#jake lockley if u squint maybe . all three of them if you squint maybe.
khonshuscondemned · 2 years
this is all hails fault btw. @mrcspectr
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‘give me your hands.’
they are dripping with crimson that sears his knuckles, staining deep into the marrow of his bones, inked into the layers of his skin since… as long as he could remember.
a long time. long time.
give me your hands
he would rather retreat, would rather recede, would rather retire / he’s so tired , when can he rest, when might he rest? his feet, that used to run, that used to flee, to fly, now drag and shuffle and stumble and he cannot seem to quite keep pace anymore. he feels as though he’s fallen behind, falling apart, unravelling at the seam.
give me your hands.
these hands? these hands, that have stolen breath, taken life, spilt blood, broken bones? these hands, that have destroyed, that have hidden, that have betrayed? give these hands ? hands that only know cruelty, that only know pain, that only know to tremble in the face of kindness? These hands, that are meant to be gloved, to be covered- these hands, that are meant to be a sheathed like a weapon, like a blade-
-these hands ? that are meant for blood ?
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