#and jake lockley’s hands aren’t meant for him.
khonshuscondemned · 2 years
this is all hails fault btw. @mrcspectr
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‘give me your hands.’
they are dripping with crimson that sears his knuckles, staining deep into the marrow of his bones, inked into the layers of his skin since… as long as he could remember.
a long time. long time.
give me your hands
he would rather retreat, would rather recede, would rather retire / he’s so tired , when can he rest, when might he rest? his feet, that used to run, that used to flee, to fly, now drag and shuffle and stumble and he cannot seem to quite keep pace anymore. he feels as though he’s fallen behind, falling apart, unravelling at the seam.
give me your hands.
these hands? these hands, that have stolen breath, taken life, spilt blood, broken bones? these hands, that have destroyed, that have hidden, that have betrayed? give these hands ? hands that only know cruelty, that only know pain, that only know to tremble in the face of kindness? These hands, that are meant to be gloved, to be covered- these hands, that are meant to be a sheathed like a weapon, like a blade-
-these hands ? that are meant for blood ?
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starryevermore · 1 year
I have a request! How would y/n react to the moon boys coming in their pants before they can have sex? All I can think about is a flustered Steven and that he’d have tears in his eyes due to embarrassment.
made a right mess ✧ steven grant, marc spector, & jake lockley
angst city™ library | send in a request (consult request faqs first)
request: I have a request! How would y/n react to the moon boys coming in their pants before they can have sex? All I can think about is a flustered Steven and that he’d have tears in his eyes due to embarrassment. - @spider-starry
pairing: steven grant x fem!reader x marc spector x jake lockley 
word count: 1,032
warnings?: 18+ MINORS DNI, implied smut, little bit of bondage, not proofread
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Teasing your sweet, sweet Steven was your favorite pastime. It was so easy to get him worked up. Poor fella was so touch-starved that the first time the two of you had sex together, he came the second that you put your hands on him. Though his stamina did improve, if you pushed his buttons just right, he would come undone in the palm of your hands. And, oh, you relished in it. 
His sweet, breathy moans. The way he’d bury his face in the crook of your neck. How he’d beg and plead and whine. Fuck, it was enough to make you come undone, if you were being honest. Your favorite, though, was well—
“Oh no,” Steven would mumble, looking at the mess he’d made.
You wouldn’t say anything at first. Too surprised at what happened. You’d intended to tease him, you meant for him make such a beautiful mess. But he hadn’t done something like this before, not even when he was inexperienced. 
“‘m sorry,” he’d say. When you’d look up at him, you’d see the tears in his eyes, the flush in his cheeks. “I-I—”
“Shh,” you’d finally say. You reached up, running your thumb across his cheek, swiping away the tears. “Love it when you make a mess, Steven. Love seeing how worked up you get for me.”
He leaned in, hiding his face, like he was still ashamed of what he did. “Mean it?”
You kissed the top of his head, reaching up and smoothing out his messy curls. “Course I do, Steven. I wouldn’t lie to you about that.” You gave his hair a gentle tug, urging him to look back at you. When his head raised, you nuzzled your nose against his. “You’re my sweet, sweet Steven. It’s my job to take care of you, yeah? And if that means you make a right mess, then I’ve done my job well, hm?”
Steven nodded, his eyes fluttered shut. “Can we…Can you do it again?”
You smiled, pressed a kiss to his lips. “Since you asked so sweetly, your wish is my command.”
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It was shocking how easy it was to get Marc worked up. Like Steven, he wasn’t touched very often. Granted, Marc chose not to be touched—always keeping folks at arms length. That is, until he met you. It was a slow build up, him getting comfortable around you. He used to shy away from your touches. Regarded you with that guarded look. You were Steven’s girl, after all. He didn’t think you had any love reserved for him. 
But now, as you straddled his lap, grinding down on his clothed cock, his fingers digging into your hips, head thrown back as he moaned loud enough for the entire building to hear, you knew that he knew you loved him fully, wholly, and truthfully. 
“Mine,” you whispered in his ear, nibbling on his earlobe. “You’re all mine, aren’t you? All mine to use?”
“Yours,” he echoed, head dipping forward. His teeth scraped at the exposed skin of your neck. You grinded down harder. “Just want you, baby. Just wanna make you happy.”
“You do,” you said. You held onto his shoulders to give you a better angle. “You make me the happiest woman in the world—”
“Fuck—” Marc sniffed. He buried his face further in your neck. You paused your movements, pulling back to get a better look at him. “I-I didn’t mean to—”
“Shh, baby, it’s okay,” you cooed, cupping his face in your hands. “It’s okay, baby. You’re okay.”
Your neck became wet with his tears. Oh, Marc. Life had been too cruel to him. You lifted a hand, scratching at his scalp. He let out a choked sob, then mumbled, “I didn’t mean to ruin this.”
“You didn’t ruin anything, baby,” you said. “You’re safe. No one’s mad at you. Okay? I’m not mad at you. I just want you to be comfortable. If you wanna take a break, if you don’t wanna continue, that’s okay. We can pop in a movie, order some greasy takeout—do anything you want.”
Marc was quiet for a moment, then mumbled, “I think I wanna take a break. Just a couple minutes.”
“You can take as long as you need, baby.”
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Jake would be annoyed. He didn’t like being teased. No, no, he was the one who was supposed to be the one doing the teasing. He was the one supposed to be making you fall apart. He was the one who was supposed to be making a mess of you. But when you manage to flip the script? Manage to convince him to let you tie him up? Settle on his lap, teasing him like it’s your goddamn job? Fuck. Yeah. Yeah, he’s annoyed. 
So when he cums in his fucking underwear like some teenage boy about to have sex for the first time? He’s damn near pissed. And worse, you start giggling at him. Giggling! Fucking giggling!
“It’s not that funny,” he grunted, pulling at his restraints, trying to get out. “Wait til I get outta here and show you just how funny it is.”
“Awe, baby, it’s okay,” you coo, leaning down, nuzzling your nose against his. You let out another giggle. “Everybody makes a mess sometimes.”
“I hate you,” he grumbled. 
“Mm, I don’t know about that. Don’t think you’d cum in your pants if you hated me all that much, don’t you?”
Finally, Jake managed to break free from his restraints. Before you could even think to react, he grabbed you by the hips and flipped you onto your back. You let out a gasp. He held your wrists together in one hand, the other slipping down beneath your waistband, teasing at your clit. You moaned, arching your back against him. But, oh, he was not there to see you enjoy yourself. 
“Jake!” you gasped when he pulled away, just as the coil in your stomach began to tighten. 
“Nuh uh, honey. None of that,” he cooed. “I gotta show you what happens when you tease me, yeah? Gotta show you it ain’t very nice of you to do that.”
And, oh, did he keep that promise. 
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autmism · 2 years
an unfamiliar face
pairing(s) ; jake lockley x fem!reader, marc spector x fem!reader (implied), steven grant x fem!reader (implied)
warning(s) ; blood mention, bruises, jake being anxious, nothing graphic or stressful!
synopsis ; y/n meets jake for the first time, despite not being aware of his existence prior. (previously established relationship w/ marc x reader and steven x reader)
-> masterlist
a/n ; spanish translations may not be 100% accurate
part two !!
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it was early in the morning, far too early for any sane person to be awake at such a time on a wednesday morning. but luckily for y/n, it was still dark out, which meant she still had time to go back to sleep before she had to get up for work. however, the relief of waking up early enough to catch more sleep was short lived after discovering her boyfriend, or rather boyfriends, missing from bed.
“marc?” y/n called out, squinting her eyes as they adjusted to the dark lighting, after no response she just assumed that steven was fronting, “steven? you there?”
still no response.
y/n sighed and got out of bed, making her way to the living room. marc occasionally slept on the couch after having nightmares, so it wasn’t really a foreign experience to wake up in bed alone, as much as she insisted to marc that she didn’t care if he wakes her up. but when y/n walked into the living room to find no one there, that’s when she started to worry. she rushed back into the bedroom to find her phone and as soon as it was in her hands, she was blowing up marc’s phone with texts and calls. hell, she even emailed steven.
y/n moved back to the living room, deciding to wait and see if marc, or steven would come back home with a perfectly reasonable explanation. her knee bounced anxiously as she fiddled with the light switch of a lamp, trying to turn it on the best she could with shaky, clammy hands. surely there was a good reason for them to not be home, right? as time passed, y/n was becoming more and more irrational, scared shitless that her boyfriends were in trouble, or just upped and left her. the minutes and then hours going by only made y/n realise there really wasn’t any explanation that would make sense to her, or calm her down. she was upset and anxious, but also annoyed and frustrated, still unsure what to say to her boyfriends when they got home.
the flat had been silent for hours, so the very faint sound of keys jingling made y/n stare at the door. she stood up from the couch, folding her arms across her chest, preparing herself for whatever excuse there was. the front door opened, by the body’s posture y/n had assumed it wasn’t steven.
“marc, do you have any idea how worried i was?” y/n finally spoke. the man had only just noticed y/n after she spoke and stared at her with wide, panic struck eyes, “marc..?”
“go to bed.” he shrugged his coat off quickly, hanging it up and then turning on his heel, attempting to escape the situation.
“you aren’t marc, or steven..” y/n furrowed her eyebrows, taking in the appearance of the man in front of her. the way he held himself and the way he dressed was ever so different, but y/n could spot the small changes.
“you don’t know what you’re talkin’ about, i’m marc, i just went out for a walk,” jake rolled his eyes, making his way to the kitchen to grab a drink, but y/n followed him.
“for a walk? you look like you just got hit by a bus!” y/n scoffed referring to the bruises on jake’s face and his bloody knuckles.
“yeah, yeah, whatever,” jake rolled his eyes again as he opened a beer. truthfully, the beer was just to cool his nerves, jake was absolutely terrified. until now, he had been doing a good job at staying hidden, but y/n clocking him as not steven, or marc so quickly came as such a shock to him.
“can you at least let me clean your hands up?” y/n sighed, knowing that arguing with whoever was fronting was futile.
“no.” jake scrunched up his face, the expression on his face morphing from embarrassment to borderline disgust as he repeated in his mind ‘don’t let her get close’ like a mantra.
“you’ll get an infection? it won’t take long?” y/n stared into his eyes. she always found it strange that the body’s eyes were a constant give away as to who was fronting. steven had the sweetest doe eyes, never not filled with passion and curiosity. marc frowned most of the time, trying to act unbothered, but his eyes always revealing how tired and insecure he was deep down. but she had never seen genuine fear like she saw in the eyes staring back at her. whoever was fronting was terrified.
“if i let you play nurse, you speak nothing of any of this to them,” he pointed a stern finger at y/n, his jaw clenched tightly.
“go sit on the couch, i’ll be there in a minute,” y/n sighed. jake didn’t waste a minute longer being in the same room as her and grabbed his beer, retreating to the couch.
jake was well aware of y/n, he had watched her through both steven and marc’s eyes many times though he wouldn’t admit it, but never had he expected to find himself face to face with her. this wasn’t supposed to happen. he couldn’t help but feel sick with anxiety, the beer doing very little to help. none of them were supposed to know about him for their own good, but seeing how gentle y/n was, even with a man like him, made his knees weak.
“so… what’s your name?” y/n pulled jake out of his thoughts as she took a seat on the coffee table in front of him. she had brought some alcohol wipes, a damp towel and bandages with her.
“you don’t need to know that.” jake muttered.
“well, i’d like to,” y/n smiled nervously, ripping one of the alcohol wipe packets. jake was absolutely dumbfounded by y/n and how nice she was, but it was strange to him. she wanted his name, but not once had she asked why he was covered in bruises.
“jake lockley.” he sighed, admitting defeat.
“well, it’s nice to meet you, i’m-“
“i know who you are, y/n.”
“oh?” y/n furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, “why were you scared of me then?”
“scared of you?” he scoffed, trying to ignore how helpless it made him that she could read him so well.
“i won’t pry… if that’s what you want, but i need to clean your hands up now, can i touch you?” y/n questioned. jake gulped down the lump in his throat and nodded. this woman is going to kill me.
“it might sting a bit,” y/n muttered, gently holding his hand, he flinched when she first touched him, but she didn’t mention it, instead she started to carefully clean up the blood on his knuckles and any dirt that may be in the wound. she said nothing whilst cleaning his hands, taking the hint that jake didn’t want to talk. after ten minutes or so, both his hands had been wrapped up with bandages and he made a mental note to remove them before he slept, knowing he’ll heal overnight. jake’s lifestyle had never allowed him to indulge in pleasantries, but after tonight he was sure there was a higher power working in his favour and it was definitely not khonshu.
“thank you,” he avoided y/n’s eyes, looking anywhere but at her.
“you’re welcome,” y/n smiled nervously, “go get some rest, i can sleep out here.”
“no, you go to bed, i’ll sleep out here, tomorrow you act like marc had a nightmare and you forget i exist.”
“i won’t rat you out, lockley, your secret is safe with me as long as you tell me you’re disappearing at two in the morning beforehand,” y/n chuckled, “oh, um probably delete my texts and missed calls… and my emails to steven… i got a little worried..”
jake smiled, slightly amused, “will do.”
“until we meet again, jake lockley.” y/n smiled at him and then proceeded to make her way back to the bedroom. jake fell onto the couch, deflating as soon as y/n was no longer in his line of sight.
“ay dios mío esa mujer está loca…”
★ . . .
ay dios mío esa mujer está loca ; oh my god that woman is crazy
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tiptapricot · 2 years
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#gunshot audio cut. hugging in the duat. looking through memories. pointing to the temple. it wasn’t your fault. ‘steven!’ ‘marc!’ ‘turn the
My Top Posts in 2022:
Thinkin about Steven fronting after Marc's been out on a mission, and their body is just aching and their knuckles are scraped up and Marc's still kind of there but really tired, and Steven's not sure what happened, but he kisses their hands gently, and goes to the sink to clean up the injuries, and thanks Marc for getting them home safe... "You did good, love."
551 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
Ahem. I present to you all, the best mock up of Steven’s apartment I was able to glean from obsessive screenshots and combs of episodes 1 and 2. It is not exactly to scale bc I was just trying to get stuff down, and if there is a “?” next to something that’s because I couldn’t find a point to see it clearly enough to know it’s placement/what exactly it was, but I think this is pretty good all things considered.
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This obvs doesn’t include all the scattered books and shelf knick knacks, or a few things that aren’t 2D, such as Marc’s stashing nook to the right and above Gus’s tank in the kitchen, or the storage loft above Steven’s bed which the wooden supports hold up and the ladder to the left of his bed reaches.
A few fun scene placement moments below cut! (Sorry for weird video format!)
Steven grabs the masking tape from the “tape table?”-ish area when he puts up tape, and regularly tosses the tape into the “tape bin” near Gus’s tank every following morning (the roll is also seen placed somewhere else later but a few things move around and these were the solid points I saw)
See the full post
861 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
This one is so long I’m sorry HDHDHHDB
Thinking about how important Steven has always been to Marc... Cause even before they actually talked to each other Marc did everything he could to try and maintain Steven's sense of normalcy while still completing Khonshu's missions. He always brought them back home and made sure to redo Steven's tape and locks and sand and restraints so that he could feel normal and keep living his life.
He likely went to work for him a few times, or dealt with things at the museum when he fronted by accident (Jake probably did too but neither of them are aware of it). He got Steven a new Gus when the original died while he had to take the unavoidable trip out to the alps for a few days (they couldn't let Harrow get the scarab and it seems like that was when they planned to stop him), and the entire time they were there he was fighting to be the one in front so Steven could stay stay safe and not have to see as much as he did.
It wasn't perfect, none of it was. Steven was struggling and confused and Marc fucked up a lot, but even when they got home and it was unavoidable that Steven would find out he missed two days, Marc still went through the motions in one last effort to keep Steven in a world that was his.
He tells Steven to stop looking because even though things are slipping he still wants to give him that out, that ability to go back into normalcy if he wants to (Marc is begging him to because he doesn't want him part of his world, he was never meant to be), and even after that wall breaks down between them he's always there to save them, and he tells Steven it every time because it's what he's used to, it's what he's always done. He always protects Steven and Steven is always ok.
But now Steven's seen too much and knows too much and he starts lashing out and getting in the way of missions because he's scared and trying so so hard, but he doesn't fully understand his and Marc's situation, and it throws off the balance of everything Marc worked so hard to create for them.
Steven doesn't appreciate that Marc's always tried to keep them safe, to keep Steven away from all of this, he just sees the negatives, and it hammers home all the bad things Marc tries to avoid thinking about himself. After all, what was the point of any of it if Steven just sees him as the villain? And he doesn't even get to process all that that because they're still racing against the clock to stop Harrow, and even though Marc is pissed and falling apart at the seams he still has to make keeping Layla and Steven safe a priority. Even when he's mad, that's still his goal and his job. He buckles down, gets serious, and keeps going.
But the trial and the relationship between Layla and Steven further exacerbate things, because Harrow's words are discombobulating, and the two people he cares about most were never supposed to meet and were never supposed to be in this much danger. These worlds were never supposed to mix, and everything Marc worked for, everything he tried to keep separate and compartmentalized for everyone's good is in chaos, but he can't stop trying.
And then Harrow shoots them, and for the first time in so so long Marc wakes up and Steven isn't there. He calls out to him in the mirror and he isn't there. That's not supposed to happen. He never wanted that. Steven is always supposed to be there, always supposed to be ok, always supposed to be a tether to draw Marc back and keep him focused, to keep him from going off course or going too hard. And so when he's gone, it just snaps everything back into perspective again. Even if he's pissed at him, he needs Steven to be there, to be ok, because otherwise he's failed.
And then they're reunited, and Marc holds on so so tight, and Steven holds him right back, and neither of them want to let go. So Marc doesn't, he goes right back to keeping Steven safe. He goes out into the hall first, has Steven trail behind, tells him to follow him, and it's right back into their normal, because Marc cares and has always cared. So so much.
898 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
Think…. Thinking about how Marc’s last action when he thought he was going to “die” was to press his literal heart into Steven’s hand, like he was ready to be frozen there forever with him and he needed to have him holding that and tHATS WHAT SAVED THEM, THE ACT OF CARING AND CONNECTING AND LOVING SAVED THEM AND I—
968 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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A companion piece to this 💖
(ID in ALT)
70,623 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
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shatteredhourglass · 2 years
number 200 for the songs :3
“We really need to stop meeting like this.”
“Probably would, if you weren’t so much trouble,” Bucky responds, leaning against the bars of the jail cell.
Lockley smirks under the moustache at that, gets off of the bench. They’ve put him in here on his own, left him to stew while they figured out what to do with him. Cops aren’t really meant to handle superheroes, especially ones like Moon Knight – although he’s pretty sure that it was just Jake being a brat rather than any actual Moon Knight business. Bucky stays where he is as Jake lopes over to him, leans against the bars on his side.
“What’d you do this time?”
“Dangled a landlord off of a fire escape by his feet,” Jake says, without a hint of remorse. “Kinda wish I’d dropped him now.”
“You’re gonna get yourself in deep shit one of these days, Lockley,” Bucky says. He doesn’t disapprove, really, but he is at the police station at three in the morning so he has to make at least a token protest.
“Yeah,” Jake says. “Gonna let me out?”
Instead of responding, Bucky holds up the broken pieces of the lock already shattered in his left hand, lets the pieces fall to the ground as the door swings open.
“Naughty, Barnes,” Jake says, a grin on his face as he walks through.
“Let’s go,” Bucky says, catching Jake’s wrist and tugging him in the opposite direction of the yelling police officer, towards the emergency exit he’d left open and beyond that, his bike and freedom.
“I think I love you, Barnes,” Jake says and it’s probably a joke, but he doesn’t really care.
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