jaminmadeira · 6 years
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Registrations are now open!
Madeira Service Jam 2019 for the Global Service Jam 2019 #GSJam
29 -30 march 2019 at Colegio dos Jesuitas, Funchal.
Stay tuned to discover more about guests and programme!
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jaminmadeirapt-blog · 9 years
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Madeira Sustainability Jam 2015 for the Global Sustainability Jam 2015 - Follow us at https://www.facebook.com/jaminmadeira
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jaminmadeira · 6 years
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Madeira Service Jam 2019
29-30 Março 2019, Funchal, PT
Stay tuned for further information!
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jaminmadeira · 7 years
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Madeira Sustainability Jam // Global Sustainability Jam 2017 // 10th and 11th November 2017 at the brand new space Cowork Funchal
Join us for 48 hours of creativity! Our mission is to design sustainable solutions for real problems!
All professions are welcome! The Jam is about meeting new people, sharing knowledge and ideas, collaborating through the design process, and going home fully enriched!!
Registration is required at this link: https://madeirasusjam.eventbrite.pt/
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jaminmadeira · 8 years
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Madeira Service Jam 2017 // Global Service Jam // 17 - 18 February 2017
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jaminmadeira · 8 years
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Madeira Gov Jam 2016 is the local event of the Global Gov Jam 2016 http://www.govjam.org/
The Global GovJam is an event which will apply the concept and energy of the Global Service Jam and Global Sustainability Jam into the world of government and the public sector. Working around a common Theme, small Teams meet at multiple locations, working for 48 hours on building innovative approaches and solutions towards challenges faced by the public sector. At the end of the two days, they upload their results and publish them for the world.
The Global GovJam open to everybody who is interested in the public services, and who wants to add their own ideas and perspectives while enjoying themselves and learning more about how the world works. Both individuals and organisations can join - you do not need experience of government or the public sector. Anyone can host, and it's possible to have more than one Jam in the same town - but it's much more valuable to get them under one roof! GovJams are especially relevant to government and public sector professionals, and will give them the opportunity to grow collaborations  - exchanging techniques, insights and ideas with colleagues near and far, while working on concrete projects addressing key issues inspired by the common Theme. Madeira Gov Jam 2016 will have a good bunch of people from the Regional Secretery of Education of Madeira to jam with us!
WHERE? Colegio dos Jesuitas, Universidade da Madeira, Funchal, Madeira WHEN? 1st June from 10:00 to 18:00 and 2nd June from 09:30 to 15:00
Follow JaminMadeira on Facebook  www.facebook.com/jaminmadeira/ and Instagram @jaminmadeira
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jaminmadeira · 9 years
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The second edition of the Global Service Jam in Madeira!
Trata-se da única maratona em Design, que envolve centenas de cidades em todo o mundo. Queremos que criem e desenvolvam soluções reais para problemas reais em apenas 48 horas! Pessoas de diferentes idades, culturas e profissões são chamadas a reunir e partilhar  as suas ideias e criatividade! Este processo é  guiado através dos métodos usados no Design de serviços e... a diversão é garantida!
"Estará a trabalhar com pessoas que provavelmente nunca conhecei antes, oscilando ideias de uns para outros e desenvolvendo o que recebe de volta. E não é só falar - tu estás aqui para tornar as ideias em design concretos ou fazer um plano de acção onde tu ou outra posso poderá vir a tornar o projecto real".
48 horas de experiências inspiradoras e criativas, primeiro por conhecer novas pessoas de culturas diferentes, profissões e idades... Sim! No sabado de manhã adultos trabalharão com crianças (desde os 5 anos) para prototiparem os novos serviços para uma melhor vida na Madeira!
26 Fevereiro // das 18:00 às 21:00 na Barreirinha Bar Café: Começo do Madeira Service Jam! Com apresentações, o tema secreto, jogos e a primeira sessão de brainstorming!
27 Fevereiro // das 10:00 às 13:00 no Atelier Gatafunhos, Armazém do Mercado: Madeira Service Jam chama por crianças! Sessão de idealização e prototipagem ! // das 14:00 as 18:00 no Cowork Funchal: idéias, protótipos, vá para testar!
28 Fevereiro // das 14:30 às 18:30 no Cowork Funchal: Definição das idéias, protótipos e apresentações finais!
Bilhetes no eventbrite:
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jaminmadeira · 9 years
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Madeira Sustainability Jam 2015 #GSusJam2015
Follow us at www.facebook.com/jaminmadeira
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jaminmadeirapt-blog · 10 years
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Nova Jam na Madeira!!! Madeira Service Jam 2015 a 27 e 28 de Fevereiro dentreo da Global Service Jam! http://planet.globalservicejam.org/locations
O departamento de Arte e Design da Universidade da Madeira com PACO Design Collaborative e Atelier Gatafunhos no Armazém do Mercado têm o prazer de vos convidar para este intensivo mas divertido evento! Está aberto a qualquer área de estudo e profissão! Adultos e crianças são benvindos para criar novos serviços que melhorem o mundo em 48 horas!
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jaminmadeira · 10 years
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Jam On in Madeira!!! Madeira Service Jam 2015 on the 27th and 28th March within the great Global Service Jam event! http://planet.globalservicejam.org/locations
The Design Course of Universidade da Madeira with PACO Design Collaborative and Atelier Gatafunhos in Armazem do Mercado are happy to invite you to this intensive but super fun Design-led event! It is open to any course of study and profession! Adults and children are welcome to design new services to make the world a better place in 48hours!
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