#planning on writing a whole one shot about this actually hm
stariekis · 5 months
this is so jake coded 🥺 but he would be the one asking you to try it tho ~ giggling all the time, taking pictures of himself and both of you guys together and posting them everywhere to 'make people jealous of how cute we are' he said ... he loves showing your relationship off ) : puppy bf energy fr. <3
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itskattkm · 25 days
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I put a spell on you
Based on a request: I just read your baby fever thing and thought it was really cute. I liked how Wednesday slowly began to tolerate the idea of a child with R.
This doesn't have to be a contribution if anons of request, but could you do a short where R and Wednesday actually talk about having a kid, getting a surrogate or whatever voodoo magic the Addams family has, and then just having a heart to heart on it?
Wednesday Addams x Fem Reader
Warnings: cheesy, short smut, GiP, ritual, spell, family plans, Wednesday turning into a softy, sloppy writing, not really proof read
A/N: here it is my dear anon. Sorry for the long wait and I think it turned out way longer than I planned. Hope you enjoy it. More request are open :)
You and Wednesday had been a couple for a few years now. You two met back then in Nevermore Academy where she basically saved the whole city. You both became a couple after tiny stolen moments between the two of you. Never would you have considered that Wednesday saw you as one of her friends. You always kept your distance but you were there if your friends needed you. So in the end you became a more important person in her second case then you actually planned and one thing came to another.
Years passed Wednesday became a well known writer but also solved the craziest crimes and caught the darkest killers just for fun. You were home in the big Victorian house you had bought with her once you two got married and moved out of the apartment you lived once’s. Wednesday was currently in her writing time. Something she still held onto. Even more after she really became a writer.
You walked slowly into her office. Hearing the sounds of her typewriter bitten one letter after another as she was working focused on her next novel.
“You’re planing to stay up all night?” You asked softly. Approaching her from behind. Looking over her shoulder and watching the words she kept hitting into the typewriter. "Mhm." Wednesday answered without looking up. "I can't get my last chapter just right." She typed a little longer. "Would you mind getting me a cup of coffee, querida mio?"
You hesitated but the fact she called you “her love” made her monotone voice sound so much softer. It was giving you some chills. After all she was Wednesday Addams. It was hard being her girlfriend sometimes but the little affection and hidden hints she gave you from time to time, they were your everything. So you made your way to the kitchen and made her an espresso with three shots as she liked or well… preferred. As you came back with the coffee and placed it on her table. Looking at her your face slightly flashed by the dimmed light in the room.
"Thank you... love" Wednesday smiled - literally her unique and rare Wednesday smile "I appreciate it. Really." She took a sip of the coffee.
"What would you do without me, hm?" She asked in her typical ironic and dry manner.
She typed some more. You chuckled about that dry joke, you should have been the one to ask her that. She wasn’t in the position to do that. Your chuckled died down in the new silence and Wednesday went back to writing. Hesitant you tried to start a conversation, ignoring how fast your heart was pushing suddenly and hoping she wouldn’t see the heat in your face. You knew her writing time was important. You may were her wife so Wednesday didn’t go hard on you when you interrupted her but still. It made you feel nervous some times.
“Wednesday can we talk?” you managed to whisper. She stopped typing for a moment and looked up, her dark eyes looking right through your soul. She was silent for a very long time before asking "Talk about what?".
began slowly and carefully “It’s been a while we had time to talk or do something together and I was thinking about something we talked about some time ago…”
Wednesday said nothing for an instant. She was silent. But then she put down the cup she had been holding as you talked.
She let her hands rest on her lap, turning fully in her chair to look at you.
"Yeah? What is it? What is it you want to say, my dear?" Wednesday asked in a very soft, comforting voice. She was clearly open to anything you might want to say. You sighed loud like you were holding so much back inside of you and took a chair nearby before sitting down beside her.
“We talked once about having kids….” My throat tightening as soon as those words left my mouth.
Wednesday blinked at the word 'kids'. She was silent for a long moment before she answered. "Yes. We did talk about that. I remember." Wednesday said very carefully. "Kids? You want children?" Wednesday asked, her voice was very low. “Well…” no more words left you as you got more nervous now. Slightly intimidated by her as mostly.
“Well… we have or jobs. Our house. We’ve been together for six years and married for two. I…” you shrugged your shoulders feeling almost dizzy, not sure what to say. How to make your point.
“I don’t Wanne wait to long Wednesday” you said softly, almost scared. Like you didn’t knew if it was okay to say this or even talk about this. But you knew you felt the urge too… maybe it was something in your nature. Your body saying that you were ready or maybe you were so madly in love with that woman that you wanted little versions of you both.
Wednesday leaned back in her chair again. She was quiet for a very long time. You waited patiently for her to say something but she only blinked. Wednesday looked at you "I'm afraid we can't have kids." Wednesday said in a very serious tone. "No children. At all. Ever." Wednesday repeated. She looked you in the eyes, her face expressionless. You leaned back as well and nodded your mind turning immediately into an auto pilot mode. But you had to admit That this was your fear as well. After all you both were woman, how was that supposed to work? For sure there were ways but deep down you knew that adoption wasn’t an option in the Addams family. Or anything else at all. You stayed calm on your face a wide understanding smile, but truth was you couldn’t hide the sadness you were sure that the smile made it even more obvious that this was going right through your heart. More than you wanted to admit.
Wednesday took your hand while you were silent avoiding her gaze, nodding and still smiling. "I know. You'd make such a great mother." She paused.
"We'll have a great life together, querida mio. I promise." Wednesday said reassuringly. "But no children. Okay? Are you okay with that, my dear? I know how much this means to you." Wednesday asked, looking at you. Her face showed genuine compassion.
You kept nodding, feeling like one of those dogs with a jiggling head for the car.
“yeah…” your voice near to break. You caressed her hand before getting up without looking at her. “Goodnight then… don’t work too long okay?” You added and left to your shared bedroom. Wednesday watched you leave. She couldn't say any more but she wanted to say something. When your bedroom door was shut she went back to work. She tried to write something again - but she couldn't. Instead she put the coffee cup aside and got up. Walking to your bedroom. She opened the door and went in quietly - slowly closing the door behind her.
You were already lying in bed holding yourself together. Staying quite. Pretending to be asleep. Wednesday sat down on the edge of your bed. "You're not asleep, my dear." Wednesday said. Her voice was very soft, that kind of soft that made you feel goosebumps all over your body but not this time. She laid a hand hesitant on your leg.
"I'm sorry for tonight." Wednesday said slowly. She hesitated for a while but then she leaned over you. Slowly she touched your neck and began to rub it in circles. Wednesday was calm and patient. She wanted to make you feel better. You were moving slight signaling that you didn’t felt like it now and wanted to be alone.
"Let me make you feel better." Wednesday said. "Please, Y/N. Let me help you." Wednesday spoke quietly and almost shy.
She went on to lightly and slowly rub away your worries on your back until you could feel her gentle touch. Wednesday was doing anything she could to make you feel comfortable again. She was trying to say sorry with her affection.
“Just leave it…” the words left you numb.
Wednesday didn't answer - she just kept rubbing your shoulder and neck for a little more while. Knowing you loved being touched on your neck. It always made you calm down, managed to make you feel better after nightmares. Wednesday wanted to show you how much she meant her apology. She wanted you to trust and love her again cause she felt like you didn’t wanted to feel anything of that at all right now. But she also didn't want to pressure you. "I'm sorry." Wednesday said again. She hesitated. "I love you." Wednesday whispered.
Her words having so much power over you. You felt conflicted. A tear rolled down your eye. She couldn’t see cause your back was facing her as u stayed quiet and tried to sleep or at least act like you were sleeping. Wednesday noticed that you weren't asleep. She could tell that you were tearing up. She wanted to keep you calm. So Wednesday laid down beside you and spooned you. Held you. She stroked your arm to comfort you. She wanted to keep you from falling apart because she knew how hard you could be to yourself sometimes.
The next day you woke up before Wednesday. You got changed, prepared breakfast. Today you wanted to visit her family since her younger bother Pugsley was celebrating his engagement. Wich meant you needed to go to the Addams mansion and would be part of the big family reunion. Wednesday woke up shortly after you, seeing you already got ready for today.
"You didn't need to cook me breakfast." Wednesday said slowly.
“It’s literally the only thing I’m actually good at…” you said trying to joke but you didn’t laughed or smiled. She hesitated. "Thank you, my dear." A genuinely smile on her cold lips.
"I'm sorry for last night..." Wednesday said in a very quiet tone and added after a short time "I love you, sweetheart.”
“Let’s not talk about that” you whispered and sounded colder then you meant to
You gave her a small kiss on the cheek.
“Now hurry… we’ll be late” you added.
"Okay." Wednesday whispered back.
She did get ready, quickly brushing her hair and putting on clothes to look good, appropriate for the family and mostly for you. "Let's go." Wednesday said, trying to push everything away for today. But the thought of yesterday wasn't gone. But she wanted to push it away for today. After a while Lurch came and picked you both up. You were sitting in the back of the car. Not really talking. When you made it to her family’s mansion you were greeted by her father Gomez and mother Morticia with much love as usual. Your parents in law. You loved them as much as your own, maybe even more. Let’s be for real.
Wednesday stayed quiet as she held you close to her. She may wasn’t a person for physical touch but you were different. And after moments like yesterday Wednesday felt weak. Addicted or cursed. Cause she couldn’t face seeing you like that. So those were moments where she longed for physical touch with you. She felt her black heart pound harder, happy that her parents gave you the same love and affection, you deserved it, you were family now. But Wednesday still felt a little out of place. She felt like she was the odd one out today more than usual - in her own family. She still couldn't shake off the feeling about yesterday's talk.
Inside of the Addams mansion you looked for Pugsley and his fiancé Mary. As soon as your eyes found them, you had a genuine smile for the first time since last nights events. You greeted them and wished them the best, having slight small talk and all.
After a while you found yourself with the rest of the Addams family and more in the big dinning hall. All different types of creatures and human beings. Outcasts and normies. They were all celebrating the engagement of her brother with Mary. But you could feel that it wouldn’t take long till people would start asking you and Wednesday dozen questions.
Right now you were talking with her grandma. Wednesday was happy about the engagement even tho no one could see it in her dead pan eyes. She was still silent. She stayed by your side. For the whole time, her family and their guests had their eyes on you.
You were the only one who noticed that Wednesday didn't really wanted to talk. Like most of the time. She didn't wanted to engage in conversations. She just sat by your side her mind a mess.
But it was nothing new, you were always the talk active at events while Wednesday kept being her anti social self. She surely did the usual deadly pranks with her brother and talked a lot with her uncle fester. But yeah. It was actually normal. But today Wednesday stayed with you the whole time. She was almost clingy. A very rare thing. She didn't want to go anywhere without you. She was always by your side, but at the same time - she still was in silence. She answered some questions directed to her but she looked very uncomfortable with everyone giving her the looks. And you felt this. You didn't need words to know how Wednesday felt right now. It pained your heart for her but also you didn’t wanted to feel anything right now cause you knew why.
“So y/n… when can we see the breed of you two?” Said Wednesdays grandma and you immediately froze. You weren’t sure if this was a joke or just a coincidence. So you smiled weak and left Wednesday and her grandma alone, finding a fake excuse to leave the conversation. Walking out of the mansion to be alone.
Wednesday suddenly turned red. Wich was even more rare than her smiling. Not because she felt embarrassed but because she saw how you felt about her grandma's question. Wednesday was always afraid of family questions. Of others asking about babies and families. Because she knew that it was something that she could never offer to anyone. Wednesday never knew how to react when someone mentioned children. Wednesday stayed silent and looked after you, hoping for anything that could make it better - for you. She looked away completly when she couldn't answer the question after you left.
Mortica had her eyes on the two of you the whole night and saw what happened, so she approached Wednesday and her grandma asking “Everything alright? Why did y/n leave?.”
"I just..." Wednesday started to speak - trying to stay calm. She tried to find something that would make everything okay. "Grandmother... She just asked us something... I couldn’t answer." Wednesday said very nervously. She still looked away in shame. She tried to stay calm. She was ashamed that she was the reason of all of this. She was ashamed because she couldn't give you the family you deserved. Morticia looked confused at her daughter and then at her mother in law “What was it about?” Asked Morticia even tho she already knew the answer.
"She... She asked..." Wednesday said shyly. "... She asked why we didn't have any children yet..." Wednesday replied as silent as possible for a second. Wednesday kept her avoiding the gaze of her mother and grandmother. Wednesdays mother tilted her head she didn’t saw the problem in that “And?.”
"Well... There isn't going to be any children..." Wednesday said softly. She looked up, still a little quiet and nervous. "We can't have any." Wednesday repeated, now more seriously. Morticia smiled wide she understood what the problem was.
Hesitant she touched Wednesdays shoulder without really touching it and said “My dear death trap… you know you can. You’re an Addams. And you’re my daughter. You have the powers of witch craft. You can have children with y/n… it’s not a problem at all that you both are women”
Wednesday froze for a moment. Her eyes went wide and she blushed. This wasn't what she expected at all and for the first time she felt actually dumb, dumb for not thinking about this herself. She suddenly felt shy to tell her mother more about your relationship. She looked at her mom again, still quiet. "W-What..??.." Wednesday said in confusion. Wednesdays grandma laughed “You didn’t considered to use a ritual?” She asked like it was the most normal thing. "A ritual? No... I never thought about that..." Wednesday said. She blushed even more and looked away. Her heart was racing. She couldn't believe it.
Wednesdays mother smiled genuine
“There are rituals that make it possible for you two to have your very own child…”
She sighed with a loving smile on her lips and looked around. “You should look for your wife and have a talk…” she added.
Wednesday looked up at her mother in awe. No. With respect. She couldn't believe what her mother had said. Could a ritual actually make it possible for you to have children? Wednesday was speechless.
She excused herself and made her way to the Addams library trying to find this ritual. She didn't took too long. Very quickly she found a small book. It had been written almost a century ago but it was exactly what she was searching for. Wednesday put the book in her bag but she could already hear the doors open behind her. She went silent. She was very nervous. The book could change everything...
“There she is my favorite niece!” said Fester with big eyes, electricity sparkling out of his fingertips and greeted Wednesday. She looked at uncle Fester and immediately tried to hide the book deeper in her bag and acted cool. "H-Hi..." Wednesday said softly but nervously. She was freaking out inside - and even a little bit scared. She didn’t wanted to talk with her family about you and hers problems in marriage or well… bed. But she wouldn’t consider it as a problem in bed. In bed was everything more than fine.
“Where’s y/n? I haven’t seen her since a while” asked Fester. "Uhm- she went to get some fresh air for a moment. She's outside." Wednesday answered, trying to seem unreadable. "She'll be back soon..." she hoped. She wasn’t sure were you were but she saw you leaving the mansion.
Fester looked at Wednesday with a knowing cheeky smile and said “She’s at the Addams graveyard”. Wednesday realized that uncle Fester knew. How long was she already outside? How long did she take to find the old book? Wednesday tried to say something but just nodded. She tried to find the right words. She tried to be careful with her words. “Uncle Fester... You know pretty much about spells and rituals, right?" She still tried to stay calm.
“Is this about something specific?” He said teasing and gave Wednesday a wink while chuckling. She blushed for a second. She couldn't believe that he knew - but he knew the whole time... Wednesday looked at him. Her eyes told everything. Even without her speaking he already knew everything about her relationship and how she felt. "Uncle Fester - I need you help." Wednesday said quietly. Fester smiled wider. "I... I found an old book..." Wednesday said. She looked down. "Its about a ritual that could help us to have a child..." Wednesday said while looking back at Fester. Wednesday was nervous. She really hoped that he could help her.
Fester looked at the book she pulled out of her bag and nodded
“That’s right… but the one you have is a way more newer ritual. I don’t know if it works as good as the old one”. He walked towards the shelves and picked up a way smaller one and much older one.
“This one. Will defiantly work.
One of our family members used it once. How do you think was vetter it born?” He laughed. “With that ritual… anyone can have children…” he added. Wednesday was shocked. She didn't thought of that - but it was possible now. It was possible that they could have a child. It was the one thing she wanted to hear right now. She blushed and looked at Fester in awe. She finally smiled but still was stunned. She looked down to the ground and nodded. "I need to speak with y/n... I'll let her know." Wednesday said softly. She turned around to go back to you and find you.
Wednesday left the library and went back to you. Finally she took this one step. She went outside, smiling at you with a small glow to her face. "I'm back dear." Wednesday said.
She looked around and saw there was nobody around, it was just both of you.
She approached you with confidence and put her hand on your cheek. "I have good news..." you were surprised to see her. But kept avoiding her eyes as you watched the family gathering from afar through the windows of the mansion. Now that no one could hear her she finally had the courage to say it. "I have a plan... A ritual that could make it possible for us to have children. I found the book and asked uncle Fester to confirm it. He said that it would work." Wednesday tried to give you a smile but she was still too scared to actually look at you. She was afraid of your reaction. She was afraid she couldn't make you happy with this.
Your heart skipped a beat and your face felt hot you looked at her shocked and asked “what?”
"We can have a child.... I just spoke to Uncle Fester about it..." Wednesday looked at you. Her voice was still shaking but she hoped that you was happy - like her. "I know this is important to you - but..." Wednesday paused for a second and looked down.
"Do you want that... Do you want this..?" Wednesday asked quietly. You were stunned and speechless and said confused “You talked with fester about this?”. Wednesday nodded quickly. "Yes... I talked to him about this... I had to... And... We can make this work. We can have a family." Wednesday said with a nervous smile.
One of those rare smiles she wouldn’t give everyone. That showed her beautiful dimples. That made you weak. You looked down not sure what to feel. You weren’t sure if she did find a way to make this possibly for us or just to make you happy…
Wednesday noticed your reaction. "If you don't want this... I understand..." Wednesday said softly. She looked at you. Her eyes showed her worry unsure what to say now. “No! It’s just…” I began with teary eyes “You gave me hope for one year. And when I asked you yesterday you said it will be something that will never happen and be something you can’t give me and now your coming and tell me about a ritual?”
"I know..." Wednesday said silently. She tried to get even closer than she already was. Wednesday put a hand under your chin and raised your head. She looked at you straight in the eyes and smiled softly.
"I was wrong yesterday... I just... I was scared to talk to you about this. I didn't want to give you hope in case it wouldn't work. No. Thats not true. I was dumb. I didn’t think so far… That's why I said that.... But Fester gave me the book... I... I think we can really do this. It's a miracle but I believe in it... Do you?"
A sigh escaped you and you rested your forehead on yours with closed eyes as tears rolled down my cheeks “Do you?” I whispered weak. Wednesday's heart started to beat even faster. She tried to wipe your tears away. "Yes... We can... I believe it..." Wednesday said softly. She put her other hand behind your head. She looked at you very deeply. "I think we can make this work, I do." Wednesday whispered back and smiled again. You looked at her
“You really want this? And you don’t do this just because of me? I need to know if you want this as well as how much as I want this Wednesday” I said softly looking at my wife.
"I want us to have a family." Wednesday said confidently and took your hands. She looked directly in your eyes as she repeated herself. "I want us to have a family that is complete. With you - with us. It really is important to me." Wednesday said honestly. Her eyes showed no doubt of what she just said. Wednesday was sure this was the right decision. “There’s no going back…” I whispered looking deep into your eyes. Wednesday smiled gently and kissed your forehead. She was still very close to you.
"It is the right decision..." Wednesday said. She looked into your eyes again with a small smile on her face. She pulled you a little bit closer and pressed you against her. "I guess we have some work to do... Now..." Wednesday said and smiled at you again. Wednesday was nervous but she felt confident in her decision and the fact that there was no way back now.
A true smiled filled with happiness came on your lips. You pulled her closer saying “I love you…” She hugged you. And you felt her heart beating under your chest. Her breath smelled sweet and she held you tighter.
She still smiled but her eyes looked a little bit like she still had something to say.
Your heart beat faster. Wednesday was beautiful, wonderful and caring just like you always had loved in moments like this. She was perfect - like everything about her.
Her braids were falling on both sides to the side of her face. She was wearing her dark lipstick and she was so... mesmerizing. She always had been. This feeling was perfect. This moment was perfect. You two were perfect for each other.
She looked down for a second and smiled again. She then slowly pulled you closer and kissed you. But not like something quick and without much emotion. She kissed you soft and slow like you had never been kissed before. Wednesday put her arms around you. You both were close and she looked at you. You could see that she was not scared anymore. She kissed you again and whispered quietly as she did.
"I love you y/n..." Wednesday said and slowly broke the kiss. Your hearts were beating like never before.
You drove back home pretty fast after that.
Now you were sitting at the end of your bed and watched Wednesday looking through the book. You felt nervous as she showed you the book with the ritual. “So how does it work?” You asked as you were already only in your underwear and wore a slight silk black gown on top.
"It's an old ritual..." Wednesday begann.
She opened the book and looked at you explaining the rituals step by step.
"The ritual takes approximately two hours... We're doing everything that is written down here. After that you need to drink a potion to confirm the ritual. And than..." Wednesday closed the book.
"It happens." Wednesday said. She put the book down, looked at you.
"Are you ready querida mio?" She asked shyly. “Two hours?” I asked shy
“What are we doing those two hours?” The answer was pretty clear but you were still to stunned to believe it.
Wednesday didn't even answer. She just blushed a little bit, a light smirk at the corner if her lips. She came closer to you and started to kiss you. She gave you her whole attention. She took your hands and put them on her body. Her cheeks were a little red but her lips were still dark.
She smiled evil and kissed you again.
She gave you her whole attention, everything in her was only for you - right now.
You breathed heavy and melted right into her. Kissing her back. The candles around you two that had been placed in a circle, were making this so much more intimate then it already was. It was the most incredible moment of her life. This moment - right here. With her girl. With y/n. She kissed you, she held you close, she touched you. You were so close together - so beautiful. The candles around the room put your faces in a romantic light and gave you a romantic but also spooky atmosphere. Your hair looked so soft and beautiful. You were so incredibly beautiful. The book with the rituals lay open nearby. She had prepared everything for this moment.
She finally could have everything with her girl and You felt pure joy.
“What about the potion?” You whispered between kisses your hands on her waist. Wednesday laughed softly. She couldn't help but smile "You'll drink it in the last moment..." Wednesday said softly. She was still holding you close and was still touching your body with a soft hand that got a little bit warmer. She was in a very good mood. She smiled the way she rarely did had, with a dark and sexy hint. But today - everything was different. Everything was so much more tense… in a good way. Almost like in the night of your first or well second time. The one you both started exploring each other way more than usual.
"It's still so unreal... That we really are going to have a family." Wednesday said and kissed you again. She kissed you so soft that you didn't even felt it at first. But with every passing minute, the kiss became harder. Bruising your lips. Tight grips around your body. The hunger was there and so much more.
You breathed heavier and was lying now on the pentagram you two had to draw before on the floor. Wednesday held you very close on the pentagram. You were laying down and felt her breath against your lips. Everything about this moment was so magical. So wonderful. And it was really just the beginning. She gently kissed you over your cheeks and jaw. Then she looked you in the eyes and kissed you heavy on the lips. She put her hands on your hips and pulled you closer to herself. In her eyes was passion and lust. The way she was breathing made it look like she was starving. Starving to touch and feel you.
You held each other so close. You wanted this so much. You felt her hair and her arms and she didn't stop kissing you. Wednesday was so amazing and you wanted everything from her right now.
The lights from the candles put you in a beautiful light. It was the right atmosphere and the right time. The room was filled with love and happiness.
It was just you and her. It was just Wednesday and y/n. A wonderful moment together. The most precious moment.
She leaned over you. Her skin was soft. Her hair was shining in the light of the candles. She smelled like a deadly flower her smell driving you to another world and then she started to kiss you again. Her body was so close and so soft against yours. You felt the heat of your bodies and you felt the love you both shared even stronger as her hands gripped tight your hips and thighs.
You didn't want to miss even a single second of this moment. And Wednesday didn't let you. She kissed you - touched you - caressed you. She was completely yours right now. A heavy breath of pleasure escaped your throat as her fingers pressed into your thigh. Wednesday wasn't shy to show her attraction. She put her arms on your waist and pressed you harder into the floor. She kissed you even harder and longer. You could feel how close her body was with yours. Wednesday smiled in pleasure. She was enjoying it. Everything about this moment was good. Everything about this moment was perfect.
Your hand moved around her neck as you gripped it tight. Your tongue licking her lower lip before you moved it inside to meet hers.
The kiss was more passionate than ever. Heat was rising between you both. You could feel your need growing. Every touch and kiss sended electric waves right between your legs. Suddenly Wednesday turned around and pulled you on top of her.
Now that you were on top of her you kissed her neck. Your hands caressing her thigh’s while your teeth hovered over her pulse.
Wednesday skin turned more and more into color. She looked at your hands and the kiss was still soft. It only got more intimate. Wednesday kissed you back - not just on the face - but everywhere around your neck. Wednesday was hungry and lovely at the same time. Your touch made her feel warm. She put her hands around your hip and pulled you even closer to her. Her legs were now completely wrapped around yours.
You gasped when you felt something between the two of you down there.
Eyes looking down to see a big bulge in her underwear.
“Is this part of the ritual?” You asked nervous and felt so much more turned on now. Wednesday grinned devilish. She didn't answer right away. She took her time to think about what she said next. Your hands were still on her hips and she moved them a little bit closer. She could feel how you reacted to her right now. You were excited. Wednesday was not surprised. She was excited too - because of this moment and because she could see your reaction.
She looked at you and whispered seductive.
"In the ritual there is one part where we... We need us to be very close... It's very important..."
“Yeah I know but i didn’t knew that the ritual and spell would give you a dick for that…” I said honestly and felt your hardness against my probably soaked slip.
Wednesday kept that sexy evil grin. Your reaction and this moment were so hot. She liked what she saw.
"The ritual has a few different parts in it..... But it's nothing strange. Nothing that wasn't planned." Wednesday said softly and kept a smile on her whole face.
She was so nervous and so excited at the same time but somehow managed to keep it cool. "I guess we can start the next part now... Can we?" Wednesday asked, but you could see that she really wanted it.
You grinned and leaned back down over her.
Grabbing tight her chin as you pulled her in a fierce kiss.
Wednesday was overwhelmed. The kiss was deep and passionate. She bucked her hips. Her hands were running over your hips and your back. Her erection was almost painful by now. It was defiantly a different experience to be intimate with you like that. To feel the effect you had on her, to see how much control you had over her.
She did not want this moment to be over. Wednesday wanted to be with you like that. Forever.
You became more confident and curious so you started grinding your hips into her hardness, to see how good the spell actually worked.
Wednesday was breathless.
She didn't speak a single word. She just kissed you back softly. The spell worked perfectly. She felt it.
Wednesday was almost panting. She put her hands tighter on your hips and pulled until she felt that you were right over her. She wasn’t nervous anymore. She was completely comfortable with you in this position. And she liked what she saw. And what you did to her.
“If there’s a way to use this part of the spell again… then we have to do this way more often” you said heavy against her lips as you kept moving against her erection.
Wednesday was completely overwhelmed. The spell worked better and better. Wednesday's breath was heavy. She did not know what to say. But she did not speak. She didn't want to stop what was happening right now.
Wednesday moved herself more and more in a motion with you. She kept kissing you and she did not stop. She couldn’t. You kissed her deep and turned both of you around cause you wanted her to be on top while you would do this. Wednesday didn't say anything. She followed your move. Your body was now laying under hers. She was completely yours right now. A moan escaped you. Wednesday was blushing. She knew it was the spell - she also knew that it was working perfect. And she was so happy.
She started to kiss down from your neck to other areas with hot open mouthed kisses . She was moving herself and wanted to make you happy - make y/n happy now. Every single muscle in her body felt alive now. The spell made her feel so excited. Wednesday was yours now. She was yours forever - she wanted this. She would never ever let you go - and she meant it from the bottom of her heart. She knew your souls were bonded for this and every other life. Always meant to be together in this and every other world.
Wednesday was so happy. You were everything she wanted. No. needed in her life. You were her wife. She was ready - and she wanted you to realize that she would give you everything you wanted, needed and wished for right now. You were everything to her. All of you.
Wednesday took control of the situation - with a spell and a few words. She was in a completely other world. She didn't want to speak. She wanted to keep kissing you. And she did. She tried all different places.
Wednesday was kissing you all over your face again. She took her hands away of your back and started taking of your slip. And she didn't stop kissing you. Instead she gave you love bites. All over your neck, collarbone and chest. Within seconds both of you were naked.
Hands and fingers roaming other each others body. Wednesday breathed lower and slower as she looked into your eyes for a short moment before kissing you long.
While doing that she positioned herself at your entrance. She knew exactly what to do since you both used a strap on regularly. Almost… regularly. But this was so much better. It made her feel everything. It gave her the full experience. She wanted to slap herself for being so dumb and never considering to use spells for things like that.
The words “my dear you’re so wet…” were on the tip of her tongue but she had always been a bit shy when it came to dirty talk. So she kept the words in her mind and started moving herself into you.
Meeting your tight walls, made her almost moan right away. “Deeper…” you said heavy and she did as you wished. Stretching you out and filling you completly with her dick.
Wednesday started to move slow with deep thrusts first but became faster in a short time. She moved her hips in different styles and tried different kinds of movements.
"Y/n... You are so beautiful..." Wednesday said in between short breaths that were hitting against your neck.
She tried to be as soft as possible - but that was hard. She usually liked being a bit rough. She knew you liked that too under special circumstances and something was telling her that you wanted it rough now.
You started moaning
Your nails deep in her back as you said breathless “I love you querida mio…”
Wednesday was breathing heavy as she heard you moan.
"I love you too querida mio..." Wednesday was kissing your neck again. And then your chest and everywhere else. Wednesday wasn't stopping. She was doing this perfect.
The room was so filled with love. The candles made this moment beautiful.
Everything about you - from your face to your body - you were so beautiful.
Everything about this moment was perfect and Wednesday could feel it coming. She didn't even try to hold it anymore. She didn't say a single word.
She was holding you tight and she knew she could finally let go.
She let all the pleasure come over her and she felt complete as you both reached the peak. Wednesday took a deep breath. Her body was shaking right now. She was still on top of you - her whole body breathing a little bit faster. She didn't move her head and she just kept kissing you.
She didn't want to stop now. This moment was perfect. You panted holding gently her cheek as you kissed her back asking “The potion?”.
Wednesday wasn't talking but she smiled. Her eyes glowed up in love and she kissed you back. "Yes... We are almost done... We just need one more spell..." Wednesday whispered and kissed you again.
Her eyes and her smile was full of love now. She held your cheek again and you could feel that she wanted to be right here. With you. Forever. Finally you both could have your very own family. “So what’s the next step then?” You asked. Wednesday didn't say anything. She kissed you again. For a long and soft kiss.
"The next spell is the ritual of the union. I need you to read it for me and then we will be done...." Wednesday whispered.
She was shy again and she didn't move her mouth.
"Just say the words I write down for you on the paper...." Wednesday whispered and gave you a piece of paper.
"Do you trust me?" Wednesday asked.
You nodded and Was feeling excited and with full hope. Hoping you both could have your own family. Hoping you would be pregnant after this. Wednesday climbed off you and gave you the piece of paper and started to smile.
"Okay dear I will write down the words of the spell now." Wednesday sat down beside you. She didn't say anything. She just wrote. It did not take long and she looked into your eyes with love and gave you the paper back.
"Read it loudly and I will listen. Say those words for me... Together we will be united..." Wednesday whispered. You nodded and started reading it out loud.
"Now the spell of union. In the name of true love I cast this spell over us. I call forth the power of all love rituals, spells, potions, incantations and sacrifices. May the love of two souls be forever united in this life and the next. I bind our souls together forever. You feel me. I know. And that is why I know this is meant to be. Let our love remain unbreakable and create something more. And last forever more."
Wednesday watched you and listened.
You chuckled after reading this
“This actually sounds like a second vow… and not like something we can have a baby with” memories of your first night together after the wedding came back. "I know... It's my little surprise..." Wednesday whispered. A devilish grin on her lips and kissed you again. She wanted this moment very much to be like on your wedding night. She wanted this night to be special and romantic. And it was. You kissed her back and after that, you drank the potion for the ritual, coming slowly to an end.
"The potion works slowly. It takes a little bit of time. It's good that we still have time for a little bit more… fun. I don't want this night to end."
Wednesday layed there - next to you - her arm wrapped around you as she caressed you back. You looked at the time “So I guess we need to go another round? Only one from two hours passed from the ritual” a slight teasing tone in your voice.
Wednesday kissed your cheek and laughed. "Yes... we need another round."
She moved your lips with hers slowly again.
"I can't think of anything else right now than just being with you... and giving you so much pleasure..." Wednesday whispered her lips on your pulse. She tried to make this moment last as long as possible. The potion was still working very slowly so she used the time she had right now to her advantage...
“Do you think it will work?” You asked softly
The fact that the ritual and spell actually gave her a dick to do this made you still scared that it wouldn’t work. Wednesday moved a bit closer to you. She looked you deep in your eyes and she smiled. She kept kissing you but after a while she whispered.
"We won't know until it's done. But I would say - it will work. The spell is working so it's just a matter of time." Wednesday had no doubt that you would be happy. In her eyes the union spell would work and everything would be fine. Your love would be there - and would last forever and most importantly… would create something beautiful. With the best parts of you both. "I love you so much... You are everything to me... You are the most beautiful woman ever..." Wednesday whispered and kissed you so passionately.
Your whole body was full of goosebumps and you felt like this should have always been the way. This was destiny. Wednesday was your girl and you would never let her go now.
You saw your whole life before your eyes together. In your head you saw that everything was right now. The feeling was more than perfect. “I love you Wednesday Addams” you whispered caressing her cheek and lower lip with your thumb. Wednesday was breathing heavily now as she kissed you again. She moved her hand up and down your chest as she kissed you again right now. She whispered softly.
"I love you so much. You make so much sense to me. Everything feels right with you. We are two people, we are together forever. This is our life right now. I am so thankful that we have each other..."
One week passed after the events of the ritual and spell you both were back in the usual routine. She was working on her book and cases and while you did your work as a video editor as usual from home. Wednesday finished her current case and looked on the clock. In about half an hour she would get a call from her office and then she could finally be done with work for today. Wednesday looked at y/n’s picture on her phone and smiled. It was perfect. Wednesday was now waiting to get this call and then she could get home and see you.
She still had in her mind the feelings of the ritual from a week ago. She just could not stop thinking about it. It was perfect and it would be her new every evening memory now. Wednesday was driving home now and was excited to see y/n. In less than 10 minutes she would be there and she could finally see if her wife had maybe some great news. While she was driving you were walking down the house up and down. Nervous about the test and excited at the same time.
Wednesday finally came home and saw you waiting. Wednesday gave you a long kiss and hugged you short. "Was your day alright my dear?" Wednesday asked as she let herself go. “Yeah querida mio” I said happy and kissed you long before pulling away. “So… let’s check what the pregnancy test says… I know it’s early but it’s still a spell so maybe… who knows…”
"Yes y/n. let's check it now." Wednesday took the pregnancy test that y/n was holding in her hands. Wednesday looked at it as she saw that it was positive.
"We did it... We are having a baby." Wednesday kissed you passionately and was so happy. Adrenaline and excitement rushing through her like never before. She couldn't even tell how happy she was right now. You did it. Your love produced a life.
Love produces life - and that was incredible. Wednesday was so full of love she couldn't stop thinking about you and the baby right now. You were speechless. And had tears of relive in your eyes “it worked?!”
Wednesday was smiling and kissed her passionately again. She was so happy.
She started to cry even a little bit. "Yes querida mio it worked. It really did!
We have a baby on our way. I love you so much." You smiled with slight tears and kissed her back deeply “Why didn’t you come up with the ritual earlier?” You said chuckling.
It's been a few months and the months were flying by. You were pregnant and your belly was getting bigger and bigger. "I'm so excited about being a mother..." Wednesday whispered to you.
Everything was perfect right now. They had each other. They had their baby. And they had their spell. It worked perfectly. The ultimate ritual of true love. I chuckled
“It’s weird to see you being all affectionate and a softy. If someone would see you like that they wouldn’t believe it”
Wednesday was touching your belly now. You were sitting in the kitchen now together.
"It feels weird for me too. It does not feel real to talk so openly about emotions. But this is our baby. And it does not matter how others see us if they see us being in love.
The whole world could look at us and laugh, but we don't need to care. We love each other and we are now having a baby. The proof is in your belly now dear. Besides that. I’ll kill everyone who dares to look weird or say something" Wednesday smiled evil. It was still so weird to see her smiling all the time. And being way more softer than she truly was. But you were happy that you were the one who had that effect on her. And you were excited to see how both of you would raise the child. You hoped it would be a Addams like the others.
"Our baby will be dark and unique as an Addams. Maybe a bit scary but very smart. Just like us." Wednesday said with a proud smirk making you chuckle “well I hope”.
"I hope so too. But I think we are having a really smart and dark child for sure. At least if he is a little bit like me I'm satisfied." Wednesday said as she kissed your stomach. She was so happy. Everything was perfect right now. “He?” I said teasing
Then I added “I hope he will be just like you. So I don’t have to worry that much about the baby, cause I know it can handle everything by himself”
Wednesday smiled. "Yes. A boy would be nice. It's a little bit more fitting for an Addams child." Wednesday added with a little grin on her face.
"Just think how good he will look in his own little funeral suit. He will be adorable." Wednesday laughed a little bit as she said the last thing. She loved your little teasing and she loved that you could have fun. It meant so much to her. You laughed about this and shook your head it was so typical for her. But I was actually surprised that she wanted a boy. You always thought she was pulled to powerful woman and stuff like that cause she was one herself.
“Tell me more about what you imagine our child to be like…” you said peacefully. Wednesday smiled and took your hand and kissed it.
"Dark. Smart. Funny. A bit weird and maybe a bit scary. But very lovable. Just like us." Wednesday said as she kissed your hand and looked in your eyes.
She imagined it to be a beautiful child. Wednesday really didn't have a preference between a boy or girl.
In her imagination the child would fit perfectly into their little Addams family.
More months passed and you both were lying in bed now. Wednesday had her hand gently on you belly that was now way much bigger.
"She is active. I can feel it." Wednesday said smiling. You smiled watching her touch your belly and observe the movements of your baby girl. It turned out that it wasn’t going to be a boy. But none of you cared about that. The important thing was to have a healthy baby. "She is so active. I can't even believe it. But I also love it... Our little girl is going to be here so soon. I'm already so happy that she is growing more and more every day. I just love her so very much already." Wednesday said as she kissed your belly. The baby was moving a lot. Wednesday could feel her more and more every minute.
Time flew by faster and soon you found yourself with her in the hospital after giving birth. Wednesday held their daughter close and she looked at you.
"I will always take care of our little girl...
She is so beautiful. I am so glad that we are good mothers. What should we call our little girl?" Wednesday said as she kissed their daughter and then look at you.
You could finally name your little girl. A child made out of pure love and dedication. Their Addams child. They could not have asked for anything better. You looked at both at them thinking about names that would fit an Addams and the miracle it self. "There is Pandora, Persephone, Calypso...
I know these are unusual. Do you have any ideas? Maybe some dark or even Latin names?" Wednesday asked.
It was always important to Wednesday to have a strange and powerful, old fashioned but dark and mysterious name. Just like a true Addams. Something special. “What about Dahlia?” You asked.
It was her favorite flower and crime story.
In your opinion the crime was to much but the flower was perfect.
Daliah Addams.
Wednesday smiled.
"I'm really happy with that name. She is going to be quite a powerful woman like us." Wednesday said and looked at you.
"I want her to grow up with strong characters. To have confidence and love. But also to be able to have power and to use it." Wednesday said smiling.
She did not know where she took those strong feelings from. It was just a sudden feeling that she now wanted all that for their little Daliah.
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leahsgirl · 5 months
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“yes you idiot.”
— in which leah has planned on proposing to you for a long time - except when that time does come; it all goes awry.
pairings - leah williamson x reader (female)
warnings - none, just minor swearing.
a/n - this is my first shot at writing so it may be horrible i apologise
“so once i’ve finished setting everything up I’ll text you and let you know i’m on my wa-“ Leah was mid conversation with Beth and Viv; until you interrupted of course, slotting yourself next to the blonde and matching strides with her as you make your way off the training pitch.
“what are you guys talking about?” you questioned as you observed beth and viv give each other a quick glance.
“nothing baby, I was just asking how myles was adjusting.” Leah replied, reaching out for your hand.
You and Leah have been dating for two and a half years, having officially met playing for the England squad a year prior. While Leah wasn’t your biggest fan to begin with - that soon changed when you made the transfer from manchester united to arsenal, allowing you and the blonde to get closer which then resulted in the two of you starting dating.
“oh my god, you have no idea how excited i’ve been to see him again.”
“i still want to know how you taught him to sit the first time meeting him - he won’t do it for me and Viv.” Beth bewildered.
“what can i say? i’m just the chosen one.” you smirked. “are you sure you can’t come Lee?” Now diverting your attention back to your girlfriend who was sorting out clothes to change into. You and a few of the other girls were going to Beth and Viv’s for a little girls/catch up night, unaware it was actually a set up to keep you out the house while Leah put her plan into action.
“i’ve got to go and help Jacob move stuff out of his apartment y/n or you know i’d be there.” She kissed your cheek.
“definitely just a sore loser because ya’ lost the game last time we went.” Katie piped up, appearing next to the taller girl who in turn gave her a petty slap on the arm.
“you’re beautiful.” a voice spoke from the other end of the room, slowly getting closer and wrapping their arms around you from behind as you looked at yourself in the mirror, peppering a few light kisses near your ear.
“and you’re late, weren’t you meant to meet Jacob twenty mins ago?”
Leah shrugged it off. “and miss the chance of admiring my girl. no way.” She planted a quick kiss on your lips, knowing you’d just finished applying your makeup. “besides, he changed the time to seven, i’ve got a good half an hour.”
She plonked herself down on the bed, fiddling with the rings she wore on her fingers. “what you thinking about in that pretty head of yours?” throughout your relationship with leah, you’ve got to know her pretty much inside and out, and if theres one thing you do know; she only messes with her rings when something is bothering her. “hm..nothing, just thinking about us i guess.”
“us?” you pushed, now joining her on the bed. “just like how we’ve ended up here and how thankful i am for you and everything.” the blue-eyed girl turned to look at you, as if she was studying your whole face. “well, i’m very thankful for you too, even if you are a pain in the arse most of the time.” the twenty-six year old faked hurt and annoyance. “but i love you.” you said more sincerely, placing a tender kiss on Leah’s forehead.
“i love you too.”
Leah kindly offered to drop you off at Beth and Viv’s which you accepted of course. All of the other girls were already there; Alessia and Lottie were fussing over myles, Katie, Caitlin and Steph was in what seemed like a very intense conversion, Jenn and Lia was messing with different filters on TikTok and Beth & Viv were playing host.
“there she is! y/n come in.” Viv ushered you inside and offered you a drink. You immediately making a beeline for the man of the hour, crouching down preparing to be bombarded by a very excited puppy.
Meanwhile, back at the apartment, Leah had began decorating. Her plan was for you to come home to a nice romantic homemade dinner, where after you share some nice conversation and food - she would pop the question, asking you to be her wife.
She’s had this planned for a good couple of months, having gone out with some of your teammates to acquire the goods and then going ring shopping on one of her few days off. To be honest, she was quite proud of herself she’s managed to keep this a secret from you for all this time.
The blonde started by blowing up some heart shaped balloons, followed by scattering rose petals from the front door all the way to the dining table which had been covered with a white table cloth and taper candles. She was making your favourite dishes for the meal of course; pasta with pesto and finishing with churros.
easier said than done however. “how do i make pasta?” the defender flipped the camera so her mum who was now on facetime can see the ingredients. It was times like this where she wishes she helped with the cooking more around the house. After practically what turned out to be a cooking lesson, Leah took the opportunity to change into something nicer, and less covered in flour.
Making her way around the bedroom, she opened her nightstand drawer, sifting a few things around until she pulled out a small black velvet box. She opened it briefly, checking the ring was okay and preyed to god you would like it.
Taking one final look at her work around the house, she pulled out her phone to text the fellow forward.
to: meado
just finished up back here, i’m gonna start heading to yours now.
As the night died down, your teammates and yourself had all congregated in the living room, spread across the sofa and the floor with some kind of cheesy sitcom that Lia put on playing in the background. Different conversations were going on, you finding yourself in a deep conversation with Jenn and Caitlin.
“Well well, look who finally decided to show her face.” Katie announced, pointing at all too familiar blonde locks. “Hey guys.” You got up and walked over to her planting a kiss on her cheek.
“i thought you had to help your brother?” You ask while absentmindedly rubbing her back. “oh..i did, we just finished so I thought i’d come pick you up.”
“Do you want a drink Leah?” Steph offered, holding up a beer in each hand. “No thanks, we have to get back to the apartment.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Do we?”
“Yes we do, now come on.” She took your hand and tried to pull you to the door. “What’s with the rush? You’re being weird Lee.”
“I’m not - i’m just tired that’s all, i’m ready for bed.” She fake yawned. You sighed, “okay grumpy, just let me say bye to everyone.”
It’s safe to say the car ride home was no better. Leah’s leg was bouncing up and down which isn’t exactly ideal when you’re driving, she was cursing out everyone on the roads and kept messing with her bangs if they moved in the slightest. “Are you sure you’re okay love?”
The blonde turned to look and you and gave a weary smile, lifting your hand to her lips and giving it a gentle peck. “I’m fine I promise.”
Walking up the steps to your shared home, Leah stopped you before opening the door. “Okay I need you to close your eyes and only open them when I tell you.”
Complying, you shut your eyes. “Suspicious Miss Williamson.” You stated as you could hear your girlfriend fiddling with her keys in the door. she wrapped her arm around yours and guided you inside. “Okay you can open them now.” You followed her advice and took in your surroundings, suddenly getting an overwhelming sense of love surge over you. “Surprise.” Leah pulled you over to the candlelit table and pulled out a chair for you, waiting for you to sit down to then tuck you in. “Lee..i’m speechless. What’s all this for?”
“Just doing my girlfriend duties and treating you.” The blonde brought over two dishes to the table and sat herself down opposite you. “Shut up! you made my favourite meal?!” Taking a bite off your fork, your mouth practically waters with how good it tastes. “Oh my god, babe this is incredible.” Deciding to be more romantic, you twirl some of the pasta onto your fork and hold it out for Leah to take which she does.
it was all going really well; it had been long overdue since you and leah had a ‘date’ so to speak. While you loved your job and wouldn’t trade it for the world, it often meant romantic gestures like these were far and few in between.
“Is something burning?” The smell of smoke filling your nostrils as you look at the kitchen.
“Shit shit shit!” Leah was quick to her feet, opening the oven where a surge of grey smoke escaped and pulled out a tray with what were now very burnt churros. “For fuck sake.” The defender whined “Well there goes dessert.”
Joining her behind the kitchen island, you looked at the baking tray. “well..you tried.” half-heartedly joking, you looked at the older girl who now had a pout on her face. “It’s okay Leah, you made a lovely pasta. Besides, i’m sure we have some ice cream or something in the freezer.”
“No you don’t understand, tonight was meant to be perfect.” She ran her hands through her hair in frustration. You knitted your eyebrows together “Okay out with it.” sternly said, crossing your arms.
“You’ve been on edge all day..you change the conversation when i caught up to you, meado and Viv. You couldn’t come to girls night which you never miss; i know you said you had to help your brother but then he suddenly changes times, you was angsty all the way home and now you’re practically arguing with the oven. So tell me what’s going on.”
Leah motioned for you to sit on the sofa. “Okay this isn’t how I wanted it to go down but-“ She took a deep breath. “Y/n, as you know i’m not really big on talking about my feelings, but the past three years have been the happiest of my life. you make me excited for the next day to come, you always push me, you stuck with me during my lowest, especially during my acl recovery, you just make me a better person.”
She takes your hand in hers, caressing your skin with her thumb and looks you directly in the eyes which at this point were working hard to not well up. “I guess what i’m trying to say is-“ She reaches into her pants pocket pulling out the familiar black velvet box. “-Will you marry me?”
As she says those four words, she opens the box and looks down at it, doing a double take as she sees its empty - the ring no where to be seen. “What the fuck, where’s the pissing ring.” Colour is draining from her face at this point as she stands up and frantically starts pacing. “You’ve got to be shitting me, the one day i need things to go smoothly.”
“Do you mean this ring?” You held up a ring with an oval diamond at the centre of it. Leah looked dumbfounded “How-how did you-“ The blonde was at a loss for words.
“Lee you dropped it twice during dinner - i even passed it to you once.” You giggled as you passed her the ring back “Did you?”
“See, you’ve been so uptight you didn’t even realise.” Standing up, you wrapped your arms around her neck, moving closer so that your faces were inches apart. “But my answer is yes.” you say barely above a whisper.
“yes?” at this point you thought you’d broke your poor girlfriend. “Yes i’ll marry you idiot.” Pressing your lips onto hers, you emerged yourselves into a deep kiss filled with passion.
Your now fiancé slipped the ring into your finger, admiring the ring and then you. She picked you up, twirling you around out of pure happiness and relief.
“Now how about dessert?” You winked and tugged her towards the bedroom.
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liked by lucybronze and 2,086,773 others
leahwilliamson introducing future mrs williamson
chloekelly congratulations ❤️
userb y/n on that wag life
youruser whose to say it’s not gonna be ‘leah y/l/n’
leahwilliamson replying to youruser y/n williamson just sounds better
kierawalsh congrats lovebirds 😄❤️
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liked by alessiarusso and 1,887,201 others
youruser imagine i said no
ellatoone 😍❤️
1maryearps congrats kiddo!
userd please the difference in her and leah’s captions
jodiemcomer so happy for you y/n, congrats X
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coldbronzemoon · 1 year
Danny Fenton, Totally Mortal Hero Consultant (DPxDC)
Snippet for an AU I'll probably never fully write where Danny takes a job as a consultant for the Justice League to help with ghost and demon bullshit. It's a pretty good cash flow to help him with college, after all, and very flexible hours.
He just claims all his knowledge comes from his parents. Unfortunately, the JL has caught word of the elusive yet active hero Phantom, and want Danny to help them meet and assess him. Whoops.
Over the phone, Tucker sighed. “Good Christ, Danny, why do you keep doing this?”
“I’m not doing anything,” Danny said immediately. He winced at the vague sound of screaming below. Demons sucked. “I didn’t know the JL thing was gonna have me finding Phantom. How would I? They were talking about tracking down powerful ghosts, I was assuming Ancients!”
Tucker sighed again, which was really quite unfair of him. “Mhm. Well, Fenton Catcher?”
“Probably not. They know me pretty well at this point, and unlike what Sam says I can be professional. I’d confuse them with the… uh…”
“Stoner shtick?”
There was more screaming happening, but judging from the pitch it was a demon screaming this time. Danny checked the situation. Yep, demon getting their ass kicked. He didn’t need to get involved with a blaster. Yet.
Instead, he scowled at his phone. “Stop calling it that.”
“You’re gonna tell me flanny Danny wasn’t a pitch-perfect stoner, huh? With the chill vibing and the dopey look?”
“I hate you.”
“Love you too, bud.” 
The sound of a clacking keyboard that had underlined their conversation stopped. “But seriously, Danny, what the hell are you gonna do with this?”
“Uh, lie, probably,” Danny said, because it was very likely.
“Alright, smartass, what are you going to do when that lie backfires on you like literally every other one does?”
“That’s when I start gaslighting, gatekeeping, and girlbossing, babe.”
He had a hard time hearing Tucker’s distant groan of “Why am I still your friend?” on account of the sudden explosion. Danny checked again. Hm. Demon dude had a nasty fire thing going on.
Danny switched on his Fenton water gun—holy water included!-- and shot the demon in the face. They let out a cracking hiss of rage, but dropped the fire spell thing. He waited for them to stop looking around wildly for the culprit for a moment. 
He went back to the call. “‘Cause you loooove me, Tuck. From the bottom of your twice-dead heart.”
“Unfortunately,” Tucker deadpanned.
Danny just cackled. It was lost amongst the sound of supernatural bullshit below.
“Anyway, I’m still figuring out my plan A, honestly. Might bring in gray-man?”
“Amorpho’s an asshole, though. He’ll ruin the whole thing by taking the opportunity to shift into a JL member for a bit.”
Hm. True.
“Yeah, but he’s the main guy I know with that power set.”
“Ask after Desiree?” He could hear the immediate distaste in Tucker’s voice. “Ugh, pretend I didn’t say that. That’s worse than Amorpho.”
“It’s awful,” Danny agreed easily. 
Desiree was actually pretty alright nowadays, mostly on account of Danny remembering the last couple minutes of Aladdin and wishing she could refuse wishes she didn’t want to grant. That had made her happy enough to stop actively picking fights. 
Unfortunately, spending the entirety of one’s afterlife twisting the wording of wishes to their worst form made it hard to stop being an asshole. Who knew! So getting Desiree to split him in two for like a week had a 50/50 chance of fucking up his work relationship with the literal league of superheroes irrevocably. And this was his main cash flow right now.
So, no Desiree, no siree.
“Come up with something better then, asshole.”
Danny hummed and, since the heroes below were focused on the demon, lifted up a little and did a thoughtful back flip. What to do, what to do…?
“My cousin!” he exclaimed.
“What cous—? Oh, Ellie.”
“Yeah, Ellie, Tuck. Which other cousins do I have?”
Tucker scoffed. “You literally have that whole Nightingale thing going on through your dad?”
Danny couldn’t help the face he made. The remaining Nightingales were worse than his parents somehow. “The Nightingales don’t count.”
“You can’t just say they don’t count.”
“I can say that, actually, and I will. They’re, like, cousins through my great-great-great-grandpa anyway.”
“Isn’t there a fight going on over there? Should you be shooting someone?”
 “Yeah, probably.”
He peaked down through the window once more. The heroes must have gotten the first demon to leave while he was talking, because the horned demon fighting them now was a truly unfortunate shade of yellow-green instead of purple. Or maybe it had transformed for some reason? They had it about as in-hand as the other one, though, so Danny definitely didn’t need to go down there. He shot the maybe-new demon in the face real quick.
“Anyway, Ellie can totally help out, she’s been practicing with changing up her looks. She’s also more, uh, malleable than me, what with her situation and all. Looking fully like Phantom shouldn’t be hard.”
Tucker hummed. “She’d try to embarrass you though.”
“Yeah, that’s a problem.” Danny spun in place. “I could bribe her?”
“With what? Her life doesn’t involve needing much cash.”
“She doesn’t get out to the Zone very much. Not many of the inhabited places, anyway. I can promise her the weird apple things Dora’s been growing with Sam’s help, she loved those.”
“If you think that’ll work…” Tucker trailed off dubiously.
Danny laughed. “She’s annoying sometimes, but she’s not gonna fuck over my job if I ask her not to. I’ll just bribe her extra hard for resisting the temptation to mock me.”
“Fair enough.” The clacking of keys resumed. “I’ve really gotta pay attention now, someone’s trying to stop me from getting into this database. Someone half-decent, actually, did they upgrade? Hm. Make sure no one died, yeah?”
“They’re alive. Bye, Tuck,” Danny said, and ended the call.
He shoved his phone back into his jacket pocket and made his way down the stairs. The fight outside he had been stationed for was basically over—Captain Marvel and Green Lantern (Danny was pretty sure he had accidentally learned the dude’s actual name at some point, but hell if he could remember)—had pulled out the magic restraints one of the other consultants had handed out.
That had probably been Constantine. Ugh. Constantine. Dude could stand to lighten up a little; skulking and smoking all the time wasn’t the base state of someone enjoyable to be around. Then again, Danny knew he annoyed the shit out of some of the league with his own attitude, so he maybe shouldn’t talk. But at least he was annoying with a smile!
Case in point: Danny grinned at the heroes. “Got it handled?”
“Suppose so,” said the Green Lantern, “though a little more help would have been nice.”
Captain Marvel was too busy getting in a minor tussle with the demon to say anything either way.
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m like, pretty mortal,” Danny said. “I’m not fucking with demons right where they can hit me. And I did shoot him!”
Green Lantern rolled his eyes, but admitted the point. Danny cheerfully flipped him off anyway.
“I’ll be heading out, then, the hellmouth this guy crawled out of is like three miles away.” Captain Marvel said, hauling the handcuffed demon over his shoulders like a very angry backpack.
“Oh, one more for the road!” 
Danny hit the demon with a final water gun shot. Hissing and scrunching their face like a cat, the demon tried to lunge at him. It wasn’t very successful. Weirdly non-verbal for a demon, who usually had to talk to make deals and steal mortal souls, but Danny wouldn’t judge. Might be a minor demon. A really basic imp? Who knew.
“Stop being a little bitch and you won’t get spray-bottled, asshole,” Danny chided.
With a loud laugh, Captain Marvel sped away.
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suzukiblu · 8 months
Day six of fic NaNoWriMo, obligatory sugar daddy Tim/sugar baby Kon.
"You're bluffing," the thief says flatly.
"And you're fucking stupid if you think this is the play that's getting you out of here," Kon snorts, tapping a foot against the floor. "C'mon, man, give it up. I've got plans tonight." 
"Use the artifact!" the alleged "Mark" yells at the thief holding it. 
"Right!" said thief says, then . . . pauses, and looks embarrassed. "How do I . . . do that?" 
Kon looks incredibly unimpressed. Tim empathizes. Deeply. 
"You guys need a minute there?" Kon asks, raising an eyebrow. 
"Shut up!" Mark snaps at him. "Just use it, Lisa!" 
"I thought you said no names–" 
"Use it!" 
"Uh, right!" 
The thief chucks the little clay goat at Kon. Tim is genuinely embarrassed for this entire crew. 
Kon catches the goat one-handed, which is kind of a stupid idea, but letting it smash on the floor admittedly wouldn't look great. People over property, obviously, but Kon also historically has issues with property damage and letting the bad guys smash up ancient artifacts is not the best plan in general anyway. Especially given how often said ancient artifacts have ghosts or curses or apocalypses locked inside them. 
"Lisa!" the thieves all yell in horror.
"Was this the whole plan?" Kon asks, making a show of inspecting the goat. "Like, was this it? I can come back later, if you're still cooking on that."
Tim muffles a laugh with a snort. Kon definitely caught it, though, judging by his smug smirk. 
"Shut up, wannabe!" the thief still holding a gun to Tim's head snarls, which reminds Tim he should be pretending to care about the gun currently being held to his head. Honestly, he would in Gotham, but the only way this moron is shooting anybody is by accident. 
. . . admittedly, that is a concern, given the trigger discipline issue. Hm.
"Killing me would probably count as felony murder, just so you know," Tim mentions, glancing around the thieves. "Which you could all be charged with, not just whoever actually shot me. Plus I'm pretty sure stealing objects of cultural heritage from a museum is a federal crime."
He's completely sure of all that, actually, for obvious reasons, but he has to at least pretend to be a civilian here. Like, some effort needs to go into that illusion, if for no other reason than to avoid a Bat-lecture from Bruce or, worse, a Bat-"I'm not mad, just disappointed" from Dick. 
Or, worst, Alfred might make disapproving shortbread instead of approving jammy dodgers for post-patrol tonight. That'd be really unfortunate. Tim could really use an approving jammy dodger tonight. He's already going to have to write up a very annoying incident report of this situation as it is, and also deal with the mortification of getting his neck saved by a Super. There is no dignity in that. At all. 
He is definitely never telling the team his secret identity. At least not until he's absolutely positive Kon hasn't inherited any of Superman's eidetic memory, anyway. He's ninety-nine percent sure he hasn't, but that last percent is a definite concern right now. 
"No one asked your opinion, brat!" Mark snaps, though a few of the other thieves now look extremely uneasy. Tim makes another mental note about their crew's obvious lack of prep time and general planning and continues to be embarrassed for them. Museum robberies in Gotham are themed events with careful research and preparation involved, and frankly usually involve more thoughtful effort than whatever gala they may or may not be crashing did. Smash and grab is for convenience stores and small-timers. And these guys are definitely small-timers, but this is equally definitely not a convenience store.
Metropolis is so weird. Why anyone even bothers doing petty crime in it at all is beyond Tim. Maybe they're just banking on Superman being more concerned with natural disasters and alien invasions and rescuing cats from trees, which is a valid strategy. Same theory as splitting up and making a cohesive group into multiple targets.
"He has the idol!" Lisa hisses, glaring at Kon like she's not the one who threw it at him to begin with. Tim gets a gun barrel jammed into his temple again. He has no idea why Trigger Discipline: What Not To Do thinks that's, like . . . a productive thing to do. At this rate he's going to get a bruise or something.
Well, he's not actually doing it hard enough to hurt, admittedly, though Tim does keep expecting it to. The guy looks like he's putting his back into it, but the impacts continue not to actually hurt, so Tim supposes he's just trying to put on a show here. 
Well, at least he's putting in some effort, Tim supposes. That's something. 
"I really do have plans tonight, you know," Kon reminds them, raising an eyebrow at the thieves again. 
"I would appreciate you delaying those, actually," Tim mentions. "If you don't mind, I mean." 
"Oh, yeah, don't sweat it, dude," Kon says, waving him off. "These people are annoying but I'm not gonna ditch out on you here, that's not your fault." 
"Don't ignore us!" one of the unnamed thieves yells. "And give the idol back!" 
"I have no idea why you would expect me to do that," Kon says. 
"I'll shoot!" the thief holding Tim threatens, jamming the gun barrel into his head again. 
"I mean, I'm pretty sure that dude was right about the felony murder thing, so maybe don't?" Kon says, inspecting the little clay goat again. "Hm. This thing is actually kinda cute." 
"It is, isn't it," Tim agrees. "I thought it looked like a kid's toy."
"Oh yeah, I can see that," Kon says, squinting assessingly at it. "Like those chunky toddler ones?" 
"Yeah, like those," Tim confirms with a nod. "Fisher-Price, Duplo, that kind of thing." 
"I'll take your word on that one, man, my 'toddler' stage only lasted about half a day and I was sedated for it," Kon replies in amusement. Tim seethes internally and thinks very uncharitable thoughts about Cadmus. 
"I said I'll shoot!" the thief holding him says furiously, tightening his arm across Tim's neck. It's still not actually enough to hurt, but again, Tim appreciates seeing a little more effort. "Give us the idol, you stupid brat!" 
"I'm trying to help you out here," Kon says, looking exasperated. "You're just making shit worse for yourself the longer you keep this up. Put down the gun and let the guy go, you'll get a way lighter sentence." 
"Fuck you!" the thief shouts. "The power of the idol will protect us!" 
"The idol that I am currently holding, you mean?" Kon says, hefting it meaningfully. "The one that is in specifically my possession and not yours?" 
Tim does understand that talking people down is the preferred approach and Kon can't actually super-speed this problem away, but Kon could at least pretend to be taking this seriously. From his perspective, there's a civilian hostage with a gun to their head and an angry criminal with their finger on the trigger, but he's acting like there isn't any danger in the situation at all.
Tim gets the posturing thing and the general "cooler than thou" attitude Kon likes to present, but it's definitely not making any of the thieves calm down. Like, not at all is it making any of the thieves calm down. 
This incident report is going to be very annoying to write. 
"It's not yours!" Lisa shrieks at him. 
"You literally threw it at me," Kon says. "I only have it because you threw it at me. Also pretty sure it's not yours either, given all the screaming alarms and broken glass and the smashed-in wall I am currently standing in the wreckage of."
Tim starts wondering if maybe he should revisit his "tripping" plan. He doesn't really want to pull any Robin-esque moves in front of Kon, but also dying would really fuck up all that hard work he's put into being Bruce's emotional support sidekick. Also two dead Robins in a row could not possibly end well. Especially in such a stupid way. Especially in Metropolis. 
"You don't even know what you're holding, you idiot!" Lisa fumes.
"A toddler toy, I thought we established," Kon says. "'Doopler' or something?"
"Duplo," Tim corrects, internally calculating tripping angles. 
"That one, yeah," Kon amends. "Doppo." 
Tim, resignedly, thinks his determined commitment to pointlessly fucking up is adorable. Also still hates Cadmus and has the irrational urge to buy him a teddy bear or something, although Kon would definitely just think he was fucking with him if he did.
Maybe he could just smuggle one into his room and disavow all knowledge of its existence. That's an option. 
"Give us the idol now!" the thief holding Tim snarls, his face twisting in rage. 
"Yeah, no," Kon says. 
"You little–!" the thief starts to yell, and then his trigger finger slips. Tim knows this because the gun goes off right next to his ear. 
And right against his temple. 
Half the room screams and the thief yells and drops the gun, recoiling in horror. It goes off again as it hits the floor and a bullet shatters a historically-significant vase the way one should have shattered Tim's personally-significant skull. 
What the fuck?
"Shit, sorry, that was probably kinda loud," Kon says apologetically, wincing a little but otherwise looking completely unphased by all of that. Tim blinks, very slowly, and attempts to restore his resting heart rate. It's not a particularly successful attempt.
"Yeah, kinda," he says.
"Sorry, sound waves are harder to block," Kon apologizes, pointing at his own ear with his free hand, and Tim remembers the other's total lack of concern for any threat to civilian life this whole time and realizes that was because, from Kon's perspective, there wasn't any actual threat.
Well, that explains why neither the gun barrel nor the being choked thing actually hurt at any point, doesn't it.
"Oh," Tim says, looking down at the floor that they are, in fact, all still standing on. "Tactile telekinesis?"
"You've heard of it?" Kon says, looking pleased. 
"Once or twice," Tim says, managing not to say it too dryly. Kon looks even more pleased. "I didn't know you could use it like that, though." 
"Practice makes perfect," Kon replies smugly.
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beforeimdeceased · 10 months
hello! if u want to could you write something ( i don’t mind what it is ) where toxic ellie gets her friends to be mean to reader in an attempt to manipulate the reader in to coming back to her. like reader gets all upset that ellie’s friends are being mean and ellie comforts her fully knowing that she created the situation
DARK CONTENT ⚠︎ — abuse, stalking, manipulation, gaslighting, and rough sex. please do not read if you are sensitive to such topics. this is such a toxic!ellie manipulation tactic, you’re genius. she outsources! i imagine this is the early stages where she pulls a lot of her classic mind games!
“hit her if you have to. i don’t fucking care. you need to be complete shitheads tonight, got it?”
ellie rushed to hang up the phone. she hoped tonight went as she’d planned. you had been a bit distant lately and she needed to change that and quick, so she very quickly got to work. the smile on your face when she’d told you about the dinner was enough to make her jump for joy herself.
you, unsuspectingly, were excited to meet ellie’s friends. they were a tight group she’d hung out with in college. when you’d heard how well they helped her deal with the grief of joel, you grew ecstatic.
“is this ugly? i really hope they like me.” you ask, looking down at your outfit. ellie takes your hand in hers and walks with you to the restaurant. “you look fine baby, don’t stress it.” she reassures you. you meet them all on the higher level where a patio overlooks the city. it made for a perfect view.
“hey guys! this is my girlfriend.” ellie introduces you as you smile at them. you didn’t see it but when you looked away, she shot them a mean glare.
“hey, come sit down.” one of the friends says. you and ellie scoot in with the group as you ready to introduce yourself. before you can speak, another friend across the table interrupts. “you’re right she looks nothing like your last girl.”
you try to control the defensive look on your face and the anger in your tone when you respond. “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“nothing, it’s just an inside joke.” they say as the whole table begins to snicker.
⋆˚✿˖° ⋆˚✿˖° ⋆˚✿˖°
“god they all hate me!” you sob into your hands when you get into the car. ellie reaches over to embrace you in a hug and you lean into her touch. “i’m sure they don’t.”
“cait actually said she did. like she told me to my face in the bathroom.” you look up at her. she holds your face in her hands. “i’m sorry baby that’s so fucked up. fuck them seriously. why don’t we go home and you let me take care of you tonight, hm?” she wipes a tear.
you nod and bury yourself into her chest. you didn’t know that they were doing it on purpose, and you surely didn’t see the wide smile plastered on her face everytime you looked away.
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Writing One shot: Lucifer Morningstar ★
⋆ ★ Character: Lucifer Morningstar
⋆ ★ Fandom: Hazbin hotel
⋆ ★ Plot: Lucifer x Artist!Reader
⋆ ★ Requests: Open
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Part 1.
Read Part 2 here:
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✦ The only thing that you ever cared about was making art. Not the person screaming for help while getting stabbed at a park you always visited to draw the landscape and animals. Not the time where you saw a person hanging on for dear life on a tall building from a failed parkour stunt, yelling for someone to save him, obviously you didn’t, you were too busy drawing his expression.
✦ Maybe those types of actions are what made you go to hell instead of heaven..
✦ But now that you are in hell, there is a whole new world of things to draw, paint, sculpt, doodle ect!
✦ You never were actually the murder type, or violent, not even cannibalistic. All you wanted to do was create art. That was your passion. Even if it meant being a bystander who simply didn’t care enough for others.
✦ You drew many things in hell, landscapes, animals, people, scenes that you saw happen before your eyes.
✦ You even had a power, every Sinner was born with some power, most small some big. You were lucky enough to have a decent power. You called it, the power of creation. And you used your power many times.
✦ Though your no Overlord, atleast you never tried to be, you still lived in hell pretty well.
✦ Your day was just like any other, outside drawing a scene happening in front of you, a group of mobsters beating up a lanky Sinner out on the street.
✦ When you heard a familiar voice.
✦ “Oh Y/n! I haven’t seen you in ages, still drawing I see?”
✦ Alastor greeted with a smile, a smile of which never left his face, is he actually happy to see you or is he just faking it. Who knows? Not like you care.
✦ “what a stupid question..”
✦ Your eyes never left the canvas and mob scene in front of you, not bothering to greet the Radio demon or give him a proper answer. Though, it doesn’t seem you need to since he already knew the answer.
✦ “You must be wondering where I have been all this time, Hm?”
✦ He questions with a radio tune in his voice. Which you simply hum to, only half listening. Noticing the half present state you were in with him, he smiles a little less, only a little. “I see that you are busy, as always. I was just wondering about telling you something you might be interested in…”
✦ The radio Overlord purposely trailed off, becoming more pleased upon seeing your eyes finally move his way instead of the art you’re always indulging in.
✦ “Interested in…?” You knew when Alastor says a sentence like that, he’s serious and never disappoints.
✦ Alastor waves you off in dismissal, “Oh never mind, you’re much too busy with your current drawing. Maybe some other time in the future” his smile grows when you take the bait.
✦ “Just tell me already, who knows when ‘the future’ will actually show up.” He now had your full attention, stopping your hand from drawing any more. Alastor leans against his radio staff.
✦ “I’m working on a project with a certain someone that I know you would love to be apart in” he says with confidence.
✦ You raise a brow at him, even the thought of him with a business partner sounded off, who knows what the actual project is. “Well? Tell me.”
✦”let’s just say it’s a hotel for Sinners looking to be saved, someone came up with that idea, you know… A certain someone’s daughter.. a daughter who’s the princess of hell~”
✦ You, a person normally uncaring and composed, perked up at his words.
✦ A hotel of redemption, planned by the princess of hell….meaning she was the daughter of…
✦ “Lucifer’s daughter?”
✦ Alastor chuckled at the rare sight of the normally emotionless Sinner.
✦ “Yes my dear, Lucifer.”
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
Part 1 end.
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kittencomicslol · 4 months
!Upper moon reader x !Human Gyutaro headcannons
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Requested by @be-wildering , I hope you like it!!
I know the word ‘obsessive’ can sometimes be correlated with yanderes or something toxic (which I don’t write) but I’m just gonna snag it as the whole overly protective and very concerned reader. Obsessive habits n stuff to make sure he’s okay but nothing that’s actually toxic or gross 👍🧈
Also sorry I had no idea how to specify the reader was an upper moon and not just a demon in most of the writing because Gyutaro didn’t really know anything about demon hierarchies when he was human so whoppsiies
Also I know the whole ‘oh well demon killing someone for their lover is technically yandere’ but in this context I think it makes more sense and it’s fine, especially considering Gyutaro does the same thing to people who get in his way. My writing I can do what I want; not like the reader is killing Gyutaros loved ones, just annoying humans who are making him struggle. No plot was specified so I tried to work up something. It’s not perfect, But what the hell. Also, Ume mentions; love Ume she’s so cute ❤️❤️
-Mentions of gore (duhh demon reader DUHH)
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•Gyutaro was always a crude man, only caring for his little sister.
•Nobody wanted to interact with him, and the feeling was mutual
•His work as a debt collector got dirty, and it wasn’t a long shot to say that Gyutaro had killed a few people. Due to this he wasn’t to startled by gore or murder
•Except for the night he met you
•One of his ‘clients’ hadn’t been meeting up at planned times and didn’t pay up. Gyutaro was gonna go collect his debt and do what he did best
•But when he broke into the man’s house and found you on top of him eating what remained after you mauled his body, Gyutaro felt like he was about to pass out.
•You had been hungry; you just wanted a snack. You didn’t expect to have another human walk in.
•You considered eating or killing him, but looking at how skinny he was and the poor condition he lived in you felt pity instead.
•You were a demon but you don’t hate humans. You just didn’t really care for them.
•But something about Gyutaro interested you. The way he lived in constant struggle, his strange deformed body, those little birthmarks.. it was just something you had never seen before.
•You weren’t just gonna let him stand there though.
• ‘What are you doing here?’ You asked firmly as you looked back at the disheveled man that stood before you in shock. He quickly responded; visibly fearful of your presence. He had seen many strong people before, he had hurt many people before. Some people considered him fearless. But seeing a demon in front of him was too much. ‘I— I work as a debt collector, man.. I came here to collect my fair share of this old man’s money..’ he responded, though his voice was shaky and he was clearly startled. ‘Hm..’ you pondered for a moment. You usually didn’t take interest in humans but this man in particular you were rather interested in. You looked over the man’s ripped up body, looking in his pockets yet finding no money on him. You let out a little huff and turned back to the man standing before you, licking the blood off of your lips. ‘He doesn’t have any on him. You’ll need to go look around the house. Just don’t interrupt me.’
•You didn’t need to tell him twice.
•Before he left he paused. He didn’t ever say thank you but, you had technically just gotten him more money then he was gonna get.. and even though you were a demon you didn’t kill him. He figured he should thank you. So he did.
•It wouldn’t be the last time you ran into him. Yoshiwara was an easy place to hunt. A lot of rich humans usually went on trips that required them to walk through the dirty poor streets of the Rashomon riverbank. And while they were there they had nobody left to protect them; no big city surrounding them that would cause a demon to hesitate on an attack.
•Over time you and Gyutaro ran into each other frequently. He wasn’t a threat; and he clearly wasn’t reporting you to demon slayers. So you grew rather fond of the man.
•You would give him little things the humans you killed had, such as cleaner clothes, food, and especially money. He appreciated it.
•It was odd to him. The fact a demon; a creature that was fueled off of hate and violence was kinder to him than his own kind. But he wasn’t one to complain about it.
•At first he was annoyed; finding your charity to be a form of pity. He hated being looked down on, he could look after himself. But he wasn’t stupid.
•Getting mad at and arguing with a man eating demons because they were helping instead of eating you? Yea no thanks. He stuck with doing his best to be polite.
•He didn’t want to die; he had to live. He needed to take care and provide for Ume. That was his goal; that was his job. And if leeching off of a demon was how he did it, then so be it.
•You two began to start chatting instead of just having this weird transaction. Afterall you two had known each other a year by now.
•Gyutaro sort of trusted you. He was still worried this was some form of manipulation and you were gonna end up hurting him or Ume. But you never did.. not even after a year. So he was willing to be more open.
•He would explain what he needed sometimes; he would rant as well. His rants were quite often. About how people should be more grateful for what they have and how most humans were horrible.
•You found his passion about the topic endearing; and you found his love for Ume adorable.
•And you made sure damn well he knew how much you liked him. It was rambling sometimes; and Gyutato didn’t believe it at first. But even when he didn’t express his feelings he really did cherish it.
•You made sure other demons left Gyutaro and his sister alone.
•Most demons knew you were an upper moon and respected your wishes without question, but if one was too cocky you had no quarrels with finding a way to ensure they would get burnt to a crisp in the sun
•Of course Gyutaro sometimes hadd issues with rude people or clients; but thankfully they either all went missing or for some reason became much more willing to work with him.
•He thinks he knows why. Not like he actually really cared. If he found out you were the reason; he would thank you. It’s not like he cared about other humans anyways.
•You never offered to turn him into a demon because you knew his loyalties remained with his little sister. You respected him so you wouldn’t tear him away from her.
•What started to make him like you even more was when you gave gifts for Ume as well.
•Ume loved you. At first she was obviously terrified, hiding behind her big brother and crying. But over time you grew on her.
•You gave her gifts and helped her big brother. Even if you were scary; Gyutaro explained the situation.
•Ume's entire world was based on Gyutaro and she trusted him with her life. So she trusted you too.
•‘Brother likes you? Oh well I guess I do too’ type attitude.
•Sometimes your nagging about him needing to be careful was a little annoying; but he was glad you cared. He never mind if you killed a man who upset him considering he did the exact same thing when someone upset him.
•He was already afraid of contact with other humans; so working up to be able to be more close with you was hard. He has horrible trust issues and the fact you had big teeth and claws didn’t make him any calmer.
•He doesn’t like being seen as little or weak. He wants to be seen as who he is; not demeaned or babied. So when you respected that his trust formed a bit more.
•Gyutaro honestly never could really do more than a hug or hand holding for a while. But when winters rolled around he would let you help keep him and Ume warm at night.
•The bond you had with those two was special. So when you stopped seeing them three years after spending a lot of time with them; you were rightfully worried.
•But soon enough you discovered what happened. How they nearly died. And how Douma had turned them both into demons.
•Now there was nothing that could tear the three of you apart. And they didn’t have to struggle as much anymore.
•You were glad.
•You would be lying if you didn’t admit to helping the two climb up the ranks; but you also understood that even without you the siblings were very powerful.
•As a demon, Gyutaro had changed slightly. He definitely became more violent. You were worried it might ruin the bond you two had and now that you didn’t give them anything anymore wouldn’t want to see you.
•But thankfully; that wasn’t the outcome. Over time with work you two worked on becoming even closer than you already were. He was more comfortable with opening up now, and even more comfortable with the idea of snuggling.
•You definitely didn’t plan on the two becoming demons; but you definitely weren’t complaining.
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minheeology · 2 years
enhypen reaction ➳ flowerfields + kisses
requested? : yes!
pairing : enhypen x gn!reader
genre : fluff!
a/n : i'm sorry in advance if these come off as repetitive (esp in the beginning), and i hope it all makes sense! i'm really trying to get back into the groove of writing!! i hope you enjoy anyway <3
scenario : while visiting a flowerfield, you place a flower behind your boyfriend's ear, and your faces are closer than ever.. he thinks you're going to kiss his lips, of course, but what if you had a different plan?
after finding a spot in the shade, the two of you sat down amongst the flowers. the two of you sat in comfortable silence, you choosing to pick one of the flowers beside you.
turning to your boyfriend, you tapped his shoulder. once he turned to you, you leaned forward with your hand on his cheek, using your other hand to place a pretty pink flower behind his ear. once done, you leaned back, realizing your faces were super close together.
"can i kiss you?" you shyly asked, watching as he nodded, preparing himself for your kiss.
you, however, just placed a kiss on his nose. his face dawned a shocked expression as you got up and ran away giggling.
"yah, y/n! get back here!" heeseung called before playfully chasing after you.
sitting on a bench beside jay, you noticed a few flowers beside your feet. reaching down to pick one, jay watched you the whole time. when you sat back up and turned to him, you placed the flower behind his ear. when you leaned back, you placed your hand on his cheek, mesmerized by how perfect your boyfriend actually is.
"can i kiss you?"
"of course." jay nodded, closed his eyes, and began leaning in to kiss you.
when you chose to place a kiss on his nose rather than his lips, jay's eyes shot open before he just stared at you in shock.
you bursted into laughter at this, "i'm sorry, my love."
"you owe me a real kiss now."
"of course, of course."
jake had brought you back to australia with him to visit his family. because you had known about this trip for a while, you'd done research on places to visit in brisbane, and you came across a bunch of different types of gardens and flowerfields. jake thought it sounded like a good date idea, and you eventually found yourself laying in a flowerfield beside your boyfriend.
"are you having fun?" jake asked, laying on his side so he could look at you.
"yeah, i love it here." you turned to face him as well, bringing up a flower you'd picked and placing it behind his ear, "can i kiss you?"
jake nodded, closing his eyes when he felt your hand on his cheek. however, after feeling you kiss his nose, his eyes slowly opened once again.
"that's cute, now a real one." jake grinned before leaning in to kiss you for real.
you and sunghoon had brought a picnic basket with you, deciding to have a mini feast in the middle of a small flower field you'd found together.
scooting closer to your boyfriend with a flower in hand, he gave you a confused look. once you'd placed the flower behind his ear, he just went back to sipping his drink.
"hoon," you pouted, "you look so cute. can i kiss you?"
"well, who am i to say no to a kiss?" sunghoon looked up at you with a grin, leaning in and closing his eyes.
to his surprise, you kissed his nose, and not his lips like he previously thought. you held back a laugh as you looked at his confused expression.
"y/n, what was that for?" he huffed.
"that's payback for you ignorning me earlier." you laughed before continuing to eat your food while sunghoon sat there with a pout on his lips.
after getting ice cream, you and sunoo found yourselves walking through rows of flowers. it was the perfect end to a perfect day, you thought. however, as you looked at sunoo, you decided to play a tiny little prank on him.
"hey sunoo," you watched as he turned to look at you, "can i kiss you?"
"of course." sunoo replied like it was an obvious answer.
as you placed your hand on his cheek, his eyes fluttered closed. you held back a laugh before placing a small peck on the tip of his nose.
"y/n!" sunoo scoffed as he opened his eyes, "that was not a kiss."
"it was a kiss, just not one on the lips." you retorted, and sunoo rolled his eyes.
"wonnie, look!" you gasp, picking a flower that had caught your eye, "c'mere."
reluctantly, jungwon leaned closer to you, allowing you to place the flower behind his ear. jungwon's cheeks were dusted with blush now, only made worse when you spoke again.
"can i kiss you?"
your boyfriend nodded, closing his eyes in anticipation. however, upon feeling your lips on his nose, his eyes opened. giving you a glare, he crossed his arms.
"no fair, y/n!"
"i never said i was going to kiss your lips, wonnie."
"i look ridiculous." ni-ki sighed, looking at himself in his phone camera after you placed a flower behind his ear.
"c'mon, riki, you look so cute! i could kiss you right now."
"oh, yeah? go ahead." ni-ki looked at you expectantly, closing his eyes when you started getting closer.
the feeling of your lips pressing against his nose was enough to make him scoff.
"what? nose kisses count!"
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catboyfever · 1 year
Overcast and Overthinking - Rabbit/Tigger Fluff
Hellooo again! The weather's been absolutely dreadful near me and so, I used it as some motivation to write this absolute sapfest. I relate to Rabbit a lot in the sense that he gets in his own head too much, so it felt really therapeutic to write this tbh. Hope you enjoy :3
Gray clouds blanket the sky of the Hundred Acre Woods. The rays of sunlight that filtered through the clouds illuminated the sky in a dim, muddled light. Rabbit couldn’t tell what time it was. It didn’t really matter to him anyway, he wasn’t planning on getting out of bed any time soon. In a way it worked to his benefit. He could try and pretend like he wasn’t painfully aware that he’d spent hours just laying there and yet, he couldn’t get out of bed. If he could snap his fingers and sleep the rest of the day away he would; however, his body wouldn’t allow it. He’d gone to bed early the previous night because of how he felt anyway, hoping that after a nice deep sleep maybe he’d wake up feeling better. Of course, that didn’t happen. Now a sky as dark and gray as his mood mocked him as the gray rays of sun filtered into his house. 
Rabbit sighed and rolled over in his bed, facing away from the window. The room was dark enough to tease him with the promise of sleep but it never came. Usually when moods like this hit, something at least happened to trigger it. However silly it may be, it made more sense than just waking up one morning feeling miserable about yourself. The whole predicament just soured his mood further. Feeling so bad about nothing made him feel bad about feeling bad in the first place! Despite the swirling thoughts in his head, Rabbit actually felt himself slowly drifting off again… until a knock at his door dashed that possibility. Rabbit grumbled and turned over in his bed, facing away from the door. Yet, whoever it was on the other side of the door knocked a second time. Then a third. Finally, they spoke up. 
“Ra-Ra? Are you home?” Rabbit’s eyes shot open and panic gripped him. He couldn’t let Tigger see him like this! He’d think he was so pathetic, he’d ruin his whole day with his imaginary problems, and yet… Rabbit heard himself say. “Just a minute, Tigger.” Rabbit shook his head, kicked the blankets off of himself and trudged off to the front door. He opened it slowly, revealing a smiling, ever bouncy Tigger holding a bowl. He stepped back to let him in and closed the door behind him. 
“Rabbit, you look terribible! I knew you were sick! Here, I made you a bowl of vegibibble soup with extra carrots just the way you like it.” Tigger said setting the bowl of soup onto the dining table. 
“I’m not sick, Tigger.” Rabbit said flatly. “The soup looks lovely, I’ll warm it up later.” Now Tigger was truly concerned. Rabbit passing up carrots?! Tigger studied him with a paw on his chin before he pressed the back of his paw against his forehead. 
“Hm, you don’t feel warm…” Tigger said. He then brought his head to Rabbit’s chest and listened to his heartbeat which also seemed normal. “Sounds fine here too…” “Would you get off me!? I told you I’m not sick!” Rabbit snapped and pulled himself away from the tiger. 
Rabbit regained his composure and looked to Tigger. The poor cat’s eyes couldn’t have looked sadder if he tried. Rabbit’s ears began to burn with shame as he realized what he’d done. 
“N-No, Tigger I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just…. I just…” Rabbit began to try and explain as tears welled in his eyes. Tigger’s expression changed on a dime as soon as he noticed them. He approached him again, pulling him into a tight, squeezing hug. 
“It’s alright, Rabbit. Why don’t ya tell me what’s wrong?” Tigger whispered, stroking down Rabbit’s back. 
Rabbit practically went limp against him and began to sob into his chest. Tigger just held onto him, resting his chin atop Rabbit’s head as the poor bunny cried his sorrows out. Tigger had really only recalled seeing Rabbit cry maybe once before but never had he been so close to him. Seeing him in such a sad, vulnerable state… he held onto him tighter. Eventually, Rabbit began to calm down, and spoke up with a sniffle. 
“I don’t really know what’s wrong. I woke up today and just… I felt awful about myself. I mean, just look at what I did just now. I snapped at you of all people… I’m always doing that. Snapping at our friends, ruining their fun, taking over whatever it is we do when I get the chance…” Tigger laid another kiss on Rabbit’s forehead. “Oh, Ra-Ra. There’s nothing wrong with you at all. So you get irritated with all of our hijinks from time to time. You always mean well by it, don’t ya? You know it’ll lead to some sort of trouble, which it usually does.” 
Tigger brought a paw to Rabbit’s chin and looked into his eyes, smiling warmly. “We all know how much you like to be the one to organize things, you’re not ‘taking over’ anythin’! Your friends love you, Ra-Ra. I love you.” Rabbit wrapped his arms around Tigger’s shoulders and pulled him in for a kiss. He kept himself pressed against him as tightly as he could while their kiss drew on and on until Tigger had to break away for air. Rabbit didn’t let go of him, he just continued to squeeze him as tightly as he was able. 
“Thank you… Tigger. That really… that really meant a lot.” Rabbit said finally. 
Rabbit stepped away from Tigger with a sigh. “I think I’m starting to feel a bit better. I really appreciate you checking up on me, but I want to get some gardening done before it gets dark.” He said, opening his door. “Plus, I need to warm up that delicious soup you brought for me.”
Tigger nodded. “Course, Ra-Ra. I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
Rabbit smiled his first genuine smile of the day. “Yes, bright and early. We have plantings to do tomorrow.”
As Rabbit watched Tigger bounce off onto the path away from his house, he sighed as he watched his stripes disappear over the hill. He felt blessed to have a partner as compassionate as he was. Surprisingly, the soup was still plenty warm when Rabbit lifted the bowl to heat it up, so he sat down with a spoon and began to eat. It was mostly carrots, each bright orange chunk of carrot reminded him of Tigger. The warmth of the soup spread through him, he felt his muscles relax and as he quickly got to the bottom of the bowl, all he could think about was the fact Tigger had gone out of his way to make it for him. 
“Oh Tigger… you’re too sweet for your own good.” Rabbit managed to pull a good amount of weeds before the gray skies finally began to yield their rain. With a fire roaring, Rabbit relaxed in his chair and let his mind wander. Naturally, all he could think about was Tigger. Rabbit felt positively giddy settling into bed that night as he thought about transplanting sprouts with Tigger the next morning. 
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rottentiger-art · 1 year
Hm I think all the theories make sense. That second proposal is definitely (to me at least) the end of the movie. There’s clips in the trailer of everyone dancing in the same casual outfits in the same spot meaning everyone is there for that proposal. it’s almost like the initial wedding became too big and too overwhelming for Quinn. so Logan or whoever gets everyone to plan this last minute thing at pca that’s more intimate. Whether it��s just a re proposal or a wedding we don’t know. And yes the whole thing can be hard to tell because Quinn looks genuinely happy in most of the shots besides a few so it’s definitely a last minute thing of running off. He could be re-proposing with another more simple ring, maybe one Quinn has mentioned before hence why she already is wearing one. her hairs snorting cause she doesn’t have long extensions in most people do for their wedding. I don’t know why people are worried about a breakup that 100% won’t happen and as much as I would like bliss and butterflies, thinking about whatever Logan must say to make it right has be squealing LOL. Also I’ve seen people mention to wedding dresses but one is clearly the rehearsal dress
I mean, Zoey is holding a bouquet on the scene of Logan "proposing" to Quinn, so I'm hoping it's a more intimate surprise wedding and we do get to see them getting married in this movie, even if it's at the end.
omg I want to hear what he says to propose, Quinn seems touched, so it must have been something beautiful. I can't wait for this movie, I miss them so much.
I think the rehearsal dress is actually not a dress, if I'm not mistaken, I think those are white pants (which I love, seems very Quinnly) but I'm not totally sure. Like sometimes I see a dress and others pants lol.
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also can we talk about how cute this pose is? I'm melting.
I worry about a breakup bc I'm paranoid tbh, I really don't want them to ruin Quogan. But I'll take a not wedding as long as they're together (but I will be pissed and complain and write a wedding fic myself if I don't get one)
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woodswolf · 6 months
14 and 23 fic asks!
end of year fic asks
14. a fic you didn't expect to write
UM. definitely my current wip that i've been working on since like the last week of august or something. 37k and counting and it's still only about half done. like okay! literally the longest fic i've written since high school and everything of comparable length i've written is shit!
23. fics you wanted to write but didn't
uhhhhhh do the multiple planned sequels to my current wip that i cannot physically justify writing before i finish it count
otherwise there's like 4 other things, in order of likelihood that i'd actually work on them:
another pikmin fic entirely unrelated to my current wip. i actually have some of this written but i haven't touched it in like 2 months for no particular reason. basic premise started out as "Hm what if there were long-term consequences to The Events of p4" and then turned into midsommar lmao.
Manhattan, a tribute one- or two-shot to one of my favorite fic series of all time, The Station Sequence (Wells Street Station / The Ellipse / Promenade / Narodnaya) by Marquis Carabas. Fucking INCREDIBLE takes on Coraline and the kind of trauma that would naturally arise from her circumstances, but also an excellent example of She Who Fights Monsters and the impact that that has on herself and other people. I have a lot of very specific headcanons regarding parts of this series that I would have wanted to turn into a ten-year-anniversary tribute or whatever but unfortunately I didn't think of that until both the "series start" and "series end" anniversaries had long passed. But I'm absolutely going to write this anyway at some point - there are just too many specific ideas and some of them are already partially written.
the ninjago AU longfic that i've been planning... definitely since i finished crystallized, possibly since the s15 finale (but i don't think so, i remember the early concept was much more "this is an AU of crystallized" than "this is an AU of ninjago in general" so it was probably when i finished crystallized). the concept has Evolved a lot since then, but the basic premise is that sea!nya and a weird version of zane that i invented whole-cloth out of implications... they don't really "team up" as much as "orbit around each other for a billion years" in a way. julien is heavily involved, because you KNOW i can't resist that shit, and so are echo and harumi. i've already done a lot of Figuring Out with this universe or whatever but it'd take a Lot More and frankly DLD has much higher priority.
a few miscellaneous sciadv fics that i wrote a little bit of but which unfortunately did not go anywhere, and then amadeus wasn't nearly as important in A;C as i was hoping she'd be RIP. these are probably dead unfortunately the motivation is basically gone. ironically i might circle back to writing something for O;9 at some point instead - going in i thought it'd be horrible from what little i knew about it (unfinished VN/light novels and Breasting Boobily: The Anime), but actually i watched the anime back in september. aside from the pacing in the first few episodes feeling like i got infected with radical-6 and then started watching a normal show, it was LITERALLY fantastic and i am still fucking thinking about it. but! no plot bunny, fic needs a plot bunny. maybe something would come to me on a rewatch though.
thanks for the ask! :D
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ctl-yuejie · 8 months
ofts - episode 11 - move on move in
this was the weakest episode so far, not due to the content or the story that was told but in terms of what scenes made the final cut and the editing.
so the theme is "taking a risk when there is a chance of getting hurt in order to not sabotage yourself". hm.
I have seen some people complain that TopMew are moving in circles but I enjoy the writing for them. Mew must feel like he is constantly emotionally hang-over with him still loving Top, feeling like it's too easy on Top to just get back together, having actual reservations in case Top pulls some shit again, his pride gettting in the way etc. And finally Top is at his final straw. It is entertaining to see how these two deal with the situation because I could never. I adore Mew's moms (while they have some weird bias for Top) but all the lesbians seem a bit too saintlike. They "function" as lesbians more than they feel like they are characters on par with the men.
DanNick is so cute. I want to know whether Nick is keeping Dan open as an option on purpose (I love these denim jackets so much, they also had them in the elle shoot and i am obsessed).
I like the trial and error approach they are taking. Cannot figure out what Sand feels for Boeing so the rest I have to leave to next week's episode. Hate so say it, but considering the run-time, they have too many scenes. The bathroom and the childrens' storytime scene are doing emotionally the same work (besides me having a strong dislike that Sand helps Ray doing his social work: missing out on money, somehow doing most of the work. And I don't think the show will go more explicitely into that so in that sense I don't know why the reading time scene was in here).
Weirdly, I think it is good writing that these two come up with a really bad plan to get back at Atom. Shows that they learned a little bit, but still are essentially themselves. I live across a highschool and it is ridiculous how many students films each other non-stop. These characters are agewise in the middle of these highschoolers and me, so it is a shift in culture. Secretely filming is considered a violation of privacy in the series but all characters have accepted it as a reality. I wish we had gotten a shot of Boston watching Nick kiss Atom and liking the idea of Nick kissing someone else with his okay. I don't think i have to say that what they did is super messed up (not withstanding the horrible things Atom did). I don't think it is out of character for Boston to try and be monogamous for 4 months but I wish we had gotten more or one longer scene. Because there was a lot of communication and actual plot happening offscreen (Atom posting online, Boston telling Nick on why his friends left him etc). Mark and Neo are strong enough actors to carry the scenes regardless but I wanted to see more. The unsure face that Boston made when he asked Nick whether he wanted to be his boyfriend, Nick's complicated face in return. There ist so much tasty stuff in there. I believe their arrangement can work for 4 months but I'm curious how they might arrange themselves years later if they happen to still be interested in each other (there is a brilliant future fic on ao3).
On one hand, I get that she prioritizes reacting to Atom coming out over getting mad at the lie he told. We will see whether she talks to Boston next week. It seems like she feels that Atom has enough regret to make yelling at him counter productive. At the same time I have no idea who Chuam as a characters is. It feels like the scene was in here to get Atom to show Chuam's support after his coming out. But so far Chuam seemed concerned about the opitics of her friend group, especially publicly, so there should be a lot more going on there. Will she let the whole thing slide and hope everyone still thinks she was in the right? Will she be more scared about people finding out the truth and shunning her and her little brother? Does she feel remorse for having treated Boston like that, even after seing that the photos weren't what Atom made them out to be? Maybe we get these scenes next week, but again - I wish we had gotten more. And in the same episode we see more of Mew's moms, I cannot help but feel a bit jaded that the lesbians are "just" here to support the gays.
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katierosefun · 1 year
fic writer interview
thanks for the tag, @gosiksmallspace!
name/nicknames: caroline, although some people call me katie or cron in certain fandom or friend circles :’)
fandoms: primarily beyond evil these days, although star wars, star trek, and the boys have been rotating around in my head too.
two shots?: i’m pretty sure i must have more than one, although the first one that comes off the top of my head is read all the books beside your bed, but then again, some people might just say that’s a two-chapter story instead of . . . a two-shot? (some people might say that’s just a two-chapter story, while others might say that’s a two-shot . . . some people might argue that a two-shot are two separately posted stories but just have other parts to them, idk! but i do know i have a second part planned for but you could make me a drink (or a latte), so maybe that’ll count as a two-shot!)
most popular multi-chapter fic: uh, kudos and subscriptions wise, probably to these memories, although about love (and what’s after that) feels more popular these days purely because a) it’s been posted more recently, and b) the sheer amount of interaction i’ve had with that fic makes me :’))
actual worst part of writing: for me, it’s probably just. the sheer amount of self-criticism i have to deal with when writing. i can’t express the number of times that i’ve scrapped whole wips or decided to rewrite whole endings and chapters purely because i didn’t think it was perfect enough, or all the times that i’ve just given up writing a story because i felt that i would never be able to do it justice or that i just suddenly get intimidated and think, well, now everyone’s going to be let down by my inability to write a satisfying ending and so on and so forth . . . i’m trying to be a little kinder to myself these days, but i definitely. struggle a lot with thinking, this isn’t good enough and god, i’m a fluke and etc etc. but you know! we try our best, as we always do. we carry on!
how you choose your titles: usually lyrics from the song that i’ve been listening to/was inspired by when writing! although sometimes i’ll go back and change it if i realize that some other title is more appropriate.
do you outline?: for most one shots that are less than 20k words, i usually just freestyle. but for longform stories, i definitely outline!
ideas you probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice?: i like to think that i’ll always get around to my ideas, so instead i’ll just say that it might be a while before i get around to them . . . but i would really love to write a longform mckirk story one day, although i have no idea what that might look like! i would also like to write a period/historical jwds au one day, which like. i am doing right now, but i keep running into “god, this isn’t historically accurate” or “:/// no, i don’t like this plot anymore” or “is there enough tension here. is there enough chemistry. do these two just sound like they’re snarking at each other the whole time instead of actually doing anything”.
callouts @ me: you don’t need to write something just because you feel like you haven’t posted anything in a while. your writing will get better when you’re writing because you want to, not because you feel like you have to.
best writing traits: i like to think i’m good with dialogue!
spicy tangential opinion: hm, not sure how spicy this is, because i think most commenters are actually incredibly pleasant and kind and encouraging, but i think. i think something i get annoyed at for both myself + for other writer friends, it’s. uh. hm. when you are commenting on someone’s work, please do not use that space as another way to ask “by the way, when you are you updating [x]?” or “so is [x] just abandoned now” or “how come you’re not updating [x]”. it’s lovely to see people care about your stories, but there are proper times and places ask those questions. asking them in the comment box of a new/different story is. is not the way to go, imo.
no pressure tags: @kckenobi @b1uetrees @tiffanylamps
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hirazuki · 2 years
Get to know me better meme:
Tagged by @dear-kumari (thanks for the tag!!)
Favorite color: black, red, purple; and I tend to go for silver, white, and gold for accents :)
Currently reading: ongoing series are Ao no Exorcist, Boruto, Spy x Family, Akatsuki no Yona (against all my better judgment at this point lmao), and D.Gray-man (like... 3-4 times a year when it updates T_T). Plus fanfic here and there, though I’ve become extremely picky about it.
Last series I watched: Hunter x Hunter (1999) -- almost done with it! I’ve been enjoying this version much more than I thought I would, thought it does leave a lot to be desired (esp the Greed Island arc OVAs >.>)
Last movie I watched: Ah. Hm. I can’t remember, if we’re talking non-animated movie. Animated movie would be the second HxH movie, The Last Mission. Super enjoyable, I gobbled up all the Hisoka & Kurapika crumbs it offered like my life depended on it XD
Currently working on: ... so much T___T  I’ve got a Winx Valtor/Bloom multichap fic plus six one-shots; a WITCH Phobos/Will post-comic series multichap fic plus a couple of Phobos/Will one-shots set in an alternate canon divergent timeline; a FFXIV post-Endwalker ZenosWoL multichap fic plus seven one-shots (featuring Zenos, WoL, Estinien, and Emet primarily); ten Hakuouki one-shots (Hijikata/Yukimura, but generally including the whole gang); two Hunter x Hunter one-shots (Hisoka & Kurapika; Hisoka, Kurapika, Illumi); eight Naruto one-shots (featuring an OC, Orochimaru, his snake family, etc.). And my Bleach longfic, which I really do want to finish. And now I’m contemplating a post-Shippuden through Boruto-Era Itachi-is-alive fic (: And that’s just the writing lmao. I have at least eighteen more FFXIV drawings and six HxH drawings I have planned out. I’m almost done styling Zenos’ wig, and I’m waiting for more hairspray to arrive so I can restyle Itachi’s bangs (I don’t like them X_X). OH, and maintaining my balcony garden through the summer heat!
(I tend to run around like a chipmunk chipping away at multiple things at once instead of focusing on one and finishing it before working on another, which is probably why I can never get things done and posted on a regular basis XD Though, if my brain would stop shoving new ideas down my throat, that would actually help a ton.)
Tagging @errantgoat, @baked-hylian, and @cruelfeline (only do it if you want!)
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ptergwen · 3 years
heyy!! i love your writing!! can you do a one shot where peter loves giving y/n hickies and she’s at a pool party with the rest of the avengers? and she takes her bathing suit of and everyone starts teasing her about them ? while peter is just smirking about it ? thank you!!
trouble in paradise
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w/c: 2.8k
warnings: lots of suggestiveness, swearing, and mentions of drinking
a/n: i was super into this and wrote way more than i planned to but i hope that’s cool :,) enjoy !
“peter, we have to go,” you giggle out, cupping a hand over your boyfriend’s mouth. “everybody’s waiting for us... what if they get suspicious?” peter playfully nips at your fingers before intertwining them with his own. “don’t know, don’t care,” he mumbles and pecks a spot on your jaw.
his lips attach to your neck next, kissing slowly and lightly down your skin. each one tingles in the best way possible. he’s always so good at this, all movements thought out, done with care. he’s a little too good.
if you don’t leave now, you’ll spend the whole afternoon locked in peter’s room with him on top of you. not that that isn’t a dream come true, but you bought a cute bikini for your pool day with the team and want to make use of it.
it’s actually what inspired peter to pin you down and kiss every visible inch of your body. one look at you in the thing, and he was done for.
“by the way,” peter’s voice comes out raspy. the vibrations tickle you, making you bite back a smile. “yellow looks really nice on you, baby. you pull it off perfect.” his free hand sets on your exposed stomach, just above your hip. “yeah?” you gaze up at peter innocently. “i thought you’d like it.”
you’re in a yellow and white striped two piece that leaves little to the imagination. the bottoms are tied on either side, strings revealing more than they hide. the top plunges low and pushes up, which is the right combination to drive peter crazy.
although, you could’ve worn baggy swim trunks and had the same effect. he’s easy.
“you got this just for me?” peter smirks at the idea, peppering your neck in more kisses. “adorable, y/n.” you raise a challenging eyebrow. “that’s it? adorable?” your leg winds around peter’s waist to draw him in closer. “i’m much more than adorable, and you know it.”
his hand leaves yours and moves to your thigh. he trails his fingers up and down your skin, the simple touch leaving goosebumps.
peter gives your thigh a small squeeze, his nose nudging the tip of yours. “prove it, then.” you’re positive he can feel your heart beating through the thin material of his nasa t-shirt. your worries about missing the pool day have long faded away.
you capture peter’s lips in a kiss that he instantly reciprocates. he grins into it, letting you take control. laughing breathlessly at his eagerness, you thread your fingers in his chocolate curls. you tug gently on them and tilt your head up to deepen the kiss. you continue playing with peter’s hair as you nibble on his lower lip.
god, it gets him going when you do that.
“hm, i love you,” peter sighs, both arms hooking around your middle. “love you so much, princess.” that earns a lighthearted eye roll from you. “i love you, pete. kinda ruining the mood, though.” he apologizes with a chuckle and a peck at your lips. “oops. i was doing so well, too.” beaming up at him, you stroke his curls in reassurance. “who said you stopped?”
peter takes that as his cue to indulge you in another kiss. he parts his swollen lips, your tongue running over his bottom one. you let out a hum when his tongue enters your mouth instead. arching your back so your body presses against his, you begin to guide his hands towards your hips.
much to your dismay, peter suddenly breaks the kiss.
you whine and pull at his locks to get his attention. “what are you-“ “shhhh,” peter cuts you off, lips latching onto your neck again. that makes you oblige. sucking with just the right amount of pressure on your skin, his nimble fingers hook in your bottoms.
“let me know if this is okay,” he prefaces, meeting your hooded eyes for permission to untie the strings. “yeah, pete. you’re… you’re good. do it.” you throw your head back on the pillow. you’re enjoying his marking of your neck, too caught up to consider the inevitable bruising.
there’s something about littering you in hickeys that peter can’t get enough of. maybe it’s the little noises he coaxes from you, or how you say his name. whatever it is, he’s obsessed. you’re both well aware of that.
peter makes his way down your body, his kisses doing the same, until he’s facing your chest. he licks his lips as he looks you over. you could melt under his gaze.
“you’re right, y/n. you aren’t just adorable,” he speaks softly. “you’re so beautiful. like, insanely beautiful.” you leave a kiss on the top of peter’s head in response, smiling when he resumes his own kissing. he goes farther this time, your breath hitching as he stops just above your cleavage. his thumb swipes across your inner thigh.
“pete, baby…” you cup his cheeks with your hands, impatient. “please. want you so bad.” peter glances up at you, a cocky grin spreading across his features. “i got you, princess. relax a bit.” he’s impossible. groaning, you push his shoulders. “i hate it when you tease.” he grabs your hips to steady you. “i’m not teasing… i’m taking my time. you deserve it.”
before you can complain, his lips land on your stomach. he peppers kisses down carefully and simultaneously starts to fiddle with your bikini. finally. you exhale a breath of relief, but he only undoes one string.
“you’re fucking kidding,” you grumble, peter frowning against you. “can i not just appreciate you for a while?” he rhetorically asks. he’s nearing where you need him most, so you hold your tongue. peter keeps you in place by your waist while his lips ghost on one of your hips. your body is on fire at this point, his breath cool on you.
“alright, you’ve waited long enough,” peter decides, shifting to untie your other bikini string. “what i’ve been saying,” you immediately agree.
when he finishes with your bottoms, he doesn’t take them off just yet. his fingertips brush along each of your sides as he peers up at you. chills break out all over your skin.
“peter benjamin parker, i swear to god-“ your words are replaced with a gasp, peter’s mouth now on your inner thigh. his teeth sink into you ever so slightly, lips curving into a smile at your whimpering. “what was that, y/l/n?” he kisses back up to your hip. “nothing… never mind,” you dismiss him. your eyes flutter closed.
“mhm, good girl,” peter murmurs, now marking up the soft skin below your waist. he grins to himself when your hands once again situate in his hair. “babe…” you pant, his tongue poking out to soothe a fresh hickey. “take them off, please.” your eyes are desperate as they lock with peter’s, spreading your legs out for him.
“what, these?” peter hums, dragging his fingers down your stomach. they slip inside either side of your bottoms. “shit, yes,” you affirm with a yank at his curls.
peter pauses for a moment, then moves off of you completely. he stays between your legs, another smirk painting his face.
“everyone’s waiting for us, remember?” he sarcastically reminds you. “kinda rude to leave them hanging.” you hoist yourself off peter’s bed in anger, shoving your discarded coverup shirt from earlier at his chest. “you fucking tease! i should’ve known you were gonna do this shit.”
peter swings his legs over the bed, wiping his lips that still hold a smirk. “aw… c’mere, baby,” he coos and pats his lap. “i’m not done yet. let me help you out for real.”
you consider the offer, eyes flitting between his skilled hands and inviting mouth. you’ve got nothing to lose, only gain.
“fine,” you pretend to be annoyed. peter opens his arms for you, which you easily crawl into. your legs are on either side of him as you grab onto his shoulders. you watch him in anticipation. he kisses your chin lovingly, his hands finding their place on your hips.
however, it’s not for the reason you’re expecting. peter ties up your bikini how you had it before, rubbing your thighs once he’s done.
technically, he did help you out.
“there. let’s hit the pool, hm?” he picks up your coverup from beside him and holds it out to you. you’re going to absolutely murder him later. “swim alone, parker,” you huff, snatching the oversized tee from him. his eyes widen. “hey, you were the one who-“ “swim alone!” you climb off his lap and toss your shirt over your head.
peter doesn’t want to push it, so he lets you head out of his room. you of course flip him off as you make your exit. he waits until you’re outside to join the rest of the team, shirtless with his shorts hanging dangerously low.
you’re splayed out on a lounge chair between wanda and natasha, applying sunscreen to your face. bruce and thor are having a splashing contest in the pool, tony is fixing drinks, and scott is searching for blow up toys. sam, bucky, and vision choose to observe everyone from a table under an umbrella.
you scowl at peter on the other side of the pool. he strikes up a conversation with sam and bucky, shooting you a wink that you scoff at.
“trouble in paradise?” natasha observes. she squints between you and peter over her sunglasses. “kind of.” you pat the sunscreen into your cheeks with a nod. “uh oh, what’d he do this time?” wanda knowingly chimes in. “it’s not what he did… it’s what he didn’t do,” you admit.
peter rakes a hand through his messy curls, looking over at you.
natasha lays back on her chair, unbothered. “you’re gonna have to elaborate on that, y/l/n.” wanda nudges your side. “we’ve all been there! men are nasty.” you simply shrug. that’s one way to put it. “what does that make vision?” natasha jokes, wanda confidently replying, “a synthezoid.” “whatever that is,” she mutters to you, taking the sunscreen bottle from your lap.
peter starts coming your way after receiving a pat on the back from bucky and a shoulder clap from sam. he sports a harmless smile now, waving at scott as he approaches you.
you reluctantly get up from the comfortable position you’re in. “i’ll be right back,” you inform nat and wanda, fixing your coverup as you stand. “take your time,” natasha muses. “put him in his place,” wanda suggests.
with their advice in mind, you meet peter in a shaded area away from the team. you fight back the urge to gulp when his chiseled abs come into view.
“you’re not actually mad at me, right?” peter checks, scratching the back of his neck. there’s your boy, shy as ever. the many sides of him never cease to amaze you. “i might be,” you coyly answer. “how come? did i hurt you or something?” he steps closer to you and hugs your waist.
you’d accuse him of playing dumb, but he’s genuinely oblivious.
you place your hands on either of his biceps, despite your frustration. “on the inside.” “meaning?” peter wonders. “i… i wanted you to…” you’re not sure how to phrase it. “make me feel good, you know?” he pouts at your confession. “i thought that’s what i was doing.”
“no, you were. what i meant was, i didn’t want you to stop,” you reiterate, fingers smoothing over his skin. “you did, though.” peter catches on, laughing quietly and pulling you into a proper hug. “mm, sorry ‘bout that.” he bends to kiss your forehead, your arms around his neck. “i’ll make it better, pretty girl. wanna join me for a shower later?”
“it’s a date,” you confirm, pecking peter’s lips. he wiggles his eyebrows. “how romantic.” you flick the side of his head with a giggle. “save it for later. right now, let’s swim.”
peter follows you by his hand you grab in yours, his eyes twinkling. he lets you lead him over to the pool. you take a detour to change at your lounge chair, his mouth literally watering at the thought of seeing you in your bikini once again.
when you pull your shirt off, his jaw drops. that’s a bit dramatic, since this isn’t a new sight for him.
“um, y/n?” peter looks you up and down, handing you your coverup back. “you should probably-“ “relax, princess,” you repeat his words from earlier. “we all know i’m yours. a bikini won’t change that.” peter merely chuckles. “it’s not that,” he attempts to explain. “you can wear whatever you want! but-“
“there’s no problem, then,” you correct him, throwing the oversized shirt on the chair. “come on, weirdo.”
reconnecting both your hands, you head over to the pool with peter walking next to you. wanda and natasha whisper about something as you go.
you pass bruce as he skips over to tony’s juice bar. he slows down to say hi to you and peter.
“when did you kids get here?” he questions, elbowing peter. “not too long ago,” peter wraps his arms around your middle from behind. “we were just gonna go for a swim, so bye!” you exchange a look with bruce. “i sincerely apologize for his behavior.”
bruce is about to engage in your banter, then he notices. he points from your neck to your chest. “y/n… you have a little something, um…” he clears his throat when he realizes what the something is. “everywhere.”
in pure confusion, you cock your head to the side. “what are you talking about? did i miss some sunscreen?” peter chews on his lip to hold back a grin. “i’ll let pete tell you,” bruce awkwardly smiles. “see you lovebirds around.”
he gets out of there, and fast.
peter rests his chin on your head, you poking his bare stomach. “seriously, what was he talking about?” you demand. he breathes out a laugh as you turn around to face him. “right. so, i might’ve given you a few-“
“y/n! underoos!” tony calls, strutting up to you and peter with two glasses in hand. they each have fruit slices and swirly straws. “be my guinea pigs, will you? brucey boy won’t try my concoctions until someone else does.” he nods back at bruce, thrusting the drinks into each of your hands.
“do we have a choice?” you ask tony, swishing around the icy blend. “oh, live a little,” tony responds and taps peter’s glass. “drink up, kiddos. feedback to be announced.”
peter sips the orange drink, you mixing it around before sampling. it’s not half bad.
“well?” tony gives two thumbs up. “what do we think?” peter licks some sugar off the edge of the glass. “woah. it’s kinda awesome, mr. stark,” he praises. you push your hair off your shoulder nonchalantly. “i like it. there’s a kick to it, though.” tony clicks his tongue. “ah, that’s tequila.”
both you and peter almost spit the concoction out. “oh my god, tony!” you shove the half-full glass back into tony’s hand. “we’re not allowed to drink yet!” “i can keep a secret,” tony promises, collecting peter’s cup nevertheless.
your skin showing catches tony’s attention at last.
“good god! parker, are you seeing this? what on earth happened?” tony gestures to you in shock. peter isn’t able to fight back a smirk this time. “don’t worry, mr. stark. she’s alright.” audibly gagging, tony makes the connection. “well… you did quite the number, didn’t you? bye-bye, now!”
he leaves even more abruptly than bruce did, which piques your concern.
“ok, peter,” you start in a warning tone. “what’d you do to me? this is getting weird.”
“peter and y/n sitting in a tree!” sam and bucky chant from their table. “k-i-s-s-i-n-g!” they spell out. visions shields his face, mortified to be associated with them. “first comes love!” sam yells. “then comes marriage!” bucky shouts after. the two of them join in together again. “then comes baby in the baby carriage!”
“ok… don’t freak out, babe,” peter traces his hands along your sides to calm you. “so, i sort of-“ “here, y/n,” wanda appears behind you with a compact mirror. she smiles sheepishly as you take it from her.
terrified for what you’re about to see, you aim the mirror so it shows your neck. your mouth falls agape. there’s a huge hickey off to the side and a couple of tiny ones near your collarbone. you can only imagine what your hips look like.
you slam the mirror shut and set your gaze on peter, who finds this too amusing for your liking. you’re about five seconds away from destroying him, and not in the way he hopes for. wanda taps him on the shoulder to alert him.
“you better run.”
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