#jahayla’s fall celebration
jahayla-parker · 2 years
🍎 #20 with Tom Holland please. I'd love to see it! ❤️
Ghosted: Tom Holland x Reader ~
Description: 930wc of Tom and his girlfriend y/n go trick or treating even though they’re not little kids anymore.
Warnings: curse words otherwise fluff
A bit short but hope you like it!
Fall prompts found here are still open.
This prompt is from @matkachai
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“Stop how are you so cute?” Y/n gushes, sighing as she stares at her insane boyfriend as he lets the white sheet face mask sloppily lay over his face.
He beams brightly, winking at her, “gotta do what it takes to keep you attracted”.
Y/n laughs and shakes her head, “I’m always attracted to you idiot “.
Tom blushes so bright it shows through the thin white layer of his face mask.
“You’re not going to do one?” He asks, laying in her lap.
“Are you saying I need one?“ she smirks.
“No!” He panics, “course not, just wanting to share my collection”
She giggles and plays with his hair as he lays the back of his head on her stomach.
“Are face masks the adult equivalent to candy on Halloween?” She laughs, smoothing his eyebrows softly.
Tom pouts under his mask, “we can still get candy”.
She rolls her eyes, “I’m not denying you candy Tom, relax. I meant instead of trick or treating”.
Tom tilts his chin up to look back at her, clearly deep in thought.
“I’m not saying it’s not fun and relaxing T, promise” she giggles, tapping his nose through the mask, “I’m more than content with you like this”.
“Is it fun?” He asks, his neck still twisted.
Y/n laughs and guides his body upwards so he doesn’t hurt his neck trying to look at her, “is what fun?”.
“Trick of treating” he says curiously.
“You’ve never been?” She gasps, staring at him in shock.
He shakes his head, “we don’t really do it that much in the UK, it’s more of an American thing”.
She pouts, “awe I’m sorry Tommy”.
Y/n kisses his hand since his face is covered in a cold sheet mask, “tell you what, let’s relax tonight and next year I’ll get our friends to set aside a bowl of candy just for you to trick of treat a bit Hmm?”
Tom blushes but nods appreciatively, a smile showing under the mask.
“Why don’t you get more cozy, I’m going to go grab some candy and the pizza, then we’ll start the movie” she offers, squeezing his hand.
When y/n returns to their living room, she grins at her boyfriend who is wrapped in a fluffy white blanket, his sheet face mask still on.
“Love? Did you want to do Ha-… what?” Tom asks, tilting his head to the side making his face mask slip off.
Y/n laughs, bending down and kisses his nose, “you’re just precious Tom. And you being wrapped in a white blanket with your face mask on may have given me an idea”.
“For what?” He asks, pulling her to his lap.
“Trick or treating, costumes specifically” she mumbles, biting her lip as she thinks.
“A year in advance?” He laughs, shaking his head and wrapping his blanket around her.
“No, for today” she grins, facing him, “we’re going out tonight”.
“What? Love, we are far too old for that” Tom sighs, appreciating her offer but knowing it would not go well.
She shrugs, “that’s one of the best parts, they won’t know”.
Tom raises an eyebrow at her, “come again?”.
Tom laughed as he looked at himself and y/n in the mirror.
They were both in white sheets, holes made for their eyes, and y/n had found some bags for them to use as buckets for candy.
“See!” She grinned proudly, “they won’t know our age, and they won’t know who we are. We can just be two random people tonight, and trick or treat”.
Tom smiled and lifted both their sheets up so he could kiss y/n.
She smiled and as he lowered their sheets back, she pulled him for a hug, “you’re getting your trick or treating experience handsome”.
Tom nodded his head excitedly, squeezing her hand.
“Trick or treat” Tom said holding out his bag to the elderly woman who answered the door he was at. Y/n was off to the side of the steps, recording his first experience of trick or treating.
The elderly woman smiled widely at him, “ooh a ghost, I like it”.
Tom thanked her as she placed a handful of candy into his bag.
Y/n smiled to herself, sending the video to his mom Nikki.
“Having fun?” She asked as he rejoined her.
He nodded, “thank you love”.
Y/n watched as Tom gleefully sorted his candy collection on their coffee table.
“Are you okay with me posting the selfie we took?” Y/n asked him.
Tom looked up and smiled as he nodded, “of course love”.
She blew him a kiss as she posted then photo of their spontaneous costumes with the caption “We were ghosted this Halloween 👻 “.
When she finished posting, she looked up and saw Tom smiling at her.
“What is is Tommy?” She asked, reaching over and squeezing his cheeks.
“Thank you for indulging me love” he grinned.
“Always, as long as this is the only way in which I’ll be ghosted by you” she teases.
Tom laughs and shakes his head, “I could never ghost you my darling”.
She smiles and walks around the table to sit next to him, “how much did you get?”
“So much!” He said proudly, removing his costume from his head as he opened a piece of candy to eat.
“Cause you’re too damn attractive” she winked, grabbing a piece.
“I was covered head to toe” Tom smirks, pulling her to his side.
“Still, you’re the hottest ghost” she laughed.
Tom blushed and grinned down at her, “bloody hell, I love you. I could never leave you ghosted”.
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Tom Holland Navigation/Masterlist (TH & character works)
My Main Navigation/Masterlist (All my works)
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Tom Holland Tag List (to be added please comment here): @galaxyholland @bigbirdstwins @mcushvft @fishingirl12 @raajali3 @justapurrcat @natswifey @directioner5life @ell0ra-br3kk3r
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78 notes · View notes
jahayla-parker · 2 years
🍎- #10 with Harry Holland maybe?? the concept is too cute 🥺
Hi live, so when this was sent awhile ago it was after I closed the requests but I was still going to do it, but I went to the concept post and the original tumblr user took the post down so I cannot see what #10 was for that post 💔😩 sorry
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