#jake sim one shot
lololololchips · 6 months
Jake Sim || in which faking it till u make it works…
synopsis: in which faking it till u make it works after two delulu people fall for one another
genre: one!shot smau, fake texts, strangers to lovers (?), fluff
warnings: cussing, fem pronouns, delusions are STROOONG
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johnnysuhbmarine · 5 months
What if it's not the Alcohol Talking?
Pairing: Jake Sim x reader Description: Another party, another night where !best friend Jake comes to your rescue, or at least, gets you home safe. The problem lies in the fact that you haven’t felt normal best-friend-feelings about Jake in a long time, and you might’ve had just enough liquid courage this time around to do something about it…though who knows if you’ll even remember by morning. Content warnings: mentions/consumption of alcohol, mentions/act of throwing up though it’s not described in basically any detail because I can’t even handle that, Jake calls y/n “angel” and dhfusdifhdjkfh, Jake sings at his church but that’s about as religious as this thing gets. Word count: 3,715 A/n: Okay, I wasn’t expecting people to actually read my writing, much less LIKE it, but go off I guess B) I've edited and re-edited this and can't figure out how to make it better so...here's this. I hope you all are doing well - I’m rooting for you, at least, so there’s that. Anyways, here’s one more one shot before university starts to get the better of me. Please enjoy, or don’t…I can’t tell you what to do. As always, feedback would be GREATLY appreciated :)
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Your blurry world immediately finds focus when you see your best friend walk through the front door of the frat house you were currently at. It was a Saturday night party at Beta Theta Pi, and while sorority life itself was not your thing, you had enough friends involved to get you into the parties, which you took full advantage of. 
On the other hand, your best friend, Jake Sim, was a complete homebody. He didn’t mind an occasional wine night with you - the two of you scouring every shelf in the store for bottles of Pinot Noir so you could compare them to each other and eventually find the perfect bottle to drink for the rest of your lives. However, parties were way out of his comfort zone, and you cared about him too much to try and push that agenda on him. Besides, you didn’t know what you would do if Jake became a party person like this. You didn’t ever want him to change, not when his juxtaposed gentle presence at the entrance of the frat, only there so he could drive you home, provided you with such warmth that the snow currently outside seemed to be impossible. 
You had a massive crush on Jake Sim, and you also had a massive amount of alcohol in your system. 
Jake stood there shyly at the front entryway, the tension leaving his body once his gaze found your presence. You were standing and talking to strangers in the kitchen, though your eyes were trained on Jake from the moment he walked in, sure your face was lit up in response. Jake let out a small sigh before making his way through all the drunk dancers and couples with no sense of privacy so that he could get to you. 
“Hey, n/n.” He says once he’s beside you, paying no attention to the people you were originally talking with as he gazed at you softly. You immediately break from the conversation you were having so you could respond.
“Hi, Jake.” You slur through a bright smile, causing him to let out a small chuckle. He tilted his head to the side, a habit he always had no matter where he was. 
“Are you ready to go?” He asks, though he knows the answer. He wouldn’t be here if you weren’t ready. He always stayed up waiting for your texts saying that you wanted to be picked up, and then he would come swing by and grab you so you could get home safe. If he minded being your personal chauffeur back from parties, he never gave any signs, so it was a pattern the two of you had since you met in freshman year. 
You nod your head excitedly, but then your world starts to spin and you have to scrunch your eyes shut, holding out a hand blindly to try and stabilize yourself with Jake’s forearm. He gently covers your hand on his arm with his own, sending peace through your body. “You had a lot to drink tonight, yeah?” He asks, not the least bit accusatory but with genuine curiosity instead. You peek an eye open to see his face, a smile covering your own again as you do.
“Maybe.” You reply as your smile turns into a playful smirk, Jake’s own grin widening at your behavior. 
He nods his head in the direction of the exit. “Come on, let’s get you home.” He says lightly as he starts making his way towards the door, still firmly holding your hand on his arm so he knew you were still with him. 
Jake helped you into the passenger seat of his car, buckling your seatbelt for you with focus, trying not to accidentally touch you and make you uncomfortable. The two of you weren’t strangers to physical contact with each other; basically all of your interactions started and ended with bear hugs, but Jake always tried his best to not initiate physical contact whenever you had been drinking…cause he was perfect. 
When he finally walked around to the other side and fastened himself in the driver’s seat, you got your first solid look at him that wasn’t clouded with the dizziness that came with standing up. He was still in jeans and his long-sleeve blue and white striped polo. His fluffy black hair had a slight curl to it, middle parted as the ends fell over the outside corners of his eyes, which were covered by his nerdy glasses that you absolutely adored. It was hard to ever say Jake wasn’t attractive, but something about him in glasses made him look so cozy and boyfriend-like that it quickly became one of your favorite looks on him. 
“You’re so perfect.” You blurt out without thinking. Jake was still waiting for the car to warm up some before he started driving, and you figure that was probably the luckiest it could have played out because Jake rendered still. The initial shock from your statement caused him to jerk back slightly, eyes widening before he completely froze, and you think you surely would have caused a wreck if he was already on the road. 
Your perception of time is surely skewed, but Jake only seemed to be flustered for a millisecond before he let out a small laugh and turned your way with a playful smile and sincere eyes. “You’re drunk.” He states plainly, and you think your face falls into a pout before your previously consumed liquid courage continues doing its job.
“Yeah, but you’re perfect even when I’m sober.” You reiterate with genuinity and your eyes trained on Jake; though, whatever nonverbal cues he might be sending were too much for you to process in this state anyways. His adam’s apple bobs up and down as he swallows hesitantly. For a moment, his tongue darts out of his mouth to lick his lips as he turns his attention to the road, then shifting into drive and starting on the way home without ever replying. 
With his spare key, he opened the door to your place, bringing you to sit on the couch as he took your shoes off, then moving to place them by the front door with the rest of your shoes. In an effort to stay close to him, you get up and try to follow his movements, but the second your bare feet hit the floor, your equilibrium is thrown, and the dizziness has you nauseous now. “Jake.” You mumble out in almost a whine. Jake snapped his head towards you, his gaze landing on your defeated figure and he immediately knew you felt sick. His eyes widen for a split second before he rushes to pick you up. You wrap around him like a koala until he places you back down in the bathroom, which thankfully was the closest room to where you were. 
Jake held your hair back messily with one hand as you threw up, his other hand rubbing gently up and down your forearm. When your body rids itself of the last of your night’s alcohol, you turn around to face Jake, uneasiness still written on all your features. Jake took care of you after every party, but you had never thrown up before, and you were worried this would push him past his limit. 
Instead, Jake lets out a soft chuckle, the hand that was holding your hair now fixing its framing around your face. “You’re so perfect.” He says sincerely, his eyes filled with fondness as he gave a lopsided smile, and before you can even give yourself the chance to get flustered, you’re shaking your head. 
“Perfect people don’t throw up.” You respond sadly, but Jake just sighs, shaking his head minimally in disagreement.
“Everyone gets sick, angel.” He replies calmly. Your face falls blank, eyes impossibly wide. He’s never called you ‘angel’ before, he doesn’t call you ‘angel.’ He calls you ‘y/n’ or ‘n/n’ and that’s it. Calling you ‘angel’ was completely different from that. Jake reads your expression in an instant, a toothy smile adorning his face as he moves to stand. He immediately leans back down to pick you up and carry you out of the bathroom, placing you so that you’re now sitting on the kitchen counter. 
You watch as he moves around your kitchen as if he lived here, first grabbing a cup and celebrating when he saw you still had Sprite in your fridge. He quickly filled the cup before walking back over to you, the drink now extended out for you to take. He raises his eyebrows invitingly as he nods towards the Sprite. “Come on. It will help get the taste out of your mouth.” He says, doing his best to encourage you to take the Sprite from his hands. When you give in and realize you did, in fact, desperately need that taste out of your mouth, Jake resumes his quest in your kitchen. You watch between sips as he gathers a handful of different items, and by the time he’s done, he has a water bottle, Advil, Powerade, and Hello Pandas placed together. 
He turns back to face your confused gaze, answering your questions without you even having to ask. “I’ll bring these over to your nightstand so you have them whenever you need them between tonight and tomorrow morning. I have Advil and water for you, but make sure you also drink the Powerade, okay? You’ll need the electrolytes.” He says confidently. He meets your eyes again before adding on. “Oh! And the Hello Panda box is there just because they’re your favorite snack so I figured you may want some. They won’t necessarily help your hangover, though.” He finishes with a laugh and warmth floods your entire system as you mumble out a weak ‘thank you.’ 
You slowly get down from the counter, helping Jake to carry everything to your room before getting ready for bed. You changed out of your party clothes and into an oversized t-shirt and some athletic shorts, but outside of getting into pajamas, your night routine seemed daunting. You open your bedroom door back up after you finish changing so you can say ‘goodnight’ to Jake, but as he walks in and sees you heading towards your bed, he tilts his head, confused. “Y/n, you still have makeup on.” 
You shrug, sliding your legs under the covers as you sit up in bed. “Too much work.” You get out, and Jake’s features soften. Then, you watch as he exits your room, leaving you to furrow your eyebrows because you were at least expecting him to say ‘bye.’ However, he comes back in moments later with makeup remover from the bathroom and your eyes widen.
He sits on the edge of your bed, his upper body turned to face you as he took a makeup wipe out of the packaging. He looks at it with a frown before facing you again. “I know your actual cleanser is better, but I figure there’s no way I can do that in a non-messy way with you in bed.” He says, a playful grin crossing his face as he no doubt started thinking about the results of cupping water in his hands and running over here. He looks down at the wipe in his hand before making eye contact with you. “Let me know if I hurt you, okay? I don’t know the right amount of force it takes to remove makeup, but I want to make sure I get it all, okay?” He adds, and you just bite the insides of your cheeks. He wasn’t supposed to be this nice. Well…you knew he was this nice, it’s how he’s always been, but with your brain out of whack, it’s considerably harder to tell your body not to turn into a puddle at his actions. So, instead of opening your mouth and risking telling him how perfect he is again, you just nod slowly, and Jake starts wiping off your makeup. 
When he finally gets your face all barren again, you let yourself actually lie down in bed. He moves to throw the used wipes away before heading towards the door. Though, he turns back to you before he leaves your room, a soft smile on his face. “Goodnight, n/n. Call me if you need anything” He says gently, heading back towards the exit of your place afterwards. 
“Jake.” You call out weakly, but he hears it, stopping right away and walking back into your room, his eyebrows raised in question.
“Yeah? Do you need something?”
Your eyes drop to your hands, anxiously fiddling with your fingers while building up the courage to talk again. “Yeah…you.” You say quietly, but Jake picks up on it anyways. His features go soft as he lets out a small sigh. He walks over to where you were in bed, a hand moving to brush your hair out of your face. If you knew how big and pleading your eyes were, you probably would’ve been embarrassed, but you didn’t know, so you continued to stare at him as if he was the entire world. 
“Y/n, you’ve had a lot to drink. With the high probability that you don’t remember any of this in the morning, I don’t want to scare you when you wake up and find me here, too.” He says seriously. You stick out your bottom lip in a pout. Regardless of if he was technically saying all the right things, you hated it. 
“Please.” You beg with wide eyes, and Jake seems to stop breathing for a moment. He finally drops his head to face the floor, shaking it in disbelief.
“Can I run home and change into pajamas first?” He asks, and you smile brightly in response, shooing him out the door so he could get back faster. He leaves with a small laugh and promises of coming back, leaving your heart racing and a permanent smile on your face.
When he returns in his pajamas, he walks into your room almost surprised to see you stayed up waiting for him to get back. He flashes a smile in your direction before grabbing your desk chair and sliding it over near the bed. You scrunch your eyebrows at him. “What are you doing?” 
He looks back at you as though that was a weird question. “About to sleep?” He responds, and your face falls.
“No. You’re supposed to sleep in my bed with me!” You whine, and Jake begins to laugh before speaking softly.
“That was never the plan, angel. I’ll still be right beside you, just not in bed. I’m here if you need me, okay? But I’m not getting in bed with you. Not when it would feel like I’m taking advantage of your drunken state.” He responds as he sits down. The frown doesn’t leave your face.
“But I wanted to hold you.” You complain, and Jake’s face lights up as his smile turns into a shit-eating grin.
“Oh, you were gonna hold me, yeah?” He teases, and a smile slowly starts to creep back onto your face.
“Yes, I was.” You say confidently before rolling on your back to face the ceiling. “But noooo. You’re sleeping on the chair.” You say, unenthused. 
From your side, Jake chuckles again before reaching his hand out to you. You give it a glance before looking back towards him in question. His eyebrows raise invitingly. “Here.” He says gently. “You can hold my hand.” 
Your face lights up and you immediately slide to the very edge of the bed to take his right hand in your left before bringing it to rest on your stomach. Though you were no longer facing him, Jake’s gaze on you remained soft, and when he began to rub his thumb against the back of your hand, you were asleep in an instant. 
You wake up the next morning with a massive headache and instantly roll over to grab the medicine on your nightstand. That’s when your attention is caught by the sticky note laid on top of the Advil. 
N/n, I’m singing at church this morning, so I am already gone. Please drink your Powerade :) I also made chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast if you want the ones left over. They’re in the fridge. Text me sometime today so I know you’re okay, okay? - Jake 
You read and reread the sticky note, trying to figure why he would come make breakfast at your place. It takes about half a second before your jaw drops and your eyes go wide. Jake didn’t just come over to make breakfast; Jake stayed the night. You hide your face in your hands, the embarrassment you felt only adding to your headache as you get out of bed and start to get ready. 
Though chocolate chip pancakes were your favorite, you were in no mood to eat, and instead, you just make the two minute walk off-campus to get to the church that Jake goes to. You got there in time to listen to him sing one last song before the service ended. Then, you stood in the back, waiting for him to eventually get done talking to everyone and realize you’re there. He was talking with the pastor, smiling in response to what you could only guess was a ‘fantastic job’ on his singing today. Then his friends call him over, and he moves to join their circle, but that’s when his eyes land on you. You watch as he freezes before a soft grin comes across his face. One of his friends calls his attention again but he waves them off, apologizing as he leaves their group to come talk to you.
“Hey, what are you doing here?” He asks cheerfully, but you just drop your head.
“I just wanted to say I’m sorry about last night.” You mumble out, and Jake’s eyebrows furrow.
“You’re sorry?” He questions.
You nod your head lightly. “I didn’t mean to make you spend the night…I’m sorry.” 
The cheerful aura surrounding Jake fades away and he speaks slowly, as if still processing your words. “You didn’t mean- didn’t mean it. Um, okay. Uh, just- next time, can you have Heeseung or Sunghoon or just- someone else pick you up from parties?” 
You pop your head back up to look at him, a little confused. “Like, Saturday parties? When you have church the next morning?”
“No.” He replies quickly. “Any party. Just have someone else pick you up.” He says, now facing the floor as you just stare at him in shock.
“I’m sorry that taking care of me last night was so horrible. I didn’t mean to make you upset with me. I don’t even know- did I do something wrong?” You ask, concerned. Jake was your best friend. He was your safe place, that’s why you asked him to be the one picking you up from parties in the first place. He never had a problem with it before, and you rack your fogged memories to try and come up with anything you may have done that had him completely dismissive right now. You didn’t have to think too hard though, because Jake gives you your answer.
“No- yes- y/n, I can’t listen to you beg me to stay the night, get sad when I say I’m not actually sleeping in bed with you, and then have you say you didn’t mean it the next morning…I can’t listen to you call me perfect if you’re going to take it back when you’re sober. I don’t want my feelings getting played with just because you’re drunk. So, get someone else to take you home.” He was visibly sad but his words were stern, and you were standing there speechless.  
“Feelings…” You repeat back softly, and Jake shakes his head in embarrassment, dropping his gaze to the floor once again.
“Yeah, feelings. There’s something you can go laugh with your frat buddies about-”
You cup his face with your hand lightly, forcing him to look your way again. His eyes go wide as you stare at him. “Did you mean it?” You ask seriously. He swallows hard before nodding his head.
“Yeah, angel. I meant it.” He says quietly, and hearing the word ‘angel’ come out of his mouth while sober was enough to make you crumble. You don’t, though. Instead, you grin widely.
“I meant it when I called you perfect.” You respond, and Jake renders still. He looks at you, his emotions scrambled as he blinks rapidly in your direction. You let out a small chuckle. “I came here to apologize because I thought I ruined our friendship by doing so.” 
Jake scrunches his eyebrows at you, more playful than you would expect. “Well, you did.” He affirms, and your eyes go wide with worry. 
“What? I don’t want to be in a normal relationship with you when I could be in a romantic relationship with you.” He replies with a smirk and you swat at him playfully, rolling your eyes. 
“You scared me so bad, Jake Sim.” You say through a laugh. He looks at you with a softness in his eyes that you don’t think you’ll ever get used to, and he moves closer until your faces are just inches apart. 
“Y/n, will you please be my girlfriend?” He asks, his hot breath against your lips making you go crazy. You nod your head, adding a verbal ‘yes’ onto it as Jake leans in closer.
You begin to laugh. “Jake, are you about to kiss me in your church?” You ask, extremely embarrassed. Jake takes a moment to look around at the rest of the people still there before turning back to you and shrugging. 
“Last time I checked, church is where you’re supposed to kiss the person you love…or else, I should probably check in on all those couples that I’ve watched get married.” He says confidently and you smile so impossibly wide it hurts your cheeks. He laughs again, looking at you intently. “Y/n, can I kiss you?” He asks, and you don’t give him the niceties of an answer as you move to kiss him first.
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jwsdoll · 24 days
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୨୧ synopsis when his abs get sunburnt pairing neighbor sim jaeyun x f! reader warnings slight suggestive, make out, mentions of touch, slight kiss sav notes silly idea of me and naes >< WC < 1000 DOLLHOUSE…
if you enjoyed, please REBLOG !! ୨୧
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there he was. shirtless out in the sun on his front yard. you couldn’t help but blush when you saw this abs glazed in sweat due to the heat. his black sunglasses rested on the bridge nose as he soaked in every bit of sunlight.
sim jaeyun, your handsome, flirty next door neighbor. ever since he moved into the neighborhood, he always found his way to be near you. it started with his soccer ball landed on your yard, he would knock on your door asking if he can come get it.
now there he was, laying on a towel; shirtless. you couldn’t help but stare, watching him lay out in the sun. you continued to stare, making sure you weren’t so obvious, or so you thought.
“hey pretty..” you near jake call out.
“oh hey.. what’re doing out on this humid day?” you casually played it off.
“just soaking in some sun you know? say, wanna help me out for a second doll?” he asks, creating a small pain in your chest.
his question makes your heart skip a small beat, you were hesitate; before agreeing without any second thought. “okay..” you replied, walking over to his yard.
jake sat up in his spot, putting out a tube of cooling liquid. “do me a favor doll and rub this on my abs? i’ve got a really bad sunburn.”
his question made your face flush mixes of red and pink, you didn’t know what to say for a second. your hot neighbor wants you to rub a cooling liquid on his abs, he wants you to touch him.
“how come? why can’t you do it?” you ask jake, curious as to why he would want you place your delicate hand on his skin.
“cmon doll, you have a soft touch.. and not gonna lie it’s burning me. would you do it? please pretty?” jake slightly begs, trying to not sound desperate; but also hide the pain of his sunburn.
you feel bad jake was suffering with a really bad sunburn, especially on a delicate place on his body. you pour some of the cooling liquid onto the palm of your hand, before sliding it onto jake’s toned, tight, ridged abs.
you stopped as your palm hit his abs, rubbing his abs gently; allowing the cooling liquid to spread. a low groan left jake’s lips.
“how’s that?” you asked, wondering if your touch alongside the cooling liquid calmed down the burning sensation on his skin.
“thank you doll, i told you that you have a gentle and delicate touch.” he bit his lip. “i should burn my abs more often.” jake joked, a small laugh leaving his lips.
you playfully rolled “yeah yeah.. i’ll see you around jae.” you began to walk back to your place, that was until jake called back for you.
“doll face, come back here.”
you turned back, stepping foot back in his lawn. jake approached you more closer, his hands reached your waist; pulling you closer to him. his eyes met with yours, a flirty smile resting in his lips. “how about a reward? for being such a good neighbor and helping me out.”
“reward? what were you thinking?” you asked curiously.
jake paused, no words left his mouth; before his lips met with yours.
his tongue lapping on yours, his grip on your waist gaining tighter. your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to you as your lips crashed. his veiny hands make their way to the bottom of your tank top, caressing the small exposed skin available to touch. his hands made their way under your top, resting onto your lower back.
he pulls away from your lips, a small smirk on his face. “you’re so gorgeous.. fuck” he groans before he kisses your neck, sending a rush of desire to you. “are you free later?” he asks, pulling away from your body slightly.
“well i’m going out with some friends later…” you replied, a slight frown falling onto jake’s face as he hears your response.
“well cancel them doll, i need every minute i can get to savor every inch of that body..” jake smirked, his hands finding its way back to your waist.
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sincerelyrki · 2 months
pretty baby
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Jake’s pretty baby makes the prettiest sounds, it’s only fair that the others get to hear them too.
pairing : bf!jake x fem!reader
warnings + genre : smut. exhibition. hand job. fingering. only includes the hyung line. 18+.
wc : 844
a/n : this took everything in me to post, i get way too shy to write stuff like this TT but thoughts? pls let me know how i did <3
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“Can I touch you?” You kept your gaze locked on the movie playing across the room, your ears hot as you attempted to ignore your needy boyfriend.
Jake quietly whined in your ear at your ignorance, his need for you growing the longer your hand jerked him off. 
He raised his hips to push himself further into your palm, soft gasps leaving his lips as he felt your hand tighten around him. 
“Please, I need to feel you.” Jake’s lips gently nipped at your ear as he pushed himself completely against you, your slow caresses halting as he trapped your hand between his thighs and your hip.  
You once again tightened your hand around him, squeezing him with a warning.
Jake hissed in pain, his lower body slightly flinching away from you in shock. 
Without drawing attention to yourself you turned your head towards your boyfriend, his pitiful state causing your satisfaction to swell along your arms. 
Your newfound goosebumps were nothing compared to the way your body reacted to his next actions, your head snapping around to glance around the room to check if anyone had noticed your slip up.
Jake gave you a sly smile, moving his hand further up the front of your shirt. He took advantage of your cautionary glances, cupping one of your breasts with one of his hands before snaking the other one behind your back.
Your jaw clenched as you felt your bra come undone, being supported by nothing but Jake’s hand pressing against you. 
“Sorry, it was an accident.” Jake winked at you as he removed his hand from your shirt, your bra held in his hands as he leaned away from you.
“The others will hear.” You gave up, leaning forward after him. Jake allowed you to lean into him, his free hand reaching out to pull one of your legs over his. 
“Not if you’re quiet” He teased you, one side of his mouth quirking into a smirk as he tilted his head at you. “You can be quiet, can’t you?”
It was almost humorous how fast Jake was able to switch the rolls, controlling you by the palm of his hand as he pushed you into a submissive headspace. 
You confidently nodded at him, your certainty fading the second his fingers wrapped around your knee. “We don’t want anyone to see how dirty my girl can be, that’s for my eyes only.”
Through the dimmed room it was nearly impossible to see Jake’s hands, the light’s reflection on his rings being the only proof of his hands touching your skin.
“But it seems it’s too late for that, hm?” Jake whispered in your ears, his fingers reaching your underwear as he stared at a spot across from you.
“Heeseung seems to be really enjoying this, his poor of an excuse blanket is doing nothing to hide it.” You say frozen in spot, legs spread under the blanket as your boyfriend's fingers circled shapes against your upper thigh.
“My pretty baby makes the prettiest sounds, should we show him?” Jake pushed your underwear to the side, slotting his fingers between you as his fingertips slid down your most sensitive part.
Your head dropped down as he pushed his fingers into you, his thumb coming up to rub against you as he slowly moved his wrist. 
After a long minute of hiding your sounds, you accidentally choked out a quiet moan, your bitten lips dropping at a harder thrust. “Might as well give them all a show, let them hear you.”
Jake used his other hand to grab your jaw, turning your head towards the three men sitting on the couch beside you. “Let me hear you.” A strangled whimper left your lips at the messy sight that greeted you.
Three pairs of eyes were glued to the blanket across your legs, doing nothing to hide the movements happening beneath it. 
If possible, you grew even shyer as the three men turned their eyes toward your face instead. 
You could see Sunghoon adjusting in his seat, his legs spreading as he fixed his pants. He tried acting like he never saw the two of you, turning his head towards the forgotten movie playing. If it wasn’t for the harsh gulp that followed, he almost could’ve fooled a blind man. 
“Fucking pervs” Jake scoffed out a laugh, his hand speeding up as he finally removed the blanket concealing you from the others.
“Holy shit” Jay’s jaw dropped, his eyes glaring holes into your skin as his eyes wandered all across your bottom half. A strained exhale left his lips at the sight of your inner thighs.
A mixture of red and purple painted your skin, and various hickeys littered across the strip of skin that was hidden by your pulled-up skirt. 
“You have such pretty panties, but I think they’d appreciate the sight more if you got rid of them.” Jake blew cool air into your ear, his free hand pressing against your lower stomach. 
“Show them how pretty you are for me?” And you did. 
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hooned · 3 months
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babygirlism runs in his veins 🎀
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flwrkisses · 7 months
for the birthday boy — sim jaeyun.
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happy jake day! this might be a little late but hey better belated than nothing at all! hope you guys enjoy :)
genre: fluff, established relationship au.
word count: 1.3k (english)
warning: a teeny bit suggestive.
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ever since you and jake had started dating, you always made birthdays a big deal. regardless of the age being turned or who it was, you always emphasized the importance of celebrating birthdays and making sure those close to you got their one day a year to feel special.
jake had gotten used to waiting until midnight for your long and cheesy love filled text wishing him a happy birthday and boasting about how you were the first person to say it to him on the day of his birthday. regardless of the time zone he was in, you somehow always got it right, even if you had to stay up for it. it made him feel special, warm inside knowing how much joy it brought you to do such things. they were so simple and yet it meant the world to him. so when this year came around, 11:59 pm the day before, he was sat in his plane seat finally on his way back home to you, waiting for the text pop up on his screen exactly at 12 am.
however this time, 12:01 passes... then 12:05, and nothing from you. it was strange, you couldn't have forgotten his birthday. jake knew you always marked your calendar with his name surrounded in hearts on the 15th of november. so where was his long heart filled message he always excitedly waited for?
well, on your phone, in your hand.. half written. yes, thats right. for the first time in the 3 years of your relationship, you had fallen asleep mid birthday text. however, jake truly had no way of knowing that.
your sweet birthday boy of a boyfriend panicked, what if there was something wrong? what if you had been kidnapped? what if you didn't love him anymore? of course these were insane exaggerations of the truth but jake was dramatic in situations like these. his plane was going to take off soon and still no birthday text from the one person who means the most to him? he would be anxious all flight.
"ayy, stop freaking out- i'm sure they just forgot." said sunghoon whom had been sitting next to him and watching him freak out in his seat. of course sunghoon didn't see the big deal, he didn't know you like jake did. he didn't know the little texting habits jake had picked up about you. so when he waved it off as forgetfulness jake couldn't take it as a solid answer. it just wasn't like you. "or maybe they fell asleep, either way it'll be okay just relax." his best friend commented once more before laying his head back and getting comfortable in his seat. and with a sigh, jake decided to try and calm down and sleep a little on his flight. even with his mind jumping to the most terrible conclusions he forced himself to think about finally being able to see you after being gone for the past week. it helped... kinda.
6 anxious hours later, jake had gotten out of the company car and hurried into your apartment building. the sky was still dark and the street was still for once. checking his phone, his digital clock read 2:47 in the morning. surely at this time you'd be in your apartment tucked away and sleeping. so when jake quietly entered into your shared apartment, he couldn't help but dart directly into your bedroom to see you. however, the bed was empty, perfectly neatly made the way you had always left it in the morning. his heart sank, where the hell could you have gone at this hour? and why hadn't you been in bed? why hadn't you texted him? that was when he turned around and frantically looked for a his phone which he had place on the kitchen counter.
just as he entered the kitchen something told him to look on the sofa, and there you were. curled up on the sofa with your phone in your hand and your mouth hanging open in exhaustion. he felt slightly embarrassed, considering he had walked past the furniture twice without noticing you on it. all he wanted to do was engulf you into his arms and hold you close after such a long flight of wondering if you were okay. he just didn't have the heart to wake you.
looking around, he noticed the birthday decorations hung up throughout the living room. streamers, tinsel, balloons and banners hung up just for him. he couldn't help but smile like a child when he saw all the work you had put in to celebrate his birthday for him. you most definitely did not forget.
jake looked at the time, 3 am. before it had gotten any later he figured moving you over to your bed to be much more comfortable. gently, he pulled you into his arms and walked you into your shared bedroom. just before he placed you down on your side of the plush bed, you mumbled. "happy birthday jake-" your boyfriend couldn't help but smile wide and lay you down, hoping you'd go back to sleep at his lack of response. however when you looked up at him with sleepy eyes, he knew he had awoken you from your slumber. "ah... i didn't want to wake you." he admitted sheepishly, while moving your legs over a little bit so he could sit next to you.
"i wanted to be awake when you came home." you pouted slightly and reached for him. to which he just laughed softly and moved closer. jake grabbed your hand and held it gently as he looked into your sleep ridden eyes. "your sleep is more important than staying up for me." he reassured you with his warm box like smile.
"but it's your birthday and i had things planned! but i got out of work late and i spent hours decorating and when i finally sat down to text you-" the explanation you attempted to give your boyfriend was cut short by his lips meeting yours. he couldn't help but steal a soft, passionate kiss from your lips as you spoke. you looked so genuinely sad, he couldn't hold it in him. "i promise you, we'll do everything you wanted to do in the morning... or when the suns finally out." he chuckled sweetly. using his hand to caress your side lovingly as he spoke. "being with you right now is the best birthday gift i could ask for right now." he admitted.
he didn't just say that to make your heart melt, he truly meant it. he honestly thought his schedules would cause him to once again be apart from you for his birthday. luckily, he was home, with you, in your arms. "fine, but special birthday breakfast was not included in my original plans." you point out making your puppy like boyfriend laugh before gently throwing his body over yours. "i thought you were my special birthday breakfast~" he said in a playfully flirty tone which made you blush as you hit his chest lightly. "jake!" you warned making him laugh between sweet apologies and kisses.
"but what if that's what i want for breakfast?!"
"starve jaeyun!"
"starve?! ... on my birthday?" he responded, enjoying the playful banter you both had going on. his over dramatic nature took over his body as he laid in bed, closing his eyes and sticking his tongue out like a cartoon character that had just been knocked out. "you're such a drama queen." you laugh and shake him slightly. he continued his act until you pulled your shared blanket over your body and turned your back to him to get comfortable. "i'm going back to sleep, the birthday boy should too... yknow... if he wants his super special birthday breakfast." you teased him, feeling his arms wrap around you and his face nuzzle into the crook of your neck.
"ayyye~" he pleated softly, slightly admitting his defeat. "good night baby~" he mumbled as he left soft quick kisses to your neck.
"night birthday boy~"
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©flwrkisses ; please do not copy, translate, repost and/or reuse my work without my permission. (2023)
masterlist. — requests are open!
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won4ver · 3 months
short almost drabble like fic where jake dated you because of a bet (you find out). bet fics are my guilty pleasure.
but i’m thinking it’s more of just your reaction? like it shows the emotions you go through after finding out
if you decide to write it, thank you🤭
✈︎ the perfect picture
pairing : bf!jake x fem!reader
warnings + genre : angst. crying.
wc : 1.1k
a/n : I LOVE BET FICS SM BCUZ THEY HURT SO GOOD OMFG + plsss lmk how i did!
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Jake’s love painted the perfect picture, the canvas splaying out in a precise manner. The midnight giggles and morning delicacies were nothing more than a distraction, a part Jake played a little too well.
You were blindsided by everything else around you, unable to escape your 2d world. The walls of your heart were crafted by the lies that Jake had sewn into your skin since early on, the needle beginning its stitch the second his eyes met yours.
The gallons of paint were now splattered across the sky, Jake's canvas cracking as the black seeped in through the sections where he forgot to blend.
The audio recording sounded out across your stale room, all air stuck in your lungs as you held your breath, heartbeat behind your eyes as the tears welled.
“LN YN? It’s like you're asking for me to lose before I even begin.” The voice so clearly belonged to your boyfriend, his recognizable shocked tone sounding extra sharp.
“So you’re giving up? It’s not my fault they’ve never noticed you before.” Park Sunghoon, the man who always supported that boyish smile, and your boyfriend's best friend.
“I think they’re a good choice, allows more room for fun” Park Jongseong, the captain of the rugby team, again, your boyfriend's best friend.
“What do I get if I win?”
“Easy. You get this” Even if you couldn’t physically see this scene, you knew very well what Park Sunghoon was shaking in his hands. The bills slapping together as he shook them.
“Deal, prepare to hand it over.” The sound of their hands meeting was your tipping point, vision blurring as the tears fell.
The constricted air in your lungs shot out with your first exhale, chest burning as the weight of your boyfriend's betrayal lay heavy.
The next minutes were a blur of tears and blinding lights, your packed bags landing beside your feet as you hurriedly pulled on your shoes. Your phone buzzing to life in your pocket, messages coming in back to back.
You tried ignoring it, the thought of seeing your boyfriend's contact on your screen creating an overwhelming nauseous feeling.
It wasn’t until you heard a specific ringtone that you decided to fish your phone from your pocket, the loud voice of Sunghoon ringing too loudly across Jake’s apartment.
After hanging out with Jake’s friends a few times you managed to get extremely close to them, Sunghoon in specific. It was easy to get along with him, easy to drown within his sweet aura.
After class one day you accidentally stumbled into him, his attempts to hide his swollen eye coming up unsuccessful. You remembered that day, the day you found out about his fights.
It was as if that evening opened a door to your relationship, Sunghoon attaching himself to your hip.
One day all the boys decided to prank you, changing your ringtones to ones personalized by them. Sunghoon’s voice through his own ringtone has never felt so daunting, you’ve never hated him more.
Your eyes lazily read across his newest message, ignoring the other twenty-seven he’d sent within the last two minutes.
I’m so sorry, I promise we called off the bet after meeting you please don’t do anything you’ll regret. Jake’s on his way back, please hear him out
Without another thought you pressed his notification, the delivered alert changing to seen straight away. It seemed that Sunghoon was already typing again, bubbles popping up right away.
You ignored him once again, leaving his chat to open Jake’s. There was only one message from him, one sent by him hours ago, right after he left to Jay’s house.
“Never talk to me again” you whispered as your fingers pressed each letter, shakily pressing each letter before pressing send. As soon as the message went through you tossed your phone onto the table beside Jake’s door.
Of course, in hindsight, it was foolish to get rid of your phone, but there’s no way you could continue using it knowing all the memories stored in it.
What you didn’t know, was that when you threw it you somehow opened your emails, the email that contained the audio recording.
And so you left, leaving nothing but your phone. You ignored the looks in the lobby, your favourite neighbours giving you worried looks as they saw your state.
You got into the car, carelessly throwing your bags into the backseat. You reversed out of the spot, leaving Jake without another thought.
Jake could feel the dread in his chest as he entered the lobby, the same neighbours that saw you leave in a haste not yet seeing him and they whispered amongst themselves.
“Is yn alright? She just left in a hurry, she was crying pretty bad” Jake didn’t register their words until he reached his apartment, his hands on his knees as he caught his breath.
He had figured he’d get up faster if he ran up the stairs, the elevator always took ages to get down to the lobby.
He slammed open his door, tears falling once again as he noticed that all your belongings were gone. The only sound in his apartment was his own breathing, well that’s what he thought until he saw your discarded phone.
He walked towards it, jelly knees barely holding him up as he bent down to grab your phone. He felt acid rise up his throat, eyes widening as he heard the audio coming from your phone.
He knew you had found out the moment Sunghoon looked up at Jake with glassy eyes, shaking his head as he tried to get the words out. He didn’t waste a second before running out, ignoring his friends calling for him as the apartment door slammed behind him.
He was too late, he missed you by mere seconds. He didn’t have the chance to talk to you, to explain himself. This wasn’t how he wanted you to find out, he was planning countless ways that he would tell you.
That bet was Jake Sim’s biggest regret, but it wasn’t a mistake. Even if he was given the chance to go back and stop himself from accepting the bet, he would never do it. The time he spent with you was his favourite, you became his favourite person.
He didn’t know where he would go from here, but all he knew was that he needed to get to your apartment as soon as possible. And so he ran back down all flights of stairs, racing to his car as he sped towards you.
He didn’t know if you’d ever forgive him, but he needed to try. He loved you more than anything, even if it wasn’t genuine at first.
Jake Sim loved you, but after today you didn’t know if you believed that. If he loved you he wouldn’t have done this to you.
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luvj4key · 2 months
── to all the boys i've loved before
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you write a letter when you get a feeling so intense that you can’t hold it in anymore. these letters are your most inner, personal thoughts that were kept safe in a little blue box that you stored in the top of the shelf. so how is it that heeseung convinced you to fake date him, jaeyun wrote your letter back, sunoo came out to you, and jungwon stop talking to you?
the blue box is missing and so are the four letters that you stamped and wrote their addresses on. 
casting: reader as lara jean, heeseung as peter kavinsky, jake as john ambrose, sunghoon as reader's older brother, jungwon as josh sanderson, jay as greg, sunoo as lucas, ni-ki as kitty | ft... yunjin as chris, chaewon as gen
directors' note: hello everyone! we are proud to announce that @j4keluver and i are doing a collab!! we will be making a series based on netflix's "to all the boys i've loved before" series. disclaimer: this is not an accurate representation of the series, we try to incorporate many details from them. this is our version of the series :) so we hope that you enjoy reading this as much enjoyed writing it <3
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₊˚⊹♡ 𝘁𝗼 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗼𝘆𝘀 𝗶'𝘃𝗲 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲; ; 𝘁𝗼 𝘄𝗵𝗼𝗺 𝗶𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝘆 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗿𝗻, 𝗶 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 | wc: tbd
when you were a little girl, your mom would tell you the classic old tale bed time story of “princess and prince happy ever after.” she would talk about how lovely it is once you find “your prince,” the one who truly loves you for who you are. ever since then, you were hooked on romance novels - and finding the picture perfect boyfriend.
your older brother sunghoon, would roll his eyes at you, stating that “all men are disgusting shits and the only boy you can talk to is me.”  you would just wave him off and stick your tongue out that him, saying how he’s just mad that he hasn’t gotten a girlfriend and he mumbles a “whatever.”
the only issue with trying to find a boyfriend was that you DID NOT know how to express your intense feelings. so that’s when you started to write letter. these letters were the most intimate things you’ve probably ever written in your life besides smut on tumblr. there were four of them in total.
lee heeseung, your 7th grade crush and first kiss
sim jaeyun, your partner in model UN
kim sunoo, from homecoming
yang jungwon, your next door neighbor
₊˚⊹♡ 𝘁𝗼 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗼𝘆𝘀: 𝗽.𝘀. 𝗶 𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 | wc: tbd
after the whole fake dating fiasco, you and heeseung seem to be doing perfect until it wasn’t.  a new problem snakes its way into you and heeseung’s relationship; jaeyun wrote back. yeah, remember the letter you wrote years ago but was sent out by your little brother who thought was doing you a massive favor? yes, that one. you had no idea THE jaeyun would write back. you really did not need this right now especially since you and heeseung are in a good place.
there was two ways you could deal with this; respond to the letter or ignore it and pretend that it doesn’t exist. the two options lead to one option for your relationship; don’t tell heeseung. it’s not that you didn’t want to but everything was so good right now. why ruin it with a letter that probably only talks about jaeyun’s acceptance into NASA as a quantum physicist… right?
₊˚⊹♡ 𝘁𝗼 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗼𝘆𝘀: 𝗮𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 | wc: tbd
your recent trip to korea made you realize two major things; you have go to start learning more korean besides duolingo and you can’t be away from heeseung too long. the countdown till graduation has started and with college decisions coming around the corner, life was falling into the perfect book ending.you knew heeseung’s dream school was stanford;  it’s always been stanford. with his good GPA, athletic abilities, and extracurricular, it’s not shock that he gets accepted. you get ready to open your letter. this was it. you guys were going to be high school sweethearts that turn into college sweethearts that turn into husband and wife.
that whole image comes crashing down when you see that you’ve been rejected and the only thing on your mind is how are you going to tell heeseung? heeseung keeps pestering you about your status until you do what you do best when nervous : lie. he’s bouncing off the walls when you tell him, it’s all he can talk about. he starts to plan how much to deposit for your shared apartment on your senior class trip to new york city !
whoopsie, how are you gonna tell him that you DIDN’T get accepted into stanford and that nyu, a college almost 3,000 miles away, is becoming your dream school?
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this is a work of fiction. it does not depict any of the artists in any way, shape. or form. ©luvj4key and j4keluver, all work is written by us. do not copy or repost
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bamnamuu · 9 months
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WARNINGS ! idk if there’s any swearing? y/n and jake are so in love and it’s gross, jealous jake [mentions of a cow titty mug beware] spelling mistakes :(
jungwon heeseung jay jake sunghoon sunoo ni-ki
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A.NOTE ! this was the best one i think and i’m very biased because i love jake, i could have made more but i didn’t wanna get carried away :p
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stariekis · 5 months
this is so jake coded 🥺 but he would be the one asking you to try it tho ~ giggling all the time, taking pictures of himself and both of you guys together and posting them everywhere to 'make people jealous of how cute we are' he said ... he loves showing your relationship off ) : puppy bf energy fr. <3
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mygnolia · 10 hours
say it. say you love me. - hyung line vers.
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or....perhaps not the first, but the most memorable of times they’ve said i love you. 
pair: hyung line x reader (separate) | genre: comfort, fluff, minor angst | wc: 1.3k | cw: everyone is over 21, alcohol consumption (jake) kisses hehe
a/n: some r angst some r comfort some are me silently begging to be loved i fear. also bye why did it go from total angst n comfort where reader is sobbing to nervous enha and kisses...u can never stray away from love LMFAOOO
'i love you,  i know i don't say it enough.'
lee heeseung, who knows he’s created a rift between you and him the more he devotes himself to his work, and the less he responds to your texts and messages, the more you worry.
lee heeseung, who sees you in your room with tears in your eyes as you write in your journal how you feel, the songs of your playlist emcompassing the melancholic insecurities that continue to choke you out. 
“you don’t love me anymore, do you?” you confess your amalgamation of issues, afraid that his lack of availability and excuses stem from his loss of feelings. 
and lee heeseung lays with you, refusing to let the exhaustion creep into his bones until he’s quelled your fears. “I know you keep hearing it, but it really is work.” he pairs his explanations with begging texts from his boss and team as evidence, followed by his refusal but eventual acceptance. it’s overtime, and he promises himself he’ll treat you both to a trip with the three day weekend coming up. and he’s been too tired to even realize how aloof he sounds, until he hears your quiet and vulnerable explanations. “i’m sorry, ____. I promise, it’s not what you think. i’ve been meaning to ask to take you out down south a bit, yeah? just us, over that three day weekend. it’s what i’ve been planning. i’m sorry I haven’t noticed how I’ve made you feel, my love.” Although you still have to take deep breaths and slowly calm yourself, you let him dote on you, wiping away tears and placing small kisses on your forehead. 
“say it, heeseung.” and he knows immediately.
“i love you, ___.” his eyes glitter with affection as he cups your jaw, his forehead against yours. “i love you, and i know i don’t say it enough.”
more under the cut!
'i love you, and it drives me crazy.'
park jay, who swears he would never let it happen to him, he swears he would never be caught purposely in the rain, but his heart falls into reckless abandon; and it falls for you, vehemently. some would say it’s cliche. jay thinks it’s simply a byproduct of his feelings for you.
park jay, who knocks at your door repeatedly, the rain soaking him down to the bone. he knows he’ll catch a cold, but the craziest thing about being in love is that he truly doesn’t care.
you open your door, annoyed at who could be out at the hour. “jay, what the hell? you have a flight tomorrow!”
“i love you.” he confesses, like it’s torture to contain. “i love you, and it drives me crazy.” 
your words feel caught up in your mouth, suddenly dry and without response. “i swear, ____. I don’t care that we’re friends, i don’t care that i leave for a month tomorrow. i stay up at night because you are all I think about. And I can’t come home to an empty apartment without at least trying to gain the courage to ask you to join me there.” 
you think you could cry, honestly, when you step into the rain and wrap your arms around him, pulling jay into a slow kiss. you don’t need words to describe how you feel, only reprimanding his recklessness. “i’m glad it only took two years for you to feel the same.” you finally tell him. he drips on your floor as you two hurry across the wood to dry off.
you don’t care that he makes a mess, and it doesn’t matter that he has to borrow your clothes. you’ll move out soon, anyways.
'i love you,  and i hope you feel the same.'
park sunghoon, who feels stupid asking you out on your fifth date as a couple, standing outside your door with yet another bouquet of flowers. the man feels like he’s in high-school once more, but swears that you deserve nothing but the best, however cliche. 
park sunghoon, who does not know the aching feeling of love and how exhilarating it feels to hold your hand, willing to palms not to get clammy and for his racing heart to slow down when he sees your smile again.
sunghoon always brings you on the most well thought-out dates. drives to the flower fields are filled with boxes and wrapping paper for you to make bouquets with, he attentively works on his color-by-number and makes sure you’re not slacking off to appreciate the end effort, and he makes pottery with you, sculpting with pride as you frown at your mess. your boyfriend has always poured love into the little things. 
today, he takes you ice skating, despite your pleas against looking like a floundering idiot. he laughs at you, dragging your shaky legs onto the rink and giggling as you scream. he pretends to race you, spinning and twirling as you try your might to finish your pre-decided finish line before him. he sulks, and you smile, your chest filling with a swirling, bubbling feeling. 
when he finally takes you home, you two share a sweet kiss, and you pull away to rest your forehead on his. 
“i love you.” he breathes, like it’s natural, like it’s meant to be. “I hope you feel the same.” 
you can’t fight the smile on your face and the kisses that come next, with whispers of ‘i love you’ spoken into the wind from you and him. 
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ SIM JAEYUN
'i love you,  i hope you can tell.'
sim jake, who has zero idea what he’s doing as a boyfriend, scared whenever he takes you out to dinner or comes home with flowers.  
sim jake, who truly finds it befuddling how you’ve moved into his place and offered him comfort every night in your arms. 
he fumbles with his car keys once more, waiting for you to get off work to celebrate your birthday. he has planned an array of events that you love; watching the next episode of the new drama that came out with the projector he just installed, a meal at one of your favorite restaurants, and bags with a purse you’ve been eyeing, some sunglasses, and one of your favorite books, in its special edition form with a signature. 
when you emerge with a look of shock, jake springs into action, opening your door. “i thought heeseung was going to take me home.” you say, pleasantly surprised. 
“and so you thought wrong.” you pull at his ear, laughing when he shrinks away from you. 
the rest of the night continues perfectly, and your chest swells with every new thing your boyfriend tells you he has planned. truly, in this moment, you feel so wholly accepted and appreciated. the night ends with you two tangled on the couch, your head following the rise and fall of his chest as you two clink wine glasses. you turn to him, making eye contact after you place your glass down. “thank you, jake. truly. i appreciate this so much,” you tell him quietly. “you were lying when you said you didn’t know what you were doing.” the corner of his lip curls into a smile, and he places his glass down as well, a look of pure emotion in his eyes. when he kisses you, it feels right, your lips slotted against his as a content sigh leaves you. 
“i love you, ____.” he murmurs, his hand still cradling your jaw. “i hope you can tell.” and you scrunch your eyebrows, sending jake into full panic and overthinking. 
“of course, jake, you did so much for me today, and i feel so special.” you confess. “i love you, too. more, even.” you ponder, before rushing out. “yes, definitely more.” and jake quiets you with yet another kiss. 
YES MAKNAE LINE IS COMINGGG i just wanted to see how you guys liked this one first!
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lattenha · 10 months
5:10 PM — S. JAEYUN
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ft. nonidol!jake x gn!reader genre! one-shot fluff
it’s a lazy saturday afternoon. the sun is out though it contrasts with the low 20 degree weather outside. jake left the apartment about two and a half hours ago to meet up with some friends from high school amidst their trip to korea.
within those two hours you managed to boil milk for a steaming cup of hot chocolate; topped with small marshmallows, and searched the storage closet for christmas decorations to set up around the flat. it was an unspoken tradition for you and jake to assemble the tree together on the first of december, so you decided to wait for him to come back after he had his fun with his buddies.
in the meantime, you strung up some lights, hung a reef outside your front door, and topped each possible surface with christmas figurines or stuffed plushies. when that was finished, you climbed onto the couch with a large blanket to cover the bottom half of your torso and an unfinished book to occupy your thoughts.
five pages into your reading you hear the lock of the front door being tampered with from the other side. it’s about time your lover came home, you were starting to miss him even if only 3 hours had elapsed. jake finally pushes open the door with an exhausted sigh and kicks his shoes off while immediately stripping out of the padded jacket that swallows his entire frame. his face lights up when he notices your figure in the living room cozied up and looking effortlessly adorable.
the brunette makes a beeline towards your direction and is quick to press a chaste kiss to your temple. “sorry it took so long with the guys.” he sighs.
you lean into his touch and place the paperback covered book aside to give your boyfriend your full attention. “not a problem at all, jakey” your nimble fingers pat the empty space next to you as an invite for your boyfriend to join you under the blanket. jake accepts your implicit invitation and does his best to snuggle close to your side. “how was it?”
he hums to himself in thought, finding the words to describe his recent outing with friends he’s still in contact with to this day. “it was fun— a lot of it was just catching up with each other and eating. we played some soccer but not for long because it was way too cold.”
“i bet, it’s like 23 degrees right now, babe.” you pout, feeling sympathetic knowing how much your boyfriend loathes the bitter cold.
“that’s what i was saying! everyone seemed fine like it was normal to be playing soccer in this weather.” jake’s eyebrows furrow and you laugh softly at his disturbed expression.
“at least you’re here now, all comfy and warm.”
jake nods and pecks your lips with a faint smile. “can we cuddle? i need more of your body warmth…”
you comply to his needs and the two of you shuffle against the couch to make yourselves comfortable. jake lays on his side and you mirror his actions now face-to-face with the handsome boy you get to call ‘mine.’ the taller tangles his legs with yours, cooing at how warm and comfortable it feels to finally be under the blanket with you. he kisses the crown of your head, running his frosty fingers through your hair before rubbing circles on the small of your back. everything about this was affectionately tooth-rotting and domestic in the best way possible; you’re more than grateful that it’s jake who you get to share these moments with.
you crane your neck to peck at his lips and curl in closer to jake’s frame. little to no space separates your bodies, just the way he likes it when the two of you cuddle with each other.
about an hour passes when you realize that you’ve fallen asleep on the couch. you blink to adjust for the grogginess. it’s nearly dark out now that the apartment is no longer lit of the natural lighting from the sun, meaning nightfall will soon occur within several minutes notice.
cautiously you sit up to reach for your phone on the coffee table to check the time. 5:10 PM. you rub away the sleep from your eyes as a yawn escapes your system. as much as you would like to resume your nap, dinner doesn’t cook itself and you’re still not sure what tonight’s menu will be. you may even need to go out to buy ingredients.
your thoughts are interrupted when a husky voice calls your name from where they lay. “y/n?”
“i’m here, ikeu.” you pet his hair. said nickname stirs around and lazily looks at you with one eye open.
“come back, it’s cold…” he mumbles. half of his face squished into the pillow. his disheveled hair fairly tamed.
“i have to cook dinner and i’m still not sure what i should make.” you explain.
“you already did so much today. don’t think i haven’t noticed the christmas decorations,” you blush at the comment. jake has always been observant even if he doesn’t vocally portray it. “we’ll order takeout, my treat, hm?”
takeout doesn’t sound too bad actually.
“fine, we can do that.”
jake pulls on your arm and holds you close against his chest, the action almost throwing you off. he tugs the blanket over your shoulders and lazily kisses at your lips with sleep still evident in his current state. “i love you.”
you return the kiss with droopy eyes. “i love you most.”
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jwsdoll · 4 days
girlfriend. — HYUNG LINE VER.
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synopsis: when they reveal your relationship pairing: bf! hyung line x gf! reader warnings: established relationship, fluff? comedy? sav notes: pov i’m in all these pics. maknae line coming soon ! DOLLHOUSE…
if you enjoyed, please REBLOG !!
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permanent taglist — @dioll @copyhanni @flwrstqr @cupidhoons @jlheon @en-gelic @jakesangel @kyoaeri @07sleepykatz @lcvclywon @iikeustar @floweryang @sjylouvre @fertilizedtoesw @junislqve @chaewonshoney @rikiscarf @ashtrie @onlyjjong @baevsxii @jakesprincess1 (send an ask or comment to be added!) networks — @k/-labels
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wvnrqs · 7 months
ᐢ. ֑ .ᐢ sim jaeyun x fem reader 469 words established relationship fluff not proofread
a/n inspired by a kdrama (our beloved summer)
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it was the dreaded finals season. the worst one yet. jake was constantly typing away on his computer or scribbling down messy notes. he practically lived in the library during this particular time of the year.
of course, you were studying hard too. but not as much as your boyfriend. you observed how the dark circles under his eye had only worsened as the days dragged on, and you were beginning to worry about him.
a week before finals, you decided to bring poor jake into the sunlight. you easily found him at his usual spot at the corner of the library, his eyebrows scrunched up while he read something on his computer. you smiled upon his appearance; his hair was tousled and sticking up in a few directions, and he was wearing that oversized grey hoodie that you personally loved.
"hi…" you whispered softly, careful not to scrape the floor with the chair as you sat down opposite him.
"hey." he barely even looked at you before going back to his work.
you admired how disciplined he was (because you can’t relate) for a moment before clearing your throat and continuing. "well…i was thinking we could go out…possibly see the cherry blossoms? you know, take a break from all this studying."
jake nodded. "mhmm…sounds good."
you scowled at him. you sighed, and lowered his computer screen so he could see you. "good evening, jake sim."
he finally looked at you. he stared blankly at you for a few moments.
"but i have to study," he said after, like, forever.
"ah whatever…" you sighed, getting up and walking away. you have officially given up on your exam-obsessed boyfriend.
later that night, you headed to the nearby convenience store in your neighbourhood to get a drink (not alcohol!). you were absentmindedly sitting on a table, swinging your legs back and forth.
"hey." a familiar voice whispered from behind.
you turned around immediately, almost breaking your neck in the process.
"jake?" you said in astonishment. "i thought you said you’d be studying? at home?"
he merely smiled at you, not uttering a word.
"surprise!" he exclaimed softly after a moment of silence, throwing something up into the air that looked like pinkish confetti.
confused, you glanced down at the 'confetti' which had fallen to the floor.
cherry blossom petals.
"what- jake!" you gasped. "how? why-" you stopped talking due to your very obvious shock.
"well, i felt bad about how i kept ditching you just so i could study. and especially since you wanted to go see the cherry blossoms. i know it’s not much, but…" he had that shy little grin on his face that you just couldn’t resist.
you burst out laughing at how adorable he was. you jumped to your feet and enveloped him in a warm hug. your boyfriend was certainly too sweet for this world.
perm taglist @bunreis @d-oyoungs ask to be added networks ⠀ @k-films @k-labels @kflixnet
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i2sunric · 2 months
hi! would anyone like to be added to my permanent tag list for all my works? commento to be added! 🎀
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won4ver · 4 months
words left unsaid
- Jake Sim’s voicemail
pairing : idol!jake x nonidol!fem!reader
genre + warnings : angst. mcd. usage of “my girl” but that’s the only gender specific line.
wc : 548
series masterlist
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I didn’t see you in my dreams last night. It broke my heart all over again. That was the only place where I could be with you, but now you’re not even there anymore.
It hurt me more than I’d like to admit, even worse when I had to wake up and come to the realization that I didn’t even notice.
You’re fading every day, it feels like I'm seeing the shadow of your ghost. You used to haunt me every second of the day, your voice echoing across the dorm. 
But now you’re not even a whisper, it’s like everyone’s moved on. Will you hate me if I too moved on? I hate myself for it, hate how you’re no longer the only thing on my mind.
You were my life, at one moment you were everything that I thought of. But I've already been through our memories a million times, there’s only so many anyways.
I don’t want to be sad anymore, I don’t want to miss you. I wish you were here but you aren’t, nobody told me that you would leave me like this. I’m struggling without you, but I think it’s better if I let you go.
You’ll always be my girl, I’ll live for you. I’ll live the life we’ve always wanted, even if it’s with someone else.
Will you be upset if I love again? You won’t, right? It’s not like I'm going to go searching for love, but if it comes, maybe I won't hesitate.
They will know of you, everyone will. Strangers know you better than anyone in heaven ever would, they know everything about you. They know your favorite colour, it’s a conversation starter.
They know the way your eyes crinkled while you laughed, the way your pretty lips pulled up to reveal your teeth. They told me that you were beautiful, that the way I described you sounded like I was describing an angel. I was.
They may have never known you, but they knew of you. I’ll keep you alive forever, even if it means sharing your memory with the world.
My mom has your photos up with ours, she talks to you every night. She told me that the moon sparkled extra bright whenever she spoke her first sentence. My entire family loved you, it was impossible not to.
You’ll be with us again one day, we can all be together again. Maybe if I ever have kids you could meet them, you’d like that right? You’ve always loved kids, I’m sure you’re up there taking care of all the babies waiting for their own families to join them.
Maybe you’ve already restarted your life here on earth, who knows. Wherever you are I hope you’re happy, hope that you are no longer in pain.
I’m sorry I wasn’t there for your final moments, but at least I was there for your best? You were always there for mine.
I’ll talk to you soon, alright? I have to go now, we’re about to go on stage. I just had to talk to you now, it felt like something was nagging me to speak with you.
I’m ready to get closure, even if it means… I can’t say it. Whatever happens, happens. I'll love you forever.
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