talk to us about james/gordon pretty please :3 :3 only if you have anything you want to say obviously 馃槅 have a good day!
sdgdf,g i was about to put my computer away for the night but NO you get my 2am ramblings instead
james/gordon is so very to me because like. look at them. it starts as James just wanting to be so like big shiny Gordon and Gordon going omg a fan.... im gonna make fun of him <3 or whatever
like james and the express. just. them. that's the thesis statement right there. they roast the living daylights out of each other but like. as james kind of stops idolizing gordon and finding who he is under all those tons of ego he's built for himself, gordon can look at him and go ooooh. there's someone under there. and he's cute. yknow?
gordon voice 'little james' can be a term of endearment . if you're mentally ill like me.
i ALSO recently-ish rewrote like one of my most popular 4x5 posts into a proper fic recently so im gonna shamelessly plug that here i love it it's got ballroom dancing in it
and like once the respect for each other becomes Genuine i think that's when they can both start going Oh. Oh I Like Him For Real.
i also think. human vibes. James has mad insomnia (lowkey from night terrors about his historic crashes) and Gordon lets James nap on him. James finds his presence soothing. otherwise. um. in the sheds they like to have the bays next to each other. means they can whisper to each other more easily during the night <3
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Remember that one 4x5 ballroom dancing post i made? Well...
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Tried to draw it!!! Aaaaaa!!!!
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Hey team!!!! I'm Back on my human au bullshit!!!! i had this idea yonks ago n forgot about it but now im writing it down enjoy
Romatic 4x5 (james x gordon)!!!
James can tap dance (because i say so, he seems the sort tbh) and Gordon is good at ballroom dancing (waltzes, foxtrots, quicksteps, he can tango, he isn't the best at latin but he has learnt) bc being from a High Society family in the 20s strikes me as the sort of thing still being taught idk
Theres some big function coming up maybe it's like the queen's coming, y'know how it be, something something Sir Topham Hatt's actually putting on a ball and everyone's excited because that's never happened before on Sodor.
[Adding a readmore bc im writing this on my phone and it got long and actually it's turnes into a fanfic that took me 2 and 1/2 hours to write LETS GOOOOO]
James laments he doesn't know how to waltz and such to Edward (in that needling way that he knows Edward probably knows how and wants Ed to teach him) and how he doesn't want to make a fool of himself at the function, and Edward shoots back with "Well, Gordon taught me, maybe if you ask nicely he'll teach you."
James is like 'oh no' but also 'ohoho yes' because he's totally not in allegedly unrequited denial. So he goes to Gordon the next day (in private) and is like "A little bluebird told me you can dance."
"...What of it?" Gordon looks a little miffed, maybe like it's something he doesn't like to broadcast much.
"...Teach me?"
"...Are you going to drop this?"
"No!" James smiles broadly but honestly he likes the idea of learning off Gordon the most because he'll tease James in the moment if he makes mistakes but they've got enough of a friendship(?) that Gordon probably wouldn't talk about it elsewhere.
Gordon seems to consider it, and sighs, and agrees. Far quicker than James expected, actually.
It takes a few lessons (at about 11pm, Gordon asked for a key to get into the ballroom they will be using for the function from Hatt, and they practice in practically candlelight because Gordon doesn't really want to broadcast they're there. James quietly thinks that it's a little romantic), before James starts feeling a little guilty that he's taking so much of Gordon's time in this. They only have 4 weeks now and Gordon's gone from mostly bossing him about through the steps and the poise to quietly complimenting him when James pulls off a nice piece of footwork. He's quite quiet, it seems, if you let him be. Gordon also seems to get distracted just... looking at him? But James has to admit, Gordon's eyes are a most delightful warm dark brown that he's never noticed before - not until they're looking down at him, glinting in the candle light.
This is where James proper realises he's got a crush on Gordon. And he doesn't know it yet, but Gordon's been soft on him for a while, and had sworn to himself he was going to get over it, but this doesn't help.
They make for very natural dance partners. They work well together when they stop bickering, and they've stopped bickering a while ago.
"...If, uh," James starts as they're going round a corner, "if you ever want to learn how to tap, for any reason, I can teach you too, if you want."
"Well," Gordon's lips quirk in a little smile as he leads James through a promenade and a little spin for good measure, "I don't know when I'd need that, but I'll keep you in mind."
"Or even, something like-" James seems agitated, and Gordon comes to a halt, stopping James with him, raising an eyebrow as his hands feel so heavy where they rest in James' own and on his hip. It kills the words in his throat.
"What's all this about, James?"
"I feel guilty," James blurts before he can think about whether he should. "That I'm taking so much of your time."
"You're not taking anything I'm not willing to give," Gordon says, smiling enigmatically at him, and James wishes he'd stop talking in circles. "I don't mind spending my time like this."
I don't mind you, is what Gordon's eyes seem to say. James hopes his cheeks don't look as hot as they feel.
"But," Gordon finally lifts his hands away. "If you feel that way, then I'll take a batch of your scones after this is all over."
James laughs at that, stepping back and letting the gloom hide his moonstruck expression. "Done," he agrees.
The half-week before the ball, they're still practicing by candlelight even as the ballroom's decorations start appearing around them from day to day. James feels anxious. He's not sure why. It's clearly not over his new dancing skills. They can run several dances start to end at multiple speeds with ease, now.
Maybe, he realises, as they breeze down the whole length of the ballroom, he doesn't want this to end. He wants his candlelit nights with Gordon, stolen away from the chaos of the railway and their workmates by day.
He likes this. He likes Gordon.
Gordon is asked to give his key back three days before the event, and when James looks distressed at this news, Gordon laughs and claps him on the back and tells him he'll be fine.
It seems he doesn't get it. That's okay.
"What's got you so glum?" Thomas asks him over their tea break, and James jolts, not realising he's been wearing his emotions on his face. "Gordon's not broken your heart, has he?"
"I beg your pardon?!"
Thomas laughs at his expression. "Edward mentioned you'd been having lessons to me."
"That wanker."
"I haven't told anyone else," Thomas eyes him over his mug. "Mostly because I know you'll have my head."
"Damn right," James takes a pointed drink of his tea.
"I guess I'm just checking in," Thomas shrugs. "You're looking put out."
"I'm just a little over my head, I think," James mumbles.
"More like head over heels."
"I'll throw this at you. Don't think I won't."
Thomas laughs, before his face goes soft. "James," he says, in a quiet voice that makes James' stomach drop. "Seriously, though. I've known Gordon longer than you have, and if he didn't want to have you around, he wouldn't."
James hopes he's not flushing.
Thomas goes to say more, before shaking his head and standing. "Think about telling him, maybe," he suggests, before leaving, leaving James trying to gather himself before his afternoon train.
The night of the ball is brimming with excitement. Sir Topham Hatt let them all go to the mainland (not at the same time, of course) to get some fancy clothes, and everyone is dressed to the nines. James is wearing the fanciest dresscoat of his life, all wine-red and gold braid, grinning like a lunatic as the ballroom he's seen in half-light has exploded with life and colour.
A voice clears its throat, and James spins on his heel to see Gordon, and oh! Looking resplendent in a midnight blue dresscoat of his own, blues and silvers but with a red flower, a rose or a carnation James can't tell, in his lapel. James grins as he sees it, and feels a little less self conscious about the rich blue pocket square he's wearing too.
"You look just splendid," Gordon says, awed.
"I could say the same for you." James pointedly looks him up and down, admiring his get-up.
"Hatt told me this morning that not only did he invite my brother," Gordon sighs, half-playful and half-worried, "but that he accepted, and I know how Scot presents himself. Couldn't be shown up."
"Of course," James agrees politely, but he can see the extra anxiety weighing down his friend's broad shoulders. "...Do you want to avoid him?"
"No," Gordon steps back and accepts a couple flutes of champagne from a waiter and hands one to James (and it's good stuff, too, Hatt really spared no expense tonight). "I just... hope it will be less frigid than last we spoke. But enough of that! We have distinct instructions to enjoy ourselves."
James laughs and steps aside as a couple tries to slip by them to the dance floor. "Shall we go attack the hors de'vours before Henry does?"
Gordon laughs, and offers his arm. "That's a splendid idea," he grins back, the ice finally melting him his face.
James heart totally does not flutter at how Gordon says splendid.
It's all fine. The evening goes fine. It's now about 9pm and the room is lit by electric lights and candles, and James splits off to go natter with his friends. He gets heckled by Thomas and Percy, but in the end they all are laughing and they look very good in their own formal gear too.
James spies Edward and Henry out on the dance floor, Henry watching their feet carefully, and suddenly realises why Edward did not agree to teach him with a laugh.
Maybe it's actually having live music. Maybe it's the candlelight. Maybe it's the champagne. But James is suddenly possessed with the need to go find Gordon and drag him out on the dance floor now.
He weaves through the crowd, and ends up finding him by the grand french doors that have been thrown open to welcome the warm summer night with the spill-out area fillled with classy outdoor furniture and a little bar and fairy lights everywhere. Gordon is talking with his brother, laughing, but the way he has his arms folded across his chest is a signifier to anyone who knows him that he's a little too uncomfortable.
James makes a beeline for him, and pops up by his elbow. "Hullo, Gordon!" he chirps, and smiles as the tension rolls off his friend. "And hello," he says, polite but slightly stiff to Scot, who nods at him and offers him the big smile of someone who is very used to meeting new people.
"Hello!" he says, and offers a hand for James to shake, which James takes (and tries not to wince at the strength of his grip). "Who might you be?"
"James," James offers, "I'm a good friend of Gordon's."
"Aha!" Scot's face lights up far more genuinely this time. "Gordie was telling me about you."
James tastefully manages not to laugh at Gordie and jumps straight into oh god what did Gordon say about him?
"My prized student," Gordon jokes, lightly elbowing him, and James grins.
"I reckon we go show Henry and Edward up. They're not too bad but Henry can't keep his eyes off their feet."
Gordon and Scot both laugh at that, and Scot lets them go.
"Thank you," Gordon leans down to him, to whisper in his ear. "It always feels like a little bit of an interrogation with him."
"It's alright," James smiles. "...You want to dance?"
Gordon seems to be keeping himself from glancing over his shoulder.
"We don't have to," James tells him
"Nonsense," Gordon's hand on his shoulder squeezes gently. "I'd love to. Let's let this song finish first."
They have to muscle their way through the crowd, end up slipping past Hatt himself, who pats Gordon on the arm and shoots James a warm smile, before they end up out on the floor as the next song ends.
"Any ideas?"
"My guess is waltz," Gordon says. "They've played a couple fast numbers back to back."
"You've found our warm up, how thoughful," James laughs, and laughs again as Gordon's right.
As the music starts, it's so natural to follow Gordon's lead, and they're off around the dance floor. Gordon steers them successfully, managing to save a close call with a quick pivot and a spin.
"You alright?" Gordon eye him, and James blinks. "You look flustered."
"Flustered!" James exclaims. "Never. Maybe. Um."
Gordon laughs at him, and James is struck with the realisation that perhaps Gordon knows.
Well, it takes two to tango, doesn't it?
"Well," James smirks back up at him. "I was just so taken with how handsome you look tonight."
Gordon falters a little, colour leaping onto his face. James has never been brave enough to flirt before, but if Gordon is going to initiate, then James can match him.
"Obviously," Gordon manages to catch himself. "You must've liked the blue."
He nods towards James' pocket square, and James shakes his head with a smile. "And I can see you went to match too," he nods at Gordon's flower. Gordon pulls him in close as another, less-coordinated couple barrel past, before letting James migrate back to normal dance distance.
"Do you mean it? You think I'm handsome?"
"Of course I do," James' grin has dropped into something far softer. "I think you're splendid."
Gordon meets his eyes with a look that James has literally no other word to describe except tender.
"We need to talk, don't we?"
"I'm listening now."
Gordon swallows, and they have to come to a stop as the song ends, and they along with the crowd politely clap for the musicians, before a quickstep starts. James' face lights up, and Gordon grins.
"Time to do some laps?"
They are the fastest and most fluid pair on the floor. James's dresscoat flairs out behind them in a stunning way as they go all but flying past, and they are left panting and laughing and stumbling off the floor as people not only applaud the band but applaud them too. They find somewhere to sit as they catch their breath.
Edward appears put the crowd, Henry in tow. "That," he says, "was the most impressive thing I've seen all month."
James chortles and slumps back, slumps back against Gordon without thinking, feeling Gordon tense and then yield.
"You were doing well too," Gordon nods at Henry. "James wasn't learning to dance from square one."
"Just let a man be jealous in peace," Henry grumbles jokingly, sitting down next to James with an omph. "I don't know how you manage being on your feet for that long sometimes."
"Gordon," Edward turns to him with a glint in his eye. "Dance? For old time's sake?"
Gordon fights down his smile but gets up with almost no hesitation. He glances at James. "I'll be back," he says.
"Sure thing," James waves them off. "Show them all up."
James sits back and watches the crowd, him and Henry bantering as they sit.
Suddenly, someone has cut through the crowd to join them. James looks up to see it's none other than Scot Gresley himself, and nearly chokes on his freshest flute of champagne.
"Hello, Henry, James," Scot says warmly, and Henry greets him back. James almost goes to comment on how they're so friendly but the cut of their noses reminds him of all the drama from a few years back. Henry's sort of a Gresley too, he always forgets. They've met before.
"James, that was just wonderful work out on the floor," Scot turns to him, and James tries not to flush. "Would you dance with me?"
James stares at him. Henry's stiff with surprise beside him. Scot extends his hand, and after a second or two, James hesistantly takes it, and lets Scot lead him to the dance floor. He shoots a look over his shoulder at Henry, who mouths "good luck" at him has he goes.
They are out on the floor before James knows it, and it's very surreal to be lead through the steps he now knows so well by the other Gresley brother, but Scot is somehow even faster and even lighter on his feet, and James has to really concentrate on keeping up. But soon, another slow song starts, and Scot seems to relax, and shoots James a wink. "Just wanted to test how good a teacher my brother is," he banters. "You've both done well."
James smiles politely and thanks him.
"...You seem to make him quite happy."
James stumbles a little, before his head snaps up to meet Scot in the eye. Scot has Gordon's brown eyes, but the strength of his sideburns, his eyebrows, the slightly harser set of his face. It's just not quite his Gresley.
"I hope you treat him kindly," Scot says in a low voice, but James flushes despite himself. "Gordon deserves something good to happen to him, and you do seem to bea delight."
"I'll do my best." James' voice shakes. He's suddenly terribly anxious again.
"I'm not asking you this as a celebrity," Scot suddenly adds, his face crumpling with concern. "I'm asking this as his brother."
"Of course." James wants out. Across the floor, he catches Gordon and Edward, and they're both looking at him with concern, and James hopes he doesn't look as upset as he feels. Don't hurt Gordon? He hadn't dreamed of it. He knows very little of Gordon's past but maybe hearing this coming from someone who's probably hurt his friend in the past is what stings. James must be no better.
Scot says nothing more either. But suddenly, a hand taps Scot's shoulder and oh, thank god, it's Gordon and Edward. They must have danced their way across the room to intercept.
"You remember my friend, Edward?" Gordon calls over the hubbub. "He'd love to chat with you."
"Of course," Scot smiles broadly, the practiced smile. He then turns back to James. "A pleasure to meet you," he says, and it does sound surprisingly earnest. "I hope you keep our talk in mind."
"I will," is all James says, and lets Edward take his place with a grateful smile.
Gordon dances their way off the dancefloor, before leading James to the edge of the crowd. They end up pushing past several of their friends and workmates, who shoots James a look of concern.
James ends up leading Gordon into the outside part. It's too stuffy too loud too much in there.
Gordon grabs James by the shoulders and turns him. "What did he say to you?"
"He warned me," James says, trying not to sound bitter. "He said I better not hurt you because you deserve nice things. And he's right, but it rubbed me the wrong way."
"Bloody rich, coming from him," Gordon agrees, before his hands slip down from James' shoulders, down his arms to take James' shaking hands. "Are you okay?"
"Just needlessly upset," James smiles. "I come expecting a good time and I dance with and get threatened by the Flying Scotsman. Not your average evening."
Gordon squeezes his hands. "I'm sorry."
"Not your fault," James squeezes gently back. "I guess I was insulted he's insinuate that I'd hurt you on purpose. I care about you too much."
They both flush at that. That's the first time either of them have said it.
"That's... heartening to hear," Gordon smiles softly. "And it only took me turning you into the best ballroom dancer on this island."
James laughs, the tension finally leaving, his stomach finally settling.
"I have to admit it too," Gordon's almost whispering. "I've... grown quite fond of you, too."
"That's good." James has stepped a little closer, it just feels right. He is struck with nerves and drops his chin, and starts fiddling with Gordon's tie, but suddenly there's a hand cupping his cheek, and James can't breathe. Gordon tips his head up and smile softly at him.
"Is this okay?"
"Bah!" James tries to laugh past his dark flush. "You say that like I haven't been in love with you for months!"
James laughs again, bright and a little embarassed, before looking up at the painfully fond expression on Gordon's face and grins.
"Just shut up and kiss me," he says instead.
Gordon rolls his eyes most fondly, before obliging.
This has been the best investment of dancing lessons James has ever had.
When he gets his breath back, finally, he invites Gordon around tomorrow for those acones he promised. Gordon barely has time to accept before James kisses him again.
He hears applause from the doorway, and they break away to see Edward, Henry, Thomas, Percy and god, more, even Toby and Henrietta (who looks gorgeous tonight), Emily, many more who seem to have followed for the show. Gordon just kisses him again, and James flips them all off as lovingly as possibly, as it is accompanied by a round of cheers.
=== === === === ===
Im cryinf this took me like 2 and a half hours to write my habd is cramping LMAO I JUST LIKE 4X5 OK
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