#extremely transgender doctor jack harkness. is transphobic? that was so ridiculous i have excised it from canon it is not true at all
quietwingsinthesky · 9 months
I keep on wanting to say "I'm so excited for you to get to X" in torchwood but I don't want to give away what happens by describing it at all, so plz just know that whenever something deranged or bonkers or horrifying happens, I've been excited for you to get there >:) (but also if it ever gets to be too much, please take a break for your mental health!)
This show is one of the best things I’ve ever laid eyes on, and I’m just mad at myself that I didn’t watch it sooner. There’s just so much!! happening!!! And even on the less than stellar episodes, there’s always fantastic character interactions and I love them all so much I 🥺🥺
Don’t worry about me though. I’ll be just fine watching this. <3
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