#jaemin tarot
trolagygirl2022 · 8 months
i love your readings sm!! can you do a nct Na Jaemin future spouse?
Jaemin future spouse
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The Tower, Ace of Wands, 2 of Cups, 4 of Cups, The Emperor, The Sun, 6 of Pentacles, Knight of Swords, Temperance rev, The Moon, 7 of Wands, 7 of Cups, 9 of Wands rev.
I have to be honest... I HATE their energy! It just ticks me off SM! This is the first fs reading I've done were I've felt this but I cannot STAND their energy! MASSIVE spoiled diva vibes. Like the type of person that is disgusted when you tell them to clean their plate. Really fake as hell also and hide their true feelings and intentions. He may be drawn to their cute appearance and persona but this person is really too-faced and is quite disorganized. Like I'm picturing a messy room and shit. They are also someone who likes starting drama and issues behind the scenes and someone who throws tantrums (I'm imagining a lady behind the scenes screaming at the staff). Quite a brat! They are someone who uses their charms and looks to get what they want and someone who has a ton of masculine energy. I'm getting that they could have a really rich dad (Daddy's girl?). As for them he may already know them/dating them or they will have a connection soon but idk I'm just not getting much lovey dovey vibes here :/ this seems like the type of person that would marry for status. They defiantly were attracted to him at some point but idk man..
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810nd1 · 8 months
Jaemin quick love reading part one
Date: 21.10.2023
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Jeez that boy is in love and I mean IN LOVE. I can’t even find right words to describe that woman (and yes I’m going to assume his sexuality because of the empress)
He is dating someone who makes him the happiest man on Earth. That is someone taken out of his dreams, a wish come true. He manifested this. The relationship is well balanced. He feels so loved by her and gives her back the same energy. A perfect partnership. Almost like he had met his soulmate (I’m jealous). This is so healthy, loving and playful energy. I see a woman stroking his hair, kissing him and Jaemin smiling at her. You can only see this kind of stuff in movies. I know he is young but with the cards I got, he could even imagine himself married to her
When I started doing this reading I had a feeling that some people might not like this one so to everyone that might be butthurt (if you’re not just keep scrolling 🩷)
He has something truly beautiful. I put a protection spell on him. If you will try to send him any ill wishes it’s going to bounce back at you and hit your relationship.
Go find part second and third to get more info because things got a bit complicated
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theninthdoor · 2 years
#tarotquickquestions in nct dream, chenle said that he and jaemin are similar but jaem was quick to deny it. So that got me curious, how is the relationship between these two? what do they really think of each other?
thank you 💚
i hope this clarifies the situation! ♡
Their Connection/Friendship:
king of swords + the star || jaemin's side as the knight of cups; chenle's side as the five of cups reversed
Their connection is actually pretty good, to be honest. I think they understand each other well, and see eye to eye on most matters. Jaemin is very polite and sweet, and may do Chenle a lot of favors or buy him gifts every once in a while. In fact, he might even have a little bit of a soft spot for him and do things for him that he wouldn't do for others. Chenle relies a lot on this friendship when he's feeling low. It makes him feel like the bad times aren't all that bad after all.
Jaemin's thoughts || the hierophant, king of cups reversed
It's almost as if Jaemin feels like it's his responsibility to be there and provide for Chenle, even if he doesn't feel like it. It's instictive, and probably based on his culture and their age difference (since Chenle is younger than him). A lot of things that he does, he doesn't even think about and just does it. It may not come from a place of affection, necessarily, but from a place of duty and habit.
Chenle's thoughts || nine of swords reversed, the chariot
Yeah, again… Jaemin for the rescue lol. He knows that if he needs him, he can count on him. Jaemin might be very good at making him feel better whenever he's feeling anxious or insecure; they might've already had some long nights where they just talked to each other about their troubles for hours and hours. Overall, this friendship really helps him feel safe and stronger.
Why did Jaemin deny it? || queen of cups, four of wands reversed (death)
This whole thing is just Jaemin's saturn ruled moon doing its thing, yall… He's a softie and very dutiful towards his friends, but he doesn't want literally everybody to know that - not because he wants to be seen as tough, but because, in this case, it's a very private side of him that was about to be exposed to a lot of people, and out of nowhere. Since, by saying that, Chenle was making it easy for those vulnerable moments between them to be brought up, and Jaemin felt like it wasn't the right time nor the right place, he cut it off.
(Disclaimer: all readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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geminitarotmagick · 2 years
Hello! Can I ask for NCT Jaemin future spouse reading please? Thank you so much💞
Hi! I don't do as many readings for the Dreamies as I'd like, so let's see what's coming for Jaemin and his future spouse in the future!
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Cards used: Light Seers Tarot, Wild Unknown Animal Spirits, Way of the Panda Baby Panda Edition
Jaemin's future spouse will be someone who will be opening up his eyes and his worldview to something completely different than he ever expected. Despite being kinda a flirt, I don't think he ever really saw himself settling down or actually falling in love, but this person will be shattering that belief and having him look at love from a whole new perspective. They'll be someone who challenges him, and who will push him to think of things from another point of view and to push him to always reach for more. They'll be a bright and radiant person, and he won't be able to find himself not smiling in their presence. They'll be an active person, and just someone with a bright and strong aura that pulls him in.
They may feel a little rattled when this person comes into their life, because it makes him question a lot of things, and he's not sure if that's good or bad at first. His heart will open up to love when they meet, and he won't be sure if he's emotionally prepared to take that step with someone. But he'll eventually be able to see that they're in his life for a reason, and that the risk of falling in love is worth the reward. They'll most likely have an unconventional relationship, but it'll work for them, and that's what's most important.
If you like this reading, request a live chat reading with me! | Mini readings and kpop readings currently closed
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NCT Dream current energies - September edition
♡ Shufflemancy reading - 17/09/22
Disclaimer: I’m a beginner with tarot and my readings could be correct and could be not. I am still learning so please take everything with a grain of salt. These readings are for fun and for entertainment purposes only <3
This is all alleged. I don’t want to hurt any idol or send them hate.
Bella Giornata - OG Eastbull
It feels like Renjun is enjoying pleasures that he couldn't enjoy for a long time, like eating pizza, or Gelato, going out more, hanging out at night, or just painting. Things that made him happy.
After Hours - The Weeknd
He broke up with his partner thinking they were a distraction. He only thinks about them and no one else and he feels he should auto-inflict pain to himself because he doesn't deserve to be happy.
The Blame - Bob Moses
Something happened in the relationship. His SO and him are no longer together. He did something so stupid that affected his partner and now he has to take the responsibility of his actions. He feels lonely and hurt.
Like I want you - Giveon
Bruhhhh, Chenle is in Love with capital L. This guy is in love with a close friend he has. The dynamic they have is friends but they don't know if the could be something more than that.
Pieces - Des Rocs
So someone tried to be close to Jisung and be romantically involved with him, but he realized, his managers realized and cut ties with that person. He has no connection anymore with that person, but actually care about them.
Treat me - Chloe
He is teaching someone moves NSFW moves, he wants to be praised, to be admired, to be recognized and be loved. And that someone is at his level, no one can be below his status.
Horizon - Loosen Door
He's my baby - Noir
He feels lonely. He believes in love even tho he knows romantic love is messed up sometimes his optimistic in find his partner and belive and grow with his closest people.
This changes over time. Everyone has free will and vibrations change. Hope you like this reading <3
© rights reserved to timetraveldystopia
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lagoonalake · 5 months
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Personality: the sun, 6 of wands, the star
Boss energy. Someone confident and proud, spontaneous, connected to their inner child who would help him let lose a little. Someone a bit loud and cocky. Assertive, who would probably lead the relationship. Someone very visible, could be someone famous. Someone charismatic and funny, the life of the party. Someone who has a lot of energy and vitality. very optimistic and positive, who can see the light in the darkness always. Very generous and giving, could be a humanitarian. Bubbly, comic relief type of energy, a prankster. Very reliable and stable. leo, aquarius, aries, jupiter
Appearance: 2 of wands, king of wands, the hierophant
Someone who looks very strong and healthy, almost unbreakable. Someone regal, with a very shining and bright aura, could have narcissistic tendencies though! XD Muscular or fit, more of a stocky or compact body type. Thighs and calves are well shaped. Squarish face, solid features. Radiant. Warm colors. More of a traditional style or look.  leo, taurus
Turn offs: strength, king of cups, 7 of swords
When the bossy energy gets out of control and the relationship becomes a power play, someone who doesn't take care of their health, someone unkempt, someone who is too restrained, controlled, who lacks spontaneity, someone too secretive, who uses their emotional depth to manipulate others, a coward, someone passive aggressive, a trickster, someone who is two faced.  negative leo, capricorn, scorpio, gemini
Personality: the lovers, the devil, 5 of pentacles
Could be attracted to people who need help. Very sensitive, affectionate people, very passionate. Romantic people who understand that relationship are about sharing, that this is an exchange, who give as much as they receive. He is the kind of guy who wants to merge with his partner, so he attracts people who are like that too, who can be needy, possessive, clingy, but he can be clingy too. There is codependency in his relationships. There is a fear of abandonment coming from him and his partner, so they tend to get strongly attached but afraid to lose the other person, so there can be emotional manipulation as well. But the love is very deep, very strong, sometimes overwhelming. Us against the world type of love. cancer, scorpio, pisces, pluto, libra
Appearance: 3 of wands, 2 of wands, 8 of swords
Someone who looks both tough and vulnerable. He tends to go for people who look like they need help. But he also likes to see that the person is combative, is trying hard to rise above their issues. Someone who could be small in stature, but with a very strong body, muscular. Could prefer someone a bit skinny. Someone who could look a bit nervous, always in movements. Someone who looks like they could handle themselves in a fight, or outdoors, NOT the type who would be scared to break a toenail or mess up their hair and makeup XD A survivor. Short hair. Still who can look a bit fragile, shy, sensitive, youthful. aries, pisces, virgo, capricorn, scorpio
Turn offs: queen of wands, king of cups, knight of pentacles
Divas, people who think they are all that. Show offs. People who had it easy in life, spoiled people. People who use their connections to get ahead in life. People who are too calm, too comfortable, who seem to have everything and are happy about (he tends to be attracted to people who are a bit more complex). People who seem like they don’t need any help. taurus, leo, cancer
Personality: 5 of swords, the wheel of fortune, the hermit
He is attracted to an independent thinker with strong opinions, who doesn’t let anybody influence them. Someone who learned things on their own. Someone who could be a bit outside of the mold, have an alternative lifestyle, or simply like to spend a lot of time alone to read, educate themselves, focus on their own interests. Someone a bit philosophical. Definitely very cultured with a lot of knowledge. Very opinionated and could enjoy debates, could have a tendency to be contrarian, a bit rebellious. Someone adaptable, resourceful, open minded and who sees life as full of possibilities. Someone who enjoys change and need variety in their life. Someone who enjoys traveling. aquarius, sagittarius, virgo
Appearance: 6 of swords, 4 of swords, 9 of wands
He doesn’t have a specific type. He can be attracted to a lot of different people, and enjoys diversity. But he likes them sexy. Fierce, expressive eyes. And with a bit of a tough, intimidating. Street style. Colorful, warm. Someone who looks intelligent, vivacious, active. aries, gemini, mars, mercury
Turn offs: knight of pentacles, the hermit, 4 of pentacles
People who are very slow, stoic, who follow the same routine everyday, boring people. Although he likes the more closed off misfit type, he also doesn’t like some aspects of it when the person is too close off to the point they don’t want to see him anymore, someone who never allows any intimacy to happen, someone who is stingy, selfish, so focused on their stability they don’t allow for any change to happen, too structured, no spontaneity, people who never let their guard down, who are paranoid. capricorn, taurus, cancer
Personality: 9 of swords, 10 of wands, justice
He tends to go for people who have a lot on their plate, with a lot of responsibility, worriers who are overworked, anxious, and who are hard on themselves, extremely serious, intelligent, fast-paced, hard-working and disciplined. He wants to lighten up these people and make them happy, because these people are very giving and dedicated, but they can also be the type who don’t get too much credit, who could work behind the scenes. He wants to be the ray of sunshine in their life, help them relax, let loose. He likes people who are humble and supportive, reliable, with a lot of integrity. People who are honest and polite. always ready to help. Secretary vibe.  virgo, capricorn, gemini, saturn
Appearance: 7 of wands, the hanged man, 10 of swords
So if the person looks like they have a lot going on, he’s in. XD He likes someone who looks a bit tired, anxious, he can’t help but gravitate towards those people to comfort them, brighten their mood, make them laugh. Could like blond hair, or light hair color, feminine style, a bit dreamy, sleepy, soft type of beauty. Someone who looks a bit wounded (could even be physically wounded), he has a bit of a savior complex and wants he would want to assist or help in some way.  pisces, neptune, virgo
Turn offs: 10 of swords, 8 of wands, 7 of pentacles
Although he likes the overwhelmed anxious and even a bit depressed type, he admires someone who holds on and keeps going no matter what. But he doesn’t like when a person doesn’t try, when someone is quick to give up, is passive, procrastinate, is lazy, let their emotions overwhelm them to the point they become completely numb, or is easily overwhelmed and makes impulsive decisions, runs away from their responsibilities. Sudden mood swings. negative pisces, sagittarius, uranus, gemini
Personality: 3 of swords, 7 of cups, knight of wands, knight of pentacles, devil
(I pulled more cards because his reading needed clarification for me to understand)
Jaemin has a lot of options and likes to test them all. On one hand he wants to be with someone who is adventurous, feisty, fun, quick to move on. On the other hand he also wants to be in a relationship with someone who is more committed, and it would require more patience from him, more time to get to know that person. With the first type, he tends to be unsatisfied as it is fun but doesn’t give him that stability that he needs (but that he isn’t ready to offer himself anyway). And with the second type, he is afraid of commitment and runs away, breaking their heart in the process. There tends to be a lack of trust in his relationships, leading to manipulation, jealousy, either from him or his partners (especially the second type more interested in commitment). He needs to reconcile these different aspects of love within himself and find himself someone who can give him both the fun and the stability, and needs to be honest with his partners about what he wants and what he can currently give them. sagittarius, aries, gemini, aquarius/taurus, virgo, capricorn/libra
Appearance: ace of wands, page of cups, 2 of wands
A creative, artistic type. Someone who inspires him. Someone who looks dreamy, innocent, cute, cuddly. He needs to feel the passion and physical chemistry. Someone spontaneous, expressive, with a cute laugh, sunny vibes. But also someone who may be looking a bit shy, kind, more reserved. Could like it if he sees someone taking care of animals or children. Nice shapely legs and calves. Crop tops, abs or a cute tummy. Short hair. Small petite stature, short height. mercury, gemini, cancer, leo, pisces
Turn offs: ace of wands, 3 of cups, the emperor
Bossy people, people who are a bit rude and unfriendly, tactless, people who turn him down and friendzoned him, people who are too independent and see through his bs, people who come off as a bit too masculine, harsh. People who he feels no physical or sexual attraction with.  aquarius, capricorn, aries
Personality: page of coins, the sun, queen of swords
He likes someone who is a ray of sunshine, very positive and kind, relaxed, with a fresh, innocent aura. Someone popular and loved by all, warm, friendly, compassionate, helpful. Yet when it comes to him, they can be a bit cold and closed off. For some reason, he could come off as untrustworthy to this person, or maybe this is the kind of person who has prejudices when it comes to him, or has heard rumors about him and doesn’t want to let him in. Maybe they are close to someone he has a beef with. Or maybe they are both from very different environments that don’t mesh well. I feel like this could be a specific person I’m picking up on. It could also be that he can come off as a bit of a bad boy, or a bad influence, or maybe he doesn’t know how to express his interest and comes accross as rude or disrespectful to that person. Good girl/bad boy type of dynamic libra, leo, pisces, virgo, aquarius
Appearance: 3 of cups, 4 of swords, the fool
This is probably the same person as above, a specific energy he is very interested in right now. Clean, friendly appearance. Kind, innocent face, long hair, slim shapely compact body type, petite frame, popular, has a lot of friends and is very well liked by colleagues but also the public, smiley, looks relaxed, charming, spontaneous, authentic, expressive. Very likable, disarming charm. Could be a good dancer. Most likely an idol. Radiant, warm skin and aura. Cute and sexy.  pisces, virgo, libra, aquarius
Turn offs: 2 of wands, the fool, 8 of swords
Delusional people, people who are too easy to charm (he clearly likes the chase), people who are immature, naive, weak, cowardly, whiny people who don’t have their own opinions, wall flowers. People who are mean, unlikable, rude, always negative, selfish. People who are weird or unwilling to fit in, awkward, always killing the mood, different just to provoke others. negative cancer, scorpio, saturn, neptune, aquarius
Personality: judgement, 2 of cups, knight of swords
Someone who would make a big impression on him, a soulmate, karmic type of connection. Someone who would sweep him off his feet. A passionate, tumultuous, immediate connection. Someone who is a bit aggressive, impulsive, moves quickly, would express his feelings towards him or wouldn’t even be able to hide them as their emotions run so high. Someone who would understand him deeply, that he could share his deepest secrets with. He wants to start over with someone who would be 100% invested in the connection. Transformative, healing, intimate connection. Someone opinionated, witty, intelligent, quick to react, who can be blunt with words. Someone brave and dedicated to their path, with a strong sense of purpose. aries, gemini, scorpio, saggitarius, pluto, mars
Appearance: the world, 4 of swords, strength
He doesn’t care about looks, just that this person is strong and honest. That he can connect with them on all levels. He likes people from all over the world, and is not too attached to beauty standards. 
Turn offs: 6 of swords, high priestess, 8 of wands
People who are quick to move on, a bit shallow, who don’t have long lasting emotions, people who are nosy and want to know everything about him but don’t share anything about them, overly secretive people, impulsivity, mood swings, people who change their minds all the time. People who can’t sit still. Unreliable, unstable people. Vague, overly “mystical” people. The type of spiritual people who have their head in the clouds, speak about “angels” and “auras” and things that for him are not real and a bit weird. XD negative scorpio, gemini, aquarius, sagittarius, neptune
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403tarot · 6 months
Can you do How would nct dream members would want to be loved?
★ — how nct dream would want to be loved ?
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jaemin: he's such a hopeless romantic. i see that he wants to be loved exactly the way he's willing to love: embracing the mistakes and flaws of the person, adapting to them, and being a supportive presence if the other person feels the need to change. evolution together – jaemin wants someone to stay with him, not shy away from the intensity of his feelings, and not be afraid to form a bond with him.
jisung: these violent delights have violent ends / triumph, like fire and powder, / which, as they kiss, consume." this excerpt was the first thing that came to my mind reading his cards. jisung is somewhat disenchanted with love, so he's searching for someone who makes his heart burn: startling love at first sight, mutual seduction, and the feeling of being challenged not to fall in love easily.
jeno: desires a love that is calm and stable, making him feel secure and comfortable in a relationship. he can get anxious and insecure easily, so he needs someone mature with a future vision. jeno wants to be loved fully, facilitating healing from past wounds and promoting emotional growth.
renjun: is looking for a love that, above all, is solid. a relationship free of problems and easily manageable, where his and his partner's personalities are compatible but not in a way where they "merge" into one. he wants to be with someone who has originality and also respects his tastes and need for individuality at times.
chenle: wants to be loved passionately. someone with their head in the clouds enough to accept his imperfections and faults without running away – at least that's what he's looking for. he wants someone who can truly know and love him, even in his worst moments, and has patience with him as he strives to become a more confident and responsive person.
haechan: wants someone to take his breath away. he seeks someone who makes him feel out of orbit and elicits a sensation different from anything he has felt before. that's how he'll know he found "the one." someone who makes him laugh even when he wants to cry, warm, and with whom he envisions marrying. he doesn't want to waste time with just anyone; he wants someone he feels will be forever.
mark: is seeking a love that reflects maturity. i see that he's looking for someone who connects with him in a way that makes him feel they both have a purpose together. he wants someone who makes him think of family, dream of quieter times, someone whose company he truly appreciates, and who makes him admire all the little things that a stable and loving relationship can bring to his life. he wants someone willing to start an entirely new chapter in life with him through this relationship.
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tarotsol · 2 months
hey there 🤍 would you mind doing a little reading on nct dream’s overall career in 2024? will there be any new achievement?
Hi there! Thanks for the request!
Apologies for getting back so late with this request! So much has been happening lol. It’s been a while since I did a reading for my favs!
Let’s get to it!
NCT Dream 2024:
the groups dynamic:
with the 4 of wands reversed alongside the moon, all i’m getting right now for the remainder of 2024 is that SM is not going to be helping their career in the slightest. this represents a challenging work environment and often a lack of teamwork or a sense of instability. of course, we all know how much of a hell that company is right now and the cards didn’t hesitate to show me. emotions are going to be in the rise for all the members for sure unfortunately.
mark lee solo opportunities:
with the lovers and the seven of sword’s reversed, I don’t see much coming his way for now, his name could be scraped through dirt in the coming months/ something could get leaked about him.
huang renjun solo opportunities:
with the wheel of fortune, clarified with the page of wands and five of swords reversed, I feel like his solo projects are going to be very tinkered with by the company, like a constant fish to bait/ carrot to the donkey manner. the management is definitely playing with him, however their could be a good? businessman forseeing all this mistreatment and keeping an eye out on him.
lee jeno solo opportunities:
with the queen of wands reversed, I think that jeno needs to focus more on his mental health right now. he’s been through a lot.
haechan solo opportunities:
with the two of wands here, he’s just waiting for opportunities to come by right now. he’s also thinking long term about his career.
na jaemin solo opportunities:
he has the 8 of wands, so it’s definitely, no pun intended, in the cards for him right now to get some sort of solo opportunity by the end of the year. keep an eye out!
zhong chenle solo opportunities:
yep, I definitely see some sort of “business” opportunity coming his way soon with the temperance card here! he also is thinking long term about his career.
jisung solo opportunities:
with the 6 of wands, that’s a guaranteed yes! His hard work is paying off and will definitely land an opportunity this year!
That’s all I have for now! Some parts are a bit negative but this is SM entertainment we’re taking about and sometimes we need to be realistic. I wish all the success for NCT this 2024! Again, this is just my reading and things can most certainly change!
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yourbittertarottruth · 6 months
hihi could u do a yes or no if nct dream would date a foreigner? pls n thanks 😊
Hii!! Sure, that's no problem! Jaemin : *3 of Pentacles* - Yes! Park Jisung : *Knight of Cups Reversed* - Heavy no (it would sour his mood and lead to disappointment apparently?) Jeno : *5 of Swords Reversed* - Definitely not, seems to be some sort of lingering resentment here. Renjun : *Page of Wands* - Yes, feels like it would help him learn more about cultures and explore the world, energy would feel more free Haechan : *3 of Wands Reversed* - Nope, feels like it would make him frustrated and there would be a lot of obstacles within the relationship Chenle : *Page of Pentacles Reversed* - Nah, feels like it would be too impractical. Mark : *Page of Pentacles* - Absolutely, he dreams about it and desires to date a foreigner. He seems to be the most likely to date a foreigner. That's all for this reading, thank you for joining me, dear soul!
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k-rising · 1 year
Mark & Jaemin dynamic (tarot reading)
DISCLAIMER: This tarot reading is for entertainment purposes only.
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how's their overall dynamic together?
judgment + king of wands + the tower + 6 of wands + ace of wands + queen of swords + the sun + 2 of cups + queen of wands + 3 of pentacles
I feel that these two learn a lot about themselves when they are together. there's good communication between them and they're very likely to turn to each other when they need someone to give them advice. they also talk about the things they don't like about each other to improve their relationship.
while jaemin believes mark's a good leader and knows how to guide and inspire others, he also believes that his friend could improve when it comes to overcoming some challenges.
although they don't have a bad relationship, it seems that there are issues from the past that they couldn't resolve and it makes them feel resentful. something happened between them that marked their friendship for the worse at the time and this situation happened suddenly and unexpectedly.
talking about the past, they were very appreciative of each other's achievements back then and their dream was to debut together, as they felt they would be very successful if they worked together. they are both very strong-willed and put a lot of passion into their work.
I think that in the future they will both be so busy with their solo projects that they won't have much time to spend time together :(
they both feel that they are capable of overcoming any obstacle when they are together. there's a lot of positivity and joy in this reading... I'm visualizing them laughing and having a great time! they both respect and love each other. mark and jaemin complement each other very well and they don't want this friendship to end :')
to improve their relationship, they have to remember to work as a team, because, in that way, they progress even faster.
what do they think of each other?
page of pentacles + page of swords + 6 of swords
mark ⇢ he thinks that jaemin's an ambitious, energetic and enthusiastic person. mark finds the things that his friend wants to achieve on his own very interesting and will greatly benefit him if he ever gets to do everything that he wants.
the eldest considers that his buddy is a person with a good sense of humor, very curious, restless and talkative; jaemin really likes to share his ideas with others.
when jaemin doesn't like something, he immediately walks away from that situation and goes on with his life as if nothing had happened. I just heard "I don't have to waste my time, I have to move on".
page of pentacles (rx) + the emperor (rx) + temperance
jaemin ⇢ although jaemin also considers his friend to be an ambitious person, he also think that mark isn't practical at all. sometimes mark doesn't like to do certain things, but when he does things that he really wants to do, he becomes tyrannical, cold and very strict both with others and with himself.
however, jaemin thinks that his friend is a patient person and that he's always looking for the meaning of things. mark doesn't like to do something that he thinks is not worth it or that it will not benefit him in the future.
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾ 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑜 𝑚𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔!  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
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leonaluv · 2 months
Can you do na jaemin future spouse pls thank you 🤍❤
Good at counseling others, calm, healing and creativity. Help people to get in touch with emotions and understanding their emotions. Has a clam dementor, and compassionate. Have strangers come up to them and tell them all about their issues. Hopeless romantic and sexy.
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hi, welcome to tumblr and hope ur having a nice stay here!!
can i ask how nct dream jaemin and aespa ningning view each other? both are my bias so would love to know abt them~
Cards: four of air from gaian tarot, 7 of cups, two of wands
The Four of Air suggests that they find a sense of calm and peace in each other's presence , The Seven of Cups indicates that they might see each other with a sense of curiosity and wonder, and there's Some possibilities of them working together in the future. Lastly, the Two of Wands shows that they recognize potential in each other, seeing the other as someone who could be a good collaborator or partner in future projects basically the same things , they want to work together one day on something . they have a mix of calm, nice , someone that they can see themselves working with someday and a lott potential when it comes to how they see each other.
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810nd1 · 8 months
hihi can u do the update 4 jaemin if the reading was for right now or future
Part two of Jaemin’s quick love reading
Somehow it’s both?
Kind of like it was something that is going to happen in the future but it has started. It’s like a domino. I think I read his future but some parts of the reading that will lead to the future have already happened. I’m having trouble explaining this one. I have a feeling this could be his next partner tho. I sense a lot of heartbreak in his past that had to happen in order for him to meet her. Than he will be very pessimistic and scared of the future (as of now) but then somethings going to happen (or already did) that will be like a lightning strike. Love from the first sight? But he will deny it an try to stay in control of his feelings because he is now sacred of unknown.
And again as I’m looking at the cards I feel love and relief and I’m kind of touched to the point where I want to cry
I’m just sure he is going to be with someone amazing, this is some soulmate stuff going on
And I’m sorry for not showing you my tarot cards but I’ll list them:
10 of swords rev, the tower rev, light of wands, ace of cups, 2 of wands rev, the emperor
Additional note done on 27.10.2033 after doing the part 3
Looks like Jaemin is in a strong soulmate connection (even twin flame) that’s why I couldn’t see the timing of the reading. Twin flame connection can take years to unfold, that’s why I sensed heart break in his past that is important for their relationship. Most likely he has already met her and they split apart, which would mean the part one of the reading is his future with her
I asked if he was dating someone at this moment
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And the answer is no. He is focused on self healing, releasing toxic patterns he learnt as a child. He could even be spoiling himself with the 6 of pentacles to make himself feel better about some past heartbreak.
This is a typical stage of a twin flame relationship. No I can finally tell how he is doing right now
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theninthdoor · 1 year
For #tarotquickquestions:
Can I request a reading on nct dream? Like what solo opportunities the members would want to do? 😁 (Btw, welcome back!)
thank you! ♡♡ enjoy your reading!
Mark || the devil, five of swords: My guy just wants to write some diss tracks… lol. He wants to let it all out; curse all he wishes; fight back at haters and people that piss him off. So, yeah, a mixtape is at the top of his wishlist, for sure.
Renjun || king of wands, seven of pentacles: I see him wanting to make a solid solo debut - one that sets him off for a long lasting solo career. Maybe write his own lyrics and compose, too.
Jeno || two of wands, ace of cups (seven of swords): Collaborating with korean artists that he admires. Acting, possibly; something along the lines of Vincenzo, I'd say. He might be very interested in that right now.
Haechan || ace of wands, three of pentacles: I think Haechan would like debut in a new unit with other NCT members - not sure what that would be about, tho. But, primarily: producing, writing, composing. He really wants to learn more about that whole side of things, and… create! He wants to make music, not just sing and dance to the music others make.
Jaemin || the emperor, six of swords (nine of swords): Something very official; philanthropic activities. Become an ambassador of some kind; discuss serious life matters with the public; use his platform to raise awareness for something important.
Chenle || the world, six of pentacles: Variety shows; international shows. Collaborating with a western artist, perhaps. He just wants to explore more of the world and of the industry, so whatever opportunity comes to him, he's fine with it.
Jisung || seven of wands, ace of cups (nine of cups): Participate in a dance competition show; Street Man Fighter or Hit the Stage type of thing; become a judge on a survival show.
(Disclaimer: all readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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k-tarotz · 6 months
Can you do jaemin personality thank u
2 of cups, 7 of pentacles, king of swords
alright so jaemin seems to be more closed off energy wise than jisung so i cannot write as much on him but! he is someone that’s a very hardworking person so that’s something he could personally value a lot. i feel like he especially puts this energy into relationships as he has a desire to feel needed, wanted and loved. he is a very emotional person, a hopeless romantic which might not show at times because he prefers to think with his head but romance and commitment is something he values a lot. he might have a tendency to flirt a lot in a playful way (if i am incorrect with this correct me fr) but despite that he thinks loyalty is something that’s very important in relationships whether it’s a romantic or platonic relationship. he might also come off as stern and cold at times but that is because he is a rational person. even though he likes to act silly and playful he is someone that’s very disciplined and serious about his values wether people agree with it or not.
- Candy
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infinitydivine · 8 months
hihi can you do a love reading for nct jaemin
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He is in love right now, maybe it is a new person or a new relationship. It is a fast-paced relationship and is going very fast for his sanity.
Maybe he met someone and just clicked immediately. He needs to undergo a transformation and changes right now or is already going under one. He feels optimistic about this relationship, just wondering how far it will go this time.
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