#jake getting him a drink right before laying into him in the original script is actually so funny
lesbiradshaw · 10 months
jake putting on a song about slow sleazy sex as soon as he noticed bradley walking into the bar… bradley being so dickmatized by jake he started nodding to being insulted right to his face… all of this happening in front of their teammates… where was the decorum.
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all-sortsa-stuff · 7 years
A new start, part 9
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Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Word Count: 3425
Warning: Language and some fluff
 Part 1 part 2  part 3  part 4 part 5  part 6  part 7 part 8
 It was inevitable that your family would love Chris.  The rest of your time in Tennessee consisted of several more dinners with your parents. Jake and Chris had gone out one night for beers during the time as well.  Jake said it was to save Chris from the whole family but you knew it was for Jake to grill him about his intentions towards you.  While you thought the gesture was sweet, it was also somewhat annoying that your brother wanted to meddle in your relationship. They came home laughing, easing the dread you felt in your heart.  Chris said they had a great time and how much alike Jake and you really were.  You would never admit it to your brother but you loved it that he was getting along with Chris.  Jake’s approval meant a great deal to you.  It would hurt if he did not agree with your relationship. Now it did not matter, as he loved Chris almost as much as you did.
Oh, shit… Love Chris.  You leaned against the fence of the front paddock as you watched your dad work with Apple.  She was not rideable yet and needed a lot of work to get used to having a saddle on. Chris had taken a call from his agent, so here you stood coming to the realization that you were absolutely in love with him.  It should not have been a new thought.  You had been together now a month and a half and it should have been something you had been thinking about.  But no, your addled mind and heart had just been enjoying every moment with him.  Your heart started to beat quickly in your chest as you leaned your head against the board of the fence.  Was it too soon?  It had not been long since… No this was different, so much different. Chris is different.  He is a great guy who cares about you.  
Trying to calm the beating of your heart and your irregular breathing had distracted you enough that you did not hear your father put Apple back into her stall or walk up behind you. “You okay sugar?  You are lookin’ like you seen a ghost.”  His voice broke through the haze of your busy mind causing you to startle and your heart rate to speed further.
“Oh yeah Daddy, I’m fine. Just thinking.”  He gave you that “daddy” look.
“Anything you wanna share?” Shaking your head, you leaned your head back down onto the fence.
“You know it’s okay to love him baby girl.”  You did not look up at him.  Actually, you started to laugh.  It was not that full belly laughing from something funny.  The ironic laugh bordered on a whimper.  Of course, he knew what you were thinking.
“Dad how do you know me so well?”  He pulled you into his arms and wrapped them around you.
“I’m your Daddy.  I know the faces you make, I know when you worry. You are worrying about that boy. Which he is one thing in this world you don’t have to worry about.  He isn’t like the last one.  Jake and I already made sure of that.  So when you give yourself that chance you can love him with all your heart.”  He always had a way of easing your thoughts and fears.
“Dad you are the best, you know that?”
“Tell that to your Momma. Make sure she knows it too.”  Both of you laughed as he gave you one more good squeeze.  “Go spend some time with the boy.  Enjoy this time before y’all have to head back to work.”
You found Chris getting a couple drinks out of the fridge when you went back inside.  “Oh hey, you done out there?  I was about to see if you were thirsty.”  
Walking up to him you set the drinks on the counter before wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him lovingly.  It lingered few moments before he pulled back with a grin to look at you.  “Wow, what was that for?”
“Just wanted to show you how happy I am to have you in my life.”  He looked down at you, running his thumb lightly over your cheek.  
“I am so glad I met you, that you let me be a part of your life.  You all right?”  Chris was perceptive just like your father.  You nodded as you stole another light kiss.
“I’m fine.  Just wanted to make sure you knew it.”
 The rest of your afternoon consisted of packing and cuddling on the couch with a pizza.  You refused one last family dinner before heading to Boston.  Spending time, just the two of you was the only thing you wanted right now.  Though it was difficult to not let those three little words slip out. You did not want to scare him so soon.  It was a relaxing night watching your favorite movies, the original Star Wars trilogy.  It made you smile that he enjoyed how much of a geek you truly were.  You fell asleep twenty minutes into Return of the Jedi. When you woke up in the morning, you were very warm as there was a male body wrapped around you, radiating a whole lot of heat.
It was probably some of the best sleep you had in a very long time being all warm curled up next to this beautiful man.  If you weren’t scared shitless at the moment you would probably would try to kiss him awake and drag him upstairs to your bed.  However, your bladder had a different idea and you found it rather difficult to extricate yourself from Chris’s arms.  As soon as you moved just a few inches, he stirred and pulled you closer. Damn man and that inhuman strength. You tried once again to no avail. Fine you would have to resort to drastic measures…
Using something he told you months ago against him, you started to tickle up his sides.  His body stirred and jerked slightly. As you waited to see if he moved, you tried pulling back again.  Nope… This time you tickled much longer than the first time causing him to wake and start to laugh.  Chris pushed your hands away giving you the time to jump off the couch.   “Oh thank God!”
“[Y/N] you suck!  I didn’t tell you how ticklish I am for you to actually tickle me!”  He yelled across the house laughing.  You could actually hear him from the bathroom.  He was all smiles by the time you returned.  
“Sorry but I had to pee! You would not let me go.  I was desperate.”  Chris pulled you down onto his lap when you had come within distance.
“Just remember babe, revenge is a bitch.” He leaned in nipping your neck causing you to squeal loudly and try to pull away.
“Noooo.  No no no.  We have to get ready to leave for the airport.  You can’t attack me now.”
He laughed with his face buried in your neck.  Rolling your underneath him on the couch he continued as did the laughs and squeals from you.  Someone knocked on the sliding glass door. Breaking the spell you were both under. Straightening your slept-in clothes, you went to find your brother standing there with both hands on his hips, shaking his head.
“I really did not need that sight stuck in my head.  I will have to stick hot pokers in my eyes now.”  Rolling your eyes you turned back into the house walking towards the kitchen. “Morning man.”  
Jake nodded towards Chris as he stood up from the couch following behind you.  “I was just checking if you needed anything before you leave.”
“Nope.  As soon as we pack up the truck we are headed out.”
“Okay good.  Just thought I’d ask before I head out to the back pasture.  I got to fix a few of the posts so I will be out most of the day.  Chris it was good to meet you, man.  Don’t let my bossy sister push you ‘round.”  Jake shook Chris’s hand as you rolled your eyes.
“Whatever Jake.  I will see you in a few months.”  Ignoring your foul expression, he moved over to hug you tight enough to make you gasp for breath.
“I will be watching you win from the comfort of my couch, Miss Fancy Pants.  Try not to fall on your face.  I won’t let you live it down for the rest of your life.”  Your brother always knew the way to make you smile even when you did not want to. Chris shook his head laughing.
“You two are me and my siblings to a ‘T’.”
 With a quick goodbye to your parents, you headed to the airport.  There was a short delay for a storm before you were able to take off. Before you knew it, you were walking into Chris’s house with a dog jumping on you.  His enthusiasm knocked you back into Chris.  “Dodger, down.  You can attack and kiss her once we are actually in the door.”  
He was not listening; he was far too excited to meet the new person and then jump all over Chris who he missed.  Chris’s parents had been watching Dodger this time while he had been filming.  Most of the time he brought him with him on location. After you were both, able to unload the bags into the bedrooms Dodger got all the attention he wanted from you. He was now laying on your lap with his belly up as you rubbed it.  Chris shook his head looking down at you and the dog.  “Dodger you stole my girl.  That’s my spot.”  The dog turned his head to look at Chris before yawning wide then going back to having his belly rubbed.  That was how the first week went.  Dodger did not leave your side while you were there.  You were happy to have the dog’s approval.  Though it made sleeping a little difficult.  He wanted to be up on the bed with you for a little while then would jump off and go to Chris’s room for a little while then come back again.
Meeting Chris’s family the third day for Sunday dinner had been an event.  His parents, his sisters and brother were all there.  The family was all very happy to meet the girl Chris had been talking about for months.  It had been a wonderful meeting and you found that he joked and teased his siblings almost as much as Jake teased you.  Chris’s mom, Lisa, had sat down beside you moving Chris out of the way to talk to you.  She was so sweet asking about your family and your house in Tennessee.  Her excitement for the upcoming awards for you made you feel so welcome.  This was a family you could see yourself becoming a part of.  At that thought, you almost slapped yourself.  You could not get ahead of yourself and the relationship. He did not know how you felt about him and you had not made love yet.  Therefore, the marriage idea probably should wait just a bit longer.
The second week of the Boston visit consisted of some sight-seeing, and a whole lot of reading scripts for both of you.  The television show you were doing a story arc for, had four scripts you needed to memorize.  While Chris had to make sure, he knew his lines for Captain America: Winter’s Soldier backwards and forwards.  Both of you were laying across from each other on his couch while Dodger slept upside down on the floor just below you.  Many pages and lots of food sat around the coffee table.  It was almost as it was a typical day at home.  Honestly, it felt right and it felt like you had been together for years.  Spending everyday together for almost a month, neither one of you had become sick of the other.  There had not been any fighting and all the families were happy.  How often did that really ever happen?  Maybe it was a sign that you were getting your new start.
 The trip to Los Angeles was a breeze.  Though it was also bittersweet.  You only had three more days left with Chris before you both had to part for your new projects.  He had barely let go of your hand the whole trip but you agreed that once you departed the plane that you would ride separately to the house.  Due to the vast amount of celebrities that were coming into town for the awards, the paparazzi was everywhere.  The flashes from the cameras were nearly blinding as you retrieved your luggage.  Some were asking if you were bringing anyone to the awards, others were telling you to turn to look at them.
You tried to be as nice as you could, smiling and deflecting the questions as you could.  Chris was somewhere in the airport.  There was no way you would try to text him right now to find out where.  Getting out of the airport unscathed was your primary target now.  Chris met you at his house not too long after you arrived.  He had given you his key and so you waited for him.  When he arrived, he looked exhausted.  “Those people at the airport are a bunch of vultures.  I didn’t think I was going to make it out alive.”
Laughing you hugged him close.  “Well we are here now.  We can sleep before the whirlwind of tomorrow.”
“Hey it’s all about you tomorrow.  I don’t have a worry in the world other than to make sure it’s a great day for you. Just tell me what I can do for you.”
“Show me where I can sleep and then I will worry about the rest tomorrow.”  Throwing his arm over your shoulder, he showed you to the guest room. You shook your head at him.  “No I want to sleep in your bed tonight.  I want to curl up with you tonight.”
Chris looked down at you in surprise.  “You sure? You don’t have to…”
“We aren’t doing anything more than sleeping tonight.  Got it?” He laughed as he led you towards his room.  Both of you fell asleep quickly from the sheer exhaustion of the day and slept better than you had in a while.  It was late morning by the time you were awoken with the smell of fresh coffee. He had gotten up to make you a cup and was waving it under your nose to see if you would actually respond.  It did not take long.  
“You seriously are the best, you know that?”
“I know.”  Chris kissed your forehead as you sat up, taking the cup from his hand.  “You ready for tonight?”
“No.  I am petrified of falling in front of millions of people.” The coffee was of course perfect. The warmth of it seeping through you and calming your nerves.
“Number one, I would never let you fall, ever.  Two, you have nothing to be scared of.  You are going to win and everyone is going to be cheering for you.  We will have a great time.  Okay?”  You nodded like a good little child but those fears were still there in the forefront of your mind.
Your designer friend, Mijael, showed up an hour after you got a shower with his entourage of makeup, hair and his assistant.  All prepared to ensure no one would ever forget your name.  The living room was turned into your personal area as you were prepped for the night.  Chris took pictures of you with your hair in curlers and one of the girls painting your toenails, sending it to your brother for him to show your parents.  Chris and Jake had been texting back and forth since you left Tennessee.  They had been joking about you and were fast becoming friends.  That could be a dangerous thing.
You were sure that Chris had to be bored to tears but he sat watching you the entire time as you were brushed, buffed and polished.  Thank God, he did because he kept you sane while Mijael worked his magic.  Mijael sent Chris up to get dressed in his tuxedo as the girls brought you to the spare bedroom to get you into your dress. That was adventure in and of itself. After you slipped on the special new lingerie you bought to wear underneath they helped you slip into the mess of blue and black material.  Once it was settled in place and zipped up, it was hard to believe you were looking at yourself.  
Mijael wanted “dramatic” and boy did he deliver.  Your lips were a blood red with a light tinge of color on your cheeks.  The dramatic dark smoky color around your [Y/E/C] eyes, made them pop brightly.  The style of your hair was pulled back in a twist on the back of your head with part left loose to wave on the right side.  The dress made your jaw drop.  It was midnight blue and black with one strap that wrapped around your right shoulder. The colors swirled around together and were almost iridescent.  The skirt billowed out slightly and had a modest train behind you, with a sweetheart neckline and a low back.  It was gorgeous and that wonderful man made it comfortable.  You would be able to walk and sit in it without an issue.  Everyone wanted to get the effect of you walking down the stairs to meet Chris at the bottom.  Mijael was taking a video of it as you descended the stairs.  Chris’s eyes went wide as you smiled down at him.  The whole effect of the hair, makeup and dress stunned him into silence.
Once you met him at the bottom of the stairs, you slipped your hand into his.  He looked sexy as hell in his tuxedo, but you knew he would. “You ready for this handsome?”
“[Y/N]… I don’t even know… just holy shit… I… fuck you look gorgeous.”  Everyone laughed as he stumbled over the words. He was afraid to touch you and ruin something but you grabbed him and kissed him hard.  The lipstick you wore was not coming off so you did not have to worry about it smearing all over him or wearing off throughout the night.  Chris seemed to like that idea very much as he stole another kiss as he pulled you close.  Mijael took several more pictures for you on both of your phones so you could send them to all the parents and siblings.  Then he ushered you towards the awaiting limo.  With your purse full of snacks and tickets, you were off to one of the biggest nights of your life.
There were hundreds of people line up along the roads and the red carpet into the building.  The screams of all the fans could probably be heard blocks away.  As the limo pulled up to the front of the theater and the red carpet, you had to take a few deep breaths to ease the butterflies.  Your heart was racing with excitement and anxiety together.  Chris squeezed your hand as he whispered in your ear. “You got this baby.  Everyone is here to see you.  Show them how you shine.”
With a gentle kiss, you nodded letting him know you were ready.  The driver opened the door allowing Chris to step out first.  The crowd screamed louder as the saw him.  He held his hand out to you giving you a chance to take it so you could stand.  As you stood and took a step into view the screams reached a new height.  You were not sure if it was because of you or if it was that everyone saw you had come with Chris.  If not both a little of both.  So many flashes going off from the crowd and the media close by.  People shouting your name to come talk to them. You felt another squeeze of your hand as Chris helped you step further onto the carpet.  Everyone noticing you were holding hands only made it worse. Waving to the crowd with a grin, in your mind wondering how you were going to make it to the end of the night.
“Just breathe, just breathe.” You whispered to yourself. With that, you step towards the first reporter in the long gauntlet of the red carpet.
“[Y/N]! [Y/N]!  You look amazing.  Who is your designer?”
Part 10 
tag: @feelmyroarrrr  @bolontiku  @aquabrie @malindacath @thegirlwithnodragontattoo @magellan-88  @jensenxnina @thedoctorsnerdgirl  @waywardswain @tacohead13  @beckyboo1188  @pegasusdragontiger   @our-chaoticwhispers @smoothdogsgirl  @kitty112213   @sf0206 @debzybrazy @theresnotenoughwords @smurfielovesyouu  @adeptkillsyasse  @castallandiagelo
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