#jakurai x doppo
discotenny · 9 months
Pet-Names (hypmic)
What nicknames your partner would call you :3 Featuring EVERYONE(except Rei cause I don't write for him woahosoohosp) !!! THIS IS A BIG ONE RAHHHHHH
Mentions of “during intimacy" in Ramuda's section but no explicit smut. Everyone has attached drabbles :3
Buster Bros
He's such a babe guy OHHHH my goodness he's such a babe guy. Maybe he'll throw a baby in there too but he throws out babe like it's your second name. It sounds so sweet and casual coming from his mouth you can just hear the smile dripping from it.
"Babe, come here for a sec!" Ichiro calls from the kitchen. With a hm in reply, you come in and see him doing nothing but stand there. You go to ask him why he called you over- only for him to bring you into a warm hug. "I just wanted to hug you baby," he says, kissing your cheeks as you chuckle.
Jiro strikes me as the type to only call you cute nicknames as a ploy to get you annoyed. He'll snicker as he calls you his 'pookie little sunshine bear' in front of all your friends and run away cackling as you chase him down. In private he'll be more soft- picking up 'babe' just like his brother calls you.
"Hey darling little sweetie pumpkin bear pie?" He asks you with the most innocent eyes and you glare at him with the fury of a thousand suns. Your friends laugh behind you and you make a promise to get him back later. Later comes with you tickling him with no mercy in the confines of his bedroom. Through fits of laughter and cries he yells, "Babe! Babe! Stop! Please!" Too bad though, maybe he shouldn't have been such a dick :P
He's into the classics. More so- he simply calls you by your name cause he's a bit too embarrassed to call you anything else. Once he tried to call you 'babe' like he's heard his brothers do but it sounded so foreign coming from his mouth he'd rather you forget it ever happened.
"H-hey, b-baabeee~" Saburo says, trying to sound suave and immediately regretting it. You're not sure you heard him correctly, sounding more like a squeaking door rather than an actual sentence. "What did you say Sabu?" "N-Nothing!"
Mad Trigger Crew
He calls you classy shit like doll, honey, love. He's so sickly sweet when he calls you these pet names that you can't help the fluster that comes to your cheeks whenever he says it.
You're just about to go to bed, Samatoki already laying down. He's half asleep so you try and get in without much attention. As you fix yourself in bed, his hand finds yours and he stirs in his sleep. "G'night, love," he mutters, voice husk with tiredness. He falls back asleep quickly, unaware of the warmth spreading in your smile.
mjmjmjmjmmhmmhmgmmg he's so annoying. He's gonna pull out all the stops in an attempt to get you flustered but he's so smug and obvious with it that it makes you laugh. I know people consider Jyuto this sex god type beast but in my mind but I cannot imagine him as anything other than a pathetic house plant type of man.
He's leaning over the counter of the bar, sliding a drink he just bought your way. "Why hello there, dream boat," His eyes watch you from behind his glasses to see if you'll give the reaction he desires. "Mmmmm, try better next time, love," you wink back at him and he flusters instead. "Wh- why can't you just play along," he sighs, adjusting his tie and looking down bashfully.
In my previous writing for Rio I had him call his partner "dear" and I think it's so applicable to him!! He's a classic type guy and him calling you dear is just fjdafjsdkfdsj cute!
At the grocery store you always have to ask him to reach for the items at the top of the shelves. Even if you can reach it yourself it's nice to see how sweet he is whenever he hands the items to you. "Ah, Rio can you grab that pasta up there." "This one dear?" Rio perks up, holding the box in the air. "Yep! Thanks, love."
Fling Posse
AAAA RAMU!! He's gonna call you all the sweets. Sweetie-pie, sweetheart, sweetie, etc etc. Augh he'll even throw out a cutie in there when he's feeling like it. When in private and in intimacy, he'll call you such sweet affectionate terms like dear and love to show just how much he cares.
Ramuda hovers above you. The sheets tickle against bare skin and he intertwines your hands. "You look absolutely wonderful," he says, a smile spreading along his face. Your face flusters at the ever closening proximity between you two as he bends down. "Thank you for making my whole world, love," your lips connect within the darkness of your bedroom.
In public, he'll call you the most complex, cutesy, annoying nicknames when referring to you. Just cause he likes the reaction of the people around him- looks of ludicrousness and cringe. In private, he's not the type to pull a 'baby' or 'honey'. But he is the type to pull out daarin, which translates similarly to "my darling."
Gentaro's awake in the early mornings of the day. While you're still in bed, he's preparing tea for the two of you to share. You start to wake when he sets up a table beside you. "Ah, good morning, my darling," he greets you with a warm smile.
Similarly to Ichi, Dice is also a babe guy. He's always calling you with the widest smile on his face and a cheery tone to show just how much he cares. He totally calls you babe on social media whenever he posts you two like the sicko he is.
Your phone rings in your pocket and a smile comes on your face when you see the caller. "Hey? What's up?" You say to your boyfriend on the other line. "Baaaaabe-" he starts off and you roll your eyes playfully. "Can you pick me up? I don't have enough money left for the train fair..." "Of course, baby," you say. In reply you get a bunch of fast paced thank yous and smoochie noises over the phone.
He calls you angel cause you're his angel <3. His light in life, the star in his sky. He's such a sickly sweet romantic it's gross and yucky BLAH !
It was a hot day in Shinjuku and you were sitting in front of the house fan, trying to cool yourself off. Home alone for the time being, Jakurai was expected to come back with takeout. It was wayyyy to hot to fire up the stove. As if on cue, the door opens and Jakurai holds a teddy bear patterned reusable bag filled with cold soba and iced drinks. Still in the doorway he calls out to you, "I'm home, angel!"
Hifumi's the type to default to a lot of food based pet names. Pudding, honey, pumpkin, sugar, etc etc. He never calls you these in public, instead calling you by name around people. But in private, he's happy to call you all the sickly sweet food based names he can think of!
Doppo's out of the apartment today and you're visiting your boyfriend. He's cooking up a meal as you sit by him, talking about your day. "Ah yeah, the trains were closed earlier- something about flooding cause of the rain yesterday..." you say, fiddling with a cup of water. "Did you take a cab instead then, honey-bun?" Hifumi doesn't even look at you as he says the term of endearment, focused on the hot pan in front of him. It just spills out so naturally, alongside the accompanying smile on his face.
Doppo doesn't really use nicknames- also finding it embarrassing when they slip past his lips. Though, deep down he really really really wants to call you these names! He wishes to be the type that can call his lover baby, love, dear, sweetie, etc etc. Though, they only really slip out when he gets a bit toooo tipsy.
Doppo's head rests on your shoulder on the train ride home. You, as the designated guide for both Doppo and Hifumi after you three went out drinking in the streets of Shinjuku, held onto their arms as you tried to stop them from collapsing on the floor. Doppo murmurs, trying to bat your hand away from holding onto Hifumi in annoyance. "Mmmmm, baby stop holding onntoo him you- HIC- you're mine..." Doppo nuzzles himself into your neck. You silently thank the late night as the train car was basically empty at this time. "I'm the love of yer life... not him..." It'd be a cute memory if Hifumi didn't vomit on the floor as soon as you stepped out the station.
Bad Ass Temple
Kuko thinks of you as his little baby, no matter how annoying as it may come off. He loves being really cutesy with you, calling you his baby wherever he can. He's just silly like that!
You're sweeping the floor around his family's temple- gathering the falling leaves that come with the new season. You originally came to hang out with your boyfriend but he was no where to be found (probably procrastinating on sweeping the floor). The quietness is nice, you decide as you enjoy the peaceful change of pace. When a heavy presence hugs you from the back you start attacking it with the broom. "AHHHHH! BABY NO! BABY STOP WHAT ARE- OW! OW!" Kuko screams, disrupting the peace from before.
He's so cute I love him. He calls you all the terms of endearment relating to beauty, handsomeness, etc etc. If you're fem he'll call you princess (HE'S SUCH A PRINCESS GUY RIGHT GUYS???). But his general petname for you no matter your gender is gonna be 'dear.' Cause he's just so cute like that.
After one of his concerts you meet him backstage. He jumps into your arms, still in his stage uniform and makeup. But still, he’s your Jyushi. And your Jyushi peppers kisses all over your face as soon as you find some alone time. “Did you see me? Did you think I looked totally cool up there dear?” He’s excited, riding off the high from his performance. He’s smiling, radiating and you can’t help but reply with a yes, of course.
He's like Jyuto in he intentionally tries to be suave but unlike Jyuto, he actually succeeds. He calls you cutie cause he just thinks you're so adorable- all the time.
Its' the morning and he's about to leave. You fix his tie at the door, something he always chides you for doing for but never actually stops you from doing. It's a quiet morning and you fill the air with a hum. "And... all done, Mr. Bigshot Lawyer." A break from mundane routine, Hitoya hugs you and brings his face to your neck, speaking into it. "Thanks, cutie." You push him out the door before he can tease you about the flush on your cheeks.
Dotsuitare Hompo
SASARAA MY BABY MY BABY. Out of the goodness of my heart, totally unbiased, Sasara is a total romantic UGH. He's the type to pull shit like "my partner," "my baby," "my love," UGHHHHHH I love him.
He comes home slurred, tipsy from a night of celebration with Rosho and Rei. Dotsuitare Hompo just passed their qualifying match to compete in the DRB and they couldn't be more excited. Sasara's drunken state results in 3 things- him struggling to open the door to your shared home, him buying you a several gifts from his night out, and him dropping several gifts on the floor as he tries to open the door. You hear commotion outside and open the door hesitantly. "Hello...?" You call, before you see your partner at the other side. "My baby!" Sasara screams, pulling you outside into a hug.
Rosho's a pretty simple man. He doesn't want to overdo it with nicknames (unlike someone he knows) and he doesn't want to be so closed off you question his affection for you. He defaults to a simple "love" when referring to or from you- because that's all he feels for you.
He's grading papers and muttering to himself as he corrects the wrongs and praises the rights. Rosho's hand is in his hair as he whispers to himself. You walk into the living room, where he sits on the floor in front of the TV. Frowning at the messy state you find your partner in so late at night, you sit down beside him rest your head on his shoulder. "Ah- hello there, love," he smiles, a hand coming to your head to pat it. "Rest well."
Rei 404 NOT FOUND !!
Long post, even longer taglist :3 Have this to fill the void between posts ehe
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guiraguira · 9 months
The Hypmic boys when you fill their face with kisses.
💜 They automatically abandon what they are doing and surrender to you. If you hold their faces with both hands when spreading kisses they will close their eyes and put the weight of their head in your hands while laughing softly: Rio - Gentaro - Jakurai - Hitoya
💜 They will smile arrogantly while you give them kisses, allowing you to do what you want but without interrupting their task, if there is somewhere you can't reach they will bend over so you don't have problems. They love to be the center of your attention: Samatoki - Jyuto - Kuko - Rei
💜 You only manage to fill them with kisses for a few brief moments, their eyes focus on yours when you start and they quickly turn the situation around, you being the one covered by kisses, they long to return the same warmth that you give them: Ramuda - Hifumi - Sasara - Dice
❤️ The moment they realize what you intend to do, they begin to scream in embarrassment, trying to cover their blushing face. They don't want you to stop but the feeling of your lips repeatedly on them is too stimulating: Ichiro - Doppo - Jyushi - Rosho
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mcbbpastelaesthetic · 8 months
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Welp. I made more since y'all liked them so much.
Again several ships being referenced. Mainly Samaichi
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mera-k1 · 4 months
found your blog today and i’m in love with everything you write!!! i’m curious, can we get everyone’s (in hypmic) favorite sex position? hope this isn’t too much ;;
hihi, nonnie!! since there's so many of em, i just did a quick list for you. just send in another ask if you want me to explain any~
Fav Positions
Hypmic x gn!reader
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-ichiro.. i see him as very soft and basic. i'd say his favorite is missionary.
-samatoki def enjoys wall sex, i'm not sure what to even call that position tbh.. cause it's not a full nelson/half nelson i don't think. but yeah, fucking you against the wall is his favorite.
-jyuto is a tough one. i can see him enjoying handcuffing you to the bed and fucking you in missionary.
-to me, rio is such a big, soft guy! lotus position for him.
-sub!ramuda def, just destroy him doggy style honestly.
-gentaro strikes me as the lazy type in bed. cowgirl or reverse cowgirl, no preference between the two.
-for dice.. def 69.
-jakurai loves anything intimate. i don't think he has a favorite so long as he can simply make love to you.
-hifumi's tricky too.. on one hand he wants to make you feel special and pleasure you so he'd enjoy giving you oral but on the other hand he also likes to be ridden so those would have to be his favorites.
-sleepy morning sex with doppo because he needs a break. just ride him in the morning, he loves it more than he lets on.
-sasara haunts me with the fact i struggle to write him.. probably.. basic missionary...
-rosho is similar to jakurai, he enjoys any positions where he can be close and just simply make love to you. whatever makes you feel happy.
-rei hmm.. mating press.
-kuko's is always down to try any position you want so i'd say he has no preference.
-gotta say lotus position for jyushi.
-hitoya is just real basic. missionary or ride him, those are his favorites.
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hifuminnn · 1 year
hugs !
wanted to make hugs hcs to make up for all the inactivity :,))
ichiro - bear hugs 100% and side hugs when cuddling
jiro - bear hug as well, but more reserved than ichiro. loves to pick you up
saburo - quick hug but prefers holding hands
samatoki - arm around the shoulder to greet you, hugs you from behind in public and would hug you at the waist, resting his chin on the top of your head
jyuto - hugs you from behind ALL the time. loves it when you squeak at the sudden contact
riou - does not initiate hugs. usually calls your name to get your attention. however, if you hug him, he will wrap his arms around your shoulders to hug you back.
ramuda - runs and jumps at you in a catcher hug. does NOT care if he pushes you over as a result of the hug. he just wants to get close to you
gentaro - short hug as a greeting. prefers intertwining his fingers with yours as compared to hugging
dice - catcher hug. he would catch you but probably not all the time. doesn't care if the two of you topple and you crash on top of him either. he loves you too much
jakurai - unlikely to hug but if you initiate the hug, he will do a respectful hug where he wraps his arms around your shoulders. likes it when you hug him around his ribs.
hifumi - shocked when you hug him but would happily return the hug in a bear hug. smiles and giggles a lot when you do. would also do a catcher hug when you come home after a long day outside
doppo - one armed hug probably because he's an awkward man...would probably stand there shocked if you try to hug him, resulting in an unreciprocated hug (would probably apologise for being sweaty)
sasara - bear hug 100% as well. he loves you a whole whole lot and would immediately tell you all about his day while still having his arms wrapped around your waist. would also put his arm around your shoulders while talking
rosho - hug at the waist, he especially likes having his hands on your hips (although he may not admit it)
rei - loops his arm around to hook you in closer to him via your waist. loves it when you squeak from the contact as well and WILL grin at you as a result of that. would carry you like a princess. patting hug sometimes
kuko - almost yells at you when you first try to hug him but he slowly opens up to it. unlikely to initiate hugs as well but will wrap his arms around your waist/hips when you do hug him
jyushi - gets flustered when you hug him and exclaims out loud. hates sudden hugs and would prefer it if you asked him for a hug. would awkwardly wrap his arms around your shoulder
hitoya - wraps his arms around your waist and would lean his forehead against yours while hugging. loves slow dancing this way as well
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demonichikikomori · 2 months
Peel My Orange?: Matenro
You ask him to peel an orange for you.
Buster Bros!!! - Mad Trigger Crew - Fling Posse - Bad Ass Temple - Doitsutarehompo
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Jakurai Jinguji
You had come to the doctors office to bring him lunch.
He was so appreciative of you, looking shocked when you showed him a small orange that you planned to eat.
It didn't look like enough compared to what you brought him.
You told him not to worry, and politely asked him to peel the fruit for you.
Jakurai looked at you in surprise before taking the citrus from your hands and into his own. "Are you having trouble peeling it on your own? It could be your lack of nutrients..." He frowned with a disappointed sigh. He sat on a small black stool beside the trash, pulling at the peel of the fruit to drop it piece by piece into the can. "N-No! I just... I don't like it getting under my nails... And the smell..." You frowned as Jakurai shook his head with a soft laugh. "I am only teasing you." He assured with a gentle hum.
You watched him pick and pull at the rind until it was all gone from the now exposed flesh of the orange. He grabbed a small paper towel for you to eat it on and moved closer with a grin. "There we go. But, really..." He trailed off. "You need more than just an orange my dear."
Hifumi Izanami
It was late at night when Hifumi stopped by your apartment from his shift at Fragrance.
He smelled heavily of alcohol and perfume, masking his usual scent but it was something you were used to.
He swayed around before flopping onto your couch with a tired smile.
You brought him an orange to soak up the alcohol in his stomach.
"Hnn?~?" He purred and took the fruit from your hand, twirling it in his own with a grin. "Okaayyy!~!" Hifumi cooed before sitting up on his arms to peel the fruit. You yawned tiredly watching him neatly unfold the peel from the fruit. It looked akin to a blooming flower as he seperated the thin white mesh as well. His precision was shocking since he was clearly drunk.
When he finished, he handed the fruit back to you. You were confused. "Hifumi-" Before you could ask him why he returned it to you, he had fallen asleep on your coach. You looked at the fruit then at Hifumi with a heat rising in your face. Did he actually peel this for you before he went to sleep? ... It seems to be the case.
Doppo Kannonzaka
Doppo finally had a day off from work which was extremely rare!
He was excited to spend it with you and rushed to your apartment when he was free from work.
He had fainted on your couch, and thankfully you had a change of clothes for him at your place.
When Doppo had finally woken up and showered, you offered him an orange with one of your own.
He sat in front of you looking at the fruit and gave a silent nod before messily picking at the fruit. You were sure it was the exhaustion, but you were stunned by how poorly he peeled the fruit. Almost like he was mutilating it with his short nails. You didn't want to ask him to peel it for you. You almost felt guilty trying to do so. The rind was discarded on the table like leathery confetti. Taking many different shapes and designs before he had finally finished. "Here." You looked at the orange with white skin left behind. Then, Doppo's smiling face. Even with the brownish bags under his eyes, you could see that he was proud of his craftsmanship. "I peeled it for you." He offered and you silently accepted the orange with surprise.
He took the other one from your hand in return and began to peel it. "But-" You were stopped by Doppo. "You brought me clothes and the orange to eat. The least I could do was peel it for you." His response was honest, and even a little bashful as a faint rouge tinted his cheeks. He wanted to peel it for you. You didn't even have to ask.
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dooppo · 9 months
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Colored a discord sticker I made lol and I don’t remember is I posted a better quality picker of wolf Jakurai, tanuki Doppo and fox Hifumi
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
Could I request Jakurai, Hifumi and Doppo's s/o surprising them with a gift basket full of homemade sweets as a job well done?
Matenrou with s/o who's surprising them with a gift
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ahhh such a cute request <3 here!!
NBreader, fluff, just wholesome stuff;;
-Oh.. Is it all just for him?
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-He's so flattered, as a person who gets used to serving humanity and being the one who gives, it's so nice to receive something.. Especially something with such a sweet smell and delicious look.
-"Hehe.. You make me speechless, s/o.." - he takes the basket from your arms, softest smile you've ever seen playing on his lips now and you can see light sparkle in his eyes.
-Despite Jakurai is always really caring and tender in your relationship with him, he also likes to be a little bit mysterious and teasing sometimes. But today.. You melt his heart and make his soul tingle, he can't help but keep smiling the whole day.
-His calm gaze now so joyful and loving as he leaning closer to you. One of his hands moves a strand of long purple hair from his face and he kisses you softly.
-"I didn't expect such a present from my beautiful angel today, so I don't have anything to give you back.." - he whispered, faces so close as you touched each other's noses. His loving gaze almost hypnotizes you with this heavenly blue shine. His eyes are just like two deep oceans, and you can see so much love and affection in their depths - "But maybe a couple of kisses will be a good reward for you right now? I promise, darling, next time I will also surprise you with something so delightful.."
-Your basket will stand in his kitchen for a long time, as Jakurai don't really love to eat many sweets, it's not really healthy. Also, he just wants to save your gift as long as he can.
-It's just so soothing, when he walks inside early in the morning to prepare himself breakfast before a long hard shift in the hospital, and the first thing he sees is your cakes, tarts, cookies.. He immediately smiles, as thoughts about your hard work for him warms his chest.
-Even when Jakurai eats all your homemade sweets he will keep the basket as a little reminder of how cute and precious his partner is.
-"Do you have any plans for today, s/o..?" - he asks you after a few days, when you visit him during lunch break in the hospital. - "I hope to spend this evening with you, in my house.. What do you think?"
-When you will pay him a visit later that day you wouldn't expect much, thinking it's just a casual small date. But when you go inside, the delicious smell of your favorite food hits your nose almost immediately.
-"Oh, come here, s/o.. Don't be shy." - Jakurai chuckle, noticing how your adorable eyes widened a little. - "I decided to return a favor in the same way, so.. please, enjoy. I hope my little feast will please you as much as your present pleases me before.."
-He may not be a great cook and don't have enough skills, but he has enough heart, love and care that he puts in these dishes, just for you…
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-Ahhh!! So happy happy happy!!
-He is good at cooking and baking so he knows how hard it is to make so many sweets. So he really appreciates that from you.
-"Haaa~ S/o, you such a cutie and sweetheart, hehe..! I'm gonna have diabetes after so many biscuits and donuts, huh!!" - Hifumi giggles, it looks like he is even more cheerful than usual after your reward. He hugs you tightly, holding you so close to his chest as he pepper your face with kisses - "Now I'm gonna work even harder, if it means I will get such gifts from you, hehe..!"
-Expect him to be really clingy for the next few days as he can't stop complimenting you, his hands are always on you, hugging your waist or shoulder, playing with your hair, holding your hand or stroking your cheek before soft kiss..
-Hifumi just wants to show how much joy and happiness you bring to him, as his heart can't stop beating so fast when he eats your sweets before work. So delicious and sugary, full of your affection for him..
-"My precious darling.. For me, it's not just baking, it's like your love transforms into a physical form - the same warmness, softness and sweetness I can feel from this dough as I feel from your heart, s/o..!" - charming smile plays on his lips after such a pompous speech. Hifumi was already in his gray jacket when he got closer to you, holding your hands softly. - "There's nothing that would be more delicious than your cooking.. Mm, but maybe your lips?~"
-He would brag about your gift for him to anyone he knows. None of his kittens will surprise him as much as you, his precious little star. And he wants the whole world to know about that!!
-"Ooh!! You're finally here, hehe..!" - Hifumi opens the door, meeting you in his pink apron and immediately dragging you inside - "Come on, come on, hurry up..!"
-You didn't know why he called you, so you were so surprised to see a whole table covered with extravagant dishes. Everything looked so good and delicious, almost as if you were looking at pictures of the menu in an expensive restaurant. After all, Hifumi is in the top ten best cooks in Shinjuku, how can you expect something lower than that from him?
-"Here..! It's my little party as a thank you for being such a doll..!" - his hands squeezing yours as he looks at you with the brightest smile. Hifumi always looks like a little sunshine, but near you he lights up even more, radiating his positive and love for you - "Hehe, we can even feed each other, what do you think?"
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-Somebody, call an ambulance asap, this man has a heart attack.
-So many things?? And just for him?? Are you sure he can eat it all alone??
-"I.. um.. thank you.." - he mumbles with bright red cheeks, hands trembling as he looks at a basket full of sweets. Despite his thoughts that keep screaming that he didn't deserve such a gift and such an adorable partner, his heart keeps telling him how cute you are and he definitely should be grateful, not pessimistic. - "You're like an angel, s/o.. You are always blessing my poor life with your presence, and now.. So many sweets.. I will never forget that, and will work even harder for you now…!"
-He's touched to the depth of his soul, as he gets used to being treated badly. Just your attention is enough for making him feel bright happiness, but the whole homemade baking..? He's almost bursting in tears as something keeps trembling inside his chest and tickling his stomach, is this what they call butterflies?
-"I.. I know that maybe I ask too much, y-you already make me so happy, b-but.." - his voice trembling a little as he got closer and touched your hands. Shy, but so sincerely deep loving gaze on his face as he tries to get the courage to continue - "But.. Can I kiss you now? I just.. I really want to show my love.."
-Oh just how much he wants to eat all the sweets in one moment..! Everything just looks so delicious, his mouth already watering from the alluring warm scent. Sorry, Hifumi, but for this man your food will be the best thing in life, even if you're not as good at baking as shiny blondie.
-But he needs to control himself and spread the fun over several days. And Doppo will take your cakes and cookies as lunch for work, so he would enjoy at least something good in this goddamn office. He always cheers up after lunch break now, because all the time he was sitting in the break room, eating your tarts slowly and sloppy, thinking about how much time you spent just to make him a gift..
-That's right! If you always make him smile, then he should also try hard to make you the happiest person in the whole world..! You deserve to know how much he actually values you, even if it's hard to say in words for him..!
-"H..hello? Oh, s/o, I'm not interrupting or anything, a-am I? Would you.. would you like to visit my house this weekend..?" - it was much easier to talk through a phone call, as Doppo nervously fiddled with his fingers, waiting for your answer. - "N-nothing serious, just please, if you can.."
-Of course if he said "nothing serious" you were not expecting something serious, but when you came over, Doppo was standing there, really nervous, you could feel the smell of baking powder and sugar from his hands.
-Oh, so he was trying to bake you a cake..! When you congratulate him for hard work you mention that one of the cakes in the basket is your favorite, so he was trying to make that thing..
-"I.. I'm sorry..! It's look much worse than yours one, I'm sorry..!" - he sobbed, looking at his crooked cake - "You can not eat it if you don't want to..! Aahh, I can't even show my gratitude for you normally…!"
-It's look not that good but the taste was still delicious, and a little praise from you made Doppo smile again, as he promised to get better at baking and spoil you with something more good-looking next time.
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chokit-pyrus · 2 years
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hypmic txt posts/memes pt 9 (x)
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hypmicdaydreams · 1 year
valentine’s day 💕 pt. 2 (fling posse and matenrou)
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-pairings: fling posse x gn!reader, matenrou x gn!reader (individual)
-genre: fluff
oh, he definitely acts super duper excited and stoked, probably shamelessly teases you as well
i mean, ramuda of course knows the date (besides that it was his birthday as well). it’s valentine’s day! there’s only one thing your chocolates could mean, even if they were only obligatory
as much as a front he puts up, which does include him teasing you about the chocolates, i’m sure ramuda would be touched. it’s a sweet gesture, especially to someone like him, who isn’t even human in the first place
his heart beats irregularly at the thought: a malfunction. they’re palpitations, and ramuda isn’t entirely fond of it and how strange they feel. but still, he doesn’t completely hate them. they’re…nice, to an extent
and he loves loves loves sweets, so the chocolates are obviously to his taste. they’re sweet and melty, just the way he liked them
you may not know it, but the chocolates are definitely something ramuda holds dear. he doesn’t feel entirely purposeless, i suppose
he’s a mess inside, for sure
externally, this man puts up an act and probably re-enacts an entire soliloquy or something when you gift him the chocolates. he likes teasing you after all — it’s much too fun
but, i can see gentaro lose his composure internally. i mean, he wasn’t entirely expecting chocolates on valentine’s, so they come as a surprise
he’ll admit it — he got a little flustered. it was cute, how you thought of him, and i’m almost certain he keeps the chocolate box as a keepsake (the chocolates themselves were great too, or maybe that was his tinted senses talking)
he’ll probably have to confess or something soon. or he hopes you do instead. either way, gentaro doesn’t think that these feelings were entirely lies
he, uh, doesn’t think much of it. not in the moment, at least
dice breaks out into a large grin, the brightest you possibly have seen, when you give him the chocolates; it’s adorable, actually, and dice is incessantly thanking you
devours the entire thing right away, saying how good the chocolates were. they were his absolute favorite! more so if you made them yourself. they were the tastiest thing he’s had all week
it doesn’t hit him until much much later that it was, well, valentine’s day and your chocolates surely meant something (and even then, one of his teammates probably had to point it out to him)
and it surely makes his heart flutter! he can’t help but grin, to love all those feelings that have piled up. he feels full to bursting, but it’s how he likes it
oh, he’s definitely going to get something for you for white day..if he’s able to save up the money, that is
bewildered, possibly. he hasn’t received much chocolate on the day before, especially as of late (perhaps he had when he was still a student), so he’s amused
i mean, he’s certainly appreciative! makes a point to graciously thank you for the kind thought and gift. but oh man jakurai isn’t entirely sure what to do afterward
like, he adores it, obviously. he’ll try to enjoy the whole thing since you had given him it; and he thinks it’s cute that you got him chocolate, obligatory or not
but other than that? he’s in a predicament. jakurai knows this means he’ll have to get you something for white day, but it meant more than that too
it felt good, to receive chocolate from you on valentine’s. jakurai can’t help but smile each time he looks at the box. it was a really sweet gesture, and he wasn’t sure why it felt bigger than it seemed
he’ll definitely have to ponder about himself and you more
giddy, happy. he’s definitely excited
i’m sure he gets tons of chocolates each year, probably at the host club. but it definitely does still feel different when you give him one as well
of course, if he’s in host mode, he pulls his sweet talk and flirts. it’s a cute gesture, he says, and even kisses your hand. if he’s not, or when he gets out of host mode, hifumi has a large, bright grin
mm, he can’t hold it in. the adrenaline courses throughout, on a dopamine high. the way his heart flutters probably isn’t all too good, but it certainly feels great. it’s almost like a sugar rush with how energetic he gets
he feels good, and the chocolate tastes good. hifumi’s satisfied, especially since it was you. it’s definitely a moment he will cherish close to his heart
(prob goes all out on white day too, so be prepared..)
he shouldn’t be too surprised i mean, but he still is when it comes to you
doppo does assume it’s obligatory, especially since that’s what all the coworkers were giving to them in the office that day. he’s gotten his fair share of obligatory chocolate, of course; but still, yours has him feeling some type of way
he’s flustered and all over the place honestly. he does freak out a bit, thanking you endlessly and saying you shouldn’t have gone out of your way. but he still feels too good inside
doppo isn’t entirely sure what he feels towards you (was it a crush? he didn’t have time for those..), but for some reason, he can’t stop thinking about the entire gesture. he keeps staring back at the chocolate, feeling too warm each time
his heart beats feel rejuvenated, more lively, with the way it skips a beat. he can’t help his small smile. and despite how muddled his mind felt, doppo couldn’t help but feel at ease
he feels much better that day. it wasn’t all that bad of a work day, he supposed
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hypnomicimagines · 2 years
now that you talked about the summer, as would be the day on the beach with the MTR (each alone with your s/o)? Goodnight!
Izanami Hifumi: 
Hifumi was interested in a lot of the seaside restaurants and the frozen treats available, admitting he had been in a bit of a cooking rut. He was curious if any of the meals down by the beach would inspire him and you agree, especially since he’s paying. He’s cute as he tentatively licks each ice cream then hands it off to you to judge, the two of you sharing a variety of things since there was a lot on your plate. He’s paying close attention to the things that you like and you feel like he did this specifically to get a better handle on your tastes, though you make sure to buy him some cute souvenirs to show you appreciate his efforts to be a great boyfriend.
Jinguji Jakurai:
Jakurai is a little fussy about making sure every inch of your exposed skin is covered in sunscreen, telling you of a time Doppo had forgotten and regretted it immensely. He cares about your health so he also brings plenty of water and hydrating treats along with him in a little cooler that stays by his side. You find a nice spot close to the water where Jakurai sets up his umbrella, pulling his hair back into a ponytail before laying out the blanket that would be your resting spot. He spent most of the time reading a book and daydreaming about fishing on the beach, knowing he’d like to come back sometime soon.
Kannonzaka Doppo:
Please don't let Doppo fall asleep in the sun again, his skin was lobster red and he suffered for a week after. He doesn’t find himself with downtime very often so he’s often at a loss of what to do, normally just staying home or going along with whatever Hifumi wanted. If you wanted a nice beach day he would agree to it since he felt guilty you spent so little time together, but he hoped you didn’t have a jam packed schedule and you intended to just relax. He had a mini panic attack thinking about the two of you getting swept away in the tides but it was actually a much more peaceful time when he stopped letting his anxious thoughts get the best of him.
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discotenny · 6 months
Gift Giving (hypmic)
Hypmic characters and the gifts they give you
Featuring EVERYONE (excluding Rei and Saburo)
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Buster Bros
I feel like he’s the type of guy to gift you experiences rather than physical items. He’d take you to a fancy cafe you’d been eyeing, maybe a movie you wanted to watch, possibly even plan a surprise picnic!!
He dresses up for the occasion too! Even if you don’t expect it, he’s out of his usual jacket and attire- sporting something he seemingly newly bought. Ichiro will absolutely light up in smiles if you compliment his outfit and effort.
Ichiro feels like his time with you is more valuable than any gift he could give. He has so many other responsibilities on his shoulders so he uses his “gifts” to make up for any time lost.
Jiro worries himself over trying to come up with a gift to get you. He doesn’t have much money, with most of his salary going towards helping his siblings. When the time comes to give you a gift, he’s embarrassed- bumbling over himself with apologies for the supposed shittiness of his gift.
But oh, oh, oh he’s so sweet :C. He’ll hand make a card for you, educating himself on paper craft so it’s the cutest it can be. There’s paper cuts that litter his hands as he gives it to you.
Jiro immediately leaves the room, not wanting to see your face as you read the letter, in which he pours his heart out for you to fully see. Run after him and kiss his face will you?
404 not found!
Mad Trigger Crew
Samatoki gives you a leather wallet... that he made himself!!
One of the old men who he buys meatbuns from told him about a class that would 'fit his vibe.' And when he begrudgingly took the class, the old man was totally right! Samatoki gets really into the task, hiding the new hobby from you because he wants to surprise you with a gift at the end of the class.
When he hands you the wallet, you can tell it wasn't professionally made. There's stray burn marks on the front, mildly messy seams holding it together, and a tag inside that is signed with his initials and yours inside of a heart. Samatoki is so, so proud of showing you his accomplishment though- and hopes you enjoy it as much as he enjoyed making it.
Jyuto gets you a personalized music box.
It's of your favorite song. One you would always play for him whenever you were given aux in the car- that he would always playfully say was becoming annoying to hear. One he only seemed to tolerate instead of actually enjoy listening to it.
But he knows the joy it brings you to listen to. He sees the smile on your face when you turn the volume louder, the shine in your eyes when it surprisingly comes on the radio. It's why, despite his mild dislike of it, he buys you a music box so you could play it whenever you want. Just so he can see your smile whenever he can.
Rio is a man of practicality. So he gets you a self care box!
He kind of throws everything into it, multiple body washes and bath bombs, a variety of different scents- he has more experience in self preservation instead of self care. But just from the amount of... stuff inside- it's clear he thought a lot about it!
When he gives the box to you he has a little trouble explaining what it's for. It's a rare sight to see, Rio stumbling flustered over his words trying to explain he wanted to make sure you were taking care of yourself in ways outside his understanding. If you offer to show him how to use all the stuff he got you, he'll gladly accept!
Fling Posse
Ramuda gives you an outfit he specifically designed! In his mind, there's nothing more meaningful than something made from hand.
He’s poured over it for weeks, wanting it to be absolutely perfect for his perfect partner. Ramuda knows your tastes to the smallest detail, so he knew just what to do to make sure you'd like it. And its comfortable too!! Made with the softest fabric he could buy, so despite whatever flashiness it has it's super comfy to wear.
When actually giving it to you, he makes you model it right in front of him! He's kicking his feet and squealing as you twirl around in whatever he gives you, excited to see you in something he created.
mfeafeiafjewamawe Gentaro gifts you a notebook.
It's unsuspecting first, with a plain, brown, leather bound cover. He's unusually casual about it too, handing it to you under his sleeve with a meek smile. Usually, Gentaro would make a show about whatever gift he gives you, jokingly saying you should bow to his feet in praise for his effort.
However, once you open up the notebook, you'd find it's filled with words of love. Poems, short stories, letters, all of it written by Gen to you. It's so, sickenly sweet and romantic you'd never expect it from him. When you look back at him after peeking through, he's red in the face, flustered to hear whatever feedback you may have.
Dice gives you a special lucky charm!!
He spent months hunting it down. Seeking through pawn shops and all the shady back alley sellers he knows. When Dice gets a good idea in his mind, he sticks to it thoroughly, the only thing on his mind being the joyous reaction he expects you to have.
And what does he give you? The matching piece to his earring of course! If you don't wear earrings, he'll have it converted to a keychain so you can carry it on your bag. Dice thinks it's the perfect good luck charm, both for him and for you :3
fewafewafewfeaw Jakurai gets you one of those mini books that's like "30 things I love about you."
You know, the ones that have a different prompt for each page that you have to fill in. Despite the small space, he gets really detailed, and it's so sweet and romantic and yuck !!! They're all wildly different responses, ranging from how he thinks you always look wonderful to how he thinks you truly saved his life just by being in it.
When Jakurai hands the book to you he's shy about it, apologizing about the responses because he wasn't able to fit all he wanted to say. Of course, he'll gladly say it in person if you're insistent 😚😚😚
Hifumi comes to your door with a bouquet of flowers. He's all smiles as he stuffs petals and stems in your face.
Ooh, he was insistent on picking out the flowers himself. Hifumi has a company discount with the local flower shop his club works with- so he was all in on getting as many different flowers as he could find (as in, all the flowers he found pretty[as in, all of them]).
He also put together the bouquet himself!! It's a little messy, with some broken stems and falling petals. However, he's just so happy to give it to you that you can't help but find it adorable.
Doppo gets matching keychains for you guys!
He likes being subtle about a lot of things, including his affections. The keychains he gets are the type that look regular on their own, but together they can link to form a heart or your initials or something romantic like that.
Doppo will often link your keychains together in public, smiling to himself as he sees the connection. Whenever he gets anxious in public and he's alone, he'll hold onto the keychain tightly, being reminded of you. Yes, while it was a gift to you it also was a gift to himself, to have a reminder of you with him always :CC
Bad Ass Temple
Kuko is so shit at giving gifts I'm so sorry. He has to ask his friends what gifts to get you and they're all so sick of it LMAO. Ichiro tells him to take you out somewhere, and that eventually gives him the perfect idea for a gift.
Kuko says his gift to you is a day of him being on his best behavior. He says it with a smug smile, expecting you to tell him how good of a present it is and is shocked to see your confusion.
He gets legitimately upset when you tell him that his best behavior shouldn't be a gift. The day ends with him promising you that he'll get you an even better gift next time, which leads him back to the drawing board as this dude is just so, so shit at giving gifts.
Jyushi writes a song for you!
He's not the lyricist for his band but he has a heavenly voice to back up whatever he writes. But he puts EVERYTHING into writing the song for you. Jyushi throws in references to your relationship, to specific dates or moments in time, to things only the two of you would know. He sees it as his magnum opus, and is very very proud of being able to perform it to you.
If his band doesn't want to perform the song with him he makes Kuko and Hitoya help him. Sure, it may have taken a few tear filled begs, but with their help he's able to perform the song he spent so much time working on, just for you
Hitoya makes you a playlist!
He's a bit of a classic guy, and would've made you a mixtape if anyone still used those on the daily lol. There's a lot of different memories within your relationship related to different songs, and he wanted to compile all of them for you two to listen together. Hitoya makes the picture of the playlist a photo of you two on your first anniversary, one where you're holding hands by the sunset and smiling.
It's sweet, cause he plays it first without telling you what it is. With every song that passes you recognize where it's from, and he's left smiling like a kid when you beam with joy asking him if he really made a playlist for you.
Dotsuitare Hompo
Sasara gets you a build-a-bear bear!!
He goes in store alone to buy it, and goes a little overboard in designing it. Sasara gets a bunch of overpriced accessories, stuffs it a little too much with stuffing, and picks one of the most expensive dolls because it was the cutest.
Sasara records his own voice messages so they could play whenever you squeeze the doll's hand. And oh my goodness, he recorded so many. There's multiple shitty jokes, several wild compliments, and a myriad of 'I love yous' said in various different tones. Just don't hug it too much, he might get jealous ehehe.
Rosho gets you whatever you want.
He gets really concerned when trying to get you gifts, worrying over what you would like best, if you already have it, or if you'd think it's too much/too little. So, eventually he'll just go ahead and ask you what you want as a present.
As long as it's in reason, of course. If you say some ludicrous thing like a yacht or a new car, Rosho will get sad and say you know he can't afford such luxurious (why would you do that to him LMAO). But he'll take you to the shops and have you pick out anything you want, buying it with no question as he just wants you to know he loves you so so so much :CC
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A little late to post on Christmas but fwjhshshshshf. I tried to keep it neutral on the occasion since not everyone celebrates holidays and Kuko canonically doesn't know who Jesus is. I lowk couldn’t think of anything for Saburo so that’s why he’s not here bakbdkdbdksns
This isn't my best work as I was a little too tired to put these into anything else other than thought formatting but whtverrrr
I hope you enjoyed !!! I'll see if I can post anything else b4 the new year but eheheehhehe we all know me
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guiraguira · 1 year
The hypmic guys sleeping with you.
💜 They hug you all night without moving an inch, with their chest on your back and burying their nose in your hair: Rio, Jakurai, Gentaro, Ichiro, Rosho
💜 They sleep on their backs and it is you who rests your head on his chest, feeling his heartbeat: Samatoki, Jyuto, Kuko, Rei, Hitoya
❤️ They need you to hold them all night and pat them gently on the back until they fall asleep on your chest: Doppo, Dice, Jyushi, (Saburo)
💜 It's impossible for them to stay still, they both change positions all the time and end up awkwardly with their arms and legs mixed together: Hifumi, Ramuda, Sasara, (Jiro)
Regardless of where I put them, I think Ichiro, Rosho, and Hifumi also really enjoy it if you let them sleep on your chest while you pat them gently.
(Actually, I feel a strong need to serve as a pillow to any of the hypmic guys)
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hypmic-writings · 2 years
Hi ♡ I want to ask for some headcanons that you already wrote here, "When he's your high school sweetheart", this time with Manterou
━━ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ━━
Pairing: Jakurai Jinguji x reader; Hifumi Izanami x reader; Doppo Kannonzaka x reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
A/N: So sorry I haven’t posted in a while, I haven’t had wifi in days and the move has been a bit rough. But this one was so cute, I love the high school sweethearts trope it’s adorable really! I’ve done these before for Gentaro, Rosho, and Juto right here! Hope you enjoy~
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Jakurai Jinguji
you met Jakurai in your first year of high school and immediately fell for him just like everyone else in your year
you admired him from afar, but you put more of a focus on your grades than you did with dating
because of this, you and Jakurai were almost always in the same, upper level classes which only gave you more time to swoon over him
when you end up working for a science project together, that’s when the two of you formally get introduced
to your surprise, Jakurai knows quite a bit about you and is intrigued by you (he says that you’re interesting to him)
you immediately take this as a compliment and are more than happy for any type of face-time you can get with him
even more surprising is that after the project, Jakurai continues to want to stay in touch with you
the two of you start to talk about schoolwork and spend time together studying for exams and homework
and eventually Jakurai admits to you that he has deeper feelings for you
it catches you off guard because you honestly didn’t think that someone as quiet and studious as Jakurai would ever want to be in a relationship
but after the two of you go on some dates, it’s clear that you’re perfect together and are meant to be
you pretty much become a ‘power couple’ in the school because of how good you both are in class and people are definitely jealous of you
it’s a quiet, romantic type of relationship where the two of you love and support each other almost seamlessly without being overly touchy or loving in terms of PDA
you always wait by Jakurai’s locker before lunch and he waits by yours after school when you walk home together
you’re always hanging out around each other and you constantly tease him about his inability to make other friends in his classes
when he says that he has Hitoya, you just look over at Hitoya (who’s always third wheeling on your dates) and laugh 
you get nervous when college applications come around because you know that Jakurai wants to do pre-med and you’re not sure if that’s what you want too
but he reassures you that he wants to continue dating you in college no matter what happens
and you actually end up going to the same college regardless of whether you do pre-med or something else
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Hifumi Izanami
you were childhood friends with Hifumi and you were actually dating even before entering high school
he was very flamboyant even back then and you always found him to be quite charming
everyone in the school is either jealous of Hifumi or jealous of you
you’re definitely the cutesy couple that takes iconic insta pics and leaves everyone wanting a relationship just like yours
Hifumi is extremely gentlemanly and will go out of his way to make sure that you’re comfortable and have everything you could ever need or want
he definitely fills up your locker with cards and hearts on valentines day 
and he always has one arm draped around you so that everyone knows that you’re together
Hifumi has a million pet names for you but ‘kitten’ is definitely his favorite
and although he can be a bit of a flirt, he always reassures you that you’re the only one for him
after all of the events with Honobono take place and Hifumi is left with huge amounts of gynophobia, your relationship changes
if you’re a fem presenting person, Hifumi stays away from you at first which breaks your heart because of how close you were as his s/o
it’s painful but you make sure to stay close with Doppo and help Hifumi to get all of the help he needs
it’s a struggle to re-claim your relationship because it takes a lot of time and hard work to even get Hifumi to stand being in the same room as you alone
he’s not as bad with you as he is with some other feminine presenting people because he knows the relationship you have and he trusts you more than almost anyone else
but it’s still a rocky relationship which takes a lot of time and effort throughout your remaining high school years to heal 
you want to stay by his side though and Hifumi is grateful for your presence every day
if you are a masculine presenting person, Hifumi is going to turn to you just like he turned to Doppo - for support
it’s going to be a massive amount of support that’s required though, because Hifumi will constantly need you around him
you don’t mind doing it because you want him to heal and you want him to get help and go to counseling and you’re more than happy to help him through all of that
it can be difficult, but Hifumi is just as loving to you as ever so it’s nice to see that aspect of him remains
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Doppo Kannonzaka
you meet Doppo your first year of high school in math class when the two of you sit next to each other
it’s actually Hifumi who is the first to strike up conversation and you quickly get added into the group of friends made up of him and Doppo
Doppo immediately falls for you, thinking you’re the most attractive person in your grade and wanting to spend more time with you
you think Doppo is cute too but you refuse to tell him so it becomes a mutual pining situation
Hifumi knows Doppo likes you because he’s a great matchmakes so he encourages Doppo to ask you out and when the latter finally does, to nobody’s surprise but the two of you, you say yes
thus the two of you begin dating and do so throughout your high school years
it’s a little awkward at first because you’re so used to only being good friends, but you both quickly pick up speed after a few dates
your relationship is shy and tentative because it’s the first time either of you have done something like this
but Doppo likes you too much not to try to pull moves so he’s constantly asking Hifumi what he should do
and of course Hifumi gives him horrible advice that he got from a magazine and when Doppo tries out corny pick up lines or cheesy moves on you it only leaves you laughing and kissing his nose at how cute he’s trying to be
you don’t mind at all though because the relationship becomes quite comfortable quite quickly
you become each others’ support and are always there when the other one gets overwhelmed either from home life or school work or anything else in between
you’re able to sense Doppo’s emotions quite well and whenever you think there’s a panic attack coming on, you’re quick to jump in and help him calm down
likewise, Doppo is always thanking you and making sure that he helps you with anything he can
there’s not a ton of PDA at first, but Doppo doesn’t mind holding your hand by your third year
he loves to wait by your locker for you though and you think it’s the cutest thing ever when you round the corner and see him flitting and looking around for you
don’t be fooled though, he can get quite jealous if anyone else tries to flirt with you so you have to reassure him that he’s the only one for you
everyone at school thinks you make an adorable couple, if a little dorky, but they can all tell your feelings are genuine and they’re jealous that you got to date your best friend
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hifuminnn · 1 year
buster bros
ichiro, jakurai, samatoki x unconfident s/o
ichiro, doppo, dice and first dates
ichiro x super clingy f!reader
jiro x affectionate f!reader
saburo, riou, gentaro, jakurai x deaf, non-binary s/o
saburo getting a crush on a boy
mad trigger crew
samatoki x affectionate s/o
samatoki x tattoo artist s/o
samatoki x squishy s/o
ichiro, jakurai, samatoki x unconfident s/o
nemu x samatoki's boyfriend
jyuto, jakurai x mute s/o
late jyuto
riou x military s/o
saburo, riou, gentaro, jakurai x deaf, non-binary s/o
fling posse
fling posse x cheerful s/o
fling posse x s/o who likes playing with their hair
jealous ramuda
saburo, riou, gentaro, jakurai x deaf, non-binary s/o
ichiro, doppo, dice and first dates
saburo, riou, gentaro, jakurai x deaf, non-binary s/o
jyuto, jakurai x mute s/o
ichiro, jakurai, samatoki x unconfident s/o
jakurai x sick s/o
jakurai x depressive s/o
hifumi x f!Reader who's nervous around men
doppo x stressed s/o
domestic and jealous doppo
doppo x anxious and socially shy s/o
ichiro, doppo, dice and first dates
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ayadoesart42 · 2 years
Hello! If you’re still in need: Ofc age appropriate, but HC’s for the guys learning they’re going to be dads? It’s one of my favorite hcs to think about lol
I enjoy your other HC’s, too!!!
This was actually really sad to make, and I apologize I’m pretty sure this was supposed to be light hearted… sorry. Also I’m going off of unexpectedly becoming a parent with s/o, rather than planned bc if it was the reaction would be just “yay” and less interesting so LETS GO
Ichiro- (in 20s-ish so similar amounts of maturity) Really really happy and overjoyed. He would be beaming for like a month straight. He would also be determined to be the best dad ever and fix everything that his dad did wrong.
Jiro- (also 20s) PaNiK 😱 But like- happy panic (hopefully)
Saburo- I sat over this for like an hour and eventually gave up, sorry he is a child
Samatoki- would go spiraling and panicking about how terrible his childhood was and how he doesn’t want to turn into his own father and let someone experience that, also be worried about a kid growing up in the environment of a Yakuza with a smoking problem and would go off trying to right his life
Jyuto- Honestly he would probably break up and chicken out- he has too much to do to care for a child
Riou- Would consider it his new mission, and dedicate himself to completing it with honors
Ramuda- N/A
Gentaro- Become Edward Gorey and start to write children’s books with tragic endings
Dice- Would have taken his chances with knocking a woman after a night at a casino and lost. He’d probably not be emotionally ready for it and he would have no kind of connection with the woman, so they would just move on with their lives.
Jakurai- Would adopt again and take the new child to see Yotsutsuji, their big brother, once a week and maybe start a nice mini foster care system for children in need.
Hifumi and Doppo (I’m sorry I have to do these together): Hifumi would quit his job being a host to be a stay-at-home parent, cooking and cleaning and raising the child while Doppo pays the rent. Hifumi would be joyous forever and Doppo would go through phases of “I am so happpppyyyy” and “I am so tireeeeeddddddddd this is gonna end meeeeee I don’t wannnnaaaaaaaaaa”
Sasara- Quit being a comedian to be a parent because he doesn’t want his kid to be constantly surrounded by paparazzi, and he wants to be there for his kid, and try to not give them the childhood that he had.
Rosho- First of all, Rosho wants to be a parent SO BADLY, I think he straight up considers his students his temporary kids. But if he got an actual child he would be over the moon and do all the cringey parent stuff like put pictures of his kid all over his desk at school and give his students updates at school and everyone would refer to his child as the class’ “little sister/brother/sibling”. Also I think having an actual child would push him into starting a program where he can go to places like hospitals and areas with children that don’t have access to nice schools and he would teach them simple lessons and give them a small, free, education. (CRYING)
Rei- Well we’ve all seen how this goes
Kuukou- I disagree with the fact that Kuukou is having an unplanned child, he is a MONK. So he would become the parent of a very large rescue dog or something and unleash it at the temple and take care of it well.
Jyushi- iS a cHiLd
Hitoya- Read attorney of law repercussions and amendments instead of bedtime stories. Also always say “you never his a woman.” To his kid no matter what 24/7 idk why but he would. He would pay the money for the house but also take a surprising amount of time to be an active father.
Nemu- (Unhypnotized) Would be very very happy until she realized she would have to tell Samatoki
and ofc I'm never not in need of hc prompts lol
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