star-suh · 11 months
🎃 Trick or Treat, a short story 🎃
jackson wang x male reader
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cw: top jackson, anonymous sex, unprotected sex, cruising, cum eating.
an: suddenly an scenario popped in my mind so here's this short story. i'm still taking some time to recover some braincells but if i can think of something i would write it right away and post it.
halloween it's y/n's favorite festivity because he can go looking for a trick or treat, the thing is he doesn't look for candies he looks for cocks. going to a halloween party in the forest near lord seonghwa's castle, he eyed a guy with a sexy costume of a clown. the clown notices that y/n is looking at him and grabs his bulge and silently walks towards the dark part of the forest with y/n following his steps. "this is a well known cruising spot you know" says the clown grabbing y/n's ass and they both started kissing. they were fucking rough like animals in heat, thankfully the squelching sounds and moaning were being camouflaged with the loud music "here, take this trick" said jackson jerking off and cumming on y/n's face "so fucking delicious" moaned y/n licking and sucking the remaining cum drops off of jackson's cock's tip.
another successful halloween for the slutty y/n in his search for cocks and cum.
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k-pop-lovers · 3 months
Top rated songs will compete for the best K-pop song of 2nd quarter of 2024
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tuturuue · 7 months
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clawbehavior · 2 years
Got7 performing at the 2019 AAA is high key amazing. The choreography alone is insane, especially for 'hard carry yeah'
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Mojo Britpop Special 2009 This Year’s Model. Transcription: Me.
A mix of Celtic yobs and art school wits, Pulp created a culturally momentous update of old school glam. But joining London's glitterati fragmented them. By Roy Wilkinson.
At the 96 BRITS, whilst Jarvis Cocker was making himself known to Michael Jackson via a stage invasion, bandmate Russell Senior was making another acquaintance. ‘I met Chris Eubank,’ says Russell of the monocle wearing former boxer. ‘We were getting on famously, but after the Jackson incident he folded his arms and turned away because he was a huge Jackson fan. I'd been having this interesting conversation, about art, philosophy... But Jarvis ruined it!’ [Laughs] ‘Though he had a point, of course.’
A phenomenon as chummy as Britpop was never likely to produce seditious acts similar to self-immolating monks or suffragettes throwing themselves under horses. Cocker's BRITS incursion was perfect - a commando raid as envisaged by Charlie Chaplin. If the Britpop was a national Jubilee, Cocker’s assault was the feat of bravado that marked the party at its peak - before dawn revealed the broken glass and trampled flower beds.
With nothing but a stylised posterior display and glare full of silent movie distain Cocker derailed Jackson’s plan to recast himself as a mix of Jesus, David Attenborough and Doctor Bernardo. Surrounded by children, images of wildlife and actors done up as representatives of the world's key religions, Jacko sang on through Earth Song, oblivious to Cocker’s presence. But the rest of the world noticed, and there were consequences.
Jarvis was locked up at Kensington police station, Brian Eno took out a pro-Cocker advert in industry paper Music Week, while Simon and Yasmin Le Bon appeared in the Daily Mirror wearing ‘Justice for Jarvis’ T-shirts. An act that united the ex-Roxy Music pop sage with the Duran Duran singer was an appropriately odd reflection of the way Pulp’s uneven career embraced both high and low art. By the time Cocker gatecrashed Jackson's performance, Pulp had been going 18 years. Jarvis, a single minded fellow, was the only surviving original member.
Russell Senior left Pulp after ‘Jacksongate’ in January 1997. He'd been with the band since 1983, effectively operating as Jarvis, his right-hand man. When I spoke to Russell, he was attempting to create a nesting site for kingfishers in the garden of his three-bedroom family home in Sheffield. Conversation ranged from Suede and Oasis to Russell’s fascination for central Europe. He recently visited Criona, a Serb enclave in Croatia. The band's guitarist and multi-instrumentalist, Russell quit Pulp, citing artistic frustration and the desire to spend more time with his family. He'd been part of Pulp’s slow ascent to 1995’s Different Class album, the band's commercial and critical peak, cut by a line up completed by keyboard player Candida Doyle, drummer Nick Banks and bassist Steve Mackey.
Jarvis wasn't the only member of Pulp to trespass at the BRITS. Cocker was accompanied by Peter Mansell, Pulp bassist, from 84 to 87. Mansell’s presence at the BRITS was a subtle reminder of the bands long torturous history. They survived years on the dole and lived through the Miners’ Strike, during which Russell served on the picket lines. Pulp finally reached the masses during Britpop's commercial peak in 95. But for Senior. Britpop began earlier, on a night in Paris in October 1991. Pulp were third on the bill to Blur and Lush.
‘My first experience of Blur,’ says Russell,’ was walking into their dressing room in Paris and seeing them smashing this mirrored wall. The floor was covered in glass and Alex (James) was pouring champagne out of the window onto the people below. Damon (Albarn) was flicking spoonfuls of caviar out of a window. The first thing Graham (Coxon) said to me was, ‘We like your band. We're going to copy you.’ I used to do this kind of Pete Townsend arm fling. Next time I saw Blur, Graham was doing it but making it look more like a Nazi salute.’
‘Later I thought their Girls and Boys single was very Pulp. (Blur producer) Stephen Steet did say, ‘I know we've nicked your clothes a bit.’ But I'm not griping at Blur because they had the balls to do it bigger. For me, that night in Paris was the start of Britpop. It's not something I'm going to knock. I mean, there was a period little later when I started wearing Union Jack socks.’
Prior to Senior’s Britpop flashpoint in Paris, he is band had a 13 year pre-history - unlucky for some including, it seems, Pulp. The band came into being in 78, formed by Jarvis at school in Sheffield. They were known as Arabicus Pulp, the Arabicus coming from a copy of the Financial Times. It alluded to a commodities index featuring coffee arabica, found in Ethiopia and Yemen. Spiritually cursed by such obtuseness, Pulp spent the next 15 years plagued by tragicomic levels of ill omen and commercial failure. There were rehearsals in the building shared with table tennis clubs and model railway enthusiasts. According to Jarvis, these hobbyist sects were at daggers-drawn and expressed their antipathy by crapping outside each other’s doors. Jarvis said in 1993 that he devoted much of ‘It’ Pulp’s 83 debut to ‘writing all these songs about girls when I'd never had a proper girlfriend.’ When he did secure female attention, Cocker had unconventional ways of making an impression. He attempted to walk along a second-floor window ledge outside a Sheffield bookshop. He fell, breaking a wrist and ankle and fracturing his pelvis.
Subsequent shows saw Jarvis singing from a wheelchair - a sight some interpreted as grotesque take on the kind of ‘disability chic’ launched by a hearing-aid-adorned Morrissey. Pulp made an album for £600. The sales figure wasn't of a dissimilar magnitude. Pulp made three albums in these wilderness years. It was followed by Freaks (1987) and Separations (1991) [Actually 1992!]. Freaks’ subtitle - Ten Songs About Power, Claustrophobia, Suffocation and Holding Hands – said Pulp were still some way from the matily exuberant dimensions of, say, Blurs beery, Britpop totem Girls and Boys.
I first interviewed Jarvis and Russell in 87 around Freaks. They were genuinely amazed that then record company Fire had stretched to some chocolate biscuits to go with tea. The resulting article compared Pulp to Ian McEwan, Bertold Brecht and Carry On actor Charles Hawtrey.
‘It wasn't all about me and Jarvis by any means,’ says Russell of Freaks. ‘There was also this Celtic yob element which was (Belfast born) Candida Doyle, Magnus (Doyle, Candida’s brother and Pulp drummer at that point) and Pete Mansell. If it was just me and Jarvis, it would have all been very art school. The other three liked Sham 69… Actually, we all liked Sham 69. Perhaps that was the only thing we all had in common. In fact, we sometimes played Sham 69s Hurry up, Harry live.
After Freaks, Jarvis moved to London, studying at Central St. Martins College of Art and Design. Steve Mackey had joined Pulp on bass and was also in the capital studying film at the Royal College of Art. Soon Pulp were exhibiting a more playful mood and an unknowingly pop-art retrospection. There were concert flyers advocating ‘Pulp-ish’ things to do, such as ‘doing a wheelie on a Raleigh Chopper’ and ‘Going to the supermarket wearing a lurex jumper.’
This increasing friskiness - and references to the kind of 70s bicycling design that would soon turn up in the video for Supergrass’, Alright single - began to manifest itself in Pulp’s records. In the early 1990s they released a string of singles full of a new vivacity. In title, at least one single could hardly have given clearer indication that Pulp were now ready for revelry. It was called Razzamatazz.
Pulp left Fire for Island Records. The band's first album proper for Island was His’n’Hers in 1994. Now Pulp finally reached the Top 10 of the UK Albums Chart. The sleeve featured an airbrushed portrait of the band by Philip Castle, the artist best known for his poster image for the film A Clockwork Orange in 1971 - Pulp were a vision of sci-fi second-hand chic. The music included the same pop art reconfiguration of the past.
‘Glam rock was a big part of the picture,’ says Russell. ‘I'd written this mission statement for the band - about making the fairground music of the future. The music of dodgem cars and girls with love bites - the modern version of Sugar Baby Love by the Rubettes, anything by Slade and Sweet. In the dour time we were experiencing, there was a wistfulness for the exuberance of glam rock. We believed in glamour. We absolutely wanted to be pop stars - on our own terms, but pop stars nonetheless.’
With its vandals, acrylics and tales of sexual initiation His’n’Hers was a critical and commercial success. The next 16 months saw Pulp - Jarvis in particular - become a national treasure. Where once Cocker had occupied the mildewed margins, now he seemed to be permanently addressing the nation with wit, charm and the ability to correctly answer every question that Mike Read [it was Chris ‘Talent’ Tarrant actually!] asked in the quick fire round on BBC 1's Pop Quiz.
Pulp’s years lurking in the backwaters could now be seen as advantageous, their own prolonged version of the way The Beatles had honed their craft hidden away in Hamburg. If Britpop was about taking age-old strands of British culture and re-styling them for the contemporary era, Pulp were masters of the moment. The Sheffield years weren't far removed from the formative grind endured by any traditional Northern stand-up comedian.
Russel: ‘On stage, Jarvis is always great at talking to people. But before Britpop, he kind of had them in his hand and then turned it into a joke. That used to drive me mad because I wanted him to keep hold of them and make it all really euphoric. Coming into the 90s he became a full-on master of ceremonies and it was great. The Pulp shows in that period was so exciting. That was the best of it for me. I don't think we ever truly captured it on record.’
When Pulp stood in for an injury-stricken Stone Roses at Glastonbury in 1995, they were greeted with the kind of open-armed gratitude Allied troops experienced while liberating Paris in 1944. These latter-day saviours brought with them a whiff of sex and nylons, but also Common People, a song that for the summer of 1995 became a universal anthem to match Lily Marlene or The White Cliffs of Dover.
When Jarvis guest presented Top of the Pops in 1994, he was met with a wave of communal good will. Even more so than when Chris U band appeared two years later, gamey lisping through ‘Suggs at six with Cecilia.’ Then Pulp became Top of the Pops themselves, their Different Class album hitting Number 1. It wasn't difficult to account for its success. The likes of Mis-Shapes and Something Changed have show-tune vigour that could have been as successful for Tommy Steele or Jesus Christ Superstar. There were also more left field inclinations. Common People was partly inspired by the drones of American minimalist composers Steve Reich and La Monte Young. But at its core, the album dealt in ancient methodology: narrative writing set to music everyone could understand.
While Britpop groups occasionally mined British music hall, Pulp surveyed the eternal verities of popular song less self-consciously than their peers. Here was a new folk music, but one that always felt like pop music. Musically, the album touched on The Beatles’ Revolution 9, drum and bass, the soundtrack to 1966 French film Un Homme et une Femme by Claude Lelouch and Gloria the 1982 hit from Laura Branigan. It amounted to a remarkable piece of populist art. However, the band have mixed memories of this period.
‘It did feel like vindication,’ says Nick Banks. ‘We were always confident that if only the masses could hear what we were doing, then they'd like it. When people did hear it, quite a few thought it was good enough to shell out for a record or two.’
‘At the time,’ says Candida Doyle, ‘We fought against the Britpop label. I thought we were the best band and there was no way we should be grouped with these other bands, but looking back, we were part of it and I'm glad we were. It was only in 2000 that I actually began to enjoy playing with the band. Before that, I was petrified on stage. Headlining Glastonbury, that was really fucking scary. But when we played Common People and they turned the lights on the crowd singing for miles into the distance, I'll never forget that.’
Russell has a more challenging version of events. ‘It had become a travesty,’ he says. Different Class was a kind of last gasp. It was over by then, but we still managed to get it down as a document. I rather hated Jarvis when he was in the studio singing Common People. He'd become so far removed. He was the villain of the piece because he was wearing trousers he'd been given by some designer. He wasn't wearing his jumble sale trousers. We were surrounded by coked-up knobheads.’
Senior also talks about an attitudinal North-South divide in the band at this point. In the Southern corner were London residents Jarvis and Steve. For the North, Russell, Nick and Candida, (though Candida was actually living in London by this point.) It's a perspective partly shared by Nick. ‘There was a North-South divide,’ says Russell, ‘Abso-fucking-lutely. I like living in Sheffield and one does have a chip on one’s shoulder about being patronised by poncy Southern bastards. To find there was a couple of members of the band who were doing the patronising was rather irksome! (laughs) The more they go all Kate Moss and London, the more I'd be, ‘By heck, where's me whippet?’ There was definitely a divide within the band.’
Russell left Pulp as they began to work on what would become 1998’s This is Hardcore album. By this time narcotics had become part of the picture, appearing in the lyrics of This is Hardcore and becoming a staple topic in Pulp interviews.
‘I thought that was a distorted image,’ says Steve Mackey. ‘I've never known Jarvis have a problem with narcotics. Ever. I was taking a lot more drugs than he was, but I didn't think I was taking that many. With Pulp no one ever went to rehab, no one was taking heroin. I don't recall Jarvis ever regularly taking drugs. But it did become a fairly regular part of the studio experience during This is Hardcore, and that's a dangerous thing. It became a bit of a self-indulgent record. But in a way that's also its finest hour, because something glorious came out of that. I feel very affectionate about that record. I think we really reached something with that.’
And the alleged north-south divide?
‘I never felt that,’ says Mackey, ‘My recollection of why Russell left is that after Different Class, it was clear he wanted to make a record that followed on in that vein. Me and Jarvis made it clear we weren't going to make that kind of record. Russell made it clear he didn't want to make our kind of record. The split was pretty amicable - we didn't fall out, but it cast a shadow over the band. I missed Russell - he was the person I loved watching when I saw them live before I joined.’
Before Pulp played their last show in 2002, they made one more album, the nature oriented We Love Life, released in 2001. There was also an underperforming greatest hits compilation in 2002, a record Jarvis has described as ‘the real whimper, the real silent fart’ of Pulp’s career. It charted Number 71, then disappeared. But if Pulp’s last years can read as forlorn times, that wasn't really the case. Recorded with Scott Walker, We Love Life has some of Pulp’s finest material, particularly the wonderfully elegiac, spoken word piece, Wickerman.
Nowadays, Pulp’s ex-members have a healthy view on all the past dramas, perhaps because Pulp isn't the only thing in their lives anymore. Jarvis was unavailable for interview because he was in America mastering his second solo LP. He also guest-edited BBC Radio 4’s Today programme and collaborated with Nancy Sinatra and Marianne Faithful. I spoke to Candida Doyle as she was visiting Disneyland Paris with six Shetland cousins and their ten children. She’s started a counselling course in London. Steve Mackey just finished producing Florence and the Machine’s debut album. He's produced and co-written for MIA and has remixed the likes of Kelis and Arcade Fire. While overseeing London's Frieze Art Fair’s musical programme, Mackey booked Karlheinz Stockhausen for one of his last engagements before he died. Nick Banks plays at private parties with The Big Shambles, knocking out covers of songs by The Damned, David Bowie and Amy Whitehouse. More typically, he runs Banks' pottery, a Rotherham based crockery business – ‘Crock’n’roll, as we like to call it.’
Of all the former members, Russell Senior has strayed furthest from music. He's written 50,000 words of a debut novel and has been setting up a ‘wild-foods processing plant.’ An avid lover of wild mushrooms, Russell has been furthering this. Rather than reducing trees to a pulp, he's utilised woodland in a more sustainable manner. ‘What I've been doing,’ he says, ‘is drilling little holes in Birch trees to collect sap – I’d highly recommend it.”
Scans from PulpWiki
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shiromoti · 1 year
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バンド【カカシカシカカ】のオリジナル曲「Jack Song」をイメージした絵。
#イラスト #イメージ画 #カカシカシカカ #JackSong
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definitelyseven · 4 years
risky business | one (m)
summary: you were hired to be with everyone else but Park Jinyoung
one (m) | two | three |
You stared at yourself through the mirror, watching the half-naked women behind you rush to get ready to go on stage. Tonight was your first night at the club and you were extremely nervous. It was obvious you didn’t fit in here but you had to do this. You didn’t have a choice - not when your mother left you with thousands of dollars of medical bills and you father thinking he can pay it all off by gambling. You were millions of dollars in debt and there was no way you could pay it off without doing this; without selling your body. Your sister was still young and you couldn’t put her through this. She didn’t deserve it. She was innocent. 
“You should put on some lipstick,” the woman behind you suggested. 
“Thanks,” you smiled weakly as you took the lipstick from her. You twisted the cap off to reveal a bright red lipstick; a color you would never wear. 
“I’m Momo,” she introduced. “This doesn’t seem like a place for a girl like you.”
“Y/N. You’re right, I don’t belong here. But I need to be here,” you tell her without revealing to much detail. 
“Don’t worry. Most of them are nice and great tippers. Just follow my lead out there.”
You quickly patted some lipstick onto your lips and followed her out. The club didn’t open for about another hour but there was a special guest today and all the girls were requested to come in early. 
“Mr. Park, these are my girls. They’re all very good,” the manager of the club said before handing the attractive man a portfolio which you assumed was filled with pictures of all the girls here.
The man seemed disinterested though. He was busy scrolling through his phone, didn’t even bother to take the portfolio out of the manager’s hand. The manager eventually set the portfolio down on the table. It was awkward - all the girls were standing there half-naked, ready to shake their asses off for random men but the men standing in front of you was unbothered. It was like you didn’t even exist to them. But then again, how could you? These men were well-dressed, handsome and obviously wealthy. They could get any women they wanted so why were they here? 
“Are these girls not to your liking Mr. Park?” the manager spoke again. 
The man finally looked up from his phone and towards you and the other girls. He was attractive, really attractive. He looked like one of those models in the magazines - not one single flaw. He watched the girls carefully, mentally picking out which girl he didn’t want and then his eyes met yours. 
You held your breath, feeling awkward. This was the first time you revealed so much of your body to anyone, let alone strangers. You wrapped your arms around yourself, rubbing them up and down to keep warm. You could feel the goosebumps on your skin. 
“Her,” he finally said. You looked up from the ground and see him pointing at you. The girls around you began to whisper - you were just as shocked as they were. “I want her,” he repeated. 
After the man selected you, the manager rushed the other girls out of the room. You don’t know what you were selected for but he chose you. He picked you. 
You continued to stand there awkwardly until another man ushered you to come closer. You slowly made your way over to the men, taking a seat next to them. 
“You’re perfect.”
“I’m sorry but what am I perfect for?” 
He chuckled at you before speaking, “What if I can offer you another job that pays more than this one?” 
“How much?” you asked interested. 
“Two, three times as much. I’m willing to pay for something that’s worth the price,” he smirked. 
“W-what do I have to do?” you asked, scared. 
“Don’t be scared princess,” he continued to smirk, making you blush. Even his smirk was attractive. “What’s your name?”
“I’m Jinyoung. Park Jinyoung,” he introduced himself. “I have a proposition for you.” You raised your eyebrow at him, curious as to what his offer was and how much money you could make from this. “You work here because you need money. I work with a lot of rich, powerful and secretive men. Men that are willing to pay anything to have their fun.” You chewed on your lower lip as you listened carefully. “You’ll be doing what you’re doing here but during the day you’ll be in an office - something you can eventually put on your resume.” 
“Why me?”
“These men that I work with have seen all types of women but the type of women that is the hardest to find are the innocent but kinky ones,” he teased, tipping your chin. You gulped, nervous from his touch.
“How do you know I’m innocent and kinky?” you asked, mumbling the last word. 
“Just by looking at you. That’s why you’re perfect,” he reminded. You looked down at your lap, debating whether or not to take the offer. Jinyoung was right - you’d be doing the exact same thing here anyways but you’d be in an office. It looks so much better on paper.
“O-okay,” you agreed. “What do you want me to do?”
That night you met Jinyoung was almost three months ago. He saved you from working at the club, from stripping for random men. At least now, your sister won’t have an older sister who strips for money. These past few months Jinyoung and his team worked hard to train you into the perfect secretary by day and the perfect seducer by night. 
Today was your final test.
“I’ll wait here,” Jinyoung said before taking a seat by the fitting area. Your last test was to pick out an outfit that would make any man swoon for you. It seemed easily enough but if someone would have asked you to do something like this three months ago, it would be nearly impossible for you.
You were different now. Three months of hard work to change you into someone completely different; someone that exuded confidence, someone that can speak various languages, manage another person’s entire day, and most importantly seduce anyone that laid eyes on you which was by far the hardest thing to do.
“What do you think? you asked Jinyoung as you smoothened out your tight dress that accentuated your curves and revealed just the right amount of cleavage that would make any guy look twice.  
Jinyoung looks up from his phone and at you. He smirks in satisfaction as he shifts in his seat, spreading his legs slightly apart at the site of you. You could tell from the tent in his pants that he enjoyed what he saw. “Stunning,” he said proudly, making you blush. He made his way over to you before turning you around to face the mirror. He stares at you, scanning your body from top to bottom while he licks his lips. His hands made his way to your sides, his fingers dancing against the fabric of your dress. Jinyoung gives your waist a small squeeze. You hissed at his touch. He brushes your hair to one side, revealing the nape of your neck to him. He runs the back of his hand up and down your neck as he plays with your ear. 
“Like what you see?”
“Mhmmm, the confidence,” he hummed, giving the back of your neck a small squeeze. That was lesson #1 - confidence is attractive. Jinyoung reaches inside his pocket and takes out a diamond necklace. “Last piece to make this outfit perfect,” he whispered in your ear before putting the necklace on you. 
“There’s one last thing you can teach me,” you tell him. Jinyoung looks at you surprised as he has nothing left to teach you. “I’ll eventually have to sleep with them, don’t I?”
Jinyoung turns you around to face him. He strokes your cheek gently. He didn’t want to lie to you. “There’s a possibility that could happen.”
“Then teach me.”
“Teach you?” Jinyoung repeated. 
“Teach me,” you paused. “Jinyoung, I’m a virgin.”
“Oh...I didn’t know. If you-”
You shake your head, “I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want it to be the reason that I couldn’t do this.” You paused again, waiting for his response. “I want my first time to be with someone I know, someone I trust.”
“I can’t do that,” Jinyoung rejected softly. 
“You can,” you assured him. “I need you to do this for me. If you want this to be successful than do this for me. Please.”
Jinyoung nods slowly, finally agreeing to your suggestion. He lets out a light sigh before pulling you into his arms.
“Do you live here?” you asked once you entered into his luxury condo.
“It’s one of my many estates,” he explained, taking off his tuxedo. You were nervous but you knew Jinyoung will take care of you. He always does. “Want a drink?” You nodded, watching him pour the drinks. 
“Expensive,” you teased as you took a sip out of the beverage. 
Jinyoung clears his throat before setting his drink down. “Show me what you got,” he demanded.
“W-what?” you almost choke.
“Show me what you got,” he enunciated. “Pretend I’m like those men.” You didn’t know what to do. You’ve never done this before. You slowly set down your drink, running different scenarios in your head on what to do next. “Don’t think, just do it.” Jinyoung takes a seat on the couch, carefully watching your next move. You swallowed the lump in your throat. You could do this. You have to do this well. 
You slowly made your way towards Jinyoung, your eyes on his as you gently bit your lower lip. You stopped in front of him before taking a seat on his lap. You run your palms up and down his chest, stopping just below his collar. You leaned in close to his face, feeling his length poke against your thigh as you pressed your body against his. Jinyoung’s hand rubs your lower back, fiddling with the zipper on your dress. 
You got off Jinyoung’s lap and kneeled down in front of him. You licked your lips before looking up at him. He was eager, desperate for you to do something; anything. You rubbed his thighs up and down, inching closer and closer to his length. You stroked him through his pants, feeling it grow harder by the second. You licked your lips again while you unbuckled his pants. His cock was pressed tightly against his pants, aching to be released. You bit your lip, nervous about touching him. 
“Don’t think, just do it.” You pulled his pants lower until his cock was fully exposed. It sprung up almost automatically. He was hard; the tip of his cock bright red with a large bead of pre-cum threatening to fall. You gulped before rubbing your thumb over the tip. Jinyoung lets out a low groan, attempting to hide his moan. His tip now wet with his own pre-cum, you opened your mouth and twirled your tongue against the tip of his cock. He hisses at your touch. You opened your mouth wider, slowly taking in his length. He moans feeling how wet your mouth feels against his cock. You didn’t know any techniques but you did know that sucking was the right thing to do - so you did. You sucked him hard like a lollipop while wrapping your hand on the base of his cock, stroking him long and hard. You bobbed your head up and down until the tip of his cock hits the back of your throat. You kept bobbing your head up and down, hearing him moan and swear under his breath. You had one hand on the base of his cock, stroking him slowly while the other hand massaged his balls. You feel him twitch in your mouth as he groans in pleasure. Jinyoung gets lost in pleasure and thrusts his hips forward. His cock slams into the back of your throat making you choke. “Fuck...” Jinyoung runs his fingers through your hair, gripping tightly onto it. He guides your head up and down his cock, each time harder than the next. “Shit baby...” he moans loudly before pulling away.
You pulled away from him, saliva dripping down your chin. “Did that feel good?” you asked him, staring up at him. 
He chuckles out of breath, “Yeah....” You get up off your knees before wiping your lips. 
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One Million In One Day | 9
GOT7 SugarDaddy!Jackson Wang x Reader + Park Jinyoung x Reader | Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Characters: GOT7 Summary: His mother’s final wish is to see him be happy in a relationship, knowing that Jackson would be fine when she left him. But, damn, he didn’t have time for relationships, especially not since he was busy running his father’s billion dollar empire, thus the compromise: you. Word Count: <2k Warnings: Stalking, fighting, cursing, mentioning of illness, TYPOS, etc.
I’m tagging @tia-m94 because, well, she wanted to be HAHA, and I was looking for all the other messages I got about updating this but I can’t seem to find them, so yeah, if you wanna be tagged in the last chapter just ell me cos I’m actually planning on posting that soon as well.
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It’s been two weeks since Jinyoung stopped talking to us, and I’ve had enough of it. He’s neither replied to my or Mark’s texts while clearly holding his phone in class, so obviously he wants us to know that he’s ignoring us.
Once Mr. Choi says class dismissed, I grabbed my things and jogged over to the other side of the room for him. He was still fixing up his things when I arrived and the blank expression he had somehow fell.
I move over to him once his row is cleared and call out to him, “Jinyoung.”
Much unlike him, he takes all his things and shoves it into his bag, out of spite. But it was too unlike his nature. He sighs and begins to fix it inside, not paying attention to me.
“I’m sorry that I upset you.”
Jinyoung glares at me, “you’re sorry? For what?”
I bite my lower lip and huff, “Jinyoung... please don’t be like this.”
Jinyoung scoffs, “you still don’t get it, do you.”
“Could you please just tell me? I don’t like becoming your enemy.”
“Do you? From what I can tell you don’t care at all for me.”
I pull back from his tight remark and frown, “how could you say that...”
Jinyong's eyes are on fire as he watches my expression in disgust, “You can’t play with me, just because we’re friends.”
“I’m not playing with you," I manage weakly.
Jinyoung rolls his eyes and finally fixes all his things and storms past me. I let him have a head start and run after him right after.
The moment I caught up with him, I grab onto his arm and blurt, “there’s only one thing I can think of... but I have no idea how you’d know.”
Jinyoung finally stops and turns to me.
I feel my feel tears well up in my eyes and I pull him to the side. Jinyoung looks down at me as I fiddle my fingers. I scratch my eyes and turn to him, finding he dawned a different expression on his face.
“Do you know about..." I suck in a breath and whisper, "my sugar daddy?"
Jinyoung clenches his jaw for a moment, then lets out a breath, “... yes. I saw him take you out in his sports car when I was supposed to come over. I was already outside your door when I called.”
I bite my lower lip.
Jinyoung clenched jaw, "you lied to me that day. You said you were going to sleep in all day. You even had the audacity to say you had fun with me the day before."
I turn to him, hot tears streaming down my face. I desperately reason out, "but I did Jinyoung. I love hanging out with you no matter where or when."
Jinyoung turns away from me and I begin to feel like the world was staring at me at this point. I turn to my feet in shame and embarrassment.
"Then why did you lie?" Jinyoung starts again, not caring if the world could hear, "between your teeth, in front of my face? And you told Mark though, so it infuriates me even more."
I suck in a breath for courage and grab his hand, "can we talk at my apartment, please. Give me a chance to explain."
I dread that he will rip him hand away from me and spit at my face. But instead, he grips my wrist and sighs, leading me off.
When we get there, Jinyoung's keen eye notices all the differences in the place. He doesn't miss to note on it bitterly, "wah, you bought an oven too. How cute."
I frown and turn to him, "ya... I did it for you okay."
Jinyoung looks at me, bewildered, caught off guard.
I whine and wipe my face. I drop my bag to the floor and push the thought of missing class today away, "I bought an oven so we could make cheesecake, because I just like you so damn much. And I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean for you to see Jackson. And I had to tell Mark because I had to spend all the money he gave me or else I would lose it."
Jinyoung shakes his head and hands, "wait don't tell me the story like this. Tell me from the beginning, from the very start till now."
And so I do.
By the end of it, Jinyoung and I are sitting on the couch with an awkwardly small gap between us. I don't know what was going through his mind now, but what I did know was that he wasn't happy.
"So what, you're going to keep doing this? What if he asks you to marry you for the sake of his mom?"
I furrow my brows, "Jinyoung, he wouldn't do that. And besides, I think he won't ask me to come over anymore."
"But if he does, will you go?"
"... I can't just leave him."
Jinyoung turns sour, "you most definitely can. You have nothing in writing."
"But he's like a friend now..."
He scoffs, "so you like this Jackson guy?"
I bitterly reply without turning to him, "it's like you want me to make a neon sign that I like you, Jinyoung."
When he doesn't give a sassy retort, I feel my insides grind in fear. I manage to turn to him and my stomach drops when I see he's staring at me, "do you mean it?"
I frown.
"Or are you just saying things I want to hear to get a pass?"
I feel my eyes glass, "what?"
Jinyoung scoffs out a chuckle, "are you an idiot, or are you an idiot?"
"... ... Jinyoung ..."
He sighs, "you still don't get it, do you?" Jinyoung diminishes the gap between us and casually wipes the tears on my cheek away, "I like you so much, you big idiot."
I just look at him, dumbfounded, not really knowing what to say, up until a thought popped up in my head, "is that why you were so upset?"
Jinyoung rolls his eyes, "what do you think?"
It may have been misplaced and untimely, but my stomach swirls in butterflies and I begin to feel giddy.
"You have to stop seeing him though."
I feel pulled back by his sudden statement.
"I don't want you going around with some guy that has so much leverage over you. Especially not because you wanted to by me an over for stupid cheesecake, the hell?"
I open my mouth to protest, but Jinyoung cuts me off, “you’ve done enough, pabo. Now, for my sake,” he grabs my hand, “don’t see any other guy, but me.”
My heart races. My breath hitches.”
Jinyoung clears his throat, “so, can I be your boyfriend?”
I can’t help but bite my lip and snort at him for asking like that. I, instead on answering, do what I have thought of doing whenever he pouts, or whenever he smiles, or whenever he’s stressed, or whenever he’s teasing me. I move forward and peck his lips, placing a chaste kiss and smiling back at him.
Jinyoung doesn’t seem to be surprised by this, and only pushes me back to plant a deeper kiss on my lips. We reposition, so that my torso is facing him and so is his facing mine. I wind up leaning on the arm rest of the sofa and Jinyoung’s hands are latching themselves on my body. He stops midway and inhales, “I want you to answer me though, just so it’s clear we’re on the same page.”
I pretend to think about it, “... I dunno, commitment seems a little too much. Why not just be kissing buddies?”
Jinyoung raises his upper lip and makes an annoyed sound. He then tickles me where he had his hands and I jolt and wither at the assault.
“Okay! Okay!” I scream, making him cease and narrow his eyes at me, “you can be my boyfriend, Park Jinyoung.”
Jinyoung scoffs, “ya, you think you’re so cool? It’s an honor for you to be my girlfriend.”
I forfeit another reply and only pull him close. Jinyoung reciprocates immediately.
My mind is already hazy when he pulls away again, “I want to hear you say it--”
“Shut up, Jinyoung.”
It’s kinda funny how Jinyoung and I go about now. I remember telling Mark about it during class and how much he freaked out because of it.
It was kinda funny.
Much like I has anticipated, an entire month had passed and I didn't even really think about Jackson. That was up until I got a call one night from no other than my sugar daddy himself.
“Hello?” I answer immediately
“Hey--” his voice is thick and low, “I know this is short notice, but can I meet you right now?”
I pull my phone away to check the time. I see it’s about 9:30pm. I pull my phone back, “I dunno, Jackson. I’m kinda scared to go out at this time.”
“What if I pick you up?”
I think of Jinyoung for a moment, then I reply to Jackson, “okay.”
By the time Jackson arrives, I had texted Jinyoung that I would go out with Jackson for one last time. He was hesitant, but he said that he trusted me more than anything.
I went into Jackson’s car and he immediately just drives once I get in. I barely even have time to put my seatbelt on. I look at him and see his face is dishevelled.
I decide not to speak up until he parks in a 24/7 supermarket’s parking lot.
“My mom passed,” Jackson says, immediately breaking down.
For a moment I am stunned, and I have absolutely no idea what to do. Jackson is gripping the steering wheel as he crumbles and weeps. I then have the decency to reach out to him and rub his back. I want to speak, to say something, but I just feel like I shouldn’t.
It’s Jackson that bursts out again, “the day you met her, she said she was really tired from being so happy. I stayed with her that night, watching her drama. I slept on the couch. When I woke up, she... she was stiff and... and-”
I cover my face with my hands, “Jackson...”
“It’s like she was just waiting for that moment and-- I- I feel like if you hadn’t met her then, she’d... she’d still be waiting... and it conflicts me so much.”
I begin to feel tears fall from my eyes as well.
“You know, at the very least she’s not suffering anymore, and you made her happy,” Jackson shudders, turning to me with bloodshot eyes. He frowns, lips quivering, “oh gosh, I’m so sorry. I’ve just made everything so depressing.”
“No,” I take his hand, “what you feel right now is normal. You’ve just had a great loss. I’m glad that I got to meet her and made her happy, Jackson.”
He chuckles, “don’t you resent me for doing something like this.”
I shake my head, “no. In fact, let’s stop this agreement between us okay. If you ever need me, just call me as a friend, okay.”
Jackson pulls his hand away to slap it on his face, “oh lord, as if I deserve that.”
“No... I shouldn’t take advantage of you.”
“You’re not!” I say, “I want you to be my friend. You can hang out with me, Jinyoung, Mark, and Nari. I think it would be good for you, especially now. I can take you to cheap restaurants and let you borrow two dollar shirts. You’ll finally taste boxed wine.”
He begrudgingly chuckles at that. I give a smile.
For a moment, he just heaves. Jackson settles and turns to me, offering a sad smile, “thank you... for everything.”
“Thank you too.”
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star-suh · 1 year
So since you write for Jackson wang
I have a silly request
How about writing like one of those old wattpad fanfics where you get invited to his private VIP party and he ends up having sex with you and falling in love with you
I’d absolutely love to see your take on one of those fics
Not Your Typical Party 
jackson wang x male reader
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cw: top jackson, bttm m reader, friends to lovers trope, some fluff sprinkled, some angst sprinkled too (like crying, a bit and comforting), implied kinda drunk jackson during sex but he is conscious, passionate and rough sex at the same time, pet names, fingering, spit as lub, unprotected sex, mating press (kinda obsessed with it later teehee)
it was friday night and y/n was getting ready to go to THE jackson wang's party, it is well known that he loves to throw wild vip parties in the most luxurious places in the city, so for y/n it was like a goal accomplished being capable of assist to at least one of those. it happened during one of y/n's walks, he accidentally bumped into jackson, his old college friend/crush. "y/n?" says jackson "woah, i almost didn't recognize you without your glasses. how's your life going?" he asked. "hehe, nothing much" answered y/n "just working". "you should take a break, it will do good to you" recommended the man "i'm organizing a party this friday night, come enjoy all the night" he smiled at y/n making him a bit flustered "ah… ye-yeah" he stuttered. "here give me your number" says jackson passing to y/n his phone so he can type his number on it, "done" answered the flustered guy, "ok, see you later pal" he says while waving his hand "ah, put on those glasses you look cute with them" he yells while entering his car.
"well, let's go" said y/n nervously opening the doors, he thought that his feelings for jackson were gone but no… they're there. he was received by lots of colored neon lights, people drinking, dancing and swimming in the pool, there was a sexy shirtless dj accompanied by lots of girls and a boy sitting who was kinda sad, y/n felt bad for him and was gonna ask him what happened "oh there you are" yelled jackson y/n turned towards the voice meeting a jackson in a robe and long pants, he was shirtless showing his perfect abs "oh h-hey" stuttered y/n "like the view? you're stuttering" mocked and laughed jackson "come here take a drink" y/n did as he said "i'll come later" jackson waves a goodbye and left y/n in a table drinking.
minutes have passes and y/n was getting bored, this definitely wasn't a place for him, all people having fun but not him "i guess it was a bad idea coming here" he says circling the bottle's tip. y/n stands up and went to the bathroom, find jackson to say goodbye and leave. 
"oh hey" y/n says to get jackson's attention who was talking to some girls "talk to you later" he says to the girls and went straight to y/n "what happened?" he asks. "nothing" replied y/n touching the back of his neck embarrassed "just wanted to say goodbye i have to go now". "no, please don't go" says the drunk man, grabbing y/n by the hand and dragging him towards a room, jackson's bedroom. "please stay with me" begged jackson starting to kiss y/n who opened his eyes wide in surprise but just let himself go enjoying the delicious and wet kiss "you taste like many liquors" said y/n making jackson smile.
the clothes of both were being discarded one by one with jackson touching every inch of y/n's sexy body "so fucking sexy. and just for me" growled the man on y/n's ear. jackson started to grope y/n's ass and squeeze it very hard "hng" moaned y/n. "yes like that. moan for me pretty" whispered jackson kissing y/n's shoulders and the bottom doing the same with jackson's collarbones.
jackson lifted one of y/n's leg with a hand while fingering him with the other. "please, just put it in already" whimpered y/n wanting to feel jackson inside him "as you wish prince". both lay down in bed and jackson introduced his cock in y/n then leaving it in there without moving so y/n would get used to the sensation. "you don't how much i've craved this. i love you" y/n then realizes what he just said and look directly at jackson's eyes "oh i'm sorry" said y/n embarrassed. "what do you mean?" asked jackson, "it's nothing" y/n was scared, he didn't know how jackson was going to react, he was dumb for saying that in the middle of sex, many mixed emotions made y/n start to cry. 
"shush, don't cry pretty boy" whispered jackson "it's ok, don't cry" he says wiping y/n tears and hugged him "it's ok, let it all out" he rubs y/n's back. seeing how he calmed down a bit jackson says "it's ok, you know why?" looking at y/n with loving eyes "i love you too silly" he smiles and kisses y/n who was shocked, his all-life crush just said that he loves him? y/n can't believe it. "and as proof of my love for you i'm gonna make you mine tonight" jackson bit y/n's ear and started to thrust. y/n was happy for what he just heard "fill me with your love then" he says hugging jackson as hard as he can…
in a mating press position jackson was drilling y/n so hard that the bed started to shake "i'm not gonna stop until you're full of my love,  i don't care if the bed breaks" the party man assured y/n couldn't say anything just moans and whimpers, feeling jackson reaching his sweet spot with every thrust. he then slip all his cock out leaving just the tip inside y/n's puffy gaping hole and then slammed again, doing the same thing like 10 times again. y/n started to jerk off feeling that sensation in his stomach "i'm gonna cum jackson" drool spilling out of his mouth "cum for me baby" says the top, kissing y/n and playing with his nipples to make him cum fast. "i'm c-cumming" yelled y/n shooting his cum landing on his abdomen and jackson's chest and some on his chin, he then cleans it with his thumb and lick it "so tasty" says jackson. "get ready to get filled" says jackson speeding up his pace, the loud music outside covering the skin slapping sounds "receive all my love and don-don't waste it" he says feeling he is very close "love. love. love. receive. all. my. lovee~" every word accompanied by a hard thrust, cumming finally in the last one and filling y/n's insides with his sperm. "i love you so much prince" says jackson laying at the side of y/n caressing his face, "i love you too" y/n replies…
it was morning, both already cleaned up and jackson accompanied y/n to the front door passing by drunk people sleeping everywhere in the garden. "ok then, see you later i guess" says y/n shyly waving "wait, hold on" yells jackson making y/n turn around to face him "here let me put them on you" he puts the glasses on y/n and adjusts his hair "you look cute on them" he says once again making y/n flustered "don't say that" y/n pushes jackson's shoulder who just laughed "why don't you wait for me to get ready and i take you in my car?... and i can invite you to have breakfast in a cafeteria i know, food there is delicious. what do you think?" he asks, "sounds good for me. just don't be late" answered y/n.
jackson kissed y/n leaving him surprised "it's a date then" he goes quickly to change clothes and y/n just looks at him with his face red as a tomato "fuck… i blush too easily... damn!" he thinks.
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k-pop-lovers · 1 year
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It gives me a whiplash when I see kpop jackson. Because in China he is Wang Jiaer, the guy who started Team Wang, he is a leader, a mentor, his covers on mags and all show this "built myself up" image. And then he comes to korea and it's so different.Not good or bad just so different.I see some of it flowing into his kvariety show performances. In China he is hilarious but on the past 2 weekly idol ones he was very lowkey. It's interesting how he shifts roles and I am glad he is doing so well.
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ahgasepsd · 4 years
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got7 lq “hello kitty” icons 
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sungminsbutt · 4 years
me: people are always overreacting over idols when they do literally nothing, it's annoyong
youngjae: *breathes*
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ahgasefordayz · 5 years
What’s your ideal type?
Pairing: Park Jinyoung x Reader 
Word Count: 1,506
A/N: Hello, everyone! I haven’t been feeling like writing in a while, due to school, but this is something I wanted to share. This based off of a dream I had months ago, and I finally decided to finish it. I hope you enjoy it! -admin izzy
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Today was supposed to be a normal sunny day out with your friends. It was supposed to be just a relaxing time trying out a new restaurant in town, and catching up on this week’s events. That was what it was supposed to be, but that’s not what happened. 
Everything was fine up until your two friends decided to discuss each other’s ideal types. Hearing the same conversation come up almost every time you met up, you decided to head to the restroom, to avoid having to talk about it again. Alex and Sophia knew about your lingering feelings for your other mutual friend, Jinyoung, but that was just something you weren’t willing to talk about. 
It wasn’t as if you were trying to deny your feelings, you were perfectly aware that they were there, but not something you felt comfortable to speak about in such an open environment. On top of it all, Jinyoung was due to be here any minute, and you didn’t want him hearing any part of the conversation. 
After you walked back from your time in the bathroom, both of your friends were smiling and laughing together. You were happy that, even after all these years, you were all still as close. You three had met each other while you were still in high school, and then became friends with Jinyoung your freshman year of college. That was three years ago, and you four were all facing your senior year in college. 
Jinyoung was studying law, Alex studying veterinary science, Sophia education, and you were studying social work. Even though you weren’t taking all your Gen Ed classes together anymore, you were still able to see each other once a week. 
While you were lost in thought, your phone chimed with a notification from Jinyoung. Looking down, you smiled softly at his message of letting you know he was coming, but due to traffic he was going to be a little late. 
Noticing your smile, Sophia decided to speak up, 
“You know if you smile as hard as you are, then it’ll get stuck.” she said with a smirk on her face. 
At her comment you looked up with a frown and a blush to match, 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about…” you said softly looking down at you phone, the smile still there. 
Alex and Sophia looked at each other, and smirked. 
You knew that these two were about to badger you into telling them all about it, but you didn’t want to. Not today. All you wanted to do was eat your food, and not talk about your feelings for JInyoung. 
“Let’s not talk about it, guys. I’m not going to do anything about it, so just stop. Jinyoung doesn’t like me, and that’s the end of it.”you said with a frown. 
What you didn’t know was that Jinyoung had already walked in, and making his way to the table. He had made it to the table just in time to hear your words. He was shocked. He had always had secret feelings for you, and didn’t feel like it was mutual. He had spent many a night talking to his roommate and best friend, Jaebeom, about it, but never in his life thought you would like him back. Looking at the back of your head in shock, he noticed the hot feeling of his cheeks, and he knew that he was blushing. 
Alex had seen him walk into the restaurant, but wasn’t prepared for you to say that. Both Alex’s and Sophia’s mouths opened in shock. Looking up, you noticed their faces and a realization hit you. You whipped around and was met with Jinyoung’s equally shocked face. 
You were mad, very mad but also very embarrassed. You didn’t expect Jinyoung to walk in just then, and hear your confession. You wanted to keep your feelings a secret from the world, but now they weren’t. You didn’t know what to do. Looking down at the ground, as your eyes started to water. You did what you had to. You ran. You grabbed your bag, and phone, and ran out of the restaurant. 
Both the girls looked at Jinyoung, and stood up from their chairs. 
“Jinyoung, we are so sorry! We didn’t know you were going to come so fast. We didn’t mean for you to hear.” Alex said. 
Jinyoung gave them both a small smile, “Well, I’m glad you did because I’m going to talk to her.” 
Jinyoung gave them both a small wave, and turned to run to his car. Getting in his car, he drove to your apartment. He knew now that your feelings were mutual, and he was going to do something about it. As he was driving, he couldn’t stop smiling. He was so happy that ,finally, he was able to openly say what he’d been meaning to say since freshman year. In the back of his mind, he knew that speaking on this, with you, could cause possible problems for your friendship, but he was selfish. He wanted you all to himself, and that was what he was about to do. 
Once you made it to your apartment, your eyes were so watery that you could barely make it to the couch. Throwing your stuff on the coffee table, you began to full out sob. How could you be so stupid? Why did they have to talk about it, when they knew Jinyoung was coming? You weren’t upset with them, and you made a mental note to remind them of that, but you were more than embarrassed. This was not meant to happen, and now your friendship was possibly ruined. This was the whole reason you decided to keep your feelings a secret. You valued him too much to let this crush get in the way. 
Trapped inside your head, you didn’t notice the knocking at your door, until knocking turned into banging. Someone was outside your door, banging as if they needed to get inside. Jumping up from the couch, you ran to the hole in the door to see who it was. Looking through, you saw Jinyoung with the biggest smile on his face. Why was he smiling? 
Something inside you told you to open the door, and that’s what you did. 
Jinyoung heard the lock of the door turn, and then your face peak out from the crack of the front door being opened. 
“What is it, Jinyoung?”you said in a soft whisper, your cheeks redder than a beet. 
Jinyoung took a step towards the door, and grabbed hold of the door knob. He gave it a slight push to let you silently know he wanted to come in. His smile was still there, and it was giving you hope, but nerves were overtaking you. 
He didn’t say a word, but softly closed the door, and took your hand leading you back to the couch. His smile turned softer once he really got a look at your face. Your cheeks were red, and eyes puffy from crying. He didn’t like it when you cried, and especially since he knew he was the cause of it. 
“You shouldn’t cry, (Y/N). Your eyes become red, and I worry.” he said in a soft voice in order to keep you from getting up.
His hand was warm, and you always liked holding his hand, but right now, it was making your stomach turn. You went to pull your hand out of his, but his grip only tightened. His smile grew again, and he started to chuckle at your shy behavior. He couldn’t remember the last time you had been this shy with him, but he was secretly enjoying it. 
You both sat there in silence for a couple minutes before he realized he was going to have to start the conversation. Grabbing your chin, he made you look at him in the eyes before he spoke, 
“You shouldn’t have run away. Your feelings are valid, and I will always listen to them. I know Sophia and Alex are a handful, but they mean well, so don’t be mad at them. How long have you liked me?” he said tilting his head in invitation. 
You gave him a pathetic shrug before you answered, “Long enough to know they’re real.” 
You answered gave him courage because he knew that this was a new beginning for you. Jinyoung, with his hand still on your chin, leaned in and connected your lips in a soft and careful kiss. It didn’t last for more than a few seconds, but to you, it felt like years. 
Once he pulled back, he was still close enough to hear your gasp and uneven breath. He smile never wavered watching your face and how it become even more red, if that was possible. He watched you carefully, and noticed the smile you were trying to suppress. You were looking at the floor went in to give you another peck before saying, 
“I am yours, if you want me.”
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sometime-in-1995 · 5 years
My loud and intellectual Hong Kong babies are finally together 🤗💚
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hobisstrawberry · 5 years
From Jackson's instagram story today 😂
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