nuttyhatter · 15 days
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nuttyhatter · 15 days
The Stone On The Wall
What if instead of giving the Arkenstone to Thranduil and Bard, Bilbo waits to give it to Thorin on the ramparts?
Chapter 1 of (?)
I will also be posting this to my AO3 once I figure out how to format over there (it has been so long)
@marvelruinedmyspirit @moralesmarkers <3
Bilbo wasn’t sure what he was thinking, but here he was. Climbing up to the ramparts to join the dwarves, Thorin cursing at Thranduil in Khuzdul. He’d have to ask Balin for some books to learn, maybe use it to surprise the others after this is all over. What was Thorin yelling about? Bilbo had been late climbing up, having difficulty maneuvering around the broken statues used as steps. The Arkenstone felt heavy in his jacket, a reminder as to what they were here for. Thorin switched to the common tongue, bellowing out for all to hear. “I will not part with a single piece of gold from this mountain, not until we find the Arkenstone! Then, I will be king under the mountain. I will have no further talk with outsiders. Leave!” This was it. This was the opportunity to show Thorin the stone, maybe then he would come to his senses and work with Bard and Thranduil. Pulling together all the courage he had, Bilbo clambered up to stand on the stone wall shielding the dwarves. “Wait! Thorin, wait. I found it. I found the Arkenstone,” Bilbo breathed out hastily, pulling the stone from the inside of his jacket to show Thorin he was telling the truth, “Don’t burn the bridges you’ve barely built, we can work together!” With that, he held the stone high for all to see. The company cheered, Thorin loudest of all.
Bilbo was grinning ear to ear, starting to pull the stone closer to him. That was when he felt it, a small stabbing pain in his back. He staggered forward, losing his footing on the barrier. He felt himself start to slip off the edge, just as he was slipping from consciousness. The last thing he heard were the dwarves and Gandalf yelling before he succumbed to the darkness.
Nori was the closest to Bilbo when he started to slip, and he lunged forward to grab the hobbit by his ankle. The others were cursing, and he could see Kili stringing his bow, trying to see what had caused the hobbit to collapse. Bofur rushed to Nori’s side, grabbing Bilbo to help pull him up. Down below he could see chaos unfolding. Thranduil and Bard were trying to figure out if one of their men had attacked while Gandalf charged towards the wall. Once Nori and Bofur had pulled Bilbo up and over the wall, they placed him down on his side while Oin rushed over to check for wounds. As Oin got down to look properly, he noticed something sticking out of Bilbo’s back. He pulled it out and saw it was a dart with a barbed tip, possibly coated in a paralyzing agent. It was crudely made, so it could not have been from an elf. He looked up as he heard Fili shouting at Kili, “Over there! On the side of the mountain!” Kili released his arrow, hitting the orc trying to escape square in the back of his head. Looking back down, Oin rolled Bilbo onto his back to check for any severe side effects of the dart. There were no obvious side effects, so Oin relaxed a little at that. He looked up to see what was happening, only to notice Dwalin and Dori holding Thorin back from throwing himself over the side of the rampart.
“Get ahold of yourself Thorin! We have bigger problems to worry about than the Arkenstone right now!” Dwalin was trying his best to control his best friend’s temper while also holding him back. The Arkenstone had fallen over the wall with Bilbo, but it had been forgotten about while Nori and Bofur scrambled to save Bilbo. Thorin roared in anger, still fighting against the two dwarves. He needed to see what had become of the stone! It was his birthright, the one thing proving he was worthy to be king. He stopped resisting once he heard Gandalf. “I have the Arkenstone, Thorin Oakenshield. Check on my hobbit, or there will be dire consequences!” Who did Gandalf think he was? Threatening a king, worrying over a mere burglar. Still, if this is what it took to get the stone back, he would do it. He shook Dwalin and Dori off of him before turning towards where Bilbo had been laid down. The rest of the company had gathered around, making sure their burglar was still alive and seeing if Oin needed anything to help him. They backed away when they saw Thorin making his way over, giving him room to drop to his knees to look at Bilbo. 
“What happened?” He barked at Oin, before noticing the dart lying beside Bilbo. Anger surged through him again, realizing his burglar had become a target once he revealed the Arkenstone. ‘His burglar’, Thorin thought to himself. He hadn’t noticed when he started referring to Bilbo as this, instead of just the burglar, but he knew it was not a new development. His head began to swim, anger and concern filling his body. He shot his head up, barking orders. “Fili! Kili! See if any more orcs are waiting to attack, and take Dwalin with you.” They nodded before taking off down the rampart. “Oin, take Nori and see if there are any supplies that can be used to help Bilbo. Do you think he can be moved safely?” Oin furrowed his brow before responding, “I’m not sure what was used on the dart, but he should be brought down so I can examine him better.” Thorin nodded, before slipping his arms under the burglar, standing up while lifting Bilbo with him. He made sure to not jostle him too much, unsure of what the dart had caused. Oin and Nori rushed down the steps, Bofur and Ori following, turning around now and then to make sure Thorin didn’t slip while carrying Bilbo. Dori and Balin followed close behind, leaving Gloin, Bifur, and Bombur on the rampart to stay on the lookout. 
Upon reaching the bottom of the steps, Thorin noticed that Bofur and Ori had moved some of the debris to the side to create a spot for him to place Bilbo. Kneeling down, he gently placed Bilbo onto the hard stone. He thought about taking off his coat to place underneath the hobbit but thought against it as he did not want to draw too much attention to the care he was giving. He stood back up, just as Oin and Nori came back with bottles of various medicinal herbs and liquids. He stepped to the side to give them room to lay out the bottles and work, but hovered nearby to make sure nothing went awry.
Oin busied himself with the herbs he and Nori gathered, throwing some into a bowl before grinding them into a paste. He wasn’t exactly sure what was on the dart, but he could narrow it down since he knew it came from an orc. If it had been elvish, then Bilbo was in deep trouble. Oin set the paste aside before motioning to Nori to help him roll Bilbo onto his side again. He lifted the coat Bilbo was wearing, along with the mithril shirt Thorin had given him. The dart had somehow hit him in just the right spot to get through some of the chains in the mithril. It didn’t penetrate deep into his skin, but it was enough to get whatever was on the dart into his system. He could feel Thorin glowering above him, and had a feeling that if Bilbo were conscious, he would feel Thorin’s eyes boring into him. He made quick work of applying the paste, making sure to fully massage it into the wound. Once he was satisfied with his work, he applied a bandage to cover the paste, allowing it to absorb into the hobbit’s skin without risk of it being rubbed off. He pulled the mithril and his coat back down, before rolling him back onto his back. It would take awhile for the medicine to work, if it did, but in the meantime he would try to come up with something for the hobbit to drink once he came to, to help with any pain or drowsiness. Looking closely at the bottles, he picked out one containing a blue liquid, and mixed it with one containing an orange liquid. Swirling this around, it became an earthy brown mixture that smelled sweet. He set down the bottle and sighed, rubbing his face before smoothing his hair back. All they could do now was wait, and pray to Durin that this worked.
Thorin was pacing now, fidgeting with his hands. He was unable to stay still, trying to think of what could have spurred this attack from the orcs. They knew they were coming to Erebor, but how did they know Bilbo would be the one with the Arkenstone? His head shot up at the sound of pounding footsteps, pulling him from his spiral. Dwalin, Fili, and Kili had returned, out of breath. “Well?” He didn’t even give them time to say anything before continuing, “Are there more? Should we prepare to attack?” Kili spoke up, “We couldn’t find any more scouts nearby, but the elves are growing restless outside. What do you want to do uncle?” Thorin threw his hands up in the air in disgust, “Those filthy tree huggers! They will wait until Bilbo wakes before I even think of going to talk to them. And what of Gandalf? Did you see him with the Arkenstone?” The dwarves looked between each other, worry etched onto their faces before Dwalin stepped forward, “We did not see the wizard, or any sign of the stone.” Before Thorin could spit out more Khuzdul to curse Gandalf, Balin interjected, “Maybe it is best that the Arkenstone is with Gandalf for now, he knows of its value to us and will protect it until he deems it safe enough in our hands. For now, we should focus on the elves and Bilbo.” With that, everyone turned to said hobbit, Oin still sitting beside him watching for any signs of movement.
‘Ghivashel, please awake’ Thorin thought to himself, praying to Durin that his hobbit was alright. He shook his head when he realized what was going through his mind, trying not to dwell on the matter. The burglar had done his job. Thorin was just making sure he kept to his end of the contract, give him his share of the gold and send him home. That was all, nothing more. Before he could turn away to continue pacing, he noticed a twitch in Bilbo’s face. Looking closer, he could see his eyes moving behind his eyelids, as if trying to wake from a deep slumber. He held his breath without realizing it, hoping for another sign that Bilbo was alright. His face broke into a wide grin when the hobbit began to groan and his eyes fluttered open, “Good morning, master burglar.” Bilbo looked around, eyes squinted, before landing on Thorin. “What happened? Where’s the Arkenstone? Were we ambushed?” Thorin’s heart swelled, after everything Bilbo was still most concerned about the company and the Arkenstone.
“Calm down lad, we’re still figuring everything out along with you. You just stay there for a moment while Oin looks you over before we talk a plan.” Balin made quick work to soothe the hobbit, as being the oldest he always knew what to say to calm the others. Oin began to fuss over Bilbo, coaxing him into sitting up so he could drink the medicine without choking. Bilbo coughed a bit at the taste, but managed to get it all down without complaint. “That should help with any pain ya got, especially from hittin’ the wall on yer way down.” Oin collected his bottles and stood up, giving the hobbit room to collect his bearings and breathe.
Bilbo’s head was throbbing, and knew he would have a lump wherever he smacked it. He had faith that the concoction that Oin mixed up would kick in, he just couldn’t think straight at the moment. He looked up at the company, “What exactly happened? I remember being on the wall and then it was like a light went out.” The dwarves exchanged glances, before Thorin cleared his throat. “You were targeted by an orc scout. We believe the moment you held out the Arkenstone, they blew a dart at you, we don’t know why yet.” He held Bilbo’s gaze before continuing, “Fili, Kili, and Dwalin went out to make sure it wasn’t an ambush, and came back with nothing. The Arkenstone fell, but Gandalf claims to have it secured now.” Bilbo felt ashamed at this, he had one job and he had messed it up. Bofur seemed to notice the hobbit’s mood sour at this, so he chimed in, “We were more worried about losin’ you with it, so Nori and I grabbed ya before you were a goner.” He smiled at Bilbo, hoping to cheer him up even if just a little bit. 
Gloin came running down the steps, drawing everyone’s attention. “Thorin! Thranduil and Bard are demanding to see you, and Gandalf is back.” Thorin turned back to face Bilbo once more, “The wizard wishes to make sure you are well. Will you accompany me to show him you are still breathing?” He held his hand out to help the hobbit up, and was glad when it was accepted. After making sure he was steady on his feet, Thorin led the way to the passage out the side of the mountain. Behind him followed Bilbo, Balin, Dwalin, Fili, and Kili. He assumed Balin was coming to make sure things stayed civil, and the others were coming in case it didn’t. He had no idea what was going to happen when they got out there, he just needed to make sure it ended with him getting the Arkenstone back.
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nuttyhatter · 16 days
Do you remember that scene in the Rise of the Guardians movie when Pitch starts running and when the Guardians find him at the entrance of his lair, Pitch is dragged away by his own nightmares?
Well, I'd like to change that part.
So, when Pitch looks around and find his nightmares surrounding him, and after hearing Jack say that it was Pitch's own fear the mares were after, he squares his shoulders and rises his guard.
One of the nightmares charges then, intent on feeding itself from his master.
Pitch looks at it, waiting for the nightmare to catch up to him, staring straight at the creature's eyes.
Then the nightmare hesitates mid-run, walking the last steps separating it from the Boogeyman.
It watches the Shadow Man for long moments, moving its head from side to side, assesing. Pitch waits, unblinking.
All the while, the nightmares await, impatient and anxious to attack, to eat. The Guardians watch confused, with a strange sort of anticipation and dread.
Then the nightmare finds what it was looking for. It stands tall, facing Pitch, before tamely bowing its head to the Nightmare King.
Pitch pats its muzzle with something that may could have been affection, but who knows?
In a swift move Pitch climbs on the nightmare's back. He straightens his posture and places his tumb and index finger between his lips, letting out a high-pitched whistle, calling his nightmares to assemble around him.
The Guardians prepare to make their stand, strength and power back full-force.
But the Boogeyman knows when a battle is lost... for now.
With a last glance to the Guardians, he leads his herd of nightmares into his lair.
He'd be back, sooner or later, because fear can't be killed. The only way to defeat fear is to face it.
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nuttyhatter · 21 days
I'm reblogging this just for that last sentence and all other fandoms and contexts I can imagine it in...
love seeing the beginnings of perseus "pay your fucking child support" jackson's crusade against the gods' parental negligence problem in ep 1 & 2 of the pjo show. the absolute KING of "my daddy gave me issues so HE'S about to HAVE issues"
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nuttyhatter · 24 days
I had a thought: What if Eileen had been just as bad as Tobias?
Snape hated muggles mainly because of his father, and I'm gessing that his love for his mother aided his idealisation of the wizarding world. Maybe she was good, or perhaps neglectful, point is, she wasn't as bad in comparison to her husband, which probably made her good in Severus' eyes.
But what if she was just as bad?
Would Severus hate pure wizards too, then?
Main reason he chose Slytherin was his mother too, so he probably wouldn't have cared in which house he ended, or perhaps he, like Sirius, would have hated that house.
I think he still would have been interested in dark magic, but I don't think the others in Slytherin would been able to get to him so easily, even if he ended in that house again.
I can actually imagine him remainig neutral to spite everyone or helping the Order because Lily was a part of it.
Also, I belive the marauders would have ignored him in favor of some other Slytherin.
I can picture the scene in the train, with James asking him which house he wanted to go to, and Severus merely shrugging in response, maybe suggesting Ravenclaw as a probable ending.
From there, James and Sirius probably wouldn't care about him, and when Lily ended in Gryffindor, well, the lions and the eagles tend to get along alright.
And this Severus doesn't like girls, simply because I say so. But even if he did, I don't find much logic in him falling for Lily. There is a moment in friendship when you simply know the other person a little too well to fall for them. And that is something that would have to be practically beaten into James skull, but they would get there... eventually.
And maybe Voldemort would actually try to recruit Severus, but I don't see that succeeding.
The lake prank and the werewolf incident wouldn't happen either.
So... I'm probably looking to closely into this and twisting it a little too much, but think about it for a second: If he can't see how both worlds have good, then maybe he can see how there is just as much bad in one as there is in the other.
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nuttyhatter · 26 days
Hi, I may or may not delate this later, but I wanted to rant about the werewolf incident between Snape and the marauders and its honest sheer idiocy. And I mean Idiocy on everyone's part.
First, Sirius. What the fuck is wrong with you, man? What made you think that it would be a good idea?! Are you really going to say that you thought Snape would not get gravely hurt? That he could not end up dead or cursed like your friend? You know, the one you outed?!?
Now, Snape. What kind of rubbish crossed your mind when you decided that doing what one of your bullies said was a good idea? What made you think that going to a supposedly haunted house in the middle of a full moon nigth was ok? In Hogwarts, the castle next to a forest full of creatures and deadly plants. This boy suspected that something was happening, and I've read that he had already started to figure out Lupin's problem. So why did he go!?!?
And Dumbledore. Did you really think that detention was a good way to deal with near murder? I'm not talking about it being sufficient, though it wasn't. I'm saying that there were a bunch of very traumatised teenagers rigth in front of him and he didn't do anything, or at least, nothing that had been explicitly mentioned. I'm talking about some kind of counseling and a better eye on them. Things had clearly gone too far, but you take one and punish him in quite an inefficient manner and don't specifically tell him why; take the other and threaten him into silence, then tell him that he owes a life debt; praise the other for his heroic actions (which perhaps was right but, idk, just hope he didn't do it in front of Snape just when he was dragged out of the shack, that would hace been too soon. Also, I've seen people writing Lily using James' saving Snape's life as proof of the later being unfair and the former being good, which only points to Potter not knowing when to keep his mouth closed...); and lets not forget about the werewolf whose secret was reveled by one of his friends and was nearly pushed to kill someone, did Dumbledore do something for the boy not to mentally collapse?
Just, it was all handled so badly.
Sirius felt way more guilty about revealing Remus nature than nearly killing someone. He kept talking about how much of a pest Severus was and seemed to pretty much think he truly deserved what he got. I don't think Sirius was a bad person, he was screwed, the place he grew up ensured that, but he had other people, he had the chance to learn and was capable of emphaty. But I don't think it really hit home what he nearly did.
James must truly have felt like a hero and what he did was brave, but bragging about it was degrading for Snape and a remainder for Lupin, not to mention the fact that the question of what he had saved Snape from, was dangerous territory for Remus.
Snape was nearly killed and then left alone to deal with it with no kind of support or compensation. I understand the need to keep things secret, but the life debt thing was going too far.
It's just that I get they were kids, only 15, but they had or should have had enough awareness to think trough what they were doing.
Dumbledore had a lot on his plate, and again, I don't think he was bad, but he screwed up.
Honestly, is there a fic where Severus thinks something like 'nah, no way I'm going there, I don't care if they think I'm a coward, I'm not that stupid' and then goes to bed to wake up the next day with nothing happening?
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nuttyhatter · 26 days
Hi. Does anyone know of a fic where Snape for x-reason uses the sword of Godric Gryffindor or is said to have Gryffindor traits in front of a good amount of people?
I just want chaos.
The idea of the hat considering your traits, but also the ones you most value is something I like. There are lots of opinions about Snape and the marauders and I think they are all right and wrong at the same time. All of them did a lot of shity things and some had more chances in life than others. Snape, in my opinion, had it hard but also burned many bridges with his own hands.
Ultimately I find his character more interesting, so is there any fic like this? I like Bamf!Snape. I don't mind pairings all that much but I'd rather for it not to be with Lily. It's nothing against her, simply don't really like the pairing.
Just, some people realising their own bias and misconceptions and freaking out. I can also picture Snape internaly freaking out and watching the sword/sorting hat as if it had personally insulted him (the hat probably did).
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nuttyhatter · 28 days
I am looking for a Percy Jackson fanfiction. I read the 5 first books a long while ago, so I don't remember much. But I am looking for a fic that has Dionysus as some kind of uncle/father figure to all demigods.
Now, I know this is fully ooc, but he is the one with the best chances of understanding what it is like to be in their place because he used to be a demigod himself. I read the book of Percy Jackson narrating the stories of the Olympians and there he explained how Dionysus mother was a demigod, daughter of Poseidon, I think.
Hera was responsible for a lot of shit that happened to him afterwards.
He would know what it's like to be mortal, to have friends and a loving and very HUMAN family and have it taken away from you for something that was not your doing.
Then, he married Ariadna, a princess and mortal made immortal so they'd be able to be together. That's when his dislike for demigods started, but really, I don't think that to be enough for him to hate them, not really.
And he cares about his own children, he showed it. I think he has only one set of children too. And being at camp means that he is probably the most present parent of every Olympian.
My point, I want a fic where he clearly is angry at the rest of the Olympians for their treatment to their children but tries so much to hide it, where he is sick and fed up of watching for centuries how they play with kids like they were toys, how they abandon them to survive in a world that essentially wants them dead. I want him to be sick of watching them pay for the broken plates they didn't even touch, of the unfair punishments and the times when one of them is killed or cursed by one Olympian because of what other Olympian too powerful to be attacked did (*cof*Zeus and Hera*cofcof*).
I want him there, not knowing what to do to help, wanting to help but being unable to. He was forbidden of drinking wine by Zeus, he was basically expelled from his own domain. How much influence over him does Zeus then posses?
I want Dionysus angry and furious with the Olympians.
I want him resenting Quiron too, maybe, for sending demigod after demigod on quests. Maybe just at the beginning, until they reach some understanding. Until they get each other a bit better, until they understand that they are on the same page.
I want Dionysus worried and annoyed and doing his best to keep the other kids at arms length but unable to.
I want him trying so desperately to pretend that ge doesn't care and doesn't want to be there because he is worried, worried for the kids that go on quests, worried for those who leave camp after summer, for those who haven't reached camp yet, for those who just arrived and just can't understand yet what is happening and have no idea... They think the worst is over but it isn't, it never is...
And he is worried, over all, that if any of the others ever finds out just how much he actually cares, they will take everything away from him.
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nuttyhatter · 2 months
Sometimes I wonder where Bullroarer Took’s club ended up. Did it get thrown away after the hobbit's death? Is it hanging up somewhere?
I like to imagine that Bilbo has it somewhere in his Smial, and if he’d been more angry than confused by Thorin’s grocer comment, he might have gone to get it. The dwarves would have been sitting down at the table when Bilbo walked in carrying this massive club over his shoulder that was almost as tall as he was. That Bilbo slams it down on the table rather proudly and declares that ‘this is my weapon of choice’.
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nuttyhatter · 2 months
What do you think would have happened if Sally Jackson had decided to stand her ground and Defend Percy instead of using Gabe’s “foul mortal stench” to hide him. Like, Sally’s clear sighted (and if she isn’t I am 100% Certain she Would teach herself through whatever means necessary), she’d see the monsters coming. I think she would buy any scrap of Celestial Bronze she could get her hands on, teach herself various forms of martial arts and self-defense. She would plant cat mint in every window, because cats are also naturally Clear Sighted and Also suspicious as hell of monsters; the second any of the Neighborhood strays puff up and start growling Sally knows something is poking around where it shouldn’t be. And she gets Good at it. Like, Really Good.
And let’s say, one day, she finds three young half-bloods and an exhausted Satyr hiding in a dumpster, trying to escape a nearsighted Cyclops digging through the dumpster right next to theirs. Sally MamaBear Jackson is Not going to take that lying down. So, she gouges out the Cyclops’ eye and sends it packing, and leads these three little babies and their guardian protector up to her apartment. She lets them shower all that Dumpster Stank off, and the weeks of rough-living as they try to make their way down the coast. The two girls (whom she later learns are named Annabeth and Thalia) sleep on the pullout bed couch in the living room, and the boy (his name his Luke, and he’s So Protective if his little family) sleeps in Percy’s room on an old air matress Sally digs out of the closet. The Satyr (his name is Grover and he is So Tired, and Sally is Righteously Pissed that this Child has been sent out to take care of yet more children) sleeps curled up in the recliner after assuring Sally multiple times that he’s perfectly comfortable. The next morning Sally has a whole smorgasbord of breakfast foods ready, and these exhausted-relieved-Finally Hopeful-runaways descend upon it like a plague of locusts. Slowly, achingly slowly, they tell their story; how Annabeth is ignored by her father and downright neglected by her stepmom, how Thalia’s baby brother was Stolen from her just because he wasn’t Greek like here, how Luke’s mom doesn’t even recognize him anymore, how they are Desperate to get to Camp Halfblood: the last known safe-haven for Demigods like them. And Sally will Not Stand For This. So, she promises, on the River Styx to see them safely to Camp. And she gets them there.
And while her son, and his new friends, are tucked safely away at Camp Sally takes a jaunty little stroll on up to Olympus and absolutely REAMS these Olympians for how they treat their own children. All of them. Zeus tries to roll for intimidation and Sally laughs in his face, and she describes how she has dispatched Every. Single. Monster. That Dared to show its face on her doorstep. And she will NOT let another Monster disguised as a god mistreat these poor children any longer. Things are going to Change on Mount Olympus, or Sally Jackson herself will rip the Home of The Gods apart with her own bare hands. Don’t test her.
After that, Sally’s home becomes a safe-haven in its own right. The last boon for Demigods headed to Camp Halfblood. Where they are greeted with a smile and a warm hug, a plate full of food, and a warm bed to sleep in before the final leg of their journey.
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nuttyhatter · 2 months
Thinking about alcohol and alcohol tolerance in my lotr headcanons.
Cause like, okay weakest drinkers? Dwarves. Such a low alcohol tolerance, their drinks are like 0.5 to 0.7. The real hard hitters to them is like 1.2, and then you’re getting bold with it. During their journey, one of the dwarves offered Bilbo a sip of dwarven mead, and it was like fucking water to him, like he somehow got less drunk than he was before.
Humans, we’re humans. Just, average tolerance
Elves? Mainly wine drinkers this lot, and they have fairly high tolerance. Their beverages are usually like, 60%. In reality elves have like, average tolerance, they just have had like thousands of years to build it up.
Now Hobbits? Insane little dudes. Their drinks are actually lethal to most other species. Just as big of drinkers as they are eaters, mainly cause if they drink anything that’s not tailor made for hobbits, they will have to drink a lot to feel like anything. They have livers of steel this lot.
And orcs? Orcs don’t drink. Kay they working that none to five, they got jobs, they busy. They’re huge stoner bros, but alcohol is not their thing.
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nuttyhatter · 3 months
So this is my first attempt at a Rec list! It is WinterIron and I think I’ve got a decent mix of short and long fics, fluff and angst, sad and happy. Please bear (Bare?) with me if the formatting on this list is weird, this is my first time posting anything like this. A lot is under the cut so I don't clog peoples feeds.
Truth Serum Doesn't Discriminate
 By: SummerRoses0612
Word Count:   8,809
Great if you like emotionally dense and harder topic fics. MIND THE TAGS!!!!!
The Avengers have never been a family, no matter what they advertise to the world. What happens when the truth isn't anything like it seems? Or The one where Tony Stark gets drugged with truth serum and the Avengers realize they never even cared to look behind the masks the engineer wore.
Talk Dirty To Me
Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar)
Word Count:  2,255
Such a fun fic! its lighthearted but not so far into crack that you can’t take it seriously 
Imagine Bucky is smitten with Tony at first sight but Tony's not single. Bucky copes by telling Natasha about all the dirty things he wants to do to Tony in Russian. After Tony's dumped, Bucky still talks about him in Russian only now it's half dirty and half romantic. Natasha finally gets fed up with the morons and says something to Tony in Russian, who replies back (in front of Bucky), because oops, he's fluent and understood all the conversations before. AND Bucky and Natasha talking in Russian about how much Bucky loooves Tony without realizing that Tony speaks Russian as well. Being the kind of person he was now, Bucky had crossed happy endings, fairness, and a whole mess of other things off of his list of beliefs since HYDRA got their hooks in him. Shoving the disappointment down wasn’t even that hard. He’d had plenty of practice. It was just… “What a shame,” he sighed in Russian as Tony walked past, giving them a wave over his shoulder as he headed into the kitchen. “The things I would do to that ass.”
speak my language
Word Count:  2,181
I’ve got a thing for polygot Tony fics and you can strip that out of my cold dead hands lol. Also oblivious Buck is always a plus
5 times tony pretended not to understand bucky + 1 time bucky realized it ft. pining in foreign languages
Cuddle Duty
Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar)
Word Count:  3,126
This is so fluffy and full of pining but not angsty enough to be a hard read! Such a good quick feel good fic to read!
Sleep-deprived Tony is a cuddle monster that glomps onto the first person he finds. Bucky has a crush on Tony and tries to always make sure he is the first person sleep-deprived Tony finds, thinking a cuddle session is the only time he'll get to have the genius in his arms. The one thing no one had felt the need to warn him about was also the only thing for which he’d have actually appreciated a heads up. Tony liked to cuddle. Looking at him, you wouldn’t have pegged him as the cuddly type. Nothing about him looked cuddly. He wouldn’t let people hand him stuff, even with his improved mood he hung back half the time, as if he wasn’t part of the team. The other half he got so in your face some of them might have missed the hanging back. Nothing prepared him for the sight of a zombie-like Tony staggering into the common area and latching onto Clint (of all people!) like a limpet.
Bad Days
Word Count:  1,975
This is so cute and I love fics that personify the Winter Soldier as dfferent fRom Bucky.
Prompt: Bucky likes Tony, but is too scared to tell him. What he doesn't know is that every time he has a "winter soldier" moment, he is constantly protecting tony and not letting anyone near him, so tony already knows that Bucky likes him ("genius, remember?"). Bucky finally gets up the courage to talk to Tony, only for Tony to tell him what's been going on and he's been waiting for Bucky to be comfortable enough to actually tell him. Happy ending! I've been on a winter soldier binge (thanks to the alpha WS you did!!) and I just love the thought of Ws being triggered in the tower and while everyone is creating a perimeter etc Tony walks in sleep deprived and due to how adorable he looks Ws aggressively cuddles and protects this sleepy cuteness! ******** A quick fic of Tony enjoying how beefy Bucky is ********* Bucky panicking bc he can feel the WS creeping in & the team being shocked at how the WS in basically in love with Tony & how he is protective of him
Four Strings and Second Chances
Word Count:  35,439
This is legitimately one of the best WinterIron fics I’ve ever read and I want the entirety of it engraved on my gravestone lol
It was reluctance to let one of his finest inventions ever out of his grasp that made him take a couple days over a week to send the arm to Pepper’s office. But all things considered, Tony figured that sending finest prosthetic that had ever come into existence--literally grasping an olive branch--was one of the classiest gifts he’d ever given. He’d included a note and everything. ‘Barnes, Can help with installation. Or not. Up to you. --Stark'
Such Sweet Revenge
Word Count:  167,714
I think this might be the best fic I’ve read to date to be honest with you. Its so so good!
When the Rogues are back in the States after being pardoned, the New Avengers want nothing to do with them and as far as Tony is concerned, if he never speaks to them again, it'll be too soon. After all, he didn't spend the last year putting himself (and his family) back together only for his former co-workers to ruin all of his hard work. But then he gets a hand-written letter from the Winter Soldier himself, apologizing for the events that transpired and an off-handed comment from Rhodey about Rogers failing to take care of an obviously miserable Bucky Barnes sets in motion Tony's new, oh-so-evil plan to get some payback. After all, what better revenge than to steal the Winter Soldier away from his best friend? The only problem: Tony sucks at being vengeful, but apparently he's an expert at inadvertently falling in love.
So that’s It for now. Make sure to leave your authors Kudos and comments! If anyone has any pairings they want to see, suggestions on improving formatting, or anything else let me know. :) Until Next Time, Fynn.
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nuttyhatter · 3 months
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Ready to rec some awesome fics that I read this month!! Feel free to add on with some of your own Bagginshield recs. 😁
March 2024 Rec List
G Rated:
A Home, A Pack, A Place of Love by Lucigoo89 (WIP, 4K, 2ch.)- You can't keep me away from puppy fics! Deciding to run away from home, Corgi Bilbo takes puppy Frodo and escapes into the streets which might not be that friendly to the small animals. The love between Frodo and Bilbo is already so adorable and we haven't even met any company members yet!
To Court a King by Porphyrios (Complete, 19K, 1ch.)- This fic has been recced a lot recently and it's totally worth it! Bilbo and Thorin have decided to court, only some are worried about the worthiness of such a match. I have reread this fic twice just this month alone.
T Rated:
Desperate Magic by BeautifulFiction (Complete, 5K, 1ch.)- This is one of those fics that is worth revisting again and again. On the brink of death, Bilbo sees it in himself to tend to Thorin's hair. It's such a unique kind of Everybody Lives fic, and I just get overwhelmed by the love in this story.
Frozen Heart by snowmissus (soul_of_blaze) (WIP, 7K, 3ch.)- When Danny first promoted this fic on tumblr I was 100% invested. Erebor is trapped in a forever winter and Bilbo is brought to see if he can help. I can't wait to see what all is in store for this fic because the setup is spectacular.
Golden Hearts Bleed Faster by LordOfTheRazzles (WIP, 3K, 1ch.)- I've been waiting for Razzy to release this fic. Bilbo Baggins is the Prince of the Shire and in need of a new bodyguard, Thorin. Bilbo is just so sassy and you can tell this is going to lead to some good antics between the duo.
There and Not Back Again (or, The Saving of Erebor) by femmbingley (WIP, 164K, 49ch.)- There's so much to say about this fic. Post-BOTFA dwarven politics where Bilbo has assumed the duties of the consort which makes things more difficult for Dain. I really love the characterizations and I just can't get enough of this fic!
M Rated:
A heart of stone and Fire in his soul by Lucigoo89 (Complete, 3K, 1ch.)- This fic is chock full of beautiful metaphors. Bilbo's introspection on his thoughts of Thorin during their first standoff with Azog. Honestly, this is one of my favorite Goo fics.
E Rated:
Kurdu 'abadaz by LordOfTheRazzles (WIP, 34K, 6ch.)- This is unlike any Post-BOTFA fic I've ever read. The magic of the Arkenstone brings Thorin back to life for a purpose: help the trapped souls of Erebor. There's such a touching scene between Thorin and his amad that has me in pieces over this fic!
Sleep Alone; Start All Over by vicious_summer (WIP, 56K, 3ch.)- I'm still thoroughly enjoying this fic so far. After an accident, Bilbo is the one who ends up losing about seven years worth of memories including the fact that he’s married to the King Under the Mountain. I’m just always so impressed with vicious_summer’s writing style as it has a more Book!Bilbo vibe.
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nuttyhatter · 3 months
It’s okay to have low pain tolerance.
It’s okay to cry because your pain is at a 2 out of 10.
It’s okay to have higher tolerance for certain types of pain and lower tolerance for others.
It’s okay to be upset that your pain makes you dissociate, but not know any other way to deal with it.
Chronic pain is awful, period. Everyone who deals with it deserves compassion.
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nuttyhatter · 3 months
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This are carnivorous plants...
There was a fair in a part of the city and there were a couple of really nice stalls. One of them was of carnivorous plants. Just carnivorous plants.
The man in charge of the stall was really nice and explained to me when I asked about the one in the second photo. If you see this post and see that what I am saying is wrong, feel free to say so.
Anyways, he said that there was like a substance on the "mouth" of the plant. I understood that the insect was sort of attracted to it. Then I'm not sure if the insect got like stuck and started to slide down on the tube where the liquid of the plant got sort of digestive.
My explanation sucks and I should have checked on google. Truly, I simply thought that the man was really polite and good for explaining that to me and that him having his little stall filled with big and small carnivorous plants (the photos are of the small baby-carnivorous-plants that are no bigger than the palm of my hand because I liked them) was kind of great and wanted to put it here.
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nuttyhatter · 3 months
Bilbo: Do you ever have one of those days when you're holding a stick
Bilbo: And e v e r y o n e looks like a piñata?
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nuttyhatter · 3 months
Question for MLB fandom...
I don't follow the show that much, but I like it and I like the content the fandom creates. I only wanted to point out a thing. Why does Hawkmoth akumatizes people?
With Adrien it has already been proved that sentimonsters can be akumatized and use miraculouses. So, Gabriel doesn't need people to akumatize nor a person to use the peacock miraculous. He could create (or make someone else create) a sentimonster to use the peacock like Felix did, and control it. He could create a number of sentimonsters and akumatize them and make himself Scarlet Moth, etc.
Anyways... Penny for your thought?
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