444namesplus · 2 months
Some various names encoded with Al-Bhed from Final Fantasy.
Accea Acdamma Acdran Adram Aedrha Aekhaylrýyh Aekhylr Aemaah Aemrynt Aeméec Aeméeh Aenaysrúuh Aenaysrýyh Aenhéeh Aeprméeh Aesan Aesayn Aesrayn Afymt Aggarynt Ahnexia Ahwu Aihela Aikaha Aimy Ajamoh Ajanadd Ajy Amahy Amayhun Amcea Amcy Amecy Amewypadr Amga Amjeny Ammah Ammy Amsan Amsyn Amueca Amvneata Amyeha Aneg Anegy Aneh Anel Anely Anhacd Anhacdeha Anrynt Ansy Apuho Asem Asemea Asemo Assanelr Assy Assyhiam Assyhiamma Atedr Atfeh Atfehy Atfynt Athy Atiyntu Atkyn Atsiht Attea Aueh Aukryehéeh Aukryh Aulryetr Aychytr Aylrdrekraynh Aylrtruhh Aylryetr Aylryhh Aynhyed Aynhýyh Aynlýyh Aynm Aysuh Aúueh Badan Baek Baeke Baekéeh Bahho Bakko Banno Batnu Baynm Baytyn Beanna Beannadda Bemep Bneclemmy Bnuehceyc Bremeb Bremebb Bremebba Bremebby Bremmeb Brommec Byclym Byclyma Byd Bydco Bydde Byddo Bydnela Bydneley Bydnelg Byim Byimadda Byimeha Byimy Bys Bysamy Búuem Búum Býytnyek Cadr Cahýyh Cajaneh Camsy Canka Cankeu Capycdeyh Caucysr Cauenca Caydryh Cayh Caylrhycylr Caýyh Caýynmyc Cdabrah Cdabryhea Cdaja Cdajah Cdammy Cdavyhey Cdyhmao Cdylao Cdylo Cdáabryha Cdáabryhea Cdéeuvýyh Ceakvneat Ceháayt Cekecsiht Ceksiht Cemjey Cesuh Cesuha Cethao Ceuprýyh Ceuty Ceykrym Ceytrym Cia Cicea Cicyh Cicyhha Cieprha Ciwyhha Cjah Cjahzy Cludd Cmýyeha Comjacdan Comjea Comjey Comjyeh Craemy Cramey Crammao Crammo Crane Cranne Cranno Cranom Crenmao Cryfh Cryfhy Cryha Cryhhuh Cryne Crynuh Cubrea Cubrey Cuhey Cuhoy Cuhzy Cumyhka Cunlry Cyaj Cyanprnaydrylr Cyhtan Cyhtneha Cyhtny Cyhto Cymjytun Cymmo Cyny Cynyr Cypeha Cypnehy Cys Cysiam Cysyhdry Cytea Cytrpr Cyuenca Cyunmy Cyunmyedr Cyunvrmyedr Cáajaneha Cáapycdeah Cáayh Cáaysic Cáaysyc Cáaythy Cáayuheh Cáayvny Céedrsyedr Céema Céeusúuh Danacy Dane Dannahla Danne Danno Dannyhla Dat Deanhyh Dehy
Dekranhylr Dekraynhýyh Des Desu Desudro Deupúuet Devvyho Deynhylr Deynhýyh Diydrvmyedr Diydrym Dnaypryen Dneley Dnuo Dnyjec Dnylao Dnyle Dnylo Doman Donuha Dramsy Dranacy Drautuna Dreanno Drusyc Dráanàaca Dráau Duenmaylr Duentraymprylr Duhe Duho Duhoy Dunhy Dupeyc Dus Dusso Dusýyc Dutt Dycry Dyelrmaylr Dyhoy Dyny Dypedry Dyse Dysso Dysyny Dytrk Dáautúuen Ecy Ecypam Ecypamma Ecypammy Ecyyl Ehaw Ehknet Ehku Ehàac Ejyh Emuhy Enaha Enec Eneym Ensy Enàaha Esamty Ety Eutrhyed Eyh Eynmyedr Eynvrmyedr Eíitýyc Eúucabr Eúucyv Facmao Fahto Fahwam Fanhan Fanhran Feapga Fehevnat Fehvneat Femdnit Femmea Femmeys Femmynt Femrams Femramsehy Femsy Fredhao Fumv Fumvkyhk Fyhty Fymdan Fymmyla Fynnah Fyoha Fyta Gaedr Gah Gahd Gahhadr Gahtny Gajeh Gammao Gamme Gammea Gammo Gancdeh Ganno Geng Ges Gespanmo Gind Gmyic Gmyic-badan Gnecdah Gnecde Gnecdea Gnecdeh Gnecdeha Gnecdehy Gnecdo Gnecdy Gnocdym Goma Guhnyt Gyda Gydea Gydneh Gydnehy Gydoy Gydraneha Gydrmaah Gydrnoh Gydro Gydzy Gynah Gyncdah Gyne Gyneh Gyneha Gynm Gynmraehw Gynmy Gyny Gyo Gyomy Haddea Haem Hamcuh Hammea Haycýyh Haylrdyh Hegumy Hehy Hejymtu Helruma Helrumyc Heluma Helumyc Helumyic Heulmýyc Heymm Heymmýyh Heysr Hiymy Hunsy Hunsyh Huny Huáasea Hydryh Hydryheam Hydrymea Hydycry Hydymea
Hyhha Hyhlo Hyteha Hytey Hyuc Hyuse Hyusrýyh Húuenéeh Húuny Ida Iddu Iehcayhh Iemmeys Ifa Imdýyh Imnega Imnelr Incimy Itu Iycym Iyedrha Iyedáayn Iymkrynk Iymmylr Jamsy Janhuh Janhy Januhely Jany Jehlahd Jejeyh Jeldun Jelduney Jelge Jelgea Jelgo Jenkehea Jenkehey Jenkem Jeumad Jeumy Jummnydr Jyhaccy Jymahdeh Jymanea Jymdan Jymáanea Jáanuhexia Kaemáaec Kaha Kahajeaja Kahajeàaja Kahajy Kand Kandnita Kanhud Kanryntd Kansyeha Kansyn Kant Kanymt Kanymteha Kanynt Kaprynt Kaunk Kaunka Kaunkac Kaunkadda Kaunkey Kaynúuet Kecamran Kecamy Kecàama Kehadda Kehkan Kehy Kemmac Kempand Kfah Kfahtumoh Kiemmyisa Kietu Kihdran Kio Kiytymiba Kmah Kmahh Kmahty Kmuney Kmyecha Kmytoc Knada Knadam Knadlrah Knady Knak Knakuno Knaykuen Knyhoy Knyla Knáakuno Knáaykúuen Knýyehha Krecmyeha Kuddclrymg Kuddmeap Kuddvneat Kunsmyedr Kunsvrmyedr Kuntuh Kuphyed Kyem Kyno Kynprýyh Kyoma Kypneam Kypneama Kyáadyh Kyäamma Káanynt Kïihdran Küudw Lalamey Lalem Lalemey Lamey Laymmylr Laymmylrýyh Laynprymm Lehháaetekr Lehháaetetr Lehto Lemmeyh Leudrniytr Leuhyutr Leyh Leyhhyed Leyhýyh Leyny Leynýyh Leysrhyed Liemaýyh Lieséeh Lindec Liyh Lmehduh Lmeutrhy Lmevduh Lmevvunt Lmota Lmutykr Lmyena Lmyita Lmyiteha Lmyitey Lmynahla Lmyny Lmyoduh Lmáasahd Lmáasahla Lméeuhy Lnecdehy Lneusdryhh Lnocdym Lnyek Lnéeucdúuen Lnúuhýyh Lnúulrýyh Lohdrey Lonem Lracdan Lramcay Lranom Lrmuáa Lrnec Lrnecdam Lrnecdamma Lrnecdea Lrnecdeha Lrnecdehy Lrnecdeyh Lrnecdeyha Lrnecdo Lrnecdubra Lrnecdubran Lrnecduv Lrnecdy Lryhdym Lrynmac Lrynmaha Lrynmea Lrynmudda Lryt Luchysrylr Luehhaylr Luemayh Luemaýyh Lueméeh Luenaymm Luhcdyhla Luhh Luhhea Luhhmy Luhhmyutr Luhkrymylr Luhlripryn Luhlrupryn Luhlríin Luhsryl Luhyena Luhymm Luhýyh Luindhao Lumadda Lumduh Lumis Lummaah Lummy Lumpo Lums Lumsýyh Lunao Lunehha Lunehy Luno Lunsyl Luny Lunymea Luprmyedr Luprvrmyedr Lusrkryh Lusrkrymm Lusýyh Luto Lycao Lyccyhtny Lydnyueha Lydraneha Lydro Lydrprynn Lydrym Lydryuen Lyedméeh Lyednéeh Lyednéeuhy Lyehhaylr Lyemayh Lyenpna Lyhela Lyhtela Lyhtyla Lylrd Lymjeh Lymprylr
Lynm Lynmuc Lynmy Lynnea Lynnyek Lynsah Lynum Lynuma Lynumeha Lynumehy Lynumoh Lysemma Lyuemvreuhh Lyuesra Lyuesrkréeh Lyuesréeh Lyumýyh Lyusrýyh Láalema Láameha Láatnel Líilruhhylrd Líisraytry Líisryekra Lýyndrylr Maa Macdan Macmea Madeley Maekr Mafec Mahy Majeh Mamy Manuo Mau Mauh Mauhy Mauhynt Mayr Meacm Mecpadr Mecy Mehtcao Mehtcyo Mehty Mehy Memeyha Memmea Memmeyh Memy Meuham Meyhy Meys Midw Miec Migyc Mikryetr Mil Milea Mileah Mileahha Milemma Miley Milo Milyc Mimy Miprnýyc Mitfek Mitujel Miw Mmuot Mohadda Mohh Mohha Mohty Motea Motey Mudryn Muec Muhhea Muhýyh Muiammy Muiec Muieca Mulrmyehh Mulrmyhh Mumy Munaddy Munaha Munahdw Munahy Mune Munlýyh Munnyeha Muny Musýyh Muëel Myadedey Mycyeneyh Mycyenvréeuhy Myduoy Myfnahla Myhh Myhla Myhy Myina Myinah Myinahd Myinahla Myinea Myiny Myjanha Mylrdhy Mync Mynno Myprnýyc Mytecmyic Myuecaylr Myuekrcaylr Máay Mïidumt Naehrumt Naehrynt Naha Nahaa Naháa Naháaa Nakehy Nakehymt Napally Necdaýynt Necdáaynt Nedy Nelg Nelgo Nelrahwy Nelrynt Nelyntu Neyeh Niccamm Nid Nidr Niepreméeh Nipah Nipo Nitumbr Niyene Niyenée Niyetrne Niyne Niynetr Niynée Niytrýyh Noyh Nruhty Nuc Nuca Nucasynea Nucasyno Nucc Nucea Nucehy Nucy Nucymea Nuepaynt Nuepaýynt Nuepreméeh Nuepáaynt Nuh Nuhhea Nuhymt Nukan Nulramma Numv Numyht Nuo Nupand Nupandu Nupandy Nupeh Nupoh Nuqyhha Nusyeh Nusyh Nuthao Nybryäam Nydrhyed Nyehan Nyepreméeh Nyhto Nyhtymm Nyim Nykrhyemd Nylram Nylryam Nymbr Nyo Nyosuht Nyosuhta Nysuh Nysuhy Nyvyam Nyxiam Náakec Náakeha Náase Náaso Náaysuhh Náaysyhh Néeuhy Néeuhylr Néeukrhylr Núuc Núuec Núuecéeh Núuhýyh Nýyelráaym Ojac Ojadda Ojaddayppýyh Ojuhha Oumyhty Oyhh Oyhhelg Paccea Padco Paddo Padr Padryho Paeheteld Pah Pahategd Pahuêed Pahzyseh Paimyr Pajanmo Palgo Pamehty Pandnyht Pandnys Pandry Panhela Panht Panhynt Panhytadda Payd Paydnela Paydy Paylýyh Paynhýynt Paynlrýyh Paynylr Pemm Pemmea Pemmo Peyhgy Piytrhyed
Piytrylr Pmehha Pmyhlra Pmyhly Pmýydr Pmýydrhyet Pnadd Pnahd Pnahty Pnaycym Pnayhhtýyh Pnayhtýyh Pneddyho Pnekedda Pnekret Pnekrtéeh Pnetkad Pneyh Pnihu Pnila Pnoyh Pnulrytr Pnuuga Pnyh Pnyhte Pnyhto Pnyhtuh Pnyt Pnytmao Pnáayhyehh Pnéet Pnéetéeh Pnúuhylr Ponuh Puhhea Pup Puppea Puppo Putu Pybdecda Pycdeyh Pycem Pyenna Pynno Pynntripr Pynny Pynpyny Pyudrkrymylr Páaprehh Páaydnela Qahey Qyjean Raehan Raehe Raehnelr Raehu Raehw Raetasynea Raete Rahne Rahneadda Rahneaddy Rahno Raldun Ramah Ramahy Ramka Ramky Rammsidr Ramsid Ramsidr Ranfek Ranjáa Ranpand Ranseha Ransyh Ransyhh Rato Raydran Remsy Remta Remtakynt Remty Rihdan Rikiadda Rikr Riku Ripand Ruba Rufynt Ruhuny Rumkan Rummo Runcd Ryddea Ryhc Ryhha Ryhhamuna Ryhhyr Rynjao Rynnead Rynno Rynumt Rynymt Rywam Ráamàaha Saehnyt Saepréeh Saetrpréeh Sakryh Sakyh Sameccy Samehty Samjeh Sampy Samuto Samyhea Sanatedr Sanlatac Satynt Sayjaah Saymmy Saypr Saytrpr Secdo Sedlramm Sega Sehhea Sehhy Sehto Sekiam Selgyäam Selram Selrama Selrameha Selramma Selraym Selryam Selryamy Selryäam Selràama Semduh Semtnat Semu Senaemma Seneys Sengu Senlu Senyhty Seutrhyed Sienayhh Sienaylr Sienaytrylr Sienec Sienehh Sienha Sienkrayc Sienkraym Sienlrayndylr Sineam Sinlrytr Siytrhyed Sondma Soneys Sony Suhegy Suhely Suhexia Suhy Summo Sundesan Sunedw Sunkyha Sunnec Surysat Sya Syamaylrmyehh Syamcraylrmyehh Syaméeucy Syddea Syddraf Syddreai Syddreyc Sydraf Sydreai Sydremta Sydrkrysryeh Syedeíi Syehlréeh Syenkrnáayt Syenáayt Syhiam Syhto Syhuh Syinaah Syinela Sykkea Syktymahy Sykyme Symda Symjehy Symylro Syncry Syncrymm Syndeh Syndeha Syndry Syndy Synea Syneadráanàaca Synealmyita Synealrnecdeha Syneha Synehy Syneic Synemoh Syneu Syneuh Syney Syneyh Syneyhha Syng Synjeh Synkea Synkianeda Synkynad Synkynada Synkynedy Synl Synlam Synlamma Synlammy Synley Synlic Synmaha Syno Synoyhh Synzunea Syo Sypam Sypma Syq Syqeha Syqesa Syqesemeyh Sysea Sytamaeha Sytameha Syuemen Syueméeh Syumlrumies Syumlrums Syumniytrýyeh Syumsriena Syumsúuntry Syutrúuk Sáameccy Sáamyhea
Séelraýym Séeta Súuenéeh Súun Sýyena Sýyendéeh Sýyenéeh Tacenaa Taentna Tahec Taheca Tahhec Talmyh Tambreha Tamey Tammy Tamunac Tanag Tanjemey Tannelg Tapny Tappea Tapunyr Taycsrisrhylr Tayh Tayhhy Taykmýyh Taynprmy Taynprvrunkryemm Taynprvrunkyemm Taynprýyem Teadan Teadanelr Teadnelr Teatnelr Teqea Tetean Teyha Teyhha Teyhhy Teyhy Teyhyesr Teynsyed Teynsyet Tfekrd Tfyoha Ticdeh Tiprkrmyc Tiprkrymm Tiprlruprmyekr Tiprymdylr Tiprúuk Tiprýyh Tiyha Tomyh Tosbrhy Tuenayhh Tuh Tuhh Tuhhlrytr Tuhhlrytry Tuhhy Tuhhýyh Tuhymt Tuikmyc Tumunac Tunaah Tunec Tunudro Tuny Tusehexia Tusrhymm Tyeco Tyeháaym Tyena Tyfh Tyh Tyheam Tyheamma Tyheàama Tyhho Tyhy Tyja Tyjet Tyksyn Tykupand Tyma Tynmaha Tynmy Tynnah Tynnamm Tynnom Tynom Tyny Typryk Typrúuk Tyseah Tysrhyed Tysrýyeh Táaykmýyh Tíihmyhk Túuhymm Týyedrée Ubym Uclyn Uddu Uddusyn Udrsyn Uecéeh Uemepráayn Uenaylrdylr Uhúuny Uláayha Umeja Umejean Umejey Umky Ummea Umyv Undnit Uny Utadda Utema Utrnýyh Utrynhyed Vaelréeh Vaetrams Vaetrmes Vameley Vameq Vanhyhtu Vankic Vantehyht Vaynkic Vaynkric Vaynkrym Vaynkyhyehs Vaynlryn Vayno Vaynytrylr Vedraym Vehdyh Veheyh Vehheyh Vehkreh Veuhh Veuhhdýyh Veuhhiymy Veuhhkriymy Veuhhprynn Veuhkrieha Veylr Veylrny Veylry Veytrhyed Vmunahd Vmunahla Vmuneyh Vmuny Vmuot Vmyhh Vmyhhyed Vmyhhýyh Vnat Vnatanelg Vnatneg Vnattea Vnaty Vneatasyhh Vneatnelr Vnedw Vnuehceyc Vnyhg Vnyhgmeh Vnyhlac Vnyhlec Vnyhleclu Vnyhleha Vnyhlg Vnyhw Vnyhļluec Vnyhļlueca Vnyiga Vnáatáanel Vunprmyedr Vutrmy Vyedr Vyhhea Vyhho Vylrdhy Vyoa Vypeah Vypeahha Vypnela Vyuemdekraynhy Vyumýyh Váadrhyd Váadrhyet Váaemes Véehaysryeh Véeuhy Výyempra Wylrynoytneah Xiahdeh Ybnem Ycdnet Ycrmao Ydrnylrd Yecmeh Yecmehh Yecmehk Yedrlra Yehhéemayc Yehs Yehtneíi Yehtnáayc Yemeh Yempra Yeméeh Yepreméeh Yeprha Yevnel Yhckyn Yhdruho Yhdueha Yhduehadda Yhduh Yhduheu Yhduhey Yhdúueh Yhedy Yhh Yhha Yhhadda Yhhameaca Yhhameca Yhhasynea Yhhea Yhhelg Yhhy Yhhymeaca Yhkam Yhkamegy Yhkamehy Yhkamely Yhkamy Yhkea Yhkáamexia Yhmiyh Yhslrytr Yhtna Yhtnaf Yhtnay Yhtnayc Yhtnáa Yhtnáaa
Yhto Yhy Yikicd Yinelg Yinuna Yináamea Yináameah Yitnao Ykhac Ykhàac Ykyecdéeh Ymaq Ymaqec Ymaqyhtan Ymaqyhtna Ymaqyhtny Ymecuh Ymeha Ymehy Ymela Ymeley Ymfeh Ymjeh Ymmah Ymmecuh Ymmyh Ymoccy Ympand Ympandu Ympandy Ymsid Ymsy Ymuec Ymvnat Ymvnatu Ymyeh Ymyh Ynd Yndrin Yndíin Ynhtd Ynhumt Ynhyit Ynmadda Ynmaha Ynseh Ynsyhtu Yntkrym Yntkryn Yqam Ysamey Yso Yspan Yspnúuc Ysrmyuepr Ysrymkyetr Ysyhteha Ysyhty Ysymey Ysáamea Ytama Ytamraet Ytneahha Ytneyh Ytumv Yty Ytys Yuepra Yueprayhh Yuepreh Yueprehh Yueva Yuhkric Yukýyh Yutr Yutrhyed Yutrykýyh Yutrysyen Yutrýyh Yvvnyel Yynuh Yéeprehh Zacca Zaccea Zaccely Zacic Zahhea Zahhevan Zahho Zahhy Zanaseyr Zanaso Zanno Zansyeha Zanusa Zavv Zavvano Zavvnao Zayh Zayhadda Zayhbeanna Zayhbyim Zayhha Zayhhadda Zayhhea Zayhheha Zayhlmyita Zayhmil Zayhmuiec Zayhselram Zayhsynea Zayhsynl Zayhvnyhļluec Zemm Zes Zessea Zesso Zibb Zicdeh Zicdeha Ziddy Ziha Zimea Zimeadda Zimeah Zimeu Zimey Zimeyh Zitedr Zito Ziyh Ziyhedy Ziyhy Zu Zua Zuam Zuca Zucabr Zucabreha Zucadda Zucavehy Zucd Zucriy Zucáa Zuh Zuhyc Zuhydryh Zulamoha Zunka Zuntyh Zuo Zuola Zurh Zurhhea Zurhho Zuryhh Zuryhhac Zuryhhy Zute Zuto Zuyh Zuyhh Zuyhha Zuyhhy Zuylres Zuäam Zuäamma Zycseha Zycuh Zyesa Zyh Zyha Zyhad Zyhea Zyhec Zyheha Zyhela Zyhy Zyjean Zylg Zylgea Zylup Zylxiac Zylxiameha Zylxiamoh Zynat Zyo Zysac Zysea Záanûusa Zïinkah Züunk Áadeahha Áadyéeh Áaehta Áaekhaylrýyh Áaekhylr Áaenaysrúuh Áaeprayn Áaesrayn Áaesréeh Áajamohaylres Áameca Áamecypadr Áameyha Áamutea Áanel Áasan Áasemea Áayhhy Áayhýyh Áaypry Áaysuh Áaytprýynt Áaytyueh Éeta Íihy Úunmy Úunmyedr Úunvrmyedr Ýyeha Ýyeméec Ýykycdyc Ýyntkrym Ýynúuh
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krishna34 · 1 year
Devotional Songs and Hymns for Janhi Osha
Janhi Osha, also known as Janmashtami or Jhandi Purnima, is a traditional festival celebrated in the state of Odisha, India. This vibrant and joyous occasion reveres the sacred Ficus tree, also known as the Janhi tree. The festival falls on the full moon day of the Hindu month of Bhadraba (August-September) and holds immense cultural and religious significance for the people of Odisha.
Janhi Osha finds its roots in ancient mythology and legends associated with Lord Krishna. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Krishna once disguised himself as a herdsman and played the flute under a Janhi tree. Mesmerized by the enchanting melody, gopis (female cowherds) gathered around the tree and offered their prayers with utmost devotion. Thus, the Janhi tree became a symbol of divinity, love, and devotion.
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The preparations for Janhi Osha begin days in advance as devotees clean their houses and decorate the chosen Janhi tree with colorful clothes, flowers, and traditional motifs. The tree is believed to be a sacred symbol representing the essence of Lord Krishna. Devotees fast on this day and offer prayers to the divine tree, seeking blessings, prosperity, and spiritual fulfillment.A significant ritual during Janhi Osha is the tying of sacred threads (rakhis) on the wrists of family members, particularly brothers. The rakhi symbolizes the bond of love, faith, and protection. It serves as a reminder of the eternal love between Lord Krishna and his devotees.
During Janhi Osha, devotees gather around the adorned Janhi tree and engage in soulful singing of bhajans (devotional songs) and kirtans (narrative hymns). These devotional melodies, accompanied by traditional instruments, create an atmosphere of joy, devotion, and spiritual upliftment.The prayers and devotional songs sung during the festival narrate the divine leelas (pastimes) of Lord Krishna, spreading a message of love, devotion, righteousness, and the triumph of good over evil.
Janhi Osha is a festival that brings communities together, fostering a sense of unity and solidarity. Relatives, neighbors, and friends gather to celebrate the occasion, share blessings, and partake in delicious feasts. The festive menu often includes a variety of delectable vegetarian dishes, sweets, and traditional delicacies. The feasting symbolizes the joyous occasion and the abundance bestowed by the divine.Janhi Osha carries an underlying message of environmental harmony and conservation. The festival serves as a reminder to protect and cherish nature, represented by the sacred Ficus tree. It encourages individuals to embrace sustainable practices, respect the environment, and promote ecological balance.By honoring the Janhi tree and understanding its ecological significance, the festival inspires people to contribute towards a greener, healthier planet and protect the invaluable resources nature provides.This Janhi Osha book Available In Our store In Odia Language.
Janhi Osha beautifully intertwines spirituality, devotion, and a reverence for nature. It serves as a way of expressing love and gratitude towards Lord Krishna and honoring the divinity within every living being. The festival not only celebrates the enchanting tales of Lord Krishna but also highlights the importance of preserving nature's rich bounties for the well-being of future generations.Through the worship of the sacred Janhi tree, Janhi Osha inspires individuals to deepen their connection with the environment and promote sustainable practices. It reminds us to embrace love, compassion, and devotion in our lives while nurturing and protecting the natural world around us.
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Kabir, Bhaang Machali Sura Paan, Jo Jo Prani Khaanhi Teerath Barat Name Kinha, Tai Sabhe Rasatal Janhi
(Ang 1377, Shri Guru Granth Sahib)
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leftdreamersheep · 2 years
Kabir, Bhaang Machali Sura Paan,
Jo Jo Prani Khaanhi ।
Teerath Barat Name Kinha,
Tai Sabhe Rasatal Janhi ।।
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poojadassi1 · 2 years
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#GodNightSunday Kabir, Bhaang Machali Sura Paan, Jo Jo Prani Khaanhi Teerath Barat Name Kinha, Tai Sabhe Rasatal Janhi (Ang 1377, Shri Guru Granth Sahib) ♦️जानने के लिए अवश्य पढ़ें आध्यात्मिक पुस्तक ज्ञान गंगा https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck6HijyyBryTWEV4fcnytOH32gbTt1vt8dHqT00/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sunita-123 · 2 years
Kabir, Bhaang Machali Sura Paan, Jo Jo Prani Khaanhi Teerath Barat Name Kinha, Tai Sabhe Rasatal Janhi
(Ang 1377, Shri Guru Granth Sahib)
♦️जानने के लिए अवश्य पढ़ें आध्यात्मिक पुस्तक ज्ञान गंगा
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odishadetails · 1 year
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Janhi Osha is a popular festival celebrated in the state of Odisha, India. It is observed on the tenth day of the dark fortnight of the month of Ashwina (September/October) in the Odia calendar.
The festival is dedicated to the goddess Lakshmi, who is worshipped for the wellbeing and prosperity of the family. The term "Janhi" refers to the young leaves of the Bilva tree (Aegle marmelos), which are considered sacred and are used as an offering during the puja (worship) of goddess Lakshmi.
On Janhi Osha, women and girls clean and decorate their homes and create beautiful designs or rangoli patterns called "Jhoti" in the courtyard. They fast throughout the day and offer prayers to the goddess Lakshmi. The women also tie sacred threads on their wrists and perform rituals around the Bilva tree.
In the evening, a special dish called "Janhi Poda" is prepared. It is made from the young tender leaves of the Bilva tree, which are cooked with lentils, vegetables, and spices. This dish is considered sacred and is offered to the goddess before being consumed by the devotees.
Janhi Osha is a festival that signifies the importance of nature and the devotion towards goddess Lakshmi. It is celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy in different regions of Odisha, bringing together families and communities.
Janhi Osha Book Here Available
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khiapiaodisha · 4 years
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chaotically-cas · 4 years
Happy early birthday to my thicc little Janhi cakes 🎂 🙏🙏
Sorry Susan butchered your character & you died lol that kinda sucks but at least you gotta be gay where you were alive so don’t complain 🙏
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prangyaskitchen · 4 years
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exo-kpopper · 5 years
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Pairing: Baekhyun x Chanyeol
Words: 800+
Genre: Cute I guess
It was a stormy night when they first talked to each other. The rain wouldn't stop pouring as Baekhyun really wanted to come back home. But he didn't want to catch a cold so he decided to stay at school until the rain would calm a little bit. His parents weren't home and his brother was probably throwing a party with some friends. So he was all alone in his big school. He was walking when he heard the calm sound of the piano. He used to play a lot when he was younger but his family had to sell it since they didn't have a lot of money back then. His dad once asked him if he wanted another one but Baekhyun said no since he thought he couldn't play well anymore. He had always refused to listen to the piano again. It was making him sad to hear the sweet melody it could make. So when he heard the sad song that the pianist was playing, a tear slowly fell on his cheek. He looked for the source of the sound and finally found it. And he was kind of surprised to see who was playing that poignant song. It was Park Chanyeol. The older boy knew who he was since the younger boy was pretty popular around the school. He was not really interested in him but he couldn't help but think he was really handsome. He jumped a little bit when he heard the deep voice of his classmate. He was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't notice the boy had stopped playing.
-What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at your house?
The smallest blushed a little bit.
-It's... Well, it's raining outside and I don't want to catch a cold. What about you?
-I needed an escape and I found it here.
-With the piano?
-Kind of. The piano is an escape for me since my parents died when I was young... It's the first time someone hears me though.
-Oh... I'm sorry. I didn't want to disturb you.
-You didn't. I'm kind of happy someone is here with me tonight. I feel like I won't be alone anymore.
-You? Alone? I thought you had lots of friends.
-I do but I don't have any real friends except Kyungsoo and Sehun. The others are only there because I'm popular.
Suddenly, the youngest's eyes became dark and he looked hard at his elder.
-If you stay here because of that reason you can leave. Now.
The oldest recoiled but he didn't leave. He had been a little bit scared by the younger one.
-I'm not here because of that. I'm here because I heard the piano and the sad melody you were playing. It made me cry.
Chanyeol's eyes became softer and he felt bad for a second. He was afraid of the other since his best friend betrayed him two years ago.
-I'm Baekhyun by the way. Byun Baekhyun.
-I know.
-You know?
-You're in my class since elementary school. I hope I know your name.
The smallest chuckled a little bit and sat beside his dongsaeng.
-I also know your name, Park Chanyeol.
A sweet smile had taken place on their face and they were happy to talk to each other. Baekhyun discovered a side of Chanyeol he wouldn't think he had. He was a kind boy and the oldest found himself thinking he would be a wonderful boyfriend. They talked for about an hour before Baek noticed there was no more rain outside.
-I have to go now... I'll see you tomorrow?
The tallest smiled and nodded.
-See you tomorrow.
The months passed and Baekhyun slowly fell in love with Chanyeol. They were texting each other almost every night and they would meet at least once a week in the music room where Chanyeol would play piano for hours as Baekhyun's head was laying on his shoulder. Baek wanted to tell Chan about his feelings but couldn't find the right words to say it so he just decided to act.
The tallest stopped and looked at his hyung.
-Can I try something?
Chanyeol was nervous. Maybe the little one wanted to do something he wanted to do the first time he saw him. He slowly nodded and the smallest told him to close his eyes. He did so and felt a little pressure on his lips. He smiled and reached for Baekhyun's hand, holding it tightly in his. Baek broke away from the kiss and looked at a smiling Chanyeol.
-If this kiss means what I think it means, then I love you too, Byun Baekhyun.
His hyung smiled and kissed him again. They found out that day that piano was more than an escape for them. It was their loving place. Where they would always go when something felt bad and when they needed to be around each other. No need to say that after marrying each other they bought a house with enough place for a grand piano and a little girl named Janhi who fell in love with the piano...
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bengalifoods · 5 years
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Reposted from @fooddiariesss - Home and mom made food 🥘 . . Isn’t it like in heaven feeling ?? . . . . Chef @dashminakhibbsr In plate : Janhi post aloo Macha 🐟 besar Sambar Rice 🍚 and Salad 🥗 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Follow @fooddiariesss @fooddiariesss @fooddiariesss On Zomato/Instagram/Facebook For some colorful yummy updates •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• Tag @fooddiariesss or #fooddiariesss for getting featured on this page •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• #homemade #nofilter #love #foodlove #foodiesofinstagram #bhubaneswar #soulfood #foodporn #foodphotography #likeforlikes #mumbaifoodie instalike #instafollow #likeforfollow #instamood #goodfood #chicken #eat #likeforfollow #nomnom #foodiesofbhubaneswar #foodie #photography #shotoniphone #picoftheday #mumbai #followforfollowback #photography #foodcoma #followforfollowback #love #foodlove #photooftheday #fooddiariesss 9ì https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz1rqfdFL5o/?igshid=ifm91ciw0c0x
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mahenderkumar001 · 2 years
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#GodMorningThursday Kabir, Bhaang Machali Sura Paan, Jo Jo Prani Khaanhi Teerath Barat Name Kinha, Tai Sabhe Rasatal Janhi https://www.instagram.com/p/CgQquKhJx4T/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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suman-khichar-1 · 2 years
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Kabir, Bhaang Machali Sura Paan,
Jo Jo Prani Khaanhi
Teerath Barat Name Kinha, Tai
Sabhe Rasatal Janhi
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luckygarg · 2 years
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#GodMorningThursday Kabir, Bhaang Machali Sura Paan, Jo Jo Prani Khaanhi Teerath Barat Name Kinha, Tai Sabhe Rasatal Janhi https://www.instagram.com/p/CgQh7e8Jt_DXHaHeY29ifYNrxY_Goo_dKeSorM0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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manoharlal · 2 years
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Kabir, Bhaang Machali Sura Paan,
Jo Jo Prani Khaanhi
Teerath Barat Name Kinha, Tai
Sabhe Rasatal Janhi
0 notes