#jai mahtani
jaimahtanikenya · 4 years
Jai Ashok Mahtani, kenya- what is yoga and what are its types?
Jai Ashok mahtani, kenya said “Basically in the custom, when we append “Yoga” to anything, it demonstrates that it is a finished way without help from anyone else.” We state hatha Yoga, yet we won’t state asana Yoga. “Yoga” basically signifies, “what carries you to the real world”.   In a real sense, it signifies “association.” Union methods carry you to a definitive reality, where singular appearances of life are surface air pockets during the time spent creation. At this moment, a coconut tree and a mango tree have sprung up from a similar earth. From a similar earth, the human body thus numerous animals have sprung up. It is in no way different earth. Yoga intends to move towards an experiential reality where one knows a definitive nature of the presence, the manner in which it is made. 
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Yoga alludes to association not as a thought, a way of thinking or as an idea that you assimilate. As a scholarly thought, on the off chance that you vouch by the ordinariness of the universe, it might make you well known in a casual get-together, it might give you a specific societal position, yet it doesn’t fill some other need. You will see, when things boil down to even cash – it doesn’t need to reduce to life and demise – in any event, for cash, “This is me, that is you.” The limit is clear; there is no doubt of you and me being one.It really makes harm to the individual in the event that you mentally observe everything is one. Individuals do a wide range of senseless things since they got this thought that everyone is one, preceding someone shows them a decent exercise and afterward they see, “This is me, that is you. No real way to be one.”
On the off chance that it turns into an experiential reality, it won’t deliver any youthful activity. It will deliver a huge encounter of life. Independence is a thought. All inclusiveness isn’t a thought, it is a reality. As such, Yoga implies you cover every one of your thoughts. Yoga is a gathering of physical, mental, and profound practices or teachings which began in old India. Yoga is one of the six Āstika schools of Indian philosophical customs. There is an expansive assortment of yoga schools, practices, and objectives in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.
Types of yoga
There are six types of yoga such as Hatha yoga, Raja yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Tantra Yoga, Jnana Yoga.
Hatha Yoga: This is the physical and mental branch intended to take action and psyche.
Raja Yoga: This branch includes reflection and exacting adherence to a progression of disciplinary advances known as the “eight appendages” of yoga.
Karma Yoga: This is a way of administration that expects to make a future liberated from antagonism and childishness.
Bhakti Yoga: This expects to set up a way of dedication, a positive method to channel feelings and develop acknowledgment and resistance.
Tantra Yoga: This part of yoga is about astuteness, the way of the researcher, and building up the acumen through examination.
Jnana Yoga: This is the pathway of custom, service, or culmination of a relationship.
Benefits of yoga jai ashok mahtani, Kenya
increased flexibility
increased muscle strength and tone
improved respiration, energy and vitality
maintaining a balanced metabolism
weight reduction
cardio and circulatory health
improved athletic performance
protection from injury
Jai Ashok Mahtani lives in kenya. His Yoga centre is located at Nairobi, kenya. The main mission of his “To spread peace, health and joy through yoga. All are welcome to come to our centres to learn not only about how yoga can help maintain a healthy body but also how yogic philosophy, applied in daily life, can help maintain a peaceful mind and spirit.”
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jaiashokmahtani · 4 years
Jai ashok Mahtani | World’s best Surf Destinations
I’m Jai Ashok Mahtani, South Africa. Here I’m sharing with you my most favourite “10 Best Surf Spots in the World”.  Surfing for me is a way to be free. These ten spots are literally Adventurous, once in a life at least visit one of them. Surfing is addictive, once you start you can't stop.
My Best Ten surf spots in the world -
Ulu watu, Bali
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Uluwatu is a spot on the south-western tip of the Bukit Peninsula of Bali, Indonesia. Uluwatu was "found" as a surfing spot in 1972 and is known for its clifftop sees and being home to a portion of Bali's best sea shores. In Uluwatu, you have an interesting blend of laid-back riding vibes. Uluwatu sanctuary is determined to the edge of precipices, disregarding the energetic blue water smashing against the stones beneath. You can follow the clifftop way to investigate somewhat further. Uluwatu is home to the most delightful sea shores in Bali. The perspectives from here are staggering, and in the event that you circumvent nightfall, you can watch the Kecak fire move here as well.
Playa grande, Costa rica
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Playa Grande, otherwise called Salinas, is a beach network on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica only north of Tamarindo.Playa Grande is frequently visited for its amazing riding conditions along the important beach, which has since quite a while ago pulled in surfers from over the globe. Playa Grande's waves are available to surfers of all aptitude levels - anybody from a first-time surfer to an ace can hit the waves here. The surf breaks are predictable and moderate, and this beach is significantly less swarmed than neighboring Tamarindo. It is best for fledglings to surf during the lower tides when there are less surfers and the waves are a lot littler.
Bundoran, Ireland
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Bundoran (Irish: Bun Dobhráin) is a town in County Donegal, Ireland. Surfing has gotten inseparable from Bundoran in the past number of years. Its developing prominence has assisted with stretching out the ordinary Easter to September Christmas season to throughout the entire year as surfers travel from everywhere the nation and everywhere on over the world to encounter the differing characteristic enhancements that Ireland's Premier Seaside Resort has to bring to the table. Any weekend at whatever month, be it the center of summer or the dead of winter, you'll for the most part discover some place to go surfing in Bundoran or its encompasses with incalculable sea shore and reef breaks to be found in closeness.
Jeffreys Bay, South Africa
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Jeffreys Bay is a town situated in the Eastern Cape territory of South Africa. This is where legends are conceived, waves are destroyed, and consciences helped or wounded. A spot that draws the absolute best surfers from around the globe consistently, a spot to be free, an epic spot to discover your spirit. it truly is as simple as snatching your board and going, as just about each sea shore in J-Bay offers reasonable epic surfing conditions. The celebrated Supertubes cooks in the winter months when waves can reach up to 12 feet and getting tubed is the situation. Boneyards, directly close to Super, is likewise a famous spot and known for its close to consummate break. Further down the seashore, Point offers ideal conditions for less experienced surfers with little, incredible waves that guarantee a more drawn out ride. Kitchen Windows close to Main Beach is a smooth reef break that is around mid-tide at its best yet can get undesirable when the breeze gets.
Huntington Beach, CA
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Huntington Beach is an ocean side city in Orange County in Southern California. It gets any swell on offer and can regularly have a wave regardless of whether different spots along the coast are flat.The best an ideal opportunity to surf is in winter when greater swells are on offer and the mid year swarm are done surfing. This extended length of beach delivers some exemplary empty waves when the conditions are correct. This surf spot is a delicate and moderate wave a large portion of the year. You can longboard on the latter days however it gets sufficiently quick to short board on a lower tide, especially with a swell combo. In the winter we get NW grows that change the wave from being delicate to really holding some size and being hefty. When there is swell and when there isn't swell the bluffs have a decent group on them. The vast majority of local people will ride it regularly and there are a great deal of new novice surfers trying too.
Bondi Beach, Sydney
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Bondi Beach is a mainstream beach and the name of the encompassing suburb in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Bondi Beach is one of the most well known surf beaches in Australia. Regardless of whether you're figuring out how to surf or experience you can look at our manual for surfing at Bondi. Discover the best season to spot whales at Bondi Beach and the best vantage focuses to get a nearby view. The climate, bars, food, nearness, and beach all have their influence.
San Clemente, CA
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San Clemente is a city in Orange County, California. It's known for San Onofre and San Clemente state sea shores, with their surf breaks and sandstone feigns. San Clemente structures one of the most reliable, and wave-rich zones in Southern California. Moreover, its topography implies that it is presented to both winter northwest swells and late spring souths, and is similarly open to both. T-Street, known for its steady surf and the ability it produces, is the riding core of the town, and has played something other than a passing function throughout the entire existence of the game. At that point obviously there is Trestles (host to North America's just ASP World Tour occasion), Church, and San Onofre, which in spite of in fact existing inside San Diego County, makes up the most notorious aspect of the San Clemente surf scene.
Taghazout, Morocco
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Taghazout is a fishing town on Morocco's Atlantic coast, north of the city of Agadir. It's known for its surf sea shores. Executioner Point is a ground-breaking point break. Taghazout surf spots are a blend of value reefs, sea shore breaks, and focuses, and the smooth strip of landing area that embraces the high precipice tops guarantees simple access everything except the most isolated of peaks.This territory of Morocco appreciates a warm atmosphere and consistent presentation to the incomparable North Atlantic swells makes it an appealing objective for surfers all things considered. While the north of the nation has a considerable amount of waves, most going surfers decide to make a beeline for the central hub of Moroccan surfing, a little fishing town a couple of miles north of Agadir called Taghazout. Here, African culture impacts fast with a flourishing surf scene, making a dynamic objective for surfers hoping to investigate an energizing nation and find new waves.
Teahupo'o, Tahiti
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Teahupoʻo is a town on the southwestern shore of the island of Tahiti, French Polynesia, in the southern Pacific Ocean. It is known for the surf break and substantial, smooth waves seaward. Teahupo'o is a reef break. The swells principally break left, yet the external reef likewise makes right breaks that surfers must be mindful of when rowing out. Teahupo'o is additionally famous for the steady number of barrels it conveys. It is a compensating area and is broadly viewed as being on the 'must-surf' rundown of each eager surfer. Be that as it may, just experienced surfers in top state of being should endeavor Teahupo'o; hefty waves joined with a shallow shoreline can bring about genuine wounds and even passing in a crash.
Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka
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Arugam Bay, referred to locally as "Arugam Kudah", is a bay arranged on the Indian Ocean in the dry zone of Sri Lanka's southeast coast, and a noteworthy settlement of the antiquated Batticaloa Territory. Most guests to Arugam Bay either love it, or disdain it. It's not every tea, however one thing is for sure: it is a fabulous spot to put in a couple of days riding your minds out with ceaseless right-handers. I've been two or multiple times, and I would actually possibly prescribe the long excursion to Arugam Bay on the off chance that you are quick to surf, are visiting during the east coast top season or it's not your first ideal opportunity to Sri Lanka.
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jaiashokmahtani19 · 4 years
Dr. Jai Ashok Mahtani, Nigeria- Teeth Whitening
Dr. Jai Ashok Mahtani, Nigeria- As a rule, the common shade of teeth is inside a scope of light grayish-yellow shades. Teeth normally obscure with age and their appearance can be influenced by the gathering of surface stains obtained from the utilization of tobacco items and the utilization of specific nourishments or beverages.
Visit: https://jaiashokmahtani19.wixsite.com/jaiashokmahtani19/post/dr-jai-ashok-mahtani-nigeria-teeth-whitening
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Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/jaiashokmahtani19
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jaiashokmahtani1 · 4 years
Jai Ashok Mahtani, USA- 5 Songs To Learn On Your First Acoustic Guitar
Wordpress: https://jaiashokmahtani1.wordpress.com/
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Blogger: https://jaiashokmahtani1.blogspot.com/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/jaiashokmahtani/comments/jemlpw/jai_ashok_mahtani_usa_5_songs_to_learn_on_your/
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avandelay20 · 3 years
“...Like all such revolutions, however, this one, too, has produced its haters. Well-known economists such as Nouriel Roubini continue to predict Bitcoin’s demise. Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio has warned that, just as the U.S. government prohibited the private ownership of gold by executive order in April 1933, so the same fate could befall Bitcoin. Perhaps most ominously, the central bankers of the western world remain sniffy. A new line of attack (highly appealing to monetary officials eager to affirm their greenness) is that the electricity consumed by Bitcoin miners makes crypto dirty money.
So you can see why Ray Dalio might expect the U.S. government at some point to outlaw Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency. The last administration occasionally muttered threats. “Cryptocurrency … provides bad actors and rogue nation states with the means to earn profits,” stated the report of Attorney General William Barr’s Cyber-Digital Task Force last year. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin considered forcing U.S. exchanges to gather more information about individuals withdrawing their Bitcoin. Pro-Bitcoin politicians, such as Miami mayor Francis Suarez, are still in a minority.
Abroad, too, there are plenty of examples of governments moving to limit cryptocurrencies or ban them altogether. 
“We must do everything possible to make sure the currency monopoly remains in the hands of states,” 
declared German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz at a G-7 finance ministers meeting in December. The European Commission shows every sign of regulating the fledgling sector with its customary zeal. In particular, the European Central Bank has stablecoins (crypto tokens pegged to fiat currencies) in its sights. China is even more stringent. In 2017, the Chinese Communist Party restricted the ability of its citizens to buy Bitcoin, though Bitcoin mining continues to thrive close to sources of cheap hydroelectricity like the Three Gorges Dam.
The US dollar dominates the Chinese renminbi in foreign exchange markets, central bank reserves, trade finance and bank-to-bank payments through SWIFT... and the Chinese are creatively exploring ways to change that. 
Exhibit A is the Finance Gateway Information Service, a joint venture between SWIFT and the China National Clearing Center within the PBOC, which aims to direct all cross-border yuan payments through China’s own settlement system, Cross-Border Interbank Payment and Clearing. 
Exhibit B is the Multiple CBDC (mCBDC) Bridge project by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and the Bank of Thailand to implement a cross-border payments system based on distributed ledgers, again using a two-tier system. 
Exhibit C are the cross-border transfers between Hong Kong and Shenzhen currently being piloted. According to Sahil Mahtani of the South African investment manager Ninety One, 
the ultimate goal of Chinese policy is “to create a parallel pay­ments network — one beyond American oversight — thereby crippling U.S. sanctions policy.”
And the Fed? According to Chair Jay Powell, some of his officials are working with economists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to explore the feasibility of a U.S. CBDC. But, says Powell, “there is no need to rush.” Like his “What me, worry?” approach to inflation, this smacks of insouciance. 
China is seeking in plain sight to build an alternative international payments system to that of the U.S. dollar, and there’s no need to rush to meet this challenge? 
Nor any thought of actively integrating Bitcoin — a tried and tested decentralized form of “digital gold” — into the U.S. financial system, rather than treating it as a rather suspect parvenu?
Where Bitcoin ends up in all this remains to be seen, but China is not going to just “wait and see”.
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anjuumkhanna19 · 4 years
Anjuum Khanna - 5 Mental and Physical Fitness Tips
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Anjuum Khanna-Fitness in the physical sense, as well as the mental sense, matters a lot. That’s what most people fail to understand. A fit body consists of both mental fitness in addition to physical fitness. It is of absolute importance that we shape ourselves in such a way that our minds, as well as our bodies, remain fit.
But even with raising awareness about mental health as well as physical health, most people don’t have even the most basic ideas on how to keep their overall health in check. So in today’s Jai Ashok Mahtani blog, we are going to go over some simple tips and tricks that are easy to implement in daily lives. 
Take note that not all of them have to be undertaken for a completely fit and healthy body (mind and muscles alike), to get good overall health you need to take care of your brain as well as your body. 2 to 3 practices for both can be more than enough in the long run.
What can be said about yoga that has not already been said. Yoga is a wonderful exercise for your body and your mind. Yoga sessions early in the morning have proven to be extremely beneficial as they increase the stretchiness of the body and soothe the brain. It is a wonderful exercise that was developed in the country of India and continues to be one of the healthiest and most useful exercises of all time.
Many different yoga poses are designed for different purposes, so you can select those that suit you the best. You can check out different poses for different body parts linked down below.
Different Yoga Poses.
A close relative of Yoga is meditation. A meditation session can last from 20 minutes to 40 minutes to an hour depending on the person. A meditation session can calm your mind from any situation, hence it is recommended to meditate every morning and before sleeping. Though again it is all up to the scrutiny of the person meditating. You can meditate whenever you feel like.
Many people disregard sleep in their routine which is a very destructive thing to do. A proper 8 hours of sleep is needed to have a fully functioning brain and body. A sleep deficit can lead to a plethora of problems both physical as well as mental. So make sure to get the recommended amount of sleep that is 8 hours.
Jogging is a great way to increase blood flow in our bodies. It is a fairly easy cardiovascular exercise and helps with warming up your entire body. Jogging can be done according to your body. There is no need to jog a marathon every day; you can run whatever distance without sprinting as long as you are exercising daily. 
Daily runs can tone the body, provide blood rush to your brain, and extend your lives greatly. So pick out a time in the morning to go for a run, and feel the changes happening as time goes on!
Have Some Alone Time
With the fast pace of today, most of the time people seem to flow away with their work. It is very easy to neglect everything and focus on official productivity, and that is one of the leading causes of exponential mental health problems. 
Have a time slot in the day that is allotted for you to collect your thoughts, focus on more aspects of your life, and have a balanced approach to how you do things. Increased pressure causes anxiety and a variety of mental health problems, so having a dedicated time to allow your brain to completely rest is a major requirement in the modern generation.
Who is Anjuum Khanna?
Anjuum khanna is a fitness professional with a Masters in Exercise Science from University of Richmond. He gives fitness coaching to youngsters. He has a Fitness Coaching Institute in India. He has 12+ years of experience in Professional Trainer.
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jaiashokmahtani · 4 years
Jai Ashok Mahtani | Surfboard Types and Uses
Jai Ashok Mahtani, South Africa- Surfboards literally come in all shapes and sizes. There are many different categories of surfboards and if you want to you can break them up into as many different categories as genres of heavy metal. However, there are five main types of surfboards: Shortboard, Fish, Funboard, Longboard, Gun and Tow. Continue reading below to learn more about the different surfboard types and uses.
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The exemplary portrayal of a shortboard is an engine (three blade) around 6 feet with a pointy nose. In any case, a shortboard can have any balance arrangement despite everything being viewed as a shortboard. The cutting edge of riding innovation and specialized surfing is done on a shortboard. Most shortboards are not ideal for fledglings as they compromise strength and oar speed for mobility. So as to get waves with this kind of a board you should be a solid paddler, have comprehension of where to take off on a wave just as having the option to siphon for speed to not lose the wave. A shortboard works best in bigger waves that are midsection high to twofold overhead. On the off chance that you are a finished novice surfer, help yourself out and don't begin on one of these. It will spare you a ton of disappointment.
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The commendable depiction of a shortboard is a motor (three sharp edge) around 6 feet with a pointy nose. Regardless, a shortboard can have any equalization game plan in spite of everything being seen as a shortboard. The forefront of riding development and particular surfing is done on a shortboard. Most shortboards are not ideal for youngsters as they bargain quality and paddle speed for portability. In order to get waves with this sort of a board you ought to be a strong paddler, have perception of where to take off on a wave similarly as having the choice to guide for speed to not lose the wave. A shortboard works best in greater waves that are waist high to twofold overhead. If you are a completed amateur surfer, help yourself out and don't start on one of these. It will save you a huge amount of dissatisfaction.
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Funboards are surfboards that are somewhere in the range of 7 and 8 feet in length that have a wide nose, loosened up rocker and foil, and are intended for simplicity of riding in a wide scope of conditions. They are ordinarily known as eggs or mid lengths. A funboard can have any blade arrangement also, however they work best when they are worked with a balance arrangement and tail that you would see on a shortboard. Since these sheets have additional dependability and work in various waves they are useful for fledglings, however an all around planned one can function admirably as a one-board tremble for a professional rider also. Contingent upon rocker and blade setup, a Funboard can work in waves from knee high to well overhead.
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A longboard is a surfboard that is 8 feet and more and is intended for extreme soundness. This board ought to have a wide nose, a great deal of volume, and ought to be a solitary blade or 2+1. Longboards are the first surfboards in the riding scene, yet have not gotten away from development throughout the long term. There are longboards that are intended for elite longboarding just as the more customary nose riding and cruising. A solitary balance requires less rider input (more float) while a 2+1 arrangement gives you more hold with the cost of some coast. At the point when the waves are minuscule nothing fills in just as a longboard. Longboards are the ideal surfboard type for amateurs to learn on, yet they are hard to ride in normal beachbreak conditions. Longboards are best in lower leg high to waves that are simply overhead.
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Not for the frail of heart or incompetent, a Gun is a specific surfboard intended for genuine, outrageous waves. The deliberate measurements on a Gun can be a lot equivalent to a longboard (in spite of the fact that they can be as short as in the 7ft territory too) however nobody could ever confuse a firearm with a longboard. A Gun will have a pointy nose and a pointy tail and can have any sort of balance arrangement. These are the most specific surfboards there are on the grounds that they are intended for rushes of outcome where the rider's life is actually at serious risk. Guns are for waves twofold overhead and up.
Tow Board
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With the coming of stream ski-helped huge wave riding, there was a requirement for short, tight and low region sheets. The tow-in model was presented in the mid 1990s by Dick Brewer and first tried by Laird Hamilton. Tow-in sheets are outfitted with a little quad or engine balance arrangement, foot lashes, and are heavier than standard surfboards. Generally, tow sheets include pin or swallow tails, and range somewhere in the range of 6' and 6'6''.
Jai Ashok mahtani is a professional surfer. He has 15+ experience in surfing. He has his own coaching institute in South Africa. He believes “Surfing is life, the rest is details”. He is the most successful pro surfer of all time.
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jaiashokmahtani19 · 4 years
Dr.Jai Ashok mahtani, Nigeria- Root Canal Treatment
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Jai Ashok Mahtani, Nigeria- Root canal treatment (endodontics) is a dental procedure used to treat infection at the centre of a tooth. Root canal treatment is not painful and can save a tooth that might otherwise have to be removed completely.
Why it's needed
The infection at the centre of a tooth (the root canal) is caused by bacteria that live in the mouth and invade the tooth.
This can happen after:
tooth decay
leaky fillings
damage to teeth as a result of trauma, such as a fall
Tooth structure 
A tooth is made up of 2 parts. The crown is the top part of the tooth that's visible in the mouth.
The root extends into the bone of the jaw, anchoring the tooth in position.
Teeth also consist of:
enamel – the hard outer coating
dentine – a softer material that supports the enamel and forms most of the tooth 
cementum – a hard material that coats the root's surface
dental pulp – the soft tissue at the centre of the tooth
The root canal system contains the dental pulp and extends from the crown of the tooth to the end of the root.
A single tooth can have more than 1 root canal.
When root canal treatment is needed
Root canal treatment is only required when dental X-rays show that the pulp has been damaged by a bacterial infection.
The pulp will begin to die if it's infected by bacteria, allowing the bacteria to then multiply and spread.
The symptoms of a pulp infection include:
pain when eating or drinking hot or cold food and drink
pain when biting or chewing
a loose tooth
As the infection progresses, these symptoms often disappear as the pulp dies.
Your tooth then appears to have healed, but the infection has in fact spread through the root canal system.
You eventually get further symptoms such as:
pain when biting or chewing returning
swelling of the gum near the affected tooth
pus oozing from the affected tooth
facial swelling
the tooth becoming a darker colour
It's important to see your dentist if you develop toothache. If your tooth is infected, the pulp cannot heal by itself.
Leaving the infected tooth in your mouth may make it worse.
There may also be less chance of the root canal treatment working if the infection within your tooth becomes established.
Antibiotics, a medicine to treat bacterial infections, are not effective in treating root canal infections.
How root canal treatment is done
To treat the infection in the root canal, the bacteria need to be removed.
This can be done by either:
removing the bacteria from the root canal system (root canal treatment)
removing the tooth (extraction)
But removing the tooth is not usually recommended as it's better to keep as many of your natural teeth as possible.
After the bacteria have been removed, the root canal is filled and the tooth sealed with a filling or crown.
In most cases the inflamed tissue near the tooth will heal naturally.
Before having root canal treatment, you'll usually be given a local anaesthetic.
This means the procedure should be painless and no more unpleasant than having a filling.
Root canal treatment is usually successful. In about 9 out of 10 cases a tooth can survive for up to 10 years after root canal treatment.
Find out how root canal treatment is done
Recovering from root canal treatment
It's important to look after your teeth when recovering from root canal treatment.
You should avoid biting on hard foods until your treatment is complete.
After your final treatment, your restored tooth should no longer be painful, although it may feel sensitive for a few days.
You can take over-the-counter painkillers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, to relieve any discomfort.
Return to your dentist if you still have pain or swelling after using painkillers.
In most cases it's possible to prevent the need for further root canal treatment by:
keeping your teeth clean 
not eating too much sugary food
giving up smoking if you smoke
About Jai Ashok Mahtani, Nigeria
Jai Ashok Mahtani is a Dentist having 25 years of experience in dentistry. His Company develops and manufactures dental solutions focusing on the field of implants and prosthetics. It offers implant systems and prosthetic parts, implant surfaces, surgical instrumentation, and overdenture attachments systems. His Company is present in Nigeria.
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jaiashokmahtani · 4 years
This Is The Real Surf Culture
I’m Jai Ashok Mahtani from South Africa. Many sportsmen can argue that their sport is not just a game, but a way of life. The said statement sounds fancy but is often more hollow and airy than the balls used in their games. When it comes to surfing, however, it’s a completely different story. How you may ask? Well, there are a lot of aspects when it comes to differentiating between surfing and other sports, but let us indulge in some of the major ones that are responsible for constituting the very essence of life in surfing. 
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“This is the real surf culture” for me!!!
What Is Surf Culture?
Surf Culture has a completely different meaning than the one you might be thinking of. The depiction that is shown in pop culture and Hollywood is the polar opposite of what surf culture means. Surfing is a way of living life peacefully with your surroundings, be it human beings or animals or plants. It is the ultimate mantra of life that is channeled through a sport. Surfing can mean anything to anyone, but in its essence, surfing is a device developed by natives from the pacific islands for humans to live in concordance with nature and with themselves.
The History Behind Surfing
Every great game has an equally great story behind it, and such is the case with surfing as well. It was first recorded in 1778 by none other than the mythical English explorer: James Cook. His diary initially served as a testimonial to surfing being a game for savages. Little did James Cook know that nearly a hundred years later, his noble countrymen Mark Twain and Jack London would forever cement surfing into the history of the world through their works.
Literature had got surfing’s waves rolling, but it was a polar opposite event that popularised the sport in the country that spewed to the world its greatest surfer, Robert Kelly Slater. When the United States Of America captured the pacific islands, surfing was quickly picked up by American tourists as the US government was vigorously encouraging American citizens to visit Hawaii. 
The sport of surfing grew exponentially on all coasts of the USA, and surf culture was ‘officially’ welcomed to America and subsequently in the entire world, through the form of Beach Cinema.
Pop Culture
When beach movies like ‘Blue Hawaii’ with bigshots like Elvis Presely started popping up on the big screen, surfing culture was amended to suit the needs of consumerist America. Various movies and TV shows deviated significantly from true surf culture, so much to the point that surfing was considered as one of the ‘sexiest sports’ in America.
Such a telephonic rise resulted in Bikini surf shops, sexualized surf classes, and many more instances proving that in today’s overtly capitalistic world, traditional practices are severely mended to meet the consumer’s needs. Many natives of Hawaii didn’t consider American surf culture as the real surf culture and often regarded it as a form of disrespect to their home-grown sport.
Since the surf culture that we are familiar with due to the massive bombardment of ‘bikini surfing’ in movies is not the real surf culture, then what exactly did surfing represent?
Surfing And Religion
It comes as no surprise that a sport that is considered a way of life by many of its players has played a part in religion. The first and foremost connection between surfing and religion is water.
Water is the first offering that is given to any god in any culture. Water is where the divine resided when nothing was created. In Genesis, God is described to be hovering over water bodies. Muslims practice wudu. Baptism is something that every Christian baby has to undergo, and in Buddhism a clear bowl of water represents enlightenment. In Hawaii, raging waves are folklore for waves meant to be conquered by gods.
The connection of water, surfing, and religion can be attributed to some characteristics that are shown by all 3 of these things. Being immersed in water gives you a sense of calm, a vast sea is a sight of beauty, and water is the purest, smoothest, cleanest award of life there is. Water, surfing, and Religion. These 3 were interwoven since the quintessential legends of Hawaii and stories by Mark Twain were introduced to the world, but sadly their relationship has dwindled in popularity since pop culture boomed ‘sexy surfing’.
Surf Culture In The Modern World
Surfing is now arguably the most popular water sport in 2020 with over 20 million surfers worldwide. It is now recognized as an international sport with the World Surf League being the largest surfing association in the world. WSL also recognizes Hawaii as a separate surfing nation rather than it being a part of the United States of America, a necessary ode to the surfing hometown.
Although the surf culture is still recouping from the massive hit of representation it took from Hollywood, surf culture around the world is slowly returning to its roots. Instead of cheap snack and surf shops, traditional independent surfing shacks are popping that are run by people who want to honor the sport and not profit off of it. It would be safe to say that surfing is making a mark on people’s lives by not being just a game they play whenever a suitable wave arises, but by playing the quintessential role of balancing things out in our fast-paced lives. 
One reason why surfing is considered to be more than just a sport is because of its connection to water. As mentioned earlier, water is an important part of any religion, but in today’s growing atheist world water is not just about having faith. Experiencing water through surfing is a completely different sensation. Being provided with the calmness of water without its suffocation, allowing to build up composure, and being cut off from all earthly distractions makes surfing a suitable tool to help soothe the mind. 
Surfing is not about bikini babes and fast food, or about looking cool on waves, it is about living your life peacefully as it was intended to be.
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jaiashokmahtani · 4 years
I’m Jai Ashok Mahtani, South Africa. Here I’m sharing with you my most favourite “10 Best Surf Spots in the World”.  Surfing for me is a way to be free. These ten spots are literally Adventurous, once in a life at least visit one of them. Surfing is addictive, once you start you can't stop.
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jaiashokmahtani · 4 years
I’m Jai Ashok Mahtani, South Africa. Here I’m sharing with you my most favorite “10 Best Surf Spots in the World”.  Surfing for me is a way to be free. These ten spots are literally Adventurous, once in a life at least visit one of them. Surfing is addictive, once you start you can't stop.
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jaiashokmahtani · 4 years
World Surf League| Jai Ashok Mahtani
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I’m Jai Ashok Mahtani, South Africa. I’m sharing with you World surf championship leagues.
World Surf League or WSL was established in 1976 under the name of International Professional Surfing by Fred Hemmings and Randy Rarick. The headquarters of the WSL is in Santa Monica, California, and is the world’s largest international surfing association. 
There were many predecessors to the World Surf League (or International Professional Surfing as it was known before) but WSL is the only international surfing association as many of its competitors including the International Surfing Association(ISA), or previously known as the International Surfing Association(ISF), represents individual professional surfers and not surfers that represent any particular country.
WSL started hosting women’s surfing events as well in the year of 1999 and announced equal pay to male and female WSL event champions on September 5, 2018. This decision was carried out by the CEO Stephanie Goldschmidt to ‘raise’ the level of women’s surfing and was integrated into WSL’s 2019 schedule.
The current World Surf League’s champions are Brazil’s Italo Ferriera (Men) and Hawaiin Carrisa Moore (women).
The WSL Facebook page has over 6.8 million likes, more than the NHL (National Hockey League), and Major League Soccer. It is also reported that 28 million hours of WSL’s content was consumed online. This makes World Surf League the 3rd most-watched sports league online only after the National Football League (NFL) and the National Basketball Association (NBA).
Seeing such a tremendous rise in fans and participants alike, Facebook signed an exclusive rights deal with the WSL for 30 million USD for 2 years in January 2018. This meant that all events of the World Surf League were broadcasted live on Facebook and were free to watch by every profile. 
However, it is interesting to note that in a statement by CEO Stephanie Goldschmidt that the viewership of WSL has increased by a whopping 25% after canceling the exclusivity rights given to Facebook. The deal fell through as Facebook could run ads on WSL’s live streams but did not share any revenue nor did it allow WSL to display ads.
The latest season of the WSL (2020) was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but the WSL has not lost hope and aims to start the 2021 qualifying season in November 2020 for women in Maui, Hawaii, and December 2020 for men in Oahu, Hawaii. This will only be allowed  if all preparations match the state government’s guidelines and are deemed safe for participants. Safety protocols for international travel will be ensured says the WSL and that the 2021 Championship tour will end with the new ‘The WSL Finals,' a single-day World Title Event in September 2021 in which the top 5 men/women surfers will battle each other out individually for their respective titles in a surf-off amongst the world’s toughest waves.
Rules And Regulations 
All participants are judged on a ranking system of 0.1 to 10 accordingly:
0–1.9 = Poor
2.0–3.9 = Fair
4.0–5.9 = Average
6.0–7.9 = Good
8.0–10.0 = Excellent
These scores are divided into increments of 10 and the player's performance is then evaluated accordingly. 
The number of judges varies with the type and size of the event as follows:
QS 1,000 - QS 3,000 (lower level competition) Qualifying Series events are required to have a six judge panel with four judges on each heat.
A QS 4,000 - QS 6,000 (intermediate level competition) Qualifying Series event requires seven judges with five of those judges on each heat.
At QS 5,000 - QS 10,000 (top-level competition) Qualifying Series events there are only 3 judges allowed from any one region.
In case of a tie-breaker or errors, all events appoint an approved WSL judge to solve problems regarding any event that may change the course of the competition and its result.
Although the criterion for judging a surfer depends on the type of wave, event, and other constantly changing factors, it can be loosely defined into these 5 sections:
Commitment and degree of difficulty
Innovative and progressive maneuvers
Combination of major maneuvers
Variety of maneuvers
Speed, power, and flow
These points are not taken into account during longboarding competitions but are presented to the participants to get a uniform grip on the overall competition.
Right Of Way
As mentioned above there are no strict predefined rules for competitions. All of them vary according to the individual event and surfing conditions on that day. But all of them revolve around the single rule of Right Of Way. 
Right Of Way means that if a surfer has the inside position, i.e he/she is nearer to the breaking of a wave, then that particular surfer has a Right Of Way. Intersecting a surfer who has a Right Of Way leads to the call of interference and subsequent penalties. The Right Of Way is always considered even if the other surfer reaches the wave first. If a surfer has an inside position, he/she has the Right Of Way, and all other surfers if they intersect can be subjected to penalties.
Another rule that is uniform over the competition is a surfer having a set maximum number of waves he/she can catch in heat. If a surfer tries to catch or does catch more waves after they’ve reached their event threshold, they are penalized for interference as this hinders the ability of other participants to catch waves in heat. 
A surfer also cannot interfere with other participant’s maneuvering tactics and paddling. If they do they will again be penalized for interference. 
The interference penalties are called on by judges and are then voted on to be declared an actual penalty. A majority of judge votes are required for the surfer to be penalized. The scores of the penalized surfer are deducted according to the number of waves that are being judged:
Three or more waves are being considered- one wave score is dropped.
The top two waves are being considered- 50% of the second wave is dropped.
If a surfer has committed 2 interferences, then he/she will further be deducted 50% of his/her best wave score. If a surfer exceeds 2 interferences in heat then he/she is disqualified from the competition and asked to leave the event area. The surfer who was subjected to the interference is given another wave in the heat if it falls under the time frame. 
Check out more information and further updates on the official World Surf League website here.
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jaiashokmahtani · 4 years
Jai Ashok Mahtani, South Africa– Surfboards literally come in all shapes and sizes. There are many different categories of surfboards and if you want to you can break them up into as many different categories as genres of heavy metal. However, there are five main types of surfboards: Shortboard, Fish, Funboard, Longboard, Gun and Tow.
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jaimahtanikenya · 4 years
Jai Ashok Mahtani Kenya – Yoga asanas for Stress Relief
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jaimahtanikenya · 4 years
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Jai Ashok Mahtani Kenya - Yoga asanas for Stress Relief
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jaimahtanikenya · 4 years
Jai Ashok Mahtani Kenya - Yoga asanas for Stress Relief
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Jai Ashok Mahtani Kenya - Stress is an inclination of enthusiastic or actual pressure. It can emerge out of any occasion or imagined that causes you to feel baffled, irate, or apprehensive. Stress is your body's response to a test or interest. In short blasts, stress can be positive, for example, when it encourages you to stay away from risk or comply with a time constraint. Stress is a typical inclination. There are two principal sources of stress:
Acute Stress - This is short-term stress that disappears rapidly. You feel it when you slam on the brakes, have a battle with your close one, or ski down a lofty slant. It causes you to oversee risky circumstances. It likewise happens when you experiment or energize. All individuals have intense stress at some time.
Chronic Stress - This is the stress that goes on for a more drawn out timeframe. You may have ongoing Stress in the event that you have cash issues, a despondent marriage, or inconvenience at work. Any kind of stress that continues for quite a long time or months is persistent pressure. You can turn out to be so used to ongoing stress that you don't understand it is an issue. On the off chance that you don't discover approaches to oversee pressure, it might prompt medical issues
Stress and Your Body:
Your body responds to stress by delivering hormones. These hormones make your mind more alert, cause your muscles to tense, and expand your heartbeat. For the time being, these responses are acceptable in light of the fact that they can help you handle the circumstance causing stress. This is your body's method of ensuring itself. 
At the point when you have chronic stress, your body remains ready, despite the fact that there is no risk. Over the long run, this puts you in danger for medical issues, including:
High blood pressure
Heart disease
Depression or anxiety
Skin problems, such as acne or eczema
Menstrual problems
Diarrhea or constipation
Frequent aches and pains
Lack of energy or focus
Sexual problems
Stiff jaw or neck
Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
Upset stomach
Use of alcohol or drugs to relax
Weight loss or gain
According to research, 74 percent of women and 80 percent of men live under stress because of the overload of work and insufficient rest. Many lay awake at night due to stress. And to get relief from this stress, people are searching for newer ways like calming teas, sound therapy, and spa treatments. 
These 5 yoga poses will help reduce stress and anxiety:
Sukhasana has an entire internal life that you will find with training. An all around adjusted Sukhasana makes the conditions for a loose yet ready state in both the body and psyche. The principal arrangement challenge of this posture is to sit with the legs loose while lifting the spine and opening the chest. You will make numerous little changes as you work to convey your weight equitably over your sitting bones, to adjust your shoulders straightforwardly over your hips, and to adjust your head on top of your spine. This takes an astounding measure of center strength, thus rehashed practice will condition the whole outline of your middle—front, sides, and back. As you make these little changes coordinated toward expanding the spine, your consideration will steadily draw internal, toward your heart, permitting you to sit in solace, with actual equilibrium and mental balance.
1. Sit on 2 folded blankets with your legs extended in front of you.
2. Bend your knees, and cross your right shin in front of your left shin.
3. Move the knees closer together until your feet are directly underneath them.
4. Interlace your fingers, extend your arms overhead, and stretch.
Balasana is a simple yoga asana that can even be performed by apprentices. In Sanskrit, bala implies kid and asana alludes to one's stance. Accordingly, this posture is likewise called Child Pose. It is a 'counter' asana for some asanas and is performed before and following Sirsasana as it is a resting present. This is regularly the main posture educated to amateurs. It is anything but difficult to follow and profoundly helpful. On the off chance that impeccably played out, the body faces the floor in fetal position (subsequently the name). It is likewise called Garbhasana and Shashankasana.
1. Sit on your heels on a yoga mat or on the floor.
2. Either keep your knees together or apart.
3. Slowly, bend forward by lowering your forehead to touch the floor, exhaling as you do so.
4. Keep your arms alongside your body. Make sure that your palms are facing up.
5. Alternatively, you can reach out your arms towards the front of the yoga mat, palms placed facing down on the mat.
6. Now that you are in this pose, gently press your chest on the thighs (or between the thighs if the latter are apart).
Paschimottanasana :
This posture extends these regions and assists open with increasing your hips. This stretch is superb for sprinters who will in general have tight hamstrings. It is likewise viewed as a quieting present. It is said that this posture can help diminish pressure and even improve your state of mind.
1. Bring your arms straight out to the sides and up over your head, reaching toward the ceiling.
2. Inhale and draw your spine up long.
3. As you exhale, begin to come forward, hinging at your hips. Imagine your pelvis as a bowl of water that is tipping forward.
4. On each inhale, lengthen your spine. You may come a bit out of your forward bend to do this.
5. On each exhale, deepen into your forward bend. Imagine your belly coming to rest on your thighs, rather than your nose coming to your knees. This will help you keep your spine long.
6. Keep the neck as the natural extension of your spine, neither cranking it to look up nor letting it go completely.
7. When you have come to your full extension with the spine long, decide whether you want to stay here or let your spine round forward.
8.Take hold of your ankles or shins, whichever you can reach. You can also use a strap around your feet. Keep your feet flexed strongly throughout.
About  Jai Ashok Mahtani Kenya -
Jai Ashok Mahtani lives in kenya. His Yoga centre is located at Nairobi, kenya. The main mission of his “To spread peace, health and joy through yoga. All are welcome to come to our centres to learn not only about how yoga can help maintain a healthy body but also how yogic philosophy, applied in daily life, can help maintain a peaceful mind and spirit.”
More Blogs:
Jai Ashok Mahtani Kenya -  What is Hatha Yoga
Jai Ashok Mahtani  kenya - what is yoga and what are its types?
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