#white supremisist terrorism
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[Daily Don]
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AUG 30, 2023
Four days ago, on Saturday, August 26, in the early afternoon, a heavily armed, 21-year-old white supremacist in a tactical vest and mask, who had written a number of racist manifestos and had swastikas painted on his rifle, murdered three Black Americans at a Dollar General store in Jacksonville, Florida. He had apparently intended to attack Edward Waters University, a historically Black institution, but students who saw him put on tactical gear warned a security guard, who chased him off and alerted a sheriff’s deputy. 
As David Kurtz of Talking Points Memo put it two days later, “America is living through a reign of white supremacist terror,” and in a speech to the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law on Monday, President Joe Biden reminded listeners that “the U.S. intelligence community has determined that domestic terrorism, rooted in white supremacy, is the greatest terrorist threat we face in the homeland—the greatest threat.” 
Biden said he has made it a point to make “clear that America is the most multiracial, most dynamic nation in the history of the world.” He noted that he had nominated the first Black woman, Ketanji Brown Jackson, for the Supreme Court and has put more Black women on the federal circuit courts than every other U.S. president combined. Under him, Congress has protected interracial and same-sex marriages, and his administration has more women than men. He warned that “hate never dies. It just hides.”   
But in his Editorial Board newsletter, John Stoehr pointed out that the increasing violence of white supremacists isn’t just about an “ideology of hate” rising, but it is “about a minority faction of the country going to war, literal war, with a majority faction.” He pointed to former governor of Alaska Sarah Palin’s recent prediction of civil war because “We’re not going to keep putting up with this…. We do need to rise up and take our country back.” Stoehr calls these white supremacists “Realamericans” who believe they should rule and, if they can’t do so lawfully, believe they are justified in taking the law into their own hands. 
Indeed, today’s white supremacist violence has everything to do with the 1965 Voting Rights Act that protected the right to vote guaranteed by the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution, ratified in 1870 after white supremacists refused to recognize the right of Black Americans to vote and hold office. Minority voting means a government—and a country—that white men don’t dominate.
In the 1870s, once the federal government began to prosecute those white men attacking their Black neighbors for exercising their right to vote, white supremacists immediately began to say that they had no issues with Black voting on grounds of race. Their issue, they said, was that Black men were poor, and they were voting for lawmakers—some Black but primarily white—who supported the construction of roads, schools, hospitals, and so on. While these investments were crucial in the devastated South and would help white Americans as well as Black ones, white supremacists insisted that such government action redistributed wealth from white people to Black people and thus was a form of socialism. 
It was a short step from this argument to insisting that Black men shouldn’t vote because they were “corrupting” the American system. By 1876, former Confederates had regained control of southern state legislatures, where they rewrote voting laws to exclude Black men and people of color on grounds other than that of race, which the Fifteenth Amendment had made unconstitutional. 
By the end of the nineteenth century, white southerners greeted any attempt to protect Black voting as an attempt to destroy true America. Finally, in North Carolina in 1898, Democrats recognized they were losing ground to a biracial fusion ticket of Republicans and Populists who promised economic and political reforms. Before that year’s election, white Democratic leaders ran a viciously racist campaign to fire up their white base. “It is time for the oft quoted shotgun to play a part, and an active one,” one woman wrote, ”in the elections.”
Blocking Fusion voters from the polls and threatening them with guns gave the Democrats a victory, but in Wilmington the biracial city government had not been up for reelection and so remained in power. Vigilantes said they would never again be ruled by Black men and their unscrupulous white allies who intended to “dominate the intelligent and thrifty element in the community.” They destroyed Black businesses and property and killed as many as 300 Black Americans, then portrayed themselves as reluctant victims who had been obliged to remove inefficient and stupid officials before they reduced the city to further chaos. 
In 2005, white supremacists in North Carolina echoed this version of the Wilmington coup, claiming it was a natural reaction to “oppressive radical social policies” and a “carnival of corruption and criminality” by their opponents, who used the votes of ignorant Black men to stay in power.  
That echo is no accident. The 1965 Voting Rights Act ended the power of white supremacists in the Democratic Party once and for all, and they switched to the Republicans. Then-Democratic South Carolina senator Strom Thurmond had launched the longest filibuster in U.S. history to try to stop the 1957 Civil Rights Act; Republican candidate Richard Nixon deliberately courted him and those who thought like him in 1968.
Republicans adopted the same pattern Democrats had used in the late nineteenth century, claiming their concerns were about taxes and government corruption, pushing voter suppression legislation by insisting they cared about “voter fraud,” insisting their opponents were un-American socialists attempting to overthrow a fairly-elected government. 
This political side of white supremacy is all around us. As Democracy Docket put it last month, “Republicans have a math problem, and they know it. Regardless of their candidate, it is nearly certain that more people will vote to reelect Joe Biden than his [Republican] opponent.” After all, Democrats have won the popular vote since 2008. Under these circumstances and unwilling to moderate their platform, “Republicans need to make it harder to vote and easier to cheat.” 
Republican-dominated state legislatures are working to make it as hard as possible for minorities and younger Americans to vote, while also pushing the election denier movement to undermine the counting and certification of election results. At the same time, eight Republican-dominated states have left the nonpartisan Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), a compact between the states that makes it easier to share voter information to avoid duplicate registration and voting, and three more are considering leaving. 
In a special session of the Tennessee legislature this week, Republican lawmakers blocked the public from holding signs (a judge blocked the rule), kicked the public out of a hearing, and passed new rules that could prohibit Democrats from speaking. House speaker Cameron Sexton silenced young Black Democratic representative Justin Jones for a day and today suggested the Republicans might make the rule silencing minority members permanent.
In Wisconsin, where one of the nation’s most extreme gerrymanders gives Republicans dominance in the legislature, Republicans in 2018 stripped Democratic governor-elect Tony Evers of power before they left office, and now right-wing Chief Justice Annette Ziegler has told the liberal majority on the state supreme court that it is staging a “coup” by exercising their new power after voters elected Justice Janet Protasiewicz to the court by a large majority in April. Now the legislature is talking about keeping the majority from getting rid of the gerrymandered maps by impeaching Protasiewicz.  
The courts are trying to hold the line against this movement. In Washington, D.C., today, U.S. District Court Judge Beryl Howell decided in favor of Black election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, who claimed that Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani defamed them when he claimed they had committed voter fraud. Not only did Howell award the two women court costs and damages, she called out Giuliani and his associates for trying to keep their records hidden. 
But as the courts are trying to hold the line, its supporters are targeting the courts themselves, with MAGA Republicans threatening to defund state and federal prosecutors they claim are targeting Republicans, and announcing their intention to gather the power of the Department of Justice into their own hands should they win office in 2024. 
After pushing a social studies curriculum that erases Black agency and resistance to white supremacy, Florida governor Ron DeSantis on Monday suggested the Jacksonville shooting was an isolated incident. 
The Black audience booed. 
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cavalierzee · 3 months
The Forgotten Histories Of Arab Jews
Alone Mizrahi talking with AJ+ about the culturally denied experience of Arab Jews who were brought to Israel and underwent deep identity erasure to make them fit for the needs of Zionism.
"This is how Israel erased the Arab-Jewish identity."
"White Supremacy is deeply embedded into Zionism, even inside the Jewish World."
"Alon Mizrahi, the son of a Palestinian-Jewish father and a Moroccan-Jewish mother.
He spoke to us about the hostility Arab-Jews faced after the creation of israel and the pressure they faced to abandon their culture and even the way they spoke."
"The humiliation Arab-Jews experienced under Zionism, they never experienced in the Arab countries, in Muslim countries. They never experienced White Supremacy in Morocco, in Yemen, in Iraq. They only experienced it here."
"45% of Jews in Israel originate from mostly Arabic speaking countries in North Africa and the Middle East, today they're called Mizrahi."
"They were called uneducated and savage. They were treated as inferior."
"Everything that was good was: European, American and Western."
"Zionism is a lie!"
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fxgstxg · 10 months
Interesting observation. So I had made a new Youtube account for a shared computer, unrelated. There was a vid that had been recommended to me thru my personal with a title in the similar vein of "Things Pro-Palestine Supporters Don't Tell You". Ran the video to my new account so the recommendations of my personal wouldn't be fucked + curious to see what bad takes they had. Anyway, the fact that I get spammed with ultra-right wing and white supremacist videos in my recommendations afterwards on this new account is all I need to know. Literally the only videos in my history before then were recipe videos.
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gadzuuks-blog · 13 days
What is wrong with white people?
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Book 20 of the 50 book challenge. The Last Widow by Karin Slaughter. Another in the Will Trent series and this one is about white Supremacists planning an attack. It’s really upsetting but worth a read. Told from 3 points of view, Will Trent, Sara his girlfriend and Faith his work partner.
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sbrown82 · 2 years
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readyforevolution · 3 years
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zumainthyfuture · 3 years
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Sandy :" In 1898 African-Americans were a majority of Wilmington, NC’s population. The entire city was operated by colored people. Most owned homes and businesses in the city. Some houses were oceanfront. The city was independently black owned, having their own banks, newspapers and government. On November 10, 1898, white insurgents overthrew the elected government and forced black leaders out of the city. They massacred families, burned down their homes and businesses. It is considered the only successful coup, a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government, in American history. The blacks who survived never regained their land nor their power. All their financial assets were stolen illegally by the racist whites. 
(By Charles Brown)
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dragoni · 3 years
The reality of prison😂
Paul Nicholas Miller was calling for a race war and using ethnic slurs when he spoke to his thousands of followers on social media before the law caught up with him in March. Tuesday, Miller cried in court as a judge sentenced him to 41 months in prison on multiple firearms charges, according to NBC Miami.
“Miller admitted that he had bought the ammunition and that he had tried to build his own rifle in part to learn about firearms manufacturing in preparation for a coming civil war,” prosecutors said in a news release. “In the months immediately before his arrest, Miller had made hundreds of internet posts publicizing his animosity towards various minority groups and his support for the initiation of a race-based civil war in the United States.”
According to Law and Crime, he applied for a concealed license permit in Florida and allegedly lied on the application about being a convicted felon.
Besides treason, Trump Supporters cry in public😭
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asraspeaks2 · 2 years
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Well ain't that the truth.
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zutarawasrobbed · 4 years
January 6, 2021 (TW: Domestic Terrorism)
I’m a Jewish woman of color (indigenous Latina). If you think for one second I’m shocked about the events that took place on January 6, 2021, you clearly haven't been paying attention. I will not grant the rotting tangerine any respect by saying his name. Instead, I’ll refer to him as he is, Orange H*tler.
This is by far the least surprising thing that has happened in Orange H*tler’s presidency. The people in minority communities- especially the Jewish community- knew we were in danger when we recognized his rhetoric. We’ve heard it in other countries and other points in time, but we didn’t expect it to be so blatant as it was in ours with him. We know it from our heritage and our ancestors who either escaped or died in the holocaust or escaped or died in other times of Anti-Semitic persecution.
However, the Holocaust is most remembered because not only was it the most recent, it was also filmed and photographed. Therefore, the Jewish community is aware of the signs of danger when it comes to the possibility of another Genocide.
I called it from the moment he announced he was running. “He’s gonna win.” He did. He used the same speech format as H*tler. (Not surprising, given he literally had a book of H*tler speeches by his bedside at one point.) This isn’t rocket science. When his supporters wear shirts that say “6MWE,” it stands for “6 million wasn’t enough.” This isn’t only about the Jewish community, of course. It’s about all POC and minorities, which makes the “master race” uncomfy.
Many people are saying, “shocked but not surprised.” And they’re right; I am shocked. I’m shocked it’s taken this long.
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battling-my-demons · 4 years
What happened to peaceful protests? Not breaking shit? No, violence! Respect and back the police! White privilege all the way through. This is terrorism! Where are the cops now!? What is wrong with these people? Everyone has lost their gotdamn minds!
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Charlottesville, Virginia, 2017
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atouchofireland · 4 years
What the government thought the storming of Area 51 would look like:
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What it actually looked like:
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Also:  water is wet.  film at eleven.
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Rest In Peace; Xiaojie Tan (Emily), Delaina Ashley Yaun, Paul Andre Michels, Daoyou Feng, Hyun Jung Grant (née Kim), Suncha Kim, Soon Chung Park, Yong Ae Yue.
The world is a disgusting place, but we can fight it. Please do what you can to help. Watch the video and follow their advice. 
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