#jade and azul coming soon ✌️
nin-twst · 5 months
Yu and the Three Mers - Part 1
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Part 1 - Floyd - As Yu tries to find some peace at the Mostro Lounge, a bored eel barges in and whisks her away. At least she was able to finish her work before she was taken...
A/N: Happy MerMay! I've always wanted to do something but I never had the right motivation... Now I have the Octotrio! There will be a total of three parts (I think that's pretty obvious,,,) so be on the look out!
for the title, I tried to make a "mer" pun out of musketeers but it wasn't working so i gave up and just left it as is lmao
**fyi, the yu in this (the one from my main fic) is afab and agender, so they don't really care about what people identify them as. so just some context for stuff that happens later: everyone thinks yu is a guy because of the way they act, but yu tends to refer to themselves as female. in all honesty, they just don't care**
have fun <3
“Shrimpy~!” Floyd pounced, landing square on her back. “Let’s go have some fun!”
Yu looked up from her assignment. She was currently finishing up translating an essay from Sam in the Mostro Lounge, wanting to escape the distractions that were the first-years. As much as she loved them, they had no concept of self-control, and they never notice when her stress levels are getting too high to deal with their level of energy. Instead of lashing out at them, she secludes herself in different spots, spending much needed time to herself as she cooled down.
Floyd continued to lean his body weight on her as she kept silent. “C’mon, Shrimpy~! We gotta hurry before Azul comes and yells at us again!”
“Us?” Yu raised an eyebrow, going back to her work so she could at least try and finish it before the ell dragged her off to who knows where. “Why would he yell at the both of us? I’m a paying customer right now, you know.”
He pouted. “Ah, who knows what goes on in that octopus brain of his! He’s always so strict and mean. Now hurry up and get up so we can go! Hurry!”
She opened her mouth to say something, but decided against it. Instead, she just poked his shoulder. “I can’t get up with this giant eel weighing me down.”
His eyes lit up and he grabbed her from the waist, hauling her body over his shoulder. “Finally!”
From her position, she caught Jade’s attention. Once they made eye contact, she shouted, “Watch my stuff for me, please!”
The other eel simply nodded his head, waving at her as she was pulled away from her planned peaceful afternoon.
They wandered around the campus aimlessly, Floyd occasionally picking a fight with passing students. Yu just looked the other way. Wow, look at these flowers on the side of the path! How pretty! Maybe she could pick some to give to Jade later as thanks for watching her stuff. Nah, he probably wouldn’t want these. Maybe she can check Sam’s shop for some mushrooms?
“Shrimpy, I’m done! Let’s go!”
Yu turned back around, ignoring the mess of bodies on the floor. Catching up with the eel, she took out a napkin, tapping his shoulder. “Lean down for a bit. You got some stuff on your face.”
“Hm?” Despite his mischievous expression, he complied, leaning down so Yu could reach his face. 
There wasn’t much blood, but it was enough to cause some concern, especially on someone like Floyd. Once clean, she patted his head. “Alright, we can go now.”
Floyd hummed, taking her hand in his and swung their arms as they continued to amble around the campus. As they wandered, a sudden idea popped into her head.
“Hey Floyd,” Yu questioned. “How about visiting the beach?”
“The beach?!” He exclaimed. “Is Shrimpy going to swim with me?”
She shrugged. “If you want. I’ve never swam in the ocean before, though.”
“I’ll teach you!” His expression suddenly dropped. “Oh. We can’t go.”
“We need the Headmaster’s approval to leave campus.”
“Oh,” Yu smirked. “I can deal with that. Do you wanna go?”
Floyd just returned her smirk. “What is Shrimpy up to now, hm~?”
“No,” Crowley crossed his arms.
“You’ve let me go before,” Yu mirrored his actions. “It’s only the beach.”
He pointed a finger at her companion, who stood just outside the door. “He just beat up a bunch of freshmen! Why didn’t you stop him??”
“The flowers caught my attention.”
“For ten minutes?!”
She glared at him. “Yeah, like how it’s taking half a year to give me the reward you promised me after dealing with Savanaclaw.”
That silenced Crowley. Even with his mask, one could tell that he was sweating. 
“Fine,” he sighed. “Just come back before midnight.”
It’s been a while since she’s been to the ocean, even in her old world. The salty breeze passed through her hair as she took in the setting sun in front of her. She wished she brought the ghost camera with her; what kind of images would it project? If it was just her and her mind, she could disassociate to the sound of the waves for a long time.
Sadly, she wasn’t alone, and said person wasn’t one to leave her alone. 
Floyd grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the water. “Let’s go for a swim! I borrowed this potion from Azul so we can go under the water for a long time!”
“Borrow?” How do you borrow a potion? It’s not like you can give it back…
“Whatever!” He shoved the opening of the bottle into her mouth. “Drink so we can swim together!”
Drinking the stolen goods, Yu took off her shirt and wrapped her phone in it, leaving it slightly hidden in the sand in case someone came by. It didn’t seem like this beach got much traffic, but it was better to be safe than sorry. 
“Woah,” Floyd commented. “Is this why you didn’t swim with your friends?”
“Hm?” Yu glanced down at her chest. She had asked Sam for some swimming clothes, but all he could get was a wetsuit.  “Oh. No, I just had stuff to do.”
He giggled, circling around her to give her a hug. “Wah~... So Shrimpy’s been a girl this whole time, huh?”
“I guess. It doesn’t really matter to me.” She pinched the hand that was squeezing her breast. “Hey. You probably shouldn’t do that. That’s called sexual harassment.”
He tilted his head. “Huh? But I thought you said it doesn’t matter.”
“To me, yeah.” She let his wandering hands rest on her waist. “I don’t really care about my gender or whatever, but other girls do. You should be careful if you want to squeeze them. It would be like… squeezing their tails?”
It seemed the improvised comparison worked, his eyebrows scrunching in disgust. “Oh, ew. Okay, I’ll be more careful from now on.”
In no time, Yu was dragged into the water, pulled far from the shore by the fast eel. It took a while for her to adjust, but the moment she opened her eyes, she left behind any regrets she had about this trip. At first, she was just going along with Floyd and his antics so he didn't direct his frustration at her. She’s seen many kids act like him back in her old world, and she knew each kid needed to be dealt with differently. Yu hadn’t been around Floyd long enough, so she hadn’t learned how to deal with his mood swings yet. Picking fights with the other students, being too touchy, ignoring everyone else’s responsibilities to do whatever he wants… She turned a blind eye to his actions. (It helped that the freshmen were talking shit about her, he tends to show he cares through his actions, and it was about time for a break from all the work she had been doing. Sitting down for five hours straight was probably not good on her spine.)
She feels a little bad for ignoring him, but what could she do? She needed to focus on Azul and his impending doom, so the tweels got pushed to the side for their boss’s sake. Now that that was all done and taken care of, Yu had been avoiding the Lounge because, to be completely honest, she didn’t have the energy to deal with the two of them. If anything, she’s glad that Floyd is the one bothering her, since he’s a lot easier to read than his brother. 
“Hello~?” A finger repeatedly tapped her forehead, snapping her out of her thoughts. “Anyone in there?”
“Oh, sorry.” She rubbed the spot where she was poked. “What did you say?”
He hummed, circling around Yu. “Nothing~. You were making a funny face earlier, but now I’m bored. Wanna race?”
She scoffed. “Uh- no? I’m definitely going to get lost if you swim ahead of me. How far out are we, anyways?”
The eel just shrugged, lacing their fingers together as he resumed pulling her along to wherever he was going. They probably weren’t that far from shore, right? They’ve only been in the water for…
“Hey, Floyd. How long have we been swimming?”
Instead of answering, a smile started to grow on his face.
“Floyd? You do know that this potion doesn’t last-”
“Why should I tell you? We can just stay here until-”
Yu held up a hand, expression becoming serious. “Name your price. What do I have to do in order for you to swim us back to the beach so I don’t die?”
“Hm…” He had let go of her arm and was now circling her again. “I dunno. What are you gonna give me?”
“If I ever cook with Jade again I can give you a mushroom-free dish.”
“And make Azul’s extra mushroom-y.”
Yu knew the eel was holding back when they first got into the water, but nothing could ever prepare her for the speed at which Floyd swam at. It took no time at all to get back to shore so they could resurface. With how fast they were going, Yu wondered how far out they actually were. (According to all of her math knowledge, pretty far, but there was no need to process that knowledge right now.)
As she waited for Floyd to gain his legs again, she checked her phone. It was definitely darker than when they first went under, but Yu could never instinctively tell based on just the sky. It was about three when they left… Take away five… Carry the two…
“How long was that potion supposed to last again?”
Floyd brushed off his pants as he stood up, his potion finally taking effect. “Um… I think Azul said those ones were five hours.”
“Holy shit I almost died.” There was one minute left until they hit the five hour mark. “Floyd, what the hell? Do you want me to die?”
“That would make things interesting, wouldn’t it?” He smiled at her, his sharp teeth showing.
Instead of answering, she picked up her stuff and swiftly left, heading towards the mirror back to Night Raven College. Floyd just laughed, chasing after her. “What’s wrong, Shrimpy? Wait up!”
“No thanks!” Yu threw over her shoulder. “I don’t want to die today!”
“Eh~? You wouldn’t have died! I had an extra potion with me!”
“You were an eel! You had no pockets!”
“Oh right. Whoops!”
As Yu passed through the mirror, she briefly turned back, a soft smile dancing on her lips. It seemed that Floyd was in a better mood. She could tell that something was bothering him earlier, but she didn’t think they were close enough where she could pry.
“Caught ya!” Floyd picked her up on the other side of the mirror with a twirl. “Where’s my little shrimp running off to? You owe me dinner, remember?”
Yu didn’t even try to struggle out of his grip. “Dinner?”
“Eh?” He pouted. “We made a deal and all! Man, maybe this is why Azul writes down all his contracts…”
“Oh.” She didn’t expect him to cash that in this early. “I didn’t know you wanted to do it today.”
He just smiled, walking towards the Octavinelle dorms. “C’mon, I’m starving!”
Yu huffed, ruffling his hair as she let herself get thrown over the eel’s shoulder. “Okay, okay. I need to get my stuff, anyways.”
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