liam-summers · 2 years
can i jump on the spuffy/spike hate train real quick and say buffy's romantic life just nosedived after season 3? like we had 2 lost souls finding each other and falling in love, fighting together and listening to each other when they had a problem, communicating and caring all around, saving each other, protecting each other, list goes on. just healthy and fulfilling all around. and all of that just went away and we got f*bois in the military or whatever, ghost flings, and the cherry on top: we wrapped the show up with an abusive and violent incel with mommy issues whose only "bad boy" traits are throwing temper tantrums 😵😵😵 not even mentioning the mental, emotional scars he left on buffy but i really could write an essay on this and probably will cause I cant wrap my head around it
Hey there! Of course you can jump on that train any day any time over here LOL. I agree with parts of what you wrote and disagree with other parts. It’s a bit of a complicated situation, I think, but in my opinion, Buffy's love life was always a hot mess!
I do agree with the way you described Buffy and Angel’s relationship, and I think it was the most balanced out of all her relationships. They shared a deep mutual love, respect, support, they allowed each other the space to be flawed and to make mistakes but when all was said and done, they were always forgiving, kind, and communicative with each other; their dynamic was never one sided or unbalanced, and you never questioned their love and devotion to each other. But I do think that their relationship wasn’t the most healthy at certain points due to the external obstacles constantly being thrown at them, both of them being inexperienced in love, and also experiencing their first true love in each other. The show doesn’t shy away from addressing the issues/obstacles: he’s a vampire, she’s a slayer, he’s older than her (although in practice, I don’t believe that the age gap is an issue in terms of a power imbalance between them but it is presented as a road block for them getting together initially in terms of his vampirism/the star crossed-ness of it all), the curse, everything that happened with Angelus, etc. Ultimately, we have to remember that these are two people who have gone through a lot of trauma together (and apart), and it’s completely realistic and understandable that their relationship isn’t going to be 100% healthy all the time but that’s also what makes it so interesting and that’s why we get so invested; we want them to make it despite all the issues. The tragedy of Buffy and Angel is that they work so well together as people but they can’t be together due to external forces! THE star-crossed lovers! Also, let’s be completely honest here, none of the relationships on both BTVS or ATS are truly healthy lol 
Now in terms of Buffy’s other relationships, I do think that Riley made complete sense as a boyfriend, narratively speaking. He was the rebound, the normal boyfriend, the guy you date in college when your life is changing and you want to try something new. I do believe that Buffy was happy with him and that she cared about him deeply, even loved him in a way, but ultimately, it wasn’t a relationship that was going to last due to his toxic insecurities and their fundamental differences. I think the way that relationship played out was realistic and I think he was what Buffy needed at that time in her life. Unpopular opinion but I don’t think that Riley gets enough credit in fandom discourse for the space that he held in Buffy’s life and heart (regardless of how problematic he was). He was technically her boyfriend for the longest period of uninterrupted time and she shared things with him that she couldn’t share with Angel or Spike (because they're vampires). 
As for sp*ffy, I completely agree with everything you wrote lol
Sp*ffy could have been an interesting exploration of a toxic and destructive relationship as a result of Buffy’s resurrection but the way the show went about it was so terrible. The introduction of Spike’s feelings in S5 was so creepy but the creepiness was just played off for laughs (I wasn’t laughing), it also served no purpose other than being an excuse to make him relevant on a show he clearly didn’t fit in. The way that in S6, the narrative heavily implies that Buffy is the one in the wrong for engaging in an abusive relationship with him and the way this narrative continues into S7, after he sexually assaults her, is despicable. The way they have to strip her of everything in her life to make sp*ffy even happen. What’s even worse is how it’s handled in S7. The way the story becomes completely about Spike and his “redemption”, leaving no room for Buffy to process her trauma, once again isolating her from everyone in her life and making her defend her abuser all season. The biggest problem with sp*ffy is that it’s all about Spike….Buffy gets nothing positive out of it. I'm watching BTVS for BUFFY, I truly do not give a shit about Spike lol. It’s really not surprising that a story revolving around a petulant misogynist who can’t take no for an answer from the women he’s obsessed with, would be so terrible. 
I’m so sorry this got so long lol I got a little carried away!
Thanks for the ask 😊
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sunnydale-digest · 1 year
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Monday-Tuesday May 29-30 Part II
[Fandom Discussions]
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My progression on “Once More With Feeling”: by ghostofbriggiesmalls
Riley by hmslusitania
Season 5 of Angel should have had more scenes of Spike and Angel attacking each other. by aphony-cree
spike is like objectively at his most unhinged in season five by froggierboy
Buffy cuts her hair when she’s really going through it by hero-adjacent
Faith and other Slayers by oveliagirlhaditright
also it’s pretty stupid to blame Willow for the mutiny by tuiyla
Please elaborate on the Willow/Cordy parallels you found watching AtS 4x14 by tuiyla
so does anyone have a link to an essay or video essay that concisely analyses Willow’s metaphorical role as the Spirit by tuiyla
later seasons Spike righting his s2 wrongs: by hero-adjacent
there’s something about the way when Spike is first introduced to the audience by disco-tea
I’m on the end of season three in my rewatch by hmslusitania
if joss didnt wanna bring bangel back i’d have been fine if he made spangel get together instead of spuffy. by jammarammaxxx
Top 8 Spuffy fics I’ve read (May 2023) by mcgnagallsarmy
The way that Buffy's main love interests (in no particular order, Angel, Faith, and Spike) all don't have last names... by juanabaloo
Thoughts on drusilla? by redead-red
It was so unfair to Briley to sandwich their first kiss and finding out about each other's secret identities between IWRY (Bangel) & Something Blue (Spuffy) by hero-adjacent
Buffy and her drivers licence (or lack thereof) by someonefantastic, figsandfandoms
Willow Rosenberg and Walter White by nestaenthusiast
watched seeing red with my mom by catastrophic-bi-tch
hi tumblr have some 2 am thoughts on dawn summers by tales-of-lellu
Drusilla as a Scooby by faithl3hane
Once more, With Feeling is sooo much better than other tv shows sad attempts at musical episodes by nestaenthusiast
Angel and Drusilla love cooking. by boopsterliv
Discussing Buffy The Vampire Slayer 7x19 "Empty Places" Reaction by girl4music
Angel is a Whedon Show, and brings with it that baggage. by kingoftheu
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Harsh Realities Rewatching Buffy by Cohen
Take Out The Trio, Insert **** by Multiple Authors
Question Was AtS Season 4 really that bad? by Mott1
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Representations of traditional masculine and feminine character traits by Nothing13
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Any Willow and Xander shippers here? by Buffvamporigfan
Saddest thing I’ve ever watched by Joka0451
Random Buffy trivia that blows your mind? by MousseAncient7251
Spike in the Boom Comics is such a badass by Almighty_Push91
It's kind of hilarious that Buffy told her the truth multiple times. by Opening_Knowledge868
I Love the Colours by Moon_Logic
Write a short synopsis for the worst possible Buffy/Angel episode by shocked_the_monkey
Does anyone know of any fanart for the new buffy the vampire slayer? by knighthunter3994
How many vampires would it take to overpower a Slayer? by Beached-Peach
Comic Order Question by alloutofbraincells
Would Drusilla’s hypnosis work on Buffy? by Itchy_Initiative6180
Drusilla is very strong. by thelovernotaplaya
Hi, I’m Angel, The founder of Angel investigations. Roast me! by Buffvamporigfan
how is Buffy's death and subsequent ressurection explained in season 6 by TrollChef
Was this just a goof by the writers? Buffy dying doesn’t call another slayer. by loveofGod12345
What was your first experience with Season 5, episode 1? by dismustbetheplace
Whenever Angel lost his soul, besides killing Jenny what was the worst thing he did? by kaitalina20
Most hilarious (slightly) underrated episode? by Opening_Knowledge868
Scooby Gang or Angel Investigations? by PatrickB64
Season 7: Him - questions (Mild spoilers) by Inoutngone
is it just me or by a_noine_noine
Spike & Joyce’s friendship was so wholesome by buffyangel468
Xander opinion. by Half_A_Mind87
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: Buffy Just Gave New Meaning to Spike & Drusilla's Romance by Screen Rant
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liam-summers · 2 years
Responding just cause you answered my ask so quick. I agree that Angel and Buffy weren't completely healthy but in terms of comparison, I think just how they treated each other was a pretty positive example of a relationship. (Despite admittedly the unnecessary misunderstandings and jealousy throughout). But nobody's perfect. My only issue with Riley is it seemed like a bit of a power struggle. And then there's the "Buffy doesn't really love you, you're a rebound" thing. And that isn't a good foundation for a relationship unless you both choose each other and I don't think Buffy ever really would have. She was hurting and she isn't very good at choosing coping mechanisms tbh.
On the spuffy bit, all i can say is my biggest flex is I didn't watch season 6 or 7 just because I kinda spoiled myself when I heard they'd be a thing, even tho I kind of always knew they were at some point because I grew up on Buffy. And I doubt I ever will watch it cause I'm a petty Bangel. Childish probably but oh well.
Oh I definitely agree that the way Buffy and Angel treated each other was overall very positive! They had their ups and downs but what relationship doesn’t, right? What’s most important is that it wasn’t abusive and they were always on the same page about their love, respect and support for each other.
I totally get what you’re saying about Riley. I think a lot of the problems in that relationship were due to Riley’s inability to accept that Buffy didn’t need him or love him the way that HE wanted her to. He also had insecurities about her being physically stronger than him and a weird fixation on her relationship with Angel, who he felt he was lesser than, resulting in Buffy having to diminish herself to make him feel more adequate. This is all very problematic and in no way a good foundation for a healthy, long term relationship. I understand that his entire life had changed in a short period of time and this made him question his identity and his place in the world, but that’s a him problem and he made it into a Buffy problem. I also don’t really agree with the narrative that Buffy didn’t love him and treated him like a rebound. For the majority of season 4, Buffy is taking care of and being there for Riley when his world was crashing down around him. She was fiercely protective of him and put him above the other people in her life over and over again, including sending Angel away in “The Yoko Factor”. I also think that she did love him, the best way she knew how. Does that mean that that was enough? No, because they were terrible at communicating and I think they just had vastly different expectations from each other. Riley wanted to be the center of her universe like she was his but Buffy had responsibilities and a higher calling that he was just never gonna be able to understand and she closed parts of herself off from him because of that. So ultimately, it was never gonna last and there were signs of this even at the height of their relationship.
Damn, I don’t think I’ve ever talked about or even thought about Buffy and Riley this much like…ever lol
Hahaha that’s a pretty great flex! Although you’re missing out on some pretty great episodes but I fully support the pettiness 😂
Thanks for the ask 😊
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liam-summers · 1 year
so i decided to see more of season 6 of buffy and not have an incomplete view of the whole spuffy thing. and that balcony scene in 6x13 is scary 😳. like made me super uncomfortable. especially the "look at your friends" thing. wtf?
Ouf that balcony scene makes my stomach turn. It’s so manipulative and abusive and violating. The way he preys on her vulnerability, encourages her isolation, violates her boundaries…all very gross. I mean, these are all things that have been a defining feature in the sp*ffy dynamic since season 5 and will all lead to what will happen in the next few episodes…
That entire episode is hard to watch, actually, especially toward the end when we’re supposed to feel sorry for Sp*ke 😑. It’s essentially Buffy hitting rock bottom and it just feels extra cruel in a season that’s done nothing but relentlessly torture her. Ugh.
What do you think about season 6 so far, otherwise? Lol
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liam-summers · 1 year
don't love it. dont hate it. so far its just feeling like a drawn out wattpad porno but i gotta say i love tara and willow. xander not really but i never love xander.
Yup, that sounds about right 🤣
There are some good episodes in season 6 and some good ideas but the execution is….questionable. It’s definitely a big season for Willow and Tara!
Let me know what you think when you’re all done….I’m sure you’ll have many thought lol
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