#jack o chicas lines are all about burning
You know how after jokes you'll hear the sound of a cymbal being hit?
Well imagine that in a FNAF context
Music Man has cymbals and he could just hit them after someone tells a joke
In UCN all the characters just tell jokes and then Music Man swoops in with a clang
It'd be hilarious
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vypridae · 8 days
was thinking about sending an ask then you rbed me so hihi!!!! <3
i am curious about cassidy :3 bc you posted about him earlier i think, what’s his thing? you said something like he’s so focused on getting afton he causes hurt to his own side, and i love characters like that so i would like to hear rambles <3
ok so the thing with cassidy is. we dont. know a lot abo it them. a lot of what we know comes from either Batshit Matpat Theories TM or vague context clues from other things BUT im willing to explain my thoughts on this
so, cassidy was the fifth child william killed rkght. theyre super often referred to as “the one you should not have killed” by a multitude of animatronics in UCN (william’s personal hell, presumably made by cassidy):
“greetings from the fire, and from the one you shouldn’t have killed!” - jack-o-chica
“i have seen him - the one you shouldn’t have killed!” - withered chica
“he’s here, and always watching - the one you shouldn’t have killed…” - mangle
so the running theory, at least the one from game theory’s Big Lore Videos Part One (ultimate fnaf timeline) is that cassidy was the most brutal of the murders, which. yeah. could see that happening, “the one you shouldnt have killed” in regards to them and not the other souls? would only make sense their death was much more brutal and enraged them to a point of revenge
the thing is, the only proof i really have for cassidy keeping the others trapped with them is some of the death quotes you get from some animatronics; my main proof being withered bonnie.
“what is this new prison? is it me trapped, or is it you? perhaps it’s us both.”
along with this, if you die to three specific animatronics in ucn (happy frog, orville elephant and nedd bear) you may get secret lines with a quiet child’s voice echoing the line in the background:
“they tried to release you. they tried to release us. but i’m not going to let that happen. i will hold you here. i will KEEP you here. no matter how many times they burn us.” - orville
“this is how it feels. and you get to experience it over, and over, and over again. i will never let you leave.” - nedd bear
“we’ve only just begun. i will never let you leave. i will never let you rest.” - happy frog
the only one of those three that really contributes to the idea of trapping the other souls with them in this personal hell they created for william is orville’s; “no matter how many times they burn us.” though it could just refer to cassidy and william specifically, i cant help but feel like the other souls are included in that.
and plus, ”they tried to release us, but i’m not going to let that happen” i mean come on. if that doesn’t scream “i’m using other people to get revenge” idk what does
im sure theres other voice lines i could theoretically find to back up my claims here but !!! theres just my silly ideas. i really like the concept of cassidy being so infuriated with afton that they go out of their way to hurt him, no matter how much it may hurt the other souls trapped with them in the process.
i could ALSO probably get into the idea of cassidy and william’s souls being essentially bound after between pizzeria sim which is why he’s being haunted by them in hell but that’s another rant in and of itself (i say, with no proof for that at all)
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 5 years
May we see headcanons for jack o chica (4 and UCN) and jack o bonnie? Or did you already do them and I just cant find them?
Jack o’Chica (FNAF 4)
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She’s a literal walking furnace.
No kidding, her footprints leave ashes and embers in their wake.
And flames constantly spew from her mouth and eyes.
She was Nightmare Chica, but her jack o’lantern form manifested from Cassidy’s fear of Halloween (same with Jack o’Bonnie), so she’d turn into JOC throughout most of October.
She can heat up her claws and teeth to the point of them glowing white-hot.
So when she grabs Cassidy, he wakes up with quite some burns on his arms, which he has to bandage up.
She loves making fire puns.
In the kitchen, she’ll try to make pizza. But..she’s horrible at it and ends up filling the room with smoke.
Her Nightmare Pumpkin is a giggly animatronic that loves to bite the faces of the other Nightmares, though he receives harsh scoldings for such actions.
Jack o’ Chica (UCN)
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Scott gifted her with the ability to materialize at both doors at the same time.
Though at the expense of Nightmare Pumpkin losing all sentience.
When she gets into the room, she’ll hiss at William and claw him with her glowing hands, ensuring those burns left lasting impressions on him.
She wanted to trap his soul in her suit so he could burn for all eternity. 
But she does find a lot more satisfaction in killing him while he’s distracted by the other animatronics.
Misses Jack o’Bonnie a lot and wonders how he’s doing.
Considering she and Nightmare Chica are two separate entities, their relationship is rocky at most.
Especially since NC is petty about not being in the roster.
Toy Chica, Funtime Chica, and Rockstar Chica nickname her “BBQ”.
Withered Chica is friendly to her, as she feels much better about another “scary Chica” being around.
When Freddy notices her in the hallway, he always mistakes her for the original Chica. 
Putting the two side-by-side will still make him think he’s talking to the same chicken.
Jack o’ Chica (AR)
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Having the freedom to haunt more people’s homes was such a delight to her.
Though she was less-than-pleased to see Scorch, a “knockoff” version of herself.
But the two ended up getting along and make fire-themed puns together.
Feels like an outcast, so she sticks with the Summertronics to fit in sometimes.
All in all not much of her personality has changed, albeit she becomes more cruel and spiteful with her threats.
As evident by her lines after defeat, she hates to lose and is annoyed people have a greater advantage against her with the shock buttons.
Acts v v tsundere when captured, because she’s angry–but at the same time grateful people actually like her and don’t wanna chase her out of their homes.
Don’t expect her insults to stop, though.
“It’s not like I wanted to bring you these parts..you insolent worm. Watch me turn them into molten metal.”
Jack o’ Bonnie (FNAF 4)
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He manifested the exact same way Jack o’Chica did.
But his eye (and the material around it) became burnt out during the transformation, so he can only see out of his other eye.
Nightmare Foxy joked about giving him a patch.
He’s very giggly and likes dark humor.
Lava/magma sometimes drools from the corners of his mouth and between his teeth. But it always dissolves before it hits the floor.
Like Nightmare Bonnie, he keeps his bowtie in pristine condition.
When NB was put into UCN, JOB went to the Flipside with OMC and the other animatronics to rest.
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t get to torment William the same way JOC does.
Jack o’ Bonnie (AR)
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Still the same giggly and sadistic creature.
Though he’s more quiet and lowkey intimidated by Jack o’Chica now since she’s become more bossy.
Actually hates Flametrap for being a “copycat”, but he can’t exactly hurt him with fire so...they just vibe. 
If you have them both, though, make sure they aren’t active at the same time so they don’t burn down the house.
He can also heat up his claws/teeth to make them white-hot and cough up smoke to distort the user’s’ vision.
He’s always threatening to take bites out of Chocolate Bonnie (especially around Halloween) and melt Frostbear.
But he just likes scaring them. Nothing more.
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pikmimoved · 6 years
UCN Voice Line Masterpost
i know personally the biggest part of ucn for me was the voice acting, so i decided to compile all available voice lines into one post!
includes transcripts and links!
note: characters without speaking roles are not included. this includes not only silent characters like toy bonnie, but also characters with purposely unintelligible sounds in place of voices (i.e. ennard, springtrap, nightmare mangle) and characters whos only voice lines are laughter (i.e. molten freddy, bb, etc.).
Circus Baby
“Looks like something bad happened...”
“I guess you forgot about me.”
“Want to see the scooping room?”
“I guess you forgot about me...”
“I could hear you... Breathing.”
“Admit it; you wanted to let me in.”
“Why do you hide inside these walls?”
“Don’t be shy.”
“These are strange circumstances that have brought us together.”
“Uh oh! How unfortunate! Uh oh! How unfortunate! I’m gonna do a sneaky thing and throw a new contender into the ring!”
“Uh oh! How unfortunate! Uh oh! How unfortunate! I know how much you like to fight so I’ll add a new problem to your night!”
“Never underestimate the cunning of a pirate! ...Or a fox, for that matter!”
“Ya never stood a chance!”
“I came for ye booty! ...That be treasure, y’know.”
“I can’t run like I used to, but I can pull myself apart just fine.”
“So much more spacious in here! I may stay a while.”
Nightmare Fredbear
“Let me put you back together... Then take you apart all over again.”
“Let’s see how many times you can be pulled apart.”
“I assure you I am very real.”
“This time, there’s more than an illusion to fear.”
Happy Frog
“I bet you weren’t expecting me, were ya? Turn your back for one second and I’m like ‘wchzoo!’ Ninja skills!”
“You and I don’t get to talk as often as I’d like!”
“Everyone underestimates me... But then they turn their back and I’m like ‘boo!’ and they’re like ‘mleh...’.
“Move over, Freddy Fazbear! Happy Frog is the new star of the show!”
“We’ve only just begun. I will never let you leave. I will never let you rest.”
Funtime Foxy
“It seems you couldn’t make it to my show, so I brought the show to you!”
“Showtimes are on the hour; not a minute before and not a minute later!”
“It’s time to take your final bow!”
“I’m sorry, but there was never enough room on this stage for both of us!”
“A performance was demanded of me, and now I have delivered. Encore!”
Mr. Hippo
note: due to the length of these clips, transcripts are limited to the first few sentences of each clip.
“My friend, you have met a terrible, terrible demise. But, uh, y’know, I don’t feel too bad about it...”
“It seems that you have met your end. What a pity. Y’know what? I don’t feel too bad about it, though...”
“Well, it seems that your journey has ended. Very sorry about that. It was always gonna end this way, of course...”
“It seems that you have met a horrible demise, my friend. But uh... These things happen, and life goes on...”
“I always come back.”
“Did things get really hot in here or is it just me?”
“Come and burn with me...”
“The fire within me burns eternal... And now you shall as well.”
“I am a burning reminder of your misdeeds.”
“Greetings from the fire and from the one(s) you should not have killed.” (?)
“Shh... It will all be over soon.”
“Shh... There is room for one more.”
“Shh... Come spend eternity inside... With me.”
“Shh... I’ve been looking for you... And now I will never let you go.”
“Shh... I’m so glad that I found you... Let me make room for you.”
“Don’t be afraid. Soon, you will look just like me. Beautiful!”
“Now I get to play ‘take apart and put back together’! You won’t feel a thing.”
“I wanted to wait until just the right moment to drop in.”
“It’s so much more fun hanging out in here with you.”
“She’s here... And always watching. The one you shouldn’t have killed.”
“Seeing you powerless is like music to me.”
“I don’t hate you... But you need to stay out of my way.”
“I recognize you! But I’m not afraid of you. Not anymore.”
“The others are under my protection.”
“The others are like animals... But I am very aware.”
“You will not be spared. You will not be saved.”
“The shadow fears me.”  (?)
“I’m your weakness... Made of flesh.” (?)
“I’m here to claim what is left of you.”
“I followed you back to relive your horror.”
Nedd Bear
“Don’t you hate gettin’ killed by obscure secondary characters?”
“Stranger danger!”
“I was just waitin’ for you to drop your guard!”
“Whoops! That’s gonna leave a mark.”
“This is how it feels. And you get to experience it over and over and over again... Forever. I will never let you leave.”
Nightmare Freddy
“I am remade, but not by you. By the one you should not have killed.”
“No light can save you now.”
“I have always been hiding in your shadow.”
“What a gift to relish; a victim that can’t perish.”
“I am given flesh to be your tormentor.”
Nightmare Balloon Boy
“Come closer... Help me count my teeth.”
“You’re not so big! Just a bite-sized morsel!”
“You knew I’d get you eventually.”
“There just isn’t room in here for both of us.”
“Flash that light all you want. It can’t save you now!”
“This is a nightmare that you won’t wake from.”
“This time, death can not save you.”
“The nightmare is just beginning.”
“Let’s taste death again and again...And again.”
“I am the fearful reflection of what you have created.”
Orville Elephant
“What did you think of my act?”
“I don’t get out much, so you’ll have to excuse my enthusiasm!”
“I hope you enjoyed the grand finale!”
“Now is my time to shine!”
“He tried to release you. He tried to release US. But I’m not gonna let that happen. I will hold you here. I will KEEP you here. No matter how many times they burn us.”
“I consider it a dignified death. ...Not really. It was actually quite pathetic.”
“If you sit my the river long enough, you will see the body of your enemy float by.”
“Even monkeys fall from trees.”
“The nail that sticks out gets hammered down.”
“The talented hawk hides his claws.”
Rockstar Bonnie
“Why so blue? You know I’ll be true, and now I’ll make slithers of you!”
“So good to see you again, my truest friend, but now your life must end!”
“What a fine day to come here and say that your face and flesh I must flay.”
“What a treat to come here and meet your face as it hits concrete!”
“I found my guitar now reach for the stars as I plunge it through your heart!”
Rockstar Foxy
“What can I do for ya?”
“How may I be of service to ya?”
“Who touched me bird?”
“Me bird likes ya, so I’ll do ye a favor.”
“Ya win some, ya lose some.”
“Ye play with fire and sometimes ye get burned.”
Rockstar Chica
“That’s right! And don’t you come back now, ya hear?”
“That’ll teach ya for tryin’ a’ trick this old bird!”
“Thought you could fool me with that sign... But I was too smart for ya!”
“I may not like wet floors, but the smell of fresh meat is just too enticing!”
“Whoops! Looks like you’re the one that slipped up this time.”
Scrap Baby
“Time for your controlled shock.”
“Let’s see how many pieces I can cut you into.”
“You won’t die... But you’ll wish you could.”
Toy Chica
“You won’t get tired of dying, will you?”
“Where’s my beak? Lodged in your forehead, of course.”
“You won’t get tired of my voice, will you?”
“Let’s go somewhere more private... So I can eat you.”
Toy Freddy
“That game was totally rigged!”
“That’s what you get for leaving me hanging!”
“It’s not my fault! I have these fat plastic fingers and can’t press the buttons!”
“Mr.Hugs got me again...”
“If I get jumpscared, you get jumpscared!”
Withered Chica
"I never thought I’d make it through that vent, but now we are together."
"Let me show you how to break your face and look like me!"
"I was the first. I have seen everything."
"Come closer. Let us smile together."
"I have seen him. The one you shouldn’t have killed."
Withered Bonnie
“Time to face the consequences of your failure.”
“Might as well face the facts; you were always destined to fail.”
“You blinked!”
"What is this new prison? Is it me trapped or is it you? Perhaps it's us both."
“I might be missing a face, but even I could see you stalk.” (?)
Funtime Chica
“I’m ready for my close-up!”
“Say cheese!”
“Today is all about me, me, me!”
“Don’t get distracted!”
Rockstar Freddy
“Please deposit five coins.”
“Please deposit five coins.”
“Please deposit five coins.” (Shutting Down)
“Thank you for depositing five coins.”
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prizecorners · 6 years
okay SO rubs hands together. its theory time
so based on this post which lists all the voice lines you can get in ucn, i have three theories that some of the lines seem to support:
we play as michael afton in ucn, as opposed to william
michael afton is the foxy mask brother
michael afton is also the protag of fnaf 4
reasons for those theories based on specific quotes under the read more bc its probably gonna get long
support for us playing as michael in ucn:
“Looks like something bad happened.” “Want to see the scooping room?” -Circus Baby
the second one isnt super supportive, just slightly since michael went to the scooping room in fnaf:sl, but the first one definitely is. ‘something bad happened today’ is a quote from fnaf:sl that baby says to the protag, aka michael afton. this is a direct reference to that quote
MANY references to ‘the one you should not have killed’ -Jack-o-Chica, Mangle, Nightmare Freddy, Withered Chica (note: the original post lists mangles line as saying ‘she’ when referring to ‘the one you should not have killed’, but i listened to the audio and it could go either way imo
this only works if michael is also the foxy mask brother (which i have evidence for later), but several of these lines specifically refer to ‘the one you should not have killed’ as ‘he’. if it was william, 1. it would more likely be ‘the ones you should not have killed’ and 2. if it did single out one of the murders, it would probably be charlies, and charlie is a she. there are some lines that are transcribed as ‘she’ or ‘ones’ on the post, but i listened to those lines and theyre not super clear so those arent really conclusive in either direction rip
“He tried to release you. He tried to release US. But I’m not gonna let that happen. I will hold you here. I will KEEP you here. No matter how many times they burn us.” -Orville Elephant
imo this quote is the BIGGEST piece of evidence for us playing as michael, not william. this is a pretty clear reference to the end of fnaf 6, where henry basically torched the place and specifically told william, and only william, to burn in hell. he definitely wasnt trying to release him at all so to me this makes it seem HIGHLY unlikely that we play as william
“Time for your controlled shock.” “You won’t die... but you’ll wish you could.” -Scrap Baby
both of these are references to fnaf:sl. the first one could be referring to william, since he was the one who set up the controlled shock system in the first place, but the second one is, again, a direct reference to a line she said to michael
“Leave the demon to his demons. Rest your own soul. There is nothing else.” -Old Man Consequences
this one isnt on the post, but im including it since it also supports us playing as michael. the ‘demon’ seems like its referring to william, and omc wouldnt be referring to will in the third person if he was talking to him (though it is possible that when you get that ending, youre no longer playing as the player, but as someone else - probably freddy since thats the sprite but that part isnt really as important). theres also the fact that people have fixed up the audio in the background and figured out that it sounds like william screaming ‘mike’ and ‘henry’
support for michael being the foxy mask brother/the protag of fnaf 4 (the lines that support these two overlap a lot so im grouping them together):
“This time, there’s more than an illusion to fear.” -Nightmare Fredbear
“I followed you back to relive your horror.” -Nightmarionne 
“I am remade, but not by you. By the one you should not have killed.” ”I have always been hiding in your shadow.” -Nightmare Freddy
“I am the fearful reflection of what you have created.” -Nightmare
basically just a bunch of lines from the nightmares implying that the player has seen them before and even ‘created’ them originally. ‘created’ could of course refer to william creating the original animatronics that the nightmares were based off of, but it also makes sense if its referring to the protag of fnaf 4 'creating’ them in his nightmares. also nightmare freddys reference to ‘the one you should not have killed’ once again implies that if we are playing as the same protag as fnaf 4, that person isn’t the bite victim, but the one who caused his death - aka the foxy mask brother
“This is how it feels. And you get to experience it over and over and over again... forever. I will never let you leave.” -Nedd Bear
this isnt super conclusive, but ‘this is how it feels’ might be a reference to how the bite felt which is why im including it
now, there are some things that dont make sense with these theories - mainly, most of the marionettes lines (she almost definitely knows hes michael - one of her lines is her saying shes ‘very aware’ -- but she talks to him as if hes william. im not really sure whats up with that) and why all these animatronics would have it in for michael. the nightmares make sense since theyd still be pissed about the bite victim, and its canon that michael looks a LOT like william to the point of the fnaf:sl animatronics thinking he is william. but theres some of the non-nightmares who have lines implying they know hes michael, so im not sure why they would want him to suffer, unless all of them are pissed about the bite victim for some reason
but overall, theres more than enough evidence to support these theories, so yeah. feel free to add on if theres anything i missed, or let me know if theres anything that i missed that completely disproves any of this! 
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Here we are!
Thank you, dear readers for submitting your thoughts on UCN, it’s time for us to do the same. We believe it is Michael’s Hell. Hold on for a second, and let us explain, but first, let’s explore and talk about the views you have submitted, thank you each and everyone who did!
(Full post under the cut)
@mymandakat​ says
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That’s completely understandable! Keeping up with FNaF is rough, and that’s an understandable viewpoint, however with so many voicelines that are... Striking we can’t really feel the same way
@starryoak​ says:
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God, is this a relatable one. But, as I shall elaborate on further later, I feel Will deserves something more biting. Torturous. Fitting for an abusive, manipulative, murderous liar.
@cuddlycat4​ says:
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A great point! Plus I feel if we played as William, some form of Michael would be there, maybe after he’s scooped.
@funtime-innards​ says:
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That’s fair! I’ve seen a lot of reasons why it could be William’s hell, and a lot of them raise fair points, but if you’ll hold on, let us explain our findings (as best we can, without spoilers, of course!)
@kittyqueen445​ says
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Again, fair enough! But for us, the opposite is true.
@smiranna1210 (Who I can’t tag for some reason >:/) says: 
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First off, no need to apologize! believe me, if anyone should be apologizing it’s me ><, to continue, I’ll go ahead and delve into our pre-prepared lines we went into:
“I recognize you, but I’m not afraid of you, not anymore.” -The Puppet
  We know that Michael was a bully when he was younger, as evidenced in the FNAF 4 minigames. And with some fancy calculations, we can determine that Michael was at least 11 years older than Charlotte. This could account for why she would be scared of him.   If you were a young child watching someone bigger, and taller picking on kids, you’d be terrified! I was bullied when I was younger, and even kids who were younger and shorter than me were scary.   It would certainly also make sense for it to be William, but I feel like another Puppet quote would also back us up.
“I don’t hate you, but you need to stay out of my way.” -The Puppet 
  She sees Michael as someone who interferes with bringing life to the children, but doesn’t feel hatred toward him like she does for William.   And for your reference to Orville, we have an idea for that as well:
“He tried to release you, he tried to release us, but I’m not gonna let that happen. I will hold you here, I will keep you here, no matter how many times they burn us.” -Orville Elephant    This refers to Henry trying to release the souls by burning down the pizzeria, Orville using the “they” pronoun could be referring to the minions of hell because Henry only burned down a pizzeria with them once. And as for Michael, he seems to be a much more unaware component to Henry’s plan.
@fnafcomicsartandaus​ says:
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Once again, completely understandable! we’ll go over the rest of the voicelines very soon, and I can totally see that being a satisfying conclusion, but we have some ideas that might also be a lovely conclusion.
Anonymous says:
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William does deserve hell yes, but again, doesn’t he deserve to be in a Hell more permanent? And as for the one you should not have killed, Michael’s hands are not clean. Michael has done wrong, but wrongs that can be made right. It’s not entirely his fault, either. We’ll go into it more in the comic, if you’ll care to stick around.
And lastly, @cherry-s-poison​ says:
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Now, this has been one of the most intriguing cases for William’s hell I’ve seen. However, I do still want to provide our (almost) full evidence for Michael’s hell, if you’d care to read...
  We believe that by playing through and beating UCN, you are playing as Michael trying to redeem your soul. Michael has sinned. He bullied his brother and accidentally killed him, but he is not beyond saving.   Michael resides in the 5th circle of hell, the circle of wrath, where the dead fight each other.   William, however, is beyond redemption. His hell is deeper, more permanent. He resides in the third ring of the 9th circle of hell where traitors to their guests are frozen in ice, and we can hear his screams from the fifth circle. William is a traitor to his guests because he killed children who came to be entertained at his pizzeria. In Dante's Inferno, it is explained the once a person commits such treachery against their guest, their soul falls to Ptolomea (the 3rd round of the 9th ring) before their body is even dead and that their body is then inhabited by a demon until it's natural death.
And now for the quotes that stand out to us the most:
“I can’t run like I used to, but I can pull myself apart just fine.” -Foxy (If you play as Michael in every game, sometimes under assumed names, you would know how fast Foxy used to run to get into your office.
“You won’t get tired of dying, will you?” -Toy Chica (It is established in The Fourth Closet that William has yet to die. He somehow, miraculously keeps hanging on, even under extreme circumstances. Michael, however, gets scooped and dies, yet manages to regain control over his body as some sort of zombie. And, again, if we are playing as Michael the entire time, we see him die over and over with every jumpscare.)
“Where is my beak? Lodged in your forehead, of course.” (In FNAF 2, we have a time where we find Toy Chica’s beak is missing, and in FNAF 4, the girl with the toys of the animatronics has a Chica with a missing beak. These would be things that Michael would have seen.)
“Now I can play take apart and put back together! You won’t feel a thing.” -Mangle (This alludes to the fact that Michael worked in the FNAF 2 location where the Mangle was a pull-apart and put-together attraction.)
“I wanted to wait for just the right moment to drop in!” -Mangle (Mangle drops in on their victims to bite them in the face, which they try on Michael in FNAF 2)
“He’s here and always watching, the one you shouldn’t have killed.” -Mangle (William has killed multiple children, and if we were to break it down to “the one you shouldn’t have killed,” it would be Charlotte [a girl]. Whereas, we watch Michael feed his little brother to Fredbear. Later in the game, we hear a flatline, signaling that the brother died. This is the one Michael shouldn’t have killed.)
“Come face the consequences of your failure.” -Withered Bonnie (Michael has failed to save the children. In FNAF 2, we see the Puppet tell Michael to Help Them! Save Them! Then there is the message: You Can’t.)
“I have seen him, the one you shouldn’t have killed.” -Withered Chica (Another reference to the “ONE” you shouldn’t have killed.)
“Seeing you powerless is like music to me.” -The Puppet (We know that music soothes the puppet. Without music, she comes at Michael. Seeing him powerless is also comforting to her.)
“I am remade, but not by you, by the one you should not have killed.” -Nightmare Freddy (WIthout giving too much away with what we think the first part of this means, we have another reference to the “ONE” you should not have killed.)
“The light can’t save you now.” -Nightmare Freddy (Michael flashes the light to get rid of the nightmares.)
“What a gift to relish, a victim that can’t perish” -Nightmare Freddy (Baby has stated that Michael won’t die. While his body does in fact die, unlike William, Michael’s spirit remains as he has unfinished business)
“Let me put you back together, then take you apart all over again,” and “Let’s see how many times you can be pulled apart.” -Nightmare Fredbear (Michael broke his brother by sticking him into the Fredbear’s mouth. Now it’s Fredbear’s turn to break Michael.)
“This time, there is more than an illusion to fear.” -Nightmare Fredbear(These are Michael’s nightmares, his fears, and now they are real because he is in purgatory.)
“We know who our friends are, and you are not one of them.” -Nightmare Fredbear (If you go to the pile of toys in Michael’s brother’s room, he tells you that these are his friends. They are not, however, Michael’s friends.
“Greetings from the fire, and the one you should not have killed.” -Jack o’ Chica (Another reference to the one you should not have killed.)
“This is a nightmare that you won’t wake from.” -Nightmarionne (Michael has nightmares, but now that he is truly dead, he will not wake from them.
“This time, death cannot save you.” -Nightmarionne (Nightmarionne is not canon, which could mean that there is no actual animatronic stalking Michael, but rather just a nightmare. Every time Michael gets jumpscared in game, he dies again, but is able to return because as Baby said, “He won’t die.” But in hell, death will not save Michael from the eternal torment, only beating the game will release his soul to heaven.)
“I am the fearful reflection of what you have created.” -Nightmarionne (This one is a little too spoiler-y, so I can’t go into it, but needless to say, Michael is the one who is scared of his reflection.)
“I guess you forgot about me.” -Circus Baby (We know that Michael is William’s son. We also know that Elizabeth is WIlliam’s daughter. Did Michael forget he had a sister?)
“Want to see the scooping room?” -Circus Baby 
(Baby tricks Michael into going into the scooping room, so she and the others [as Ennard] can take over Michael’s body.)
“You won’t die, but you’ll wish you could.” -Scrap Baby
 (At the end of Sister Location, we see a scooped Michael with Ennard inside throw up Ennard, fall down, and we hear Baby’s voice say, “He won’t die,” over and over again. Then zombie Michael gets up and all of Ennard’s eyes look at him from the sewer.)
I would love to go into Lefty’s lines here, but it’s too spoiler-y for what we have planned.
I know it may seem strange to cram FNAF 4 and Sister location together, but I think Nightmare’s lines really back this theory up.
“I am your wickedness, made flesh.” -Nightmare
 (Michael gets scooped on Night 5 of Sister Location, but he is still haunting his own body while Ennard is wearing him as a skin suit. Nightmare appears on Night 7, and is the embodiment of Michael’s worst fears.)
“I am here to claim what is left of you.” -Nightmare
 (It may be that Nightmare is possibly acting as the Grim Reaper, here to collect what remains of Michael after he is scooped.)
“I will vomit you back, to relive your horror.” -Nightmare
 (After Michael walks around with Ennard inside his skin for several days, he vomits up the spaghetti monster. If Nightmare is there, a animatronic personification of Michael’s fears and his death, Nightmare would know of this. Michael might fear being vomited up by an animatronic because it would have meant losing the fight against Ennard.)
To conclude, we thank everyone for sticking with us through the walls of text. There was a lot of information, and interesting opinions to comb through, and we hope we have shed some light and inspired opinions of your own. Thank you for lending your ears (or eyes, for that matter) and we hope you continue to enjoy the comic!
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Ultimate Custom Night: Voice’s
(I’ve decided to make a post of all the lines from the game [not including phone guy’s] and give my analysis/opinion on them)
This is the video I used as a ref
Foxy: “Yar I came for ye booty. That be treasure you know.” “Yar. You never stood a chance.” “I can’t run like I used to. But I can pull my self apart just fine.” (Could refer to how he’d run at you in the first game) “Arr. So much more spacious in here. I may stay a while.” “Yar har har. Never underestimate the cunning of a pirate. Or a fox for that matter.” He sounds exactly how I thought he would.
Nightmare Fredbear:  “Let’s see how many time’s you can be pulled apart.” (pulling things/being pulled apart seems to be a reoccurring theme) “I assure you I am very real” “This time there is more than an illusion to fear.” (Both lines could be about how in FNAF 4 none of the animatronics are real) “We know who are friends are. But you are not one of them.” “Let me put you back together. And  then take you apart all over again.” I like how his voice is gruff and distorted (actually I like how all the fnaf 4 animatronics have distorted voices). It also sounds layered to me. Or there could be a second voice underneath.
Happy Frog: “Everyone underestimates me. But then they turn their back and I’m like boo! And their like wagh!” “Move over Freddy Fazbear! Happy Frog is the new star of the show.” “We’ve only just begun. I will never let you leave. I will never let you rest.” (Said in a whispered tone. Sounds more sinister than her usual voice) “I bet you weren’t expecting me were ya? Turn your back for one second and I’m like wozoo! Ninja skills.” “You and I don’t get to talk as often as I’d like.” Very cute voice acting. I like how they throw in one creepy line. That should throw a few people off.
Jack-O-Chika: (voice is distorted) “I am a burning reminder of your misdeeds.”) “Greetings from the fire and the one you should not have killed.” (Player character killed someone. Who? My theory at the moment is they’re the purple guy (or maybe one of them) and they’re in hell. But we’ll see if that sticks) “Did things get really hot in here? Or is it just me?” “Come and burn with me. The fire burns eternal. And now you shall as well!” (Further supports my hell theory) A lot of their lines contain hints towards the lore. But due to the distortion they can be hard to hear. Typical of fnaf lore (in plain sight but hard to decipher). My fave voice from the fnaf4 animatronics.
Lefty: (whispers everything) “Shhh...Come spend eternity inside. With me.” (Inside where?) “Shhh...I’ve been looking for you. And now I’ll never let you go.” “Shhh...I’m so glad that I found you. Let me make room for you.” “Shhh...It will all be over soon.” “Shhh...There is room for one more.” (One more in the suit?) His voice is actually one of the creepiest to me. Especially as it sounds like a little boy.
Mangle: “I wanted to wait till just the right moment to drop in.” “It’s so much more fun hanging out in here with you.” “He’s here. And always watching. The one you shouldn’t have killed.” (”The one you shouldn’t have killed” is mentioned a lot) “Don’t be afraid. Soon you will look just like me. Beautiful.” “Now I get to play take apart and put back together. You won’t feel a thing.” The fact they have a male and female voice actor makes me really happy.
Marionette: “The others are under my protection.” “Seeing you powerless is like music to me.” “The others are like animals. But I am very aware.” (Did the other children/victims loose their humanity? Why not this one?) “I don’t hate you. But you need to stay out of my way.” “I recognise you. But I’m not afraid of you. Not anymore.” (Further evidence player character was/is a killer) The childish voice makes an already creepy character creepier. Are they the one “You should not have killed?” (Though their voice sounds like a little girl and Mangled clearly say “He’s here”.)
Ballora: “I could hear you breathing.” “Admit it. You wanted to let me in.” “These are strange circumstances. That have brought us together.” “Don’t be shy. Why do you hide inside these walls?” Her lines are very flirty. Which seems strange.
Toy Chica: “Where’s my beak? Lodged in your forehead of course.” “*Giggles* You won’t get tired of dying will you? You won’t get tired of my voice? Will you?” (further evidence towards the hell theory) “Let’s go somewhere more private. So I can eat you.” Interesting but very fitting voice acting.  Nightmare Bonnie: “You will not be spared. You will not be saved.” “The shadows (indistinct) me. And (indistinct) you back to horror(?) “Your/You’re wickedness made of flesh.” “I’m here to claim what is left of you.” Creepy voice but I can barely understand anything he says
The Music Man: “Hear that. It’s the sweet sweet sound of your eternal silence.” “Hey keep it down would ya?” “When I’m here you play by My rules.” “A song was requested of me. And now I sing it.” “You and I will be making music together for a long long time.” A weird voice for a weird looking character.
Nedbear: “Stranger danger! *laughs* I was just waiting for you to drop your guard.” “Woops. That’s gonna leave a mark.” “This is how it feels. You get to experience it over and over and over again. Forever. I will never let you leave.” (A little girls voice can be heard just out of sync) “Don’t you hate getting killed by obscure secondary characters?” The hillbilly accent is fun. The little girls voice implies even these characters have dark secrets.
Nightmare Freddy (voice is distorted): “No light can save you now.” “I have always been hiding in your shadow.” “What a gift to relish a victim that can’t perish.” (Hell theory) “I am given flesh to be your tormentor.” “I am remade. But not by you. By the one you should not have killed.” Very creepy. Probably one of the easiest Nightmare to understand but still creepy.
Nightmare BB: “There just isn’t room in here for both of us.” “You knew I’d get you eventually.” “Come closer. Help me count my teeth.” “Flash that light all night/all you like. It can’t save you now.” “You’re not so big. Just a bite size morsel.”
Nightmarionette: (voice is distorted) “The nightmare is just beginning.” “Let’s taste (?) death again, and again and again.” “I am the fear of your reflection and the one you have created.” (The one you have created could be the Marionette) “This is a nightmare you won’t wake from.” (Hell theory?) “This time death can not save you.” (Hell theory) Voice is very hard to understand but very creepy.
Nightmare Mangle: Voice is covered by a lot of static and radio interference. I could hear something that sounded like “Come here come here” though it’s not clear.
William Afton:  “I always come back.”  Has a more human sounding voice despite being in a state of disrepair (like the nightmares and withered animatronics) which makes sense. The fact he and Springtrap are different animatronics throws a wrench in a few theories I’ve heard.
Orville Elephant: “I hope you enjoyed the grand finale.” “Now is my time to shine.” “He tried to release you. He tried to release us. But I’m not gonna let that happen. I will hold you here. I will keep you here. No matter how many times they burn us.” (a little girls voice can be heard just after his. Who are they?) “What did you think of my act? I don’t get out much. So you’ll have to forgive my enthusiasm. I love how he sounds like a sweet old man.
Pigpen: “Even monkey’s fall from trees.” “The nail that sticks out gets hammered down.” “The talented hog hides his claws.” “I consider it a dignified death. Not really it was actually quite pathetic.” “If you sit by the river long enough you’ll see the body of your enemy floating by.” The hillbilly voice really suits him, and the banjo makes me laugh.
Rockstar Bonnie: (Electronic voice, sings) “What a fine day to come here and say Your face and flesh I must flay” “What a treat, to come here and meet (?), your face as it hits concrete (?) “I found my guitar. now reach for the stars, As I bludgeon and pull you apart.” “Why so blue? You know I’ll be true. And now I’ll make slippers (?) out of you.” “So good to see you again. My truest friend. But now your life must end.” (Calls the player character his “truest friend”. Does he mean it? Why does he want to kill PC? Did PC kill him (if he’s one of the possessed animatronics)  Interesting how he’s the only one who sings.
Rockstar Chika: “That’ll teach ya for trying to trick this old bird.” “Thought you could fool me with that sign. But I was too smart for ya.” “I may not like wet floors but the smell of fresh meet is just too enticing.” “Looks like you’re the one who slipped up this time.” “That’s right. And don’t you come back now you hear.” Her voice makes me think of a female rockstar from the 70s or 80s.
Scrapbaby: “Time for your controlled shock.” (said two different ways) “Let’s see how many pieces I can cut you into.” “You won’t die. But you’ll wish you could.” (hell theory) Sounds just like Baby’s voice. (personally I’d have made it a little different but it’s fine as it is) Toy Freddie:  “It’s not my fault. I have these fat plastic fingers that can’t press the buttons.” “Mr hugs got me again.” “If I get jumpscared. You get jumpscared.” “That game was totally rigged.” “That’s what you get for leaving me hanging.” Voice could get annoying after a while.
Trash and the gang: (female voice, whispers) “Psst over here. Get closer.” “Excuse me could you come a little closer?” “Hey. Down here. Hello. I wanted to ask you something. Its something really important.” “Psst. I have something to tell you.” “Hey hey. I want to tell you something.” The voice seems to only be there to trick the player into listening more closely before they are jumpscared.
Rockstar Freddie: “Please deposit five coins.” (Said repeatedly during gameplay when active. After jumpscaring the player is said once and grinds to a stop)
Rockstar Foxy “Yar. Ye play with fire and sometime’s ye get burned.” Voice is very similar to Foxy’s but the slight difference is fitting.
Withered Bonnie: (voice has an electronic echo) “Time to face the consequences of your behaviour (?)” “Might as well face the facts. You were always destined to fail.” “You blinked.” “Why (indistinct)? Is it me (indistinct)? Or is it you? Perhaps it is us both.” “I’ve made (indistinct) fate. But (indistinct) taught (?)” Could someone please tell me what he’s saying?
Withered Chika: (Indistinct) through the vent. But now we are together.” “Let me show you how to break your face and look like me.” “I was the first. I have seen everything.” (The first what? Animatronic? Victim?) “Come closer. Let’s smile(?) together.” “I have seen him. The one you shouldn’t have killed.” The juttering voice is creepy though not the creepiest.
Baby: “I guess you forgot about me.” “Want to see the scooping room?” (Player character could be the main character from SL or Baby’s creator. Or both?) “Guess you forgot about me. Looks like something bad happened.”
Robot(?): “Now I will tell you a story.” “But he could not choose.” “He placed the remains together.” “He promised to never leave them.” Sounds like the War of the Worlds CD my mum has. Who’s story is it telling? The player characters? The Marionettes? 
Mr Hippo: NOPE. NO. Not doing it. I’m not typing all his lines. I’d like to do other things today thank you very much. (His line “maybe I met some sort of demise of my own” is interesting though) Sounds like an old man.
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metroid-fusion · 6 years
some voice lines from ultimate custom night deaths, and what they might imply. keep in mind i dont know shit
Mangle: He’s here, and always watching... the one you shouldn’t have killed... “you” implies youre playing as someone who killed someone. so... william afton.
Withered Chica: I have seen him! The one you shouldn’t have killed!
Jack-o-Chica: Greetings from the fire, and from the one you should not have killed!
Nightmare Freddy: I am remade, but not by you; by the one you should not have killed. nightmare freddy was “remade” from freddy into nightmare freddy in the mind of the bite victim (fnaf4 protag), or nightmare freddy was remade from a nightmare into something more real(?) by somebody else
Nightmare Freddy: I am given flesh to be your tormentor. n!freddy’s purpose of being “remade” (see above) is to haunt the protag.
Nightmare Freddy: What a gift to relish: a victim that can’t perish. the protag can’t die.
Scrap Baby: You won’t die, but you’ll wish you could. more protag can’t die.
Withered Bonnie: Why is this your prison? Is it me trapped, or is it you? Perhaps it's us both. confirms its SOMEBODY’S prison. why is this your prison
Ballora: These are strange circumstances... that have brought us together.
Marionette: x x x x x collection of reasons the puppet’s my fav and also fuck william afton.
Nightmare: I am your wickedness... made flesh.
Mr Hippo: Or...maybe it doesn't mean anything at all. one of his HILARIOUS monologues, this one’s about how *gestures vaguely* this happened (“maybe i met a demise of my own” (burning at the end of pizza sim?)), and about the (potential) non-canonicity of the ucn.
Withered Bonnie: I may be missing my face, but even I could see you stalk. ???
Withered Chica: I was the first! I have seen EVERYTHING.
Jack-o-Chica: The fire within me burns eternal, and now you shall as well! you shall burn eternal. thats hell
Jack-o-Chica: I am a burning reminder of your misdeeds! so... hell.
Nightmarionne quotes:
"This is a nightmare that you won't wake from!"
"This time, death cannot save you."
"The nightmare is just beginning."
"Let's taste death...again...and again...and again..."
"I am the fearful reflection of what you have created!"
This isn’t a voice quote but if you set Old Man Consequences to 1 difficulty and everybody else to 0 and catch a fish, you fall into OMC’s fnaf world area, where he says, “Come and sit with me a while. Leave the demon to his demons. Rest your own soul. There is nothing else.”
Now here’s the kickers: the Mediocre Melodies. All of them have funny, joke-y lines. (Nedd Bear: Don't you hate gettin' killed by obscure secondary characters?) But. Three of them have extra lines that REALLY contrast their other lines (note the whispers underneath!)...
Happy Frog: We've only just begun. I will never let you leave. I will never let you rest.
Nedd Bear: This is how it feels, and you get to experience it over, and over, and over again...forever. I will never let you leave.
Orville Elephant: He tried to release you. He tried to release US. But I'm not gonna let that happen. I will hold you here. I will KEEP you here. No matter how many times they burn us.
That last one’s super important, because at the end of Pizzeria Sim, Henry i think is the person who burns down the location with all the animatronics and William Afton inside to release their souls. Orville, however, says that he’s not gonna let that happen, and the others are saying that they will torture the protag endlessly. The whispers underneath sound to me like the Puppet, but i dont know shit, which could mean that they’re the one that orchestrates all this, which could explain Nightmare Freddy’s “I am remade” quote, because William Afton should NOT have killed the Puppet. (i mean he shouldnt have killed anyone at all but yknow)
tl;dr a bunch of voice quotes point to the ucn protag being william afton, and it being his personal hell, maybe set up by the puppet.
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