#jacob starts eh? ๐Ÿ‘€
decsrice ยท 2 years
ohohoho this west ham lineup is smexy ๐Ÿคญ
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piraticusdorm ยท 3 years
Can i ask Piraticus trios opinion on Willy or Twins opinion on Terrovania trio? If you want ofc ๐Ÿ‘€
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Conrad likes Willy! Fun fellow with fun reactions, very seldom subdued.
Granted, a ghost is kind of a bad omen in a pirate ship.... but since Piraticus' ships are static, there's no need to worry. Does kinda wish Willy would patch his clothes a little and wear shoes, but the dorm has no dress code so. (shrug)
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With Tink for once i wanna say- prank partners. Sparkly boys who use the night to give others the fright of a life time. When the mood strikes them.
Aside that i can see them butting heads often, but not taking it too personally?
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Krok knew something was up since the start bc Willy had no scent, and his footstep don't make noise.
Eh, a ghost isn't the weirdest thing he's seen. Does take his glowing a bit for granted, asking him to do the night rounds so he doesn't have to carry a flaslight or lamp.
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As for the twins, they like Maxwell well enough. Another quiet fellow so they feel at ease. It does mean their relationship doesn't really grow much over time, and what they learn of each other is very situational.
With Samuel, they do see him a bit as a kid so he gets the headpats and gentler treatment. If you touch him you're dead. Jackie and Jacob are a bit Sam's "enforcers", though they also have their own rules. No sex, no drugs, no littering, not staying up past bed time if you're a kid, no shrugging off work...
Both would go to Hecate for help often. There's a lot they don't really get about the school and dorm, for all their attempts at learning, and Hecate is a reliable guide. They follow what she says very to the letter.
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blossom-hwa ยท 3 years
halo! i know its been over 3 weeks (??) and i know i said "i might start reading soon" (i did, just took a while to finish your stories Y^Y) but schools been a bitch ๐Ÿ˜ค i thought theyd finally let us rest considering midterms just ended but ig not ~.~ (the projects got worse...) anywhooo, still kept up with the boyz but ended stanning nct first before ateez ๐Ÿ’€ IM SORRY i came across their songs in spotify while studying and just stanned โœจ that said, i started reading your nct fics first huhu. i noticed that compared to the your other masterlists, the nct ones were released 2-3 years earlier than those of skz and tbz. and damn, i felt like i just watched a part of your life. ya know, seeing how your writing improved all over the years :")) but still, plot-wise (your imagination and world-building), you were amazing as how you are now.
regarding tbz, I SWERVED TO KEVIN. idk how or when or why it happened. it just happened. i also had a changmin plus hak phase like days after i sent my previous ask and the longer i watched their shows but then out of nowhere, kevin caught my attention. the "my bias depends on whos on screen" is still fitting though. but kevin ๐ŸคŒ๐ŸคŒ๐ŸคŒ i think its because of his and jacobs lullaby cover (by lukas graham) or the vocals that he showcased in their flower snack show or JUST his soft voice in eric nams kpop daebak show ๐Ÿ•ณ๏ธ๐Ÿšถ dude, i honestly dont know...
i asked (i didnt force her, i swear) my 4 year old cousin to watch their music videos and i think i have successfully baited another victim into stanning tbz. i first showed her their halloween dance video of maverick and changmin got her LMAO she really likes chucky so automatic chants chucky whenever changmin shows up. then let her watch a bloom bloom live clip and immediately asked me "wheres chucky?" kinda cute. im a proud cousin. now, she sings "down for your love, down for your love oOoOOoHHH" whenever we eat for some reason ๐Ÿคท i feel you with the maverick though. i instantly vibed with the song. ive gotten LSS with it and always unconsciously sing it in class. i. need. help.
okayy moving on! because of school Y^Y a 1k fic costed me two weekday nights of reading LOL but, i finally finished a lot of your nct fics. i started with the angels and demons series and dude, */ eyes begin to sweat /* i love how the pairings wasnt exclusive to demon to human or human to angel but also a demon to angel ?? LIKE, wow how would that go? plus, the chapter titles (is this what its called xd) of each fic in that alternate universe is spot on AND creative. trust a demon is one of my 2 favourites in the 5. uhh didnt expect chenle and jeno to be supernatural beings so ๐Ÿ‘€ anyways, favourite part was when she draws mark just from memory. HOW DO ARTISTIC PEOPLE DO THAT ? i cant believe the people around her would be petty enough to call her a draw freak when theyre just actually jealous lolol i admire those who are great at arts because i would want to draw my loved ones someday. like, legit drawings that are realistic and not stickmen.... sad.. its cool okay. hated chenle and jeno for a bit for being such asses and ignoring her when they know full well shes going through tough stuff. but eh, fortunately this is fiction JDKJFADS. kiss an angel IS THE SECOND FAVOURITE. a blown kiss, an indirect kiss, a kiss on the hand, a kiss on the cheek, a kiss on the forehead, AND a kiss on the lips. and so forth. OMF lina, how are you real? these chapter titles went straight through my heart. when chenle was ready to go through the punishment of being wingless, i felt his pain. literal physical pain for some reason. or imagined, uh same thing ๐Ÿคท felt proud when chenle finally understood how in love mark was with his significant other to go through such lengths of begging in hell and accepting the possible punishment that may arise. which didnt happen because lucifer seemed more like the good guy here than god IM SORRY.
reading those stories got me thinking a what if. what if i was living there in that universe? would i choose to become an angel or a demon? or live the ignorant life of a human? OHH YEAH QUESTON, all of them were mortals at one point in their life right? so, do all those who passed away become guardian angels/demons? between the ideologies of the 2 races that greatly hate each other, i feel like i would agree with the demons. does this make me heartless๐Ÿ˜ญ it does kinda suck that demons would save you from various accidents only to kill you when your time ends but disregarding the fact in the story that those unearthly beings are real, life has never been fair after all. the angels there say that its unfair that those who strive to do good and has done nothing but good are fated to die young. so, would it be fair to them (angels) that those who just grew up in the wrong environment would die at such an early age? or maybe i prefer to side with the demons just because of how i oppose i am with the angels' thoughts lololol
i honestly would want to continue this ask but its my curfew here soon so no more laptop for today ๐Ÿ’€ i still have a lot i want to say -> this sounds oddly threatening. i DONT trust my phone with sending asks, not one bit, after the incident last time. basically, i spent 2 to fucking 3 hours writing a feedback for a fic that i love love love so much and finished it at 2 in the morning only for the words "something went wrong" to appear after pressing ask. i- ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘๏ธ idk if this is allowed but a little promotion for lixeque's midnight in the maize, that was the fic that gave me goosebumps and took away my sleepiness. tiredness doesnt equate to sleepiness though. thats why i got so pissed when tumblr didnt send it and had to redo it LMFAO
ill try continuing this ask tomorrow when im not busy :">> i cant help my chatter mouth. or fingers? or no. I HAVE A LOT TO SAY ABOUT YOUR OTHER NCT FICS. again, sounds threatening but oh wells. hope you had and will have great days lina! also, do you still stan nct? or no bc this would be embarrassing for me to possibly rant about how amazing they are in the future asks... lol again stay safe!
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okay. OKAY. anon first of all I'm so sorry I'm responding to this late - I've been swamped all week and wanted to take an appropriate amount of time to answer this because I really appreciate how much time you put into writing these asks and you deserve as much thought/time when I respond (also??????/ holy fuck??????? I'm so sorry about your ask that Tumblr deleted like what the FUCK this site is just so bad gdi)
there is absolutely no need to apologize for stanning nct first holy shit they're really good just not my cup of tea anymore!!!!! and ugh HELP why did you start by reading my nct fics ahhhHHHHHH /insert skull emoji/ there is a lot of cringe stuff there but... I'm just glad you are able to see the growth LOL because that means I'm at least improving!! angels and demons is definitely a series that's close to my heart so I'm glad you enjoyed it - it was my first foray into longer works and even though I cringe a bit at it, it was still fun to write :) to be honest, I lean a little more toward the demons' side as well? that's just my view. I've been thinking about this series for some time tbh and now I think it might've been better if I'd given the demons' views to the angels and vice versa, idk it just feels more fitting, but oh well :)
ALSO ??????? YOU GOT YOUR COUSIN INTO TBZ??????????? AND SHE CHANGMIN CHUCKY????????????? WHY IS THAT THE CUTEST THING EVER WHAT THE FUCK????????/ and thank you for the fic rec, I don't read too many fics anymore but I'll keep it in mind if the urge to read strikes me <3
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