#jacksonville domestic violence lawyer
rainkalawllc · 6 months
Navigating the Legal Maze: How a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Jacksonville, FL Can Help
Navigating the Legal Maze: How a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Jacksonville, FL Can Help
In the realm of criminal law, navigating the legal maze can be daunting, especially when you find yourself facing charges. However, in Jacksonville, Florida, individuals have a crucial ally in their corner: the criminal defense lawyer. This comprehensive guide aims to shed light on the invaluable role that these legal professionals play in helping individuals maneuver through the complexities of the legal system in Jacksonville.
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Understanding the Legal Landscape in Jacksonville, FL
Jacksonville, with its vibrant culture and bustling population, also grapples with its share of legal issues. From misdemeanors to felonies, individuals may find themselves entangled in the web of criminal law. Understanding the legal landscape is the first step towards effectively navigating through it.
The Role of a Criminal Defense Lawyer
A criminal defense lawyer serves as a beacon of hope for those facing criminal charges. Their primary role is to provide legal representation and counsel to individuals accused of committing crimes. In Jacksonville, these lawyers are adept at understanding local laws, and court procedures, and building robust defense strategies tailored to each case.
Why You Need a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Jacksonville, FL
The need for a criminal defense lawyer cannot be overstated, especially in a city like Jacksonville, where the legal system can be unforgiving. These professionals bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you receive fair treatment under the law.
The Benefits of Hiring a Criminal Defense Lawyer
Legal Expertise: Criminal defense lawyers are well-versed in criminal law, procedural rules, and courtroom etiquette. Their expertise can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.
Strategic Defense Planning: Crafting a solid defense strategy requires careful planning and analysis of the facts surrounding the case. Criminal defense lawyers leverage their experience to develop effective defense strategies tailored to the unique circumstances of each case.
Navigating Legal Procedures: The legal process can be complex and overwhelming for individuals without legal training. A criminal defense lawyer guides you through each step of the process, ensuring that you understand your rights and obligations.
Protecting Your Rights: Everyone has rights guaranteed by the Constitution, including the right to a fair trial and the right to legal representation. A criminal defense lawyer acts as a staunch advocate for your rights, ensuring that they are upheld throughout the legal proceedings.
Negotiating with Prosecutors: In many cases, criminal charges can be negotiated or reduced through plea bargaining. A skilled criminal defense lawyer knows how to negotiate with prosecutors to achieve the best possible outcome for their clients.
How Criminal Defense Lawyers in Jacksonville Build Strong Cases
Building a strong defense requires meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of the law. Criminal defense lawyers in Jacksonville employ various strategies to build compelling cases for their clients.
Investigation and Evidence Gathering
One of the first steps in building a defense is conducting a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the alleged crime. This may involve interviewing witnesses, reviewing police reports, and gathering any available evidence that supports the client's innocence.
Legal Research and Case Analysis
Criminal defense lawyers in Jacksonville conduct extensive legal research to identify relevant statutes, case law, and legal precedents that may impact the outcome of the case. They analyze the facts of the case in light of applicable laws to identify potential defenses and weaknesses in the prosecution's case.
Expert Witness Testimony
In some cases, expert witness testimony may be necessary to bolster the defense's argument. Criminal defense lawyers work closely with qualified experts, such as forensic scientists or medical professionals, to provide expert opinions that support the client's innocence or raise doubts about the prosecution's case.
Preparation for Trial
If the case proceeds to trial, criminal defense lawyers in Jacksonville meticulously prepare for courtroom proceedings. This may involve conducting mock trials, preparing witnesses for testimony, and developing persuasive courtroom presentations to effectively advocate for their client's innocence.
The Importance of Communication and Client Support
Effective communication is paramount in the attorney-client relationship, especially in high-stakes criminal cases. Criminal defense lawyers in Jacksonville prioritize open and transparent communication with their clients, keeping them informed about the progress of their case and addressing any concerns or questions they may have.
Final Thoughts
In the end, navigating the legal maze of criminal law in Jacksonville, FL, requires the expertise and guidance of a skilled criminal defense lawyer. These legal professionals play a pivotal role in defending the rights and interests of individuals accused of committing crimes, ensuring that they receive fair treatment under the law. By understanding the legal landscape, recognizing the benefits of hiring a criminal defense lawyer, and appreciating the strategies they employ to build strong cases, individuals can navigate through the complexities of the legal system with confidence and peace of mind.
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[Daily Don]
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AUG 30, 2023
Four days ago, on Saturday, August 26, in the early afternoon, a heavily armed, 21-year-old white supremacist in a tactical vest and mask, who had written a number of racist manifestos and had swastikas painted on his rifle, murdered three Black Americans at a Dollar General store in Jacksonville, Florida. He had apparently intended to attack Edward Waters University, a historically Black institution, but students who saw him put on tactical gear warned a security guard, who chased him off and alerted a sheriff’s deputy. 
As David Kurtz of Talking Points Memo put it two days later, “America is living through a reign of white supremacist terror,” and in a speech to the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law on Monday, President Joe Biden reminded listeners that “the U.S. intelligence community has determined that domestic terrorism, rooted in white supremacy, is the greatest terrorist threat we face in the homeland—the greatest threat.” 
Biden said he has made it a point to make “clear that America is the most multiracial, most dynamic nation in the history of the world.” He noted that he had nominated the first Black woman, Ketanji Brown Jackson, for the Supreme Court and has put more Black women on the federal circuit courts than every other U.S. president combined. Under him, Congress has protected interracial and same-sex marriages, and his administration has more women than men. He warned that “hate never dies. It just hides.”   
But in his Editorial Board newsletter, John Stoehr pointed out that the increasing violence of white supremacists isn’t just about an “ideology of hate” rising, but it is “about a minority faction of the country going to war, literal war, with a majority faction.” He pointed to former governor of Alaska Sarah Palin’s recent prediction of civil war because “We’re not going to keep putting up with this…. We do need to rise up and take our country back.” Stoehr calls these white supremacists “Realamericans” who believe they should rule and, if they can’t do so lawfully, believe they are justified in taking the law into their own hands. 
Indeed, today’s white supremacist violence has everything to do with the 1965 Voting Rights Act that protected the right to vote guaranteed by the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution, ratified in 1870 after white supremacists refused to recognize the right of Black Americans to vote and hold office. Minority voting means a government—and a country—that white men don’t dominate.
In the 1870s, once the federal government began to prosecute those white men attacking their Black neighbors for exercising their right to vote, white supremacists immediately began to say that they had no issues with Black voting on grounds of race. Their issue, they said, was that Black men were poor, and they were voting for lawmakers—some Black but primarily white—who supported the construction of roads, schools, hospitals, and so on. While these investments were crucial in the devastated South and would help white Americans as well as Black ones, white supremacists insisted that such government action redistributed wealth from white people to Black people and thus was a form of socialism. 
It was a short step from this argument to insisting that Black men shouldn’t vote because they were “corrupting” the American system. By 1876, former Confederates had regained control of southern state legislatures, where they rewrote voting laws to exclude Black men and people of color on grounds other than that of race, which the Fifteenth Amendment had made unconstitutional. 
By the end of the nineteenth century, white southerners greeted any attempt to protect Black voting as an attempt to destroy true America. Finally, in North Carolina in 1898, Democrats recognized they were losing ground to a biracial fusion ticket of Republicans and Populists who promised economic and political reforms. Before that year’s election, white Democratic leaders ran a viciously racist campaign to fire up their white base. “It is time for the oft quoted shotgun to play a part, and an active one,” one woman wrote, ”in the elections.”
Blocking Fusion voters from the polls and threatening them with guns gave the Democrats a victory, but in Wilmington the biracial city government had not been up for reelection and so remained in power. Vigilantes said they would never again be ruled by Black men and their unscrupulous white allies who intended to “dominate the intelligent and thrifty element in the community.” They destroyed Black businesses and property and killed as many as 300 Black Americans, then portrayed themselves as reluctant victims who had been obliged to remove inefficient and stupid officials before they reduced the city to further chaos. 
In 2005, white supremacists in North Carolina echoed this version of the Wilmington coup, claiming it was a natural reaction to “oppressive radical social policies” and a “carnival of corruption and criminality” by their opponents, who used the votes of ignorant Black men to stay in power.  
That echo is no accident. The 1965 Voting Rights Act ended the power of white supremacists in the Democratic Party once and for all, and they switched to the Republicans. Then-Democratic South Carolina senator Strom Thurmond had launched the longest filibuster in U.S. history to try to stop the 1957 Civil Rights Act; Republican candidate Richard Nixon deliberately courted him and those who thought like him in 1968.
Republicans adopted the same pattern Democrats had used in the late nineteenth century, claiming their concerns were about taxes and government corruption, pushing voter suppression legislation by insisting they cared about “voter fraud,” insisting their opponents were un-American socialists attempting to overthrow a fairly-elected government. 
This political side of white supremacy is all around us. As Democracy Docket put it last month, “Republicans have a math problem, and they know it. Regardless of their candidate, it is nearly certain that more people will vote to reelect Joe Biden than his [Republican] opponent.” After all, Democrats have won the popular vote since 2008. Under these circumstances and unwilling to moderate their platform, “Republicans need to make it harder to vote and easier to cheat.” 
Republican-dominated state legislatures are working to make it as hard as possible for minorities and younger Americans to vote, while also pushing the election denier movement to undermine the counting and certification of election results. At the same time, eight Republican-dominated states have left the nonpartisan Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), a compact between the states that makes it easier to share voter information to avoid duplicate registration and voting, and three more are considering leaving. 
In a special session of the Tennessee legislature this week, Republican lawmakers blocked the public from holding signs (a judge blocked the rule), kicked the public out of a hearing, and passed new rules that could prohibit Democrats from speaking. House speaker Cameron Sexton silenced young Black Democratic representative Justin Jones for a day and today suggested the Republicans might make the rule silencing minority members permanent.
In Wisconsin, where one of the nation’s most extreme gerrymanders gives Republicans dominance in the legislature, Republicans in 2018 stripped Democratic governor-elect Tony Evers of power before they left office, and now right-wing Chief Justice Annette Ziegler has told the liberal majority on the state supreme court that it is staging a “coup” by exercising their new power after voters elected Justice Janet Protasiewicz to the court by a large majority in April. Now the legislature is talking about keeping the majority from getting rid of the gerrymandered maps by impeaching Protasiewicz.  
The courts are trying to hold the line against this movement. In Washington, D.C., today, U.S. District Court Judge Beryl Howell decided in favor of Black election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, who claimed that Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani defamed them when he claimed they had committed voter fraud. Not only did Howell award the two women court costs and damages, she called out Giuliani and his associates for trying to keep their records hidden. 
But as the courts are trying to hold the line, its supporters are targeting the courts themselves, with MAGA Republicans threatening to defund state and federal prosecutors they claim are targeting Republicans, and announcing their intention to gather the power of the Department of Justice into their own hands should they win office in 2024. 
After pushing a social studies curriculum that erases Black agency and resistance to white supremacy, Florida governor Ron DeSantis on Monday suggested the Jacksonville shooting was an isolated incident. 
The Black audience booed. 
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masterofd1saster · 10 months
CJ current events 14dec23
Navy, Navy, I'm in doubt
Gregory Edward McLean, 39, of Jacksonville, Florida, today pleaded guilty to one count of distributing videos depicting the sexual assault of children and one count of unlawful retention of classified national defense information. According to the plea agreement, state law enforcement in Rhode Island received a cyber tipline report that a user of a particular messaging application had shared videos depicting the sexual abuse of young children. The investigation identified the user as McLean, who was at that time an active-duty officer in the U.S. Navy, with the rank of Lieutenant Commander and serving as the Executive Officer of a ship stationed aboard a Naval Station Mayport in Florida. The Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) continued the investigation and identified additional instances where McLean had distributed child sexual abuse material. On Nov. 4, 2021, agents executed a federal search warrant at McLean’s residence, during which they seized numerous electronic devices and storage media. A forensic review revealed that several of these items contained files depicting the sexual abuse of minors.  The forensic review also identified a flash drive – which had been recovered from McLean’s kitchen counter – that contained approximately 150 documents containing national defense information classified at the Secret level and 50 documents containing national defense information classified at the Confidential level. An investigation by NCIS and the FBI revealed that throughout his service as a naval officer, McLean had access to classified information and held a Top-Secret security clearance. McLean had entered into various agreements with the United States regarding the protection and proper handling of classified information and was aware that his home was not an authorized location to store classified national defense information. In particular, the criminal information and plea agreement identify two documents McLean unlawfully retained which contained national defense information related to foreign governments and their combat aircraft and naval capabilities. Disclosure of this information could reasonably be expected to cause damage and, in some instances, serious damage to the national security of the United States.*** https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/naval-commander-pleads-guilty-distributing-child-sexual-abuse-material-and-retaining
Crime at a pot shop? I'm shocked.
Burglaries at over 40 Denver-area marijuana dispensaries lead to charges for members of two organized crime groups About $780,000 of cash and property were stolen, and the members of two organized crime groups also now face charges of aggravated robbery, kidnapping, illegal possession of firearms and violating the Colorado Organized Crime Control Act.
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Actually, the case is
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Be careful what you put in e-mail or online
Just weeks ahead of the Army’s legislatively-required shift in how it prosecutes major crimes, the Army has relieved the man tapped to lead the all-new office. According to the Army, they have re-assigned Brig. Gen. Warren L. Wells after a "loss of trust and confidence" in his ability to lead the Army Office of Special Trial Counsel. The move comes after an email Wells sent in 2013 resurfaced, where he complained about what he called false allegations by victims. "You and your teams are now the ONLY line of defense against false allegations and sobriety regrets," he wrote to his staff, according to an email obtained by the Associated Press. An executive order signed in Aug. 2023, changed how some crimes—including sexual assault, domestic violence, child abuse and murder—would be handled within the military justice system. The change would take control outside the chain of command, and put independent prosecutors over the decision-making on filing charges.*** https://www.fox13seattle.com/news/armys-top-lawyer-for-sex-assault-cases-relieved-of-duties-over-loss-of-trust-and-confidence
Gen Patton once said that corps commanders - ordinarily 3-star generals - should be able to approve capital punishment b/c they would surely know how to handle one poltroon - a coward. Somehow, the President and Congress think it takes a general officer to prosecute one rapist.
Boondocks case
A Catholic priest from a small Nebraska city was fatally knifed by a suspect who broke into the church’s rectory early Sunday morning, according to authorities and church officials. Sheriff deputies found Father Stephen Gutgsell with stab wounds around 5 a.m. after he was allegedly attacked by Kierre Williams inside St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, the Washington County Sheriff’s Office said.*** Law enforcement were initially called to the scene for an attempted break-in at the church located in Fort Calhoun, a city of about 1,000 that is 20 miles north of Omaha.*** More than a decade ago, Gutgsell pleaded guilty to theft by deception in 2007 for embezzling $127,000 from an area church and was sentenced to probation and restitution. He was reassigned to another church after church leaders said then he learned his lesson and sought forgiveness.*** https://nypost.com/2023/12/10/news/fr-stephen-gutgsell-fatally-stabbed-in-st-john-the-baptist-catholic-church-rectory/
Church statement makes a statement
A longtime youth pastor in New Hampshire killed himself just two days after he was fired from his church over “credible allegations” he was sexually assaulting children he was tasked with leading.
Jarrett Booker, 37, had served as the Pastor of Worship and Youth Ministry at Nashua Baptist Church for nearly a decade when his alleged victims came forward last month.
“Regrettably, on the evening of November 27, Jarrett Booker took his own life, refusing to face the consequences of his actions,” the church’s elders and deacons said in a statement.
“This event has added immeasurably to the complexity and pain of the situation.”
Officials at Nashua Baptist Church said they became aware of a criminal investigation into the alleged sexual assault just five days before Booker’s suicide.*** https://nypost.com/2023/12/08/news/new-hampshire-youth-pastor-commits-suicide-amid-child-sex-assault-probe/
Either the dead bro was a ninja or your weapon retention stinks
UPPER MARLBORO, Md. (AP) — A Maryland police officer was acquitted by a jury of murder and other charges Wednesday from the fatal shooting a handcuffed man. The jury acquitted Michael Owen Jr. of all four charges, including second-degree murder, first-degree assault, voluntary manslaughter and misconduct in office. It took the jury less than two hours of deliberations to deliver the not guilty verdict. Owen had served on the police force for 10 years when he became the first officer in the county’s history to be charged with murder in an on-duty killing. Owen fatally shot William Green, 43, while the handcuffed man was sitting in the front seat of the officer’s police cruiser in 2020. Owen’s attorneys claimed at trial that he acted in self defense during a struggle in which Green tried to grab his gun. After the gun went off, he shot Green six times.*** https://apnews.com/article/maryland-police-officer-trial-shooting-handcuffed-man-ab5e63d8b00ccbb7a7ea2da88e902891
Decades-old rule pushes mentally ill Coloradans out of hospitals too soon. Legislators may finally change it.
There are 300 to 400 low-income Coloradans with severe mental illnesses who need longer hospital stays but don’t get them because Medicaid caps inpatient treatment at many psychiatric hospitals to 15 days per month, a requirement that advocates say is harming vulnerable patients and straining the broader public safety net. The patients, many of whom are homeless and are discharged before they’re fully stabilized, are left to tumble through jails and psychiatric evaluations, shelters and city streets, emergency rooms and nonprofit groups. The details are maddening, providers and advocates said: If a patient stays at one facility for 10 days and another for six, neither hospital gets paid. Because the 15-day limit is based on a monthly clock, a patient’s length of stay is partially determined by when they are admitted. A patient admitted on Dec. 8 is likely to be out before Christmas, for instance. But a patient hospitalized on Dec. 18 can stay the rest of the month and then remain in the hospital when the countdown restarts on Jan. 1. As Seth Klamann reports, as the state broadly re-assesses its mental health system, a group of legislators, mental health advocates and parents are working to change the Medicaid mental health rule and provide 30 days of inpatient treatment to patients who need it. That requires a waiver from the federal government, plus $7.2 million in annual funding, according to projections provided to the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing earlier this year. Nineteen other states have secured or are awaiting a final answer on similar waiver applications, according to KFF, a health policy think-tank. https://www.denverpost.com/2023/12/11/colorado-medicaid-mental-health/
Some of those manatees are pretty hot
Drunk tourist sexually molests manatee statue at Florida restaurant after being asked to leave, deputies say Dani Medina Tue, December 12, 2023 at 4:13 PM EST ST. PETE BEACH, Fla. - A tourist found himself behind bars after he drunkenly threw gator nuggets into a restaurant and "sexually molested" a manatee statue when staff asked him to leave, according to deputies. Anthony Lessa, 23, was arrested and charged with disorderly intoxication after the incident***
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Raiders move to town; pervert crime skyrockets
LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — The 8 News Now Investigators obtained information on seven of the 70-plus men arrested during a sex trafficking operation run by Metro police’s vice squad during the week of the Las Vegas Grand Prix. Those seven men, according to Captain Hector Cintron of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department’s vice unit, were arrested for “luring a child or soliciting a minor.” All seven thought they were meeting a teenage girl, the police reports said. Those records indicate the oldest man arrested is 64, the youngest is 22.*** Most men agreed to pay their decoys somewhere in the range of $100-$120, while one of the men arrested initially offered his decoy $120 and lowered his offer to $100.00. Most had cash on their person and some brought protection. Others negotiated sex without protection, the reports said.***
And I didn't even mention Henry Ruggs III nor homicide.
Organized shoplifting
Federal investigators have tracked major retail theft incidents back to criminal organizations in Europe and South America that send non-U.S. citizens into the United States with the sole objective of stealing. These foreign crime rings are flying operatives into the country to do as much damage as possible at major stores, and the thefts contributed to the $112 billion total in retail losses in 2022, up from $94 billion in 2021, according to the FBI and Department of Homeland Security officials who briefed House lawmakers Tuesday. Investigations launched by DHS's U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Homeland Security Investigations arm focus on the head honchos behind organized crime rings and have uncovered several such foreign-based groups that have targeted and continue to focus their efforts on hurting U.S. retailers. "One such example is the South American Theft Groups (SATGs), which include organizations based in Colombia, Chile, and other countries," said Michael J. Krol, special agent in charge for HSI, in written testimony. "These groups recruit members and facilitate travel into the United States for individuals who then commit strategic thefts of high-value electronic devices. Items are stolen, consolidated, shipped to another location in the United States, and ultimately illicitly exported to foreign countries." Krol pointed to another crime ring in which Romanian organized theft groups, or ROTG, based out of Eastern Europe recruit people to travel to the U.S. to commit various types of crimes, including retail theft. "A recent HSI investigation in Missouri revealed an ROTG, comprised of previously deported individuals, that wired illicit proceeds to Romania and other international destinations," Krol said.*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/crime/organized-retail-crime-rings-testimony-congress
Untreated mental illness with drug abuse is like gasoline vapor with matches
Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) has a 42-year-old son, Ian. He recently led police on a high speed chase "that resulted in the death of 53-year-old North Dakota deputy Paul Martin... on Dec. 6."
Cramer was reportedly driven to a hospital by his mother over concerns about his mental health when he claimed he wanted to see his brother Ike, who died in 2018. When the senator's wife, Kris, got out of her vehicle at the hospital, Ian Cramer allegedly got into the driver's seat and drove through a door to get out of the enclosed ambulance bay at the hospital’s emergency department, according to Bismarck police. The younger Cramer allegedly hit speeds of 100 mph during the chase and kept driving even after an officer from Beulah used a spiked device to flatten two of the vehicle's tires, authorities said. About 5 miles outside of Hazen, North Dakota, Ian Cramer swerved after the Beulah police chief and Martin laid out more tire deflation devices and crashed into Martin’s squad car, launching him about 100 feet, according to charging documents obtained by the Associated Press.*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/crime/kevin-cramers-sons-charges-manslaughter-murder-north-dakota-judge
Ian has been charged with homicide.
Sounds like quid pro quo that she didn't find harassing or abusive
FULTON COUNTY, Ga. - Opening statements were presented Thursday in the trial of former Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard, who faces accusations of sexual harassment and abuse of power by a former county employee, Cathy Carter. The trial commenced with a jury comprised of eight men and four women listening to statements from Mario Williams, representing the prosecution. Williams argued that Howard, who served as the district attorney for approximately 24 years, should have upheld integrity and public trust. The prosecution alleges that Howard engaged in what they termed "pressure and punishment," claiming that Carter felt compelled to comply. The defense countered by asserting that, over the 18 years Carter worked under Howard, she had ample opportunities to file complaints but chose not to. They also noted her retirement in 2011, only to return years later, during which time she continued to communicate with Howard.*** The defense argued Carter was fired because of two gun-related arrests within a six-month period. The defense claimed chronic tardiness and absences were also the cause for her termination.***
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There are several acts which can be classified as domestic violence ranging from threatening harm to causing the death of a person. Domestic violence victims include spouses, ex-spouses, former partners, and family members
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chicgeekgirl89 · 4 years
Country Roads, Take Me Home: Chap. 4
Fandom: NCIS LA
Characters: Marty Deeks, Kensi Blye
Read Chapters 1-3 Here
Deeks and Kensi were up early the next morning to start their drive to Nevada. All was quiet from Bill and Carol’s RV and they were able to leave without saying goodbye to their whacky neighbors. 
They stopped for breakfast on their way out of town at a small local diner that, according to one Yelp review, had “the best donuts in the world.” Kensi couldn’t disagree, they were pretty amazing.
“So, onto Nevada?” she said around a mouthful of Boston creme.
“Great Basin. Should be awesome. I thought we could tour the Lehman caves and maybe do some stargazing.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her. “Although thanks to your creativity we both already saw stars last night.”
She kicked him good-naturedly under the table. “That was a one time only. You have to come up with your own creativity next time.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” he said with a grin. His gaze caught on something above her head and she frowned. “What do you think happened there?”
Kensi turned to follow his gaze. On the wall was a large blank spot with some exposed wiring. “Looks like there used to be a TV there,” she said.
He raised his eyebrows and Kensi immediately shook her head. “I know what you’re thinking and there’s no way. It is not possible that we’ve stumbled onto yet another crime. Not on this vacation. We promised. We said nothing like this could possibly happen this year.”
“Can I get you anything else?” Carmen, their server, interrupted their conversation.
Deeks nodded toward the empty spot on the wall. “Hey Carmen, something happen to your TV?” “Yeah,” she said. “So weird. Somebody stole it the other day. Emptied the register too. Owner’s pissed about it.”
“You didn’t catch anything on your security cameras?” Kensi asked.
She shook her head. “We only have the one and it’s at the back door. Police are investigating, but it’s not a high priority, you know?”
“Sorry to hear that,” Deeks said. “I think we’re all set here, just the check when you have a second.”
“Stop thinking about it,” Kensi said as they walked back to the RV.
“How do you know what I’m thinking about?” Deeks asked. “You’re not in my head.”
Kensi rolled her eyes. “I know you and your detective brain. You’re still thinking about that TV.”
“Well you have to admit it’s a hell of a coincidence,” he said. “Bill and Carol show up with a TV, a TV near the campsite goes missing…”
“Maybe you need to stop thinking with your detective brain and remember with your lawyer brain that that is called circumstantial evidence and will not hold up in a court of law.”
“I’m not saying we need to do anything I’m just suggesting…”
“Well stop suggesting and start driving. Our cave tour is at three and we don’t want to miss it.”
Kensi dozed off as Deeks drove, waking up as they crossed the border into Nevada. “Hey there Sleeping Beauty,” Deeks said as she stretched and rolled out her neck. “Welcome to ‘The Silver State.’ Want to make a detour to Vegas and get hitched?”
She rolled her eyes at him. “We’re already married.”
“Vow renewal?”
“Only if I get another wedding cake out of it.”
“I think I can make that happen.”
They made it to the RV park with plenty of time to spare before their cave tour. “Stay here,” he said after he’d parked.
He stepped outside and made a big show of looking around.
Kensi wrinkled her nose. “Deeks what are you doing?” 
He poked his head back in. “Checking for Bill and Carol. Coast is clear. You can come out.”
“Oh thank god,” she said, walking out to check out the view. Even from the parking lot it was beautiful. “I’m ready for some peace and quiet.”
“No baseball games.” Deeks wrapped his arms around her.
“No dogs.”
“No sex advice.”
Kensi nodded. “Definitely no sex advice.”
Half an hour later they met up with their guide and a small group of other tourists including a few kids at the mouth of the caves. “Okay everyone, my name is Marcus, I’m going to be your tour guide today,” he said. “We’re just waiting for a couple more people so we’ll give them about five more minutes and we’ll get started.”
“Nope! Hey! No need to wait! We’re here!”
“No…” Kensi said in quiet horror as she and Deeks both turned to see none other than Bill and Carol hustling toward them.
Bill was dressed in his finest vacation dad attire; a pair of cargo shorts with about twenty pockets and socks pulled up to nearly his knees with hiking boots. Carol on the other hand was sporting a necklace that, had it been real, would probably have been worth hundreds if not thousands of dollars and was definitely not standard spelunking attire.
“Bill and Carol Weekes reporting for duty!” Bill said, both of them out of breath. “Sorry we’re late. Had a dog problem.”
“That’s okay,” Marcus said. “All right everyone please listen carefully I’m going to go over a few of the rules for our tour today.” “I cannot believe this,” Kensi said under her breath as she plastered on a smile and answered Carol’s excited wave. “How is this possible?”
“Did you tell Carol our entire itinerary when we met them on the side of the road?” Deeks hissed.
“No! I mean…I mentioned some of the places. But I never expected them to decide to follow us the entire trip!”
“Hi! Please make sure you’re paying attention,” Marcus said pointedly, causing them both to clam up and continue listening to directions about not disturbing or touching anything in the caves and to watch out for low spots in the ceiling. 
“Make certain to watch your step and if you have children with you please keep track of them at all times. We don’t want anybody left behind,” Marcus finished. “Now you can all follow me single file as we enter the caves.”
Try as they might Kensi and Deeks ended up directly in front of Bill and Carol and once they were inside there wasn’t really any space to move further up in the group. “What a surprise,” Bill said, clapping Deeks so hard on the shoulder that he almost stumbled into a stalagmite.
“Yeah it really is,” Deeks said.
“Well you know we were just thinking about how wonderful it would be to see these caves so we rushed right over here and wouldn’t you know, we made it just in time!” Carol said excitedly.
“Once my Carol gets an idea you can’t get her off it!” Bill chuckled. “She wants to see a bunch of old rocks, a bunch of old rocks it is!”
They proceeded through the entire tour with Bill cracking jokes and elbowing Deeks in the ribs like they were old pals, while Carol oohed and aahed with every new rock formation. They’d opted to take the longer tour, and Kensi regretted every single second. The caves were beautiful, but the company was not.
By the time they exited the last cave Kensi had a raging headache and Deeks looked more sour than she’d ever seen him. The only saving grace was that Bill and Carol hadn’t obtained a parking slot within the park, but instead had needed to park at a separate campsite nearby. “Oh please come on over for dinner, I’m making beef stew,” Carol pleaded as they walked down the trail.
“Next time,” Deeks said. “The little lady’s got a headache, gotta get her home.”
“You two are racking up quite the number of rainchecks!” Carol said. “All right then, have a good evening. Toodles!”
With a little wave she and Bill scooted away to hopefully go wreak havoc on some new neighbors.
“Have I mentioned that I hate them?” Kensi asked, rubbing at her temples.
“Me too.” Deeks wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Come on. Let’s get you back so you can take a nap and get rid of that headache.”
She woke an hour later feeling considerably better. When she sat up she found Deeks sitting at the table, laptop in front of him. “What are you doing?” she asked as she sat up.
“Sending pictures of Bill and Carol to Eric so he can run them through facial rec.”
She sat up. “What?!”
“Did you see that necklace Carol was wearing today?” Deeks asked. “She didn’t have that on the other day.”
“Women change their jewelry Deeks.”
“Remember the cruise ship? And Hawaii? And Jacksonville? When you just knew something was up?” He looked at her pointedly. “And your loving husband humored you and you turned out to be right and we took down the bad guys together?”
She rolled her eyes and scooted to the edge of the bed so she was closer to him. “Yes, I remember. Are you saying it’s my turn to trust your intuition?”
“I just feel like something’s up. We’ll run the background check and then we’ll know.”
“And then we can continue our vacation in peace?” She bent over and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“Yes, then we can continue in peace.”
They’d just finished dinner when Eric called. “Hey Eric, you’re on speaker,” Deeks said, setting down his fork.
“Hi Eric!” Kensi said.
“Hey Kens, how are the parks?”
“Gorgeous. We’re totally loving it.”
“That’s awesome. So listen Deeks, I ran background checks on both Bill and Carol Weekes and they came back pretty clean. A couple parking tickets here and there, but no arrests, no domestic disturbances, nothing that would make them seem at all suspicious.”
Kensi shot Deeks a pointed look. “You’re sure Eric?” Deeks asked. “No incidences of dog violence?”
“Um…no?” Eric asked confused. “I didn’t specifically check for that though.”
“That’s okay,” Kensi said. “Thanks Eric, we appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome.”
“You didn’t mention this to anybody, right?” Deeks asked.
If he had, they’d never hear the end of it. “No I didn’t, but is everything okay?” Eric asked, tone turning concerned.
“Yep, everything’s great, just my paranoia kicking into overdrive,” Deeks said quickly.
“Are you sure? Sam and Callen could be there in—“
“Bye Eric!” Deeks hung up. “How long do you think he’ll hold out before Callen and Sam interrogate it out of him?”
“Depends,” Kensi said. “If they’re at the mission right now we probably have until tomorrow morning. If they’re not, we might have until tomorrow night.”
“We could ditch our phones and turn off the wifi.”
“Eric would just track our plates. They know our basic plan, we won’t be hard to find. Was it worth it?”
“I guess.” He shook his head. “I just really had a feeling something was up with those two.”
She reached across the table for his hand. “It’s okay if you’re losing your touch. You are getting older.���
She stood, pulling him along with her. “Come on old man. The stars are waiting. Unless it’s past your bedtime already?”
“Are you kidding me?”
“Pretty soon you’ll be wearing cargo shorts and talking about how the price of cable keeps going up…”
He growled catching her around the waist and hoisting her over his shoulder. “Oh, I’ll show you who’s an old man!”
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savetopnow · 7 years
2018-03-18 15 NEWS now
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Chicago Tribune
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0 notes
If you have children and are separated or will be separating from the other parent, then it is important to be aware of Florida child custody laws. Familiarizing yourself with the child custody laws will help you know what to expect with your case.
1. Best interest standard
In Florida child custody cases, the court is required to consider the best interest of the child in making a child custody order. In determining what is in the child’s best interest, the court will consider several factors. This may include:
The wishes of each parent
The child’s wishes
The need to promote stability and continuity in the child’s life
The character of the parties
Domestic violence
The children’s relationship with each of the parents
Any other factor that may be relevant
2. Presumptions in child custody cases
In Florida child custody cases, the court will presume that joint custody is in the child’s best interest. This means that both parties have involvement in the child’s life and in making decisions regarding the child. To overcome this presumption, it must be shown that sole custody is in the child’s best interest. The law also specifies burdens of proof that a party must meet to establish certain positions in a child custody case.
3. The law governs where a child custody case may be heard
Under Florida jurisdiction laws, the state will only exercise authority over the case if the child has resided in Florida for a specific period of time. If the child has lived elsewhere, then Florida may decline to hear the case. If Florida establishes jurisdiction, then another state cannot issue a child custody order without Florida’s consent.
4. Enforcement of a child custody order
If you have received a child custody order, then it may be enforced through a variety of methods. If the other parent is willfully disobeying a child custody order, then you could pursue contempt of court against them and request that penalties be imposed. If you have questions about how to interpret your child custody order to determine your rights and obligations, then contact a child custody lawyer.
5. Child support
In most child custody cases, the court will order one of the parents to pay child support. The amount of child support that will be required depends upon the incomes of the parents and the custody schedule. If a parent is not paying child support as required, then there are different options available to enforce the order and collect the amounts owed.
6. Modification
If you have an existing child custody order, then it may be modified if there has been a substantial change in circumstances since the time the previous order was entered. What constitutes a substantial change in circumstances depends upon the facts of the case and circumstances involved. Child support may also be modified if there has been a change in circumstances. To pursue a modification, you must comply with certain procedures, otherwise the case could be dismissed.
7. Child custody lawyer
For those who have questions about Florida child custody laws or need assistance with obtaining, enforcing or modifying a custody order, you should contact a Judy Ann Smith Law Firm in Jacksonville. A Florida child custody lawyer will be able to explain how the law applies to your case. A lawyer can represent you in your case and help pursue the relief that you require. They will help ensure that everything is done in compliance with the applicable laws, rules and procedures.
The post Florida Child Custody Laws: Everything You Need To Know appeared first on Florida Independent.
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bigbirdgladiator · 5 years
White supremacist Augustus Sol Invictus allegedly kidnapped his wife at gunpoint in front of their children and forced her to travel across state lines, according to police records.Invictus, who legally changed his name from Austin Gillespie, was arrested Monday in Florida on counts of kidnapping, aggravated domestic violence, and possession of a firearm during a crime. The incident began in Rock Hill, South Carolina, on Dec. 12, when he allegedly put a gun to his wife’s head and forced her to travel to Florida with him. She was later able to escape back to South Carolina, where she spoke with police.Invictus is a prominent white supremacist and was a speaker at 2017’s deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. He is also a lawyer and failed political candidate, and has been involved in arranging legal defense for other members of the movement. He has previously been accused of domestic violence, the Huffington Post reported in 2017, but never criminally charged.That changed last month, according to a police report reviewed by The Daily Beast.In an interview with police, Invictus’ wife told them “Augustus held a gun to her head and forced her to go with him to Jacksonville, FL. This incident took place in the presence of their children,” on December 12. After arriving in Florida, she “was able to separate herself from her husband and escape back to Rock Hill with their children.”This Satanist Wants to Be Your SenatorIt is unclear how long she was allegedly held in Florida, and whether her children were with her at the time. Her interview with police took place Dec. 22.Invictus appears to have remained in Florida, where he was arrested as an “out of state fugitive,” journalist Nick Martin reported.Police told the Associated Press that Invictus was spotted at a relative’s home in Brevard County, Florida, and was arrested at a nearby gym.Invictus has been accused of multiple violent incidents. In 2014, a roommate told Orlando police that Invictus had pointed a gun at him. Invictus claimed he thought the roommate was an intruder, according to a police report reviewed by the Huffington Post. In 2016, one of Invictus’ exes told police he had battered her multiple times. She did not report those incidents but eventually went to police after Invictus allegedly threatened to burn her belongings and “shoot her on the spot.” He was not charged in the incident.New Proud Boy Rules: Less Fighting, Less WankingHe also allegedly entered an “intimate relationship” with a high school senior who joined a debate team he coached. Invictus abused her over several years, she told police. In one incident, he allegedly slapped and punched her in the head and strangled her. In another, he allegedly punched her, dragged her into a closet by her hair, and strangled her until she lost consciousness. When she awoke, Invictus was allegedly holding a gun to her head and ordered  her to “tell me why I shouldn’t kill you right now.” The woman also told police of alleged sexual violence, and a calendar event titled “annihilate [the woman’s name]” in which Invictus implied he would expose her personal information.Invictus threatened defamation lawsuits against the woman and her friend Alexandria Brown after she reported him to police. Brown told the Huffington Post that she feared retaliation from Invictus, and eventually signed a statement acknowledging that she hadn’t witnessed the incidents firsthand. “I wish I hadn’t signed the retraction, because it was used to imply [the victim’s] narrative was fabricated, but I don’t actually have any reason to believe she is lying,” she said.Brown told The Daily Beast that Invictus' arrest brought relief, alongside new anxieties."I am relieved, vindicated, heartbroken, and afraid of further retaliation. Some of his followers are rumoring that I somehow coordinated this with the FBI, and I have already quite literally almost died from what retaliation I have experienced so far. I am worried that if he is given a short sentence, it will simply make him angrier and more dangerous and imminently free to terrorize people further," she said, noting that the prison system would likely not help rehabilitate him.Police recommended charges of aggravated battery and domestic battery against Invictus after Brown's friend reported him but did not actually file the charges after his accuser failed to meet with a prosecutor.In an interview with an openly fascist show, Invictus denounced women’s right to vote.Invictus has pointed to his multiple Hispanic ex-partners to claim that he is not racist despite his extensive involvement in the white supremacist movement, where he has acted as an attorney multiple times. Last year, Invictus founded a legal defense fund aimed at aiding members of the fascist Rise Above Movement. Nevertheless, his involvement with women of color has made him unwelcome in some sectors of the far-right internet, where some racists mocked his arrest this week.Invictus’ last brush with headlines came during a doomed Senate bid in 2015, when he ran as a Libertarian candidate to replace Sen. Marco Rubio. His already-longshot campaign tanked when it was revealed that he sacrificed a goat and drank its blood during a pagan ritual.Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/39BgVSm
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Hire our best Family Law Attorney while dealing with the intricacies of divorce, namely child custody, alimony, prenuptial agreements and, potentially, domestic violence allegations.Call us now to book a consultation for Family Lawyer in Jacksonville, Orange Park and Daytona Beach areas Florida, USA.
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teeky185 · 5 years
White supremacist Augustus Sol Invictus allegedly kidnapped his wife at gunpoint in front of their children and forced her to travel across state lines, according to police records.Invictus, who legally changed his name from Austin Gillespie, was arrested Monday in Florida on counts of kidnapping, aggravated domestic violence, and possession of a firearm during a crime. The incident began in Rock Hill, South Carolina, on Dec. 12, when he allegedly put a gun to his wife’s head and forced her to travel to Florida with him. She was later able to escape back to South Carolina, where she spoke with police.Invictus is a prominent white supremacist and was a speaker at 2017’s deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. He is also a lawyer and failed political candidate, and has been involved in arranging legal defense for other members of the movement. He has previously been accused of domestic violence, the Huffington Post reported in 2017, but never criminally charged.That changed last month, according to a police report reviewed by The Daily Beast.In an interview with police, Invictus’ wife told them “Augustus held a gun to her head and forced her to go with him to Jacksonville, FL. This incident took place in the presence of their children,” on December 12. After arriving in Florida, she “was able to separate herself from her husband and escape back to Rock Hill with their children.”This Satanist Wants to Be Your SenatorIt is unclear how long she was allegedly held in Florida, and whether her children were with her at the time. Her interview with police took place Dec. 22.Invictus appears to have remained in Florida, where he was arrested as an “out of state fugitive,” journalist Nick Martin reported.Police told the Associated Press that Invictus was spotted at a relative’s home in Brevard County, Florida, and was arrested at a nearby gym.Invictus has been accused of multiple violent incidents. In 2014, a roommate told Orlando police that Invictus had pointed a gun at him. Invictus claimed he thought the roommate was an intruder, according to a police report reviewed by the Huffington Post. In 2016, one of Invictus’ exes told police he had battered her multiple times. She did not report those incidents but eventually went to police after Invictus allegedly threatened to burn her belongings and “shoot her on the spot.” He was not charged in the incident.New Proud Boy Rules: Less Fighting, Less WankingHe also allegedly entered an “intimate relationship” with a high school senior who joined a debate team he coached. Invictus abused her over several years, she told police. In one incident, he allegedly slapped and punched her in the head and strangled her. In another, he allegedly punched her, dragged her into a closet by her hair, and strangled her until she lost consciousness. When she awoke, Invictus was allegedly holding a gun to her head and ordered  her to “tell me why I shouldn’t kill you right now.” The woman also told police of alleged sexual violence, and a calendar event titled “annihilate [the woman’s name]” in which Invictus implied he would expose her personal information.Invictus threatened defamation lawsuits against the woman and her friend Alexandria Brown after she reported him to police. Brown told the Huffington Post that she feared retaliation from Invictus, and eventually signed a statement acknowledging that she hadn’t witnessed the incidents firsthand. “I wish I hadn’t signed the retraction, because it was used to imply [the victim’s] narrative was fabricated, but I don’t actually have any reason to believe she is lying,” she said.Brown told The Daily Beast that Invictus' arrest brought relief, alongside new anxieties."I am relieved, vindicated, heartbroken, and afraid of further retaliation. Some of his followers are rumoring that I somehow coordinated this with the FBI, and I have already quite literally almost died from what retaliation I have experienced so far. I am worried that if he is given a short sentence, it will simply make him angrier and more dangerous and imminently free to terrorize people further," she said, noting that the prison system would likely not help rehabilitate him.Police recommended charges of aggravated battery and domestic battery against Invictus after Brown's friend reported him but did not actually file the charges after his accuser failed to meet with a prosecutor.In an interview with an openly fascist show, Invictus denounced women’s right to vote.Invictus has pointed to his multiple Hispanic ex-partners to claim that he is not racist despite his extensive involvement in the white supremacist movement, where he has acted as an attorney multiple times. Last year, Invictus founded a legal defense fund aimed at aiding members of the fascist Rise Above Movement. Nevertheless, his involvement with women of color has made him unwelcome in some sectors of the far-right internet, where some racists mocked his arrest this week.Invictus’ last brush with headlines came during a doomed Senate bid in 2015, when he ran as a Libertarian candidate to replace Sen. Marco Rubio. His already-longshot campaign tanked when it was revealed that he sacrificed a goat and drank its blood during a pagan ritual.Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/39BgVSm
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7newx1 · 5 years
White supremacist Augustus Sol Invictus allegedly kidnapped his wife at gunpoint in front of their children and forced her to travel across state lines, according to police records.Invictus, who legally changed his name from Austin Gillespie, was arrested Monday in Florida on counts of kidnapping, aggravated domestic violence, and possession of a firearm during a crime. The incident began in Rock Hill, South Carolina, on Dec. 12, when he allegedly put a gun to his wife’s head and forced her to travel to Florida with him. She was later able to escape back to South Carolina, where she spoke with police.Invictus is a prominent white supremacist and was a speaker at 2017’s deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. He is also a lawyer and failed political candidate, and has been involved in arranging legal defense for other members of the movement. He has previously been accused of domestic violence, the Huffington Post reported in 2017, but never criminally charged.That changed last month, according to a police report reviewed by The Daily Beast.In an interview with police, Invictus’ wife told them “Augustus held a gun to her head and forced her to go with him to Jacksonville, FL. This incident took place in the presence of their children,” on December 12. After arriving in Florida, she “was able to separate herself from her husband and escape back to Rock Hill with their children.”This Satanist Wants to Be Your SenatorIt is unclear how long she was allegedly held in Florida, and whether her children were with her at the time. Her interview with police took place Dec. 22.Invictus appears to have remained in Florida, where he was arrested as an “out of state fugitive,” journalist Nick Martin reported.Police told the Associated Press that Invictus was spotted at a relative’s home in Brevard County, Florida, and was arrested at a nearby gym.Invictus has been accused of multiple violent incidents. In 2014, a roommate told Orlando police that Invictus had pointed a gun at him. Invictus claimed he thought the roommate was an intruder, according to a police report reviewed by the Huffington Post. In 2016, one of Invictus’ exes told police he had battered her multiple times. She did not report those incidents but eventually went to police after Invictus allegedly threatened to burn her belongings and “shoot her on the spot.” He was not charged in the incident.New Proud Boy Rules: Less Fighting, Less WankingHe also allegedly entered an “intimate relationship” with a high school senior who joined a debate team he coached. Invictus abused her over several years, she told police. In one incident, he allegedly slapped and punched her in the head and strangled her. In another, he allegedly punched her, dragged her into a closet by her hair, and strangled her until she lost consciousness. When she awoke, Invictus was allegedly holding a gun to her head and ordered  her to “tell me why I shouldn’t kill you right now.” The woman also told police of alleged sexual violence, and a calendar event titled “annihilate [the woman’s name]” in which Invictus implied he would expose her personal information.Invictus threatened defamation lawsuits against the woman and her friend Alexandria Brown after she reported him to police. Brown told the Huffington Post that she feared retaliation from Invictus, and eventually signed a statement acknowledging that she hadn’t witnessed the incidents firsthand. “I wish I hadn’t signed the retraction, because it was used to imply [the victim’s] narrative was fabricated, but I don’t actually have any reason to believe she is lying,” she said.Brown told The Daily Beast that Invictus' arrest brought relief, alongside new anxieties."I am relieved, vindicated, heartbroken, and afraid of further retaliation. Some of his followers are rumoring that I somehow coordinated this with the FBI, and I have already quite literally almost died from what retaliation I have experienced so far. I am worried that if he is given a short sentence, it will simply make him angrier and more dangerous and imminently free to terrorize people further," she said, noting that the prison system would likely not help rehabilitate him.Police recommended charges of aggravated battery and domestic battery against Invictus after Brown's friend reported him but did not actually file the charges after his accuser failed to meet with a prosecutor.In an interview with an openly fascist show, Invictus denounced women’s right to vote.Invictus has pointed to his multiple Hispanic ex-partners to claim that he is not racist despite his extensive involvement in the white supremacist movement, where he has acted as an attorney multiple times. Last year, Invictus founded a legal defense fund aimed at aiding members of the fascist Rise Above Movement. Nevertheless, his involvement with women of color has made him unwelcome in some sectors of the far-right internet, where some racists mocked his arrest this week.Invictus’ last brush with headlines came during a doomed Senate bid in 2015, when he ran as a Libertarian candidate to replace Sen. Marco Rubio. His already-longshot campaign tanked when it was revealed that he sacrificed a goat and drank its blood during a pagan ritual.Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.
0 notes
orendrasingh · 5 years
White supremacist Augustus Sol Invictus allegedly kidnapped his wife at gunpoint in front of their children and forced her to travel across state lines, according to police records.Invictus, who legally changed his name from Austin Gillespie, was arrested Monday in Florida on counts of kidnapping, aggravated domestic violence, and possession of a firearm during a crime. The incident began in Rock Hill, South Carolina, on Dec. 12, when he allegedly put a gun to his wife’s head and forced her to travel to Florida with him. She was later able to escape back to South Carolina, where she spoke with police.Invictus is a prominent white supremacist and was a speaker at 2017’s deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. He is also a lawyer and failed political candidate, and has been involved in arranging legal defense for other members of the movement. He has previously been accused of domestic violence, the Huffington Post reported in 2017, but never criminally charged.That changed last month, according to a police report reviewed by The Daily Beast.In an interview with police, Invictus’ wife told them “Augustus held a gun to her head and forced her to go with him to Jacksonville, FL. This incident took place in the presence of their children,” on December 12. After arriving in Florida, she “was able to separate herself from her husband and escape back to Rock Hill with their children.”This Satanist Wants to Be Your SenatorIt is unclear how long she was allegedly held in Florida, and whether her children were with her at the time. Her interview with police took place Dec. 22.Invictus appears to have remained in Florida, where he was arrested as an “out of state fugitive,” journalist Nick Martin reported.Police told the Associated Press that Invictus was spotted at a relative’s home in Brevard County, Florida, and was arrested at a nearby gym.Invictus has been accused of multiple violent incidents. In 2014, a roommate told Orlando police that Invictus had pointed a gun at him. Invictus claimed he thought the roommate was an intruder, according to a police report reviewed by the Huffington Post. In 2016, one of Invictus’ exes told police he had battered her multiple times. She did not report those incidents but eventually went to police after Invictus allegedly threatened to burn her belongings and “shoot her on the spot.” He was not charged in the incident.New Proud Boy Rules: Less Fighting, Less WankingHe also allegedly entered an “intimate relationship” with a high school senior who joined a debate team he coached. Invictus abused her over several years, she told police. In one incident, he allegedly slapped and punched her in the head and strangled her. In another, he allegedly punched her, dragged her into a closet by her hair, and strangled her until she lost consciousness. When she awoke, Invictus was allegedly holding a gun to her head and ordered  her to “tell me why I shouldn’t kill you right now.” The woman also told police of alleged sexual violence, and a calendar event titled “annihilate [the woman’s name]” in which Invictus implied he would expose her personal information.Invictus threatened defamation lawsuits against the woman and her friend Alexandria Brown after she reported him to police. Brown told the Huffington Post that she feared retaliation from Invictus, and eventually signed a statement acknowledging that she hadn’t witnessed the incidents firsthand. “I wish I hadn’t signed the retraction, because it was used to imply [the victim’s] narrative was fabricated, but I don’t actually have any reason to believe she is lying,” she said.Brown told The Daily Beast that Invictus' arrest brought relief, alongside new anxieties."I am relieved, vindicated, heartbroken, and afraid of further retaliation. Some of his followers are rumoring that I somehow coordinated this with the FBI, and I have already quite literally almost died from what retaliation I have experienced so far. I am worried that if he is given a short sentence, it will simply make him angrier and more dangerous and imminently free to terrorize people further," she said, noting that the prison system would likely not help rehabilitate him.Police recommended charges of aggravated battery and domestic battery against Invictus after Brown's friend reported him but did not actually file the charges after his accuser failed to meet with a prosecutor.In an interview with an openly fascist show, Invictus denounced women’s right to vote.Invictus has pointed to his multiple Hispanic ex-partners to claim that he is not racist despite his extensive involvement in the white supremacist movement, where he has acted as an attorney multiple times. Last year, Invictus founded a legal defense fund aimed at aiding members of the fascist Rise Above Movement. Nevertheless, his involvement with women of color has made him unwelcome in some sectors of the far-right internet, where some racists mocked his arrest this week.Invictus’ last brush with headlines came during a doomed Senate bid in 2015, when he ran as a Libertarian candidate to replace Sen. Marco Rubio. His already-longshot campaign tanked when it was revealed that he sacrificed a goat and drank its blood during a pagan ritual.Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.
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13 Things About Felony Lawyer You May Not Have Known
A bond movement for your benefit may file in an attempt to convince the judge to permit you to be published from jail. Our lawyers work to supply a suitable and reasonable excuse for why our client has failed to obey the stipulations of their probation. A seasoned lawyer with a high rate may have the ability to resolve a case satisfactorily and more quickly compared to a rookie with a far lower speed, and therefore be more affordable in the future.
The judge is permitted to decide whether to grant a bond into the person. He's very likely to take under consideration the nature of the offense the kind of violation and if the accused was charged with a VOP in the past to make this choice. He there will determine whether the probationer will set the sanction and has committed violation. Because the offender didn't understand from the first sentence, the sentence will be given by him.
The Worst Advice We've Ever Heard About Tampa Bay Criminal Defense Attorney
Back in Tampa a bond on violations of probation and tons of warrants don't have a bond. As you can be sentenced to the maximum penalty connected to the crime which you were initially charged with Back in Jacksonville, a violation of probation charge is quite serious. A violation has come to be the most ordinary way an person violates probation. Even a Bond hearing or A breach is going to be scheduled and you might not be supplied a bond.
A attorney will find the job done to attempt and get you discharged from AIC and try to receive your inherent domestic violence case disregarded as promptly as possible. A domestic violence lawyer has to be attentive to the regulations in Denver, so you can be defended by him satisfactorily. If he wishes to employ a defense that is strong he ought to know about the specific state laws.
Domestic violence takes place once an person abuses a relative or loved one. Though it isn't a crime due to instances of domestic violence, it is thought of as a crime in most of the and is shunned 50 states. It is a form of abuse that is inflicted upon a spouse or spouse. Violence in Nevada is a context where they will take care of the alleged victim for a priority above the remaining contingencies from the instance's safety and a problem that law enforcement takes quite seriously.
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The authorities will look and they always create an arrest, even if there aren't any injuries. You ought to take note that the police do not need to eyewitness an arrest that is on-site to be produced by the Disorderly Conduct behavior. In domestic violence cases, law enforcement, prosecutors and judges will be wanting to get conditions imposed, even since they're concerned about the complainant's protection.
How To Create An Awesome Instagram Video About Vop Attorneys
Based on the specifics of your case, a suspension may last anywhere from a couple of weeks up to a year or even more, and it might be required to be able to receive back on the street to work with an attorney. It's important to seek the services of an lawyer who's experienced with driving offenses in Dallas. A defense lawyer is able to help discount or decrease the intensity of a DWLS charge Just because you are charged with a crime, it does not indicate that you're guilty.
Possibly the most frequent reason behind a suspension is a traffic ticket which has not been compensated contested or chosen to pay a visit to a traffic school. The suspension of license could even be until the Court approves the problem of some other license for an indefinite time period that doesn't finish. Not only that, but may be for an extended period of time that does not terminate until the Court or the Government approves the issue of another license. Since it hampers your life and your capacity to create a living, A permit suspension is often challenging to tackle. As you've got more than a particular number of points with this permit suspension of a permit usually happens. The absolute selection of WA license suspension is named DWLS First Degree.
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Possessing No Valid License isn't a qualifying crime. For instance, if the license was cancelled for a health condition, to find the permit back, the individual must submit medical statements that prove they're fit to drive and receive the license back. A license means that you don't have any permit to drive whatsoever.
Our lawyers will supply you . A drug lawyer in San Francisco California might be able to limit what of the assets they're in a position. Even when you're found guilty, the best medication attorney will successfully struggle for punishments. Your Long Island drug attorney will make it possible for you to understand the complete value of your claim and struggle for justice to your benefit.
Fortunately assist can be provided by a Meriden drug attorney. One of our Meriden medication lawyers will be able to assist you understand the reach of your situation and all consequences that are likely. If you was harmed through an antidepressant, you're invited to talk to a defective drug lawyer to get an evaluation of your possible case. Your Riverside drug attorney is able to help you get the absolute most for your injuries.
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Sage Advice About Vop Lawyer From A Five-year-old
A medication attorney help you determine whether or not a plea deal is in your best interest and is able to go over all your options with you. Our New Jersey drug attorneys can assist customers in receiving the very best outcome that is possible below the law and are extremely familiar with the particulars of Legislation. A professional New Jersey drug attorney can help identify and present .
He may not delight in an practice if a secretary can not be afforded by attorney. Furthermore, an attorney will attempt to get you out of jail once potential. The attorney who possesses only a little charm and a feeling of humor can relieve the jurors' building tension and frustrations with the approach.
Then you won't have Should you wait to Tampa domestic violence lawyers engage the assistance of a lawyer. Choosing a DUI attorney can be of aid that is great in being conscious of the implications which are involved. An expert drunk-driving attorney would have these responsibilities.
Having a lawyer about, you wouldn't have to be tense about the circumstance. Then for trial, prepare in the event the case should be scrapped. Commonly a personal injury case doesn't go to court.
DUI charges are quite typical and throughout the remainder of Maryland. You have a great deal of questions in regards to what charges you could be facing and what your options are, if you're facing criminal charges. Often, though marijuana possession charges are a felony, your lawyer can secure the costs.
You don't want to become ignorant of these legal consequences if you're accused of a misdemeanor. Misdemeanors don't typically incorporate a prison sentence, but they're able to include jail time. A misdemeanor is a crime that may influence your life after you're accused. By way of instance, a lot of women and men are oblivious that pleading guilty to a misdemeanor is enough to receive their driver's license. Despite its title, a misdemeanor might have a long-lasting effect on your own life.
Why You Should Spend More Time Thinking About Tampa Domestic Violence Lawyers
Misdemeanors aren't taken by folks seriously. By comparison, misdemeanors are severe offenses like shoplifting or trespassing. They can carry penalties depending on the circumstances Even though they are not as serious as felonies.
A misdemeanor conviction may allow it to be more complex to procure financial loans for education loans that are greater business venture, or a new house. Along with the consequences, a misdemeanor conviction means you're going to get record. Certain misdemeanor convictions might have a significant influence on the defendant's standing, irrespective of the penalties being relatively mild.
Our staff at Throop Law is ready to provide help In the event that you were arrested for any form of misdemeanor offense. It does not imply that a misdemeanor charge has to be taken lightly although misdemeanor crimes are less serious than felonies. Don't be scared to get the instant or suspect you'll be charged with a misdemeanor offense.
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