#jane boleyn gif set
fabledenigma · 1 year
In the Source Link, you will find a complete gif pack of Sophie Boettge in Blood, Sex and Royalty. Sophie played the role of Jane Boleyn.
Jane Boleyn was born as Jane Parker, she was by birth, the second cousin of King Henry VIII and became the sister-in-law of Henry's second wife Anne Boleyn when Jane married Anne's only brother George Boleyn. She was known as Viscountess Rochford or Lady Rochford, she later became a lady-in-waiting to Jane Seymour, before the same position to Anne of Cleves. She testified that Anne had confided in her that she and Henry had not consummated their marriage, which allowed Henry to annul his marriage to Anne of Cleves and marry Catherine Howard. Jane maintained her position as lady-in-waiting to the new queen. Jane was arrested along with many people and the Queen after rumours about her past surfaced. Suffering from a nervous breakdown to months of mental abuse from the interrogations, she was legally pronounced insane and unfit for trial. However, Henry manipulated the law so that the legally insane may be executed for high treason, as such, Jane along with Queen Catherine were charged with high treason and sentenced to die on February 13th 1542. Jane appeared calm and serene before the end.
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Source - FabledEnigma
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catherinesboleyn · 1 year
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The Six Wives of Henry VIII from least to most favorite (as voted by you guys)
6TH PLACE - Jane Seymour
“Any woman setting out on the course Jane Seymour would follow over the next few months would have had to be possessed of both strength and resolution, as well as driving ambition and a flexible conscience. Jane had all these, hidden beneath a demure manner that deceived many. Yet, to her credit, she aimed to use her talents and her growing power to persuade the King to return to the fold of Rome and restore the Lady Mary to her rightful place in the succession. These were matters about which she felt strongly, although she knew she could only broach them once she had firmly established herself in the King’s affections. Like Anne Boleyn before her, she had set her sights high.” - Alison Weir, The Six Wives of Henry VIII
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katharinepar · 1 year
Do we even do dream casting anymore? Is this a thing? Anyway, here’s my (ever changing) casts for this six wives ✨
Catherine of Aragon as Amy Adams, I’m not fully set on this (I’ve never really been able to pinpoint someone and go ‘that’s Catherine!’) and obviously she’s a bit older now to play her, but back in the day I think Amy would’ve done an amazing Catherine. On the flip side, I liked Natalia Rodriguez from Isabella TVE as CoA as well.
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Anne Boleyn as Eden Epstein, I’ve never seen her act but I think face-wise she could be a dead ringer for Nan (I’d want her to wear dark contacts tho)
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Emma Corrin as Jane Seymour, I think Emma could pull off the ‘outwardly mousy but psychologically traumatized’ look perfectly.
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Either Saoirse Ronan or Julia Garner as Anna of Cleves - I’m not too picky. This could either be a big brain moment or a major flop.
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Sadie Sink as Katheryn Howard, especially since she reminds me of the absolutely ✨indelible✨ Lauren McQueen who portrayed KH in the Six Wives w/Lucy Worsley.
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Charlotte Spencer as Katharine Parr, do I even need to back this one up? I think the fandom would go nuts if she were to play Katharine.
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shangyangjunzhu · 3 years
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empress sun of ming (1399 - 1462 CE)
“but sun bore a son in 1427, while hu, suffering from ill health failed to do so. in 1429, the emperor had her step down and had sun take her place. “
“before enthroning sun as empress, the xuande emperor had already broken precedent in her investiture as consort. when a consort was invested, her headdress had nine pheasants and four dragons, whereas her normal headdress was decorated with the male luan bird and a pheonix. her symbols of office were a silver ce with her name with her name and rank inscribed on it and a small seal. where the xuande emperor broke with precedent was in giving sun  a golden bao, like the empress’, thus initiating a practice that continued from his time onward.”
source: McMahon, Keith. Celestial Women: Imperial Wives and Concubines in China from Song to Qing. United States, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2016.
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awkward-sultana · 3 years
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The Tudors + Christmas gowns
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waybrights · 3 years
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we are the queens of... SIX!!
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The Tudors
I wonder if Jonathon Rhys Meyer’s jaw ever hurt from all that scenery he was chewing. Talk about over the top.
I question if it was a good idea to watch this right after the Spanish Princess. I mean, both play kind of fast-and-loose with historical record (Like Katherine performing some kind of samurai episiotomy on Bessie Blount? WHAT WAS THAT?), but overall, I found this series will just throw entire human people out the window.
Why, oh why, oh why did they decide to smush together Henry’s two awesome sisters into one shrewish wine-mom (Also, both Mary and Margaret were younger sisters, so why does.. um.. ‘Marygret’ look like she’s in her late 30s?).
Characters I loved:
William Compton. That guy just made me happy, whenever he was on screen. He was just smiling all the damn time (with the exception of when he like, had the plague and died)
THOMAS MOTHERFUCKING MORE. Way to stick to your guns and go out like a CHAMP. Who says martyrdom can’t be sexy as HELL?
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Jane Seymour. I loved her, she was just so good and pure and was kind to Henry’s daughters and respected Katherine’s memory and was just gone too, too soon.
Charlie ‘Man-Slut’ Brandon, and later Charlie ‘I-am-too-old-for-this-shit” Brandon. All hail Henry Cavill’s ability to imply a perpetual facepalm without every bringing hand to head.
Characters I hated:
Henry VIII: We all know the history, he was not a nice dude. And to be totally honest, I’m not sure I could have made it through four seasons of JRM Shatnering his way through Tudor England were it not for the supporting cast.
Katherine Howard: I know she was supposed to be 15 in real life, but Gord she was annoying.
Call me a weirdo, but I really, really wanted Princess Mary to hook up with Eustace Chapuys. Nothing graphic, I just wanted them to kiss or something. They had really great chemistry in their scenes together and I could really feel how fond the two characters were of each other.
Characters I loved to look at:
Mark smeaton, that fiddler guy. Also, Charlie Brandon. and the King of France.
Characters whose presence I questioned:
Sir Dirtstache, the guy that seem to be there only for the sake of writing music, fucking Sir William, and generally looking like that one guy from Workaholics. (Tell me I am wrong).
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Characters whom I thought were going to turn out way different than they did.
Joan Bulmer. I really thought she was going to be a schemer, a power-player, when she showed up and talked Katherine Howard into a place at court. Joan, however, wasn’t a schemer. Joan was that friend from college who asks you to get her a temp job at your new firm, then proceeds to tell your co-workers about your drunken vacation in Mexico. Well-meaning, but can’t read a room.
Stray Observations
- This show really liked to introduce characters and then just kind of kill them or disappear them (e.g. Sir Dirtstache, Eyepatch Pirate Guy, the Boulongne Bromance Duo) without a word.
- While Henry VIII was famous for all his wives, why wasn’t he more famous for his vendetta against guys named Thomas? Wosley, More, Cromwell, Culpepper...It got to the point where if a character was named Thomas, I was like “Welp, that guy is going to fuckin’ DIE.”
- Speaking of Thomas Culpepper? What was with the weirdly out-of-place rape scene? Why set the guy up as a villain in such an obvious yet out of place way, only to not actually make him a convincing villain? I mean, wasn’t him sleeping with George Bolelyn’s widow while plotting to sleep with the queen enough to say “Hey this guy is a bit of a douche?”
- Speaking of the Lady Rochford.. did she honestly think it was more plausible that her husband was sleeping with his sister than it was that he was just gay?
Unofficial Ranking of Queens from best to worst:
Jane Seymour, Katherine of Aragorn, Anne Boleyn, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Parr, and Katherine Howard.
Faces I recognized: Henry Cavill (The Witcher), Natalie Dormer (Game of Thrones), Maria Doyle Kennedy (Orphan Black, Outlander), James Frain (The White Queen, Orphan Black), Peter O’Toole, Max Von Sydow (Game of Thrones), Sam Neill (Jurassic Park), David Bradley (Game of Thrones)
Historical Drama Watch List
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awkward-sultana · 3 years
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(Almost) Every Costume Per Episode + Jane Parker’s white and silver gown in 2x07
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awkward-sultana · 3 years
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(Almost) Every Costume Per Episode + Jane Parker’s wedding gown in 2x06
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waybrights · 4 years
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"but now we're, ex-wives."
video credit- @musicalgifs
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waybrights · 4 years
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waybrights · 4 years
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for five more minutes, we're SIX!
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waybrights · 4 years
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waybrights · 4 years
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Norwegian Bliss cast for @czuritaa
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