#jack sparrow x yn
captain-camille · 7 months
_𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐜𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐞_
‣ Jack Sparrow x f!reader
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‣ As a young woman of noble blood, society is a golden cage. There is no mention of you unless the subject is marriage or manners while your trip to Port Royal has become a rescue maneuver. One faithful night aboard the Dauntless you finally snap. And meet the captive Captain Jack Sparrow...
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 18+ language, old society rules, emotional chaos, very light angst ‣ 3,4k words
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Your dress weighed heavy on your shoulders, the corset strangled your lungs to a delicate point where you began to feel dizzy.
Silver cutlery laid untouched next to your empty plate. The hunger had long passed. 
Either way was it impossible to properly eat with this torture device crushing your ribs. You would fetch a banana later.
“Miss Sheffield“ Lord Somerset hardly drew your attention while he adjusted his white wig “I find myself greatly invested in the many stories of your brother. They're indeed impressive, are they not?“.
It took nerves to hinder your eyes from rolling.
Instead, you gave him an appreciative but short nod. There was bitter sarcasm within the subtlety of your gesture.
Another man's head, adorned with a teal hat with feathers, turned towards you. Father.
“They are, clearly“. You verbally lend weight to your faux-assent as your father's stern gaze fixed on your face.
You suspected him pleased now.
However, his interest in you promptly vanished and a song of praise of someone else continued to fall from his pale lips.
Sweet, boisterous praise for your great brother, of course. 
You were sick of it but with time had begun to see it as an opportunity to reign over your own life as freely as possible.
For as long as possible.
Every eye and word was on your brother while you, the sister of the new Governor of Nassau and member of the Privy Council, were neigh invisible.
And still you could never leave the shiny prison that was the English noble society. Like living in a nightmare that had occasional sunlight in it but was full of madness anyway.
As the men's triumphant laughter echoed across the room, you pictured how Davy Jones' Locker would be a better place to bide your time.
Or maybe you should run away and live a seamstress' life. Alternatively, a barmaid.
In the corner of your vision you saw Norrington slightly leaning over to you. The new Commodore stationed in Port Royal, as he was.
“You look fabulous tonight, Miss“ he cooed, voice low.
His blue gaze rested on the glittering necklace you wore. A collective of silver, sapphires and pearls Lord Somerset had gifted you upon boarding the Dauntless.
Or perhaps Norrington's gaze laid on your cleavage but if so, he concealed it well.
He had to. Hell would come upon him.
You flashed him a polite smile and a demure “Thank you, Commodore“ before your eyes wandered off to the sea that was painted in the colors of a tropical sunset.
The windows were small but still incapable to diminish the glimmer. It went straight to your heart...
“Since you are a young woman, too-“ the man continued, hoisting a chalice to his lips. Beneath the table, your hand balled in a fist.
It did little to soothe your nerves, though.
“-I wondered whether you would think Elizabeth liked such jewelry as, um, a wedding gift?“ his smooth voice asked but the hesitant tone betrayed him.
You had long seen it in his eyes that Norrington's desires to marry Swann's daughter weren't as honest as he tried to make it seem.
Just as Elizabeth struggled to let go of the young blacksmith Will Turner she was currently trying to rescue.
Just fellow souls lost in this noble dilemma, you almost chuckled to yourself.
Luckily, you were quick enough to bridle any inner jests and looked back in Norrington's eyes.
“I’m most certain she would be delighted. However, it occurred to me that Miss Swann prefers silver to gold.“ you advised him before he got dragged back into a naval discussion with the men. 
Not even thanks were left for your input.
Once again your brother's name was thrown around like a cricket ball. 
The urge to just leave this charade of a dinner grew stronger while darkness began to fall upon the majestic Dauntless.
Candle light reflected in the men’s white and grey wigs like it would in the feathers of doltish pigeons.
Nearly scoffing, the focus of your eyes blurred.
Thoughts wandered off to the small bits of information you had grasped throughout the last two days; a business trip to Port Royal had turned into quite an amusing rescue maneuver as Norrington spotted the smoke signal Elizabeth was sending from a lonely island. 
She was brought onto the ship along with a mysterious pirate who turned out to be none other than the notorious Captain Jack Sparrow.
Lord, he seemed so different to the men you were used to. So interesting…
“Yn, the Lord's question was, would you be his companion on a visit to your brother?“ The raspy voice of your father suddenly cut through your thoughts like a sharp knife. 
You cleared your throat, hiding a muttered “god, no“ along the cough.
No, you simply couldn’t do this any longer tonight.
Tomorrow morning the misery would begin anew and the nights were too short anyway.
Dinner was over for you, you decided and shot up, heading towards the door. 
“Young Miss, where do you think you are going?“ your father called across the room, causing you to spin and face him along with everyone else seated on the grand table.
An unreadable expression settled on your face, lips moving on behalf of your temper. 
“Father, I do believe you won’t miss me much while conversing solely about my brother“. 
Norrington let out a shaky breath, his head turning to expect your father’s answer. Obviously, he was used to Elizabeth's docile manners.
The grey wig beneath Lord Sheffield's hat shifted slightly as he cocked his head.
He looked ridiculous. 
“Then go, yn. I do not have the time nor the patience for your behavior right now“ he sighed, waving his hand in an enervated gesture of dismissal “Check on Miss Swann when you pass by“.
The stingy sensation of the corset fighting your big breaths vexed you, along with your father's aloof attitude.
Nevertheless, he granted you exactly what you wanted; to leave and mind your own business.
A business that had preferably sparsely to do with these men.
“Thank you, sir. I will“ you curled your lips, forcing a hasty smile before your knees bent in a curtsy. “Lord Somerset, thank you again for the generous gift. Commodore“.
The Lord stood up with his chest puffed, trying to address you. “The pleasure is all mine, Miss Sheffield. I wish you a good-“  
But the rest of his irrelevant set-phrase was cut off by the door closing behind your back. It snapped shut with a soft rock of the Dauntless.
As if she felt sorry for you.
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Taking a big breath of the fresh sea breeze your tongue finally spoke some truth. “Damn you, Somerset“.
It felt good, even if it did little to improve your situation.
You knew you had to get away from the cabins or else your words of pent-up frustration would eventually find them.
Maybe you would find solace on the quarterdeck instead?
As you marched up the stairs with a grimace on your face from how impractical the heavy dress was, a young maid brushed past you with filled wineglasses on a silver tray. 
She smiled with respect, but could barely hide her excited look at the luxurious necklace.
Her soft lips parted when she spoke up in awe “If I may, Baron Somerset really is doting upon you, Miss“.
At her comment, the matching earrings with the similarly cut sapphires began to itch.
“So it seems“ you answered flatly, still trying your best not to let it all out on the innocent girl. 
“I happen to have overheard him talking about how beautiful your children would be“ she added with enthusiasm, unaware of your aversion to said nobleman.
You felt your gut twist and tighten at the vision alone. 
Children with this man? No.
On the brink of screaming or crying, your hand flew up to grab one of the glasses.
“Did he now?“ You hoisted it and bathed your upper lip in the sweet taste of Portuguese wine “Golden me“. 
Hearing her colleague call for her, the maid quickly curtsied and made her way down to the main cabin.
You sighed heavily, taking another sip.
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Up on the spacious quarterdeck you wasted no time, set the glass down on a random barrel and began to take off your earrings. 
They were burning on your skin now.
Anger, chagrin and despair rioted in your veins like a hurricane.
So untamed, you didn’t even notice the man at the helm observing your actions through curious eyes.
“To hell-“ you shouted, kicking your right foot so that your shoe flew overboard in a wide arc “with you, father“ the other shoe followed suit.
“And Somerset“ you tossed one earring into the black sea, holding the other one while you unhooked the expensive necklace.
You didn’t hesitate a second to proceed with this macabre yet somehow weirdly freeing act of rebellion.
With your right arm outstretched, jewelry in your hands, you stood at the ship’s railing, wind in your face.
“And to the depths with this society of hypocrites and it's stupid rules“ your now hoarse voice exclaimed bitterly before your tossing arm got stopped mid way. 
Twisting on your stocking feet, you ended up only inches away from Jack Sparrow’s face who was grinning at you with a pleased sparkle in his dark eyes.
You didn't dare to breathe, mouth agape.
He was still holding onto your arm even though you had lowered it in a mixture of shock and awe.
“Not good. Ye wouldn't wanna be doin' that, lassie“ the pirate purred, gold teeth adding to the captivating shine of his eyes.
Since the Navy took him prisoner, you had never spoken to him. Only eves-dropped when he had persuaded Norrington as if it was easy.
And now you could feel his breath fan across your face, the scent of the sea and rum intoxicating your brain.
Slowly, he unwrapped and lifted his fingers off your arm. One by one like a fan.
“Why not? You cannot stop me“ you eventually found your courage again and yanked your arm away. 
The man scrunched his brows, lips closing. The many trinkets in his dreadlocks clinked as Sparrow cocked his head.
Your eyes were slaves to his eccentric mimic for a little while before you finally got to step back.
His presence somehow calmed you down, brought your nerves to a halt. All the way to the point where you remembered your manners.
“My apologies, Mister Sparrow. I didn’t mean to-“ you began to apologize for the snappy behavior but he interjected with a finger pointing at you.
“Never be sorry for disobeying rules that aren't worth following, luv“.
Irritated by the unexpectedly wise words, you found yourself at a loss for an answer.
This man was a real pirate after all. The closest thing to an anarchical life there was. 
Your heart pumped awe through your veins that began to pacify the storm within. 
Features dropping from trained, polite distance to honest distress, your gaze darted down to the jewelry in your hand. It was worth at least as much as your entire collection of summer gowns. 
The blue stones seemed somewhat black tonight.
As grim as your future. With Somerset. Or any other noble, dim-witted aristocrat. 
The pirate just stood and watched the tragic poem being written all over your beautiful face. His silence allowed the gears in your mind to shift.
Then, you seemed put.
“What even are you doing at the helm, Sparrow?“ You asked to avoid any potential questions when you mindlessly chucked the bundle of jewelry to him.
He grinned again as an audible clink and clatter signaled you that he had caught it.
You were sure that Sparrow had a better use for it than you did. Whatever it may be.
Admittedly, you would have just thrown it overboard or locked it away in a random jewel casket for eternity.
A husky gravel met your ears when he cleared his throat after sinking the necklace deep into the inside pocket of his brown jacket.
It was as if he knew you didn't have any expectation of thanks or desire for inquiring about your deed.
“Isla de la Muerta can only be found by those who already know where it is-“.
Slow steps of heavy boots on wooden tiles neared you from your left.
“And rumors have it me, meself and I have a heading Norrington doesn’t, savvy?“ Sparrow slurred, snapping open a compass as he leaned his back against the railing next to you.
With your eyes raking over the dusk ocean, you couldn’t help but risk a peak over to his hands.
You grimaced. The compass obviously didn’t point north.
Was he tricking the Commodore?
Suddenly, Jack chuckled, clearly having seen your expression.
“Nah... tale for another night“ he simply stated closing the small, brown box again.
His intense gaze crawled all over your side profile and pinned updo. “Tell me somethin’ about ye, Missy. Plagued by those wig-suckers, eh?“ 
You gave a snort of laughter, enjoying his unfiltered way of addressing the men you were used to calling 'Lord', 'Governor' or 'Commodore'.
“You know exactly who I am. Do not call me Missy“ you snapped, biting down a playful smile no one had ever elicited as easily as the foreign pirate did.
Perhaps it should worry you but it didn’t in the slightest. 
Jack arched his figure to lean back more and study your edged expression from the front. You tried to shoot him an unfazed look but the pirate saw right through it and smiled widely. 
How he could read you so emphatically was far beyond what you were used to from men. It confused you. 
Just as it puzzled Jack that your behaviour was so devoid of any of the hospitality and judgement he had come to expect from your class.
It only drew the both of you deeper into whatever this conversation would become.
“Apologies, me bad. Miss Sheffield“ his deep voice cooed, finally cracking your surface and putting a soft blush on your cheeks.
“It never occurred to me that Pirates can be this charming“ you snickered with a hint of irony, eyes resting on Sparrow’s unique features for a moment.
His tanned skin was reflecting the flickering light of oil lamps. Sparrow was a handsome man, you realized.
Effortlessly and in tune with the ship's rocking, the man pushed off the railing to trail behind you.
“I always expected Pirates to be more- rogue, I suppose“ you mused, more to yourself.
Sparrow tsk'ed but he didn't seem hurt.
Your head cocked when you felt his hot breath close to the nape of your neck.
“A Shilling that I can alter your outlook on Pirates all by me onesies, eh?“ His comment was nonchalant and smug but in a swinging way.
This man had nerves. 
“Didn't I just give you a collier worth far more than one Shilling?“ you asked rhetorically, amplifying the perky tone.
The pirate hummed, as if contemplating. “Alright, then. Consider your debt paid“.
It was utterly refreshing to converse so freely without any rules or boundaries. You grew fond of it with every passing second. 
When Sparrow didn’t re-appear on your other side, you turned around to spot him chugging down the wine you had abandoned in your rage.
“Sorry, it’s no rum but-“
“-good. That’s good“ he complimented the red liquid, analyzing the ornate chalice through narrowed eyes before he sat it back down.
Carefully, with his pinky stretched out with decorum.
You caught yourself giggling but promptly covered your mouth with a palm. Habits. 
“So, Miss Sheffield...“ the pirate urged you, swaggering closer until he stood by your side again. His elbows were quickly propped on the reddish railing.
“Pray tell“.
You sighed. However, the will to empty your heart was unbreakable. 
It was easier when your gaze found shelter in the darkness of the Caribbean night but Sparrow’s stare lingered on you nonetheless. 
“I- I feel like- No, I am trapped. Trapped in a golden cage with only dull bumbles who want to possess women of standing as if they were accessories for their prevalence-striven plans“ you began to complain, your words gaining speed and intensity throughout the sentence. 
Honest pity flashed behind the pirate's charcoal outlined eyes.
The man had never thought he was capable of pitying those who were born with a silver spoon in their mouths.
And still, there he stood, stricken by the pain in your melodic voice.
You gasped for air, your mind wanting to go on but your throat began to burn on the verge of crying.
“I must behave according to the rules of society, no matter what it is I truly desire. All the poisoned praise goes to my brother while I am only of importance when the subject of my marriage is discussed“.
“Ye brother be the new Governor of Nassau?“ Sparrow eventually asked, his gaze sliding down to where your nails were nervously scratching lines into the wooden railing.
You couldn’t help but scoff in annoyance of his title. “Yes, that be him“. 
The man next to you shrugged his shoulders, the trinkets and charms once again clinking. You would love to find out where he got each of them from.
“I could, in fact, sack Nassau port for ye as soon as I rip me Pearl from Barbossa’s slimy, old hands“ a tad of disgust infused his bold words at the foreign name.
“Jus' a humble offer. What ye say, lassie?“. 
Sparrow was trying to cheer you up.
A small smile began to reign over your lips again, toes curling. “That would only get you killed, fierce pirate“ you noted, trying to sound as judicious and rational as possible.
Instead, he grinned even broader and spread his arms in an eccentric, self-presenting pose. “I’m Captain Jack Sparrow, luv“ he declared as if it was self-explanatory.
For the first time in a while the sea breeze caught and carried your sincere laughter.
Sparrow’s braided goatee twitched as he found himself biting his lip at the pretty sound and look.
You were a stunning woman in noble clothes with noble blood in your veins but with a spirit as wild and ravenous as his own.
You enthralled him.
“Bring this to my daughter. She shall eat, at least. The Commodore risks too much by rescuing young Turner, he cannot afford to see his fiancé unwell“ Governor Swann’s order suddenly boomed across the main deck, followed by hasty steps of a maid.
Instinctively, Sparrow snaked his hand around your shoulder, across your chest and pulled you back with him.
Out of sight.
His rough hand on your mouth muffled a shrill cry just enough. 
“They thinkin’ yer asleep, eh, Miss Sheffield?“ His voice was lowered, almost just a husk and yet it was filled with this mischievous, flirtatious tone.
God, this man sent shivers down your spine like no other. 
But he was still a lawless pirate.
A prisoner, even.
Suddenly, whyever, the gravity of your situation and the futility of tonight's zeal made you feel how cold and wet the floor was without shoes.
Brown dreadlocks pressed against the back of your head irrevocably disheveled your updo. 
“Asleep, as I should be...“ you muttered, infused with a hint of re-surfacing anger and despair.
You wriggled yourself out of his protective grasp. The pirate's brow was raised, eyes narrowed on your face.
There was a haze of danger and waywardness about Jack Sparrow that made you question your own courage and spirit. 
“Why did I even tell you all that in the first place?“ you exclaimed, hands thrown up. Slowly stepping away from him, you felt all the emotions crushing your mind.
“You most likely do not care, neither do I profit by wailing. It doesn’t bear contemplating...“.
Sparrow wrapped his right hand back around the handle of the helm, looking rather unfazed by the confusion that was spreading in your system like the Portuguese wine in his own. 
Heavy silence and the occasional laughter from the men in the Captain’s cabin mingled with the soft splash of sea water. 
Your feelings were now as erratic as the rhythm of the crashing waves.
“Look 'ere, luv“.
Your gaze was just about to turn from pleading to the usual bored emptiness as you saw his free hand wander down to his leather belt.
A smirk adorned his bearded face when skilled fingers rapidly detached the compass and threw it over to you.
Stumbling slightly as the ship rocked, you caught the brown box before it could hit the ground.
You heard Sparrow mutter a muted “Thank god“ that made you want to snap at him but the gesture was too interesting not to query.
Why would he think you needed a compass?
Fluster painted your features when you met his weirdly satisfied expression.
“Aren’t you Captain Jack Sparrow? Don’t you need a compass for... that?“ You asked with less challenge in your tone than initially planned.
He chuckled beautifully, shaking his head with eyes closed.
“What?“ You probed when his dark gaze began to rise up from the floor, along your figure.
“I may be without me compass but not without heading and a plan“ the pirate finally explained, taking another step closer to the helm “You, contrastingly and tragically, lack both“. 
Your arms came up and crossed defensively in front of your chest.
But his words and the tight corset made you drop them again rather quickly. 
He was right. You had been lamenting about your situation barely three minutes ago.
“So? What exactly is your compass going to change about that, Sparrow?“.
You peered down at the inconspicuous looking box.
“Everythin'.“ Sparrow stated with a touch of mystery. “Listen what ye heart wants and the compass is gonna give ye a heading, savvy?“.
A big part of you wanted to believe what this infuriatingly interesting man promised while another voice was whispering to you how it was literal magic he was implying.
With a hesitant gesture of offering it back to him, you hoped to find out which voice to listen to.
“But you would want it back, right? It is yours after all“ you commented your action with genuine concern and a small smile.
Plus, the fear that Norrington would kill Jack if he couldn’t find the Isla without his compass. 
Captured by the pirate for one last time, you watched his gold teeth flash in a wide grin, his tattooed hand spreading on his chest as a sign of integrity.
He was being honest, you felt it.
“I will be gettin’ it back, luv. Don't ye worry“. 
Before you creeped down the stairs and eventually headed for your cabin to ponder on your heart's desires, the last you saw of Captain Jack Sparrow was a charming wink. 
The last for now, at least.
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♡ thank you so much for reading my very first POTC fic ever ♡
𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐮𝐩 𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐲𝐨 𝐡𝐨
@mochie85 @holdmytesseract @socksracoon10 @goldencherriess @chronicallybubbly @kcd15 @always-on-hiatus
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𝕁𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕨'𝕤 ℝ𝕠𝕤𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟡
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19
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General POV.
Elizabeth stood on a dry piece of land in the cave looking at a few pieces of gold.
Jack however was throwing all kinds of treasure around looking for good pieces to bring.
Rose walked over to Elizabeth and gave her a tight hug.
'I'm so sorry for everything' Elizabeth said softly
'I'm the one giving you a death scare' Rose said smiling.
'I love you Elizabeth. you're my best friend. I would do it all over just for you' Rose said as she took Elizabeth in another tight hug.
'You know before we went off to the Black Pearl.
And you were already down in the dinghy. Your father came to the captain's quarters.
He sat in front of the door. Telling us how proud he is.
On me for trying to save you.
But he thought it was good of you to say yes to the proposal.'
'Of course he would say that' Elizabeth said softly smiling watching Will.
'But he also said that sometimes the most ideal decision, can be a really bad decision when made with bad reasons' Rose said softly while brushing a hair behind Elizabeth's ear.
'He loves you any how Lizzy..
Not only when you marry Norrington'
Rose wiped the tear of Elizabeth's face.
Rose saw Will coming.
'I'll leave you two alone.' Rose said softly and walked off towards Jack.
'Jack' Rose said as she walked up to him.
'Rose' Jack exclaimed having all kinds of gold around his neck. And walked over to her.
Rose gave him a slap in the face.
'Dying!? Really you gave me the biggest scare of my life!' Rose said tears in her eyes.
Jack snickerd.
'Love. I didn't enjoy seeing you die either' he smirked
Which made Rose smile back at him.
He brushed his fingers over her cheeks.
'I wouldn't mind tho. Being Immortal with you' Jack said a bit softer.
Rose smirked looking up to him. And before she knew it Jack had filled the gap between their lips again. His arm in this small of her back. He did stab her on accident with the gold chandelier he was holding. But that was soon forgotten.
Rose laid her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss with Jack.
'We should return to the Dauntless.' Elizabeth said softly towards Will.
'Your fiancé will be wanting to know you're safe. ' Will replied.
Elizabeth nodded softly and walked away towards the dinghy's
'Really Will!' Rose said behind him.
Her hands up.
'if you were waiting for the opportune moment' Jack said
'That was it' Rose and Jack said at the same time.
'Now, I'd be much obliged if you'd drop me off at my ship!' Jack said smiling at Rose.
Rose knew she couldn't go with Jack. But he told her to write to Tortuga and he would collect her letters.
When they were on the dinghy rowing towards the open sea.
The Black Pearl was nowhere to be found.
'I'm sorry Jack' Rose said softly laying a hand on his shoulder.
'They done what's right by them. Can't expect more than that.' Jack said laying his hand on mine.
When they were hovered above the Dauntless. Jack got cuffed and taken towards the brig.
'Do I really need to tell you that he is a new man now..' Rose said towards Norrington.
'He might be Rosemary.
But this time he already got wat he wanted and the only he now has in his future are the gallows. So he will try to escape.
And now I don't want to hear anything about it anymore okay?' Norrington said as he stormed off.
'Its okay love' Jack mouthed towards Rose. As they took him below deck.
Rosemary's POV
'And now you two' Norrington said towards me and Will
He looked over towards Will.
'I will be letting these charges go if. You will never ever will try to steal a ship from us again. And go off on your own. This is still Royal Navy duty. Not just the duty of an Black smith and a tailor.'
'Do we have an understanding' Norrington said towards us. With a small smile.
'Thankyou Commodore ' Will and I both said.
'Now out of my sight!' Norrington said and we went below deck.
I heard the guards planning the hanging of Jack right were Will and I both sat.
I looked at him with tears in my eyes. And he came closer to me and laid an arm around my shoulders.
'I think I have a plan' Will said softly
'Lets talk about it when we get back. Now go get some sleep and check on Elizabeth' Will said as she pushed me up.
'I'll check on Jack and thank him for everything. ' I nodded and smiled at Will.
I walked up to deck and walked over to the captain's quarters were Elizabeth sat on a dining chair.
'Oh Rose!
I'm so sorry.. I couldn't do anything for Jack.' I smiled at Elizabeth.
'You can't help it Liz.
But thank you ' I said genuine towards Elizabeth. and gave her a kiss on her cheek.
'Now please.. Lets do something about that hair. Cause It's a real mess.' I said giggling towards Elizabeth.
'I thought you'd never ask!' Elizabeth said
When back in Port Royal.
The normal life started again.
Will was busy making lots of new material cause lots had been damaged in the last fights.
And I was busy tailoring all the dresses for the hanging of Jack. It made my heart ache.
But I couldn't help it. I made a promise to Norrington.
For Elizabeth I made a new dress without a tight corset. But with an under burst corset. So That Elizabeth would be able to breath way more.
The dress I made for myself was way more handy.
It was an dark green color. It was a tight dress but the back was long and wavy. There was a ribbon on the back of it.
I made the fabric thinly sown together.
So that if I ripped at the bow hard enough it would rip the heavy skirt of the dress down leaving me with just the corset of the dress.
I made the dress a bit shorter then usual. Because I wouldn't be wearing heels but flat boots.
The hips of the dress were broad so I could actually hide my sword and gun in there around my waist.
I also made an outfit for Will. I made him an amazing hat with feathers. And a nice suit to wear to the hanging.
He thought it would be way to much. But It would be way easier to notice him in the scene of people and I could follow him towards Jack. 
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rivisions · 2 years
pillow princess.
jack sparrow x reader. nsfw warning, long awaited so i’m letting loose, sorry. 
A/N: been putting this off forever, but finally FINALLY decided to let the famous draft be published for my bsf, so love u bestay<3 this one’s 4 u!! hope you all enjoy! moving onto the reader requests now woo! :D
warnings: wax play, reader is VERY submissive and fem!implied, fluff if you squint, animalistic behavior (growling..nothing shit crazy) name calling (pet names to reader, and you calling jack “captain”.. and he likes it oops), humilation..ish, degrading, praise (oxymoron huh?), slightly... rough.. but enough to be caring! a lot of foreplay it’s literally just foreplay.. and yes there’s implied smut. you’re welcome whores! 
(gif from woohag on we heart it <3)
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it’s night on the pearl, 1:32 am, to be exact. you and the captain of this glorious & vast ship, could not sleep. 
both of you stayed up with each other, seated beside each other on a cot, resting your head on his arm. rather comforting for each of you. it’s safe to say you were both touch starved, and couldn’t keep your hands off each other. 
you’ve had a past with jack, acquaintances, best friends, lovers, sexually. 
it wasn’t new to you both that you were acting like this. you both had been teasing each other about sexual preferences for the past half hour. normally, this kind of talk would be embarrassing for someone, but really, you felt at home talking to him. and you wanted to get a move on with him. 
“y’know, after our share of experiences, amazing, lovely by the way, i think you’re a bit of a pillow princess”.
you looked up at him, and rolled your eyes. 
“am not”.
he looked around the room for a moment, looked back at you, then spoke lowly. 
“prove it then, darlin’“. 
he leaned off of you, almost like he was waiting for you to act on him. 
you were a pure example of a bottom bitch. not intimidating or independently dominant in any way, and you relied on jack to tell you what to do, and you did it. guess that’s why you call him captain, and he liked it, really.
he sneered and tilted his head at you.
“well, go on then”.
you were alarmed really. halfway aroused.
“you said you aren’t a pillow princess, aye? i’m just asking you to prove it, savvy?”
you sat like a deer in headlights. you were star-struck honestly.
“prove it.. with.. you?”
“obviously, and y’know, you’re really proving my point here. you should’ve done somethin’ by now, love”. 
he got up, paced around the small space, took a sip of rum, and turned to you.
you were a bit resilient to his idea, but really you knew he was right. so you gave yourself a confidence boost, and got up to stand in front of him.
you took his hands, looked up, rather passionately, into his brown, warm toned eyes. you paced him and yourself back up against a wall, bending his elbows, fingers still intertwined. 
it was kind of embarrassing, the obvious height difference, but you kept eye contact. he started to laugh at you, with a cocky attitude, only thinking about your next move.
you were beet red, stuttering when he would ask you things like “is this what you want?”, you tried not to look at the floor, but he just found it amusing. he thought it was cute, and non-threatening. 
“i’d like to think you’re rather vulnerable here? under my will?”, you spoke, with a slight crack in tone.
“ohh, really? you think this is vulnerable? i think vulnerable was how bent over i had you last night, aye?”
you kept trying, desperately, to try and get him under your hands, and he kept biting back harder. and you couldn’t take it anymore. and gave in.
your hands fell, and his hands met your arms, flipping you around up against the wall he once was against. 
“not a pillow princess though?” 
he leaned down to plant a couple small kisses down your neck.
after trying to keep up a dominant persona, your submissiveness was sensitive. you were whimpering and lowly moaning under his lips. he knew this, he had to have known.
“sensitive, aren’t ya?”
“shut up sparrow”, this was just about your last chance of being anywhere near on top.
“make me then love”.
you froze, and your body fell into shambles. your knees were jelly and you could barely stand. 
“you take the title now, i’m assuming”, his head tilted, looking down at you, with a smirk painted on his face.
“please, please use me captain, i-i can’t”. you were completely unwound. relying upon him, yet again.
“darlin’, you are so lovely when you beg for me like that”.
you were getting gradually more flustered as time passed, and his ego grew, feeding off your whines and little reactions. 
you noticed he was enjoying it too, and decided to stab at it.
“so you like me being submissive and bending to your every will, captain sparrow?”
a lot of people called him captain, and a lot didn’t. either way, for some reason, you saying it ignited something in him only you could set fire to. and he liked it.
“of course, and i know you like it too, my darling, considering the things you ask of me”. 
there was a low growl tone in his voice, next to your ear. this whole time his hands have his ever crevice of your body, trying to remember every inch. he wanted to know you like a map. 
“you’re so good for me you know that? been such a good girl for capn’ huh?”
you couldn’t speak, lost your way to talk, just dumbfounded, looking up nodding at him like a lost puppy. and that’s what you were to him, really. his little pet.
he took the stick candle beside you out the candelabra, and tipped the candle to hover his finger in front of him and you. the wax dripped, and he looked at you. he wasn’t too sure if you were open to that, but the quick nod from you seemed to answer that.
he tipped the candle over the v-neck opening of your blouse, to where enough wax dripped down between your breasts, and down your chest. 
your head fell back with a moan, and he took this opportunity to put the candle back and pull you closer by the waist and embrace your neck with rough kisses.
you couldn’t take the absence of friction. and you finally decided to be demanding towards him.
 “jack... please.. i need you”.
he tilted his head up to the side with a smug look plastered on his face, looked back at you, and nodded.
he swiftly took your arms, grabbing you off the wall, and tossing you onto the bed you once sat on, talking about this very situation.
your elbows helped scoot you back on the bed, submerging into the sheets, as jack crawled up to you to meet your eyeline, as his hair & various necklaces dangled on top of you.
“i suppose this is what you want, right love?”
you smiled up at him, leaned up to give him a kiss on the cheek, and nodded along with a verbal “yes, captain”.
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𝕁𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕨'𝕤 ℝ𝕠𝕤𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟟
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17
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Chapter 17: Getting Back
General POV
Only the chubby and the fake eyed pirate were giving another job.
They were to disguise themselves so that Norrington's men would be distracted.
The other pirates on the other hand were starting to climb onto the rope of the anchor. On top of the Dauntless.
Mr. Swann asked the guard in front of the door were Rosemary and Elizabeth were stuck to be alone for a second with them.
'Girls' He knocked on the door. But no sound came out.
' I just want you girls to know.
I'm proud of what you did to save Elizabeth, Rosemary.
And Elizabeth I believe you made a very good decision today. Couldn't be more proud of you to.
But you know, even a good decision, if made for the wrong reasons, can be a wrong decision. '
Rosemary was climbing trough the window when she heard what he said.
'Even Mr. Swann thinks it's a bad decision to marry Norrington' she thought to herself.
'good to know' she said softly before letting herself climb out of the window.
'Girls are you there?' Mr. Swann asked when he did not hear any sound come back.
'Are you even listening to me?' He asked when he opened the door. Seeing the window open and none of the girls left inside.
'Come on Elizabeth lets row towards the pearl!' Rosemary said. As she started rowing towards the black pearl.
'Why!? we better go to the cave! To save Will.'
'No we got to release the crew first' Rosemary answered as she rowed towards the Black Pearl.
The pirates that were a distraction in the dinghy were starting to fight with each other leaving their bodies exposed to the full moon.
Which made Norrington's eyes grow big.
'WE NEED TO GO BACK TO THE DAUNTLESS! ' He yelled as the soldiers started rowing back towards the Dauntless.
Meanwhile. In Isla the muerta.
Jack was inspecting all kinds of gold the crew of the Pearl had picked up on their voyages.
'I must admit Jack, I thought I had you figured,
But it turns out you're a hard man to predict.' Barbossa told him.
'Me I'm dishonest.
And a dishonest man you can trust to be dishonest.
Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for. ' Jack said while walking towards Barbossa.
'Because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly stupid.' Jack said before pushing Twigg down and grabbing his sword.
Jack threw Will the sword. And ran towards Barbossa starting a sword fight with him.
Will had cut his rope lose and started fighting the other three pirates who were after him.
Jack had cut the feather of Barbossa's head.
'Ha- ha' he smirked
Barbossa snarled at him and ran after him.
'You're off the edge of the map, mate.
Here there are monsters' Barbossa smirked as he pushed Jack around.
Rosemary's POV
We have reached the Pearl.
'Come on lets climb up!' I said towards Elizabeth. we climbed up on the railing
We came by a few pirates who were already choosing which piece of pie they were going to eat and taste first when they would have slit Will's throat.
Come on I motioned up towards Elizabeth.
I reached the deck and wanted to climb upwards when that stupid monkey came along again and screeched at me.
'You filthy little ' I grabbed him and threw him down towards the water.
Which made the pirates look out of the window and up the stairs looking around if they could find someone.
Elizabeth and I were thankfully already on the ship hiding.
' Down the stairs' I mouthed towards Elizabeth. and we ran to the brig on the lowest level of the ship.
'SHH' I heard Gibbs say as they looked around. And saw me coming down the stairs with Elizabeth behind me.
'ITS ROSE!' He said.
Elizabeth and I opened the brig and they all came out.
Ana Maria hugged me tight.
'I knew you were a fierce girl' she smirked and we all ran up deck.
The two pirates were still looking over the railing to see what happened to the small monkey. When they got a dinghy against their head and they fell into the water.
'Come-on! We need to save Will and Jack!' I yelled at them and Elizabeth and I started pulling a dinghy towards the water.
But I noticed there were not more people trying to push with us.
'Really? ' I asked them
'I know it's the code but please..' they all shrugged.
'We love you Rose..
But this might be our death sentence and we have the pearl now.. ' Gibbs started
'Yes but Jack is still there?!' I said pointing towards the cave.
Ana Maria looked at me.
'I love you, but please don't make us do this. We got what we want now..'
And a few minutes later it was just me and Elizabeth rowing towards Isla the muerta. And we could see the Pearl sail off.
'Bloody pirates' I cursed under my breath. And we rowed a bit faster.
'I hope we're not to late' Elizabeth said.
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19
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Chapter 18: Females can wield swords to!
General POV.
Will was fighting three pirates at the same time.
It actually went pretty well.
But they can't die so every time while hoped he had one. It stood back up.
And now one even threw a bomb towards him what made him jump and lay on his back.
'I'm going to teach you the meaning of pain' the pirate said
'Do you like pain?'
And the pirate got struck into his head with a huge bar.
'Try wearing a corset' Elizabeth snapped at him.
'Elizabeth!' Will exclaimed Elizabeth then pulled him up.
The three pirates were smirking and walking towards them.
Elizabeth did not have a sword so she went running off. A pirate following her.
'That's kinda mean you know. Following a lady without having a weapon. I mean that's not really a fair fight' Rose said jumping in front off Elizabeth and slicing his arm off with her sword.
She winked at him.
'Sorry not sorry' she took the sword out of the hand she just sliced off and gave it to Elizabeth.
'Please try and don't die' she begged Elizabeth.
'Give it up Jack' We could hear Barbossa spat.
' You can't beat me' He said while throwing his sword away.
Which made Jack stand up and push his sword right through Barbossa stomach.
Which made Barbossa sigh.
And he pushed his sword right through Jack's stomach. Making him tumble backwards.
Rosemary's POV
'NO' I screamed at Barbossa and jumped right in front of him.
Falling over Jack.
'why did you do that Jack. You know he can't die..' I sobbed hanging over him.
Jack took my hand and laid something in it.
'Jack..' I exclaimed.
But Barbossa pulled me back. Holding my hair.
'How are you still alive you filthy girl' Barbossa spat at me.
'Wouldn't you like to know I said smirking and turned around. As he let go of my hair.
'First you kill my father. Then you kidnap my sister. Then you almost murder Will and now you just kill Jack.
I won't have this' I spat at him. And sat my sword at his throat.
'Maybe you can't die but I can cut your head clean off.' I said while smirking at him.
'My dad didn't fear you. Why should I?'
And he looked at me and frowned.
'You little piece of shit' he said as he clenched his sword with mine.
General POV
'Oh my god' Elizabeth exclaimed.
'Is Jack dead?'
'I don't think he is' Will said.
'and what is Rosemary even thinking!' Elizabeth exclaimed while they were fighting the other three pirates of them.
'I don't think you know this side of her' Will said smirking.
'Ever since Gillette took off her most important value. She started training sword fighting with me.
And went to all kinds of fight classes in Tortuga.'
'How did I not know this?!
I thought she told me everything?' Elizabeth said while fighting off another pirate.
Will kicked the pirate in his stomach looking in Elizabeth eyes.
' I know and I'm sorry but we tried to protect you. It was better that you didn't know any of this.'
'You filthy brat!' Barbossa spat at Rose will stomping her on the ground.
'You would have been a great member of my crew.
But of course you needed to side with Sparrow.' He said to Rose while picking her up by her blouse.
'How could I ever join you. You asshole.' Rose said while ripping the fabric of her blouse.
'You killed my dad. And kidnaped my sister.'
'Did I step on your little toes' Barbossa mocked Rose.
Rose snickerd ' Oh you wish you had me to be part of your crew. '
She clashed her sword with his again.
But this time he was faster then her. And smirked at her.
'Nine years ago. I killed your father.
And now I will kill you.' Barbossa smirked as he pushed her sword through her chest.
'ROSE NO' Rose heard screaming from the back and hearing Elizabeth's cry of help.
Rose slowly took a few step backwards and walked into the moonlight.
'I was hoping this would happen' Rose said with a smirk. While getting the amulet out of her pocket.
'How is that possible' I heard Barbossa snap.
'Easy mate. You don't pay enough attention!' Jack said from behind him.
'How are you even still alive?! '
'Again with the attention. Did you really not miss two pieces of gold?' Jack winked at Barbossa.
Barbossa turned around and took Rose her sword. And they again clashed swords.
Rose took the sword out of her chest and also clashed her sword with Barbossa.
Jack took a quick step back and held the amulet he slit his hand bleeding over the amulet. He gave it to Rose and then took over the fight with Barbossa.
Elizabeth made a scream which made Jack look towards Rose.
'Go help them! I got it' Rose nodded and jumped down towards Elizabeth.
'So what now, Jack Sparrow?' Barbossa asked Jack.
'Are we two immortals locked in an epic battle untill judgement day and the trumpets sound?' He spat at Jack.
'Or you could surrender?' Jack said smirking.
Which made Barbossa stand up again and they were fighting again.
Rose sprinted towards Elizabeth. and jumped infront of her. So the sword of the pirate pierced her and not Elizabeth.
'ROSE!' Will and Elizabeth exclaimed.
'wow wow wow. Easy pirate' Rose spat at him as she stood up. She took the sword out of her stomach and pierced it through his own chest.
Which made him scream but ofcourse not die.
Elizabeth and Will were fighting with this huge piece of metal and pierced it trough a pirate. Or not all the three pirates were pierced together.
' I have an idea Will said ' as he let out a bomb and lighted it.
He pushed it into the Skellington off the pirate in the middle and rose kicked them towards the dark piece of the cave. So there bodies would turn back human.
'no fair' He said before the bomb exploded Which made Elizabeth, Will and Rose jump over the rail of a small mountain of gold.
'How are you still alive' Elizabeth said with her mouth gaping open at Rose.
'Jack gave me an amulet when he 'died' ' Rose answered.
'But now lets go we need to lift this curse. ' Here's Jack's amulet Rose searched in her pocket finding it nowhere.
'Shit!' she looked over and saw it lying on the place she fought off Barbossa.
Go to the chest. I'm coming right behind you!' She said as she ran over towards the place and took Jack's amulet.
And ran back over towards Will and Elizabeth.
But Elizabeth stopped dead in her tracks. When Barbossa all of a sudden pointed a gun at her.
And he shot it.
'NO' Rose shouted.
But Elizabeth didn't fall over It was Jack's pistol that fired the shot.
'ten years you carry that pistol, and now you waste your shot.'
'He didn't waste it. ' Will shouted as Will cut his hand and let his amulet fall in the chest.
'Boy Jack and Rivers both have a amulet. I didn't die' Barbossa spat
'YET' Rose said. As she stood behind Will letting two amulets fall in the chest.
Barbossa turned back to Jack and openend his coat. Revealing his chest and the blood pouring out of the wound.
He looked at Jack and chuckled for a second before saying
'I feel.. cold' Before he fell backwards on the ground.
The pirates who were fighting on the Dauntless were starting to fall on the ground. Dead
As the last few of the crew dropped their swords and surrendered. 
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17
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Chapter 16: Going back.
General POV
The dauntless had arrived at Isla the Muerta. And Norrington and crew were in dinghy's on save distance.
Norrington did bring Jack along. So he was behind them in the dinghy.
'I don't care for the situation.' Norrington said.
'Any attempt to storm the caves could turn into an ambush.'
'Not if you're the one doing the ambushing.' Jack told him he was climbing forward in the dinghy towards Norrington.
'I go in and convince Barbossa to send his men out with their little boats.
You and your mates return to the Dauntless and blast them with your little cannons. ' Jack explained his plan.
'What do you have to lose?' Jack asked Norrington.
'Nothing I'd lament being rid of.' Norrington replied
'Now to be quite honest with you, there's still a risk to those aboard the Dauntless, which includes the future Mrs. Commodore and her best friend Madam Rivers. ' Jack said
Back to the Dauntless.
'Sorry but it's for your own safety' two soldiers said towards Elizabeth. who was struggling getting her towards the captain quarters.
Rose followed with two guards but she didn't give any struggle.
'The commodore, there's something I have to tell him!
The pirates , they're cursed They can't be killed!' Elizabeth shouted. As she got pushed inside the captain's quarters.
Rosemary got pushed in after her.
'Don't worry, miss he's already been informed of that.
A little mermaid flopped up on deck and told him the whole story.' He said mocking Elizabeth.
Rose put her sword up his throat.
'Don't you dare mocking her' Rosemary spat at him. As she pulled her sword back.
'ass' she scoffed as she walked off towards the table and took an apple.
When he closed the door. Elizabeth slammed on the door with her hands.
'This is Jack Sparrow's doing!' she yelled.
'What do you have to say for yourself Rose!
And why are you so calm!!
He betrayed us!' Elizabeth spat.
'Did he? I'm not sure he did. I mean look' Rose pointed up towards the window's in the back of the ship.
'They can open you know. We can help saving Will.' Rose said as she stood up the apple in her mouth.
She took the apple out.
'But you need to shut up with the screaming because then they will notice that we're gone' Rose explained.
'Here tie those sheets together!' She threw Elizabeth the sheets of the bed.
Isla the Muerta
Will got dragged towards the top of the small mountain. And they hang him above the chest with the aztek gold.
Barbossa lifted his knife and every crew member started shouting.
Jack came in through the back the back. And started making his way through the crew.
' I beg your pardon' Jack said while pushing trough the crewmembers.
'Begun by blood' Barbossa started his ritual.
'Excuse me' Jack said again pushing another crew member aside.
'By blood and.. ' You could hear Barbossa stop seeing Jack walking through the crew.
He was trying to get Barbossa's attention.
'Jack!' Will said looking at him.
'It's not possible. ' Barbossa said
'Not probable. ' Jack replied.
'Where are Elizabeth and Rosemary?' Will asked.
Jack was almost at the small mountain as the scar faced man took a hold of Jack.
'She's safe, just like I promised.
She's all set to marry Norrington, like she promised
Rose will get her life back and take care of her like she promised.
And you're going to die for her like you promised!'
'So we're all men of our word, really.
Except for Rose and Elizabeth who are, in fact, woman' Jack said thinking about if what he said was correct.
'Shut up!
You're next!' Barbossa spat at Jack.
Barbossa took the knife and bowed Will back over the chest, ready to slit his throat.
'You don't want to be doing that, mate.' Jack said seriously.
'No I really think I do.' Barbossa said to Jack as he turned his attention back to Will.
'Your funeral.' Jack said as he looked down and crossed his hands in front of him.
Barbossa rolled his eyes and took his attention back to Jack.
'Why don't I want to be doing it?' He asked Jack.
'Oh because' Jack wanted to walk forward but he still was in the grip of the scar faced pirate.
But he pushed his hand of him.
And walked towards Barbossa and Will.
'Because the HMS Dauntless, pride of the Royal Navy, is floating just offshore, waiting for you.'
Barbossa facial expression changed looking towards Jack. And the whole crew started murmuring.
Back to the Dauntless.
'Come on Liz.
You can do it.' Rose said as she helped her trough the window of the Dauntless. Throw the cloth out and climb in the water. I will follow put. ' Rose said.
'But who's going to help you get through the window.' Elizabeth asked.
'I've been doing a lot of incredible stuff lately im pretty sure I can do this' Rose answered.
Isla the Muerta.
'Just hear me out mate' Jack said to Barbossa.
'You order your men to row out to the Dauntless.
They do what they do best.
Roberts your uncle, Fannie's your aunt.
There you are with two ships.
The makings of your very own fleet.' Jack explained towards Barbossa who was looking at Jack with a frown. But still listening.
'of course you'll take the grandest ship as your flagship, and who's to argue?
But what of the pearl?
Name me captain. I'll sail under your colors.' Jack suggested towards Barbossa.
Who was listening more carefully now.
'I'll give you 10 percent of me plunder,
And you get to introduce yourself as Commodore Barbossa.' Jack said finishing his proposition.
'I suppose in exchange, you wanted me not to kill the whelp' Barbossa said while looking over at Will.
'Oh no no no no, not at all.
By all means kill the whelp.
Just not yet.' Jack said.
'Wait to lift the curse until the opportune moment. ' Jack said looking at Will.
Will looked back confused.
Jack turned himself back to Barbossa.
'For instance' Jack grabbed a handful of aztek gold.
'After you killed Norrington's men.' Jack let a piece of gold fall back into the chest.
'Every' he let another one fall
'one' he let the last one drop.
Will was looking at Jacks hand and looking up towards him before yelling
'You've been planning this from the beginning, ever since you've learned my name!'
'Yeah' Jack said with a smirk towards Will.
'I want 50% of your plunder!' Barbossa joined in.
'15' Jack replied
'40! ' Barbossa spat
'25' Jack said looking Barbossa in the eyes.
'I'll buy you a hat. A really big one!
Commodore.' Jack propositioned.
Barbossa smirked but sticked his hand out towards Jack.
'We have an accord.' He stretched his arm to meet Jack's.
'All hands to the boats!' Jack said towards the crew.
He looked confused and then said.
'My apologies. You give the orders.' He said while taking a small bow towards Barbossa.
'Gents take a walk' Barbossa said smirking.
'Not to the boats?' Jack asked. Confused. 
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16
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General POV
'But we've got to save Will!' Elizabeth and Rose said towards Mr. Swann.
'You're safe now.' He said to Elizabeth.
'And I'm not done with you yet' Mr. Swann said to me.
'Forgive me sir. But I did found her didn't I.
And I got her back.'
'You've worked together with an pirate Mrs. Gillette' Norrington spat at Rose.
Which made Gillette chuckle behind him.
There was a shiver down Rosemary's spine.
'what?' Rose said softly looking down. 
'You heard me. Miss Rivers.'
Rosemary took Jack's gun out of his belt and held it in front of Norrington's face.
'Say that again and I'll pull the trigger you bloody bastard' Rose cursed at him.
'Now now miss Rivers. That's an attitude all right.
Mr. Sparrow must have teached you a few things.' He laughed stiffly.
' That's what I thought' Rose said lowering the gun and giving it back to Jack.
Rose walked back over towards Elizabeth and Mr. Swann. Who were looking shocked.
'Sorry' She shrugged.
'Well we will return to Port Royal immediately' Mr. Swann said.
'Not go gallivanting after pirates'
'Then we condemn him to death' Elizabeth spat at her father.
'The boy's fate is regrettable, but then so is his decision to engage in piracy.' Mr. Swann said.
'To rescue me. To prevent anything from happening to me.' Elizabeth argued. 
'And what about me. Will I be hanging on the gallows now to' Rose said her arms crossed.
'I have done what I can for you Rose. You can still live in Port Royal if you marry '
Rosemary scoffed but kept her mouth shut.
'If I may be so bold as to interject my professional opinion.' Jack interrupted the conversation.
'The pearl was listing after the battle
Its very unlikely she'll be able to make good time.
Think about it.
The Black Pearl the last real pirate threat in the Caribbean, mate. ' Jack said to Norrington.
'How can you pass that up, eh?' Jack asked Norrington.
'By remembering that I serve others, not only myself.' Norrington said to Jack.
'Commodore, I beg you, please do this. For me .' Elizabeth said walking past Jack. Towards Norrington.
'As a wedding gift.' Elizabeth said.
Rose looked up towards Jack. Her mouth hanging open.
Jack motioned that it was hanging open.
And Rose thanked him for mentioning.
But Rose did raise her eyebrow.
And scooted over to Jack.
'I thought she loved William?' Jack asked
' She does. But this is the only way to bring Will back.' Rose said sadly.
'She is smart. But this will be so hard for her.' Rose said closing her eyes.
'Elizabeth' Mr. Swann said.
' Does this mean you're accepting the proposal.' He asked.
'Yes. Yes I am' Elizabeth said
' I love weddings!' Jack suddenly exclaimed.
'Drinks all around!'
Jack looked up to Norrington.
'I get it I get it. Clap m in Chains' Jack said putting his arms forward.
'Mr. Sparrow you will accompany these fine men to the helm.
You will then spend the rest of the voyage contemplating all possible meaning of the phrase.
Silent as the grave' James said to him.
Rosemary was hit like a bus.
Did James just act normal towards Jack.
'Did I make myself clear?' Norrington said.
'Inescapably clear.' Jack said.
Jack got taken to the helm with a few soldiers.
And Mr. Swann took Elizabeth to the captain's quarters.
So it just left Rosemary , Norrington and Gillette.
'Now Miss Rivers now we shall act on your behavior' Gillette smirked.
Walking over to her.
Norrington frowned towards Gillette.
'You stay over there you disgusting piece of shit.' Rose said while pointing her sword at him.
'You've done enough Gillette. You acted like you cared. Then took my maiden hood and left me for garbage. You didn't even make a fast planning for a wedding and ignored me completely.
You just thought it would bring you higher up the governors ass. ' Rose spat at him.
'So I made a choice when I went away with Jack and Will.
And I'm not completely sure you have told your commodore what has been going on. '
Rosemary said with an attitude. Crossing her arms. Taking a defensive stance.
Norrington was frowning even further.
'You've hurt me like I was hoping no one could.
And with the skills I have learned now. I will cut of your head from your romp with just a swift move.' Rose spat at him. Her hatred was flowing through her eyes.
'Commodore. Do you really believe this bullshit' Gillette said
'She probably just got cold feet. And doesn't want to marry me anymore. Or she is in love with that pirate!' Gillette spat at me.
'one swift move Gillette' Rose said again.
'Both of you shut it!' Norrington said.
'Rosemary, is this really true? ' Norrington asked me genuinely.
'It is James.. I swear to my dad.. ' she said looking up at him. Putting her sword back in her belt.
'Men. Take Gillette to the brig. I will take with him when I have time. Don't listen to anything he says. He's there to stay' Norrington said and walked away.
Rose stood there silent. Looking at the men she hated for years.
He just cleared her horizon.
'James.. ' Rose said softly making Norrington turn towards her.
'Thankyou..' Rose said softly looking in his eyes with tears in her eyes.
'Always' he plainly said and walked away. 
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