jadeninablog-blog · 6 years
conclusion and overall thoughts
Over the past five weeks I have been developing healthy habits to last a lifetime. Each and everyday for the duration of this project, I tried my best to walk 8,000 steps, drink 8 glasses, and sleep 8 hours. While it was difficult at first, I finally persevered and managed to develop good habits. I learned a myriad of different skills, including blogging, and time management. I’ve managed to better myself physically and mentally. In closing, if anyone is looking for a new passion project, try this!
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jadeninablog-blog · 6 years
week four & five
As week four comes to a close, I must write about my successes and downfalls. In stark contrast the the previous weeks, I was able to reach most of my healthy goals. One area that I didn’t do well on this week was staying hydrated. On some of the days, I forgot to drink even four glasses. I’ve also noticed that I actually start breaking out more this week. Could the instagram self-care threads be right? On my last blog post, I wrote a day by day outlook on the week. I noticed that said format was harsh on the eyes and I’m going to try something new this time.
TLDR: I reached more goals than the previous week, didn’t drink as much water, skin started breaking out more
Week five is the final week of my 20Time project. I’m both excited and upset for it to end. Over this past week, I feel that I accomplished what I had set out to do. I fixed my sleep schedule, regularly sleeping and waking earlier than I had ever before. My hydration still could use more work, but I am hoping to fix that in the New Year. My step-count goal is still getting there. In the summer, I hope to reach over 10,000 steps a day. All in all, these two weeks were much better than the last. I’m feeling more energized throughout the day, and my skin is clearing up. Be sure to stay tuned for a conclusion post very soon!
TLDR: Very much better than all of my weeks. Drank OK amounts of water. Sleeping schedule is great. Almost reaching my step counts.
Thanks for taking your time to read this.
See you next time,
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