to visit, and do, as often as they like.
Vault Verse tag - v: stay alive This verse is set in series 10. Instead of Missy in the vault it is River. The Doctor finds a way of saving River and he works out how to do it after reassembling Nardole. He found a way of attaching River’s consciousness and head into the robot that had kept King Hydroflax alive for so long. As it was stated that it was basically built in life support he argued that until he could keep River asleep until a new body had been created.And it worked, almost, River was transferred into the body and it was successful with all memories intact. But she couldn’t sleep, instead she works up periodically and cannot control the robot she has been placed in, that is why she has been placed in the vault. For her own safety, as she has poor health and immune system, and others from the robot.
Sisters Verse (mainly with @madasateacup) tag - v: strength of a sister AU as of Angels Take Manhattan where Amy and Rory didn't get taken back in time and instead continued their life in Leadworth. Soon afterwards they adopted a little girl named Collie. Although originally nervous River soon fell in love with being a big sister. Follows their interactions as Collie grows up.
Doctor Verse tag - v: i am the doctor This AU takes place where 'River' is in the place of the Doctor. She's one of the reincarnations who just decides to call herself River sometimes.
Dark Verse tag - v: dark river As the name might suggest this verse is for a dark version of River. Having gone mad after several brainwashing sessions following the Doctor's 'death' by the Silence River doesn't believe anyone anymore.She killed her way out of Stormcage and now roams the universe bringing havoc and destruction on the people she believes have wronged her.
So I am in a lot of fandoms, chances are if I follow you and you’re not in the DW fandom then yours will be listed here. I always prefer to rp in these verses rather than a crossover verse where there’s lots of confusion.
OUAT tag - v: ouat
HARRY POTTER tag - v: hogwarts
DIVERGENT tag - v: divergent
X-MEN tag - v: mutant xmen
SHIELD/MCU tag - v: shield
THE HUNGER GAMES tag - v: hunger games
PIRATES tag - v: a pirates life for me
VIKINGS tag - v: how to train your dragon
WICKED tag - wicked
LOTR/THE HOBBIT tag - v: elf in middle earth
THE 100 tag- v: the 100
JURASSIC PARK/WORLD tag - v: jurassic world
VAMPIRE tag - v: vampire
POLICE tag - v: di river song
ELEMENTARY (AND OTHER SHERLOCK SHOWS) tag - v: sherlock’s consultant
Z NATION (AND OTHER ZOMBIE SHOWS) tag - v: post z nation
RICK RIORDAN BOOKS tag - v: camp half blood
NEWSIES THE MUSICAL tag - v: seize the day
THE ADDAMS FAMILY tag - v: when you’re an addams
SENSE8  tag - v: last of her cluster
CRIMINAL MINDS tag - v: interpol agent
HOUSE tag - v: house
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