#japan rail pass price
travelerguide1 · 5 months
Get the Japan Rail Pass to Discover Japan's Magnificence – HIS offer the Best Deal!
Have you ever had the desire to see Japan's stunning scenery, modern cities, and affluent way of life? Look no similar to the Japan Rail Pass Price, your ticket to a seamless tour throughout the Land of the Rising Sun. At HIS, we're proud to provide the first-class costs on this must-have pass, making your Japanese journey greater inexpensive and handy than ever.
Access to Japan's extensive railway network, which includes the well-known Shinkansen(bullet train), is unrestricted with the Japan Rail Pass. The JR Pass covers you whether you want to visit the peaceful landscapes of Hokkaido, the ancient temples of Kyoto, the Peace Memorial Park in Hiroshima, or the busy metropolis of Tokyo.
Our aggressive expenses make certain that you get the most fee from your trip. Choose from a range of bypass periods to swimsuit your tour plans, whether or not it is a brief getaway or a prolonged exploration. It's now not simply cost-effective; it additionally saves you the problem of buying personal tickets for every leg of your journey.
With the Japan Rail Pass from HIS, you may journey in relief and fashion whilst making the most of your time in Japan. Plus, it is a remarkable way to ride the country's stunning surroundings along the way. Don't leave out out on this remarkable chance to see Japan, and do not overlook a look at our unique provides and reductions to make your outing even extra budget-friendly. Explore Japan easily with HIS – the place your journey begins!
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(shaking) book-off please please please please have trigun maximum omnibus version please only be out of stock on book-off online please this thing is out of print and theres no ebook or torrent for this anywhere ggrrrgrehegrgeGUHEUGRHFOAMINGATTHEMOUTH
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rock-the-baby · 1 month
「ハワイに行っても楽しくないんだ! 俺は家で遊んでるけど幸せなんだ!俺は勝利している!」と国民は精神的勝利をし、「すっぱいぶどう」を見せるテレビ局と、それをみて満足に浸る視聴者の相互補完関係は今日も保たれていた。
店の中では外国人らが「What a price! Delicious!(マジで安すぎ!うまい!)」とガツガツ食べている。
駅の広告には「Uber Eatsで美味しい食事を頼みましょう」とか、「Netflixでシティーハンターを独占配信」という広告がどこの壁にも画面にも出てきて、我が国資本の広告は藤原竜也のよくわからないSKyなんちゃらというIT製品の広告しか目立たない。
そんな自分も、Google Mapで乗り換え案内を検索し、手元にはiPhone、仕事の携帯はAndroid、東京駅まで来る途中はSpotifyで音楽を聞き、旅の写真はGoogle PhotoかiCloudに、旅行にブッキング・ドットコムやエクスペディアを使っており、新幹線に乗る前にスタバでコーヒーを買っている。
JAPAN RAIL PASSというJRが提供する格安乗り放題チケットがあるが、ひかりやこだましか乗ることが出来ない。あまりにも安すぎて日本人差別かと言われるほどだったので、こないだ値上げをした。
JAPAN RAIL PASSのおかげで多くの外国人は「ひかり・こだま」押し込まれて「のぞみ」には乗っていなかったのに、今日はやけに多い。
JAPAN RAIL PASSの値上げのせいか、それとも「円安でのぞみ安いからこれでいこうか」となったのか、それはわからない。
そこでNetflixやAmazon Primeを契約しインストールしたiPadをプレゼントし、YouTubeとの接点を消したのが一昨年の年末であった。
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pix4japan · 2 months
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Capturing Nostalgia: Sekizushi Sushi Shop at Gumyoji Shotengai
Location: Gumyoji, Minami Ward, Yokohama, Japan Timestamp: 17:14・2024/04/09
Fujifilm X100V with 5% diffusion filter ISO 1250 for 1/250 sec. at ƒ/2 Classic Negative film simulation
Nestled within the charming streets of the Gumyoji Shotengai in Minami Ward, Yokohama, Japan, lies a hidden gem of tradition and flavor: Sekizushi.
As a street photographer, I often find myself drawn to the Showa-esque allure of places like this where history mingles with the aroma of fresh cuisine.
Established in 1980, Sekizushi beckons the locals with its modest facade and welcoming noren curtain, adorned with elegant strokes of the shop's name in white kanji characters on a traditional Japanese indigo blue background.
I didn’t ask permission to shoot the interior, but learned that the restaurant has tatami mat seating for up to 12 patrons and counter seating for up to 11 patrons. The popular 5-piece sashimi platter priced at 2,000 yen seems to strike a balance between quality and affordability, particularly for overseas travelers benefiting from the favorable exchange rate.
What truly captivates me, however, are the subtle details that remind me of bygone days. When you open the wooden-framed glass sliding doors, they make a distinct rattle as the old metal rollers pass over the worn metal railings on the floor.
The rattling sound evokes memories from my late teens of visits to friends' homes that had the same style of sliding doors at the entrance. That “gata-gata” rattling sound of the window panes shaking in their wooden frames takes me back to a nostalgic time of my youth and Japan's economic heyday during the late Showa period.
For links to Google Maps and additional source references, please check out the full write-up, a concise 2-minute read (https://www.pix4japan.com/blog/20240409-sushi).
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apple-pecan · 8 months
Sin and Punishment (2000)
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once upon a time, a small company called Treasure existed. they made a bunch of awesome games but none of them sold particularly well, but that didn't stop them. until the early 2010's in which case they actually did stop. oops. either way they had a bunch of cult classics under their belt and had the idea to partner up with nintendo themselves to work on their first fully 3D game.
thus Sin and Punishment was made and it sold twelve billion copies and solved world hunger and world peace was finally achieved. just kidding, no one bought it because it was a japan exclusive N64 game, a country the N64 did awful in. a north amercian release was in mind from the very beginning (to the extent that all the voice acting is in english and not japanese) but it was cancelled because nintendo are cowards. thankfully they rectified this mistake in 2007 when it got released on the virtual console and it's been playable on all their main home consoles ever since. about time.
so what's the deal? why's this game so good? think star fox 64 with the plot of end of evangelion. it's a rail shooter where you have a rapid fire gun, the ability to melee enemies if they get too close, and a player character bound to the laws of gravity that can walk from left to right, jump, and dodge roll. there is also a worthless lock on mode that you should never use.
what follows is a non-stop barrage of action, explosions and vast amounts of awesome boss fights. so, like the best kinda games treasure made. BUT IN 3D!!!!!!! it's always a rush of energy and fun and there's never a dull moment. but it comes at a price: this game is horrifically short. you can easily beat the entire game in around 40 minutes, and aside from unlocking harder difficulties there's not that much of a reason to play again. except yes there is because the game is fun as balls and you can replay it to get a high score. i guess what im trying to say is think of this more as an arcade game rather than a full fledged AAA adventure, and you'll be good.
if you bought this game back when it first came out (somehow) the steep price would've been an issue. but if you have the nintendo switch online expansion pass, this is included in the nintendo 64 catalog for the low low price of 0 dollars. i mean, besides paying for the expansion pass but. you know what i mean. or you could pirate it that's fine too. either way, play this game however you can, it's the very definition of short but sweet. definitely treasure's best game on the N64, just narrowly beating mischief makers, and honestly one of the best games on the N64 in general. play it, you won't be disappointed.
NOTE: my favorite part was when saki turned into EVA-01 and said "AWW YEAH IT'S SIN AND PUNISHMENT TIME" and he sinned and punished the evil twin clone of the planet earth so hard it exploded. this joke is still funny right.
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I am really really hesitating about Tour23 Phalaris Final -the scent of a peaceful death-. Because of other expenses in the last few months, I don't have as much saved as I would like, and I would prefer to target an upcoming sukekiyo tour instead. Nothing guarantees one in February though and I can't go between June and September inclusively...
All that to say that I might have VIP tickets to transfer. I applied for Nagoya and early December as soon as the first round of a knot lottery started and if I don't decide to withdraw by June 20nd or something, then I would pay them as soon as the results come out, so they should be really good numbers.
I love the Phalaris songs and would love to hear Kamuy live, but I'm also totally infatuated with sukekiyo... Another thing that weighs in the balance is that even if I shift my focus on sukekiyo, the tickets are way more of a headache to get than Dir en grey's. Plus, if I go before 2024, I could buy a Japan Rail Pass now for the current price because the drastic increase in October 2023.
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nhidalgo9 · 1 year
May 30 - Tea Ceremony
Day three in the UF study abroad was reserved for one thing and one thing only, the tea ceremony. An ancient tradition that has undergone many changes to when it first started changing from an activity mainly dominated by samurai and emperors to conduct business or show their power to an activity mostly done by women to showcase their etiquette. The tea ceremony was conducted by an older women who was the tea master at this certain school of tea that existed in Japan and her reputation preceded her, she does the tea ceremony in all parts of the world including but not limited to New York, Las Vegas, and France. In her actions you can tell that all of them were done deliberately, there was not a single movement that wasn’t done for a reason from the folding of the napkin to serving us the tea and bowing while doing so. Before having a quite bitter tea we were served traditional Japanese sweets that were nothing more than sugar with bean paste filling in the middle, this is served in order to counteract the bitterness of the tea. Finally it was time to taste the matcha tea that she had made and it was very delicious, no sugar was added like in what you tend to see in maybe a Starbucks or other cafes and the entire experience was very calming. After walking around the beautiful park and pond that was next to the tea ceremony place we went to Odaiba a district known for its smaller replica of the statue of liberty, its coastline view, and a huge model of a gundam mech from the very popular anime.  We even stopped at an aquarium which was beautifully constructed inside and for me the thing I was most excited about was the small sea horses that I saw roaming around the different habitats. We also tried conveyor belt sushi today or Kaiten as its called here which boats affordable and convenient sushi that is delivered to your table via rails with trays that zoom the food towards you. It was very affordable where one could get 4 or 5 rolls of sushi for under $20, an unmatched price for some of the best sushi you will find around.
Academic reflection 
The most interesting part about the reading was that we see a complete paradigm shift in how and why the tea ceremony is conducted. You go from some of the most powerful people in the country like the emperor and the samurai conducting business and high stakes negotiations over the tea ceremony to women continuing the practice not only as a remnant of the past and to remember but also to show off a family’s etiquette. This was made apparent in today’s tea ceremony when our teamaster was an elderly woman who had been doing it for years. The tea ceremony also becomes accessible to more people and less regulated as the traditions and methods are passed down from family to family. 
The reading also touched on how there were different schools of thought in regards to making tea and to conducting the tea ceremony. As we move into the 21st century with the innovations in technology and science so comes innovations to the different materials and tools used to conduct the tea ceremony. This point was hammered home when our tea guide explained to us that her school saw matcha tea that had more foam at the top of it as a higher quality of matcha while other schools believe that a tea with less foam at the top is of higher quality.
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twominifigsinjapan · 1 year
Our chance in a life time trip is now over but I wanted share some knowledge with anyone thinking about traveling to Japan in the near future.
Purchasing a Japan Rail Pass was a very cost effective way of getting around Japan. It allows access to the bullet trains( Shinkansen ) and many local trains for one flat price because it's more expensive if you purchase individual tickets to individual destinations when you're there. I went with a JR West Rail pass to save money since we were only traveling to Tokyo and West of there.
The JapanTravel app for the smartphones is an effective way to plan your train journey and see the current status of trains. We used it to travel to Hiroshima, Osaka, Nagoya and Tokyo.
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We flew to Chitose airport in Hokkaido from Tokyo and chartered a White Liner bus to Niseko where our friends picked us up. In winter, it's crucial that you allow at least a four hour buffer for the bus to go through the mountian passes because weather can delay the 2.5 hour journey.
Any hotels were booked using the Booking app. Next time I might stay in Hostels to save more money like I did 11 years ago.
I have a smart phone with an eSIM so I went with the company Ubigi to buy a 50gb data plan, no voice, that expires in 1 month. We were watching Youtube videos so you may only need a 25gb package. Be aware that the price is in $USD.
The Customs App is filled out ahead of time per passenger and it contains passport information, declarations and places you're staying at. Customs will check the resultant QR codes when you land. You will also need to show customs the QR code that shows proof of three vaccinations.
GoogleTranslate was invaluable in deciphering script characters on grocery products using camera mode as well as communicating with people using a microphone or typing text. Lifesaver!
The three phrases I learned as a Gaijin( foreigner ) that came in handy:
Sumimasen - Excuse me
Arigatōgozaimasu - Thank you
Hhayo gozaimasu - Good morning ( which I accidentally used at all times of the day )
Oh! Another great thing about not having any checkin baggage is that it made it easier to hop on a different plane when we missed our connection flight.
I would espeically like to thank our host family for showing us around the local area and tolerating our aloof and messy nature.
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influencermagazineuk · 2 months
Golden Week Getaway: Magic of Japan During the Land of the Rising Sun's Biggest Holidays
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Dreaming of a trip to Japan? Consider setting your sights on Golden Week, a string of national holidays in Japan that offer a vibrant glimpse into Japanese culture and a chance to experience the country at its most festive. Buckle up, travel adventurer, because this guide will illuminate the wonders of Golden Week and equip you with essential travel tips to navigate the festivities like a pro. Golden Week: A Celebration Extravaganza Golden Week isn't just one holiday; it's a glorious week-long stretch of national holidays celebrated in late April and early May. Here's a breakdown of the key holidays that make up Golden Week: - Showa Day (April 29th): This day commemorates the birthday of Emperor Hirohito, the emperor during World War II. Many public facilities close, but parks and shrines often hold special events. - Constitution Day (May 3rd): This day celebrates the adoption of Japan's post-war constitution in 1947. It's a day to reflect on peace and democracy. - Greenery Day (May 4th): This day is dedicated to appreciating nature and the environment. People often spend time outdoors, plant trees, or visit parks. - Children's Day (May 5th): This day celebrates children's happiness and well-being. Families often fly colorful carp streamers (koinobori) representing their children's strength and determination. Golden Week: A Cultural Kaleidoscope Golden Week isn't just about taking a break; it's a time for cultural immersion. Here's what you can expect: - Festivities Galore: Many cities and towns host special festivals with parades, food stalls, and traditional performances. Immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere and witness Japan's rich cultural heritage firsthand. - Theme Park Mania: Golden Week is peak season for theme parks like Tokyo Disneyland and Universal Studios Japan. Expect long lines, but also the thrill of experiencing these iconic attractions with a festive Japanese twist. - Nature's Embrace: Golden Week coincides with pleasant spring weather, making it ideal for outdoor adventures. Hike amidst the beauty of Mount Fuji, explore serene gardens, or have a picnic under cherry blossoms if they're still in bloom in some areas. Golden Week Travel Tips: Brace Yourself for the Crowds! Golden Week is undeniably magical, but be prepared for the crowds. Here are some tips to ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip: - Plan Early: Book your flights and accommodation well in advance, especially for popular destinations. Prices tend to surge during Golden Week. - Embrace Flexibility: Be prepared to adjust your itinerary if necessary. Popular attractions might be crowded, so having backup plans is key. Mornings often have shorter lines than afternoons. - Transportation Savvy: Public transportation can get very crowded during Golden Week. Consider purchasing a Japan Rail Pass for unlimited travel on JR trains (except bullet trains with reserved seats) or renting a car if you're comfortable with driving on the left side of the road. - Explore Beyond the Usual Tourist Spots: While major cities offer a quintessential Golden Week experience, consider venturing to smaller towns and hidden gems. You might encounter unique local traditions and avoid the biggest crowds. - Cash is King: While Japan is increasingly cashless, having some cash on hand is still recommended, especially for smaller shops and restaurants that might not accept credit cards. - Etiquette Matters: Be mindful of Japanese customs and etiquette. Avoid loud talking in public places, take off your shoes when entering temples and shrines, and be respectful of queues. - Embrace the Festive Spirit: Golden Week is a time for celebration! Soak in the positive energy, participate in local activities, and enjoy the unique atmosphere. Golden Week Delights: Foodie Adventures Await! No trip to Japan is complete without a culinary adventure. Here are some Golden Week food highlights: - Golden Week Sweets: Special edition sweets and treats are often available during Golden Week, featuring festive colors and themes. Look out for limited-edition snacks and indulge your sweet tooth! - Seasonal Specialties: Spring is prime time for fresh seafood and delicious seasonal vegetables. Sample dishes featuring asparagus, bamboo shoots, and fresh fish. - Hanami (Cherry Blossom Viewing) Delights: If you're lucky enough to catch the tail end of the cherry blossom season, enjoy special hanami bento boxes and snacks perfect for picnicking under the beautiful blossoms. Golden Week: A Time for Connection and Cultural Understanding Golden Week offers more than just sightseeing and tourist attractions. It's a chance to connect with Japanese people but make sure to do your booking and stuff as there will be hell rush of crowd on every place you will want to see! Read the full article
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japan-tourists-spots · 7 months
Tips and Advice for Budget Travelers in Japan
Travelers may think of Japan—known for its breathtaking scenery, vibrant culture, and mouthwatering cuisine—as an expensive vacation. However, traveling to Japan on a tight budget is not only feasible but also quite fulfilling if you prepare ahead of time and make wise financial decisions. In this blog, we will provide you with valuable tips and advice for making the most of your Japanese adventure without breaking the bank.
Let's read it out:
Plan Your Trip During Off-Peak Seasons
Traveling in shoulder or off-peak seasons might result in substantial savings on lodging and transportation. To avoid major holidays and the busiest travel times, think about visiting Japan in the spring or fall.
Use Japan Rail Pass
For a set fee, the Japan train Pass provides unrestricted travel throughout the vast train network of the nation. Make the most of your pass by planning your itinerary; using a pass might be an affordable way to visit several locations.
Enjoy Affordable Dining Experiences
Good and cheap meals may be found in convenience stores, local restaurants, and Japanese street food vendors. For inexpensive culinary excursions, check out your local markets, sample "bento" (boxed meals), and enjoy the casual pub eating culture of "izakayas."
Select Low-Cost Accommodations
Japan has a range of affordable lodging choices, including guesthouses, hostels, and capsule hotels. Particularly in well-known tourist locations, do your homework and reserve well-reviewed inexpensive lodgings in advance.
Use Local Transportation Options
Use the subway, trams, and city buses in addition to the Japan Rail Pass to navigate around cities. To reduce transportation expenses, think about getting regional transport passes for particular regions.
Low-cost and Free Attractions
Japan has a plethora of free or inexpensive activities, such as parks, hiking trails, temples, and shrines. Look into and plan an itinerary that combines these less expensive attractions with more well-known locations.
Learn Basic Japanese Phrases
Gaining some knowledge of basic Japanese words will improve your trip, particularly when interacting with locals at restaurants and stores. To facilitate conversations, familiarize yourself with standard greetings and courteous language.
Shop Smart for Souvenirs
In specialist stores and local markets, Japan provides reasonably priced and distinctive keepsakes. Shop for souvenirs at local markets and booths to avoid tourist traps and upscale retailers.
Think about Cultural Exchange Initiatives
A more in-depth cultural experience and possible financial savings are provided by several programs that provide the opportunity to stay with a Japanese family. Examine credible possibilities for cultural interaction and peruse feedback from past attendees.
Accept and Value Onsen Culture
It's possible to have a pleasant and reasonably priced experience in traditional Japanese hot springs, or "onsen". Seek for public baths or onsens in the area that you may enter for a fair price.
Budget travel in Japan doesn't have to entail a lower standard of travel. It's possible to take advantage of everything Japan has to offer without breaking the bank if you prepare ahead, make wise decisions, and are open to learning about local customs. These pointers and recommendations can help you plan affordable, unforgettable trips to the Land of the Rising Sun. After reading this post now if you are looking for the best Japan tourist spots you can connect with us here we have a professional team to offer you the best travel experience.
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contentwithit · 8 months
Two weeks spent in Japan recap. And prices at the bottom.
This trip was planned very little research I went out and picked random places on a map. Some great some just good. Some hotels were super fancy some were kinda rundown, all were clean and I think they all had laundry.
Traveling in Japan
Welcome Suica (ic card basically a reload able debit card that you can use at vending machines, convenience stores and subways and buses) and jr pass made travel easy.
Jr pass has gone up since we bought ours, was 917 for two with shipping and all now for one it's 735, so honestly not sure if it's worth it now. But it makes travel easy jump on a Jr train without getting a ticket first super great. We used an app call navitime, better than google maps and tells you what's covered on Jr pass and what's not.
The ticket system for the subways and buses that aren't covered by Jr pass were scary confusing. I'm sure there's an easy guide somewhere for it, but having an IC card made it easy just scan in at the gate and scan out when you leave the next gate. We didn't take any public buses so I don't know how those worked
We started at Narita which was less overwhelming than say starting in Tokyo Central might have been, we had a shuttle bus to the airport and Narita station which made life easy, to get our Jr pass and ic card set up the next day instead of figuring out a new train system after a long day on an airplane. But Narita isn't really exciting.
We had issues with Sim cards, I didn't order my Sakura Sim card until the night before I left so I had to wait a day, my friend got a virtual Sim card and figuring that out was weird so he ended up getting a Sim card from the airport the second day and honestly that's what I should have done to, or just ordered early enough to get it when we landed 😅 Sim cards are everywhere and setting them up is easy.
We were both new to travel so we learn those lessons.
Total ¥861155 (roughly just under $8000 CAD)
¥598343. ($5500 CAD) Flight for 2 people from Canada with 13hour time.
¥100188 ($917 CAD) 2 JR rail pass
¥27047 ($250 CAD) Narita Tokyo hotel
¥34289 ($300 CAD) Lake Fujikawaguchiko (Mt. Fuji view) 2 nights.
¥27540 ($250 CAD) Kyoto 3 night
¥13657 ($125 CAD) Kobe 1 night,
¥24583 ($225 CAD) Osaka 2 nights,
¥35508 ($325 CAD) Tokyo Central for 1 night.
Split that between two people that's 4000 dollars then you just need spending money.
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air470 · 8 months
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bxbakery · 9 months
Price of Japan Rail Pass to Increase
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antonio-velardo · 10 months
Antonio Velardo shares: Japan Rail Pass, One of Travel’s Great Deals, Gets Pricier by Allan Richarz
By Allan Richarz After decades without a significant increase, the price of the passes is jumping by as much as 76 percent. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t still a good value, if you know how to use them. Published: August 29, 2023 at 05:00AM from NYT Travel https://ift.tt/hM9YOj1 via IFTTT
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cliffdog01 · 10 months
JR Rail Pass Price Hike | Update & Info (August 2023)  ONLY in JAPAN * GOONLY in JAPAN * GO
I wish when they were creating new passes, they made a Tokyo-only pass for 5000Y because I'd buy that or a pass that works with all the companies inside Tokyo. In Sydney and in Wellington, you could get passes like that. In Sydney, my family used a pass to go from our Motel in Parramatta out to the city via train/subway and then used Ferries to go to Manly and the Paramatta Wharf; it was a blast.
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buzz-london · 1 year
*In Japan , there is no Teacher's Day* . One day, I asked my Japanese colleague, teacher Yamamota: - *How do you celebrate Teacher's Day in Japan?* Surprised by my question , he replied : - *We don't have Teacher's Day *. When I heard his reply , I was not sure whether I should believe him or not. A thought passed through my mind : " *Why a country , which is so advanced in Economy, Science & Technology, so disrespectful towards teachers & their work *? " *** Once, after work, Yamamota invited me to his house . We took the Metro rail since it was far away . It was the evening peak hour, & the wagons in the Metro train were overcrowded . I managed to find a space to stand, holding tightly the overhead rail. Suddenly, the elderly man who was seated beside me offered me his seat. Not understanding this respectful behaviour of an elderly man , I declined, but he was persistent, & I was forced to sit . Once we were out of the Metro , I inquired Yamamota to explain what exactly the whitebeard did . Yamamota smiled & pointed towards the tag of teacher I was wearing & said : - This old man has seen the tag of a teacher on you & as a sign of respect towards your status , offered you his seat . Since I was visiting Yamamota for the first time , I felt uncomfortable going there with empty hands so I decided to buy a gift . I shared my thoughts with Yamamota, he supported the idea & said that little further, there is a shop for teachers , where one can purchase goods at reduced prices. Once again , I couldn't hold my emotions : - *Privileges are offered only to teachers ? I asked *. Confirming my words , Yamamota said: - *In Japan, teaching is the most respected profession & the teacher is the most respected person*. *The Japanese entrepreneurs are very happy when teachers come to their shops, they consider it an honour .* *** During my stay in Japan, I've observed multiple times the utmost respect of the Japanese towards teachers. *They have special seats allocated for them in Metro , there are special shops for them , teachers there don’t line up in queue for tickets for whatever type of transport.* *That's why the Japanese teachers don't need a special day , when every day in their live is a celebration.* Spread this story to everyone. Let the society grow to appreciate the teachers to this level . Once again as many times as you can , please tell this story to your colleagues , so that their chests swell with pride . *My teacher,* *I bow 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️down to your name* *. 🙏*Acharya Devo Bava*🙏
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