fortunekookie07 · 5 months
Well here it is the story I was working on. Not sure about the ending buuuuuut these things usually kinda write themselves. I kept going back and watching memories. Both ones I have and ones others have shared to get Rafayel's character right. I hope he isn't too OOC.
Little Seastar
Rafayel paused mid brushstroke as a delicious aroma wafted to his nose from upstairs. His stomach rumbled in response. He was hungry. It had been hours since he had eaten anything. Too absorbed in his latest work to remember to eat. He set down his brush and palette before climbing down from the ladder.
He let his nose lead him up the stairs to the kitchen. He paused in the entryway watching you. Soft music was playing in the background, and you were humming as you sautéed the shrimp in the pan. Then you turned around, and a smile came to his lips. Walking forward, he enveloped you in his arms and kissed you softly.
"I'm hungry," Rafayel said in his whinny tone, looking over at the pan of shrimp. You kiss his nose and step out of his embrace. "Lunch is almost ready. Will you go get Maren?" You step back to the stove and get shoves his hands in his pockets and walks out of the room.
A minute later, Rafayel is rushing back into the room, surprise written all over his face. "Come see this now!" He demands grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the kitchen and to the living room. Concern rushes to your face and your heart clenches in fear.
He pulls you into the room and points quietly. It takes a moment before your eyes register what you are seeing.
There sitting on the floor is Maren, your four year old daughter blowing bubbles at a fish swimming through the air around her. She starts giggling and then cups her palms together. The fish immediately swims into her hands.
Rafayel holds his finger up, stopping you from speaking as he quietly moves to her side, bringing his fist up to his mouth for a moment. When he lowers his hand and opens his palm, a blue fish appears. He sends it to Maren. She squeals in delight, clapping her hands as it mingles with the red fish swimming around her.
Her head whips around, and her eyes go wide. "Daddy!" She shouts, waving her arms. He leans down and scoops her up, kissing her face and cheeks as she giggles loudly.
You look down at them, a smile on your face and a warm feeling in your heart. Maren looks just like Rafayel. The same purple hair and blue pink eyes copied perfectly into her face. Most people said she was the perfect mix of you and Rafayel, but looking at the two of them together, she was definitely leaning more towards him.
"Where did you learn to do that, my little Seastar?" Rafayel asked, standing up with her in his arms. "By watching daddy!" She says excitedly, smiling from ear to ear. She notices you are also in the room and waves her arms in your direction. "Mommy, mommy, did you see? Did you see what I did?" You take her into your arms and smooth down her hair.
"I did see that little fish is cute." You hold her to you and look over her head at Rafayel in concern. It's perfectly fine for Maren to blow bubbles and make fish appear at home, but she is too young to understand why she shouldn't do that outside the house.
Most people believe that Lemurian's are gone. Only the ruins at the bottom of the sea all remain. You know differently, of course. Your husband is one of the last direct descendants of the mystical bloodline. Your daughter, too.
It was time to teach her about her heritage and how special she was. You share a look with Rafayel before turning to the kitchen. "Come here my little guppy, time for lunch. I made shrimp pasta." Another thing that Maren had gotten from Rafayel was her love for seafood. It had to be fresh too, they both disliked the frozen stuff. If it wasn't fresh they wanted no part of it.
"Tomorrow we are going to take a trip on the boat." Rafayel said placing Maren's bowl on the table as you set her in her booster seat. "Are we going to see the big fish?" She asked looking at Rafayel, her eyes were practically sparkling in excitement. "Well yes, but other things as well." He said sitting down with his own bowl and sliding mine over.
Her bedtime stories often were about the sea creatures that Rafayel had known as a child. He had befriended some whales and told Maren about them in great (and probably exaggerated) detail.
Early the next morning Rafayel for once was not slow to get out of bed. The sun had not started its ascent across the sky and he was already rearing to go.
"Come on, hurry up slow poke." He said, gently smacking your cheek to make sure you were awake. You roll your eyes at his antics but ge out of bed regardless.
Once dressed in your swimsuit you pull on a pair of shorts and slip your feet into a pair of sandals. Rafayel has dressed already and is making his way to Maren's room, she has the same issues with getting out of bed. Not wanting to leave the warm confines of her blanket or release her favorite plush seahorse. However such was not the case this morning.
She bounced our of bed like she'd eaten a bunch of sugar. You eyed Rafayel suspiciously. He only winked at you in return. You shake your head with a smile at their antics and set breakfast on the table. Toast with Blueberry jam and scrambled eggs.
You watch as Maren bounces into the room full of energy. Rafayel has dressed her in a blue one piece bathing suit. The one with a ruffled skirt and a lighter blue bow on the back. He's even done her hair up with two pigtails. When Maren turns around you can see part of her hair has been braided up into both sections. You shake your head. Rafayel was truly gifted with his hands. Who knew that also included style your daughters hair every morning.
With breakfast eaten and Maren just begging to leave you begin your last checks. Picnic basket packed with all sorts of treats and a cooler of drinks, it's time to load up the car and leave. The drive to the docks is short and it's not long before you're parking the car and getting out.
Maren all too eager, has already undone her seat belt and is waiting for the door to open. She dashes down the path running to the boat. As if realizing something she turns and looks at you confused. Mommy, which one is our?" You stop short and then burst out laughing.
Of course Maren doesn't remember which boat to get on. She wasn't born yet the last time a sea trip was taken. "Daddy!!!" Maren cries scrunching her face up and sticking her bottom lip out. "Mommy is picking on me!" She cry running over and clinging to his leg. He moves her back and squats down to her level taking her left hand.
"Well that's not nice, shall I punish her for you?" He asks all serious. Maren's face lights up, delighted. "Yes!" She says a mischievous look on her face, mirroring the one on his. He leans closer and whispers in her ear, a wicked glint in his eye as he stares at you the whole time.
Oh brother, you think holding your face and shaking your head. Suddenly an idea pops in your head and you toss your head back hand to your forehead.
"Oh what should I do? My own daughter and husband are plotting against me!" You cry, laying the drama on thick. "And you say I'm dramatic." Rafayel mumbles standing up again.
Twenty minutes later the boat is prepared and finally headed out to open sea. A breeze has picked up and the smell of the sea water is thick in the air. Rafayel is manning the boat. He knows exactly where to go, requiring no map or guidance. This was his home after all. He had always know the way home.
Before much longer the boat is slowing down, destination close at hand. Deep in the waters below lay the ruins of Lemuria. The lost underwater civilization. The boat stops completely and Rafayel releases the anchor so the boat doesn't drift while unoccupied.
You kick off your sandals and strip your shorts off. Turning to look Maren has also discarded her shoes and looks a little nervous. Rafayel presses a button and the stairs pops out from the side, along with a platform to sit or stand on and dip your feet into the water.
He helps Maren down the stairs and tells her to wait on the platform. You don't notice this as you are pushing your shoes under the lounge chairs and folding your shorts and placing them neatly on the seat. You don't see Rafayel sneaking up behind you until it's too late.
He's scooped you up and you squad in surprise arms going around his neck to hold him closer. "W-what are you doing?!?" Your voice is still a few octaves higher then normal from shock. "Punishing you." Is all he says before walking over to the edge of the deck and jumping into the water with you.
Your shock barely has time to register before his lips find yours and presses a fire kiss to your mouth. Despite five years of marriage his love and desire for you have never died or dimmed.
"Rafayel!" You shout smacking his shoulder and swim to the surface. His laughter resounds around you before he grabs your ankle and pulls you back down to him kissing you again. "Don't be mad." He says after making you feel dizzy.
"Is this what you whispered to Maren?" You ask crossing your arms and raising a brown. "Maayyybe!" He says finally going back to the surface. Maren is waiting on the platform both eager and uncertain.
"Come here my little starfish." Rafayel says holding out his arms as he leans up onto the platform. She takes a step closer. "All Lemurian's can breath underwater." He continues holding his arms out to her but Maren scoots back a step and fists her skirt. "I'm only half...". She trails off the rest of the words not needing to be said. Rafayel hoists himself out of the water and goes over to her hugging her tight.
"Half does not mean less, you already have some abilities. So breathing underwater is a given. It's the most basic." She looks at him hopeful. "But what if I can't." He kisses her cheek. "In that unlikely and impossible case ill give the ability to you. Mommy can because I gave it to her a long time ago." She nods finally convinced.
You watch as Rafayel slips back into the water and holds his arms out for Maren again. This time she takes his hands and he lifts her into the water. He slips below the surface and holds her hand waiting for her to come on her own. Finally she ducks her head underwater and takes a shallow breath.
You watch anxiously for any signs of not breathing but none come. "There you have it Starfish, water breathing abilities". Rafayel says proud as he swims lower. You follow him down to the bottom.
The sun is almost in the middle of the sky by now, lighting up the bottom of the ocean floor. At first glance all that lies below is seaweed, coral, the odd seashell, and random things that sparkle. But off in the distance you start to see spiraling towers of marble. The closer you get the more the shapes come into view before your eyes.
Marble and gold have been used to create what was once beautiful structures. Long abandoned now, it's not hard to imagine how lively this once was. You remember Rafayel told you before that this was Whalefall city. His place of birth.
Rafayel begins with the tale that he had told you. When he had been born the Lemurian race was already in a decline, not many had been born in a long time and he was one of the last. You had never asked why. Some topics just shouldn't be broached. He didn't bring it up now either.
You make your way to the great temple, the sight still as magnificent as the first visit was. Time has preserved it well. Little damage can be seen. You walk up the steps of the temple trailing behind Rafayel and Maren. She is listening raptly, hanging on to every word he says.
The moment she steps across the threshold of the doorway she is surrounded by thousands of bubbles swirling around her like a tornado. When it dissipates there on her face were purple-blue shimmering scales. They were delicately placed under eyes down her checks and neck. Very similar to Rafayel's.
"Beautiful." You whisper kneeling down and tracing the shimmery scales. "What is it mommy?" She asks you confused. Rafayel answers instead. "The ocean has claimed you as one of its own." He was in awe of the appearance of the scales.
"I've never seen or heard of this happening so quickly before. Some wait years before they experience this." Rafayel's voice got softer as he kept muttering. He crossed his arms and tapped his chin deep in thought. Finally he said "my daughter is just special." His statement was proud, if his broad smile was anything to go by. "Come on angelfish there is lots to see and not a great deal of time!"
He excitedly took the two of you on a tour of the temple explaining in great detail about his culture and former home.
As you were getting ready to leave a noise vibrated through the water. "What was that?" You look all around trying to find the source. "Whales." Rafayel says pointing to a ways off. "A pod is passing by. It's best not to disturb them. They have young with them and mothers are quite protective of their babies." Maren looked like he'd just said that her favorite seahorse was a vicious monster that would eat her, her bottom lip trembled as she looked down.
She stopped walking and then stared. "Daddy what is this?" She was holding a tiny white object that was wiggling. "That's a seastar." He says walking back over to her. "Oooh, can I keep it?" She asks eagerly.
You shake your head no before speaking. "No Maren, this is a living sea creature. You can't take it out of its home." You prepare yourself for the worst, but surprisingly Maren gently puts it back down from where she'd picked it up.
"I'm hungry, can we go eat now?" Thankfully she's already forgotten about not getting to see the whales.
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