#jan eggen
germanpostwarmodern · 10 months
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Showroom (1978) of Ege Carpets in Herning, Denmark, by Karen & Jan Eggen
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motionpicturelover · 1 year
"Peer Gynt" (2019) - Erik Ulfsby
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Films I've watched in 2023 (42/119)
A remarkable production in more ways than one.
Toralv Maurstad has for more than half a century, in Norway, been synonymous with the role of Peer Gynt. In this version he plays Peer as an old man looking back on his life, while seven other actors play Peer at various stages of life.
Ever present on stage, old Peer (Maurstad) and the Button Moulder (Svein Tindberg) observe as scenes from Peer's life are played out.
The costumes are interesting. While they're mostly white/grey, by the use of projected images and very carefully hit marks/positions on stage, several scenes start out with the characters seemingly in colourful, elaborate costumes.
Maurstad had suffered a stroke just a few years prior, so seeing him back on stage as Peer, at the age of 92, was extra special.
Thankfully it was recognised how important this production was as a piece of Norwegian theatre history, it was filmed and has been released on DVD by Naxos. I highly recommend getting and seeing it!
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peterpijls1965 · 1 year
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Noenever fokt geen paarden meer
In mijn geboortedorp ligt een boerderij die Noenever wordt genoemd. Het was lang een succesvolle paardenfokkerij, gespecialiseerd in Belgische trekpaarden om mee te ploegen, hooiwagens vooruit te trekken en nog veel meer. De familie Verheggen van Noenever won er vele medailles mee.
Ik weet niet of mijn grootvader en later mijn vader paarden van Noenever hadden, ik weet wel dat ik door de landbouwmechanisatie in mijn jeugd nooit meer een boer met paarden zag werken.
Mijn vader vertelde wel dat hij, ook toen hij al een tractor had, puur voor de lol nog een paard gebruikte, ik neem aan om te ploegen en te eggen. Het paard heette Bles. Er hing een ingelijste tekening van het zwarte dier in de zondagse kamer, totdat mijn broer of ik die tijdens een potje huisvoetbal aan diggelen trapten. Mijn vader was niet blij.
Hij vertelde dat zijn werk door de landbouwmechanisatie na de Tweede Wereldoorlog veel lichter was geworden. In zijn geval geen luxe, want in zijn jeugd lag hij weken plat door de zenuwaandoening ischias, die hem levenslange lage rugpijnen bezorgde. Desondanks zag ik hem vaak zwaar handwerk doen in de stallen en op de akkers, dat zijn rug hevig belast moet hebben. Zijn pijnlijke grimassen spraken boekdelen.
Ook door de mechanisatie werden de boerenknechten overbodig. Bekend is dat ze vaak met tegenzin afscheid moesten nemen van de boer, om bijvoorbeeld in de industrie ander werk te vinden. Op een loden regenpijp aan de voorkant van de Leyenhof, heb ik als kind vaak staan kijken naar de namen die de laatste knechten van mijn grootvader daar met sierlijke letters in gegraveerd hadden: Piet en Jan. De een werd zelf boer, de ander ging meen ik voor de gemeente werken.
In Vietnam zag ik 24 jaar geleden rijstboeren met gekromde rug de oogst binnenhalen. Het was 40 graden, de lucht was vochtig. Ook vrouwen en meisjes zag ik met strohoeden op tegen de zon de hele dag gekromd in de geïrrigeerde rijstakkers werken, tot de knieën in het water. Ik wist dat er toen al machines waren om de rijst zonder zwaar handwerk van het land te kunnen halen. In Japan zag ik er rijstboeren mee werken.
Mijn zoon hielp zijn Japanse opa om de rijst te oogsten van het familieveld, met een handmachine. Ik heb daar een foto van. Zelf zag ik Japanners nog wel rijst handmatig oogsten. Een rijstveld hebben is ook voor stadsjapanners meer dan een liefhebberij. Kennelijk hebben ze er rugpijn voor over.
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abpoli · 5 years
Alberta's election commissioner is considering a $5,500 penalty against right-wing media outlet The Rebel Media for allegedly breaching election financing law with a billboard targeting Education Minister David Eggen.
In a letter to Rebel founder Ezra Levant dated Jan. 14, commissioner Lorne Gibson said an investigation found the company spent roughly $2,730 on a billboard with the message "40% of Grade 9 students failed provincial exams — Alberta can do better than David Eggen www.FireEggen.ca."
The investigation was in response to a complaint from Elections Alberta, according to the letter.
The billboard is considered a political advertisement, and Rebel Media is not registered as a third-party advertiser, Gibson said.
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prosjekt-matsvinn · 2 years
Innsikt gjennom Intervjuer.
Disse ukene skal vi fokusere på å samle innsikt til prosjektet vårt gjennom å snakke med folk. Vi har sendt ut mail til noen bedrifter og personer, men ser at vi må effektivisere, og da begynne å ringe rundt. Siden vi ønsker å få mer innsikt om svinn i produksjonsleddet, har vi tatt kontakt med en del bønder, plukkbønder, bønder som sender til pakkeri, hønsebønder og bedrifter som jobber med reduksjon av matsvinn gjennom salg rett fra bøndene.
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Det ble konkludert av det største svinnet ikke ligger hos plukkbønder, og de som har samarbeid med Bama (Bama tar i mot mat som ikke kan bli solgt på grunn av kriterier, og sender dem til bukkettering).
Det største svinnet i produksjonsleddet ligger hos bøndene som sender grønnsakene til pakkeri. Det er mange reguleringer på hvilke grønnsaker som skal bli sendt inn til pakkeri, da krokete, for store, og for små grønnsaker kan sette seg fast i maskinene de skal gjennom. Dette kan stoppe maskiner og føre til forsinkelser og stopp i produksjon.
Det er organisasjoner som jobber for å minske matsvinn, slik som reko-ringen og snåle grønnsaker. Men en stor del av den maten som ikke selges i butikker går enten til dyrefôr eller kompost. Dette er en tendens som blir bekreftet av alle bøndene vi har snakket med unntatt hønsebønder.
Dette er også en av grunnene til at vi tidlig i prosessen tok kontakt med bedriften Kysthagen As. Dette er en bedrift stiftet av en gründer på Smøla, som samler inn svinn av gulrøtter som ikke kan sendes til pakkeri. Han og familien hans lager juice og limonader av restråvarer. Bedriften til Jan-Eirik er stadig i vekst, og for ikke så lenge siden fikk de millionstøtte fra Norgesgruppen bærekraftfond.
Det var her vår interesse for restråvarer ble forsterket. Kysthagen As legger vekt på å si at også etter juice-produksjonen sitter de igjen med rester som kunne blitt brukt til noe. Dette fikk oss til å tenke, vi til jo jobbe ekspirmentelt, kunne vi laget noe av dette? Er restene fiberholdig? Kunne vi ha laget papir av det?
Vi har hatt 2-3 intervjuer med Kysthagen og vært innom mange ideer, og har sett på muligheten om et mulig samarbeid.
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Egg er også et område vi har utforsket litt. Det er et helt enormt svinn av eggeskall. Vi tok kontakt med en hønsebonde for Den Stolte Hane som fortalte at det alltid blir litt svinn på pakkebåndene da eggene skal plasseres på paller. Dette svinnet tilsvarer ca. 1 grønn matavfallpose hver dag. Det som klart frem, er at hvis vi må se hos pakkeriene igjen. Eggpakkerier har et betydelig mye større svinn.
Andre bedrifter vi har tatt kontakt med er Dypp, for å få mer innsikt i deres eksprimentelle tilnærming. Gruten As bruker også restråvarer, og ønsker å få mer innsikt i hvordan deres prosess har vært. Vi hat også tatt kontakt med flere, for eksempel Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science ved Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
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architectnews · 2 years
Holland Casino Floralaan, Venlo, The Netherlands
Holland Casino Venlo Design, Floralaan Building by MVSA Architects, Netherlands Architecture Photos
Holland Casino Floralaan, Venlo Building
8 December 2021
Holland Casino Floralaan, Venlo Building News
photo © Laurens Eggen
Address: Floralaan 7, 5928 RD Venlo, The Netherlands
Design: MVSA Architects ; Concept Design Interior: Gensler, Las Vegas
photo © Corné Clemens
Holland Casino Floralaan, Venlo
Amsterdam, December 2021 – Holland Casino Venlo, a sustainable flower-shaped icon by MVSA Architects, has opened its doors.
photo © Corné Clemens
The landmark building unites imaginative parametric architecture and cradle-to-cradle design with a magical user experience.
photograph © Corné Clemens
MVSA’s lead architect on the project, Wouter Thijssen, says: “We are very proud of this iconic and sustainable building. We wish Holland Casino every success with it and we hope every visitor will enjoy an unforgettable experience in this fantastic new casino.”
photograph © Corné Clemens
Shaped like a giant stylized flower, with its grounds forming the outer petals and the building itself the inner corolla, the new casino references the famous Dutch flower industry and acts as an architectural ‘welcome to the Netherlands’ sign – Venlo is located close to the German border. The building is easily visible from the road, and when dark its colour-changing interactive LED façade is a spectacular eyecatcher.
photograph © Corné Clemens
A generous, Vegas-style porte-cochère leads guests into the centre of the building, where they find themselves in the heart of the giant flower. The interior, with its inviting bar and gaming spaces, revolves around the curving wooden ‘stem’ in the casino’s core. This sculptural structure evokes the proud Dutch shipbuilding tradition.
photo © Corné Clemens
The whole site is designed to be sustainable. Rainwater is collected to be used in the grey-water system (eg toilets). The wood comes from sustainably managed forests and wood fibre is used as insulation in the hollow exterior walls. Relatively little concrete is used, with recycled material employed wherever possible. The LED façade has a low energy consumption and the roof is covered with PV film which converts light into electricity.
photo © Barwerd van der Plas
The building is the result of a successful cooperation between Holland Casino, the architects and subcontractors. MVSA collaborated with Las Vegas-based interior design company Gensler on the interior of the casino. The cradle-to-cradle concept was developed in line with the ambitions of Venlo’s local council.
photo © Barwerd van der Plas
Holland Casino Floralaan, Venlo, Netherlands – Building Information
Client: Holland Casino
Architect: MVSA Architects
photo © Jan Maarten Lieverdink
MEP, Structural Design and Engineering, Building Physics & Acoustics: Arcadis
Cradle to Cradle & Sustainability Concept: MVSA – Arcadis
Concept Designer – Interior: Gensler, Las Vegas
Landscape Architecture: MVSA Architects, Arcadis, R’odor
Project & contract management: Brink, Rotterdam
photo © Laurens Eggen
Contractor: Laudy Bouw en Ontwikkeling bv
Subcontractor Mechanical Services and Installations: Croon Wolter & Dros Façade Construction: Sorba Projects B.V.
Interactive LED Facade: Livingprojects B.V.
Landscape Contractor: De Enk Groen en Golf
photo © Jan Maarten Lieverdink
Gross floor area: 9.899 m2 Gross floor area urban design: 28.000 m²
photo Courtesy of MBI Infra
Start design: 2017 Start construction: 2019 Completion: 2021
photo © Barwerd van der Plas
Holland Casino Floralaan, Venlo, Netherlands building images / information from MVSA Architects
Phone: +31 88 090 0500
Location: Floralaan 7, 5928 RD Venlo, Netherlands, western Europe
Architecture in The Netherlands
Contemporary Dutch Architecture – architectural selection below:
Netherlands Architecture Designs – chronological list
Another Venlo building on e-architect:
Valuas College Design: Jeanne Dekkers Architectuur photo courtesy of architects office Valuas College in Venlo
Dutch Architecture News
Dutch Architect – design firm listings
Dutch Architecture – School Building Selection
The Bunker, Eindhoven, North Brabant Architecture: Powerhouse Company photos by Marcel IJzerman & Christian van der Kooy The Bunker Apartment Tower Eindhoven
Congress and Conference Centre Design: UNStudio visualisations : Flying architecture Elysion Congress Centre Eindhoven Brainport
Comments / photos for this Venlo Building design by MVSA Architects page welcome
The post Holland Casino Floralaan, Venlo, The Netherlands appeared first on e-architect.
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ruurdsnotes · 4 years
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Zondag 12 april – Een open brief van 170 Nederlandse wetenschappers met vijf voorstellen om Nederland na de Corona-crisis duurzamer en eerlijker te maken.
We luisteren nu naar het RIVM. En dat pakt duidelijk goed uit. Is het een idee nu ook naar deze experts te luisteren?
We kunnen Nederland radicaal duurzamer en eerlijker maken: vijf voorstellen voor Nederland na Corona.
OVID-19 doet de wereld op haar grondvesten schudden. De coronapandemie heeft nu al talloze levens gekost en ontwricht, terwijl hulpverleners keihard werken om zieken te verzorgen en verdere verspreiding te voorkomen. De strijd om de enorme persoonlijke en maatschappelijke verliezen te beperken verdient onze waardering en steun. Tegelijkertijd is het van belang om deze pandemie in een historische context te plaatsen om in de toekomst een herhaling van fouten uit het verleden te vermijden.
Het feit dat COVID-19 inmiddels grote economische consequenties heeft gekregen is mede het gevolg van het dominante economische model van de afgelopen dertig jaar. Dit neoliberale model vereist een steeds maar groeiende circulatie van goederen en mensen, ongeacht de talloze ecologische problemen en de toenemende ongelijkheid die dit veroorzaakt. Gedurende de afgelopen weken zijn de zwaktes van deze groeimachine pijnlijk blootgelegd. Zo zijn we onder meer getuige van grote bedrijven die de hand ophouden op het moment dat de vraag naar hun goederen en diensten ook maar even wegvalt, precaire banen die verloren gaan en een toenemende druk op gezondheidssystemen die sowieso al onder grote druk stonden. Opmerkelijk genoeg bestempelt de overheid nu juist die beroepsgroepen als ‘cruciaal’ die nog niet zo lang geleden moesten strijden voor erkenning en een beter salaris: de medische zorg, de ouderenzorg, het openbaar vervoer en het onderwijs.
Een andere zwakte van het huidige systeem is de verbinding tussen het huidige economische ontwikkelingsmodel, het verlies van belangrijke functies van ecosystemen en biodiversiteit en de mogelijkheden voor ziektes zoals COVID-19 om zich snel te verspreiden. De dramatische gevolgen hiervan zouden drastisch kunnen verergeren als we niet overstappen op een ander vorm van ontwikkeling, voorbij ‘business-as-usual’. De Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie schat dat er jaarlijks 4,2 miljoen mensen sterven aan luchtvervuiling, en dat de gevolgen van klimaatverandering tussen 2030 en 2050 naar verwachting een extra 250.000 doden per jaar zullen veroorzaken. Experts waarschuwen er voor dat in geval van verdere aantasting van ecosystemen er een verhoogde kans is op nieuwe en krachtigere virusuitbraken.
Dit alles vraagt om doortastende maatregelen en het zo snel mogelijk in gang zetten van een post-COVID-19-tijdperk. Hoewel de huidige crisis ook enkele positieve consequenties heeft gehad – zoals de toename van collectieve actie en solidariteit, verminderde vervuiling en broeikasgasemissies – zullen deze veranderingen tijdelijk en marginaal blijken wanneer een bredere politieke en economische omslag niet wordt gerealiseerd. Het is daarom van belang om ons te verdiepen in de vraag hoe de huidige situatie omgezet kan worden in meer duurzame, eerlijke, gezonde, en veerkrachtige vormen van samenleven en ontwikkeling.
Dit beknopte manifest, ondertekend door 170 in Nederland werkende academici die zich bezig houden met internationale ontwikkelingsvraagstukken, presenteert, op basis van bestaand onderzoek en kennis, een vijftal voorstellen voor Nederland na Corona:
1) Vervanging van het huidige ontwikkelingsmodel gericht op generieke groei van het BNP, door een model dat onderscheid maakt tussen sectoren die mogen groeien en investeringen nodig hebben (de zogenoemde cruciale publieke sectoren, schone energie, onderwijs en zorg) en sectoren die radicaal moeten krimpen, gegeven hun fundamentele gebrek aan duurzaamheid of hun rol in het aanjagen van overmatige consumptie (zoals bijvoorbeeld de olie-, gas-, mijnbouw-, en reclamesectoren).
2) Ontwikkeling van een economisch beleid gericht op herverdeling, dat voorziet in een universeel basisinkomen, ingebed in solide sociaal beleid; een forse progressieve belasting op inkomen, winst en vermogen; kortere werkweken en het delen van banen; en erkenning van de intrinsieke waarde van zorgverlening en essentiële publieke diensten zoals onderwijs en gezondheidszorg.
3) Overgang naar een circulaire landbouw, gebaseerd op het behoud van biodiversiteit, duurzame, veelal lokale voedselproductie, vermindering van vleesproductie en werkgelegenheid met eerlijke arbeidsvoorwaarden.
4) Vermindering van consumptie en reizen, met een radicale afname van luxueuze en verspillende vormen, richting noodzakelijke, duurzame en betekenisvolle vormen van consumptie en reizen.
5) Kwijtschelding van schulden, voornamelijk aan werknemers, zzp-ers en ondernemers in het MKB, maar ook aan ontwikkelingslanden (uit te voeren door zowel de rijkere landen als de internationale organisaties zoals IMF en Wereldbank).
Als wetenschappers en betrokken burgers zijn wij overtuigd dat deze stappen zullen bijdragen aan meer duurzame en gelijkwaardige samenlevingen; samenlevingen die beter bestand zijn tegen de schokken en eventuele pandemieën die ons nog staan te wachten. Wat ons betreft is de vraag niet langer óf we deze stappen moeten zetten maar hóe we dat gaan doen.
We kunnen er niet om heen dat deze crisis sommige mensen harder raakt dan anderen. Maar we kunnen de zwaarst getroffen groepen recht doen door beleidshervormingen in te zetten die zorgen dat toekomstige crises deze groepen – en ons allemaal – minder hard zullen treffen en tot minder angst zullen leiden, of mogelijk zelfs een volgende crisis kunnen voorkomen.
We roepen politici, beleidsmakers en onze medeburgers met klem op om te helpen deze transitie te verwezenlijken.
1. Murat Arsel, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 2. Ellen Bal, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 3. Bosman Batubara, IHE, Delft Universiteit en Universiteit van Amsterdam 4. Maarten Bavinck, Universiteit van Amsterdam 5. Pascal Beckers, Radboud Universiteit 6. Kees Biekart, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 7. Arpita Bisht, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 8. Cebuan Bliss, Radboud Universiteit 9. Rutgerd Boelens, Wageningen Universiteit 10. Simone de Boer, Leiden Universiteit 11. Jun Borras, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 12. Suzanne Brandon, Wageningen Universiteit 13. Arjen Buijs, Wageningen Universiteit 14. Bram Büscher, Wageningen Universiteit 15. Amrita Chhachhi, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 16. Kristen Cheney, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 17. Robert Coates, Wageningen Universiteit 18. Dimitris Dalakoglou, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 19. Jampel Dell’Angelo, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 20. Josephine Chambers, Wageningen Universiteit 21. Freek Colombijn, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 22. Tine Davids, Radboud Universiteit 23. Sierra Deutsch, Wageningen Universiteit 24. Madi Ditmars, Afrika Studiecentrum Leiden 25. Guus Dix, Leiden Universiteit 26. Martijn Duineveld, Wageningen Universiteit 27. Henk Eggens, Royal Tropical Institute 28. Thomas Eimer, Radboud Universiteit 29. Flávio Eiró, Radboud Universiteit 30. Willem Elbers, Radboud Universiteit 31. Jaap Evers, IHE Delft Universiteit 32. Giuseppe Feola, Utrecht Universiteit 33. Milja Fenger, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 34. Andrew Fischer, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 35. Robert Fletcher, Wageningen Universiteit 36. Judith Floor, Open Universiteit en Wageningen Universiteit 37. Des Gasper, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 38. Lennie Geerlings, Leiden Universiteit 39. Julien-François Gerber, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 40. Jan Bart Gewald, African Studies Centre Leiden 41. Sterre Gilsing, Utrecht Universiteit 42. Cristina Grasseni, Leiden Universiteit 43. Erella Grassiani, Universiteit van Amsterdam 44. Joyeeta Gupta, Universiteit van Amsterdam 45. Wendy Harcourt, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 46. Janne Heederik, Radboud Universiteit 47. Henk van den Heuvel, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 48. Silke Heumann, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 49. Thea Hilhorst, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 50. Helen Hintjens, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 51. Geoffrey Hobbis, Groningen Universiteit 52. Stephanie Hobbis, Wageningen Universiteit 53. Barbara Hogenboom, Universiteit van Amsterdam 54. Michaela Hordijk, Universiteit van Amsterdam 55. Sabine van der Horst, Utrecht Universiteit 56. Henk van Houtum, Radboud Universiteit 57. Edward Huijbens, Wageningen Universiteit 58. Kees Jansen, Wageningen Universiteit 59. Freek Janssens, Leiden Universiteit 60. Rosalba Icaza, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 61. Verina Ingram, Wageningen Economic Research en Wageningen Universiteit 62. Rivke Jaffe, Universiteit van Amsterdam 63. Shyamika Jayasundara-Smits, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 64. Joop de Jong, Amsterdam UMC 65. Rik Jongenelen, African Studies Centre, Leiden 66. Joost Jongerden, Wageningen Universiteit 67. Emanuel de Kadt, Utrecht Universiteit 68. Coco Kanters, Leiden Universiteit. 69. Agnieszka Kazimierczuk, African Studies Centre Leiden 70. Jeltsje Kemerink-Seyoum, IHE Delft Universiteit 71. Thomas Kiggell, Wageningen Universiteit 72. Mathias Koepke, Utrecht Universiteit 73. Michiel Köhne, Wageningen Universiteit 74. Anouk de Koning, Leiden Universiteit 75. Kees Koonings, Utrecht Universiteit en Universiteit van Amsterdam 76. Stasja Koot, Wageningen Universiteit 78. Martijn Koster, Radboud Universiteit 79. Rachel Kuran, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 80. Arnoud Lagendijk, Radboud Universiteit 81. Corinne Lamain, Erasmus Universiteit 82. Irene Leonardelli, IHE Delft Universiteit 83. Maggi Leung, Utrecht Universiteit 84. Yves van Leynseele, Universiteit van Amsterdam 85. Janwillem Liebrand, Utrecht Universiteit 86. Trista Chich-Chen Lin, Wageningen Universiteit 87. Andrew Littlejohn, Leiden Universiteit 88. Mieke Lopes-Cardozo, Universiteit van Amsterdam 89. Erik de Maaker, Leiden Universiteit 90. Žiga Malek, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 91. Ellen Mangnus, Wageningen Universiteit 92. Hans Marks, Radboud Universiteit 93. Jemma Middleton, Leiden Universiteit 94. Irene Moretti, Leiden Universiteit. 95. Esther Miedema, Universiteit van Amsterdam 96. Toon van Meijl, Radboud Universiteit 97. Miriam Meissner, Maastricht Universiteit 98. Adam Moore, Radboud Universiteit 99. Tsegaye Moreda, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 100. Oona Morrow, Wageningen Universiteit 101. Farhad Mukhtarov, Erasmus Universiteit 102. Nikki Mulder, Leiden Universiteit 103. Mansoob Murshed, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 104. Paul Mutsaers, Radboud Universiteit 105. Femke van Noorloos, Utrecht Universiteit 106. Martijn Oosterbaan, Utrecht Universiteit 107. Meghann Ormond, Wageningen Universiteit 108. Annet Pauwelussen, Wageningen Universiteit 109. Peter Pels, Leiden Universiteit 110. Lee Pegler, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 111. Lorenzo Pellegrini, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 112. Yvon van der Pijl, Universiteit Utrecht 113. Liedeke Plate, Radboud Universiteit 114. Fernande Pool, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 115. Metje Postma, Leiden Universiteit 116. Nicky Pouw, Universiteit van Amsterdam 117. CrelisRammelt, UniversiteitvanAmsterdam 118. Elisabet Rasch, Wageningen Universiteit 119. MarinadeRegt,VrijeUniversiteitAmsterdam 120. Ria Reis, Leiden Universiteit Medical Center 121. Andro Rilović, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 122. Tobias Rinke de Wit, UniversiteitvanAmsterdam 123. Claudia Rodríguez Orrego, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 124. Eva van Roekel, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 125. MirjamRos-Tonen,UniversiteitvanAmsterdam 126. Martin Ruivenkamp, Wageningen Universiteit 127. Ary A. Samsura, Planologie, Radboud Universiteit 128. Annemarie Samuels, Leiden Universiteit 129. Ton Salman, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 130. Younes Saramifar, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 131. Federico Savini, Universiteit van Amsterdam 132. Joeri Scholtens, Universiteit van Amsterdam 133. Mindi Schneider, Wageningen Universiteit 134. Lau Schulpen, Radboud Universiteit 135. Peter Schumacher, Utrecht Universiteit 136. Amod Shah, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 137. Murtah Shannon, Utrecht Universiteit 138. Karin Astrid Siegmann, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 139. Sven da Silva, Radboud Universiteit 140. Giulia Sinatti, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 141. Lothar Smit, Radboud Universiteit 142. Marja Spierenburg, Leiden Universiteit 143. Rachel Spronk, Universiteit van Amsterdam 144. Antonia Stanojevic, Radboud Universiteit 145. Nora Stel, Radboud Universiteit 146. Marjo de Theije, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 147. Louis Thiemann, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 148. Lisa Trogisch, Wageningen Universiteit 149. Wendelien Tuyp, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 150. Esther Veen, Wageningen Universiteit 151. Lieke van der Veer, Radboud Universiteit 152. Courtney Vegelin, Universiteit van Amsterdam 153. Hemalatha Venkataraman, Radboud Universiteit 154. Willemijn Verkoren, Radboud Universiteit 155. Gerard Verschoor, Wageningen Universiteit 156. Hebe V errest, Universiteit van Amsterdam 157. Bas Verschuuren, Wageningen Universiteit 158. Mark Vicol, Wageningen Universiteit 159. Oanne Visser, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 160. Anick Vollebergh, Radboud Universiteit 161. Roanne van Voorst, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 162. Pieter de Vries, Wageningen Universiteit 163. Vincent Walstra, Leiden Universiteit. 164. Maaike Westra, African Studies Centre Leiden 165. Mark Westmoreland, Leiden Universiteit 166. Niekkie Wiegink, Utrecht Universiteit 167. Saskia Wieringa, Universiteit van Amsterdam 168. Angela Wigger, Radboud Universiteit 169. Han Wiskerke, Wageningen Universiteit 170. Margreet Zwarteveen, Universiteit van Amsterdam
Alsmede de werkgroep voetafdruk Nederland (www.voetafdruk.eu)
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todayclassical · 7 years
August 28 in Music History
430 Death of St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, in Algeria. A Church Father and composer of early Christian music. 
1572 Death of composer Claude Goudimel at the St. Bartholomew's Eve massacres.
1673 Birth of composer Conrad Michael Schneider.
1700 Birth of composer Carolomannus Pachschmidt.
1754 Baptism of composer Peter Winter.
1767 Death of composer and harpsichordist Johann Schobert.
1775 Birth of composer Sophie Gail.
1783 Birth of German tenor Josef Rockel in Neunberg. 
1826 Birth of composer Walter Cecil Macfarren.
1829 Birth of composer Albert Dietrich.
1831 Birth of Swedish conductor and composer Fredrik V. L. Norman.
1850 FP of Richard Wagner's Lohengrin conducted by Franz Liszt at Weimar.
1867 Birth of Italian composer Umberto Giordano in Foggia.
1872 Birth of American composer Alfred Baldwin Sloane. 
1873 Birth of Swedish organist, conductor and composer Svante Sjoberg.
1881 Birth of composer Arne Eggen.
1885 Birth of soprano Alice Zeppilli in Monte Carlo. 
1885 Birth of composer Armas Toivo Valdemar Maasalo.
1890 Birth of English composer Ivor Gurney in Gloucester. 
1894 Birth of Austrian conductor Karl Böhm in Gratz. 
1900 Birth of Canadian soprano Flora Nielson, in Vancouver. 
1901 Birth of Austrian soprano Irene Jessner in Vienna. 
1901 Birth of Hungarian music critic and musicologist Paul Henry Lang.
1903 Birth of composer Rudolph Wagner-Regeny.
1905 Death of Greek tenor Yannis Apostolou. 
1906 Birth of opera composer David Tamkin in Chernigov. 
1913 Birth of tenor Richard Tucker in Brooklyn, NY.
1914 Death of Russian composer Anatol Liadov.
1917 Birth of Italian composer Ugo Amendola in Venice. 
1924 Birth of composer Vilayat Khan.
1929 Birth of Hungarian conductor Istvan Kertesz in Budapest.
1924 Birth of opera composer Berislav Klobucar.
1927 Birth of Hungarian baritone Nicolae Herlea in Bucharest.
1931 Birth of English baritone John Shirley-Quirk in Liverpool. 
1931 Birth of Dutch soprano Cristina Deutekom.
1931 Birth of English conductor Robert Irving in Winchester. 
1931 Birth of Hungarian tenor Bela Karizs in Budapest. 
1941 Birth of American bass Paul Plishka in Old Forge, PA. 
1942 Birth of American baritone Alfred Anderson. 
1946 Birth of Italian soprano Elena Mauti-Nunziata in Palma.
1947 Birth of Austrian conductor Gustav Kuhn in Turrach.
1948 Birth of mezzo-soprano Zehava Gal.
1948 Birth of Cuban-American pianist Horacio Gutierrez in Havana.
1948 Birth of Italian soprano Lucia Valentini-Terrani in Padua.
1949 Birth of English pianist Imogen Cooper in London.
1949 Founding of the Aspen Music Festival in Colorado as part of 200th anniversary of Goethe's birth.
1950 Birth of American composer Michael Matthews.
1954 FP of Vincent Persichetti's Symphony No. 5 for strings, by the Louisville Orchestra.
1959 Death of Czech composer Bohuslav Jan Martinu in Liestal. 
1961 Birth of American composer John Berners in Milwaukee, WI.
1964 Death of Italian baritone Aristide Baracchi. 
1968 Birth of American composer Geoffrey Gordon in Flint, MI.
1999 FP of Philip Glass' Symphony No. 5 Requiem, Bardo and Nirmanakaya.
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motocrossaddiction · 6 years
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New Post has been published on MotocrossAddiction.com
La storia degli 'olandesi volanti'
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Un altro bell’articolo del nostro amico Matteo Portinaro che ripercorre la storia degli ‘olandesi volanti’, tutti quei piloti che hanno fatto la storia del Motocross olandese dagli anni ’80 sino ad oggi. Jeffrey Herlings 2018 MXGP of Germany...
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frankplads · 4 years
Hedersmenn som Jan Bøhler skvises ut av Arbeiderpartiet, slik han beskriver her: https://bit.ly/2ZTkmQn
Overrasket? I så fall bør du lese bl.a. Torgrim Eggens ypperlige roman "Trynefaktoren" fra 2004, hvor han beskriver de forutsigbare og ofte tragikomisk simple maktmekanismene innen (tidligere) arbeiderpartier.
"Romanen gir oss et herlig innblikk i norsk politikk. Satirisk, ja vel, men antagelig ganske rammende når det gjelder beskrivelsen av maktkamp, intriger, rå personstrid, mediemanipulasjon og valgkampstrategi." (Finn Stenstad, Tønsbergs Blad)
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chefsrevolution · 6 years
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Wijn & Spijspaleis
Ook deze editie van Chefs (R)Evolution zal voor de gastronomische liefhebbers weer de Wijn & Spijs lunch plaatsvinden. Onder leiding van de beste chefs en hun sommeliers geniet u een sensationeel 6-gangen menu, met subliem afgestemde wijnen. Er zijn nog slechts enkele plaatsen beschikbaar. Reserveren kan telefonisch via telefoonnummer 038-853 0000 of per e-mail* [email protected].
De volgende chefs zullen elk één gang tijdens deze lunch verzorgen: Zondag 9 september, 13:00 – 17:00 uur: Richard van Oostenbrugge:  212, Amsterdam Michel van de Kroft: ’t Nonnetje, Harderwijk   Jan Sobecki: Tribeca, Heeze Hans van Wolde: Beluga, Maastricht Ryan Clift: Tippling Club, Singapore Nelson Tanate: De Librije, Zwolle Maandag 10 september, 13:00 -17:00 uur: Sidney Schutte: Librije’s Zusje, Amsterdam
Jarno Eggen: De Groene Lantaarn,Zuidwolde Martin Kruithof: De Lindenhof, Giethoorn Masanori Tomikawa : Yamazato, Amsterdam Adrian Zarzo: Zarzo, Eindhoven Nelson Tanate: De Librije, Zwolle
De kosten bedragen € 225,- per persoon, inclusief aperitief, 6-gangen menu, wijnarrangement, tafelwater en koffieservies. *Uw reservering is definitief na ontvangst van onze bevestiging.
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lopezdorothy70-blog · 6 years
U.S. Taxpayer Funds Used To Develop and Market Merck's Gardasil Vaccine Global Empire
How NIH Uses U.S. Tax Dollars to Secure Profits for Vaccine Developers and Manufacturers
by The Vaccine Reaction Staff
It is no secret that huge conflicts of interest exist between vaccine promoters and vaccine makers.
Pediatrician and vaccine developer Paul Offit, for example, who is one of the nation's leading promoters of mandatory use of government recommended vaccines, holds a $1.5 million research chair at Children's Hospital in Philadelphia, funded in part by Merck.1
Julie Gerberding left her post as Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), where she oversaw the creation of national vaccine policies, to head Merck vaccines.2
Former Texas governor Rick Perry recommended state-wide inoculation of all 11- and 12-year-old girls with Merck's Gardasil vaccine after his chief of staff left to work at Merck.3 4
Just as disturbing are the millions of dollars that officials at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) dole out to academic institutions and vaccine manufacturers to improve vaccine technology, find new, lucrative markets and boost vaccine marketability-functions that guarantee the profitability of corporations, but do not always ensure the well being of taxpayers, the public and patients.
Once upon a time, before passage of the Bayh-Dole Act by Congress in 1980 and the push for lucrative “technology transfer” business arrangements between federal agencies and for-profit corporations, inventions developed with federal funding were owned by the U.S. Government and not industry.
Today, taxpayer-supported research to develop new drugs and vaccines is voraciously patented by universities and drug companies for outsized Wall Street profits when the research rightfully belongs to taxpayers.5
HPV Vaccine – Using U.S. Taxpayer Funding to Develop and Market the Vaccine Globally
Development of the human papillomavirus (HPV) Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines is a case in point.
The initial research was funded by the NIH, National Cancer Institute, University of Rochester, Georgetown University and the University of Queensland, which licensed them to Merck and GlaxoSmithKline.6 7
In 2015, Merck made $1.9 billion on its Gardasil franchise.8
Soon, aggressive domestic and overseas marketing of the expensive HPV vaccines began, even as the vaccines themselves got poor marks for both safety and effectiveness.
In 2006, consumer advocacy groups had protested the FDA's fast tracking of Gardasil vaccine to licensure, citing inadequate safety data.9
Reports of sudden collapse/fainting (syncope) and serious neurological and immune system problems after Gardasil vaccinations emerged immediately after the vaccine was licensed.10
For example, in just one year between Sept. 1, 2010 and Sept. 15, 2011, there were thousands of Gardasil vaccine reaction reports of seizures, paralysis, blindness, pancreatitis, speech problems, short term memory loss, Guillain-Barré Syndrome and 26 deaths filed in the FDA's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).11 12
In 2016, judges in India's Supreme Court demanded answers after children died during a trial of the HPV vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix.13
This is how investigative reporter Jeanne Lenzer cast the problems with HPV vaccines in 2011:14
There are better ways to spend the billions of dollars currently being spent on HPV vaccines.
First, we already have a pretty terrific way to prevent most cervical cancer deaths, and it's called the Pap smear.
Since poor women are less likely to get Pap smears and more likely to die from cervical cancer, we could start by extending medical services to them.
Second, many oral cancers are caused by smoking, and men and women who smoke are more likely to die of oral and cervical cancer, so we could invest in smoking cessation efforts.
As HPV vaccine safety and efficacy problems persisted, the NIH acknowledged the vaccine was widely shunned by mothers of both boys and girls, adolescents and many in poor and ethnic communities.
But that did not stop the NIH from continuing its subsidy of the vaccine industry with tax dollars, this time helping with actual marketing.
In 2013, the NIH gave half a million dollars to the University of Texas SW Medical Center Dallas to try to “identify an optimal and feasible self-persuasion intervention strategy to promote adolescent HPV vaccination in safety-net clinics,” also known as sell more vaccines.15
Nor was that the only marketing grant NIH gave to the university to aggressively market HPV vaccines.
The University of Texas El Paso received $422,716 from the NIH to do similar free marketing and “pilot test a future intervention to promote adoption of the HPV vaccine in the Latino community” while “considering cultural factors.”16
In 2013/2014, Yale University received $390,389 from the NIH to “identify and describe barriers to HPV vaccination completion among lower income racial and ethnic minorities” and “generate ideas for future interventions that will be culturally relevant and have the greatest potential for impact.”17
The National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC), overseen by the National Vaccine Program Office in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), takes their job of providing free marketing for the vaccine industry one step further-it recommends enlisting health care providers in the sales force.18
It cautions providers to not miss “clinical opportunities to administer HPV vaccination,” which are defined as visits to a provider in which at least one other recommended adolescent vaccination is received but not the HPV vaccine.
The NVAC also recommends “office strategies, such as reminder-recall systems and the distribution of information and educational materials from provider professional organizations” to sell the HPV vaccine to patients and suggests that pharmacists get involved.
CDC programs offer incentives/bonuses to “motivate providers to develop more effective immunization delivery systems and ultimately improve immunization coverage levels.”19
NIH Uses Taxpayer Funding to Keep Vaccine Makers Profitable
The NIH also gives money to drug companies making and marketing vaccines to simply improve their bottom line, government largesse that would be unthinkable in other industries.
In 2013, NIH bestowed almost $2 million on Advanced Bioscience Laboratories, Inc. to “facilitate the development and introduction of new vaccines” including product development, toxicology studies, technical and facility audits and regulatory support appropriate for submission to the FDA.20
If private industry keeps the profits, why should government fund vaccine development and marketing operations?
In 2012, Advanced Bioscience Laboratories received $1,052,178 from the NIH to develop “promising products when such products emerge from investigator-initiated research studies.”21
The same year, NIH gave $2,120,235 to California University San Diego at La Jolla to “discover, characterize, and support preclinical testing of new adjuvant candidates [for vaccines] based upon triggering of the human innate immune system.”22
Between 2009 and 2014, NIH also gave a cool million to Alexander Biodiscoveries, LLC for studies “directed at developing new drugs that can combat influenza virus” plus another one million dollars to Corixa Corporation to “discover, characterize, and support preclinical testing of new adjuvant candidates based upon triggering of the human innate immune system.”23 24
Generous grants were also given to Multimeric Biotherapeutics and other biotech companies to improve their profits and marketability of their vaccines on the public's dime.25
Finally, for years, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), part of NIH, has handed millions of dollars to the pharmaceutical industry to develop a vaccine to treat cocaine and meth addiction despite the contention of non-industry recovery experts that addiction is not just a physical disease but an emotional and spiritual one too and, thus, not very amenable to a vaccine or other physical treatment.26
Intervexion Therapeutics, for example, has received grants for several years in a row to develop “a methamphetamine conjugate vaccine.”
While the vaccine industry loves to present itself as “life saving,” addiction vaccines that target a defined population seem more like for-profit designer drugs than vaccines for preventing contagious diseases that affect the broader public.
Addiction vaccines also suggest a deep misunderstanding of the process of addiction itself, as most people with drug cravings who want to get high on meth, are unlikely to seek or even accept a vaccine that would “block or slow the rate at which METH enters the brain, [and] shield the user from METH's rewarding and toxic effects,” as the grant naively reads.27
In funding the marketing of vaccines, improving vaccine makers' bottom line and soliciting addiction vaccines, the NIH clearly is lavishing taxpayer dollars on an already very profitable vaccine industry.
Comment on this article at VaccineImpact.com.
1 Attkissson S. How Independent Are Vaccine Defenders? CBS News July 25, 2008. 2 Reuters. Former CDC head lands vaccine job at Merck. Dec. 21, 2009. 3 Rosenberg, M. Mental Health Inc. AlterNet Jan. 8, 2018. 4 Eggen D. Rick Perry and HPV vaccine maker have deep financial ties. The Washington Post Sept. 23, 2011. 5 The University of Arizona. Bayh-Dole Act & University Technology Transfer What's it mean to me? Tech Launch Arizona Mar. 9, 2014. 6 Padmanabhan S, Armin T, Sampat B et al. Intellectual Property, Technology Transfer and Developing Country Manufacture of Low-cost HPV vaccines – A Case Study of India. Nature Biotechnology 2010; 28 (7): 671–678. 7 Joshi, PP, Roberts, L. Hann, D. NIH's Role in Developing an HPV Vaccine:  A Retrospective Analysis. Portfolio Analysis Poster Meeting. NIH Division of Program Coordination, Planning and Strategic Initiatives (DPCPSI) July 2014. 8 Sagonowsky E. GSK exits U.S. market with its HPV vaccine Cervarix. Oc. 21, 2016. 9 National Vaccine Information Center. Merck's Gardasil Vaccine Not Proven Safe for Little Girls. NVIC.org June 27, 2006. 10 Debold V, Fisher BL. Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Safety Analysis of Adverse Events Reporting System Reports: Adverse Reactions, Concerns and Implications. National Vaccine Information Center Feb. 1, 2007. 11 Lind, P. U.S. court pays $6 million to Gardasil victims. The Washington Times. December 31, 2014. 12 MedAlerts. The U.S. Government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System Database. MedAlerts.org. 13 Rosenberg, M. Where Is the Vaccine Safety Grey Area? Epoch Times. Jan. 27, 2017. 14 Lenzer, J. Should boys be given the HPV vaccine? Discover Magazine Nov. 14, 2011. 15 National Institutes of Health. NIH Grant: Developing a self-persuasion intervention promoting adolescent HPV vaccination.  Grantome.com. 16 NIH. NIH Grant: Mother-daughter joint decision making to obtain the HPV vaccine.  Grantome.com. 17 NIH. NIH Grant: Disparities in HPV vaccine completion: Identifying and quantifying the barriers.  Grantome.com, 18 National Vaccine Advisory Committee. Overcoming Barriers to Low HPV Vaccine Uptake in the United States: Recommendations from the National Vaccine Advisory Committee. NCBI June 9, 2015. 19 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Four components of AFIX. CDC.gov. 20 NIH. NIH Grant: Task X3: manufacture and characterization services for vaccines and biologics. Grantome.com. 21 NIAID preclinical development support. Federal Reporter. 22 NIH. NIH Grant: Small molecule stimulators of innate immune receptors. Grantome.com. 23 NIH. NIH Grant: Novel anti-viral agents to treat influenza. Grantome.com. 24 NIH. NIH Grant: Novel TLR7/8 agonists as adjuvants for rapid-acting vaccines. Grantome.com. 25 NIH. NIH Grant: Development of a multimeric CD40 ligand vaccine adjuvant. Grantome.com. 26 Ibid. 27 NIH. NIH Grant: A methamphetamine conjugate vaccine: from manufacturing to IND. Grantome.com.
Young women whose lives were destroyed by the HPV vaccine.
California Nurse Gives Gardasil Vaccine to Own Daughter who Develops Leukemia and Dies
Infant Accidentally Vaccinated with Gardasil – Mother Blamed for Vaccine Injuries and Baby Medically Kidnapped
Iowa Girl Faces Death: Life Destroyed by Gardasil Vaccine
Gardasil Vaccine Given without Consent and Ruins Life of 14 Year Old Girl
After 3 Years of Suffering 19 Year Old Girl Dies from Gardasil Vaccine Injuries
Gardasil: The Decision We Will Always Regret
The Gardasil Vaccine After-Life: My Daughter is a Shadow of Her Former Self
Gardasil: An Experience no Child Should Have to Go Through
I Want my Daughter's Life Back the Way it was Before Gardasil
Gardasil Vaccine: Destroyed and Abandoned
15-Year-Old Vaccinated by Force with Gardasil now Suffers from Paralysis and Pain
Recovering from my Gardasil Vaccine Nightmare
Gardasil: We Thought It Was The Right Choice
“HPV Vaccine Has Done This to My Child”
13 Year Old World Championship Karate Student Forced to Quit After Gardasil Vaccine
If I Could Turn Back Time, Korey Would not Have Received any Gardasil Shots
What Doctors Don't Tell You: Our Gardasil Horror Story
Family Fights U.S. Government over Compensation for Gardasil Vaccine Injuries
Gardasil: When Will our Nightmare End?
HPV Vaccine Injuries: “I Cannot Begin to Describe What it is Like to Watch your Daughter Live in Such Agony”
Gardasil: Don't Let Your Child Become “One Less”
The Gardasil Vaccine Changed Our Definition of “Normal”
Gardasil: I Should Have Researched First
“They've Been Robbed of Their Womanhood” – Local Milwaukee Media Covers Gardasil Vaccine Injuries
Gardasil: The Day Our Daughter's Life Changed
Gardasil: The Decision I will Always Regret
Gardasil Vaccine: One More Girl Dead
Gardasil: A Parent's Worst Nightmare
After Gardasil: I Simply Want my Healthy Daughter Back
Gardasil: My Family Suffers with Me
Gardasil Changed my Health, my Life, and Family's Lives Forever
Gardasil: Ashlie's Near-Death Experience
Gardasil: My Daughter's Worst Nightmare
My Personal Battle After the Gardasil Vaccine
Gardasil: The Worst Thing That Ever Happened to Me
A Ruined Life from Gardasil
HPV Vaccines: My Journey Through Gardasil Injuries
The Dark Side of Gardasil – A Nightmare that Became Real
Toddler Wrongly Injected with Gardasil Vaccine Develops Rare Form of Leukaemia
More information about Gardasil
Leaving a lucrative career as a nephrologist (kidney doctor), Dr. Suzanne Humphries is now free to actually help cure people. In this autobiography she explains why good doctors are constrained within the current corrupt medical system from practicing real, ethical medicine. FREE Shipping Available! Order here.
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Medical Doctors Opposed to Forced Vaccinations – Should Their Views be Silenced?
eBook – Available for immediate download.
One of the biggest myths being propagated in the compliant mainstream media today is that doctors are either pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine, and that the anti-vaccine doctors are all “quacks.”
However, nothing could be further from the truth in the vaccine debate. Doctors are not unified at all on their positions regarding “the science” of vaccines, nor are they unified in the position of removing informed consent to a medical procedure like vaccines.
The two most extreme positions are those doctors who are 100% against vaccines and do not administer them at all, and those doctors that believe that ALL vaccines are safe and effective for ALL people, ALL the time, by force if necessary.
Very few doctors fall into either of these two extremist positions, and yet it is the extreme pro-vaccine position that is presented by the U.S. Government and mainstream media as being the dominant position of the medical field.
In between these two extreme views, however, is where the vast majority of doctors practicing today would probably categorize their position. Many doctors who consider themselves “pro-vaccine,” for example, do not believe that every single vaccine is appropriate for every single individual.
Many doctors recommend a “delayed” vaccine schedule for some patients, and not always the recommended one-size-fits-all CDC childhood schedule. Other doctors choose to recommend vaccines based on the actual science and merit of each vaccine, recommending some, while determining that others are not worth the risk for children, such as the suspect seasonal flu shot.
These doctors who do not hold extreme positions would be opposed to government-mandated vaccinations and the removal of all parental exemptions.
In this eBook, I am going to summarize the many doctors today who do not take the most extremist pro-vaccine position, which is probably not held by very many doctors at all, in spite of what the pharmaceutical industry, the federal government, and the mainstream media would like the public to believe.
Medical Doctors Opposed to Forced Vaccinations – Should Their Views be Silenced?
on your mobile device!
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Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm
eBook – Available for immediate download.
Canadian physician Dr. Andrew Moulden provided clear scientific evidence to prove that every dose of vaccine given to a child or an adult produces harm. The truth that he uncovered was rejected by the conventional medical system and the pharmaceutical industry. Nevertheless, his warning and his message to America remains as a solid legacy of the man who stood up against big pharma and their program to vaccinate every person on the Earth.
Dr. Moulden died unexpectedly in November of 2013 at age 49.
Because of the strong opposition from big pharma concerning Dr. Moulden's research, we became concerned that the name of this brilliant researcher and his life's work had nearly been deleted from the internet. His reputation was being disparaged, and his message of warning and hope was being distorted and buried without a tombstone. This book summarizes his teaching and is a must-read for everyone who wants to learn the “other-side” of the vaccine debate that the mainstream media routinely censors.
Read Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm on your mobile device!
on your mobile device!
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Say NO to Mandatory Vaccines T-Shirt
100% Pre-shrunk Cotton Order here!
Make a Statement for Health Freedom!
Big Pharma and government health authorities are trying to pass laws mandating vaccines for all children, and even adults.
Show your opposition to forced vaccinations and support the cause of Vaccine Impact, part of the Health Impact News network.
Order here!
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battybat-boss · 6 years
U.S. Taxpayer Funds Used To Develop and Market Merck's Gardasil Vaccine Global Empire
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How NIH Uses U.S. Tax Dollars to Secure Profits for Vaccine Developers and Manufacturers
by The Vaccine Reaction Staff
It is no secret that huge conflicts of interest exist between vaccine promoters and vaccine makers.
Pediatrician and vaccine developer Paul Offit, for example, who is one of the nation's leading promoters of mandatory use of government recommended vaccines, holds a $1.5 million research chair at Children's Hospital in Philadelphia, funded in part by Merck.1
Julie Gerberding left her post as Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), where she oversaw the creation of national vaccine policies, to head Merck vaccines.2
Former Texas governor Rick Perry recommended state-wide inoculation of all 11- and 12-year-old girls with Merck's Gardasil vaccine after his chief of staff left to work at Merck.34
Just as disturbing are the millions of dollars that officials at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) dole out to academic institutions and vaccine manufacturers to improve vaccine technology, find new, lucrative markets and boost vaccine marketability-functions that guarantee the profitability of corporations, but do not always ensure the well being of taxpayers, the public and patients.
Once upon a time, before passage of the Bayh-Dole Act by Congress in 1980 and the push for lucrative “technology transfer” business arrangements between federal agencies and for-profit corporations, inventions developed with federal funding were owned by the U.S. Government and not industry.
Today, taxpayer-supported research to develop new drugs and vaccines is voraciously patented by universities and drug companies for outsized Wall Street profits when the research rightfully belongs to taxpayers.5
HPV Vaccine – Using U.S. Taxpayer Funding to Develop and Market the Vaccine Globally
Development of the human papillomavirus (HPV) Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines is a case in point.
The initial research was funded by the NIH, National Cancer Institute, University of Rochester, Georgetown University and the University of Queensland, which licensed them to Merck and GlaxoSmithKline.67
In 2015, Merck made $1.9 billion on its Gardasil franchise.8
Soon, aggressive domestic and overseas marketing of the expensive HPV vaccines began, even as the vaccines themselves got poor marks for both safety and effectiveness.
In 2006, consumer advocacy groups had protested the FDA's fast tracking of Gardasil vaccine to licensure, citing inadequate safety data.9
Reports of sudden collapse/fainting (syncope) and serious neurological and immune system problems after Gardasil vaccinations emerged immediately after the vaccine was licensed.10
For example, in just one year between Sept. 1, 2010 and Sept. 15, 2011, there were thousands of Gardasil vaccine reaction reports of seizures, paralysis, blindness, pancreatitis, speech problems, short term memory loss, Guillain-Barré Syndrome and 26 deaths filed in the FDA's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).1112
In 2016, judges in India's Supreme Court demanded answers after children died during a trial of the HPV vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix.13
This is how investigative reporter Jeanne Lenzer cast the problems with HPV vaccines in 2011:14
There are better ways to spend the billions of dollars currently being spent on HPV vaccines.
First, we already have a pretty terrific way to prevent most cervical cancer deaths, and it's called the Pap smear.
Since poor women are less likely to get Pap smears and more likely to die from cervical cancer, we could start by extending medical services to them.
Second, many oral cancers are caused by smoking, and men and women who smoke are more likely to die of oral and cervical cancer, so we could invest in smoking cessation efforts.
As HPV vaccine safety and efficacy problems persisted, the NIH acknowledged the vaccine was widely shunned by mothers of both boys and girls, adolescents and many in poor and ethnic communities.
But that did not stop the NIH from continuing its subsidy of the vaccine industry with tax dollars, this time helping with actual marketing.
In 2013, the NIH gave half a million dollars to the University of Texas SW Medical Center Dallas to try to “identify an optimal and feasible self-persuasion intervention strategy to promote adolescent HPV vaccination in safety-net clinics,” also known as sell more vaccines.15
Nor was that the only marketing grant NIH gave to the university to aggressively market HPV vaccines.
The University of Texas El Paso received $422,716 from the NIH to do similar free marketing and “pilot test a future intervention to promote adoption of the HPV vaccine in the Latino community” while “considering cultural factors.”16
In 2013/2014, Yale University received $390,389 from the NIH to “identify and describe barriers to HPV vaccination completion among lower income racial and ethnic minorities” and “generate ideas for future interventions that will be culturally relevant and have the greatest potential for impact.”17
The National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC), overseen by the National Vaccine Program Office in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), takes their job of providing free marketing for the vaccine industry one step further-it recommends enlisting health care providers in the sales force.18
It cautions providers to not miss “clinical opportunities to administer HPV vaccination,” which are defined as visits to a provider in which at least one other recommended adolescent vaccination is received but not the HPV vaccine.
The NVAC also recommends “office strategies, such as reminder-recall systems and the distribution of information and educational materials from provider professional organizations” to sell the HPV vaccine to patients and suggests that pharmacists get involved.
CDC programs offer incentives/bonuses to “motivate providers to develop more effective immunization delivery systems and ultimately improve immunization coverage levels.”19
NIH Uses Taxpayer Funding to Keep Vaccine Makers Profitable
The NIH also gives money to drug companies making and marketing vaccines to simply improve their bottom line, government largesse that would be unthinkable in other industries.
In 2013, NIH bestowed almost $2 million on Advanced Bioscience Laboratories, Inc. to “facilitate the development and introduction of new vaccines” including product development, toxicology studies, technical and facility audits and regulatory support appropriate for submission to the FDA.20
If private industry keeps the profits, why should government fund vaccine development and marketing operations?
In 2012, Advanced Bioscience Laboratories received $1,052,178 from the NIH to develop “promising products when such products emerge from investigator-initiated research studies.”21
The same year, NIH gave $2,120,235 to California University San Diego at La Jolla to “discover, characterize, and support preclinical testing of new adjuvant candidates [for vaccines] based upon triggering of the human innate immune system.”22
Between 2009 and 2014, NIH also gave a cool million to Alexander Biodiscoveries, LLC for studies “directed at developing new drugs that can combat influenza virus” plus another one million dollars to Corixa Corporation to “discover, characterize, and support preclinical testing of new adjuvant candidates based upon triggering of the human innate immune system.”2324
Generous grants were also given to Multimeric Biotherapeutics and other biotech companies to improve their profits and marketability of their vaccines on the public's dime.25
Finally, for years, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), part of NIH, has handed millions of dollars to the pharmaceutical industry to develop a vaccine to treat cocaine and meth addiction despite the contention of non-industry recovery experts that addiction is not just a physical disease but an emotional and spiritual one too and, thus, not very amenable to a vaccine or other physical treatment.26
Intervexion Therapeutics, for example, has received grants for several years in a row to develop “a methamphetamine conjugate vaccine.”
While the vaccine industry loves to present itself as “life saving,” addiction vaccines that target a defined population seem more like for-profit designer drugs than vaccines for preventing contagious diseases that affect the broader public.
Addiction vaccines also suggest a deep misunderstanding of the process of addiction itself, as most people with drug cravings who want to get high on meth, are unlikely to seek or even accept a vaccine that would “block or slow the rate at which METH enters the brain, [and] shield the user from METH's rewarding and toxic effects,” as the grant naively reads.27
In funding the marketing of vaccines, improving vaccine makers' bottom line and soliciting addiction vaccines, the NIH clearly is lavishing taxpayer dollars on an already very profitable vaccine industry.
Comment on this article at VaccineImpact.com.
1 Attkissson S. How Independent Are Vaccine Defenders? CBS News July 25, 2008. 2 Reuters. Former CDC head lands vaccine job at Merck. Dec. 21, 2009. 3 Rosenberg, M. Mental Health Inc. AlterNet Jan. 8, 2018. 4 Eggen D. Rick Perry and HPV vaccine maker have deep financial ties. The Washington Post Sept. 23, 2011. 5 The University of Arizona. Bayh-Dole Act & University Technology Transfer What's it mean to me? Tech Launch Arizona Mar. 9, 2014. 6 Padmanabhan S, Armin T, Sampat B et al. Intellectual Property, Technology Transfer and Developing Country Manufacture of Low-cost HPV vaccines – A Case Study of India. Nature Biotechnology 2010; 28 (7): 671–678. 7 Joshi, PP, Roberts, L. Hann, D. NIH's Role in Developing an HPV Vaccine:  A Retrospective Analysis. Portfolio Analysis Poster Meeting. NIH Division of Program Coordination, Planning and Strategic Initiatives (DPCPSI) July 2014. 8 Sagonowsky E. GSK exits U.S. market with its HPV vaccine Cervarix. Oc. 21, 2016. 9 National Vaccine Information Center. Merck's Gardasil Vaccine Not Proven Safe for Little Girls. NVIC.org June 27, 2006. 10 Debold V, Fisher BL. Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Safety Analysis of Adverse Events Reporting System Reports: Adverse Reactions, Concerns and Implications. National Vaccine Information Center Feb. 1, 2007. 11 Lind, P. U.S. court pays $6 million to Gardasil victims. The Washington Times. December 31, 2014. 12 MedAlerts. The U.S. Government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System Database. MedAlerts.org. 13 Rosenberg, M. Where Is the Vaccine Safety Grey Area? Epoch Times. Jan. 27, 2017. 14 Lenzer, J. Should boys be given the HPV vaccine? Discover Magazine Nov. 14, 2011. 15 National Institutes of Health. NIH Grant: Developing a self-persuasion intervention promoting adolescent HPV vaccination.  Grantome.com. 16 NIH. NIH Grant: Mother-daughter joint decision making to obtain the HPV vaccine.  Grantome.com. 17 NIH. NIH Grant: Disparities in HPV vaccine completion: Identifying and quantifying the barriers.  Grantome.com, 18 National Vaccine Advisory Committee. Overcoming Barriers to Low HPV Vaccine Uptake in the United States: Recommendations from the National Vaccine Advisory Committee. NCBI June 9, 2015. 19 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Four components of AFIX. CDC.gov. 20 NIH. NIH Grant: Task X3: manufacture and characterization services for vaccines and biologics. Grantome.com. 21 NIAID preclinical development support. Federal Reporter. 22 NIH. NIH Grant: Small molecule stimulators of innate immune receptors. Grantome.com. 23 NIH. NIH Grant: Novel anti-viral agents to treat influenza. Grantome.com. 24 NIH. NIH Grant: Novel TLR7/8 agonists as adjuvants for rapid-acting vaccines. Grantome.com. 25 NIH. NIH Grant: Development of a multimeric CD40 ligand vaccine adjuvant. Grantome.com. 26 Ibid. 27 NIH. NIH Grant: A methamphetamine conjugate vaccine: from manufacturing to IND. Grantome.com.
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Young women whose lives were destroyed by the HPV vaccine.
California Nurse Gives Gardasil Vaccine to Own Daughter who Develops Leukemia and Dies
Infant Accidentally Vaccinated with Gardasil – Mother Blamed for Vaccine Injuries and Baby Medically Kidnapped
Iowa Girl Faces Death: Life Destroyed by Gardasil Vaccine
Gardasil Vaccine Given without Consent and Ruins Life of 14 Year Old Girl
After 3 Years of Suffering 19 Year Old Girl Dies from Gardasil Vaccine Injuries
Gardasil: The Decision We Will Always Regret
The Gardasil Vaccine After-Life: My Daughter is a Shadow of Her Former Self
Gardasil: An Experience no Child Should Have to Go Through
I Want my Daughter's Life Back the Way it was Before Gardasil
Gardasil Vaccine: Destroyed and Abandoned
15-Year-Old Vaccinated by Force with Gardasil now Suffers from Paralysis and Pain
Recovering from my Gardasil Vaccine Nightmare
Gardasil: We Thought It Was The Right Choice
“HPV Vaccine Has Done This to My Child”
13 Year Old World Championship Karate Student Forced to Quit After Gardasil Vaccine
If I Could Turn Back Time, Korey Would not Have Received any Gardasil Shots
What Doctors Don't Tell You: Our Gardasil Horror Story
Family Fights U.S. Government over Compensation for Gardasil Vaccine Injuries
Gardasil: When Will our Nightmare End?
HPV Vaccine Injuries: “I Cannot Begin to Describe What it is Like to Watch your Daughter Live in Such Agony”
Gardasil: Don't Let Your Child Become “One Less”
The Gardasil Vaccine Changed Our Definition of “Normal”
Gardasil: I Should Have Researched First
“They've Been Robbed of Their Womanhood” – Local Milwaukee Media Covers Gardasil Vaccine Injuries
Gardasil: The Day Our Daughter's Life Changed
Gardasil: The Decision I will Always Regret
Gardasil Vaccine: One More Girl Dead
Gardasil: A Parent's Worst Nightmare
After Gardasil: I Simply Want my Healthy Daughter Back
Gardasil: My Family Suffers with Me
Gardasil Changed my Health, my Life, and Family's Lives Forever
Gardasil: Ashlie's Near-Death Experience
Gardasil: My Daughter's Worst Nightmare
My Personal Battle After the Gardasil Vaccine
Gardasil: The Worst Thing That Ever Happened to Me
A Ruined Life from Gardasil
HPV Vaccines: My Journey Through Gardasil Injuries
The Dark Side of Gardasil – A Nightmare that Became Real
Toddler Wrongly Injected with Gardasil Vaccine Develops Rare Form of Leukaemia
More information about Gardasil
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Leaving a lucrative career as a nephrologist (kidney doctor), Dr. Suzanne Humphries is now free to actually help cure people. In this autobiography she explains why good doctors are constrained within the current corrupt medical system from practicing real, ethical medicine. FREE Shipping Available! Order here.
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Medical Doctors Opposed to Forced Vaccinations – Should Their Views be Silenced?
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eBook – Available for immediate download.
One of the biggest myths being propagated in the compliant mainstream media today is that doctors are either pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine, and that the anti-vaccine doctors are all “quacks.”
However, nothing could be further from the truth in the vaccine debate. Doctors are not unified at all on their positions regarding “the science” of vaccines, nor are they unified in the position of removing informed consent to a medical procedure like vaccines.
The two most extreme positions are those doctors who are 100% against vaccines and do not administer them at all, and those doctors that believe that ALL vaccines are safe and effective for ALL people, ALL the time, by force if necessary.
Very few doctors fall into either of these two extremist positions, and yet it is the extreme pro-vaccine position that is presented by the U.S. Government and mainstream media as being the dominant position of the medical field.
In between these two extreme views, however, is where the vast majority of doctors practicing today would probably categorize their position. Many doctors who consider themselves “pro-vaccine,” for example, do not believe that every single vaccine is appropriate for every single individual.
Many doctors recommend a “delayed” vaccine schedule for some patients, and not always the recommended one-size-fits-all CDC childhood schedule. Other doctors choose to recommend vaccines based on the actual science and merit of each vaccine, recommending some, while determining that others are not worth the risk for children, such as the suspect seasonal flu shot.
These doctors who do not hold extreme positions would be opposed to government-mandated vaccinations and the removal of all parental exemptions.
In this eBook, I am going to summarize the many doctors today who do not take the most extremist pro-vaccine position, which is probably not held by very many doctors at all, in spite of what the pharmaceutical industry, the federal government, and the mainstream media would like the public to believe.
Medical Doctors Opposed to Forced Vaccinations – Should Their Views be Silenced?
on your mobile device!
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Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm
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eBook – Available for immediate download.
Canadian physician Dr. Andrew Moulden provided clear scientific evidence to prove that every dose of vaccine given to a child or an adult produces harm. The truth that he uncovered was rejected by the conventional medical system and the pharmaceutical industry. Nevertheless, his warning and his message to America remains as a solid legacy of the man who stood up against big pharma and their program to vaccinate every person on the Earth.
Dr. Moulden died unexpectedly in November of 2013 at age 49.
Because of the strong opposition from big pharma concerning Dr. Moulden's research, we became concerned that the name of this brilliant researcher and his life's work had nearly been deleted from the internet. His reputation was being disparaged, and his message of warning and hope was being distorted and buried without a tombstone. This book summarizes his teaching and is a must-read for everyone who wants to learn the “other-side” of the vaccine debate that the mainstream media routinely censors.
Read Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm on your mobile device!
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Say NO to Mandatory Vaccines T-Shirt
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100% Pre-shrunk Cotton Order here!
Make a Statement for Health Freedom!
Big Pharma and government health authorities are trying to pass laws mandating vaccines for all children, and even adults.
Show your opposition to forced vaccinations and support the cause of Vaccine Impact, part of the Health Impact News network.
Order here!
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eygelshoven · 6 years
Kerstmis 2017
KERSTAVOND in de Grote Kerk
17.00 uur H. Mis voor de allerkleinsten. Herders en schaapjes aanwezig.
m.m.v. het jeugdkoor “Jokojo” voor Wiel Eussen; Leo Herle.
 19.00 uur Gezinsmis m.m.v. R.K. Basisschool “de Veldhof” en het jeugdkoor de “Zanglijsters” voor ouders Immers-Thomas en kinderen; ouders de Liège-Delang en kinderen; Maria Mertens-Diederen, ouders en broer Ton; Nol Schoormans; uit dankbaarheid; Werner Schouw; Mick Vroomen; ouders Paulissen-Trags, dochter Gertie, zoon Huub en schoonzoon Ernst; Annie Pouwels-Thuis; Pierre Willems; Hub en Mia Thelen-Engelen;.
 22.00 uur Nachtmis m.m.v. het Gemengd Kerkelijk Zangkoor “St. Johannes”  voor Jan Coervers (jrd); ouders  Skerka-Klos en zonen Peter en Willy (jrd); Maria Skerka-Schoeters (jrd); Piet Boermans; Theresia Boermans-Sauer; Harry Vervoort; ouders Beunen-Wiertz; ouders Hendriks-Ossel; Wiel Dings en ouders; ouders Hendriks-Bosman; Hub Eijdems; Ger Fischer; familie Fischer-Slangen; ouders Gillissen-Nicolay en kinderen; Annie Gillissen-Aarts; Louis Horssels; ouders Herinx-Vreuls en Mia Krikke; Hans Jonkers junior; ouders Kleijnen-Kunkels en familie; Anneke en Jakob Kremer; Lieske Meerten-Mulders; Thea van Megen-Jussen; Kitty Robijns-Groeneveld; Hein Stams en kleinzoon Stijn; Wiel Thuis; overleden leden en - ereleden van het Gemengd Kerkelijk Zangkoor “St. Johannes” (st).
 MAANDAG 25 december: HOOGFEEST van KERSTMIS. Geboorte van de Heer. EXTRA COLLECTE, bestemd voor kerkklokken en uurwerk.
11.00 H. Mis in de Grote Kerk m.m.v. het Gemengd Kerkelijk Zangkoor “St. Johannes”
Voor Wim Graf (off); Henk van den Brink; ouders Derks-Quaedflieg en Sjef Engelen; ouders Frings-Greven; Martha Handels-Franken; Tiny en René Hasaart; Teun van de Winkel; ouders Herinx-Vreuls en Mia Krikke; Piet en Fien Jongen-Schörgers; ouders Ligtvoet-Schmetz en dochter Joke; Hein Ramakers; Annie Rouschen-Lindelauf; May Rouschen; Billa Rouschen-Hanssen; ouders Vermeulen-De Bruijn; bijzondere  intentie; Annie Eggen-Janssen en Dré Eggen (st); echtpaar Herbergs-Smeets (st).
DINSDAG 26 december TWEEDE KERSTDAG. EXTRA COLLECTE, bestemd voor kerkklokken en uurwerk.
11.00 uur H. Mis in de Grote Kerk m.m.v. “Accordeonvrienden ‘95” voor ouders Penders-Zemljak en dochter Caecilia (jrd); ouders Erkens-Collin (jrd); Sonja Erkens-Plum (jrd); ouders Guus en Lies Erkens-Hubben; ouders Handels-de Hoog en ouders Freijters-Gielkens en broers en zussen; ouders Herinx-Vreuls en Mia Krikke; André en Nellie Houben-Dahlmanns; ouders Jansch-Aretz en schoondochter Emmie Jansch-Lamers; Ludwik en Kazimiera Rozek-Kowalska; Anna Maria Packbiers; Jo Packbiers; ouders Peter en Ennie Arets-Bost en zoon Jean (st); Frans en Maria Winkels-Stet (st).
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trevorbmccalli · 7 years
Leiht St. Pauli Möller Daehli aus Freiburg aus?
Stand: 17.01.2017 18:16 Uhr
Zweitliga-Schlusslicht FC St. Pauli rüstet weiter nach und bedient sich offenbar zum dritten Mal in diesem Winter bei einem Bundesligisten. Nach Johannes Flum (Eintracht Frankfurt) und Lennart Thy (Werder Bremen) ist Mats Möller Daehli “kicker”-Informationen zufolge der nächste Profi mit Erstliga-Erfahrung, der ans Millerntor wechselt. Der Norweger soll von den Hamburgern bis zum Saisonende ausgeliehen werden. Verletzungsbedingt bestritt der 21-Jährige in Freiburg seit Januar 2015 erst acht Pflichtspiele, immer wieder warfen ihn Probleme an der Patellasehne zurück. Nun soll Möller Daehli Spielpraxis sammeln. Am Millerntor könnte er die erhoffte Kreativkraft für das Offensivspiel werden.
Der Kader des FC St. Pauli 2016/2017
Tor: Robin Himmelmann
Tor: Philipp Heerwagen
Tor: Svend Brodersen
Abwehr: Daniel Buballa
Abwehr: Vegar Eggen Hedenstad
Abwehr: Joel Keller
Abwehr: Marc Hornschuh
Abwehr: Sören Gonther
Abwehr: Bernd Nehrig
Abwehr: Philipp Ziereis
Abwehr: Lasse Sobiech
Mittelfeld: Christopher Avevor
Mittelfeld: Richard Neudecker
Mittelfeld: Christopher Buchtmann
Mittelfeld: Waldemar Sobota
Mittelfeld: Johannes Flum
Mittelfeld: Jan-Philipp Kalla
Mittelfeld: Dennis Rosin
Mittelfeld: Maurice Jerome Litka
Mittelfeld: Jeremy Dudziak
Mittelfeld: Cenk Sahin
Mittelfeld: Ryo Miyaichi
Sturm: Nico Empen
Sturm: Lennart Thy
Sturm: Aziz Bouhaddouz
Sturm: Fabrice-Jean Picault
Sturm: Kyoung-Rok Choi
Lager der Ex-Freiburger wird immer größer
Bei den Kiezkickern würde Möller Daehli in Vegar Eggen Hedenstad einen Landsmann treffen und zugleich das Lager der Ex-Freiburger vergrößern: Neben Hedenstad, der im vergangenen Sommer aus dem Breisgau nach Hamburg wechselte, hat auch Flum Freiburger Vergangenheit. Der Mittelfeldspieler wurde im Nachwuchsleistungszentrum des SC ausgebildet. Zudem war St. Paulis Sportchef Andreas Rettig knapp vier Jahre (1998-2002) Manager in Freiburg, Co-Trainer Abder Ramdane war einst als Profi von 1999 bis 2005 ebenfalls bei den Badenern aktiv.
Rasmussen wechselt nach Trondheim
Einen Winterabgang haben die Hamburger ebenfalls zu verzeichnen. Jacob Rasmussen wechselt mit sofortiger Wirkung zum norwegischen Erstligisten Rosenborg Trondheim. Der 19 Jahre alte Verteidiger war erst im vergangenen Sommer aus der A-Jugend des FC Schalke 04 ans Millerntor gewechselt, konnte sich aber nicht durchsetzen und absolvierte lediglich Einsätze in St. Paulis Regionalligamannschaft. “Es war mein ausdrücklicher Wunsch, nach Trondheim zu wechseln, da ich auf meiner Position keine Möglichkeiten sehe, ausreichend Spielzeiten zu bekommen. Ich bin St. Pauli dankbar, dass mir keine Steine in den Weg gelegt wurden und drücke der Mannschaft von Norwegen aus die Daumen, dass sie den Klassenerhalt schafft”, sagte der Däne.
Weitere Informationen
Belek war gestern, Sotogrande ist heute – der FC St. Pauli bereitet sich in Spanien auf die Zweitliga-Rückrunde vor. Der Plan für die Wintervorbereitung 2016/2017 der Kiezkicker. mehr
Dieses Thema im Programm:
NDR 2 Sport | 17.01.2017 | 22:40 Uhr
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Der Beitrag Leiht St. Pauli Möller Daehli aus Freiburg aus? erschien zuerst auf Nachrichten von Heute.
Leiht St. Pauli Möller Daehli aus Freiburg aus?
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neurogenpapers · 7 years
Biallelic mutations in the 3' exonuclease TOE1 cause pontocerebellar hypoplasia and uncover a role in snRNA processing.
PubMed: Biallelic mutations in the 3' exonuclease TOE1 cause pontocerebellar hypoplasia and uncover a role in snRNA processing. Nat Genet. 2017 Jan 16;: Authors: Lardelli RM, Schaffer AE, Eggens VR, Zaki MS, Grainger S, Sathe S, Van Nostrand EL, Schlachetzki Z, Rosti B, Akizu N, Scott E, Silhavy JL, Heckman LD, Rosti RO, Dikoglu E, Gregor A, Guemez-Gamboa A, Musaev D, Mande R, Widjaja A, Shaw TL, Markmiller S, Marin-Valencia I, Davies JH, de Meirleir L, Kayserili H, Altunoglu U, Freckmann ML, Warwick L, Chitayat D, Blaser S, Çağlayan AO, Bilguvar K, Per H, Fagerberg C, Christesen HT, Kibaek M, Aldinger KA, Manchester D, Matsumoto N, Muramatsu K, Saitsu H, Shiina M, Ogata K, Foulds N, Dobyns WB, Chi NC, Traver D, Spaccini L, Bova SM, Gabriel SB, Gunel M, Valente EM, Nassogne MC, Bennett EJ, Yeo GW, Baas F, Lykke-Andersen J, Gleeson JG Abstract Deadenylases are best known for degrading the poly(A) tail during mRNA decay. The deadenylase family has expanded throughout evolution and, in mammals, consists of 12 Mg(2+)-dependent 3'-end RNases with substrate specificity that is mostly unknown. Pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 7 (PCH7) is a unique recessive syndrome characterized by neurodegeneration and ambiguous genitalia. We studied 12 human families with PCH7, uncovering biallelic, loss-of-function mutations in TOE1, which encodes an unconventional deadenylase. toe1-morphant zebrafish displayed midbrain and hindbrain degeneration, modeling PCH-like structural defects in vivo. Surprisingly, we found that TOE1 associated with small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs) incompletely processed spliceosomal. These pre-snRNAs contained 3' genome-encoded tails often followed by post-transcriptionally added adenosines. Human cells with reduced levels of TOE1 accumulated 3'-end-extended pre-snRNAs, and the immunoisolated TOE1 complex was sufficient for 3'-end maturation of snRNAs. Our findings identify the cause of a neurodegenerative syndrome linked to snRNA maturation and uncover a key factor involved in the processing of snRNA 3' ends. PMID: 28092684 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] http://dlvr.it/N7SYNw
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