#lady rochford gif
fabledenigma · 1 year
In the Source Link, you will find a complete gif pack of Sophie Boettge in Blood, Sex and Royalty. Sophie played the role of Jane Boleyn.
Jane Boleyn was born as Jane Parker, she was by birth, the second cousin of King Henry VIII and became the sister-in-law of Henry's second wife Anne Boleyn when Jane married Anne's only brother George Boleyn. She was known as Viscountess Rochford or Lady Rochford, she later became a lady-in-waiting to Jane Seymour, before the same position to Anne of Cleves. She testified that Anne had confided in her that she and Henry had not consummated their marriage, which allowed Henry to annul his marriage to Anne of Cleves and marry Catherine Howard. Jane maintained her position as lady-in-waiting to the new queen. Jane was arrested along with many people and the Queen after rumours about her past surfaced. Suffering from a nervous breakdown to months of mental abuse from the interrogations, she was legally pronounced insane and unfit for trial. However, Henry manipulated the law so that the legally insane may be executed for high treason, as such, Jane along with Queen Catherine were charged with high treason and sentenced to die on February 13th 1542. Jane appeared calm and serene before the end.
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Source - FabledEnigma
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tughrul · 8 months
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I charge you to investigate the matter thoroughly. Do not desist until you have reached to the bottom of the pot. In the meantime, the Queen shall be confined to her apartments, with only Lady Rochford in attendance, until her name is cleared. JONATHON RHYS MEYERS as HENRY VIII THE TUDORS — 04x05: Bottom of the Pot
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I'm Here Now
Tudor!Reader x Mary Tudor (platonic!)
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Lady Mary strode purposely through the halls of Hampton Court, her ladies in waiting trailing behind her. Courtiers quickly moved out of her way, seeing that the former princess was clearly on a mission. Mary was not sure what she was going to do, but she knew she had to do something. She had just heard from Lady Rochford that the child Queen Catherine Howard had punished you in some way (Lady Rochford was not able to say how) for not treating her with sufficient respect… just like she had with Mary. She immediately knew this accusation had to be false. You had always treated every new queen after your mother Catherine of Aragon kindly, even when Mary disapproved. Of course, once or twice you had complained about some of the new queens privately to Mary, Catherine Howard most of all. It seemed as if the Queen had targeted you as almost additional punishment to Mary for you to suffer in this way.
As she approached your chambers, Mary couldn’t help but slow down as she began to hear your loud and piercing sobs. She stopped just outside your door, raising her eyes up to the heavens to say a prayer. Your maids wordlessly let her in, before quickly announcing her entrance. You did not notice though, you were curled up on your bed, half buried in your blankets. Two of your maids stood either side of your bed trying to soothe you to no avail.
“If you please, Lady Mary.” One of your maids left your side to curtsy to the former princess. “We’ve done all we can think of… We fear Lady Y/N has distressed herself to the point of illness.” Mary looked over at you, watching your shuddering cries as you shook violently underneath the covers. “I don’t know if I can be of any help… but I will try.” She shook her head sadly at seeing you, her own sister, in such a state. She wondered how different both your lives would have been if your mother had still been queen.
The maids began to move away to give the pair of you some space. Mary began to walk towards you, but suddenly stopped. “Wait, Mistress Ashley.” “Yes, Lady Mary?” “If you truly believe Y/N to be unwell, perhaps the doctor should be sent for. Tell him all that happened.” “But your grace!” “If his Majesty finds out what the Queen has done to his daughter…” Mary did not need to finish the sentence. All the maids knew too well the King’s violent temper, and you had been fortunate enough to mostly stay in the King’s good graces throughout the years. He would not be happy at all to see you treated in this way but his wife.
Mistress Ashley rushed out of the room to fetch the doctor, and Mary continued to rush to your side and sit down beside you on the bed. Finally, you acknowledged her presence as you looked up into her eyes. Mary’s heart broke to see the pain in your own eyes, and the tears rolling rapidly down your cheeks. Cautiously, she pulled you into a hug. You made no effort to resist, instead clinging onto your sister like your life depended on it. “Shhh, it’s okay. It’s okay. I’m here now.” Mary tried to soothe you, but you only cried louder. The pair of you remained thus for almost an hour, Mary offering soothing whispers as she let you cry it all out, until eventually you began to quieten down.
Mary pulled back away, though held onto your arms to keep some contact. She gently wiped away your tears before looking you straight in your eyes with a serious expression. “Now, can you tell me exactly what happened?” You sniffed, gulping nervously as you were almost afraid to tell your older sister. It was difficult to tell how she would react, and you didn’t want her to overreact to the situation. Some naive part of you hoped that you and the new queen could be friends, a family even.
“I’m afraid I don’t really understand it myself.” You began, wiping your eyes. “The queen asked me to attend her in her chambers, so of course I went as soon as I could. I greeted her with the pleasantries I always do. She seemed pleased to see me, and I asked what I could do for her. At first, we just talked about things that were happening in the court while we had some cakes together… and then… then…” You trailed off as your voice grew tight and your chin wobbled, tears threatening to flow once more.
“It’s alright, Y/N. And then?” Mary urged you on, her hand softly rubbing your shoulder in comfort. “She asked me about you.” You forced the words out, a fresh shudder rippling through you. “What do you mean?” Mary asked, a hint of urgency and alarm slipping through. “The queen asked about your behaviour towards her, and I… I didn’t know what to say. She then told me to publicly condemn your actions, to show my loyalty to her and…” You cut yourself off breaking down into tears again. As much as you wanted to be loyal to your stepmother, no one would be as more important than Mary, not even your father. You could never betray your sister, even if it meant being imprisoned.
“And, you refused.” Mary finished off for you. “What did she say to you?” Your sister asked, eager to get the full story. “She said that I only sided with you because I was also illegitimate and that our mother’s blood had corrupted us, and that our mother was a…” You could not continue, falling into Mary once more in hysterics. Mary rubbed your back comfortingly, knowing it was best to just let you cry it out. While you could not see her face though, she allowed it to show how angry and disgusted at Catherine Howard she was. She could not wait for the king to find out. It would be all the punishment that the child queen deserved.
"I miss Lady Anne!" You wailed, burying your face into your sister's shoulder, "I wish she'd come back to court." Even Mary had to admit that Anne had been a much better match for the King. She wished that she had treated the former Queen more kindly, even if she was not of their faith. "I know… I know." Mary offered soothingly, not knowing what else to say to you. "The Queen will not get away with this. I promise you."
Lady Mary looked up as she heard the doors to your chambers being opened, smiling smugly to herself as she saw the court's physician being ushered in. She disentangled herself from you to approach the doctor, and you flopped back down into your pillows as she did so. They exchanged a few words, what they said you knew not. You had returned to crying to yourself into your pillows. As much as it hurt Mary to see you in this state, she couldn't help but think this was all so perfect. You were playing your part in the downfall of the Queen so wonderfully without even knowing it, being Mary's pawn in her game so perfectly. Mary stepped back to watch the physician deal with you from a distance, a cunning and satisfied smile playing on everyone's lips in the room. The King would soon know, and then the real fun would begin.
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catherinesboleyn · 2 years
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Tudor Week 2022 day 4/7: Favorite Tudor related relic
Katherine Howard’s letter to Thomas Culpeper, c.1541
“Master Culpeper,
I heartily recommend me unto you, praying you to send me word how that you do. It was showed me that you was sick, the which thing troubled me very much till such time that I hear from you praying you to send me word how that you do, for I never longed so much for a thing as I do to see you and to speak with you, the which I trust shall be shortly now. That which doth comfortly me very much when I think of it, and when I think again that you shall depart from me again it makes my heart die to think what fortune I have that I cannot be always in your company. It my trust is always in you that you will be as you have promised me, and in that hope I trust upon still, praying you that you will come when my Lady Rochford is here for then I shall be best at leisure to be at your commandment, thanking you for that you have promised me to be so good unto that poor fellow my man which is one of the griefs that I do feel to depart from him for then I do know no one that I dare trust to send to you, and therefore I pray you take him to be with you that I may sometime hear from you one thing. I pray you to give me a horse for my man for I had much ado to get one and therefore I pray send me one by him and in so doing I am as I said afor, and thus I take my leave of you, trusting to see you shortly again and I would you was with me now that you might see what pain I take in writing to you.
Yours as long as life endures,
One thing I had forgotten and that is to instruct my man to tarry here with me still for he says whatsomever you bid him he will do it.”
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fabledenigmaeragif · 4 months
Sophie Boettge
In the Source Link, you will find a complete gif pack of Sophie Boettge in Blood, Sex and Royalty. Sophie played the role of Jane Boleyn.
Jane Boleyn was born as Jane Parker, she was by birth, the second cousin of King Henry VIII and became the sister-in-law of Henry’s second wife Anne Boleyn when Jane married Anne’s only brother George Boleyn. She was known as Viscountess Rochford or Lady Rochford, she later became a lady-in-waiting to Jane Seymour, before the same position to Anne of Cleves. She testified that Anne had confided in her that she and Henry had not consummated their marriage, which allowed Henry to annul his marriage to Anne of Cleves and marry Catherine Howard. Jane maintained her position as lady-in-waiting to the new queen. Jane was arrested along with many people and the Queen after rumours about her past surfaced. Suffering from a nervous breakdown to months of mental abuse from the interrogations, she was legally pronounced insane and unfit for trial. However, Henry manipulated the law so that the legally insane may be executed for high treason, as such, Jane along with Queen Catherine were charged with high treason and sentenced to die on February 13th 1542. Jane appeared calm and serene before the end.
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Source - FabledEnigma
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boleynsrex · 1 year
@thunyielding / 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓. the king's private apartments, following the events of the ‘play in the park.’ 
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        The blaze of the hearth licked at his cold flesh, each misshapen amber freckle bestrewn across his skin set aflame, a grand and tarnished gold.  The familiar, pungent aroma of smoldering wood flared within his nostrils as a knock pounded on the oak doors leading into the King’s private apartments.  He lifted his head, still sopping with rainwater, and debated feigning sleep.  Few would dare to request an audience with His Majesty in his sanctuary – restricted, as it were, from the rest of the court – and Wills would hazard a guess that his mother had long concluded her feverish prayers and gone to bed.  That left cousin Rochford, or his sister.   Without observing usual ceremony, the King barks a flippant command to enter, and in a flash, a whirl of red-gold hair and shimmering brocade cascades into his room.  Her long Tudor nose and striking black eyes, unmistakably the hallmark of royal blood.  Elizabeth.
‘No.’  Wills’ lips mould into a thin, disapproving hyphen.  He makes to stand, snuffing out one of the candles flickering by his bed.  The pad of his thumb dances against the hot rim of the sconce, burning ever-so-slightly through a callous.  ‘It’s been a long night.  Whatever you need – a greater dower,  or more ladies to attend upon you – it can wait until the morrow.’   He cocks his head in his sister’s direction, a smirk toying on the edges of his lips as his chest heaved with anticipation.  ‘Unless you’ve come to offer me some observation from the night?’
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sweetbitterbitten · 2 months
beelzebub/petronella brandt (since nella is the owner and operator of a sugar conglomerate in the dutch providences, interacting with gluttony is - a daily business transaction i imagine), also - kitty howard?
mammon/irene adler (conwoman/thief is nothing BUT greed. and not just for money, or jewels, or infamy. but freedom as well)
lucifer and or asmodeus/anne boleyn and or caterina sforza (pride and lust, though anne is all other manner of things - honestly she could just be a three ring circus of every sin except sloth - these just make sense i think. and caterina literally has so much pride she put the pope to shame and both his sons, soooooo)
leviathan/jane parker aka lady rochford and or angelique bouchard (one is a literal magpie -not actually a bird but attracted to shiny things and or tainting them- and the other did the utmost just cause she was jealous her lover chose someone else, cursing him for all eternity)
belphegor/helena campbell and or constance blackwood (helena daydreams her life away and wants to run away from her circus family to have a normal life/i play her as under the dark mothers sway and is basically just sleep walking through her nightmare existence - and constance....is also delusional, ever smiling, pretending, and overlooking actual murder in her vicinity)
abaddon/olypmias and or joanna of castille (mother of alexander the great "in my womb i gained my vengeance!" and sister of catherine of aragorn, entitled "the mad")
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lan-wangjis-autism · 3 years
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magnificent-sultana · 4 years
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Servants, attendants, and ladies in waiting- Kalbimin Sultani, Moon Embracing the Sun, Muhtesem Yuzyil: Kosem, Muhtesem Yuzyil and The Tudors
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marriageandthecrown · 4 years
It still pisses me tf off how even NOW no one can portray Anne Boleyn and Jane Boleyn as friends; and that Jane Boleyn is still being portrayed as the woman who betrayed her husband and sister-in-law, ultimately being responsible for their deaths.
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fabledenigma · 2 years
In the Source Link, you will find a complete gif pack of Jhon Lumsden in Blood, Sex and Royalty. Jhon plays the role of George Boleyn, Viscount Rochford, the brother of Anne and Mary Boleyn.
George Boleyn was married to Lady Jane Boleyn, Viscountess Rochford, also known as Lady Rochford. George was said to have as many as his sister Anne's talents and all of her pride. He was executed along with many other men, after being found guilty of an incestuous affair with his sister Anne and plotting to kill the King. His original sentence was that he was to be hanged, drowned and quartered, which was later changed to beheading. He gave a long passionate speech before being beheaded on Tower Hill, on the 17th May 1536.
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Source - FabledEnigma
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penneferofvenerburg · 2 years
Charles Brandon: Charles taking care of you when your unwell part one
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@hertzwritings @littlefreya @henrycavillfan @thorinoakenshieldfan @thewhiteoneofrivia @marytudorbrandon
Lady Isabelle Harrington was the newest remember at Court and for some reason everyone liked her she was beautiful,witty wise and charming, lest this morning she did not show for breakfast. The Duke of Suffolk was concerned about her inwardly.
" your majesties"! He bowed to King Henry and Queen Anne whom he disliked and loathed with his fine being. The Duke was not man that displayed anger but with all his brash qualities he desired to have his love there this morning.
" Charles! Come sit here, tell me how is your lady isabelle"? Asked the King. To which Charles repiled " I do not know your majesty I have not seen her in days perhaps I should visit her see if she is well"! Charles smiled.
" Yes good idea Charles .... charles I'll send my personal physician along with you"! Henry smiled.
Lady Isabelle was not well, she was pale and collapsed to the floor in her nightgown her hair demolished and unkept.
Charles knocked there was no answer.
" Gaurds get this open now man"! The Duke ordered.
" Yes Your Grace"! They answred darkly and opened the door for the Duke to enter.
" Fetch the physician quickly"! The Duke ordered.
Lady Isabelle was lying on the floor the Duke bent to pick up in his arms and carry her his helpless darling sweetheart to bed.
Placing on the bed he stood there awaiting the physical examination to be over by the Kings physician.
" what is it? What's wrong with her"? Charles asked the physician.
" Forgive me your Grace! But it appears the young lady has been badly and viciously assaulted"! The physician quickly told him.
The lady Isabelle woke to find men in her bedchamber.
" W....what's going on? Why are you here"? Lady Isabelle asked.
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" Oh My.... Lady Isabelle I found you lying on the floor the physician has just told me that you were viciously attacked and hurt"! Suddenly lady Isabelle screamed in agony as she tried to sit up.
" my Lady do not move I beg you"! Charles repiled.
" There were two men in my bedchamber last night they were both tall ish with dark hair I think the one George Boleyn the Queen's brother was behind it"! Isabelle told them.
" guards"! The Duke ordered.
" Yes your Grace have the King fetched here immediately understand on no account is the Queen to see Lady Isabelle I forbid it"! The duke ordered.
" Yes your Grace"! The two guards turned out of the door to go the King.
Anne's father Lord Rochford sat at the table with the King and his new Queen.
" Your Majesty! The Duke of Suffolk requests that you attend the lady Isabelle's chambers urgently"! The guard told the King.
" Indeed! Is the Duke of Suffolk with her now"? Henry asked him.
" Yes your majesty he is"! Answered the guard.
Henry raced toward the lady Isabelle's chambers to find the bedchamber littered with men.
" What are you all doing in here"? The King asked.
Charles's hand flew to the lady Isabelle's he sat beside her upon the bed, " there my love its alright I'm here"! Charles soothed her. She was so much in shock she could barely speak.
" Charles? What's happening? Asked Henry.
" The physician says that Isabelle has been viciously assaulted by two men under the orders of..... The Queens brother George boleyn "! The King looked at Isabelle back at Charles.
" She was raped wasn't she"? Henry asked.
" yes Your majesty she was ... s...she thinks one of them was George boleyn"! Charles told the King.
George boleyn? Isabelle thinks one of them was george boleyn"? The King asked.
Isabelle was frightened shaking and desperate for affection. The Duke begged your majesties leave.
" Arrest George boleyn"! The King shouted.
The Queen looked on in horror at her brother George " I'm innocent your majesty I did not harm Lady Harrington"!
Charles shot his head toward george boleyn " Remove him from sight Charles turned back toward the King " your majesty may I go to back to her"?
" Yes Charles you may! Stay with with her ....comfort her"! Henry encouraged him.
The Queen Anne couldn't believe it, " my brother is no rapist he never touched that ...... that strumpt"! Barked Anne.
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When The Duke returned to Isabelle's chambers Edward was still there, " Your Grace! I shall leave you with her now ...... I bid you take care of her great care of her"! The Duke nodded silently.
Isabelle heard voices she turned her head " C....charles"! He saw her sweating he grabbed a cloth and dunked into the water wrung it out then wiped across her forehead. " Shhh! Sweet darling.... I'm here your Charles is here"! He gently repeated the action again.
Isabelle repeated his name Charles took her hand and took it to his lips tenderly rubbed it with his thumb.
" Isabelle! Hush rest .... you need it"! Charles persisted
Isabelle was pale and withdrawn she had been for sometime she loved Queen Jane dearly, of course she did, the Queen noticed how attentive Charles was towards her and suspected some attachment on his side, Isabelle wished to keep her virginity until she could have an honourable marriage.
Charles continued his day but returning to his beloved Isabelle in the evenings George boleyn Lord Rochford had imprisoned in the Tower for treason and rape. The King wouldn't stand for anyone who threatened to harm his cousin Lady Harrington.
Secretary Cromwell had just returned from the Tower when he was called into his majesties private chambers Charles went along just to hear what Lord Rochford George boleyn had to say upon the matter, Cromwell reported that " Lord Rochford George boleyn reportedly said he was innocent but we found him not so"! Anne stormed into the Chambers, " I've told you! That whore has got it wrong my brother is no criminal"! She barked. " Is that all he said .... that he was innocent of hurting hurting her to the point of bleeding heavily. Cromwell nodded " Yes Your Grace"!
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Charles returned to Isabella thr minute after he found what George boleyn had to say upon the matter, it didn't matter anyway Henry was going punish him severely .... he was to be executed.
Isabelle lay back against the pillows tired, scared of everyone who entered the chamber, she jumped at the thought of a man entering.
" Be Calm my Lady! It's just his Grace The Duke of Suffolk"! The physician told her smiling. Thankfully it was not much worse had he gone any farther in this case then she would become with child. His wife Lady Rochford had visited Isabelle and told her that she was glad that her husband was getting what he deserved.
Charles took the chair taking her hand the physician left to afford the Duke some privacy with his love.
" Darling! It's me... Charles I'm back don't worry"! He soothed gently stroking her hair with his hand looking into her eyes, " thank god he did not go any farther I swear the King will have tortured if it turns out be so ... to protect you"! Charles told her gently guiding his finger down her nose then pressing his head against hers.
" When your better .... you're coming to live with me in Suffolk I will not have you harmed again Isabelle"! Charles told her gently inwardly seething at the Boleyn's. " I cannot! What about your wife Catherine? She'll be angry"! Isabelle tried to argue but was still too weak too. Charles propped her pillows, sat with her, read to her, cuddled her when she needed cuddling if Charles could bring back to health then he would ... aiding her recovery.
Over the next few days Isabelle was getting stronger Charles stayed with her in an adjacent apartment so that he could tend her . Isabelle was so scared that the Lady Anne the Queen though she knew now that she could not acknowledge her as her queen as she did the Princess Dowager.
Anne was still seething at the news, " YOU CANNOT LET THAT WHORE SOREAD HER LIES I KNOW GEORGE HES NO CRIMINAL"! Anne roared at the King.
The King was furious that Anne the Queen of England called his cousin " a whore". " STOP THIS! STOP THIS NOW ANNE MY COUSIN IS NO WHORE SHE IS A RESPONSIBLE AND RESPECTED YOUNG WOMAN .... GET OUT OTHERWISE YOU'LL BE YOUR PRECIOUS BROTHER IN THE TOWER"! Henry raged at his wife whom he had professed to love once but now he wasn't sure he knew he should've listened to Charles about the Queens life before became Queen.
Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolk was more thankful to God that God had not gone any farther than what it had already.
The Queen was sent back to her apartment where unbeknown to his majesty the Queen had been entertained by men within her privy chambers her ladies in waiting noticed it but thought nothing of it at the time.
Lady Isabelle was feeling as if she'd been cooped up enough by his majesty The King or his orders to keep her safe, she looks at Charles whose asleep beside the bed in the chair Isabelle knew that he hadn't slept in wanting to keep an eye on her. She moved out of the bed and padded to the open seat looking out of the window it was brightly sunny this morning and she sighed gently. Hearing the sigh Charles woke to find Isabelle mot in the bed but in the window seat still in her nightgown her hair deshelved and unruly, it was no matter to him smiling slightly he got up from the chair and walked over to the window seat where Isabelle was sitting " Isabelle my love! Is everything well"? Asked Charles tentively placing a warm hand on her cheek, Isabelle smiled and replys " yes I'm quite well I.... I was just wishing I could take a walk outside the Court though his majesty still sees fit to keep protected"! For Isabelle this was mundane and exiling she had become quite friends with the Lady Mary and she had written to her a few times Lady Mary hated Anne Bolyen and wanted her gone she also loathed the way that her father had treated her mother the princess Dowager Katherine. " My angel! The King wishes above all for you to be safe until George boleyn is completely gone from his world of course once hes gone I will speak with the King to have you loved to Suffolk .... with me"! Charles tells her.
" Just a few days more my sweetheart..... I promise you all ne well again"! Charles told her taking her hand in his. Isabelle looked at him " my father! Would be appalled at this"! Charles gave her a slight smile. " yes I daresay he would be"! Charles smiled.
Just then there was a knock on Isabelle's chamber door she jumped Charles kept her hand in his " My lady! .... The privy seal ua here Sir Thomas Cromwell"! Announced the guard.
Isabelle knew that Charles disliked Cromwell but for the sake of her he would civilly receive him.
" My lord! What is it"? Asks Charles.
" I have come with good news George boleyn is to be executed tomorrow without trail"! Cromwell announced.
Isabelle kept back a sob Cromwell turned and went to leave.
The door shut behind him and all Isabelle did was breakdown.
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With Charles as her protector Issy (Isabelle) was safe now there was no way that Charles was going to let the Queen get to her now. " charles! What am I to do"? Issy asked innocently, " I'll tell you this I'll go and speak with the King about moving you sooner the Court isn't safe for you anymore not while that whore is still here"! Isabelle got ready to tell charles for naming the Queen a whore"! However she knew she couldn't be cause he was right and he'd been right about her all along Mark Smeaton the musician at Court had been tortured and executed and now it was George Boleyn's turn his wife Lady Rochford had visited Issy when Charles was in council with the King.
Sir Edward Seymour returned a day after to check on his good friend and his sisters loyal companion. " my lady! How are you"? Edward greeted cheerfully and cordially. " Wheres his Grace"? Edward asked. " Oh Edward you must not worry about me"! Isabelle told him smiling as she gently stood to greet him. " I am tour friend Isabelle and Jane's brother she'd hate it if she found out I was not doing my duty"! Edward replys with gracious smile.
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" I'm sure once the traitor has gone we will see you once again enjoying Court life"! Edward smiled gallantly taking her hand to kiss. " I daresay ... how is The lovely duchess of Somerset"? Isabelle asked. " She is well I I Thankyou Isabelle now if you'll excuse i have some business to attend to for his majesty ..... i hope that I may call on you again sometime soon"! Edward smiled replying again taking her hand to kiss turning then leaving the room.
Shortly afterwards Charles returned " Isabelle my love! Charles starts, Isabelle turns as she smiles up at the Duke. " Yes your Grace what is it? Isabelle smiled as she neared him, " His majesty has given his consent for you to leave with me today to go Suffolk place"! Isabelle's fell to one of strain and concern " b...but what od your wife Catherine will she not pushed out"? Isabelle asked worriedly.
" My love! Look at me! I and Catherine are estranged she no longer loves me as you do"! Charles smiled kissing cheek then tentively stroking it with his thumb.
For Isabelle was this the start of something bigger then a simple love affair? Cliff hanger..........
The End
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catherinesboleyn · 2 years
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February 13th, 1542
“A few women from her suite stood by to perform their last service for Catherine, who sank to the straw and nuzzled her neck, bare and exposed, into the embrace of the block. She had made it familiar. She would leave with dignity. The feared final humiliation was avoided as the axe rose into the air, then descended at rapid speed to slice through Catherine’s neck with one clean and merciful stroke. Blood gushed forth onto the scaffold; the dead woman’s head thudded into the straw; the ladies moved forward with a cloak that they threw over the little body and then they lifted it, and the head, over to one side of the scaffold. Jane Boleyn, Lady Rochford, was brought out to follow her mistress. She sang from the same hymn sheet – she was a wretched sinner, as all Christians were, she begged for mercy from God and prayers from the bystanders, she praised the king – and knelt down. For her too the end was swift. A whistle in the air, a momentary trauma, and the play was over.
No one recorded Jane’s final speech either, but Ottwell Johnson wrote: ‘I saw the Queen and the Lady Rochford suffer within the Tower, the day following, whose souls (I doubt not) be with God, for they made the most godly and Christians’ ends, that ever was heard tell of (I think) since the world’s creation; uttering their lively faith in the blood of Christ only, and with goodly words and steadfast countenances.” - Young and Damned and Fair by Gareth Russell
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fabledenigmaeragif · 4 months
Jhon Lumsden
In the Source Link, you will find a complete gif pack of Jhon Lumsden in Blood, Sex and Royalty. Jhon plays the role of George Boleyn, Viscount Rochford, the brother of Anne and Mary Boleyn.
George Boleyn was married to Lady Jane Boleyn, Viscountess Rochford, also known as Lady Rochford. George was said to have as many as his sister Anne's talents and all of her pride. He was executed along with many other men, after being found guilty of an incestuous affair with his sister Anne and plotting to kill the King. His original sentence was that he was to be hanged, drowned and quartered, which was later changed to beheading. He gave a long passionate speech before being beheaded on Tower Hill, on the 17th May 1536.
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Source - FabledEnigma
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lochiels · 3 years
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13 February 1541 ✧ Katheryn Howard is executed at nine o’clock in the morning, within the Tower of London.
An eyewitness stated: “I see the Queen and the Lady Rochford suffer within the Tower. Whose souls be with God, for they made the most godly and Christian end… [Katheryn] uttered [her] lively faith in the blood of Christ only… [she] desired all Christian people to take regard unto [her] worthy and just punishment.” After the ‘customary words of edification and confession’ were spoken, Katheryn knelt at the block—which she had practiced on the night before—and was quickly beheaded.
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kathrynhoward · 4 years
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my lady, you are confined to your apartments, with only lady rochford to attend you- for as long as it please the king.
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